The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 16, 1900, Image 1

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Local News
Good sleighing.
Coldest week this winter.
See Hill & Keeling for fire insurance
A. L. P. Thompson and Ills baby are
built on the Hick list.
Charley Davis, of St. Doroin.gaveus
a social call Tuesday.
Mrs. Dppue, of Beatrice ia visiting
Ikt uncle, O K. Flahcr.
Go to Keollng'3 drug siore for school
supplies, lablotH, cinyons, etc.
Fou Salk A thoroughbred male
Berkshire hog. Inquire at this otllco.
Cal Stssel, who has been in Iowu for
several weeks, returned to Nemaha a
few days ago.
Cards for mounting stamp photoa for
sale at The Advertiser otllco twenty
for five cents.
James A. Stephenson's two youngest
childien are very sick, with doubts of
their recovery.
Call in and see us if you want to
BUbscriba for any paper published in
the United States.
Dr. Keel ng waB quite s ck for sevs
eral days the thst of the week but is
uble to be out again.
The Keeling drug store has just re
ceived a new Btock of jewelry aud
watches. Low pi ices.
Little Helen Gilbert has been very
Bick for several days, threatened with
pneumonia, but is getting some better.
The last and best show of all Saturn
day night. Twanty presents given
away. A present to the u.o&t popular
Those who wanted to put up ice re
joiee. at the present cold weather, 'ino
ice thirteen inched thick has been se
cured. Insure your farm and town property
with Farmers and Merchants Insure
anco Co. of Lincoln. F. II. D. Hunt,
Agent, Nemaha. Neb.
Carpenters are at work on Hie ofllco
and hardware building for the Edwards
& Bradford Lumber Co , and are also
putting up more sheds.
Jimmy Jones lias decided that ho
proteia town life to the lite of a farmer
and Ins icii'ed ids farm in Bedford
precinct to Ota Tnorp.
Mrs. John Watson has eight little
chickens. Mrs. Watson, the chickens
and the mother hen are all to be
pitied during this cold weather.
We regret to learn that James A
Titus ia very little if any better. We
hope ho will soon begin to improve.
Mrs. Titus ia considerably better.
A Hot Time
At the opera houe for the last time.
The hottest show of all. Don't miss
Several St.Deroin boys recently paid
Missouri a hurried visit and have not
returned except in secret, all on account
of their fear of being called to account
for gumbling.
Jacob Z Shuck has a lot of carpet
rags, already sewed, that he will sell
at 8 cents per pound. Apply at his
residence on tho Lester Peabody farm
north of Nemaha.
Mrs. S. M. Klise, of Garnett, Kas.,
arrived in Nemaha Monday on a visit
to her daughtois, Mih, F. L. Wood
ward and Mra. George Yackley, and
her many friends in this vicinity.
All parties owing mo rent on lota for
last year will please Bettlo by tho
middle of March, All lota rented this
year must ho paid for in advance,
Alits, W. II. Hooveii, Admr,
JVs W .,( .
The Junior League gave a Valentino
sociublo at the Miniek hall Tuesday
night. Pie, cake and coffee was served.
The sociable waa a success, thoJuniortt
having a little over $7 loft after expen
ses were paid.
Tho Herbal Medicine Co. will go to
Peru for the next two weeks. During:
their two weeks' stay in Nemaha the)
have had crowded houses and suld con
siderably medicine, which has given
good satisfaction.
David Iluyas and R. J. Tuasey will
have a public sale at the residence 01
Mr, Hayes, on the St. Deroin road one
mile east of Asplnwall, next Friday.
Mr. Hayes will niovo to Brownville
and Mr. Tuasey t Dewitt.
Wo ure now having some winter
weather in earnest. The editorial
thermometer was 4 degrees below zero
Tuesday morning, 10 above Wednesday
mortilug, 12 bolow Thursday morning
aud 8 below Friday morning.
