.."W'H "wfT1 ' f i; r A .Struck It Itlpr. Henry A. Salzer, Manager of the John A. fc'nlzcr Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., also President of thcJclnho (Jolcl Coin Mining and Milling Co., is in luck. 'They have recently struck a wonderful deposit of gold on their properties. As r. result the stock of the Mold Coin Co. has doubled in value. Many of the patrons of the John A. galzer Seed Co. are owners of Gold Coin Stock. The mines are located in the Seven Devil District, Idaho. Perfect Co n II ilv n cc. Perfect confidence i3 desirable between couples engaged to be married, hut it is not always that the young woman has ns fine an opp6itunity lo establish it- as did n Nor rotown belle, to whom a wealthy bachelor had been paying assiduous attention. After worrying her u good deal about how many young men had neen in love with Iter, and how many she hud been attached to, lie ashed her to marry him, adding: "Now let there be perfect confidence be tween ub. Keep nothing concealed from me." "Certainly," replied the giddy girl; "let ns have no concealments:" and, jumping np, she ."Hatched the wig lie wore trom his hcid and danced around the room with it. Philadelphia Record. Jnnon Crow, Oscnrvllle, vu, Snj'Bl "I feel it my duty to write and let you know what your medicine, '5 Drops,' lias done for me. 1 have hud rheumatism about 18 years, but was able to he up most of the time, until a year ago last Mu , when I was taken down and not able to move aboift. About six weeks ago I saw your advertise ment and wrote for a sample bottle. After taking a few doses, it did me so much good that I ordered some more for myself and rricnds and in every case it has done won ders and given perfect satisfaction. Dr. WoodliiT, my family physician, who has had rheumatism 1.! years, is taking '5 Drops,' and says it is the most cllicient rheumatic med icine lie has ever used. Mnv.il, 1S09." The above refers to "a Drops," a perfect cure for rheumatism, kidney and all kin dred complaints. The proprietors, Swan son Rheumatic Co., 161 Lake St., Chicago, offer to send a 25c. sample bottle for only 10c. during the next .'10 (lav. I?0 sure to read their advertisement of ht week. Worse Yet. Snarley They're a had family. The fa ther plays the stock market and the son the races. Yow You'd think they were virtues if you heard the daughter piny the piano. Syracuse Herald. There is more Catarrli in tltii bection ot the country than all other diseases put to gether, and until the latt few years was supposed to he incurable. For a great many ycara doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cine with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to he a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarth Cure, manulacturcd by F..I. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only institutional cure on the maikct. It is taken internally in doses fiom 10 drops to a tcaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They slier one hundred dollars for any case u fails to cure. Send for circulnrs and testi monials. Address V. ,1. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7.. