T m JBHbP' i-'- ' JrS?" - 4?SE""-'-A- - ' - -IP- " V rf T T" ' T" "f" '', ' " fT " T1 "V "T ruTif, f f HTnf iffiFjWNavi 4 M MinWWWim.Jl.mMmtJUmHim.l.UH.I IHH IILm.UIUWWBH B .. - ift k. I'7 ' V r.j R-, " i I SBW b . The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. SANDKItS, Publisher. j'j.. -. INltllAY, JANUARY 10, 1000. A California Lottor from H. W. Shubort. Hkmkt, Cal., Jim. 0, lflOO. John D. SliubiTt: I will wrlto you nRnli. lliiii morning to say wo arc all in fair condition. Tlio weather haa been warm, though for tlio last two wookH there haw been more rain than for several yonra In any ono winter. Tho flohlB aro looking fine and green. Some pieces of wheat have been in for some tlmo and covers the ground nice ly, but It wh ho dry and had been for bo many years that peoplo wore not In clined to put in crops till it did rain. Now thoy aro In a great ninh just lota of (Miorse teams at It from daylight till dark and after. Thoy use gangs with seeder and tho plowB cover tho wheal and attached harrows smooth tho ground a littlo. It Is easy to do as It is sand. Thoy put In from 8 to 10 acrea per day. Seed wheat cleaned for sowing is worth $1.35 to 31 KO per cwt. Mains seem over now, clenr and cool er, quite a ool breeze from tho north yesterday afternoon and this morning was froze just a little. The voluuteer potatoes scattered about over tho ground are six or eight inches high and nro quite ttulfty. People have been going around in llivir shirt sleeves, aa fie snying is Lee wih out horseback riding Sunday about ull day without ovon a vst on. Tho weather Is nice but about everything Hsu is very unre liable. Even tlio earth ban been more or leas shaky since our first nluhthore. Since the big shako wo have had (10 to 7.'i lesser shake, from a slight jar to a jam, nearly always preceded by a mur muring to a heavy rumbling. It is scarcely necessary for mo to say ns no doubt you already know, that our nearby towns, San Jacinto and Hemet, were budiy wracked. I hnvo been among tbo ruins several times. Nearly all buildings fell outward. Some flues foil through roofs nd ceilings. Many I-eople had narrow escapes, but no one, except some Indians who lial beau having a dance and indulging in "the waur" and laid down to sleen. were kled. Their Dpbehousi b tumbled in on them and killed llvo or aix.but there seems to be plenty of them left. The merohants gathered up their goods (I use the words "gathered up" advisedly as they were in many cases budly scat tered and mixed up) and moved them Into all Borts of buildings, sued as warchouses.blaoksmlthshops.churchM etc., and are going on with their busi ness while their buildings are being repaired. The outflow of wator from the moun. tains and arleslun wells has greatly Increased since the shaking up and the Increased rainfall are all attributed to it, so It would appear that It was not an unmixed evil. As I am wilting I can lookout over tho greon fields and orchards and bright green pepper and palm trees and see the SanJaclnto mountain covered with snow. It does not look like It wub more than a mllo away but thoy say Ii is fifteen. We have had Several drives around the valloy and visited some old friends, who setmed glud to see us. Last Sunday wo went to Wright's Hot Springs with friends and had biths in that bright wnrm water, had a bountiful dinner and strolled about and enjojed the sunshine. Tho spi lugs have changed hands slnco I was here four years ago and greatly improved, lino buildings and the beat of bathing facilities. I will now take a etroll in the sunshine. I toll you 1 enjoy it. 1 am fooling tlrst rato and having a good lime. 1 have bought a nice driving horse. He