JuJMHttMttttSNHMIHBIfllHffiK'' 'i??lBVPV9Fv !" l'!5w''"V ?P?W?"E '" "V1 a '? r R'. sv i' i? v r f. L. jtfimrmxzJK-. The Nebraska Advertiser AUIISUUIl'TIUN ei.OO IMCU VISA It FRIDAY, FKIUiUAIlY 2, 1000 Another Oklahoma Lottor. AliAl'AllOK. (Juntur Co., Oklii., I .January 2:), 11)00 V. W. Sando: Well, for the hene- llt or my many Nemaha county fricndn 1 will endeavor to write i fuw lines and tell th tiuth, too, uhout tliifl "Gar- don of Eden." Last wintor wo Intel an extra long, cold winter. The tlicrinomoter ran lovn to 1(1 deprroH holow zero and tlio gtound trozo 18 IneheH deep. TIiIb winter titiH liceii very mild. A innn could plow almout any day. I planted Home orach heed and the giotind has nevir frozen over two or tlireo IiicIicb, ho I Ktietu) they will not come tip. I.iiHt winter wo IihcI whid f?nles almost overy da) Mt leant two tliirdH of the time. This winter wo have had hut ono HtroiiK wind that I know of. Our Utonnd IioKIh the moisture well, and it in never muddy unions wo huve ono or two weeks' rain; then it dries off in one day after the hum conies out. It .never plows up in hard cloda that lay all Hummer, as I have had it do in No ImiKka. There Is just enough sand in it to make it work well. Thcio is nothing staitfld to row in the way of vegetation yet, although it Is as warm In the day time as May weather In Nwbiaska, but it frostB at night and ho vegetation does not start, I have cnmmeiititid back betting my ground now and will list it again in thespiinu. The hay hero looks good but hoinf do not do well on it. Wo Mill hnve to plant alfalfa and sow Kntler corn, cauv, etc., which all does llnely, utxl tlio horses do well on thorn, There is plenty of wood hero to run the count i , but it is mostly on Indiun settlements and (loos not do any god I have plunty of wood in my own canon but tome aro not ho lucky ahd huve to burn coal. My corn made 40 bushals par acre hist yeai and on tlio bottoms it would go fully (10 and perhaps 7r, but I am vfe in saying GO. 1 gathered corn un til after Christmas 1 went 8 miles to the hint (laid and hauled the corn 7 utiles toward home. Husked and hauled fur 4 cents. Hut lot mo say that 40 bushels was not by any moans the average yield for the upland. In the tlrst placu, if I do say it, my laud was the very best upland black noil. Then I plowed it with a stirring plow and listed after that, bo that gavo mo the advantage over most farmers. 'You can see fat ma hero that havo been in cultivation for llvo years and the native grass in so thick it looks like a prairie oil a little way. But thoao are mighty fow of old Nemaha county boys' farms that look that way. Next fall 1 will give you an account of tho fall wheat crop. Thero 1b quite a little plauUd this fall. We have nine cases of smallpox In Washita county, and two deathb. Everypody is getting vaccinated. They are quarantined off from Custer county but wo aro liable to get it all the same. Mr. Lash arrived hero with about 18 bend of shorthorn cattle, ahd ho will make a big thing out of them, too. Tho native cattlo fed hero brought 11.(10 in Ivansart City, and about the same time tho shorthorns and northern otock biought $7 .00. The feeders lost money. If a man wants to go in tho cattle business he better get northern stock. E. L. AnOAnmaiiT. La grippe has made its appearance again and u goodly number of people are Buffering; from the namo. It in in a milder form this winter than when it llrst made itsappearanco in tho west. Nebraska City News. Blank deads, chattel iuortiiK.i,fartn eases, etc., for s.-ilo at this olllce. i R'd Hot f remi tho Gun Was the hit 1 1 that hit 1 It Steadiuau of JWwark, Mloh. in the civil wai. I caused horrible ulocis that no treat ment helped tor 'JO years. Then Iiuok-U-n's Arnica Salvo eti.d him Chikk outs, bruit-en, burns, boils, li'luns.eorns nk in eruptions licet, pile euro on em Hi yV a box. (Jui'M guaulnteed. Sold by Kti-liug, druggist. Call In and. see usifyoi want to aubucrlbvfor any paper published In (lie Ji.lUtl Slateb.