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Bachelor Defined. A "Dallas mother with five grown daughters defines a bachelor as a "miierablc coward who has lost the opportunity of a lifetime." Dallas News. It rcnuires no experience to dve with PUT NAM FADI-UdCSS DYES. Simply boiling I our goods in 'the dye is all that's necessary. om uy an uniggibis. The man who is sure it doesn't do any good to kick should never join a football team. Klliott's Magazine. Like Oil Upon Troubled Waters isllale'a Honey of Ilorehound ami Tar upon a cold. 1'ike'u Toothache Dropj Citic in oncminutc. The great trouble seems to he that bad luck is natural, while people are compelled to work for good luck. Atchison Globe. I have used Piso's Cure for ( 'onsumption both in my family and practice. Dr. G. W. Patterson, lnkstcr, Mich., Nov. C, 1801. - KIDNEY DISEASE, Caused by Internal Catarrh, Promptly Cured by Pe-ru-na. Hon. J. II. Cahlwell, a prominent mem ber of the Louisiana State Legislature, says the following in regard to IV iu na for" ca tarrh: . Hon. J. II. Caldwell. "I have used Pe-ru-na' fur h number of years with the very bent vi-mltis for ca tarrhal. dUcafes. I Mntll i.ii'rr he 'without it. I never fail to leconiinend it when an opportunity piescuts Jt-sclf." . H. Cald wcH, Kobcline, La. ' . Gilbert Ilofer. Grays, Ky.,'i-n Ain tn let tcr dated March 7th, 1S01: "f have 'used lour bottles of Pe-ru-na and 1 am well of iny catarrh, and it cured my Mnght'b dis ease. I had been troubled for two .years. 1 weigh twenty pounds more than. I did be fore I was taken sick. I shall never be 'without Pu-ni-iln." Send for free catarrh bodk. Address Dr. lUrtman, Columbus, 0. FIGHTING SOUTH OF US. (Inii. tWtro Ciipturos Puerto Onliolto, Vmi- cnuelrt, Aftorn Terrlbln lluttle In Which OCO I'itmhh H'crn Klllcil. Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, Nov. 13. (Ion. Parades, a former commander in tho army of e.'-Prcsident Andrade, who had refused the demand made upon him by Gpn. Cipriano Castro and tho do facto authorities to surrender tho town, even when this wns rein forced by the. request of the Kritish, American, French, German and Dutch commanders, surrendered yesterday morning after a terrible battle. The aspect of the oily is one of ruin and devastation and it is estimated that upwards of (J50 persons were killed or wounded during tho lighting. Gen. Ramon Gucrra began a laud attack upon the town and the position of Gen. Pnredes on Friday night. Desul tory fighting continued until Saturday morning about four, and then u ilerco btruggle ensued. Gen. P.tredes made a stubborn defense, but Gen. Gucrra forced an entrance into the town at live o'clock. As early us eight o'clock ; Sunday morning tho lluet arrived and began a bombardment, but the ranga was too great and the llring proved in etrectiv.e. SHIPBUILDERS IN A TRUST. A Kymllciitn Now Forming Tlirit I'mpiinrn to Control tho I.ciiillni; Concerns on tint Atlantic and l'aelllo .SeucoiiMtn. San Francisco, Nov. Ilk The Call, referring to the statement telegraphed from the east that a syndicate, bilid to be headed by the Scligmans, proposes to obtain control of the leading ship building concerns of the United States, says that the combine contemplates the absorption of the Union iron works, of this city. The paper says that inquiries addressed to responsible parties in the east brought the reply that the syndicate liad practically suc ceeded in combining the ship yards of Cramps & Sons, of Philadelphia; C. P. Huntington, of Newport News, Va.; the Columbia iron works, of Raltiinore; the Hath, Me., iron works and tho Union iron works, of San Francisco. Seniitnr TliurHtnii to Weil. Omaha, Neb., Nov. l!i. The an nouncement of the engagement of .Senator John M. Thurston, of Ne braska, and Miss Lola Peartuau, of Washington, is published here. The marriage is to take place within the next ten days. Miss Pcarinan is the daughter of ex-Congressman Pearinan and has lived in the national capital for a number of years. Senator Thurs ton's llrst wife died early last year iu Cuba. A congressional party visited tho island, shortly after the blowing up of the Maine, to study the condition of the reeoncentrados. It is