ir Itfi PS if S.N IiA .5 ft V 1 VJ sa fc . f uwmuu i-'MiiMMium ' JTflBItHMcmtil:laMarKwffl H bUHtS WHIM. All ILbt lAllb. Host Cornell Byrup. Tfule (loud. In limn. Hold !r drtitrBlritA. JU. TT. W. KKELINO, INicmaha City, Nicbiiaka. fllco nt tho drug Btoro. W. W. SANDERS, Notary : - ; Public NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. imw sMWMtVMnr PLASTERER Anmn mid A null to work r Hppcliilty. Cln terns mi I It. rnpnr Hanging Knlitomlnln and WltownRlilnis dono. I..OW prlcoii, Al worlr. wnrrnntod. Kerker & Hoover, ponlor la MEATS IIlhoHtprlooH paid forhldcH, lnrd, tiulow (iimo, nlo NEMAHA CITY, NEHIIASKA. TI103. W. UIATT, proprietor or tho , Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in Oomioction with Livory Good Tie nnd prompt aorvlco. SntlBfnrtlon Bimrnntuod. u-aiMMi Notico of Probate of Will. St.xtoof NftliriiAlcn. count; of Ni'innhii, nh. In tlio Oatitiiy (Joint of Notniiliu County, Nnrunloi. To iMVld Thoni)Hon, tlio holrH it luw of Ciurlo 11. Ilitltor, ilio tiolrs at luw of Hiiruli JotinHuii,di!coiuol, nnd to nil nortioiiH tutor ustod In tho CHtulo of I.owIh riiompson, do- CUIlHod. You aro lioreny notlflod that Juno Tliomp noii Iiiih (Hod n pi'tlllon pri lug llintiin In Htruinnultllod In tills court purport Ing to bo tho lout will mid tostntnunt of wild docenHod, inny bo proved, nllowod itnd ropordud nt tlio limt will uud tontiununtot LowlsTiiomp son, (I(xm)iihccI; ihntwild liiMtruinoiit may tio ndiulltod to probiito, und iidnitnlHtrullon of huIcI estuto grunted to John II. Bold iih execu tor, find Mint tlio 3rd dny of February, A. I). 1000 nt 10 o'clock ii, in., ut county court room of HUld county, ut Auliurn, bus boon fixed iin tho ttmoiind plncoof proving wild wlll.wbon you nnd nil Interceded mny a p pour und nhow cuuho, If tlioro bonny, why tlioprnyorof wild petition Hltould not oo granted, nnd context Ilia probnlo thereof. Witness my linnd nnd Heal of unld court thlHltli dnv of Jiiuuiiry, 1000. HIOIlAltl) K. Nl3AL, County Judiio. Notico of Probato of Will. Tho Stnto of Neb rinds n. County of Nonmlm.RS. In the County Court or Nemnhn uu'inty.Nou. To MurgiirotSnow, Tbos. II. Hkeou. rillii betli Tourtlot, Illchnrd J, Hkeon, Mnry II. Hhubert, John W. Hlcoon, Nniiev A. Idim, 'i Iioh lllntt, Hollo HufHoll.Jnhn Illntt. Ilottlo YedHOr, l'enrl Hkeon, Don Skeon, nnd to nil SersoiiH Interested In tho ostnto ol Mary lcnon, docoiisod. You avo horoby notldod Hint JohnW.Bkonn hnH tiled u poiltlon praying Hint an Instru ment fllnd In thlx court, purporting to be tho lust will nnd toHtumonl of wild deooiiNnd mny bo proved, allowed and recorded rot tlio lnnt will nnd tcatninent of Mary Slceou. decensed; Hint Hnld liiNtruuiont mny bo admitted to prf tmto, nnd administration ofwildcHtntn grunted to John W. SIcpoii us exeoutor, mid that 6th day of Februnry, A. I). 19(H), nt 10 o'clock a. in., at county court room of mild county, hnH boon fixed an the tlmo nnd place of proving mild will, when vou uud nil Inter ontod mny npponr and hIiow cnuso, If tlioro bo any, why thopraorof wild petition rdiould not tin granted, and contest tho probato thereof, WltnoHH my hand nnd senl of tmld court thtHfitlidiiy of Jnnuaiv. A. I). 