The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 01, 1899, Image 1

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.Local News
Flue weather.
fee Hill & Keeling for Are itiaunt CO
George iSwopo
Kittell form.
litis moved oti tho
John Kinnoy moved
tu Br'ownvlllo
N. H. Cutlln
wiu down from Peru
The schools took u
day mid Filduy.
vacutiou Thura-
Harry Nieholls retuiued to ifawueo
(Jny lust Saturday.
He v. J. M. Dui by
the 111 bt of tho week.
vialted Beutrico
Mrs. D. A. Morton and Misa. Dora
visited Auburn riuturduy.
Go to Keeling' 3 drug aioro for school
supplies, tablets, crayons, etc.
Blank deeds, chattel
jnsea, etc., for salo at this ollleo.
Mrs It. J. Dull went to Brownvillo
l.tal autuiday, returning Monday.
Edwatds & Bradford received an
other cur load of lumber Tuesday.
Hill & Keeling write both farm and
city luauraueo and will save you money
A. W. Harper shipped a car of c.ittle
in m Kausua City to Nemaha Wednes
day. Miss Eleanor Galbralth came in from
Julmton Monday, returning Wednes
day. Miss Helen Hoover went to Lincoln
last Saturday to visit her uisters and
The Advertiser und the St. Louis
Globo Democrat both one year for
only 81.00.
Judgo Hroady, of Lincoln, was in
town Sunday, going to Auburn Monday
Mrs. Alice A Mlnick, of Brownvillo,
was the gueat of Mrs. Wm. U. Hoover
last Friday.
Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and
shorts 00 cents per 100; ut Hoover's
grocery &tore.
e can give you reduced rates on
almost any paper published in the
United ritaces.
Hen iJHrkor, tho singer nowing ma
chine ageni of Auburn, was iu town
S tdneaduy and sold two machines. 1. ucvorss wut to While
Cloud, Kansas, last aatuiduy and after
viaiung theie a tow duyB went to Fori'
est City, Mo.
Call in and aee us if you want to
Bubacrib loi any paper published in
the United Slates.
County Commissioner Louis Bastian
wus in town Tuesday night and
Wednesday morning.
The Keeling drug store has just re
ceived a new stock of jewelry nnd
watches. Low pi ices.
Mr. and Mis. Wm. Moore, of Stella,
visited Seymour Howe und family lust
Saturday night and Sunday.
John Flack und Uairy Hoover claim
they can cure blackleg in calves, Tney
will guarantee a cute or no pay.
The members of the Episcopal church
uud friends will give u pound party at
the Mlnick hall Saturday night of this
week .
John Flack says they celebrated two
birthdays ut his hodse Thursday. His
grandson was one year old aud his bull
dog was two years old.
Col. Dalby and O. lt.Itoss, editor of
the Shubert Citizen, drove up from
Shubert Tuesday. They gave The Ad
vertiser a social call.
We have moved again
And The Advertiser Oliico euu now be
found on tho corner north of the drug
store. Call nnd aee us.
Most of the farmers lniyo their corn
Try N. it. Anderson's own brand ef
flour. Every tack warranted.
The dime social nt the residence of
Seymour Howo lust Saturday night
was a great success. There wm a
lurge crowd. Over eighty suppers
wero served.
Wo will send The Advertiser for one
year and the Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1001, for only $1, if paid in ad
vanco. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
We have a large stock of fall and
winter goods which we are selling at
right prices. Call and see us.
Rose Gilbert,
Special Administratrix S.Gilbert estate
We aro putting in a now lumber
yard in your town on the comer south
of AndeEBtn's brick store. We have
already on bund two cars of lumber.
Come in and get acquainted with us.
Wo will treat you right.
Edwards & Bradford Lint. Co.,
Nomuhi, Neb.
A Oard of Thanks.
We wish to extend our thanks to thfl
friends and neighbors wiio so kindly
assisted us in the sickness and death
of our dour wife and mother.
3. GoNcnvjcrt,
cora gonoav'ek,
Harry Gonoweu
Tho lumber yard changed its location
Wednesday. Two lots south of Sam
Anderson's store wero bought of Mrs.
Wm. II. Hoover and the stock of lum
ber is being moved there. The change
was made on account of part of the
former location being on such low
ground and liable to be Hooded when a
hard rain came.
J. E. Conley, tho Brownvillo jeweler,
will make; regular trips to Nemaha
Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each
week, prepared 'to do all kinds of flue
watch, clock and jewelry repairing.
Nothing but lirat class work will be
done. All work win ranted. He also
cairiesaiino Hue of jewelry. Leave
work or orders at the Park hotel.
Win. Moore wus looking ho Iiu py
Thuiaday morning i hat we naked him
what especial reason lie bad (or bell g
so thanhful. He smiled expansively.
as he replied: "It's a boy I" After wo
had lO'igrululnted him he added, with
a still more expansive smile: "And a
girll" No wonder Billy is feeling llko
celebrating Thanksgiving in good style
this year.