said that .Mrs. Thurston's death was indirectly due to the sunVring she uaw among thu Cubans. In tho (irnp of it Midline lliislmnil. St. Louis, Nov. IIS. In the grasp of her insane husband, Mrs. Ralph Rolf, ofi!8'l(S California avenue, battled for bur life from seven o'clock Saturday night till two o'clock Sunday morning. She had been kept a prisoner by her husband in their third-story Hat for three days. For two days of this time she was without food. A tenant en the iloor below, hearing the disturb ance, finally called on a passing police man who summoned help. Forcing open the door Mrs. Keif was found ly ing on the bed, with her husband's hands clutching her throat. Her hus band retained his hold until ho was pulled away. Can Rely on America anil .Japan. Iterliu, Nov. lii. Tho Vossisclie Zci tung discussing the probability of in tervention by a Kuropcau power dur ing the hostilities in South Africa, says: "However much Great Ilritain's position iu Africa may be imperiled, it is quite unlikely that Russia will make any auti-Rritish move. Great Kritaiu can rely upon American and .lapanii.su support in the event, of any dilllculties with Russia iu China." Dleil from Killing Milieu 1M.-. Kansas City, Kan., Nov. JH.Gcorgo V. IloU'inan and his son-in-law, .lohn Salmon, died yesterday evening at the Hoffman home, MS Nebraska avenue, from eating mince pie. .Mrs. lloll'inan, who also ate some of the poisoned pie, is lying in a critic.il condition, but tho attending physicians state that her chances for recovery are favorable. It is thought to be a case ot ptomaine poisoning. Victims of I'tomiitiio I'oUonlni;. Krui Francisco, Nov. 1JJ. --Firty pri vates of company K, of tho Fori y-scc-ond volunteer infantry, were the vic tims of ptomaine poisoning and IS of them are now in the general hospital ut tho Presidio slowly recovering from the effects of their sudden indisposi tion. The poison is supposed to have been in the hash. Estimate of mis!'4 Population. Havana, Nov. 13. Senor Capote's re port gives l.'l" inunieipalities now. ux is I lug in tho island. He llndsilmt UW towns and-hamlets were destroyed during the. war and that the approxj 'uinte population of ( uba is -now l.:il7, OS'J, less by Jll-hutn than it was in 187. IliuiKi'tl IIIniHiilf In IU Cell. Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. Hi. Walter -Mitchell, confined in the Leavenworth county jail iimW an indictment for murder, committed suicide yesterday morning by hangiug hiinself' from the top of the cell door. He made a rope out of part of a blanket. Ton I'lilattnlitpr. Victims of tea poisoning are becoming alarmingly prevalent. Women demand the life and variety of Health, and inttend of do ing it naturally by building up their systems they resort to tea. They should take Hostct tens Stomach Hitters instend. Hy .strength ening the digestive organs this brings beauty and good spirits. It tones up the nerves, drives away the blues, regulates tho bowels and cures all forms of dyspepsia. All drug gists sell it. In Old MlHviiirl, Mrs. Goodwin Here's a quarter, poor man. Hut tell me, pray, what ever brought you to this miserable state? Dusty Jllioatlcs Me nuierinohrcl, ma'am. I was tourin' t'rongh Iowa, an' 1 axerdent ly stray 'd across dc line, Sec? Chicago liven ing News. Hvcry reader of this paper should give ppucial heed to the olfets which arc appear ing from week to week by the .lohn M. Smyth Co., the mammoth mad order house of Chicago. In this isue will he found their Hilvertisenient of a thoroughly up toilate, first-class sewing machine, at the astound ingly low price of SM.'J.'i. Coming iw this Of fer and other oilers do from a house with a