- A Groat 57 Conts Worth. Tills In frequently culled "woman's century," and tho appellation becomes slgniOcant when ono considers the dlf f crouch In woman's position to-day from what it was a hundred years ago. She Is rapidly becoming a force in the business world as well as In the world of art and letters, yet her home intern osts havo not seemed to Buffer in con scquonco, as may he proven by th lnt creaso in publications for the homoma ker (lining tho past fow years Tho Housekeeper, establl bed in 1877, was one of the first journals to recognize woman's demand for a periodical do- voted to progressive methods in house keeping. "Helpful, Instructive and I't (igresslTo" hiiB al ways been its motto. It is a thirty-six pago monthly, beauti fully illustrated with half-tone platen, and full of good things from coyer to cover. It tolls the homomakor how t cook, kow todrcHS, how to care for her babies, how to ralso flowors and chick ens, and how to do many other things, and it also koeps hor fairly well in formed concerning current events, bo sides giving a large amount of good (lotion and special articles on timely topics. Upwards of 140,000 subscrib ers pronounce it to be the best of the "domestic" magazines. It Is certainly a wonderful 50 cents' worth. A Cook Iiuok Vree. Tho Housekeeper also publishes tho famouH "Buckoyo Cookery," which has provon a boon to thousundB of boute wivos. It Is a Btandard up-to-dato IN lustrated work of 540 pages. More than 750,000 copies havo been Bold by subscription at $1.75 per copy. Tho publishers will give a free copy of thiH book, bound in strong leather paper covers, to all who subscribe for the magazine, provided they will pay tho cost of mailing, which is seven cei Cs. Send 57 cents for Tho Housekeeper and "Buckeye Cookory." Address ia Minneapolis, Minn. Working Night and Day Tho busiest and mightiest little thing that ever wan made is Dr King's Now Life Pills. Every pill is a sugarcoated globule of health that changes weakness into strength, liBtlessness into energy, bmin-fag Into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by Keeling. m m Tlio Way to go to California Is in a touriat sleeper, personally con- ducted.via the Burlington Route. You don't chango cars. You make fast time You Bee tho finest econory on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished aa a palace Bleopor but it is just mb clean, just as comfortable, just as good to rldo in ahd nearly SU0 cheap er. It has wide vestibules; Piutsch gao high back seats; a uniformed Pull man porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating range. Bolnjr Btrongiy and heavllv built, It rides smoothly; it is warm iii winter and cool lu aummor. In charge of each excursion party ia an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cara leave Omaha, St.Joseph.Llncoln and Hastings every Thursday, aruving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angoles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri river to the Pacific Coast, including a stopovor of l bourn at Denver and 2 hours at Salt l.ak City two of tho moat interesting cities on tho continent. For folder giving full information call at any Burlington Uoute ticket ol lice or wrlto to J. Francis, Gen'l Pas fienger Agent, Omaha. Neb. 22tii7 A liifo and Death Fiht Mr W A liinos of Manchester, la. writing of his a. most miraculous-es-capo from death, ' Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had fiHiuonr. hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors paid I must soon die Then I began to use Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured mo I would not bo without it oven if it cost $V00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and ab say it never fails to cure Throat. Chest and Lung troubles " Regular size ftOo and sM do Trial bottles free at Keeling's Drug Stote. Dr V Wixon, Ituly ilill. N Y, 8iiy.: I heiirlllv lecoiiinmiidOiieMiniitt'Coiigh Cine It guvo my wile inuiifdfato ie lief in BiilToeuting iihUiiuii." I'leiiHiiii to Hike; never fit U lo quiekly cine nl CMimliH.colds, thrntt anil luiig'troub'os Keeling. Farm Journal, 5 veurs (Uino, in 1002. 