weighs lO'JO, very kind and gentlo and a good traveler. Let me hear from you. Very truly, H. W Siiuukkt. Dr W Wlxon, Italy Hill, N Y, auvn: heartily reoommtUKlOiioMlnuteUouL'h I iio It Kave my u-nv iinmciliiiio i lift in mfTociiiiiiK uHihiuu." IMeamin tot.uk; never fall to quickly en: a co iKh.i,ould, thrwat and Iuiii- troublc Ivfcllng. Farm Journal, r yearn (inoo, moi 1802, 1P03 and 100-1), to every riiiliHcril. cr who will pay ono year. In advance to The Advertiser; botli papers for 81, No bettor p.iper than the Farm Jour lial, This offer Is mado to you Uall on ub lor job work. ' Tim weather man says tho prevailing tempernturo is phenomenal, and ovon tho layman who knows nothing what ever about weather science agrees with him. It is remarkable, admittedly so ovon among the imaginative oldest in habitants, for Omaha to experience such mild weather in January. Tills joetlou of country is in latitude sufll clently north to warrant cold weather In midwinter. Thus far (hero lias not been a really cold day, as cold is iiiuhh- tired in this climate. Only a row years ago thero was a big blizzard about this time of year a blizzard that went down into histo.y. Last yoar at tills tlmo the weather wan intensely cold, not only in Omaha and vicinity, but in the south, clear down to tho Gulf of Mexico. Weather men regard It as particularly remarkable that the temperature in the north this jour is about tho eamo ns in tho south, in several instances thojdifforonce be. lug in favor of tho north. Thus far this winter thero has been almost as much cold at Vicktbtirg and Natchez, and even at New Orleans, as thero has been In Omaha. This is a question which weather scientists are trying to solve, All day long thero has been a aiimmcr-llko balmlness in Oma ha, Men who work indoors have tolled alongside of wide-open windows and laborers are on the streets have had no .occasion to use wraps or ghyes. In sorao instances outdoor workmen have discarded their coats. The buds on tho trees appear almost ready to opon their folded leaves, and in general thero is something decidedly springlike about tho whole situation. Omaha Heo, All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented dub bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper The Iowa flomesteud, its Speolal Farmers' Insti tute editions, Tho Poultry Farmer, and Tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour nal. These four publications are the best of their claBS and should be in every farm home. To them we add for local, county and general newB our own paper and maku the price for the llvo for one year $1.35. Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so Bmall an amount of money: The four papers named which we club with our ov- n aro well known throughout the west and commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon mere mention. The Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of tho west. The Poultry Farmer is tbo most practical poultry paper for the farmer published n tho country; The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal la tho apeclnl advo cato of farmers' co-operatlvo associa tions, and tho Special Farmers' Insti tute editions are tho mnst practical publications for the promotion f good farming over published. Take advant age of this groat offor. A Sure Sign of Group. IIoarsonss In a child that la subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the approach of the disease If Chambor laln'ri Cough Remedy is given as soon as tho child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Many mothers who have croupy ehlldron al ways keep thU remedy at hand and tlnd that It saves tliem much trouble and worry. It can always be depend ed upon and Is pleasant to take. For sale by Keeling R'cl Hot from tho Gun Was tho ball that hit 0 II Steadman of Newark, Mich, in tlio civil war. I caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Huok Ihu'h Arnica Salvo uuphI him t'uies cuts, bruiees, burna, boils, folnns.coriis fkln eruptions Best pile cure on oanb U.'