The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 27, 1899, Image 7

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    -vf iir v
Tfettnnnl Contention of the AV. C. T. U. An
einhlrx nt Srttttln Intnrrntlni; Aililrons
tijr Mrn. StcnmiP, Nntlniml 1'rciltlent.
fcjcnttle, Wash., Oct, 21. White Ktb
TonrH to tlio number of nearly 000 aro
in Seattle participating i the twenty
fifth annual convention of the Wom
en's Christian Temperance union and
celebrating in songj in prayer and in
joyful tlinnlcBgivitig the hilver jubilee
of the organization. The best
summary of the work done by the W.
C. T. U. was furnished in the report of
the national president, Mrs. Lillian M.
'Stevens. She said:
Since tho first convention great advance 1ms
been lnadq In tho catiso of purity, total absti
nence and prohibition. Matter laws bearing up
on ipjastloni of tho purity and sanetfty of tho
liotnn luivo licen ;nacto.l, among thcni laws
rul.sln tho ngo of protection for glrN until Its
average is now II Instead of II). and In some
ntatoH us uIkU lis 18 oiM.
Tho consumption of alcoholic- drinks is grow
Inglossyoarnltcryoar. There! Is only about ono
liulf oh much consumed pur capita In tho United
Stated an there was iv quarter of ceiitury ago.
TliVi murks us us tho most temperate of all na
tions. For somo years as tho uso.of distilled
liquors decreased, ttioro was un increase In tho
use of malt liquors, but durlnit tho last four
jcure there has been u steady decrease Of the
lutter. which certainly Is niosteticournglng when
wo consider the largo Influx of foreigners with
lliolr beer-drlnldnc propensities.
Wo cannot bo too Uiatucfiil for tho Kroat. In
fluence exerted by thoso standing at tio head
of some of tho groat industries in requiring to
tal uustlncnco of their employee In reply td
questions sent out by tho United States depart
ment of labor, It appeared that nmoni;
discriminating against drink woro 1D per cent.
of tho railroads, 7D per cent of tho manufactur
ers, HH pur cent, of tho traders and 7: per cent.
of tho agriculturalists tho majority of these
forbidding tho uso of Intoxicants by employes,
while s.imu prohibit it only while tho employes
uro on duty.
Wo reoord tho action of Secretary T.iong in
banbdilng drink from tho navy as u great vic
tory on tho right side of tcnipei unco l eform.
It is dcplorahlo that tho last page of this cen
tury's history should bo blotted with tho story
of war. Wo cannot but pray that the hearts of
those In authority may be moved to conciliate
tho Filipinos as brothors rather than to treat
them us rebels. The ellect of tho conference
utTno Hague must ho to hasten the coming of
universal peace.
Iet us by petition and In all other rcasonablo
-ways seek to bring about tho rejection or ex
pulsion of Hrjgliam II. Koberts from tho Flfty
hlxth congress. This is plainly legitimate work
for us, coming directly under the head of purity,
one of our fundamental principles. In taking
uction at this crucial time wo are oo-opor.itim;
villi church, mission vry and reform societlos,
who feel with us that to have an avowed p.riyg
nmist situs a law-m iker at Washington would
bo "an insult to tho virtue of womanhood and
to tho manhood of tho nation."
Iteport of tint National Troiimircr.
IMrs. Helen M. Itarker, tlio national
treasurer, reported a balance of Si! -MS.
This is larger than last year, covering
11 months, as tho convention was held
a month earlier, and was encouraging.
The Willard memorial fund amounts
to S3,'Jfl8. Tho life membership fund
received during thu year, S3, lOtf. Tho
bequests aggregated S-.UUl). Tho or
ganizing work cost Sl.'iUO and the su
perintendents had expended over $7,
000. All in all, it was stated tho out
look from a llnaueial standpoint was
very satisfactory.
II mt Correct Stntintlcn of Knnii niitl
Knotor)' Dairy l'roiliieli May
He Scoured.
