-im TmF-' sr- p""F",F" psfP-'wfWIPt'il1!)1 VliflR " Y Y 4 FROCUCSS. With time, comes progress and nd Tan cement in all lines of successfully conducted enterprises. Success come to those only who have goods with superior merit and a reputation. In the manufacture of laundry .starch foi the last quarter of a century J. C. llubinger has been the peer of nil others and to-day is placing on the market the finest laundry starch evei offered the public under our new and original method. Ask your grocer for a coilpon book -which will enable you to get the first two large ID cent packages of his rte starch, 11EI) CROSS, TKADK MAltK brand, also two of the children's Shakespeare pictures painted in twelve beautiful colors as natural ns life, or the Twentieth Century Girl Calqndar, nil absolutely free. All grocers arc authorized to give ten large packages of KKI) CKOSS STAKCIL with twenty of the .Shakespeare pic tures or ten of the Twentieth Century Girl Calendars, to the first five purchas ers of tlitf Endless Starch Chain Hook. This is one of the grandest oilers evei made to. introduce the . KKI) CKOSS laundry starch, J. C. Ilubingcr's latest invention. Accommnilntcil. ' At the cnd of his two weeks' vacation, wanting a third week, lie telegraphed hii employer: "Very sick. Please hold mj job." And hack enme this mystifying .reply "Take all time you want to get well. An other man is holding your job." Philndel- liuiu nuiwi iiiiuriL'uu. The Ilct I'ri-NCi-ltitlnii for ClillI and Fever is nbottlo of Gitnvr.'s TASTr.Lnss Chii.i.Tonk). Hih simply iron'undnutnitiulu nt&stclesslorm. No euro -no pay. rricc.SOc. . i Teacher "What do you know- about Jonah?" Scholar "He was the first man to take a trip in the vicinity of the" oil re gion." Yonkcrs Statesman, i ., To Cure rt Cold In One Uny Tako Laxative Broino Oultilno Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fulls to cure. 25c. "Hello!" exclaimed the fish. "Here to Ktay?" "No." replied the worm: "I just dropped in for a bite." Philadelphia llccord. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an A No. 1 Asthma medicine. W. It. Williams, An tioch, 111., April 11, 1SU1. Some men work hardest trying to ncconv plish useless things. Chicago "Daily News. Ilnll'N Cndirrli Cure Is a Constitutional Cure. Price, 75c. SUFFERED 25 YEARS. Congressman Botkln, of WInfleld, Kansas. In a recent letter to Dr. llartman, Con gressman ISotkin says: "My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure to certify to the excellent curative qualities of your medicines Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. I have been atllictcd more or less for a quarter of a cqntury with catarrh of the stomach and constipation. A lesidencc in Washington has increased these troubles. A few bottles of your medicine have given mc almost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of them will effect a per manent cure. Pe-ru-na is surely a wonder ful remedy for catarrhal affections." J. D. Hotkin. , The most common form of summer ca tarrh is catarrh of the stomach. This is generally known as dyspepsia. Congress man Hotkin was a victim of this disease twenty-five years. Pe-ru-na cures these cases like magic. Address Dr. Hartman, Co lumbus, O., for a froe book. The microbes that cause chills and fevor and malaria enter the system through mucous membranes mndo porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the mucous membrunes and prevents the entrance of malarial germs, thus pre venting ami curing those affections. $3&$3. 50 SHOES union Worth $4 to $6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000.000 viir-rs. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES TDK (il.M'INK I.... M. L. llou,!..' nm uJ prlt tta,r J on bottom, TaVo no, nubntlttito clnlmcJ to bii an good, I.nrgrtt inaUor of .l and .1..V) Kliocit In the world. Yourdealerkhuuiil keep them If nut, v.o whl hcbiI jou anulron rrrclntof nrlce. Ktatr kind of leather, bIzo ami width, plain ur cap toe. Cntnlogue II Free. . W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mast. WELLDRILL8I MACHINERY wh: Mnchinpfl urn nortnblo. and drill any depth both by steam and horse power, Twenty dif ferent Btyles. Send for FREH UlUBtrnted catalogue. Atldrosi KELLY k TANEYIIILL. Waterloo, lovya, T UA &!k BOURKE COCKRAN SPOKE. Tho JIiw Yurki-r IJiitortiilnnl tlio Olitcng Moiitlnp Willi n 1'i'W Pointer About Trunin I.ulKir Loiulrr Itoiirnnmitod. Chicago, Sept. 10. Workingmen, so cialists, advocates of the single tax thcoryiind students of political econ omy were heard yesterday morning lit the Clvle federation on trusts and com binations held here. A majority of the speakers spoke in vigorous opposition to industrial,-Huniiclarand transporta tion combinations. The problem in Its? gelation to the worklngman was dis cussed. John W. Hayes, secretary of the Knights of Labor, was the first to ,spenk. In p;irt he said: I maintain that tbX-M) groat combinations nro nn assault upon the Inherent and constitutional rights of tho eltlzOns. lliat tho real niitl vital hdvantaKO to bo gnlncd Is the despotic control over labor. Violence is not tho only means of making conquests and enslaving tho tleoplo and It can bu proven benoud any question that the? methods of the Invader and tho objects to bo accomplished by tho Instigators of tho trusts are oxnotlv thoso Intended to bo accomplished by arms directed by military genius. Samuel (lompers, president of tho American Federation of Labor, fol lowed Secretary llnycs. He said iu part: It bus been said that organized labor Is a trust, and 1 want to say In connection with this that to our minds that Is an absolute misnomer. Organized labor throws open Its doors to all who work for wages, and asks them to como In and sh nro In tho bcnclUx. You cannot break Into n trust. Though disappointed in failing 'tq seo such a spectacle as Bryan and Cockran pitted against each other, the audience nevertheless enjoyed a rave treat as Mr. Cockran was at his best, and bis speech was punctuated with frequent and prolonged applause. He said in part: No lines, no Judicial rebukes, no denunciation from platforms, no legislative enactments de claring thing? tiro rcprehenslvo will touch the bubjpet, butnspccltlo enactment that u special rate grunted to anyone not enjoyed by tho others Is a felony, and proper Inc.uis to punish It will do something towards checking It, and my friends, this Is not my Inconsiderate statement, It Is a crime of tho llrst magnitude. The public olllulal In tho eolitrol of any gic.it public fran chise who glVcs to one man opportunities at tho expense of tho other, robs that other party If not of tho property In his possession, the oppor tunity to ncqulro properly. Now, with a slaluto authorizing and making It a right of every ship per, of every person using a public franchise to have disclosed to him at any tlmo every con tract and agreement made with any other per son you will llml there will be llttlo dlMculty about avoiding tho enforcement of tho penal statute, for It will not bo transgressed. Wo want a slninlo statute of publicity uud I bcllcvo that will check tho special f.ivors. Wlillo 1 am on tho subject, I think It wlso to advert what many call a phenomenon that Is, tho public dislike and distrust or hatred of cor porations I don't share that hatred or dlsllku, but I understand It. I don't think It Is wholly Justified, yet I think an examination of tho his tory of corporation management will show somo Justification. Tho hatred of corporations, iihlch, us I say, Is not wholly Justified, Is not discreditable to tho public opinion of America. In f'tet I lay It down as a cardinal rulo, which I think any person can follow with perfect safety, that wherever you Uud a general opinion on any subject in America theru Is always u pretty good ground for It. Tim distrust of corpora tions arlso not lu niy Judgment from any well