1000. HkaLj U1C1IAHD V. NRAL. , County Judge. Thousands Have Sidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glasn with your water and let !t stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an I unhealthy condi tion ol the kid neys; If It stains your linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back Is also convincing proof that tho kidneys and blad der are out of order. Want to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Us won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should havo the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wondertul discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mall, imurcss UT. runner u. Homo of Bwarop-Hoot. Co.. Blntrhamton. N. Y. When wrltlm? men- lion reading this generous offer in this paper. ttVx'iI r "rJ JOvT - (wwj! -rKWir LC ' I hi H.fMlaTl JS3iii I The Nebraska Advertiser If. If, HJUYitinH PnbUihtr. SfJIlSOUU'TION 81.50 I'KIl YKAlt PIIIDAY, JANUARY 28 1000. Vrlday wns Coy HIvch' birthday, and hia aunt, Mm. May Gilbert, gavo a dins nor to Coy and u fow of hia moat Inti mato friondH in honsr or Unit imports ant event. Foil Salk: 300 two year old bud-, dtd pencil IrccB Halos Early, Alexan der, Wagor, and Glinmpion, nil true to name, 1 cents eucli. Also 200 eecdlinga at 4 couts each. N . C. JA11VI8. Wo publish an Oklahoma letter from E. A. Bourne on one of the inside pugos, and a California letter from II, W. Shubort on another page. The hitter vas written to John D, Shubort and published last week in tho Shubort Citizen, from which wo copied it. Doth totters are well worth tending. County Judge Neal, who for nearly two weeks staggorod under tho honors of tho office and almost fainted when called upon to nolomtii?,e marrhgo, was on Monday knocked completely off Ills foot by tho announcement that a little meisonger from St. Peter's cotral had como to call him papa. Granger. An outfit consisting of two men nnd two or three women set up a tent near tho H. & M. water tank the (Irs of tho week. Wednesday afternoon tho gniBS near tho lout caught flio and tho tent waa burned. It is supposed some one who wantrd to got rid of the parlie set tho grass on Are. The oulflt then moved in the old house northeast of town, near the railroad track. They aro a tough set. Whilo you aro sympathizing with Boors, English or Filipinos, it is well to romember that chaiity begins nt home. Undo Ezra Rogers ia ofllcint ingascook and housekeeper, and his bolter half, who has a broken arm, is ablo to be about and aeu that tho work is done in keeping with tho regulations when she did tho work heiself; no washing of dishes in cold water, setting them away dirty or allowing tho out to lick them clean, nor any of tho ways of cooking peculiar to bachelor life. Granger Any one needing native lumber can find the same at my residence, one and a half miles south of Nemaha. W. W. Si:id. Wo aro now prepared to handle coal and havo just recoived a carload. Parties wishing coal call on tho Edwauds & Bkadfoud Lbr. Co., Nemaha, Nebr. START THE YEAR RIGHT. By this wo mean that if you aro not already a subscriber to Tho Nebraska Stato Journal you should become one atonco. The Journal is Nebraska's old reliable. Being published at the stato capital it prints moro news of intorest to Nebraskans than any other paper in tho stato. Many of its patrons havo been subscribers for over a quarter of a century. Tho Journal has built up a tremendous business by its push and energy and the paper stands at tho head of the column. -ItB daily anil nttuday Issues not only con tain all tho current news of the world, hut are filled with special features. Tho SemMVoekly Journal, which by many is called "tho farmers' daily." gives 101 papers a year for St. 00 and is ono of tho greatest bargains over offered readers. Tho year 1000 will hi a record-breaker with Tho Journal, as 1800 has been. Join tho army of readers for tho coming presidential campaign. Millions Given Awny It Is certainly iirntllyhifj to the pub Ho to know of ono concern in tho land who aro not afraid to be generous to the needv and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr King's Now Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs and Colds have glvou away over ten million trial bot tles