Washington, Oct. 10. The law re
quires the statistics for the twelfth
census of dairy products (fnnn and
factory) to be fnken on separate sched
ules. The Division of Agriculture will
take the aluounts of milk and creain
produced and sold, ami the Amount of
money received from their sales; also the
quantity and value of all the butter and
cheese jnade on the farm. On the mumi
fneturesschcdulewill betaken thequan
tity of butter and cheese made in fac
tories, cooperative and otherwise, to
gether with (lie qunntity and cost of
raw materials (milk andcVealn),;ostof
lnbor, capital invested, character and
value "of plant nnd machinery, otl, etc.
After the two forms of schedules slliill
have been returned to the eensils of
ilce in Washington, the likestatistiesof
dairy products on each will lie eonsoll
Fnmr nml llxccUencc Are Dctcrinln
lnn Isadora In Successful Develop
ment One of the Important l'uiic
tlotiM of l!lKli-ClnN Newspaper.
In presenting interesting phases of
scientific and economic problems, high
class newspapers frequently give in
formation of as great value in their ad
vertising columns us in 'those devoted
to the publication of the principal
events of the tiny r niyd when the fame of
a product is extended bejdntl its natural'
limits into foreign lands, and a large de-.
maud created" throughout Urcutllritaln
nnd lfer Colonic anil the principal" s.e-'
lorts and cities of Europe,, Asia riAiLAf
rica, t becomes a pleasant duty to note
the fact and to tclj, of the points of ex
cellence on which so great a success is
based. We refer to the how - world
famed laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs,
tho product of tlie Onllfornin Fig Syi'up
Company. The merits of this" well
known excellent laxative were first
made known to the. world' through the!
medical iournals and newspapers of
dated, and thus show, what" never here
tofore has been shown, the total yield i the United States; nnd is one of tliedls
of milk in the United States and the i tinct achievements of 'the press, it is
amounts and values of its several prod
ucts. This assertion is based on the as1
sumption that the farmers shall fur
nish to tho enumerators, fully and ac
curately, the information which the
schedules may call for.
In some sections the records of cheese
factory and creamery operations for
the current year are destroyed, agree
ibly to previous vote of directors or
patrons. For ISO!) they should vote, in
stead, to have prepared and preserved,
for the use of the census enumerators,
who will appear on June J, 1000, the
statistics which tho law says shall bo
gathered. In many cases a failure to
do this will prevent the enumerators
from securing any returns, because new
managers, or now secretaries, or new
hoards of control may be in charge on
June 1, 1000, who will know nothing of
the factory statistics of 1S00 and the
figures for ISO!) are the ones the lawsays
shall bo taken.
Farmers who keep no records of their
transactions will llnd themselves in tho
same dilemma, on the arrival of the cen
sus enumerator, as a factory which de
stroys its records. Therefore, Chief
Statistician Powers is appealing to all
of them to prepare in writing, while tlio
necessary tacts are fresh in mind, such
a statement of milk, cream, butter and
cheese products as will enable them to
reply promptly and accurately to the
inquiries which the law says the enu
merators must take. If they shall fail
to do tliis, tho statistics of dairy prod
nets in their county will be incomplete,
nnd will compare unfavorably with
those of counties wherein the returns
aro more accurate.
America's Ytielit Carried Off tlio Third
Jlurii mid I.lpton's Last Hope to Cap-
tutu the Trophy Kxplreil.
Highlands, N. .1., Out. 21. In an 18
knot i reo.e, tlio soa covered with white
caps, tlio Columbia won the third race
and tho cup this afternoon, crossing
tho homo lino at'J:!iU:i0, with tho Sham
rock about two-thirds of a mile behind.
Tho challenger crossed tho finish lino
at 52:44 :lfj. As tho yacht winning
three out of llvo races wins the
Ainorioa's cup, tlio trophy is suro to
htay on this side until another chal
lenger is builded. Tlio Columbia won
her first race last Monday. That, like
in to-day's race, was over a course
15 miles and return. Tlio second race,
Tuesday, tho Shamrock's mast broke
and tho defender won by sailing over
tho course alone. Yesterday's contest
-was not finished in tlio time limit. Sir
Thomas liiplou hopes to arrange
another race between tho two yachts,
but tlio result, of course, will have no
bearing ou tho disposal of tlio Ameri
ca's cup.