commercial rating of over one million dol lars, and of the highest character, they mark an uppnittmily that the sinew d haver will not he slow to take advantage of. The. lohn M. Smyth Co., ISO to ltii) West Madison street, will oud their mammoth catalogue; iu which it listed nt wholesale prices every thing to cat, wear and use, on receipt of only 10 cents to partly pay postage or ex message, and even thiR IU cunts is allowed on first puiehase amounting to one dollar. Anticipated 'mvk. Mr. Iaaes (in Chicago) lsh dor a dclo grani fer Mr. Isaacs savin' dot hisshtorc has purncd down in New York? Hotel Telegraph Operator No! None! 'Veil, vhen von gomes schoost sendt it right up to my room, bleasc! Puck. i nil., i.n From Ilnliy In the IIIhIi Clinlr to grandma in the rocker Grain-0 is good for the whole family. It is the long-desired sub stitute for colfcc. Never upsets the UerVcs or injures the digestion. Made from pure grains it is a food in itself. Has the taste and appeataucp of the best coffee at the price. Jt is a genuine and scientific article ami is come lo stay. It makes for health and strength. Ask your grocer for Grain-O. The world may owe every man a living, hut the miner is the one who digs down into the earth's poekcU and gets it. Chicago Daily News. ' ii Tlie Itcst 'rcorlptlim for C.'iiltbi and Fever is a bottle of Gunvr's T.sti:i.i:ss Cliu.i.'rovir. It s simpl.viiiiiiimilqniiiineiu a lasteiess lortn. Nocuro iiouay. Prif ,."i(X There is one thine worse than not Imvinrr anything good to eat, anil that is to have it and not be able to cat it. -Ledger Monthly. To 'iir it 'll In Out Iny Take Laxative Hronio Quinine Tablets. All uYuggists refund money lfil falls to euro, J25o. A man's favorite joke is that he is related to the church by marriage. Atchison Globe. '.t OO rir Week SNlitry. We p.iy l.'l per week for u man villi rfu to In tri.diue our goods in tie country. Willi) for terms. Kiiiimis KootlCo. I)oit X. KunsuslMy Mo Somehow baldness is far more contagious than goodness. Chicago Daily News. THE GENERAL MARKETS. Kaphas City, Mo., Nov. It. :r 70 uijj lA 70 71) w HI CO II) U(l w 01 VI 10 CATTLK Host beeves. 4 !"() fo !i Sloulters Slid & Toxuns 4 30 (iii 4 IIOCS -Choice loliuuvy. a IK) & SHj;rci Kulr to choice !J H5 (it I WIIKAT-No,'Jr'il (D (ift No. -.liaril OH fit CORN No J mixed !MHJ OATS-No Omlxiil i3 (it KYK No.1,' ,.. U H FLOL'U -Patent, per bbl 3 U 3 l''iUK'y U DO UU !1 1IAV Choice limoiliy H 5) (ft U Fancy pralrlo JUI C4 7 IHIAN (sucked) Ol do HUTTlilt-Clu.lcecre.imury.... L'O fi6 CliKKaP. Tull cream ll'WO IXICS Clmito tr (t POTATOKS -M di ST. LOUIS. CATTLU-NalivoaiulslilNpug. 4 0 (T T 'l'exaiix a !ih (M IICKJS-Ueav.v I (V) dft I SI!J2i:i"-Fiur Id chui.O Ill) (it I i-'Louu-ciioicii :t as eta WHKAT-No. Jred (W (it COK No. J mixed at (it OATS-No. S mixed 13 Ct RYK No.S m (It IIUTTRR -Creiuuoo' t fit I.AIJD-Wosteuwiuss 4 Wi-'.CA ! POIJK H SO 4 I) CHICAUO. CATTLI3 Coiiiiihui to prime... tii f n IIO(J-l',iuutnu anil shipping.. 4 00 ub 4 SHKKP -Katr to choice a 7." Ct 4 KI.OUK -Winter whe.iU a '& ft t W1IKAT No. 'J rod 01 da CORN -Nd. a :iux,fr OATS-No. -4 iii f,h KVH js (A HU'ITKU -Crirtmory ;-. iS do LAIti) , 4 U7!S Ti 1'OUIC . b li!4(t 8 NHW VOUIC. CA'ITI,K NatfvohloOM , IN) (Til 5 IIOOS Uoud to cjinlcu 4 .V) Qfr l SllKiJI Coininon to cliolco.... a ;o fit J WIIKAT No. S icd 7.5 (-t CORN-Nil S ID 4 OAT Nu . a, (li HC'HJllt W (,!, 0) l ' M W M :a 'W r.i ' to IM HI L'O 7;i V OS m 4U 00 Ifl Is vonr hrK.nth h.id? Tlw.r. i.nup besr friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer's Pills arc liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache. 25c. All druggists. - tw m iii 1 1 M w , , ,. Want