11)0:) and itto-i). to overy Hiibnci i er who will pay ono year in uilvun ' to Tho Advertiher; liolh pupcrH forl .Vo Wetier pupcr than the Farm Joir nal . Thiti olVer 13 inailu to you Oeo Nolatid, Hookland, O., says: My j wlfo had plies forty years, uewttis Witch Hazel Salve eurud hor. It is the bunt Halve in America." It boats overy thing and cures all akin diseases W W Keeling WW Keeling guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who In notsutislled after using two-thirds of the contents. TIiIb Is tho best remedy in the world for la grlppe.coughs. colds, croup and whooplngcough and Is plena tut and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. I had dyspepsia (lftyseven yeara and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man," writes S J Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is tho best digestant known. Cures all forms of Indigestion. Physicians every where preecrlbe It. Keeling W. W. SANDERS, Notary : - : Public NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. WANTED-SKVKUAJ, 1'KIWONS FOU DIS trlcl Olllce Mtuiugt rs In lliln Mult: to rop loHont mo In tholr own mid KtirromidltiK coiintlcH. Willing to pay yearly $600.p.ynblo weouly. DcAlniblu oindlnyinoiil with iiiiiin. unl nppotttiultlcH. References oxehmiBed. Knf'lnNosi'lf.nUdrrKHcd Mntnprd envelope. 6. A. 1'arlc, .120 Uuxton UulldtiiK, Clilciio. K Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially dl gests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is tho latest disco vored digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHoadache.Gaatralgia.Cramps.and all other results of i mper f ect d 1 geotlon. parad by E. C OoWItt Co., Cfclcao For sale by Keeling, the druggist. Our fee returned if we fall, Any one sending sketch and description of ntiv invention wi in firoiupuy receive our opinion iree concerning lie pnteutntilllty of unnie. " How to Obtain n ratent" sent upon rccpiest. Patents secured through us adrcrtised for sale at our expense. 1'ntcutB taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in tub Patknt Rucokd, nn illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers nud Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Bulldlne, WASHINGTON, D. C. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrono nondtnn a gkotch and description may qutNily uicortuln our opinion freo wfictlior an opinion rreo mic tiatpiitnhlo. Cnm tloiinolrictlri'onllilontful. Handbook on Patents iiTiiiiiinn ia iirounoiy pairmanio. communlcn- ucnt f roo. Oldoit nsoiicy for Hueurlnir patoiitn. I'ntonts tnkon throuuh Munn & Co. rocclvo special notice, without charge, lu tho scicniiEsc Jitiierican. A hanrtsomoly llhistratod wcoklr. I.nrest cir culation of any sclontlUo louninl. Tonus, J3 n youri four mouths, h Soldbyall novrsilcnlcrs. MUNN &Go.3C,Broad. New York Urauch Offlco. C25 V BU Washington. I). O. n. rivcc "A I hK' Utwt. utuua. e.mini,. upj tri"nV'uB tJ-dat ZlHt c CALL'S Jl14LHRaP. , 171yrp... ,,..,, ,. Tn-r-p-r-r- 11, ,1111.11, 1 1 m'i .hnrf l1?inJS l".om M; '.nc w- houwhold lilnt umy Mo. yearly. Lady agiue wanted Bend for terms. Tor . .- "- r 1 " Mint wins rnunrr n. ! nnc ppfv r InrMt a intc itMj nn.l iu.i. .!., n.i.. mWjutUTii 1! w norht)loami ru-i Ui t lit. Mb .& ir f mmem A.k lur Ibfiii. Aw ii-.r; iar, t ,ip.t0.dAte itjdf rnv. ;v,( i 1. )mjuNU u..un h,.i 11... .i,t ,,,. s. Tako tho wiivrnnetto when in Auburn for any part of the city, liany rld.ing. Qnli-k time. All trains met.. John McHlhauo) , proinietor. n EtTStbvW I V H " I 17 ni$8&ftL U'mA''J 0!v lfT'' i "J The St. Louis The Great Newspaper of the World TWICE EVERY WEEK. Eight Pages or More each Tuesday and Friday $1.00 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $1.00 No other paper glvos THE NEWS bo pr-mptly, so fully, bo accurately. No other paper prints bo great a variety of interesting and instructive reading matter for overy member of tho family. No other paper ia so good, eo clean, so cheap. SUBSCRIBE NOW important National Campaign of 1000, President, It Is iudisponsablo to every hold. Satnplo copies freo. Address 'Hie Globe M'rhiting Co,, St. Louis, Mo. The DAILY GLOBE DEMOCRAT standB at tho very front ntnoug