CI Ktrlkn on CiKluliy'n New Hullitlng.
Kansas City, Kan., Oct. Ml. About
JI00 workmen employed on the now
Cudahy packinghouse in Armourdale
struck this afternoon. The company
hired non-union hod carriers and tlio
unions demanded that only union hod
carriers bo employed. Most of the
union hod carriers are negroes and tho
Cudaliy company doo-s not employ ne
groes in any work that can bo con
sidered skilled labor. '1 ho company's
foreman announced that he would not
discharge white hod carriers lor ne
groes and the striko was ordered.
Admiral Dmwy Assigned ! Duty.
Washington, Met. iil. Secretary of
tho Navy Uuig yesterday issued an
order assigning Admiral purvey to spe-
. ei'al tlTftty at tho navy department.. This
wuttdonb he'eaiiHo since: his arrival in
.Washington' the admiral has . heon on
wnituig ordoi's only, .hut now with'tho
prospuot urf tho recon Ceiling of the
Philippine commission requiring .his
attendance it js proper to put him in
active service0 with all of Hie omolpv
moats pertaining thereto. " .. ',t
o - - -
To Ili'creiKn DUorei'H. J,
Troy, N. Y., Oct. til. Tlio New Yorlt
s l'rosliytorian by nml appro.ved'
-, Poller's stand on tlio divorce .quesition
' by tln adoption of a resolution enjoin
ing upon all its ininis'lers ab-o.lutoly to
refuse to marry divorced pci-softs t'X-,
eept it is tho innocent party lundur a
divorce grUnted for roasojis fully rocog-u;-4td
in the Now Testimeut.
'now well known that Syrup of Figs is
an ethical proprietary remedy, ap
proved by the most eminent physicians
everywhere, because it is simple nnd ef
fective, yet pleasant to the taste and ac
ceptable to the system, nnd not only
prompt in its beneficial effects, but also
wholly free from any unpleasant, after
effects. It is frequently referred tons
the remedy of the healthy, because it is
used by people who enjoy good health
and who live well nnd feel well and are
well informed ou nil subjects generally,
including laxatives. In order to get its
i beneficial effects, it is necessary to get
the genuine Syrup of Figs, which is
manufactured by the California Tig
Syrup Co. only.
Ills IlevcillTP.
As they bent solicitously over him the
man who 'bail been kicked by a horse opened
liis eves. "Have you nay last wish?" they
asked him.
"Ych," ho murmured. "Have an automo
bile heare at the funeral."
Revence, it premed, was strong even in
death. N. Y. Press.
Ilcvrnrc of OlntiitcittN for Cntnrrh
That Contain aicreury,
as mercury will surely destroy tlio sense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when euterini; it through the nuirous
surfaces. Such articles shouM never he ucd
except on prescriptions from reputable
physicians, as the damage they will do is
often ten fold to the cood you can posihIy
derive from them. Hall's C.itarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. ,T. Cheney & Co., I oledo,
O.. contains no mercury, ami is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Care be sure you get the ecu
nine. It is taken internally, nml made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi
monials tree
CatM of All Spi-olOM Intuitu ely Itepcl
Their Hiii-iiiIcm by a DlNplny
of Kernel!)'.
Everybody has seen a cat hump its
auck and hiss and spit at a dog. Even
the youngest kitten instinctively rec
ognizes an enemy and makes a showing
ot' deiianee at its approach. This bluff
at intimidation is general among the
species. It is a curious and remarkable
fact that many dilVcrcnt kinds of crea
tures which have their homes in shal
low holes have a similar habit of spit
ting when an enemy approaches. Fur
thermore, it is probable that tho ex
pression of a cat. at bay is part of the
1 . .. .1 H'.. 1
same liisiineine sunuigciu. tit.- miuiv
how general is the horror of the serpent
tribe throughout all nature, and hence
it seems likely that the serpent-like as
pect of the head of an enraged cat, to
gether with its threatening hiss, might
disconcert an enemy sulllcicntly to give
an advantage to the cat.
