si-'p t ',". y wfri- w vimrwrwnMmi 'T' tiiJiwiwmiiami ..? rJ r9 A vf. wry 1-h titbima Advertiser!""11 1 T' ,l RT1' fT' wu" ", .iiwuaci urn u ami uuiumnungs . U "i""""nrniThUV .'rwrw n . .i.'l):ltn t'uhtl,h,rt bltl'j'JItll'TION 1.0(1 IMCit YliAIl ritlUAY, .JANUARY 120, 1000. A Letter from Ed A. Bourne. H'AUKOMtri, Uklii., .Jan. l2, ltKO. Editor Ailvertisiu: In pursuance of my promise to write un .! iiiitiu. ligation for your pupei, w 1 1 drop jou a line litftuatively. We are b. ill living on (ur iaiin near Wiiukoi mis, in liurlieltl county, Oklahoma which, wiih uo possible exception of Kit) county, la the garden spot of tho teiritoty. Tills county Is tho homo of the largest man in the woild a Mr. Wllkitis by name, wlio is 3 feel 4 inches lugli and weighs 400 pounds, and hits been (Xhiblled in every country on u.irth. It is also tin1 homo of the larg os t nog, a 1200 pound sow that at pres ent is happily uugagud in routing a flourishing family of 17 pigs. We also hive the best and largest yields of wheat, com, oats, barley and cotton, and can beat the world for big water melons, yauiH, sweet potatoes, fiuit and goober peas, aud at the last general election gave the largest republican tn.ijonty in the terr lory, Dennis Fly mi receiving 101)0 majority over his fusion opponent, who was endowed by every p.nty trom ihe popocratic party down to Dr. Mary Walker. There is no county in the territory that is making such rapid and buustnutial improvements, nor is there one paying as large dividends to those who invest theii money heie ii teal estate or business. Three yvats ago Waukomis was a little viU age containing about a dozen families ami a few stores. Today L boasts a two story brick school house with tin en departments, two llnu church building-), two hotvspapms, three large lumber jards, four giain elevators, a biiiiK, aud will have in operation in a IV w days a 820,000 mill, besides every business common to towns Jour time Us nize is being profitably conducted, and the inhabitants will number 700 or Sot) Jn the country the same growth and -prosperity prevails the dugout and sliack have oeen generi'lly replaced by good substantial frame dwelling-, inauy of them beautiful and costly.and the sod slables and atraw sheds are giving placw to big red hams, and a thousand windmills pump water for "the catlle on a thousand hills." The hills here are all very lint and could hardly ba discerned by a fellow from Nemaha county. Time nor space will not admit of n description of Enid, our county seat, which Is the largest and moat imports nut city on the Hock Island railway iu the territory, but on some future oc casion will do BO. Was pHwmI to hear from Hube Ellioti, itoht. Frost anil George Fair brother through the medium of The Advertiser, and glad th . uiiu nuaiwuuH. ii naoe aim br,iin-fag into mental power. They're atom, can get along over there among wonderlul in iniilding up the health. the hills, rocks aud stumps we can cei- Ullly 2i)0 l)or uox oltl u' Keeling. that isn't what 1 started to tail ou about. Well, tho truth is, It's a boy,, just 8. weeks old. Call him Hurry Mo- Kinh-y. and wo.thlnk ho outraukH every other product yet reported In the ten is tory. Joe Bays that his little brother is tho "hot stuff." Jbe is iu his eighth year and large of ills ago. About a year ago I acquired a soniii'law that was about the time my daughter Mabel was mat ried to John Payne. Frankie and .It'&Hio aro at home and both enjoy ing good health My wife and 1 art at home too. 1 have had a very plensaut time the past month, milking the cows, feeding the fiunllj sow and hunting quails and holding t lie baby. Now, Mr. Editor, if you want to know any thing more definite about me, Individ ually, come down. We have had a aeiiro of rainy weath er and aro "enjoying" tho worst rouda ever known here. It commenced to rain on the 11th of September and has been veiy wet ever since. Wheat i? looking line. I do not know why Hub ert Frost had to feed his stock bo long. Wo do not have to feed hero at any season of tho year excepting a few days in winter during extremo stormy weather. Last winter was the coldest over known hero, and 1 did not feed my cattle or horaea to exceed three weeks. A farmer in the wheat belt can raiso both calves and colts with out any ex ponae whatever after begets a pasture fenced and begins tho cultls vation of wheat. Have nover bought any feed Binco I have been hero except for work horses. Wo had an immense corn crop hero last year. I harvested nearly 1000 bushels of corn from 10 acrea