mm NMINMMMNNppMMM'tWM m""tttllH&"ifKM$RfrKKr f HpipfKnpRwipi in mini; miWJJJi fPJJpppw HiH- UiJmi iSwuinm'v Hf &; r IS.' rags iSH Minis WHlMt All IISff AILS. ftt ltt oinrli Hjrtii. 'lnn Uoixl. Dm Vrl imiiiii' fcolil hrilmvuHM. MmMjJssim Y)lt VT. W, KHL'LINU, Ni:maii. City, N'ihuiaka, Ollloo nt Urn (hug store. W. W. SANDERS. Notary : - : Public Nomaha City, b PLASTERER Ariiiii mill AitHlti work n upreliilt.t . ('In. (tiih i mi I It. J'lipitr IIiiiikIiik, KiiImimiIiiIiik h'lil 'lliwiihlil,ii ilotio, l.i)U piljos, Al lOlIC W'lUTllllt'Hl. I Korkcr & Hoover, nmilor In TS lll'jIifHt prices md for titiluN, Intd, tmluw K wno, 'lc VI?M IT f'lTy, VFIIU l-CA J. II. SELL) Itioudur of Thoroufilibrocl Poland China II O G S . NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA TIIOS. W. Ill ATT, proprietor or ilio Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in Oonnootiou with Livory (iooil rlK anil prompt imrvleu, Kimrnntmiil. SiUlHfiiotlnn iiwii-in NOTICE FOR HEARING CLAIMS. In tliu'uouiiiy court ol Niuiiulni ouiiiit,;, Nob. In lliu iiiiiilur of tliu rnliito of Stopliuu Ull hurt, dtiooiiHod. Hollcu U hurrtiy ulvmi Unit tint court liu iiimloiiu oritur IIiiiIiIiik tliu llino lor urodltoiH to lllO UlltllllN IIKIVlllHl Nlllll lU'CimNL'll lo Mix iuoiiMih from tliu lit tiny of 1) euniliur, is'Cl, anil Hint 1'obiimry In! Iihio. Apnl lut, iixio, mid Juno lit, l'HHl. at ID o'oioclc it. in. oi oiioli iluy. ul Hut ollli'o of tlio 0 unit .IiiiI(o of Nc iiiulmoutititv, NoIiiiihIcii, In Auburn, Nolans kn, Iiiih I''eu It ml Ity tliucoiiit oh inn lliuos inn) plncit wlion mill whom nil pors'ius who luivu ol.ilins mill (IouiiuiiIh muuIiihi suld tin ccuwihI cun li vo I tin h tmo t xmnliioil, mlJiiNt iil mill allowed, mid nil claims not proNuntoil liytlioliiNt moiit loutMl iliito will bo lorovur tun led, liv mi onlorof tint court. DtUilN ivomhiii ipii imvi II. A. I,AMllKltr, County .IiiiIko. You never know what form of blood poisoning will follow constipation. Keep tlie liver clean by uaitig DoWitt'n lilttlo Einly llisots and you will avoid trouble They are famous little pills for constipation and liver anil bowel troubles. Keelin. L grippe, with Us after effects, an nually destroys thousands ot people. It may be quickly umutl by OneMinute Cough Cure, the only iotnedy that pto dticos itnmediute results in coughs , colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throut and hum troubles. It will prevent csiiaumption. Keeling Thouaanda Have Sidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Itow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a - , ,. scaimcm or sot- iiiii uiuicaica nn I unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if tt stains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back li also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kllmer'3 Swamp Root, the great kidney romedy fulfills every wish tn curing rheumatism, pain tn the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp. Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the mo3t distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should havo the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery ana a book that lei saonvK-travL'i'' more about it, both sent RlrSHCfflfJ.'ilr absolutely free bymall.SSlltesna address Dr. Kilmer & Homo of hwwnjviioot. Co., Binglumton, N. Y. When writing men lion reading this generous offor In this paper. (?-! a:iii l irj vv W A WMKii wWuXV U liNi v 13 Th3 Nebraska Advertiser IT. U". N.1JmnKttN l9uhtiih$r UIISOIMI'TION, 81.01) IM2II YKAIl WS "i VIII DAY, DEO. 8. 1811!) The Thanksgiving illustrated edition of tliu Omaha Bee was a fine ono. The illustrations were superb. To Onro La Giippo in Two Days Tn K e Laxative- Binmo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tin' money if It fiiilH to cure E W Grove's signature on every box 2o Htiv. Jsmos Mm k D.irby begun ii lntt noted meeting nt Bethel Monday nli!lil. Teero will bo no preaching at the MothodlHt church In Nemaha Sun diiy night, but i ml cud tlio Epworth League will hold theit devotional .ser vice, beginning at 7 o'clock, to which everybody in Invited. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Dresslor start ed for Wing, Illinois, Tuesday, to at tend a wedding und visit lolutives and friends. Mrs Dressier. 's neleo wmh to be married Wednesday at noon, Mr, Di easier will return iiomu in a few days but bin wito expects to visit for two or tlueo weeks longer. II. F. Shafer and famllv moved lo .Sooth Auburn last week. Stella neo pie will bn sorry to losoMr. and Mrs. dilator fiotu our neighbor hood but hope thai prnspeiity will follow them to their new home and heartily recom mend them to the citizens ot South Auburn. Stella PieaB. Tha school at Hillsdale cave a public entertainment Wednesday night of last week, consisting of songs, tecitations, dialogues, etc. "TheSnlgglos Tamil" .vuh esjiecinlly well rendered. A good time was enjoyed by al). Tim house was crowded but the best of order wus maintained. Mias Ethel I'nris is the teacher and is giving excellent satis faction. Shu is a good teacher. Onb Who Was Tiikuk. Lee Shubort, wno has been attending school ut Auburn, has been forced lo quit on account of poor health. The physicians nay ho has serious lung trouble. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shubort aro making arrangements to take Leo to southern California in hope that tlie mild olimate will euro him. They ex pect to leave in about two weeks We trust their hopes will be realized and that Lee will soon bo rcstoied to his former good health. A swindling scheme has been worked in this section recently and has caught a number of our best fanners. An agent for a patent fence making urn chine goes to a fanner and persuades him to tako the agency for tho ma chine aud agrees to ship him as many machines as tlie farmor thinks he can sell on his signing an agreement to act as agent and to take the machircs. Tlio agreement turns up as a note Tlie machines are sent, though, so a number of our farmers have fence building machines for sale Dr. B. Bell Andrews and wlfo res turned last Thuisday evening fiom nu extended trip to the Gulf of Mexico, v. siting Gulve-iton and Houston, Texas, aud other minor points in that stlite Thoy were in Oklahoma ten days, vis ItlngBeveial towns. They were more than pleased with tlie prospects of Ok lahoma City, und will in tho near tiis turo muke It their home. The doctoi is offered hospital facilities that he is delighted with and we suppose he will take advatitngo of the inducements of fered. Stella Press. A Sure Sign of Group- Hoarseness in a child that is subject tocioup is a sure indication of tlie appioach of tho disease. If Chumboi lain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as tlio child becomes hoarse, or even after tlio croupy cough has appealed, it will prevent tlie attack. Man) mothers who have croupy dilldien al ways keep this lemedy at hand and lind that it saves them much trouble and woiry It can always lie depend ed upon and li pleasant to tako. For sale by M. II. Taylor. Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Cobs for sale. Call at tho teed store. Tako tho wagouetto when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John MoElhuuoy, pronriutor. 'f'liiough the columns of The Advo J User, Wliosu genial editcr has alwaj'K. made it plcdHunt and accommodating, the Hev E. S. Murphy and wife desire f lo convey their appreciation and grat itude for tlie thoughtful and generous net of last Saturday's surpiisu. Thoie nre mittiy subituutial tokens indicative of a linn bollet on the part of the good people of Nemaha that a clergyman is not expected to grow so ethereal as to be able to subsist upon pure air aud water. Tlioy not only recognV.o the fact that Nebraska's c'imate it bo ap petizing as to call for an abundance of tliu good things of life, but most genet ously aud unstinted y supplied tlie same in a wonderful variety and quantity. But this was not nil nor by any means the best part of the social gatli erlng of tlio ovening. What mostly impressed us, and left tlio memory most lo bo chciished, and for which we aro incomparably thankful, was tliu spirit of mi universal friendship, and the delicate maimer in which the