of this uriat medicine: am have I tho satisfaction of knowing it bus ab solutely cuml thotiHiiiids of hopeless I cases Asthinn, MionchltiH, HoarmnMa and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs' uio surely enied bv it. Cull on Ki't'linir. the druuglsl anil get a free trial bottle. I.eguhu sizn fiOo and S?l. Every bottlo guaranteed or price le- . funded- m James Lowe was in tho city 'last evening and flaya that tho much talked of panther has been exposed. Ho saj s that it is a big dog that bolonga to John Cisco, nnd is largo enough to bo taken for a panther by children who do not wait long enough, after bocoralng ft ightened, to look . Tho dog is a mon ster nnd IniB much tho appearance of a panther. Ho with several others tracked it yesterday and satisfied them solvea in the matter. TIiIb knocks Judgo Markloy's panther out in ono cruel blow Nebraska City Newa. Ex-Govornor Furnas and wifo will leavo Lincoln today for their homo at Hrownvillo, They have been in this city for tlio last ten days as tho guests of tho family of General Furnas' son, G. G. Furnas. During their stay they wero ontortnlned by many old friends of Mr FurniiB. It was tho first oppor tunlty Lincoln people had of meeting Mrs. Furnas, and all wero improssed with her admirablo qualities. Her new acquaintances hope to wolcomo her to a pormanent plnco in Lincoln sQclnl circles. This hope may b real ized as frlonds of the family aro trying to iudttco them to mako Lincoln their future home. Governor Furnas is said to bo considering the matter of coming to Lincoln to Hvo, but ho has not yet consented. Stato Journal. Harness Shop Wanted. Nemaha needs a harness shop and tho man who puts ono in hero could soon work up a good business. Who will bo the man? Old papers for sale at this office. You never know what form of blood poisoning will follow constipation. Kfop tho liver clean by tiBing DoWitt'a Littlo Eutly RIseiB and you will avoid trouble They are famous little pills for constipntion and liver and bowel troubles. Keeling. A e cum givo you reduced rates on almost any paper publishod in the United States. WANTED-SI5VKUA1. I'EIWONS FOU DIS ti let OMcoMun mrrH In this state to rep icteni me In their own unit uiirroiindlni; counties. Willing to pay'y SSUO.p tynblo wceitly. DcMlrublo oinilloyniuiit with uiuih mil oppoi limit Ich, References exchanged. jitidoNHHnii.iimirosHPii s'umpeii envoi po. 3. A I'uik.H.MCuxhm lluildlni;. Chicago. rss rrfT5T2 "PERFECT" SCALES LAST FOREVER. COMBINATION BEAM. COPPER PLATED STEEL LEVERS. For facts wrlto to Jones of Blngliamton, BINOHAMTON, NY AMltA cutlhl d oil ind tend In tii ind OCNU ho will nd jrou Uili JllnOUl by 50cts. eipreii u. u. 11, iud . Ifd la exnmlnttlon. I online It tt your ; nirtu efllf. md It found extcllv u re i. reientsd tndtha moil wonderful barpilnjou t.riir or heard of ny thaexpiea, agenl Our Petlul Offer rrieo Tz.vaieisuicaucia or (i 3inueiresitnari!rj. inn 11 it retular fnuu genuine miliii imilir JIAMmm, & ieen rib mandolin of unuiuil quality, tho ribs betngof nalnutanJ rock maple alternating, beautiful orange colored t"r, lolld walnut fingerboard, accurately fretted with mica ireu. UMeit style rat neau, nicuei tan iileee, celluloll guard plate, inlall position dit, fancy lnla)lng around aoundliole, lowerfuland tweet toned. extr& act f genuine lUjonno .trlnci. cellulol I tick and V Inner. Ilooli of In. atriielton, lhleh Teaehea Auyone llow to Play. Write for I KLG musical Instrument and rtano nd organ rataWue, Wetellllolliif 8l.7amlup llnltara 2.0t p. lUnJn. $l,iup. Organa SiJ.OO up. Ilanoi $1:5.1)0 up. very thing nt lowest wholesalo prleea an all subject toexamlna. on liofore buying. Address, IAHI)i:U.bHMelU,:i04.910Miilnflt., liunuauc lav Cllorg.r IllUhare thoroughly reliable Editor.) Cut tills act out anil ee nit to anil wo will FPllll ) ou tliis mil AMI til rtlTlivntmniui .0. 