fir r T iiHW I mmsssms&e&mis" i ' ii it ' Ufa ?ft r UUK13 WHtKt ALL ftSL fAlLSl IkaU CoukIi Bynii. Tateii (JoihJ. tTB, In tlinn. Hula liv ilrtiKitifitfi. JQIt. W. W. KBKMNO, Nhmaua City, Njsiiuaka, Ofllce ut tlm drug atoro. W. W. SANDERS, Notary : - : Public Nomalia City, Nob PLASTERER Acino mill Agntlto work n nprcliilty. CIh. fr"" .Vr".!11, V'i'" ."""King, KnUotnlnliig Unit WIIowhMiL.k ilomi. Low nrloen All tork wurriwitoii. ' Korker & Hoover, Denier In HlKtifltU prices paid forhldoH, Iiinl, tnilow gAtnc, no- NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. J. H. SEID, Ilroedor of Thoroughbred Poland China HOGS. NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA TIIOS. W. UIATT, proprietor of the Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in Oonnqction with Livery Good tigs nnd prompt service. Satisfaction guaranteed. IMO-IM r NOTICE TOR HEARING CLAIMS. In the county court of Nonmlia county, Nebr. In the matter of the. estate or Murlu II. Crotber. deceased, .Stlca ta hereby given that the court has made an onlur llmltliiK the time for creditor lo tllo claims against said deceased l nix months rrom tin Mth day or Ootober, IHUO. and that December lUh, IK, February 14th, lliOO, and April lUh, llftXi, at 10 o'clock n. m ornitoli 'day, ut tlm ofllco of the county Judge of Nuinu ha county, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebraska, imt been ffxcil by the court aa the times unit place when und where all persons who Iiuvm claims and demands against mdd deceived can have the same examined, ailjusttd nnl allowed and all clalma not presented by tuo lust men tioned date will bo forever barred, by an order of the court. Bated ateptomborsuth. lWffl. 11. A. LAMI1KUT, County Judge. LuGrlppo is twain ephlomlc Evury precaution slioukl ho taken to avoid it. Ita ppecillc euro la Ono Minute Cough Curo. A. J.Sluword, Publisher Aj?rl unllural Journal and Advdrtiaer, Eldon Mo , Hays: "No ono will fel disap pointed in using Ono Minute Couh Ctir for LuGrippo." Pleasant to inku. quick to act. Keeling, the drugi8t. His Life Was Saved. Mr .1 E Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deITrance from a frightful death. In telling of it he tmya: "I was taken with typhoid fflver that ran Into pneumonia. My lungs became, hardened. I was so weuk I couldn't even sit up in bed Nothing helped mu. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of In. King's New Discovery, One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use It, mid am now woll and strong. I can't Ray too milch in its prnh-H." This in.trvelous medicine Is the surest and uli'kestcureln the world for nil throat and lung (rouble. Regular sizi's r0 ct and (1. Trial bottles free at ICeeling'a drug Btoro; every bottle guaranteed. Don't get Beared when your heart troubles you. Moat likely vmi suiTei from indigestion. Kndol Dyspepaia Cure digests what you eat. It will euro every form of dyspepsia. Keeling. For salo by Keeling, the druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Iturtlflclallydlgcstfl the food and nida Nnturo in strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or guns. It is tholatestdlscovered digest tint and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efllclcncy. It in Btantly rolleves mid permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, GlckIleadache,Gastralgia,Cranips,nnd all otlior results of 1 mperf ect d Igentloa ' repareii by E. C DWltt & Co., Crjkcuu. The Nebraska Advertiser U I. jV..VJAV, I'ubllihtr, .SlJIISOIUI'TION, "Sl.fiO I'KH VIJAH l-MUDAY, OCT. II, 18Uir. Reiiiblican r Meetings. The republican potinty candidateH and othuru will speak on the political issues of the day at " c Champion school house Friday even ing, Oct, 0. Everybody is invited to o present. i Aspinwall Notes. Miss Mablo Darker is home this week from school on account of sickness. Mra. J. F. Ebnother and Mrs. Dan Stanford spent Sunday last with frieui b near tirackon. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Shivley attend ed church at Hillsdale Sunday. Several of our citizens attended the fair at Auburn last week. Miss Gertrude Marker tho sick liet this week. has been on Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Cumminga spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives naar Hillsdale. Mr. and Mra. James Ilolejack arid Miss iiettlu Ilolejack were the gursta of Thomas Howard and family las Sunday. I1F Carter and Roy Whltttnimd. a business trip to Falls City Monday, Oscar Berg waa a Shubort visitor uu Tuesday. Arthur Cumminga and family start ed for a week's visit with relatives iu Iowa Monday, G D Swope left Sunday morning for a mouth's visit with relatives in Illi nois. Oscar and May Berg attended church at St Darolu Sunday night. Jlie party given at the residence of 0 P Barker was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. , 25 Cents to Jan. 1000. In order to secure several thousand new subscribers, The Somin Weekly State Journal will bo mailed postpaid from now until Jan. 1, 1000, for only 25 cents. It's a big paper and this is a big offer. All through the fall cam paign up to 1000 for a quarter. Twice a week, and away ahead of the old weekly. Its markets alone are woiih this. Send In stamps. The sooner you send tho more papers you will receive. Address, Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Old papers for sale at this oltlce, No Right to Uglinos Tho woman who is lovelj in face, form and temper will always have friends, hut one who would be atti ac tive, must keep her health. II' she is weak, sickly and all run down she will be neivou and irritable. It she hits constipation or kidney trouble her im pure blood will cause pimpleH.tliiichH, skin eriiptinnsand a wretched cnmiilf-x-lon. Electric Ditto h is Hie best nit-ilw cine iu the world to rHcnhtte Mtiiniii"h, liver and kidneys ami to purilv ttie blood. It gives s'.rong neive. hriirlit eves, smooth velvety skin, rieh mn plexion. It will make a gooil-tookinvr, charming woman of a ntn-dmvn ii vil li! . Only ftOc ut KeHiiit-'H ding store- Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Cobs for sale. Call at the feed store. Money to Loan On good farms at as low rate of in terest as the lowest and the beat of terms. Call and see us GlLMOUK, tilM.AN & BuitltKSS. Auburn, Neb. WW Keeling guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reiuodv and Will refund the money to any one who Is notsutltilled alter using two-thirds r the contents. This is the best remedy iu the world for lagrlppe.conghs.colds, croup and whoopiugcougli and is pleas tut and safe to take. It preventn any tendency or cold to result iu pneumonia. These afo danueious times for the health. Cioupe, colds and throat troubles lead lapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Ohio used at .the jluht time will pieserw life, health, 'mil a larm amount of money. Pleasant to take; children llkmt Keeling; llje druggist. . " . ... ENGLISH NlinSES IN GREECli. Tlm Aiiii-rlunti V. . T. V. I!clicl .MiiIiHhIii TIii-iii. During the' latter part of fhtf cam jwjgii In (Ireoce- excellent Bervlce was' (tone. In the Held hospitals' Uy u few Englifdi jiuitns. who left home to euro for the wounded Rohllers in the Creek nrtiiy, The princeo of Wales was innrh Interested in th'c project , nud lent her Influence 'to-aid It, and Lady Henry Somerset took an m;ti e Mirt In the ar rangeitieuts for the nutiMr' departure, Buys the Now York Tribune, This country also had itapartin the nfTair, for the National W. C. T. U.sent, through Mi as Franees Willnrd, $1,500, reprtwentbig the expwnwfl of Rending one nurse. The women, who were hll cntlniHhiHtlo for the Greek cause nnd experienced hi haspitnl work, polled from Ixindon and arrived a few weeka ago nt Athens. They were heartily welcomed' there, and the people who had atrocmblcri to greet them cheered them warmly ns they