.oabox. (Jure guaranteed. Sold by Keeling, druggist. ... m. m , i, i Call in and see us if you want to uibscribs for any paper published in the United States. A Lifo nnd Death Fight. Mr W A I lines of Matiohesici. la. writing of his iilmom iiniaciilniis s cape I'm m dealh.-Kxiuwunt altei me.iH les induced serious lung iroub t which ended in UuiiHi'inptiou. 1 m,i fn-quent lU'in.iiihag.'.s it ml coughed night and lay. Ailinvdoctoii haul l inns' soon die Then I began to mi Dr King's New DiHcnvei-y tor fouauiuptloii, hleh eoinpb'iHv cured in Uonl(l not be without It even it it cost $r.ul i l)Otilc. 1 1 ii ml reds have used it on m eeomiKcndniiun unil ail .say it fails to cm riiro-it, t'hesl and Mnuhle " llegul.ir size an., mill Trial bottles- fieo at .Keeling' Stotu. tevei I.UHf .?! on Dniu How la It Done ? The remarkable suc cess attending the work of Prof. TJieo Kha'as, of Nebraska City, has caused the thinking class ol people 10 as ffZ&Jb F JV "Mow is u uunci .i mhSmmmmcthod u casily c "Hoiv is it doner 1 He ex- who will lay aside old prejudiced notions long enough to send for literature explaining it The Kharas Atethod of Alagnetlc Healing, appcats mnst to educated, thinking peo ple. The ignorant and superstitious arc afraid to investigate any new science. Prof. Kharas cures all curable and many so-called incurable diseases without the use of drugs or surgery. He also possess es the wonderful ability to cure certain diseases at any distance, without ever seeing the patient. This is what he calls the "Absent Method." Many almost miraculous cures have been made, and by writing you can get a long list of testi monials and sworn statements by promi nent people who hav been restored to health by this means.1 Recorder of deed Chas. C. Brandt, Nebraska City, had lost entire use ol right hand and arm by paralysis; othor methods failed and he ( ..m.l.l'nt wnrlr Vm(. rvhaxn treated him and he went t work in four days, and in J six days he was entirely cured. Mr. Jas McCain of Council Bluffy la. had lost the use of both lower limbs; in three days he could walk, and cured in less than two weeks. Editor Brown of the Nebraska City Daily and Weekly Press 3ays; "He (Kharas) undoubtedly does a great deal of cood, and personally cannot thank him ' I enough; mv rheumatism is all gone, and my eye. where burned, does not trouble me any more'fJMrs. IN. lirusha. a prominent Nebraska City lady was cured of nrvous prostration of ten years stand ing when other doctors said she could never be even helped. Miss May Dim can, Nebraska City, could not turn in bed so badly was she afflicted with infhupn lory rheumatism for soveml weeks. Three treatments by Miss Worman (Ma tron ortlic Neoraskt Magnetic Infirmary) cured her entirely. Mr. F. L. Kelscy. foreman of the Daily Press cured of ner vous headache of 1 1 years standing by one treatment by Prof. Kharas. Friends and relatives of Mrs. A. fcnquest of Ne braska City, said she could not live an hour; in 1 5 minutes she was relieved ol pain, and in two days was able to be at work; neuralgia of the stomach was her trouble; she has since Ijeen successfully treated for cancer of the breast by Prof. Kharas. The Nebraska School of Magnetls ? at and the Nebraska Magnetic tyfirmar are at Nebraska City. Branch Infirmaries are being located all over