Mile. Dair will hold Mr. Mathews by
her teetL on the double trapeze tho
most wonderful act ever performed
Don't mlbs this big show Saturday
night. Twenty presents given away;
also a pieseut to the moat popular
For sale The Benj. F. Lesley town
property house aud four lots, sot out
in iruit tiees, good w oil, small barn,
pens, etc. Also about 25 acres farm
and hay land on the bottom east ol
Nemaha. Apply to W. V. Sanders,
Any one needing native lumber cav
find the same at my residence, one and
a half miles south of Nemaha.
W. W. Seid.
Do you burn coal? if not you had
belter commence now. We have just
received a car load.
TjDWAudb & Bkadfohd. Lbr. Co,,
Nemaha, Nebr
To Ouro La Grippe in Two Days
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's signature
on every box. 23c
I wlah to inform the public that I
am now located iu Nemaha and am
prepared to take pictures in all the
lateat styles and sizes at a reasonable
price. Call and see samples. Views
of residences a specialty. Will re
main a few days only. Stamps 18 for
2." cents. E. W. Aonk'.v.
Farm Journal is the oldest farm
monthly published, But it is not old
and moss grown: it is bristling and
brimming over with good things. You
should know It. Hero's a chance.
Pay up your subscription to tho Ads
vet liner ono year ahead, and we will
send it nearly live years, the remainder
of 1000, and all of 1001, 1002, 1003 and
1004; both papers at the price of ono.
Blnnk deeds, chattel
leases, etc., for sale at this ollice.
We are putting in a now lumber
yard in your town on the corner south
of Andoi son's brick store. We have
already on hand noveral cars of lumber.
Come in and get acquainted with us'
We will treat you right.
Edwards & Bhadfokd Lwt. Co,
Nemaha, Neb.
Hill & Keeling write both farm and
city insurance and will save you money
I offer at private sale
1 brown horse, 7 years, 1100 lbs, $55.
1 Canton riding cultivator, S20.
Call at farm two miles noithwest of
Nemaha and Inspect property.
Dr II II Haden, Summit, Ala, says;
I think KodolDyspepBiaCure is asplen
did medicine. I prescribe it and my
confidence in it grows with continued
use." It digests what you eat and
qulcklv cures dyspepsia and Indigess
tion. Keeling
Mra. Sherman May received a tolo-
gram Wednesday siiying that her futile
er, Win. Hall, of Frodonla, Kansaa.was
not expected to live. He la Buffering
trom lung trouble, Mrs. Mny is not
able to go to her father Mr. Hall
formerly lived at Anplnwall.
Earlo Gilbert got permission from
Dull' Crain Co. to pay 25 con to a bushel
lor corn about four o'clock Monday
afternoon, provided he could buy at
least 5,000 bushels He rustled around
and bought 8,000 bushels beforo he
closed business that night, and has
been busy the remainder of the week
receiving tho corn.
Mart May went to Lincoln Tuesdaj
to bo treated again by Dr. O'Connor,
tho cancer specialist The cancer on
his face, which waa thought to be
cured, commenced to trouble him
again and ho had it attended to at
once. Ho took ono treatment Tuesdaj
and another Wednesday morning, res
turning that afternoon, The doctor
thought the two treatments would be
effei-tual ,
Harness Shop Wanted.
Nemaha needs a harness shop nuit
tho man who puts one in hero could
soon work up a good business. Who
will be the man?
Call on us for job woik.
Harry Nictiolls and It. I. Brown, of
Pawnee City, came to Nemaha Mon
day and after an investigation Mr.
Brown bargained for a half interest in
Anderson's store. The invoice waa
completed Friday morning and Mr.
Brown and Mr. Nicholls returned to
Pawnee City. Mr. Brown will movo
to Nemaha in n shoit time. He comes
highly recommended and will bo a val
uable addition to Nemaha's citizens
and business uion. Anderson & Brown
will add to the stock ot goods and will
be better lilted then over to supply the
wants of the people,
Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and
shorts 00 cents per 100; at Hoover's
grocery store.