of bottom ground almost 00 bushels per acre, while the yield on upland ranged from 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Waukomis will ship more corn this season than Nemaha ami ten times as much wheat. Wo had the bust garden last year wo oyer hud in any country cabbage, tomatoes, p tatoes, beans, peas, beets, mangoo peppera. sweet potatoes, etc., grew in endless vatiety and gigantic propor tions, Owing to a March blizzard our fruit crop was n partial failure. We had a few peaches, but tho apricots were nearly all killed. Our apple tresa aro too young to bear vet, hut have two varieties of blackberries and four of grapes that will bear this year. Ins tend to plant out strawberries, dew berries, raspberries and other Bmall fruits this spring, and some more applo and pear trees. Most close for this time. Kindest regards to old friends and neighbors If this article occupies too much of your valuable flpaco, set it in nonpareil aud charge to Nemaha county. Fraternally yours, E. A. Uotjkne, Working Night and Day Tho busiestand mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugarcoated eakness energy, .it thevarfl nil ' Blobule of health that changes wen at mey are an ,Ht(J fclrenRt,t Hatlessnesa into ei If Habe and bi'riin-fag into mental power. T tainly succeed hero wheie such Imped iments are so few and far between. Wo have bud no drouth here since tho summer of 1800, and have raised good ci ops of both coin and wheat ever since that date. We have, however, never failed iu a prolific, not to say abnormal, ci op of politiciana. Wo raiHe every variety and in such quantities that no administration need suffer for help, consolation or advice Our statesmen are the kind that hang on like an in growing toe nail the kind that aspire to a place in the cabinet but wil) accept a fourth class postoflice. Nemaha county In her balmiest daya couldn't produce half as mauy Btatesmen to the aero as wo can.and cultivate the ground four times. Prior to March 4th, 1807, they kept QroverClovoland, armed with a double-barreled shot gun and a fish ing pole, at bay Quantico J3ay three mtlea off shore, when lie turned them all down by appointing n nest of car pet baggers from the aouth. Since that date William McKinley has tried to convince them that thoy could not all hold ofllce, by appointing a man from Kansas. Heal estate, both lands and town property, is growing in value and much of it changing hands, but it is not so high yet but what it la n good investment, as I firmly believe land vnluea will increase 100 per cent with in the next two or three years. I am, aa you know, too modest to any much abdut myself, but will admit The Way to go to Oalifornia is in a tourist sleeper, personally con ducted. via the Hurlingtou Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time You see tho finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not bo expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper but it is just as clean, just aa comfortable, just as good to ride in ahd nearly 820 cheap er. It has wide veBtibulea: Pintsch gas high back seats; a uniformed Pull man porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet room; tablqs and a heating range. Heinu strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; it is warm in winter and cool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced oxcursion conductor who nocompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St.Joseph.Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday, arriving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angoles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri rivor to the Pacific Coast, including a stopover of y2 hours at Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake City two of tho most interesting cities on the continent. For folder giving full information call At any Burlington Houte ticket ol flee or write to J. Francis, Gen'l Pas- Bengor Agent, Omaha. Neb. 22t27 - Call in nnd see us if you want to anbBcribs for any paper published in the United States. We can give you reduced rates on almost any paper published in the United States., H'rl.iuHllO.,sns: Mv wile had pibs forty .vi-ars DoWUi's Wltc'iM.tW'i s-hlv.