Nebraska and Iowa. Help Wanted Several honest, conscientious men and women to work in thes institutions at splendid salaries. Write for information. Its free. Prof. Theo Kharas. Supt. xtvMiss Emma Worman, Matron Nebraska City, Neb. Branch office at Peru, Neb, Mr. and Mrs. Gillet, Managers The St. Louis Globe-Democrat is unquestionably ono of tlio greatest of American Newspapers. It ban corres pondents everywhere and covers every field of News, foroign and domestic. It is atrictly republican in politics, but is abovo all, a Newspaper, and ought to-be in every homo during the im portant presidential camprign of 1000. Tho price my mail, Daily, including Sunday, in Six Dollars per year. Daily without Sunday, four dollars per year. Sunday only, two dollurn per year. Weekly issued In semi-weekley sec tions, ono dollar per year Tho latter edition is a big nemi-weekly paper, aN most w mil to l he avirape daily at the prico of the average weekley It not inly gives all the new, but also a itreat variety of interesting and in structive rending matter for every member of the family Write for free sample copies to tho Globe I-Minting Co,S Louis Mo. YEARS' EXPERIENCE" Trade rVlAnKo Designs CopvrtiQHTs tc. Anonn dmirtlni; t sketch mid iJcacrlptlon niny nuloklr aspcrlnln our oirinloii fno wlicthcr no liivunllnti in prohnlilyimtcniAWo. Coinniunlrn. llnnHtrlctlrcouUdoiittHl. Ilnmlbookun 1'fttenta stMit froo. UMcst nfroiioy lor kocurlut; patent?. Put mil tulcoi) ttiroupli Jlunu Co. receive tptnai nonce, wiinouteiinrre, miuo Sciesstific jBtBcrEeatr. A hnndtornnly Uliiatrntrrl irnoulr. I.nrurst rlr ciilullnn (if any itrlentlila J)iirnr.l. Ten ., $J a fur; niur iiiuiuub, u doiu dtiiii iiewBinwiern. fnOOlBroadhRWYnrk Branch onioo. ea V BU Wosliluutoiu 1). C. yjAmMmMd BO YEARS' la JaHBQEXPEmENCE' 1 Is'iHalr "pr W.W. SAWDERS, Moiarv : - ; Public . NKMAIIA, NB'nttASKA. fiy We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building In the world. We have UJS"I vU 1 over 3,090,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks aro constantly Titl 1 V ' engaged filling out-of-town orders. PolIP IjJI OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people It quotes Vjp5 Wj Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations, and yJ J i 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mail j$j I ruJ each copy. We want you to hnve one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show r3MJ k iV your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. I X. W fMONTGOMERY WARD & C0.Mlch,flanAc" rFmrJ yy 'frfT 3V -L rl Mi r , JBjbtw - 'T ' r3Wr J-r-m Tm7f vdr Jflsa-a-iBt -tamalBl WhL L EVERYTHING IN MUSIO fflnBEoffiHHaoiiiseaatiisoaoaoHeaoQtiEiaeGvDCsnoa "111 i . a EKLY INT H LaRGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY J It is radically Republican, advocating H the cardinal doctrines ol that party with ability and earncslnessi,wJ.JiJ' 4 THE WEEKLY INTER m n THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. o u The Literature of Us columns Is equal to that of tho best maga zlnci. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents SE u THE INTER OCEAN fs a ard while it b.wgs o THE WORLD ;.nd wves discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. on ti.nn-PRinp mir nni i B TTTTf TIATTV A TUT OlTWTV IHTEK OCKAW ARE 1 1 I "'"""' ."" . """.'