1) , Mibjcct to oxamlnatlun. hxainliio It at your lircssotllco and If found eiactly represented .and . a-.ia. a. ABMaa.hliAAa.lrAi i RtruuivursiiR .noun 101111, nv-"'j v.w.v.., ., llalied.iioweifulantlawpet lit tone. lomplcto with lino uilo liow, onooxtra aet of strings, violin cofce, rpKln nnd u or tlio beat Itiatructlflit tiooKa publlnheil. M'rlto lor leiiiiialenltnatrument itI organ Btidpltttiisciitiiloa'. JIUKIlA III lull, DIM UIO lUIMtTHKM, ill III (Jl K, IOWA (llarg.r llllik are thoroughly reuaoia uuor.i Cul this ad out, tend ta na and we nin S E N D nl jou thti OlflT It b j exrreia. COD, '"' ,ubecttoeiamlnatlon. Examine It at fan fa jour expre.i oRlee, and If found BIlf exaetly ai repreienteil and tha UtfUlwa U"t wonderful bargain you eer aaw or beard of, ray the cir"a ag.lit Our Rperlal Offer ITlee, $.'.8$, leu the Jllelj. urtS.Uand Mpre fhara. THIS IS A IlKfil I All G.IMIilrMIKIIXIElillO0NVllMsntll'ITlK, lilihly iwllalied, lieautltui inlaying arounu aounu hole, American patent bead, best nlcVel plated tall- piece, powerful and eweet toned, extra ie 01 gen- .ilna ll.nni ...Inra .ml A tt Itineri bookot InitrUO- tlon which teaches anyone how to play. Write far tree musical insirumrm .an ur,cu uu in... catalogue. We sell Tlollne at SI.7S and up. MandMlns $2,115 and up. I Ian Jo. fl.'JI and up. lOrgana lit 00 and up. Piano. Illia.OOaudup. IEver)lhlng at lowest wholesale prleea, and all aubject to examination before l aylng. AdJre.a, A IILISII. IK1I-UIO ilala St., Ilubuaua, Iowa. (llargf r A Ullsh are thvrooihly reliable Editor.) fc .4 A m Ii ai WJ 10 cents ggg SsiH Hr WINNERS r I ZLmKMBMiiwcrm3!U2X1i:iXI p most, wonucriuionrBaiii you oyer raw 1,1 iin..uu.,iaj 0 exprcsa accnt our apeclai offer price. Ii.l!r, less tlio ts.orU.76,nntlcxpre.(iii cliargM. 'UiImIhii retiilnr 11 nB) M fi liil lak III tI kyjL yi FECT" SCA LAOT FOREVEB. STEEL TRUSSED LEVERS COPPEK PLATED, COMQ1NATION OCAM WITH BEAM BOX. CATALOQUC mcC. JONES OF INGHAMTON, DINOHAMTON. N. Y. T ?fcr &3ElX!iaL&3E'lEt,CJSr3r SOUTH AUBURN, NEBRASKA, Dmiler in Hardware, Furniture. For Only n- S 9 0(t-- I T" We will send The Advertiser one year and the Farm Journal to January 1st, 1005. Call and see us for low combination rates on the Iowa Uomet(ad,Chicago Inter Ocean, Globe Democrat and other papers. IllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIllllllllllllltl) l... BIGGLE A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive nand- somcly Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1-BK1QLE HORSE BOOK Allnboul Horses n Common-Sense TrentUe. with over 74 Illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Outs. No. 2-BIG'dLE BERRY BOOK All about trrowintr Stnnll Fruits rend nnd tinr hnw No. 3-BIGQLE No. 4r-BIQQLE Isyoi old. your pa er, made it is mc ureal. 1 JK . of America having over a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL ! 8 YBARS (remainder of 180 inop 1901, 190a nnd .903) will be sent by mail to any addrehS for A DOLLAR BILL. sample 01 v AKrti JUUKNAL, and W1Z.MKR ATKINSON. CIIAS P. JBNKIN8. seei...n..... nun' .im wwiMiBwMw,waintawiii.EnHa TheMachinethatTalksTalk GRArPH0NE Winds un like a clock. PjaJP VT) ILaMaa llOUr liJatitSt Recites; Tells Funny Stories; will repeat your own oicc, your friend's voice, songs sung into it, stories tuld to it. Vou can make your records easily and reproduce them at once, as often as desired. Price $5.00 includes Improved Gem Graphophone, ono extra loud alumniuin Reproducer, one 10-inch horn, one Hearing Tube. Best ExllU bltlon Records (musical or talking) g5 a dozen, 42c each. Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine In our two new slot Machines mac,,ines 1',1C "Ideal" Graphophone $30 and wonderful "Ray" . , iinciu.itio vit moving picture maciune; 515, operates automatic- nly, requires no attention whatever, can be placed on top of show case or counter. Machines pay for them selves in two weeks. The Klnctoscopc does for the eye what the Graphophone does for the ear. Ob- Q r iects act and move as ir alive. Reproduces in miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar VrJ Moving Picture Machines. The parlor "Ray" Moving Picture Machine, three belts with eat h machine v Send us 1 and we will tend you cither machine by Express C. O. D . subject to examination If found exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the agent our price, less the 1 sent v. hit order. Complete new Illustrated Klnetoscope, Graphophone and Record Catalogue, containing tull dcscnj tionof large exhibition show outfits,.raiiBing from $10 to J50, sent tree on request. Iiarger& Blish, Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Alain St., Dubuque, Iowa SSSlSil ts Easy Writing If its a Bllckensdeifer No. 5. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. More "Bllcks" In use among Iowa and Ne braska newspapers than all the rest of the $100 machines tpgether. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar work that is sold at a popular price. Has 3 Keys, of 84 Characters and Letters; Portabla, weighing but Six Pounds with case. Conies and AtanltoUs perfectly, ia caibon copies being easily taken at ono writing. Only one price S35.00 net. On ton days ap proval to any responsible man in Iowa 01 Nebraska. Address, Harger & Bush, General Aprnti, 90.,-pio Alain Street, DUBUQUU, IOWA. a2S33ffieEESH Coffins and Caskets Undertaking and Embalming a specialty, Finest lTcarse in the cotintv. Fine lino of UndoTtkors' Goods. Wo guarantee satisfaction. 0:: y t BOOK UUlgffl contains 43 colored lite-like rcproductionsof nil lending varieties and 100 other lllubtrations. Trice, 50 Cents. POULTRY BOOK All nbout Poultry ; the best Poultry nook In existence ; tells everything ; wlthaj colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business : having a great sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 6-BiaOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hoes Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. TheBiaOLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful-you never saw anything like them 50 practical, to nensible. They are having an enormous sale Bust, West, NorUi and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fnilts, ought to send right away for the BIOOLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL for you and not a misfit. It is m years I DOiiea-oown. IHt.trir.nnlI.nn.trir.riMrl. quit-atler-you-bave-Baid-it, Farm and Household paper In the world the biggest paner of its size in the United States circular describing BluaLB BOOKS free. Address, PAIUI JOURNAL ririLADULruiA -i Thfx Ccm Just out, Cut this ad. this ad. rt feaja' t to us f EL e of the "Tk s.C O D. CM amltiri It at isv vswiii out and send it 1 with $1.00 and we will send you one 1 new Gem Uranhoniiones bv Kxpress. subject to examination. You can examine it at your express office and If found exactly as represented, entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal In value to any machine sold at JJ10 and $12, pay our agent Our Special Offer Price, $5 00. and express charges, less tho $1 sent with order. For home amusement this King of Merry-Makers Itti! Plavs all die nieces of Sous.t's and Oilmnre's Ilnnilar SmSSSSSSRSSSSS!BSESSSSSSSEi iIk -- r s Y h Ia i- Y f I (I m it... . J . .fuiAi Uifrt.ii.' J V.