The Bennett mill is now roady to
do grist work at any time and will
guarantee good Hour if the wheat is
good. They will grind at any time.
They are giving !)!) pounds for old
wheat and all that new wheat is worth
giving more than any other mill iu
tho county. Piompt service and satis
nctiou guaranteed
A.R.DeFluocit. editor of tho Journal,
Doyiestown, Ohio, Buffeted tor a num
ber of yeais fruni rheumatism in his
right ahou'det and side. H-8ays: "My
light arm at times was entiiely useless.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
waa surprised to receive ndief almost
immediately. The Pain Balm has been
a constant companion ol mine ever
since and it never falls. For sale by
Keeling the druggist.
invites the continued patronage of tho
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns iu
A go btock of
in handsome designs and hitesl stylos.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
Iffyou want anything in our line call
and seo us. Prices tight
k . AiL j.
Death of Jacob B. Borgor,
Mra. W, W. Sanders received a tele
gram Friday forenoon conveying tho
sad news of the death of her father,
Jacob B. Berger, who died that morn
ing at ayJO, in Galveston, Texas, whero
hu haa been living for the past live
Mr. Borgor whb one of tho pioneers
of Nemaha county, coining to Brown
vllle in 1850, where he made his homo
until the spring of 1882, whou he
moved to the now town of Calvert,
now South Auburn. Dining tills lime
aud until 1887 hu worked at his trade
as contractor and builder, building
many houses iu Brownville, Auburn,
Nemaha and iu the mil rounding coun
try. His health got so bad Unit for the
past twelve or thirteen yeats lie haa
not beun nolo to bo anything, suffering
from heart disease and stomach trouble
contraclod whi.u serving his countiy
during tho rebellion. He had been
drawing a pen ion fr many yearn.
In 1888 Mr. and Mra. Berger moved to
Beatrice, making their homo with their
daughter, Mra. T. A. Lorance. In tho
fall of 1804 they moved to Galveston,
TexHS, lenialnlng there a yiar and a
half, when they came to Nemaha, mak
ing their home with their daughter,
Mia, Sanders, until last fall, when tiny
returned to Galveston, in tho hope
Unit the change would bo benellclal
During the past year or two his health
lias tailed rapidly and Ids suffuringa
especially during tho past two or three
months have been iutonse.
Mr. Burger united with tho Methoi
(list church in Btownvllleovor twenty
i'ye years ago. Ho was fully prepared
tor death, and the great change had no
terror for him, his only tegiet being
that he must leavo his loved ones.
Mr. Berger was manied In tho spring
of 1857 to Miss Rebecca Rossell, of
Browuvlllo, who has been a faithful
helpmeet for almost toity-threo years.
Heuides the devoted wife three daugh
ters undono son Burvivojilm Mrs. vV.
W, Sanders of Nemaha, Mrs, T. A. Lo
rance aud William L. Berger, of,Gal
voaton, Texas, and Mrs. Ben Parker,
of Auburn. He was 00 3 oats, 4 mouths
and 0 dayB old at his death. He will
be burled in Galveston.
Bon Parker, tho Singer sewing tna
cliinu man at Auburn, lias engaged the
sot vices of C. W. Norton, an export
machiuest, and is propaicd to clean
aud repair sewing machines of all
kinds. If you have a machine you
want cleaned or rupaited write to Mr.
I'aiker or send him tho machine. Sec
ond hand machines for sale.
J. E. Conley, the Brownville jeweler,
will make regular trips to Nemaha
I'uesdaya and Wednesdays of each
week, piepated to do all kinds of tine
watch, clock and jewelry tepairlug.
Nothing but lliat chibs woik will be
done. All work warranted. He also
carries a line line of jewelry. Leave
work or otders at the Park hotel.