. ' ..j K CJ. I' b EI o RJ 1 Frlooof Daily by mail O 9 j wiiu ouiiiiiiy ujr mnu yu.uw inr yonr q 11 j aBOHeHecaflP!i3CaBCvEtKOraoni2irc n M . . i . . . .uuu.iilMIIV F limilt.M SEND OME DOLLAR W&tdA&u-vR you Wr frelL-nt O. o.D.oublocttooxnmlnBtlou.Toun -A'Sft.'K-. " ' tt-PR TOP. BUCCY to KT! KU BB5 Oil HI A It D OV. (II IR CDPPI&I nCKD the r railroad airent VW bpECIAL OFFER pay the railroad agent SI6.50 TO S90.00 BUGGIES AND SURREYS. on our uwiur Mine . , ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) bodies are ntrKoblJ aad ti.B.tcrlil and LUMrloPtlutloir EQUAL TO A!fT tl JS2-S2 W"WMP.tfectljJM S5S.OO BARELY mVFfIR fiQST of mteriil .ml lihnr. Ivin,. ..?, . il. "J"""'1 '". but wa aro building 70bUBKles r. . i. ,-- . - -- l.poriU)TKACil. Weknaw70.(JOdally uroflton 70buitifle will wtlsfv ui. aiii. rti.Lu .?I" '. K" ,n and build up tho r,AItOH8T BUOOY UUBINES3 3QY BUBIKEB8 SEWDOME DOLLAR w.in yuar frftshtehirri. nthrrsluo anil C ttth , LTltli Aumt vuttN'vuBuimm imiTDW or wliie tract, c oth or leather trimmed, end snrino- i. . leather 'juartcr toil, jolld panel back, aprlnminback. iMthfr tolfrd Ho-, and .N.u, llubW '5? TCP,?,"" body, SliJllnche. So. lSanren's patent crewI rim wheels r1ntd In 10 ro.it, body blnclt, iriuri lark L'r.'..n urn, ery delicate modest triplnp, comploto with ihafts. side and back curtain., boot aturin npinn am ami ,,).! and ihafta. I'tle. hkyoke ami MMn.lrIn pl.f. of .h.fu, 81. J5 e.tr. Ill Mir nMUIIH "iK OI'N"am .l t ,C ? will ".. for Sl)0 mil.., IS.OOi 100 mil.., .75 400 mil.., tt.iix DUO ull... 3.BU 1,1100 ml," 1 II IWMTBUYACIIKAP FACTORY 11DODY now d a iwwt t- ip.t ly hr all Mnrh wrv il. .7. 0i'Vln,,;i.,nO8uX.TE BEST BUCtJY MONEY CAH EUIL.D rtfroct n-Sm the w u LOVKRT TRICK KVKIl KNOWN. UHUKr.TU llAY. l)ONT IJKLAY. nlnr .r "-. "i". .v .. .. . .... .. .,..,.,. ... ... -. i c.iivu.r will! HB Will rC'Elll II IixikI i.i WHITE FOR OUnFP.GE BUCQY, CARRIACE AND HARNESS CATAUOCU'. tdd. S EA R S, O E B U C K & C O. 'In c), CHICAGO, ILL. i wr. riay s Lum EBaSm 1 A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHMENT ' IMTATIrXe SHUNBED INSTRUMENTS has been added to th well known IIospo TEUSi S25 CASH, $20 MONTHLY. With Stool nnd Scarf. MADE IN OAK, WALNUT and MAHOGANY Write For Particulars. aaaaBBHHBBaiaaa THE snis h .ml n o M O CQ60EOQ(!!) POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTS tCBut it can alTW.IVs fv rrUeA nn for fair and honest reports of all po- litical movcnv-nts,tke,;Su,ti)w.u'.l o OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL -,, wis rem o a a o m cs 1.1 o tfil o O 7ESTZRN 'NEWSPAPER, the. family THE NEWS OF its readers the best and ablest ar der vsah-Sc nn nB0 UTitTTAWU lV TXSV Pi 5 f f? er Ocean DEST OF TflEIK KU(D. " "Si i ii i r. fji-l.00 par ytnr ' Z ' --'- m lAur tmm. mm J .! II HI .f-'441 norfm; I....' ;V.iL",lLr.l',JK,??JiePt aml " " '"! U boinr .S J&T" w""i lum.llH IHU It lU PRICE $55.00 'relcht charjfCB, less the .. "" "om oni wita order. . i BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO honor from the best material monw ,in h,,."11?' Free Buri Li.5.V? m"terlal money can buy. While lu STc5?BI??uioi,i2w' Butrclos made by uiKcn buirpv th.i r,S".,..?H"o.4'''8 " ct (IA.U0 to vr0ndH5,lASW.??yN AT S33.0P la tl 00 to MU.00. . - " ... K.I f S.llll 1 THa n,afr JAN UK CAS lift KLSKHHKIlk nd tn HAK. urn CIST011EI18 SIASlKACTlllKirB 1-KOriT Evory Bugey We Moko la Guaranteed 5rVd,nYoOry0rodryThsVr," Ut wX?F, co.t'lL.rt'tfSM amobx DOU11I.E the price moit V; w. CW,,' nv Y5t Tiff'nKr o..? ." f"11 ,tart""" OUR ARMF nMBBM '. J. V.V.. .l1"!1"1 "'''I'l buitty. We mm a 13.40 Cu.h Ion cloth. .oiSi 2 9C cent) we uiea II .iOheail lining ioine uie 0?ent? vro ue 2 tf nt leather, borne u 9 cent i weule rolor'andrnrnlahea. KiiniAi,..-.-. iJT...?A,.i! VII.AlllEI.III U7W RS COST of material and labor. leaTlnirna tnemul nt pront 7.mi.m.2 IN THK WOIILD. " ' " """uer IN THK WOULD iinicr, ni, iHiiu.iu.r, w.e uuvtj to llp.ch Vun bnWr an.l ii Dituiuiuciory, iiy mo (aurcmn auent balance, f,1.(ni .,,,1 7 V T r- P H m Jm-