landed. The work which vn assigned to them was tax ing to their strength nnd frequently of the mot trying and dJKMjreenblo na ture, but they had come with tho knowl edge thnt wnr. meant hardships, nnd they luive acquitted themselves nobly. The tank of paring for the wounded' la not ended yet, ami tho nurses wHll doubtless trtny as long ns their pres ence can be of use. FRENCH COOKING. The Kntrllnli Vccil, U10 Ainrrlcnna De vour, (lie Pr elicit Rtki. Tcople may aneer at judging a na tion by the amount of attention It pays toils Ktomach; but the stomach Is, after all, a very Important part of tho human nnntomy, and those who Bur round tho physical necessities of our nulmnl nature with ngrceable charms that nialte tjicm leas coRrse and brut-nl certainly have a claim to being consid ered in some degTee jiromotora of civ ilization, says tho Chautauqunn. It is a libel both upon nature and nature's (iod to hold that everything pleasant is wrong nnd thnt the refinements of life have no plncc In that great evolution that is gradually raising mnnklnd to n higher plnne, even though such refinements descend to the accessories of the table. It is in this respect tlmt French cooking Ib superior to nil other cookijig; It is more refined. The Eng lish feed, the Americans devour: onlv the French really know how to eat. Their meals, ns a rulo, are less heavy and solid than those of other nations, yet quite sufficient in quantity, -while the great fact thut distinguishes their cooking Is their perfect comprehension of the part played by seasoning. Like the (inllic wit' wlilcVflnvorfl 4thelr lit erature, their thorough knowledge of seasoning gives zest to their cooking1. Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of the Mioannpy (Kla.) Hustler, with his wife and child 1 en, suffered terribly from LaGrippe. On" Minute Cough Cure was the only lemodv that helped them. It acted qoleklv. Thousands of others iimi this remedy as a specific for La Crippe. and its exhausting after effects Keeling, the druggist. The Hoyal Highlanders now have Hoover's opera house in charge and rent it at reasonable prices for any le gitimate entertainment. Applications should bi made to W. W Sanders, manager. Food dues mote than good wl.t-ii nut digestwl. Kodol Dyspepsia t'liieilifc'eis what mi ml. Ii prevents w isutm diseases and cures stomach tlotllllfS. sti inai'h wirnout ntauth. It cures iiidigt'stlnii, sour am' li"liliing and a 'lows a sNimach n-i. It, acts in W. W. K'.'hI i.g Take the wi.gon ti- when in Auburn for any part of the city. F.asy riding Quick time. All trains met. John Mclillianey, promletor. 1'aul I'erry, ol Columbus, On . suf, fered aisony for thirty years, and then cured Ha Piles by using DeWiti's W itch Hazel Salve. Jt liuals injuries und skin diseases like magic. Keeling A.Il.DeFluont.editor of the Journal, Doylostown, Ohio, suffered for a nuin her of years from rheumatism in UU right shoulder and side. He says: "My right arm at times was entiiely useless, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm and was surprised to receive relief almost immediately. Tho Pain Balm lias been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never falls. For sale by Keeling the druggist. Coughing Injures and inflames soro lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loos ens the cold, allays coughing and beam quickly. The bst cough cure for chlldtun. Keeling, tlm druggist. i Bismark'sli on Nervo v. as the result of his splendid nealth. Indomitable will and treinondousonor uy are not found where stomach, liver, kidnev and bowoN are out of order. If vou want these qualities and the sue chhp thev brim' ihk nr King's Now Ufa I'll s I he dovithin evjry vsry liownr nf :.0.,t K'tHMim', nsaln anil liody Oulj drugibture. SEMP OME DOLLAR j.mi i yltflxnt c. O. J). BiiUJc-ttooxumliinUon, tui i. 111 lX fllKMIO 1(11' III (idY )iu over Mw,rcrfprtlr rfitlsfAOturr and tho (IKAMIiar IIUKIIIS nil; hits mm.iiu.mii. nMiiiM.r, QUI! SPECIAL OFFER imy llio inlirjdd neciit $10.00 TO $00.00 BUGGIES AND SURREYS. ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) kvtM bodleaaroUatfrRnlibfit and lh, n.l.rlil and I.borl.rlolluj OUR ACME QUEEN, nould pulnl Ittrre thf ap buvulrt. tX APPLV RDVI-nR COST of material and labor, loalntr tm the nMialln.t but iroaro building 70 UurkIos a tiny and to ndvorttso our buuey factory wo are wllllnir to HKI.I, mm ot l.oiM'HOFlTKAlil. Wo know 70. OO daily prnflton 701)UKirlos will tatlufy ut, advertise usevervwhera andhiilldiipthoT,AIlOK8TBUOOYHUSINK88INTIIEWOItI.D. J lru Aiiuiriiuuui in xaic wuuuu, E QUEEN wo build In narrow or wide track, cloth or leather trimmed, end uprlmrn, huiTed up, nollil panel back, fprlnca In back, lulhtr tu.frrd llom and nal, llulili.r Ktrp,, Hh.t (irin-t. So. 1 Sarven'a patent crwt-d rim wheel, p.liilpd U 10 roiu, body black, gear dark irreen with THE ACME Irather quarter top liodr.21i)i 1 Karven'a natent ncrawt-d rim Tt-rj iiviiLBiv iiiu.ic.1. uliijiiiik, uiiiiivio mviirtinib,,.iiio amUhnftl. I'olr, Sffkjokf and IThlfflrlrrnla pit ofihifu, 111 i ...i .! Ao.unl ul.U.U.aa Ill Tn Villi mil, ".mil Kill mil. l".Tal A IM1 SEND ONE DOLLAR 7.ttu jr?V frlH rhrt , otherwise pay notblni; and the agent will return buif icy at our expenao and we will return your II c DON'T BUY A OHfcAl' FAOTOUY BUQOY now nold almost eclulvely by all Machinery ilea e and CalafomieUanari. BUY THE BE6T BUOCY MONEY CAN BUILD, direct from tho Mnk OttheXiOWESTITtlCKiJVKH KNOWN. OltDKRTO DAY. DON'T DELAY. WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY, CARRIACE AND HARNESS CATALOCUE. ddre SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. , n c), CHICAGO, ILL. 1 ..,...,,,,,, "' tl BIGGLE : A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated By JACOB BIOOLB No. 1-BiaOLE HORSE BOOK Alt about Horscs-a Conimon-SenicTrete. with oer 74 illuitrntions ; a stflndard work. Price. 50 CenU No. 2 BiaQLB BERRY BOOK All about ftrowlriff Small Fruits-read and learn how. contain 43 colored Hle-lllce reproductions of all leading varieties and 100 other Illustrations. Friec, 30 Cents NO. 3 BlGOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; terUy,eryth.iosi ! V,th,3 cored life-like reproductions or all the principal breeds; with 103 other iUustratioua. rice, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIQQLE COW BOOK n uuun.ows ana wie Dairy Business ; having a s-reat sale; contains 8 colored llfe-llkereproductlonsoleach breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 CenU. No. 5 BIQOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs-Breeding, Feeding, Butch, ery, Dlseaaes. etc. Contains over 0 beauti?ul half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. 11,6 w nvthin?li? " "a'que.M'shial.useful-you never r?ihlngHkethem-"Practlca,.S0'i"'Dle. They talk 51!n enormous sile-East. West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow. Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIOOLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL 1 ' - 5H ?.'thi"' S"?, i." ' J. u the t1 SCAWUd-th.e WfJtet paper of iUsi n thTunlted slate. ofAmeriai-havinKovermUllonanda.hlfrelarreaders Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKSand the FARM JOURNAL Podd?o?ieVofL,S?b,BTLL?5, ,9J W,d ,93) Wl" U at b' a" Sample of PARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLB BOOKS free. "" aitiiuon, Address. i mi- raxsKa Its Easy Writing: If its a Bllckensderfer No. 5. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and machine. More "Bllcks" In use among Iowa and Ne braska newspapers than all the rest of the $100 machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar, work that is sold at a popular price. d M.!liS 28 ny,s' ,of & Characters and Letters; Portable, weighing but Six Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly, 13 carbon copies being easily taken at one writing. ,.?1ly one Price-Sjs.00 net. On ten days ap Add n"y responsib'e man ,n ,owa "" Nebraska. Haroer & Blish, Oeneral Agents, 90,(-9io Main Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. W3SS83FJT23L K TREES bud 4 million Atinln. whnl ' Usf flllior Trona Vlnnc HOOucres Nursery. 