Curiously enough, eats of all species
have their tails marked transversely
In a way which resembles the marking
of serpents, and several naturalists have
remarked how similar are the sinuous,
waving movements of the tail of an
nngry cat to the movements of the tail
of a snake in a state of excitement. The
true tabby cat, when it is curled up
asleep, lias a curious resemblance to a
coiled serpent, and the same is true of
many wild eats of dillerent varieties
and coming from different parts of the
If this really is an instance of pro
tective, mimicry it is possible that the
chief foe guarded against was the eagle.
Eagles are very fond of cat's flesh, and
it lias been remarked by naturalists in
various parts of the world that these
formidable birds habitually make war
upon the smaller irentures of the kind.
Chicago Chronicle.
SllKf of SiiwIhmv .Sjiy
The half ol'Uie world that lives on the
other is tike half thni-tfoeti most of the'
kicking.', ' '
"Error, tjintrgh ar;th will'
'often'get up and' obtain n'frtQit seu,t in
the,' band, wiyon. . ,
AlLsomo inen can do k.vd hoodr.o.
All naruro is iven over to; poo-try,
eM'ii the lien having her lays.
'' flowery speakers do. not ahns get
the bouquets.- .
"Que might as well yet left juv to be
gathered jip Jji u Jraginejvt.' "
. A roving blade Jsm't npMo eij.ti.ii wide
Bwntho nijyvbere but in -'lift, qwn
finnnees". ' " ' "
Sound bii!?Iut's& Is evidenced b. the
found o-f cabli. Chicago Democrat. '
Sold hv llniKgiots. price "; per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills
Is are the best.
Tho wonder is not that people arc afraid
to tell the truth, hut that they are not
afraid to toll a lie. Atchison Globe.
To Cure o Cold In One liny
Tako Ijaxativo Bromo Oultiiao Tablets. All
druggists refund money if It falls to cure. !2Tc.
"I've got no ease," said a lawyer who was
trying a suit for diimnRes against a railroad,
"but I've got the jury." Atchison Globe.
l'iso's Curo is a wonderful Cough medi
cine. Mis. W. PieUert, Vnn Sielen and
Blake Aves.. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 'JO, '01.
Kansas Cjty, Mo., Oct SI.
CATTLr.-Ilcst beeves. 4 75 Gt fi CO
SWcUcrsi 4 0)
Natlvocows -' 00
HOGS-Choieu to heavy 3 LD
3 2)
KIIKKP Fair to choice...
No. Jluircl
OATS-No. 'J mixed
Fl.OUU-rutent, per 1)1)1
HAY-t'holce timothy 7 M
1'iuiey prairie
IUtAN (Hacked;
HUTTKK- Choice creamery . . .
OHEUSK - Full cream
KCU'iS Choice
CATTI.i: -Native and tililurinj;
HOCJS -Heavy'-Fairto cholo 3 U0
FLOUK-Cholco 3 W)
WITKAT-No. a red....
COU h No. a mixed....
OATS -No. 'J mixed....
lYK-No. 2
LAKU--Wo-,toni moss.
CATTr.K-Common to lirlaiu.
IIOUs-l'aelduK and snipping.
SHUKP-Fair to choice
KI.OiJK Winter wheat,
WHKAT No. 2 rod
COitN-No. 2
OATH-No. 2
I'OKIC '..v ...
CA'l'TI.K-Nutl vu Kterw ......
llOCiS-Cibod to eholee. . . .
V1 1 AT i-No. 2 fed :
(DUX No. 2.k
OATS No. 2
, HL'TTIilt
(f6 4 33
40 3 ft
dt, 4 20
Cft 3 HO
ii 7
JO 30
&3WiD fl
3 75 ft 3 110
3 10 (i0 3 'J5
50 HIS
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f(0 22
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01 a as
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(TO I 30
Ctt, 4 25
(fa 3 (!0
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3 it)
3 (VI
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Ql 4 W
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(fO 3 70
. 15
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7 70
cft'R 15
'it 7 75
4 15
1 Ki
2 m
71 V4
Cl 5 CO
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Mi'Vc 40
Si (it 2V4
17 do "4
llirC and
ft 7 urn Tr :j&JSvr
"sv i yyy
Is the Skin Scalp Hair and
Hands Preserved Purified
and Beautified by
Mtf$Z$$ ft Jgn .