-. cured .her. It Is tho 'joitMilvHti Ann-rlea." It heals evert hlnmiml cures all s,kln diM-aseH. W W Ki-ullt-K "-''''''''T-'''"--' The l had dyspepsia ll ft y seven years and. ijever found permanent relief till I used Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure. Now 1 am well and feel like a new man," writes S' Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is Un heal digestimt known. Cures nil forms of indigestion. L'li.vsiclans every when prescribe It. Keeling Si. Louis The Great licpublictin Paper of America The Grout JNTcwspnicr oi' tho World Globe-Democrat WW Keeling .Miaiiinti'es every bottb of Chamberlain's Cough Hem-d am will refund the money to any ono win is not sutlslled aflei using two-tf'lrda o the contents. This is the best reined in the world for la urinne.coiioliH.ooldf.. croup and whoopingcoiigli and Is pleat- mi ami sate to taice. it prevents an tendency of u cold to result in pneu moniii WANTED-SKVEUAIj l'KKSONS FOR 1)18 trlct OIllcuManuK In this utntu to iin leiont mo In ilielr own mid "uiroiindliiK oouiitli'H. WIIIIiik to pay yarly $6U0,,,yn'ilf wroicly. Desirnlilo umilloympiii with nun mil oppoittiiilllcx. ltflfori'iircfl t'XcliuugtMl. KnrloM' M'lf'iMlclM'Bseil Hinmpcil wivrlipo. S. A I'url:,32"Cuxton Itulldtiig.ChlciiKO. TWICE EVERY WEEK. Eight Pages or More each Tuesday and Friday $1.00 Almost Equal to a Daily at the Price of a Weekly ONE DOLLAR A YEAH $1.00 Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallydlgeststhefood and olds Nature In strengthening nnd recon structing tbo exhausted digestive or gans. Itisthelatestdlscovereddlgcst ant and tonic. Na other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHcadache,6astralgia,Cramps,ana all other results of imperfect digestion. "repared by E. C DeWitt A Co., CblcaflO. For sale by Keeling, tho druggist. ;:HMI1D Our fee returned If we fail. Any one sending sketch nnd description of nny invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. " How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale nt our expense. Pntpnfa tnl'n nut MirMirrfi ,i rMj!w i.s.7 notice, without charge, In Tun Patknt Rkcokd, j nil iiiusiraica aim wiuciy circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Scud for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON. D. C. No other paper gives TUB NEWS so promptly, so fully, so accurately No pitpor prints bo gro,t a variety of Interesting and instructive rending natter for every member of tho family. No other pnpor is so good, so clean, so SUBSCRTB13 NOW A1,"1 K0t, thl9 fi,er,,n "0PuIn NinvBiwpur, imi!.i! ,.Y v -.7 . n , V,,H ,UH,r,Cfl!' 0,,w Journal, during all of tho Important National Campaign of inoo, and until after tho election of the next l resident, It is Indispensable to every citizen and ought to bo in every house, hold. Sample copies free. Address The Globe VrlMlns Co., Si. Louis, .Ho. The DAILY OLOHB DEMOCRAT Is without a rival in all the went, and stands at the very trout among the few lteully Groat Nowapapeis of tho Daily, Including Sundwy. One Year SO 00 Months :t oo I! Months 1 fjO Daily, Without Sunday. Ono Year f4 00 0 Months 2 00 !' Months l (to Sunday Edition. 51(1 to 00 Pages Ono Year ?2 00 (1 Months l u0 BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID Tho 2-TewYoyk Tribune lew York Tri- Tribune Weekly A FREE PATTERN lhlr, 1!T? "''otlonlto arery lubscrlbur. ftttutlful col preJ llthtwrapnej plates and llla.tra Ions. OrlJlsS latent, artutlc. eiquliUe and itrlctly up-to-dU Tduiigni MS CALLS MAGAZINE Kt-fi i5ii;y Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Practically A 3TJAI1.Y and tho Cheapest Known. A now nnd romnrknlily ittlriiallvo putillcii tlon, profiiHcly llliiNiruli'd with pnrtr-illn mid iiiilMnnov, cmitiiliiH ul! tho Htrllclnt: down puluruHoi tho Uully Triliiuin. Hpoulal War DlaputohcH. DoinuNlIu mid Korilk(n Ciirriis. pondotii-f, aimrtsiorlrH, IlinnorotiH IlliiKtrii iIoii.h, Industrial Iiilorinutton.Kashlon Nolim AKiUuilUiriil .Manors curululfv tniitud, nnd C.'oiniirthfiislvoaiul Hnlliihlo Klnunrliil and Mailtul ItcporlH. It Is mulled al miiiiio hour nn tlindully edltlnn, roHchtu u largo propor tion of Mil-HurlberHnn dutuof Issuu.und curli L'llltliin Is a tliornuulily up-to-iliito dally nowspn' r for tinny puoplo. Hcgular Btibscrlpllon prlco, $1,50 por Year Wo furnlHh H with 'J'lio Advortlsor for 81.85 per Year New York Weekly Published on TiiuhsiUy. For over hl'ty-oiglit years u national Family Paper for itirmoi'H and villagers Trii-tiinrt whoso readers have rop- 9 1 lUUIIC resented the very best clement of our country population. It gives all important news of tho nation and world, the most roliahlo market reports, fascinating short sto ries, an unexcellud Agricultural Do partment, scientific and meclianica information, Fashion Articles for tho women: humorous illustrations for old and young. It is "Tliu People's