You never know what form of blood
poisoning will follow constipation
Keep tho liver clean by using DoVVilt's
Llttlo Eaily Riseis and you will avoid
trouble. They are famous little pills
for constipation and liver aud bowel
troubles. Keeling.
Millions Given Away
It is certainly gratifying to the pub
lie to know of one concern iu the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
tho needy and suffering. The proprie
tors of Dr King's Now Discovory for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds havo
given away over ton million trial bot
tles of this great medicine; and have
the satisfaction ot knowing it has ab
solutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma. Hronchltis, Hoarseness
and all discuses of tho Throat, Chest
and Lungj are aurely cuted by It. Call 1
on Keeling tho druggist and get a free
trial bottle. Regular slzo 50c and 81.
Fvery bottle guaranteed or price re
funded. J D Bridges, editor Democrat. Lnns
caster, N II, Bays: One Minute Ceugh
Cure is the best remedy for croup I
ever used." Immediately relieves aud
oures coughi colds, croup, asthma,
pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all
throat aud lung troubles It prevents
consumption. Keeling.
i..t..Litl... ;, . ... ,&-:iitiiL., t.'.iii.
Hill camp No. 3S32, Modem Wood-,
men of America, completely took
Neighbor Darby by aurprlro Wednes
day afternoon, by sending a loud of
groceries and ood things to eat, and
BOttie money. Neighbor John Futnaa
told Rev. Dntby that tho Neighboia
thought It was going to ntorm, and
they would send In those good things
beforo it came, I'll toll you those
Nrighhors know how to liuvu a watin
camp lire, and to warm tho hearts of
their Neighbor minister and his good
wifo. Neighbor Darby, being a Wood
man of long standing, in up to Wood
man tricks, but says never haa he been
tho recipient or favora moro appreoU
ated than tills kind act of tho Wood
men hero. Ho and Mrs. Darby extend
to tho camp their heartfelt thanks.
Brownville Sun.
We are now prepared to handle coal
and havo just tecolved a carload.
Parties wishing coal call on the
Nemaha, Nebr.
Flour & Wheal Exchange
and Flour for sale
nt tho Keeling building.
Cobs for Balo. Call at tho feed store.
Lagrlppe, with its after effects, an
nually destroys thousands of people.
It may be quickly out oil by OnoMinuto
Cough Cute, tho only toinedy that pro
duces immediate results in couglia,
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia
and throat aud lung troubles. It will
prevent consumption. Keoling
trlcl Ofllco Mating thIii Mil Mntci to rup
niMtMil mo In iliclr own mill minountllnn
countlCH. Willing to pny yoiirly ti)00,ptynllo
wt'uiily. DcHlruldo eiinlloyiiioni Willi uiiun oppoinmltloH. JttifurcncdH oxolnuigud.
KiioloHOHolf-iuldrosHod Hlntnped t'livolopo.
6. A. i'urlc, 321) Uuxton UiUIilliiK. Chicago.
-, fiMS ' j-hb '
Before making nrrnngements for
your year's supply of reading matter
call and got our clubbing rates. The
follow ing are some of oar combinas
uutioiH :
The Advertiser ono jear and the
Farm Journal five yems lor $1
Tho Adveittsei and St Loais Globe
Democrat both one year for 81 00
Tho AdvettlHorauU tho Chicago In
ter Ocean lor St 40
The Advertiser and either the Toledo
Blade or the New Y01I; Tribune for
'I he Advertiser anil the Household,
a home monthly, forcM a."
The Advei User and the Iowa Home
stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
journal for $l.8."
Tho Farm Journal will be sent live,
years with any ot the abov, eomhina-.
tions. These piices uie for caali iu
advance only.
DreetUr of
Thoroughbred Poland China
., I' I't'i iin'iiiiitii lAniil ltfi(ttiMlSlfhl'i;Aii"llt''' iff
) "