Yfiur niitistu'hu or buaril n liA'utt if ul I BUCKINfiHAM'S nYF fet.t?o nroviii iiT ri a ilia k ' liirn ii&h ..... . IIIHUKUru I - - "!'tV-".'""'" " HHl Co K.mu, N H. HO 7i IX) VT SRxiSte SLTJ&$iyhtt7SlSfl?''L JK 1 f I 9 mymeiw9s Afi'.. :u WWlt iVJv V i M i vt Wp j$m IMS ej (O f tJirr hPHk fffl na rkjn'-s t a? m mw flTfl 1 fcJMTasa t-JZf. V-K& W ttltQ33S3Xa iSUm PS1 m J( mail zzsupy fv; fcfe rK zPfeV?Wft wu I I i M i Ai TIII2R13 nro women everywhere who suff&r almost con stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell all about their ills to a physician. Such women can surely explain their symptoms and their suffering by letter to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,. for the con reply will J practical UuKNNr.R, East Rochester, Ohio, who says: "I shrunk from the ordeal of examination by our physician, yet I knew I must have treatment. My troubles were backache, nervous tircil feeling, painful menstruation and lcucorrhoea. I am so grateful to you now that I am willing to have" my name published to help other girls to ta.ke their troubles to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound used as you wrote mo has made me entirely well and very happy. I shall bless you as long n I live.' Mrs. Pinkham receives thou sands of such letters from grate ful women. Miss Nkllu: Russell, of 138 Grace St., Pittsburg, Pa., in a letter to Mrs. Pink ham says : ' ' From child hood I suffered from kidnev trouble and as I grew older ij my troubles increased hav ing intense pain running from my waist to my womb menses 'were very painful. seeing your tutvertisctncnt in our papers, I wrote to you. "When youc reply came I your Compound and followed and am now in perfect health, and would ad vise any lady rich or poor to take Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I can praise above all' other remedies. It is a wonderful help to women." AVWMWi,AMWVWAMWA W! .MM 'Aie nnrPD I3fi ii vrtwu.ni -VC- MOUSES s ,- J S. Vj Yifl Jill OTI-r 7i ir-n siY IHO to I66V tSTc -trn r-Ar-o: SS4.25 HM4.25 Is?e,wj"g JUII'W Ml ! .si -e a; nsssKirai'jfiTift 3 iHff?f: te Vf i mailo. Tlih Smvinij MmcIiIiio ii.'in nil tho lntnst Iniproumiimls. It mukrs a perfect nnil uni form LOCK 5TITCII, unit will ilo tho bost work on aithorlho IlKhlcHt iiuiiillniHirliiMuitt. rlatliH, nowinif oviirwmitsj uiifl roin;li pliicci without Kkippiui; ntllclutfl. A full set of best Btcel nlliiclunsiita, nlcoly iiickiif-pliilcii ami onclosod in a iinutlHoino nlutili-liuodl motnl, jiiiiauii'Kl liux, iiud u complete uvsortment ol ucce5tiorles and buuk of Ins t ruction I-'U&NlSliUD VHV.ll witlicucli uincliluo. fin riAYQ TRIA! W'l'ipt'l-,iniicllnoC.O.D.mil)Jortlinpnrovnl.oiirrcolplof tuo u u ijiv 1 o 1 niti.. dollars If. on or.amlnution you aro convinced that wo aro laviiu: y(u5r$IOoiiiiKOiit'Hpricu,paythoialiin(Mnnilfroii;iitcharKC.sthoiitry K m m abu tho niachiuo. If notBatisdixl ut 1111 tiino witliliiUlilnyuwnd thoiiiiichluo Jk B I Jr'Vto. IxickUiutatourcxpcusaand wo will rofund tho full purcliaBo prlco. . I TilfctWfl ,.,,. .,.v.:CtfvrcgwB7n which 101 fll QUI) ;mY.ixfyry rwm ?AVJ tf.tf Bf 0 PI M 3H 9 Av.Al f-v l."JB."Ji Sfrfri kAA(VVA(WiKVAAAAAAAAAAlVMiAAAAAAi) IS lillvi: FINDING MONHY. The tise of the Endless Chain St.tnli Hook in the purciap.c of "Red Crosa" and "HuhitifrtT's llcst" starch, makes it just like finding money. Why, Sra only fc you aro onahlcd to ot one larj'c l()e jiackiif of ' Rod Cross" atamijh, one larfju Hie p.u knjre of " Iftibijier'ji llcst" starch, with the premiums, J5V Shaki-spcarc panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth Cvft tnry (Jiri Calendar, emliossed in old. Ask your grocer for tins starch zxa'O. obtain the be;.titiful Cliristnias presents free. ?WFIB IMtft v3 W j nw tai iuv ki tj a cj3 uc II MACHINERY V''i1" '-iI -4t w. nhiti nro :h"i ! .in r;; r WnJiJ itrMl inv iu mil l.uth t v Vj.,u rL ' ti i-i ?,! mm ih-imh iiijwui. 