J. V. Wambold & Co., of Peru,
have recently added considerably to
their stock of lumber and now have us
good and complete a stock as there is
in the county. They carry coal, lime
and all kinds of building material.
Also wagons, buggio9, road wagons,
etc. Their prices uie low us the low
est. Give tl.em a call when in need of
anything in ttieir line.
I offer at private sale
1 brown horse, 7 years, 1100 lbs, 00.
1 black mare, 8 years, 1300 lbs, 870.
1 yearling heifer, line, 25.
Also farm implements, practically
new; in good repair:
1 Mollne 3 wheel stirring plow at f 25.
1 two section Hock Island harrow, 88.
lllocklslaud lister & drill combined820
1 Badger cultivator, $20.
1 Canton riding cultivator, S20.
1 set discs for either cultivator 0.
1 Whitolej mower, two sickles, S15.
1 set farm harness $17.
1 small Antique refrigerator $7.
Cull at farm two miles northwest of
Nomaha and inspect property.
Mr and Mrs Joe Clark are rejoicing
over the birth of a daughter on Thanks
0. M. Healy, of Bedford, Iowa, will
Bell In Palls City Dec. Oth J5 Poland
China nogs and 10 short horn bulls.
Wrlto liitn for ft catalogue.
Goo. Kittell loaded his goods o the
M. P. train nt Auburn Thursday of
last week and started for Oklahoma.
Wo predict ho will soeu be sighing for
old Nmaha.
Dr. Henry, of Omaha, was called to
Nemaha Tuesday night to consult with
Dr. Keeling on the case of Mrs. it. L.
Keister, who is lying very low with
blood poisoning, Very littlo hope was
given of her lecovery,
Mrs. E. A. Mlnlck and Miss Lillian
Mlnick went to Johnson Thursday to
eat their Thanksgiving dinner. Miss
Lillian came home tho same afternoon
but Mrs. Mlnick will visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Kay Scofield, several days.
W. It. Jones and family started for
Iown Wednesday to spend Thanksgiv
ing with relatives. When they get to
Brownvillo they met Jacob K. Jenee
and wife, with whom they had intend
ed to spend Thanksgiving, und came
back with them. J. K. Jeues will
stay here this winter,
J. P, Hoover has been suffering for
some time with n sore hand. When
Dr. Heniy, of Omaha, was bore on
Wednesday Mr. Hoover bud him exam
ine the hand and the doctor said it wus
cancer und advised him to have tho
hand amputated. Johns has our eyrn
putby. It is a great ullliction to lose
a good right hand.
Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTublets.
All IdruggiBta refund tho-money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's signature
on evety box. 25c
The Bennett mill is now ready to
do grist work nt any timo nnd will
guuruntee good Hour if tho wheat is
good. They will grind at any timo.
They are giving 33 pounds for old
wheat und all thnt now wheat is worth
giving more than any other mill in
the county. Piorapt service and satis
nction guaranteed.
Ben Parker, the Singer sewing nin;
chine man at Aubutn, has engaged tho
services of C W. Norton, un expert
tunchiuest, und is prepared to clean
and repair sewing machines of ull
kinds. If you huvo a machine you
want cleaned or repaired writo to Mr.
Patker or send him the machine. Sec
ond hand machines for sale.
Hose Gilbert Las been
special administrator of the estate of
S. Gilbert, deceased, nnd is authoriz-
od to collect all indebtedness. The
business will be continued as UBunl.
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may bo ussured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
und druggist's sundries always kopt in
stock. Also latest patterns In
A go stook of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you wnnt anything in our line call
und see us, Prices guaranteed right.
Fresh Oyster Supper.
Tho Mothodist Sunday school will
giro a fresh oyster supper al tho Mln
ick hall Saturday night of noxt week
Decembor Oth. A lunch of cake, pie
and coffee Will bo furnished thoso who
do not wout oysters. Supper can bo
had nt any time after 6:30 Proceeds
to npply on postor'a salary. Every
body 1b invited,
On Friday of next week, beginning
at 10 o'clock n! tn., D. Plasters will
have a publio sale of horses, cnttl,
hogs, farm implements, furniture, etc.,
at his farm half way between Nemaha
nnd Brownvillo.
Last Saturday evonlng ns Seymour
was returning homo from town ho had
a runaway. lie did not have pole
straps on tho harness and when going
down tho hill by Jimmy Jones' house
the wagon ran on the horses nnd they
Btnrted to run. When they got to the
top of the hill by Jake Shuck's house
one of tho straps holding tho neckyoko
gave way. As soon as this hnpponed
Mr. Howo pulled tho horses Into tho
barb wiro fouce. Ono of tho horses
was thrown dowu and both wero cut
up Borne by tho wiro but not seriously.
MrB. Howo, Mrs. Geo, Ynckley, Miss
Gertie Barker und Miss Trixy Soabury
wero in the wagon with Mr. Howe,
but none of them wero injured nt all
oxewpt Mrs. Ynckley, who jumped ou
just before the toum was stopped nnd
was considerably bruised.