considored dislike to corpirato entitles. Wo do not object to tho principle of co-operation. Corporate existence Is tho natural evolution of tlio partnership; It Is a scheme by which men, strangers to each other, e.iu co-operato In pro duction, wlillo partnership wsisuschcmo limited to men who knew each other and wero com pelled to work together. Hut tho management of corporations has been tho blackest pugo In all our history. At the close of his speech the New Yorker won the hearts of his listeners by paying Mr. Bryan a few well-chosen compliments, which the democratic leader blushingly acknowledged. Mr. Cockran likened Mr. Bryan to a monop oly and claimed lie was a bigger mo nopoly as the leader of the democratic, party than any financial corporation in tlie world. Mr. Cockran spoke for about two hours. A lliirrlrunn In Newfoundland. St. Johns, N. l, Sept. 10. A violent hurricane swept this section of New foundland last night. The Allan liner Corcun, from Philadelphia, had a frightful passage and the steamer Silvia, from New York, was delayed !it hours. Four fishing boats were driven off. the St. Johns coast and three men and a woman drowned. Widespread destruction of fishing premises and gear is reported, and it is feared that there has been much dum age and probably loss of life at more distant points. Nlnotcuii Mii Drowned In Austrhi. Vienna, Sept, 10. The Danube is still rising and is now 470 centimetres above its normal level. As yet no serious danger threatens Vienna, but the railway station and tho streets along the banks of the river are biili merged. A dispatch to the None Freie l'rus.so from (Jmunden, on the river Trail n, nppr Austria, says that an iron bridge over the Traun collapsed yesterday afternoon while 'JO men wero engaged in endeavoring to strengthen it ami 1'J wero drowned. llutrliMurlc at ii Hanging. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 10. Henry Gard ner, a negro boy, aged IS, was hanged in the jail yard here yesterday for as saulting n white girl under 10 years of age lust .Itine. When the trap fell the noose hud not been properly fastened and the negro fell heavily to the grouud. He was assisted to tho scaf fold, buffering great pain, and tlio trap sprung the second time (successfully. Tim Noxt Diimnt-rntlo I'lut form. London, Sept. 10. Chairman Jones, of the democratic national commfttee, in an interview hero said V. .1.' Bryan would be the next nominee for presi dent. He said the platform would de clare against imperialism and trusts and advocate free silver and tariff re i ductioji. JOHN C. HUBINGHR. Itcmnrknlilc Career of h Wcll-Kiinwc "Western CnpltnllKt, Manufact urer nuil IMilliintliroiilNt, Among the lenders of the progressive clement for which the midlc west ii fatuous, Mr. .lolin C. Hubluger, of Kco kuh. In., reigns without a peer. A a manufacturer, nsun enferprtsingenp itiilist nnd as a philanthropist his faun hits spread over ninny states, and lib financial enterprises have developed ninny obscure towns into progressho thrifty and wide-nwnke cities. Mr Hublngcr, nlthough but 47 yenvs ol age, enn look back upon scores of com mercial victories, eocli one of which bin benefited mankind, for his liberality h , ns bountiful as his business stignclty i marvelous. lie was born in Xew Or leans, La., his parents being of French nnd German origin. When, ho was font venrs old. his fnmllv removed to Ken-1 tucky, in which state young Hubiugci received n public school education. Al most before reaching man's estate he secured patents on n number of val uable mechanical inventions, thereby laying the foundation of his present fortune. By inclination and force of circum stances his attention was early direct ed to the manufacture of starch by lin-' proved processes, nnd in the course ol time he became the head of a concern having an annual business Of million of dollars. But genuine ambition never quite satisfied with existing eon-' ditions, works