world. Daily, Including Sundny. One Year $0 00 fl Months 00 .' Mouths 1 KO Daily, Without Sunday. Ono Year $4 00 0 Months 2 00 3 Months 1 00 BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID Th NewTTork Tribus New York Tri-Wsekly Tribune Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Practically A DAILY and the Cheapest Known. A now ninl romnrknbly nttrnctlvo publica tion, profumily lllustrtitod with portrultmiiHl )m If-tones; contiilnn nl! tho Btrlltinu iipwh natures of tho Dull? Tribune. Kpfcliil Wnr DlNpatclics, Domestic ftiut PorelKti Cbrres. pomlonce, Short Stories, Humorous Illustrn 1I011H, InduHtrlnl Information, Pushkin Notwa Agricultural MntturN euretully treated, and rointirehonslvonnil Uollnhlo Plnancliil ami Mmkot KeportH. It Is mailed nt nnniu hour 11H tho dally edition, reaches a larito propor tion of HUbscrlberH on date or iHiiui-.aud ouch edition In a thoroughly up.to-dato dally iiewspa'-or for buty people, Itotjularsubscrlpllon prlco, $1,50 per Year Wo furnlNh it with TUn Advortlsor for SI. 85 per Year n 1 If 1 rti . Gn(l all ore ors tn Tho Arv mm fUXLUlWXlljlIXXllJill : rrrrN&yJh&Ar&M . ,5.?t Auviutpyourpnyslclansnnd a FPPP qamdi c M .nVBPtomraoTdfs?a and prescriptions In plain language, saving Lsr ray s ?rUtIr..f. it Writn ... nni-".1"""" """ u,.re"w. of La Qrippo. Send for nroof nt P h ;r..-v.:; rr,""v." J"vt'".v'"iu""'. rtuiu ipunjuuu us o cis. or jl.WJ aiiu WO Will send Dp U-.n.'o T7o "i- ....j ouu. Address, DR. B.J. KAY MEDICAL col: ""L1""""- auxi!:iixxi.imiiiinran'ii.ixinxiiiiiiii.ii.i . ntormXSrMMPVZroJ!, yt frC U&s xv Kj.- stock of goods e carry a SW., J1.500, vniueu at T ,000.00 ms i;.J 8 ym Mi 'jppfa ar? s&- W Klllii ."i'l'Hi U. ifiiHlB We own and occupy the tallest mercanUle building In the world w ho., over a.000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred cferk. ?e Mn.UnX engaged filling out-of-town orders. con5tant'y OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is tho bonk f ,- , , Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over x 000 na. ,B PmP,f qUOtes 60,000 descriptions ofnrtlcles whh prices. T1ot ,a' r?,l0nf' a"d each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CKU? '.""" your cood faith, and we'll .nH ., .. A,;,,.. 1.rt,N. ctNTS to show 1 - "'" " MONTGOMERY WARD & B'. . mu 4)iii". '. 1 100 nerci llox ami jack l'..l , r.nin, , II t ' Wo VA m fl&WL d. Othr sr.a ri w-n," wIMmh! i.-at mk en r-4 &crC.S wo n! xiax , ,..' iH .,'" Aiv' The Great Republican Paper of America Globe-Democrat Almost Equal to a Daily at the Price of a Weekly And get this Rtcrllng Republican Newspaper, thin peerlesn Homo Journal, durimr all of tho and until nfter the election of the next citizen and ought to be in every houses is without a rival in all the weHt, and the fow Really Great Newspapeis of the Sunday Edition. 30 to 00 Pages One Year S2 00 6 Months 1 00 RPW Published on YOrK For over fifty-eiJ"t years UJppklv ? "rtioual I,,an!iyiPai,(ir WW CCrxiy for farmers and villagers Trihlino WMOSe rca(J,'H bave rep I 1 1 U U 1 1 C resented the very best clement of our country population. It gives all important news of the nation and world, the most reliable market reports, fascinating short sto ries, an unexcelled Agricultural I)o partinent, scioutillc and mcchanica information, Fashion Articles for th women; humorous illustrations for old and young. It is "The People's Paper" for tho entire United States. llegulnr KiibHci Iptlou price, 81.00 per Year Wo furnish 11 with 1'he Adveitlm-r t . :$1.35 per Year crtiscr, jemaha, Nebraska. Txroxn ixn you hcavf doctor's bin8. Zi TrorYt P3 Eg rcenovator M Headache. Palnltatm! r M ." oy orumrists. rinn't. nrmnn ..?.. r, cu , b" s,Hr"'BS W. T. Ko LJtllMniir T$ ,M Wc receive bom 10,000 to 25,000 letters every day Wi vft ;ni i Kk '21-i WW 'tty v r!fMiSr NESS vpkJ. MVn 7 2S K3 fS tH.nJi.TJaai VJF '!) tiK'W ' "'' r ''i Wt'i all charges prepaid. mw.uo " t;mc ICAGO JTi 'ESiSSSS) W&XmViSam'n r rii ttsji " ber.r-tho be, i.'?riV ..I." '"?l u.1"1 n.r: U, vio e-rcotomfto mil ion 1 'V n" mr best riiKtr-m. ...TiV.",q 1 y 1 i rJ.. 'i ? If' o AKjkmt&' WVW2SHi ' . . J,-tmM'A