Paper" for tho entire United States. ItuKtilar subscription prlco, $1.00 pox Year WofurnlNh It Willi I'ho AdvortlHur for 181.35 por year Send all orders to The Advertiser, Kemalm, Nebraska. Dressmaking economies, fancy work, houifhold hlntf. tliort atorli'j. current topics, eto. Bubicrlbo today Only Wo. yearly, Ladyagentanocted. Bend tot term JkA1 lmT' ijjfl 4 JjVrwmfl M 3Vt. ZT7 JI. . POUl , -XJEST iEisroi5 for Isdloa, mlupt, girls and little children, Tliat cer tain tyllh" chic" Hlect not attnlncil ty thouoo of any other patterns. Have no -qual (orttyloand pcift'ct lit. MS CALL BAZAR. m! $$w 2AJL,ZXZ JBZMBtrU Jtmr. . . rifca ffitffl 'MftT 7TTT sssss ivHuimezruT' X7TZT7TZS szszsxsxs: Xl... v v y v SZSZS . ... . .--,-.- x.. x.s. V W" ,..,,..v ZSZSZ s ZSXS. Trry. , , , , . , s , s: & S.'.N.S zszs: yrrx- V, S . s: $X$-Z$ZSZS zsz. vv-v 51 i&SZ y-s z s v, S : V V v v vv-v v a rrv'A7'vvr r.U'nW.l July SI, KM. TIIADK MAIIK J m$g$ c-v s S S 7 S S STTTTT7T- t-V-X'-V-v-v-v' -y-yy-wt: l'.UnU.l July e, m. Eaullv put tojfetlu-r Only 10 and 18 cntt enrh imm hlKber Mold In nearly rterycltyamttow-n.urliy mall. Ailc (or them, AUolulflycry latett np-to-dutu styles. THE nicCAI.I. CO.MIMNV, IIS.140 TTct Hlli '" ' ..rt (lir, N. T. Rfl DTP PCMT QAUIHR Requires no ton or bottom rail and only i as many posts as Ihe nlJ style JU rcn UI-lll. OHHUU. nettnK and makes a better fence. A full line of Held and Hog Fencing De Kalb, IM. Steel Picket Lawn Fence. Gates, Posts, Rail, etc. Write for full particulars. UMON FENCE CO., reKyrirTrTrTcTTryiryyrcTcy 9 JyiP'yrririrTriririryiiririrTririry-iririririryiririri K&'&feMl'ffl:ffl,: Txn j . -VTV'-V 'iiltt. I .- S ) I v" M W H 'n vl oM " t 6 HON. CEO. P. BEMIS, Omaha's oldest and bost known Rool Ectato doalor and negotiator of loans wrltos: "Havlnrj known of somo romorkablo euros of Omaha pooplo offoctud by thouooof Dr. ICay's Ronovator and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm; I tako ploaouro in commending tho virtues of tho romodlos prepared by tho Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. I bollovo thoso groat romodlos aro worthy ofthoconfldonooof tho public." Dr. Kay's Renovator thoroughly ffl renovates ine system anil cures all stomaeu troubles, coiistlpation, catarrh of stoinueli. indigestion, palpitation of heart, bilious headache, Iwwcl, liver, aud kidney complaints Write our physicians yoursymptoins and they will bend you personal Free Advice, Free Sample ol medi cine aud Free Book oa home treatment of diseases. s Renovator. It cured George W. Hervoy, Editor of Omaha's great weekly World-Herald of a terrible Stomach Trouble of many years stand- Bcl B fck&ly E& sw LM H'iJ lL , lor. m ;t m "ij ry iug after tho three best physicians in the state hud failed. ?H Ho writes. "For vcars I wua trniiUlt'il with Inillircfitlon bo ncvoro ns to mnko It lrn- iJ ...a... . -i m ...-.. . f r possioio to nine inoro man two muais iwiuy wiinout, iniiuisu buiiornu,' 1 grow worso wiin iiirrcn.suii p;iiti mid horuncs.s ovur tuu pit oi my nioikicu turn simrp tains in my rlflit sldo wliloh rupiillv Incrois 1 until I could scarcely tet my breath. A phyHtolun was called nntl hypotlurmtu uijectloiiH of morphine resorted to. I lost twenty-two noil ml h In nlno dav.s nn.l was left wholly unable to take anv nourishment. I wasuottini; r tried three' f tho Lest nhvsiciaiis In the Htatu lilt thov fulled to l'Ivu me relief. HilvIml' uttorly failed to ontain relief, I tinaly made urraniiementa to no to cmcuko to bo treated when I chanced to (ret a snmplo packngo of Dr ICay's Henovator I was Induced to trv Hand beforo It was nil used I hnd so Itimroved that I was tnkuiff thrca meala a dav. which I hud not dono for j ears, H is cisht months sluco 1 commenced uslns Dr. Kays lienovator nnd I ruw havo r.o byraptoms whatever of wy old trouble I recommended it to r.any of my friends for stomach troublo and all havo reported relief." Dr. Kay'o Ronovator, sold by drugclcto for25cts. and .SI.00 or six for S5.00. Tako no substitute they claim Is 'just as good " It liasnocqual We will send any of our remedies by mnil on receipt of prlco, if they don't have It. Dr. Kay's Luns Balm euros all colds, coughs, lunrc and bronchial affections. Sold by druRaisto for IOcontsand25contQ,orscntbymailby DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. Hon. Coo. P. Bomis, Omaha's Most Popular Mayor noarcr nntl nenrer to n flnnl collapse Gtt?ffKS?tt'&or3!?!ftW?cP373t fffifrlrrcTcTrTr ol ofri if rvr? mtj iP m an i 'iZ rtJ 'rtIM ViW oM i$r lj i irj iv i. B'P ?rwi"atrm '. - v, 1