Nomaha Wolcomoa tho Coadjutor Bishop
of Nebraska.
On Thursday evening, Nov. 23rd,
tho lit. ltov. Arthur L. Williams, d!
D., paid liis first otllcial visit to Noma
ha. St. John's church, which is rapid
ly Hearing tho completion of repairs,
looked very pretty when lighted up for
evening service. Theco was a spiondid
congregation present, many being
obliged to stand iu tho aisles. Tho
bishop, who is u most genial gentle
man, took occasion to shako hands
with ull who had come out to the ser
vice His sermon was well received
nnd many favorable comments wero
made upon it by porsons who are not
even of our creed. Altogether a most
favorable impression was mudo.
Whilst at Nomaha Bishop Williams
was royally entertained by Mr. und
Mrs. Birl Hoover, und the pleasant co
incidence in this enso was that our
present coadjutor was tho fourth bish
op whom Mr. and Mrs. Hoover huvo
had for their guest while living here.
They have n pleasant memory of Bish
op Talbot, tho first chief pastor, who
was by reason of the extent of his ju
risdiction, and not inaptly, called the
"Bishop of all out doors." Then fob.
lowed the lnte lamented und never-to-be-forgotten
Bishop Clarkson. Whilst
the ono whoso strength is worn und
tho burden was at last too much to
longer bear, who is not, howovor, ab
sent in spirit and sympathy with us,
has also been kindly uud hospitably
truatod in this homo of ono of Nema
ha's pioneers Bishop Worthlngton.
Long may Mr. and Mrs. Hoover bo
spared to throw open the portals of
their generosity and hospitality to such
Before making arrangements for
your juiii'h Biipply of reading matlei
call aud get our clubbing rates. Tho
following uie soma of our coinblnih
Tho Advertiser ono jcar and tho
Farm Journal live years lor $1
The Advuither and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 61 (10
The Advertiser and tho Chicago In
ter Ocean lor 31 -10
The AdvertiKfi and either the Toledo
Blade or the New York Tribune lor
31 35
The Advertiser uud the Household,
a homo monthly, forJM 35
Tho Advertiser and the Iowa Home
stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
Journal for $1.3?
Tho Farm Journal will bo sent live
years With any of the above combina
tions. These
prices aro for cash iu
udvanco only.
Old paperB for sale at tills otllce.
is offering n good lot of
For instance:
23 07. can of K O bnklng powder nnd
1 bars White Itoso soap for 25 cents
Lion Coffoo flo n package
10 pounds Granulated Sugar for
Boys' lioavy Fleeco Underwear, 25
conts a garment
Women's Fleeced Vests at lie each
Men's Fleeced Shirts nnd Drawers.
35o each
A full stock of Blankets from 40c a
pair up
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Shoos, Rubbers, Hardware,
und China,
Brownville, - Nebraska.
trlct Office Mihjbkmb la " tnt0 t0 ?
roBoat aio la ttiolr own nad iiurroiuidlnic
couutleH. WlllliiK to pay yearly W.Puyblo
weoidy. Pculrnulo omdloymoat with unuij.
nnl opoilualll0H. KoforoacoH exchanged.
6. A. Turk, 1)20 Cnxloa ufldlHB.CUlou(0.
I wouldn't be withoutDeWitt'sWlteh
Ilazol Halve for any consideration."
writes Thos B Rhodes, Centerlleld, O.
Infalllblo for piles.cuts, burns und skin
diseases. Bowaro of counterfeits. W
W Keeling.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at the Keeling building.
CobB for sale. Call at tho teed store.
Tako the wagonette when in Aubuin
for any part ot the city, ISnay riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McEllmuey, prunrletor.
Working Night and Day
The ijilttiusluiid mightiest little Hung
that evoi was made in l)r King's New
Lite l'llls. Kvery pill is a atig..i coated
globule o health thai changes weakness
Into M length, liatlesaneba into energy,
briin-liig into mental powet They're
wundui lul lu billldlng up tho health.
Only '2fo pel box t-old b) Keeling.
- m
A Suro Sign of Group.
Hoarbeue.ia in a child that is subject
tocioup h a sine indication of Hih
nppio.iohot tliMdlsHisn If Chaiubor
laln'n Cough Remedy is given as soiin
as the child becomes bourne, or even
utter the cioupy cough has appeared,
it will pieveut tho attack Many
mothers who have croupy children al
ways keep this remedy at hand and
Und that it saves them much trouble
and woriy It can always be depend
ed iiDoii and is pleanaut to take. Fur
sale by M. H Taylor
A. H.DeFluent. editor of the Journal,
Doylestovvn, Ohio, suffered lor a num
ber of years from rheumatism in Iih
right shoulder and side. IIsayH: "Mr
right arm al times was cntliely uselefs.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
wiib surprised to receive relief aliinmi
immediately. The Pain Balm has been,
a constant companion ol mine ever
since and it never fulls. For aalo by
Keeling the druggist. . - ' "