to keuB of esteem were presented. We thought wo peiceivfcd tlio goodly fel lowship ot the saints to whom the faitli had beau delivered by Him wliobe proper name is Love. This feature of that pleasant gather ing shall always be tieudiircd, and res garded as ono of the sweet memoiies that, like tlie oasis in tliu desert, now auk then greet the missionary. May tlio opportunity of lining able to give oyer prove more blessed to thorn than iO lecolve. E. S. M, vii unr nirmer reaueis huouiu iuko advantage of tho unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper Tlie Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmem Insti tute editions, The Poultry Farmer, and The Faimeiu' Mutual insurance Jour nal. These four publications are tlie best of their class and Bhould bo in every farm home. To them wo add for local, county and general news our own paper and inako the price for the live for ono year $1.35. Never before wus so much superior reading matter offuwd for so small an amount ot money. Tho four papers named which we club with our ov n aro well known throughout tho west and commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon mere mention. Tlio Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of tlie west. The Poultry Farmer is tlie most practical poultry paper for the farmer published All r. i i. ... in uio country; rue i-armeis- Mutual Insurance Journal is tlio special advo- cite of farmeis' co-operative associa tions, and tlio Special Farmeis' Insti tute editions are tho moat practical publications for tlin promotion of good fanning ever published. Tako ml van t age of this great offer. 1 had dyspepsia fifty seven years anp never found permanent relief til) I used Kodol Dyspepai.i duo. Now I am well and feel like a now man," writes S J Fleming, Murray, Nub. It is tho best digestant known. Cures all foi iih of indigestion. Pl-.VHlclans uveiy where prescribe it. Keeling Before making arraneemonts for our join's supply of leading matter call and get oui clubbing iiites. The following am sumo of our combinas nations: The Adveitiser onu year and tlio Farm Journal live years for Si The Adveitiser and St Louis Globe Democmt both ono year for Si (50 Tlio Advertiser and tho Chicago In ter Ocean for SI -to Tlie Advertiser and either the Toledo Blade or the Now York Tribune for ?t:i: Tho Advertiser and the Household, a homo monthly, for 81 515 Tho Ad voi User aud the Iowa Home stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance Journal for $1.5)5 Tlio Farm Journal will bo sent tlvo yeais with any of tho above comblna- tions. These prices aro for cash in ndvanco only, Working Niglit and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr King's New Life Pills. Every pill is uBiigui coated globule of health tliatehiuigps weakness into ptiength, listlesHtiess into energv, hr.iin-fug into mental power. They're woudi'itul in building up tho health. Only 2."ic per box. Sold by Keeling. Old pupers for sale at this office. IVANMKD-SKVKKAl. I'KUSON KOIt HIS- till t Oltlii'M nru 'n In tills t(l'' lo lue lotint Hi" )u tin 1 r nnil "UintilKlInu eo'iutlrs. Wtlilnx tn ,vir'j 8 rt".p Mill uri'itly. liesiiiiiilii am iA mom uUh iitum. Mill oppoiiUnltle It'-fi'rt'iietw i .- luulut (I. l ii'lnse ilf'wl(l'Pni a sii1iup'il i'iiv'i'I ip, s, a. i'inu,;;:ocu.un isuiuiiiK,uiiiciso, o3F &? j3EIJGKIS2&03EW SOU I'll AUBUHNT, l)aler Hardware, Furniture. .-nt " LiuiCTiaKiiig; 4 !rllBl4 Fi,,csL Uonn, ,n lhc cou"tv' r, -ST VT3 t W ' vLVJ y V& ' "J ine of ViukTtakci b' 'L '-vIs r M.f''jr- uiiiMPH.U,HieiJii. HOnBBBISBOEOEaEKnHKCH8BOI8EIHO0lllHOij: h it m m 9 M .THE ll 2 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF A11Y It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earncstncssJtt ill m U1D o wrvfii v in mtuiiEHn s vs THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THENEWSANDBESTOURREHTLSTEnATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. m m The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of tho best maga zine). It Is Interesting to the chil dren is. well as the parents g M rj n m m THE INTER OCEAN (s a WESTERIVJ NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD ,uid gives its reader? the best and ablest discussions o? all questions of the day. It is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and H DO !" mmi. ........ wwt.w.w... li $I.OO-PaiCE GMJh DOLLAR PER Yt&R-$1.60 gf TITE DAILY AH? SUTTOAY VHTER QCXA3 ARE BEST Prloeori)iiilvby mnll I'rlooof Htmilny by miill.... Dully mid Siinilny by mnll .... Keaansinawt3a)'2Ofi:c8a0EQoJioa3i3caoce'5ocstiosnE5 For Onli Wo will send The Advertiser one year and ,Un T?nnm T,.,nl 4- uilt A ill 111 iiuuiuat iu Call and see us for low combination rates on the Iowa Homestead, Chicago Inter Ocean, Globe Democrat and other papers. Tho Way to go to California is in a tounst sleeper, peisonally eon ducted. via the Burlington Uoute. Yon don't change cars. You make fast time You see tho finest scenery on tlie globe. Your car is not so expensively fui niHhed as a palace sleeper but u is just us clean, iust as comfortable, j st as good to ride in ithd nearly 820 cheap er It has wide vestibules: Pnn&ch gas biuli luck seats; a unifoimeil 1'uii mau porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a heating range. Being strongly and heavih rides smoothly, it is warm in winter and ool In summer. In chin ue of each excursion party is an exiiotienced excursion COtldllOtor who accompanies It right, through to Los Angeles Cars leave Omaha, St.JoRoph.Llneoin and Hastints every Thursday. arriving San Francisco following Sunday. Los Angeles Monday. Only thiee das from the Missouri river to tlie P.icilW Coast, innlndlng a stopover of 1 li hours at Denver anil a1 bonis at Salt L-ike City two of tlio niost interealinu cities on 'he continent. For fohbir giving full information rail At any Burlington Uoute ticket of n. ,a ... vr'in r. .1 Frii c'. Gen'l 1'iiu songer Agent, Omaha. Neb, 22127 ,1 D Biubjes. editor Lam caster. N II, says: One Mlnn'o Cough due Is tlie best retnedv fir croup I f-ver tised." Jinme-'iatfilv lelieies nnil cures cough, oolds, eronp,, iisthmn, imeumoniii, hmncliitK gupuo and all thni'i und lnne- "",,en. it JlU'ViMilS consumption, Kfullna NEBRASKA, in Coffins and Caskets Undertakim and Embalming; U spooning Gocilu 0BBOUa POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTS V3 wttBut It can always be relied ong for fair and honest reports of all po- q litical movem'ntslJktwsK g k o 3 O PI o hi O 13 ES a ta cs a DJ 9 H (8 CB (9 .. .. -. j-- EPITIOTiS OF THE & OF TffSIB KKID. " 94.00 pir ynr a 00 pur ji'iir IjsO.OO vr oar i Ti,,,...w lef IQiir ii.ii.iai j xou5 i jw. Mam . 8 r a . i u n i? R . a K I n W M B si o PI a ullh n a Un 1 w R h I a 15 " o 1 THE SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. 1 THE LEDGER MONTHLY A $1.22 MAGAZINE FOR 50 CENTS. A richly illustrated end beautiful perit odical, covering tho whole field of popular reading. Tni: Z.K11RCR IlIOMTHIiY Is tlio marvel of tlio ngo for boanty and low pilco. Wilh lis Ai'tinltc l.ltlioamphlo Colored Covers, fruprrb l'lrtnrlnl lllilHtrntlnna. Starlnl nnil Alinr IU,.il..a by Lcndliiit Writers of tlio World, and Special Ilciuirtmeutu of llocoratlro Art, Kmbrotdrry, Homo Kmplojruient for Women, nnd, ill fact, every nepiirtineiit of homo luipidvoment vrliloU odds to tliu economy and charm of homo llfu, bq It Indoors or outdoors, tho l.l'.DGMl JIO.NTHIiY Is lioyond qiipulloii, mid, according to COMMENTS OF THE PEESS OF THE WHOLE UNITED STATES, the mogt woiiiiurful iirodnrtlon for Us price, Bluiply tpBco a copy of the J,i:jr;i:ic .iionth i,y to to bo firmly convlncod that no ina-ii oonlly rorlodlonl him oorliron uifored lo tlio puulln foi po llttlo money, Your samplo copy will prop this to yon, Your roHtTtmster m1H how you n. inmiiln ropy ofthe I,KUOEiniQNT:iLY and nlno tnl.o your Mitiicrlptloii forilio I.KI)(;i'.l aiQNTllLV fur n Mliolo year I'nr only ,(! CHNT8, Don't fall to nl your rpatmnstor to let yon look nt a Biimplo ropy, nml you will hg sure lo pivo httu your f0 ciinta for a ycni'n BtiliBtuiiiilori to tho l,UIH2i:it MuvmitY, tho Greut Tumily - MURIUIUB, . ' EOBERT BONNEE'S SOHS,'Publish"rs, 100 Looker Builtlincf, Now York City. r 4 ! Jl ,Y ,r V Htmgmm