'ivimfy 1. V4v " tj5, leioii ..'vlc-H 8ii'l Jt.r J f. 11 - XT. .IIiim'i ,.,'. ciiU.uisiic .ill',. Ki'.LLY & lANl-YtflLL. V.'ttcrioo, low;; Ir Wlll'nirin' Inrtliin t'llo ("uiiiiirit Willi urc P.lui'l Iliitiiiu Hii'l Hull. in,' 1 .1". Il aliMirlii ti... tiiuiurH, iilli)H llio Itch ln at i.iM'i', ui'tn an u .... Uifc yivcK liiHinm r' icf l'i i.ari'il liir I'.li.h iumI lt.'inii.'iir ilii'prlvuto par1 Aiiiriivix'Nfir i.y fill r rHir.t (tf tirlon. AD c nm mul Ml .lilt. .t.I.Via JIKJ. Co I'roiii, . Ll.K fcl.AMi, OHIO. Top Snap , & Hcrft1u P'SH TACKLE Ii' lllfCllk "" l""'l- miiHiB 11 yjvlri 'A r fail Mp 1 , cAtklucu KvJa JCLSpowl A CLEMENT CO. lllllpll'll' Ollllllll- iirfffii .tn.oaf loader U -- .w 11 1UV.DM lilUil,lAl. oBt..(I.MI..SAt. HV VM3Em3mM58im 11 .. .uuiito ntnt ail ust tMlb. u liusi l.otlL'11 BVfiin. 'I'nt.ii.fi l.iifMl. lln HI i ..7..-' ..'.'. . -- . 111 iiiJiB. nun nr nniL'2 . uta 3WBS IMfJEI 0 vzmM JHW m w mi r.rn ma ii m fidence reposed in her has never been violated. Over a million women -have, been helped by her advice and medicine. Mrs. Pinkham in attending to her vast correspondence is assisted by women only. If you are ill, don't delay. Her cost you nothing and it will bo a help as it was to Miss Ella 15. Ond n iiiu rmu, i-r.bu iui ui.i "MELDA" Sowing Machhicr. A hlslt-arm, lilRli-Kmiie tnnclilno cqnnl towfintothoiH nro imldni; $1Ti.(K) U)?CX( for. lluaruntceil by un fur ao yearn from (into of pnrcluiFO, nalimt any imporfoc tlon in iiialnrial or sorkninnplii. Tha Btnmt in mnilc of tho lirst Iron anil in nlrcly proportloncil. 1 he cnlilijct uoifc ia tiorfcct mill is fiirnlslicil in vonr choieo otuntlquc.onk or wiiliiut. It Iiiih ovcn ilrnwcrH nil liiiiulsoniDly car veil and trills ulekel-platcd rlnir nulls. 'I ho nircban leal construction I cqunl to that oO any nuichlne rcKardlcsH of prlco. All workim; iiartH nro of tlin liont oll-tcm-porwl tool Btcol, ovnry bciiriinc porfoclly lilted (mil ndJiiBtcil to 11H to 11111L0 tho running (iiialllica tlin IlKhtcit, tnu.it per fect mill tii'iirrKt miUclLAft fif linv itinrlilrtn is lictcd at lowest wholesale? orlcea -Salii Mm v Tnv-iAiWrij iv; w wit mw& M 'ivs wwr' w c? -rivn. T i". W n 1 . - : Vi- w -vr: . 'J " vnt, u rx d jM and the yRlHB tlay' - -r-xwiH one 01 - (imiTfitr egan taking xmSJ jPjT your advice mr!m m$W illy VV. WSWCST MADISON STKJ $ w 'tii iv B r r - 'mr n. ta vjt Mhl&zZ'' At -"-Atow tfjr r, overvthinO to oat wear and usc.is furni&ii cd on receipt of only 109 to partly pay xpostajjo or cxprossage and as evicfence' gooo jaun iiiu iuv is aiiowea on irai 'purcnase nmouniinc 10 aivy oraoovo. MONTrlLV GROCERY PRICt LIST fRtcltfS ' lairiiOfiiJKttiiifm. Make: writing ucomfott- amsrniwai $Emmm$$m Hi-mi f.jr 'Inventor FrttMrt" uiiil ' I'rotcci Your lilou, ji, lllo II. Mi'vi-im Ai '.m WIlhlllllKUIII. U (' XilMuf.ftf v,l. Ilniiu'lii's (IiIkixc. I i-Kt-IjihI l.elroll. (.'onjnUu(iijtL pfl"fQ p uuiiMillvfuriMl. NnllMrrnvrr B U 0 VJutl-m s. ittcr Ifrvlnuv hllM'tir f ,-,,!! .fill Ni "IC'i..r.T N.' 1 rial IhiUIo unitlwuilui trie lilt II 11. K1.IM'. 1.1.1 'J..I ArcliStvl'litlJji1a.. ItKADIIKS OI-'TIIIS I'Al'KIC DI'XSIUINU TO IIIJV ANVTHINft AOVKUTIHI.'I) IN ITS COMJJIKd HIIOIJM) INSIST Ul'ON 11AVI.M1 WIIA'l'TIIUV ASK 1-OIt, Ui:i'BIJ.7r Al.l. 8i;ilSTITUTI Oil IMITATIONS. A. N K. I) 17W7 YVHII.V W'UIT!.""Trt ATrvlllI'lYsKuSi l !! tiili (hill you miv tho AilvcUii. went Iu t.il. j.iijicr. Mrm mm?GL m 'iMuia. ii gVajiJV 711 M t(U.j PATENTS ft