ever townrd perfection nnd after years of pninstaking study and research Mr. Hubingcr Iiiib made 8 J?' JOHN C. HUBINGEIt. discovery, wliicli lie considers the crowning event oi ins wunucriui jareer, and which is embodied in n new article of commerce, known ns . i , , , Bed Cross Starch (Bed Cross trade llliliK.; Jiu is (iiiiiiuiii iu uiniiiuuiu millions of packages of this starch to the housewives of America, at n merely nominal prdce to the consumer, in order to make its merits known without de lay. Thus, for but 5 cents two large 10c packages of Bed Cross Starch may be had, together with two magnificent Shakespearean views printed in 12 beautiful colors, or a Twentieth Cen tury Girl Calendar; or for only 20 cents 10 packages of the starch nnd the entire series of eight Shakespearean views and one Twentieth Century Girl Calendar views alone easily worth $1.00. Watch this paper for future premium announcements, of which every lady will certainly want to take advantage. While Mr. Hubingcr will devote his best energies to the manufacture of this ivew nnd -wonderful starch, lie will not retire from the vnrious financial enterprises in which he is interested street railways, electric lighting plants and the Missisisppi Valley Telephone Co., with 10,000 telephone subscribers in Minneapolis nnd St. Paul nor will iiis augmented activity interfere with his social obligations nnd exercise of the splendid hospitnlity which he dis penses nt his palatial Keokuk home. Mr. Ilubingcr's family, consisting of himself, wife and four children, is the pivot nround which his netivity re volves, nnd while fond of promoting great enterprises, he is still fonder of his home circle, where he spends every moment of time not taken up by busi ness or public cares. StrntCKy of n Sncnilllirlf t. A Rood Btory is told of n young man who, besides being of the spendtlufl older, is a mimic and can mutate Ins f.ither'a voice ton nicety. Not long ago the young man want ed, without delay, some money to pav a bill, and he knew that his father woutd Heat his request with cold contempt. Waiting till lie knew that his father would be away lie went to the telephone and tang tip tho since, calling tor the cashier. J he cashier was foithcoming, and when he was nt the other end the young mini imitated his ure's voice: "I My, Blank, iftlt.it scapegrace sc n of mine comes around and asks for $100. don't give it to him, only givo him $5d. The cashier promised that lie would ful fill the commands. Not long after that tho oil called at the nfliie and i cnmiwlnd Sinn lie was refused by the- umscientious cash , ier, and, apparently in anger, the voting I man contented hiincelf with the $50.- When ! the old man reached the oflice. there was a icene. Chicago inter Uccan. - iluniicil lvjfli Woe, n The gentleman with the red, red note got ibo-rd the trolley car, winch, by bonm, mis chance, had stopped top a moment.0 The sjlence w.u uiteiiM-. " The little boy hoked .it the man with the aose. And tho little boy didn't nsk his' father inytlung. "Merciful heaven!" muttered the fond parent, "I am the Cather of a freak!" Jn iianapo'is Journal. - . Money talks and "poverty." has a way of itlling. Chicago Daily News. ?, "S. lie i6' 3 i irT i H .ook nt voursclf! Is vour face covered with pimples? Your skin rougn anil blotchy t it's your liver I Aycr's Pills arc liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, and uyspepsta. 25c. All druggists. Wnnt your mnusliiclio or Iwirrt a beautiful lirnwn or rich llirl7 Thru nso RlimIMflUniWVQ nVC for tho uuimmuiiMiti uun. wnioK L ore m. aeae380jiQQOCQOQ8S&aoeeafflaGocef3e98 I fe i ye-. r $ a isvm m 0i 1 'tL414 &jL&0 t fmmbie -km WINTI IV o. 105. This li.indsomB klrt ltmntlcof fine quality all wool storm ncree In tlin new fasti lonnblosliain; stylishly trimmcil with blncU satin from w.iitt, In fancy design ns Ulustratrd. Nbtwlthstaiuling tho modost cost of tills nt flux ultr.i of fashion, noun of tho osscuttiil 3c r f S EM 5 hWlWSiXKT 1 fi WMS.M, . 