It removes the cause of disfiguring eruptions, loss of
hair and baby blemishes, viz.: The clogged, irritated,
inflamed or slugcrish condition of the PORES. CUTI
CURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties
derived from CUTI CURA, the great skin cure, with the
purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of
flower odors. No other medicated soap ever com
pounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purify
ing, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No
other foreign or domestic soap, however expensive, is to
be compared with it for all the uses of the toilet, bath,
and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE
PRICE namely, 25 CENTS the best skin and
complexion soap, and the best toilet and baby soap in.
the world.
Spoody Curo Troatmont for Itching, Burning, Scaly Humors.
not li.UlM with CTJTICUK.V HOAI' to cloanno tho nkln, gentla anolnll ik wKIi CUTICUKA
OINTMENT to heal thu i-kin, nnd mild iIohcb of CUTICUKA KI&OIA'KNT to cool (li blood.
I'rlcc.TnKBKT.eisajor.SOAl'.a-ictOINTMKNT.Wc 2UIjJOLVKNT(lialf.i.i!),60c. Hold
throughout tho world. I'OTTKK DUCO & CIIICM. CORP., Uoto Proon., Koatun. "Howl
1'urlfy uad Hcautlfy Haby'n Hkln, Hc.iln, Hulr, and Jlandt," (rca.
m B-B rWoE-ilL
$3 & $3 .50 SHOES "ft 'o f
vm i mm '(: qp
Worth $4 to $0 copiparoclwith
other makes.
Jntlni'gn! liyover
1,000, 000 iv:n:rH.
TI1K U'.M IM; lii H. I. III.U.U.'
Dftinf. and prlf jtliiuprtl un bolloai.
Tafco no Kiiimtltute clniincil
toboaHK'"nl I mnkcrH
(if in nnd I'l 'i kIi'ids In tlio
Wv. w(inu. j KurciPiiirrniiiiiiii Krup
'ififQ tlifin If !. we wllHa-ncUou
' a' iitm'rfrn rc( '-IPKif lirli c. btaUi
klrnl ot Icattacr, ilzo and v ut h iuln or cap toe.
Cntulntriio It I'rru,
W. U DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Urockton, Mass.
(fsih-t nil I Miicliiucu uro :ortablo, nnd
P'F?l?,LltlM drill miy cljitli lioth ity aUinm.
b&Z thW loront Htyluu. Buml tor VlttiK
KDLLY & TANEYHIU., Vau-rioo. fra.
r"XC 'ernmiifiillv I'lirrd
a a J oimicsitnui it-M ! iy .Hi
Circuit Ncirvn Kcsturi r !'! n 1.1J Ixn
Noftlnor rii'r-
iln-i f Jir Klino's
nil ( anil it i?uiiK(
J)r It II KI.INK I." I il i.iw in t !
A. N. K.-I)
uiik.v ritijiu in aiivi ijijM-its I't.r.Asr.
luld iluit )uu ir tlui .iliirjx inliit lit llili
Tho first Ivo porsons procuring tlio KimIIohh CIhiIii Stnrfli Ilock fr n Hut r grocer, will o.icli olitaltr ono Inrgo I0o. luu-knrn of
"IlKD CUOSS" filnroli, oiio liirgo KKi ptickiigo of " III JtlMVKK's IJI-NT" Sttircli. two Shalttupcaiv pnnela printed in twcllvo
bcaiitlful colors, ns iitiltinil as life, or 0110 Twcntictli (Vjitur iJr.c tir- tl'icst nf Uh Iclml over nriiityil, aUulisoKitclv froo
All others procuring tlio KiitllohH Cliafn Starch ll'tolc wlil (.i.Min from their gnici-r two largo 10c pftckiU'i'S nf Ktaicli for ftc and
tlio bcatitlfiil premiums which aro hclng given awuv This offer is . nv ti.n. U.r u shjirt tlmo to further Introilitco tho fuiiiotia " Itl.'ib
OIIPSS" Starch, and tlio celebrated "11 UUINGHK'S JIIiST" txld water Stareli. Aak yourgrccor for this march. '