13,000 -..w. - .bu, i.v,t, , - .-.- r - - unci Darn tcc. (runmntri, oifZ'JlL1.1"'.' 1r.1.'1 f wo aim t oivo all wo inn. Wo nro alone for mrincy. , M e lvo It. It's 0110 wn aim tii olvn Vll ,:,; v , I wbuiiiiu iiLiiia. at --i. iiiKiriui Wa PAY PAsJllch JVn.r.K to Homo and .L..n v;,iin.." ,u;,i Ap.-ynoi vo-!inierre,uiacx i:en U.ivls, ChnmpJon.Dc clous, Scnator.Stavmiv Winosap. York Imperial apples; GOLD plamt Kietfert tlbertrt, etc. Various BorU, adapted to .all aoetlr ; 3VT. 3VI. . JPQXjryaDRY 1M3IV03. r i i i i i6 Ako ') o v vooo,m JsT A ;'? ,1 SwSSBKi ZP?Si& S2lm s. 1'ilrt.W.IJuly i, lsV. 50 PER CENT. SAVINfi. Reiulresno top or ,M Picket Lawn Pence. CaurpSWfe ' If ' - i .' XX XX XXX ITKAIJUMAKK I UNION cut thla nd out and send to us and If you llvo Knat of tho Itockv Mmintnlna vjk win r eond this IIIQII-ORADE TOP BUOQY ts llACAniltiA Itntvnnr fr.tli.nt ilnttnt ....I If mi oucftiioxaniltifi It nt your freight Ocpot and If ; PRICE S55.00 Jna lT?,M chorirea, less th, . """" Ono Dollar sont with order. , BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTOnV IN nlllnAnn on honor from tho beat material money cn liuy, Wlillo In ourFico lliiRKy CataloKUun show. Top BUHftico rnndo by uthcr tnakcra at $21.5,0. $20.70 and S34.7S the oxact nine litieey that are oU by 111.1 hinery dealCM, at IV00 to IIJ.OO and arnhclnif wMHV acrjrtled hy iriany at 136.00 to 160.00. ... OUR ACME QUEEN AT $35,00 Is tho tnost woiulerlul vnluo ovor ollurcil, IllK hiKST rilliKi.u.ll gi01tU0.1TIIKI8T IIK.HV 1 11.41 (1XIIKIIIII.T. We maintain our own llvo Btorjr liutfpy loctory fur tho oi iMirpom of Imlldlncntid K.-llinir a 1IU K CAN IIIY H.SMMIUir. tnJ to 8iK in 'IKTTKIt IllMir In N1IK Dill LLsiujiMin m.iLrAi 1 1 iiurN riuiHT, Every Buscy Wo Mnko la CuarnntooU Flvo Yoors oncl Tlioy Will out wear Five Ordinary Factory Riga, THE MATERIAL AND IAB0R IH OUR ACME QUEEH ro't nor th.n doulilf that In tho ordinary fuctorr huirny. Wo iiiw a fJ.iii cunhlnn cloth, tome u (ml leather, roineusoy conti voum-f s.ijo piilnrsand varnl. hen, nninoiiiie7&rcnt and Jl.00 WM PAY ALMOST DOUMLE tho price most inakcrt tay for niirrU, Ail... Mprlrm. Di.hri .nd r.l.i. Imtu WK h 4NT TIIK IlKST. Our wheel, eearatid wheel. m II....A l.a.. l.d I . . -"n-- ".III nuu ijuvk vuiiniiin, ui'iib Hluiiiiai)roiiailUAIltl-rattIra eitra. Ill (II IT BKIUIIS 400 i'Of.MlS and thr frtliLt ntlla. S "II Kflll !! T.ltt 1. mm .ll jfi a.. "rilcr "KUV.A,U1.?K ,h. nur" l0 """', Yo'u Hr'' ifflr and ,OI).u4 JJnker MMIIII BOOKS & ,SVnd V! t Ills m year. boiled-down, hit.the-nall-on-the-head p, J:j"5w''2,y,"5ar,i FAR JOURNA1V PUtLADBLPHIA uu. 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 , , m,a speedy l1reaiV0,ni7fyr- rfKrd' ,arKMt annual sale, high quality (not high price); are sold direct, grown to laai nnrt ooar mo ucst tru It known. Wn pou p iWHBBBsHiHBSliJSSSSSSsK 0 uuu 4 Ullllinn ATimn. ivlimn.rrvt artilt ft tllllnn t ..... n .. ... .r. . T.l.. TliV.: .Tt. ... '77 .".'"' i'i' VIA'. .11 l'l..irui L.u.l ricaso writo us. Bookleta free. lion l. mm o acres Orchards, w w...w ,.......,.,., enfn nrrit-ni .Mn '-"f"!. Australia. Our best customers are tlwu who In tbo nursery buslncs way to "do trnod," VI. iii i rviiiir ni nsov nil vi'n nn t mr-wm riir i niniii tn .1 . '?: 'J ."V.. U" ".. "J V flK- Pu,a ;".. CTADK LO sa not MliOflS Danwlllc, N. V. traveUug Salesmen. It's ea-y. railing : sinrU M0N& Visit us, w oiw auru. mo., etc K K vrrrr y? 'j s St v A V V ' -V s Z$ $ s. K'x.xXZ x. CXTCCT vs- ZS3Z$ ZXCS y Z3-CS v X7TSZ s :z w-v Z3: bottom rail at.3 only H as nanv po: WrlWtut. r'lte.' " I'mii jiy e, i!T. posts a the old sty's ana nog i-encint;, FENCE CO., De Kalb, 111. TO. ra f ir Y it R isTyi