5 Miisim . i jniim, of at In which is listed at lowest I ft i 111 Ml cat, wear and use, is furnished on receipt of only 10c. to partly pay postage or expressagc, and as evidence of good I faith the 10c. is allowed on first purchase amounting to I $1.00 or above. tt00900OtC0G00eCOO0CO9 CHICAGO, ST LOUIS. Ewais-SeiBder-B Live Stock Commission Agent FOR THE PURCHASE AND GAUE OF CAPITAL, SURPLUS, 5200,000.00. 300,000.00. Address Us-'sv UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago, Ills. NATIONAL STOCK YARDS, Ills. UNION SIOCK YARDS, tmitli Omaha, Neli. KANSAS CITY STCCK YARDS, Kansas City, Always prepared to furnish cnttlo on tlrno to responsible: fcnlcra of stock, nnd on most, fnvorablo terms. Infonimtlun blunlis kcnt on ic-iiw-Ht. All upplIcntlonH should bo uddrcshcd to. U10 company ut Jiunsas City Stoolt Y.'.ids. WE OFFER YOU UNEQUALED IT ALWAYS PAYS TO PL.iW U' - -' J ' "' J VrowxAVyVeTOawraXU Vji;uIq ,su ,A!ivw Vftdut'e voj,Viad.AivpWiA,! (vnVTwVv,onal!. VUliE, . VQRTAWESTHW PWARVlCL CO. M1LWAVJ1E.L, WIS. C.OXV6'A. ITH1 DR. MOFFGIT'S mAfl &L& V.YMll! f 1 ST" ft "3" 1 PP i $ Ijki ELa u i .1 CTeething Powders,' tstrr .r n vw j I"" . HO J- n. . ft n . m wt- Li' ,. wsis only zo uenis. ask A A - E rrj. mESZESSBsEBBaEmgi te CUIllb Whtllt AIL Llif. I AILS, V h jf iiuot uuuxu ojrrup, i'ojtui (ioixl. Ueo In time. Buld by cirncalms. JgM'JIfiliafflBEl 35S? Tij.i.mu.atgjejUMJBH.'il? trs ftSH BEft LCKER WILL KEEP Y0D DRY. i't to footed with n n.icUntosli ublcrcoat. If ou w.mt.icail tli.lt will keen vondrv In the hard- ost storm buy tho 1 isli Ilr.inJ I Slicker. If not for salo In yourl lovtn, wruo inr cai.iiocue to A. J. i uwi.k, uoston. Mm, ITEStlNK Ask for It. Ir your dealer hasn't It ho can cot It cnstly. mm 150-132-154 156-150-160 162-164-166 m mm points that uo to maka mi n sir ctly lust-class skirt havu hocn omitted. It Is lined throughout with lilf.li crado crralino and sli lis t a n 1 1 a I inliir lining; hound with best wutor jirouf lilndlm;; inadii with under box plait nnd patent snap fasteners ill tlio back to prevent spreading open; bound senilis, Tlia accom panying illustration hnvlug born made from n photo graph of tho skirt; arm rntcly portrays tho i;rncof ill ness of each fold nnd Una nnd rIvcs n clear concep tion of tho way It will hang when worn. This is n bar gain of iitiustial intcrrst to every Indy who desires something not ton expen sive, at tlio samo limn pos sessing st) la cijunl to mora costly garments and quality that is wonderfully serv iceable Colors nro navy Mno or black. Sizus: Waist, 2 to 30 Inches; length, y to 44 inches. Larger sfrcs 20 per cent extra, l'rico fcfl.Jl tpsasne mmm IBAbML KSv J, B 1;3Miw7S5? I iff m im ,. t IJU LiBiiiMiam -Of (E? Av 11 t -.. afiKrr! orr OTN Mtl-- "wC'ik Urip1li'''1"1 MAMMOTH nSr". ) You'll onjoy vearing it be cause it possesses individual style, bo causo the price is only about half tho value. To bo onumoratod among our customers means to be in close touch with the centers fashion all times. EiOTH CATALOGUE wholesale prices everything to 8o OMAHA. KANSAS CITY. uol Co. CATTLE, HOGS ?p SHEEP. Mo. SERVICE AND AKSOLUTR SAFETY.. PATRONIZE THE BEST. Jim' by 'VP0M EfVUT VAftS. fley,(nowBl3fiOD)Jo5ephS,Key, Mndc: ! unn- )uur'l I:i:t1I1.A liclliln-- I'mfilcr to our Iflllit Kr.iinlrlilld with tho Iinpplt-st re.. m a J nun 1 nr run t rriiiiiiu!ii niiiif. I c.i I Hiiiln'rUiiilyiiKiri'Kiilikl'iiilurv i lli.ni Iriim mi) tiling i cut iimhI." r . . your urupgist lor it. If not U-it liv iliimnlit. u mull U. L'uuU I" C. J. MOFFETT, M. D St. Louis,' Mo. PJTC I'rrniiiiK-ntl.vCiiri-il. Nofltor.ncrT r t t Odtmifsnurtur llrslU.ty s nso of Dr. Klltm'i l.ruatNi-rru Ui-htiiri-r N trlul liutiluatiil tii-utUo' Itwllrll II K1.1M-;, Lll.iat,Archbt.,l,lilia..la. A. H. K.-I)' f j "1770 . viu:.v viciti. to Anvr.'riHiucii iluk c(utu Unit you iuiv tho AtlvertUv iaeii,ln tliU iuior. ' -4 IJOB