The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 22, 1899, Image 6

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Rain the Predominating Feature of
the Diamond Jubilee.
Many Ilrnoliitloii fTrMl Tim .Matti-r of
Ailiiillllnu-N"t,T.iit In tin I. O. (. 1 V.x.
pi'i'tiiil In Count Up, bill Will I'rnlf
nlily lln Vnliul Down. '
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 10. Hard, per
sistent rain wiih tho predominant out
ward feature of the opening day of tho
Independent Order of Odd Fellows' dla
inond jubilee yesterday. Adverse
weather conditions, however, fulled to
dampen the spirits of the Odd Follows
enough to hcop them away from the
public welcomes extended at the De
troit opera house by Mayor Muyhury
mid Michigan Odd fellow olllolals. "
Albert S. I'lnlcerton, grand Hire, In
his annual address said:
Dcrcmlicrill lust, mrMi!orllimtoloi1i;)tiiL'in
hnrHlilp wan fl if.fntl nail tu number of.sNicrH
cnrolli-il la tlio Itobeltiih loilos ii'iimlioicil nit),.
07. TIhmo IlKiirus oimblitiH for tbii Ilrnt tlmo
lo lionosltv claim fraternal Hflltlsitluus with
over I.WiW IKK) iwrstins.
.1. Frank Grant, the grand secretary,
reported thu condition of the order on
December III, 1808, an follows:
Soveri'lun khuh! lolites, Imlupumlont urinal
Indices ( A usLi uliisla. Deriinurk. (leruiuny. Hwu
don mid .Sll7crlunl) imd Niibonlliinto uriim!
1(h1cm, 111; Hilbordiniilc icrnnd uiiriuiiiiiiionls.Mi;
subordinate IoiIkuh, 11,710, Mibordluutu on
oiimpmcntM. !!,illl; lodicu niombers 8.'iU,Uni; vn
oaiiipiiicnt mcinliiTM, l.H. II; KuboUnli loditai,
r,07 1 ; members of itcbukith ImUi's. ji:i,iim.
Tho wliolo luo" nil la nil lir.inuhns of tint or
(lcr for llio wiih .O.tti'h Tlio report hIkiwciI
tlin iidluf expenditures by Indices to bo J. I,h!rt,
IW): relief by ciuumpmtintH, .MD.78(), mid by Itc
beltiih lodcs, J 17. 1 W, iimUltuc total of !l. I .'-'.MO.
Tlio expenses of mibordlniito IiiIkos IU
uros 14,1(10,7.0. Thu rovciuio of mibordlinito
lodicrs lunouiitcd to f7.7.V!,:K!; Mibordlniito i'ii
uitiiiiinoulN, ;0.7iW; Itobelculi IoiWim, $11.1, IIH;
lolul. rt.7iH.KI. Tho total Invested fiiiuls ujf
Kii'Uiila. -MHV-'ll.
' TrciiNurer M. Uichnrd M tickle, of
Philadelphia, submitted his report and
thu reading of It and the other olllccrs'
reports were dispensed with. After
committees had been appointed many
resolutions were ofTcrcd. The most
important one was introduced by Rep
resentative Young, of Maryland, and
is nimed ut thu mileage paid represent
atives of thu sovereign grand lodge. A
resolution ordering thu abolishing of
"visiting cards" w.ts referred to the
resolutions committee. It is proposed
to milieu thu receipt for dues sulllcient.
The matter of admitting negroes to
thu I. O. 0. F. is expected to come up
at this session, as it has done for a
number of years. Resolutions provid
ing for admission of negroes huvo al
ways heretofore been voted down and
the sentiment among the present dele
gates causes predictions of a similar
fato for any Introduced at this session.
Tho Uobekah branch Is working to ob
tain representation on the lloor of the
hoverclgn grand lodge, but there Is a
deal of opposition to sueh an innova
Th ii I'ri'HldiMitlal Canillilatii Toiirliu; No-
liruBlta In Holialf or tin, l-'inlnn Tliikut
Thu Topics of II In Kpimtih.
O'Neill, Nob., Sept. 10. W. .1. Rryan
.started in hero yesterday ou his tour of
the state In behalf of the fusion ticket.
In tho afternoon ho addressed about
13,000 people. Ills remarks were greut
ed with moderate enthusiasm. ,ludgo
William Neville, c.mtlidato for con
gressman in this, tho Sixth district, oc
cupied the platform with Mr. Uryan
and yesterday evening spoko to a fair
si.ed audience.
Mr. liryun, referring to tho incomu
tax, wanted tho president, congress,
aupromu court and an amendment to
tho constitution, If necessary. Speak
ing of trusts, ho arraigned thuadiuinis-.
tration, particularly tlio attorney gen
eral, for failure to enforce thu anti
trust law. Silver, ho said, had been
burled annually and semi-annually
since 1801, but that another funeral
would bo necessary this ymr.
Nmv York I.iibor Orcanlxittlon llnltn.
Now York, Sept. 10. Delegates from
'Uvery central labor organization but
one In ( renter Now York met last
night in tlio Labor lyeoum and decided
tii unite tlio forcesof labor in one great
central body which shall dictate the
policy of organised labor in all matters.
Tlio one dissenting organization is the
board of walking delegates of thu
lluildlng Trades of llrooklyn, which
resented the admission of tlio ltrpoklyn
Central Labor union, with which it lias
been at war for some months. It Is
expected, howevei", that they 'will soon
"bo forced into lino when tlio amal
gamation of boifles is
Improved Ortlitr Knights of l'.ytlilin.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 10. Thu
fourth supreme session of tlio Improved
Order Knights of Pythias opened this
morning In Castle hall. There wore 50
regular delegates from alTparts of tho
country, and almost as many visiting
inombor.s of tlio order. Tho order had
Its meeting lu Indianapolis six
years ago. It Is entirely independint
of other Pythian organizations. Tho
HOisious aru all seerut.
0 .Morn (Jumm of Yullitw l'wr.
lvoy West, Flu., Sept. 10. -Fifty-four
now oases of yellow fever lnivc been
reported in the past IS hours and three
sleuths, making a total number of easels
to dalo of IIO'J and 17 deaths,;
Tlio llliiiiiliiiitlon of thn Cathedral Si'i'ii
for'llilrty M llifi-TIm l'rnlli-tlon
of tlio CN-rlcal Organ.
City of Mexico, Sept. 18. The wife
of President Ditii was unable to take
part in the national independence cel
ebrations which went oil with unusual
eclat. Thu magnificent illumination
of the cathedral of Mexico by eleo- conscience, is again within prison walls
trietty was the cause of general admi- in tlio state of Mississippi. Ku jour
ration and tho great building could be m-yed all the wav from Dawson City,
seen for iw miles away like a vast Alaska, to New York and from New
mound of blazing Ifght In thu center of Yord to Memphis and .Memphis to
the valley of Mexico. Jackson, Miss , to surrender himself.
Tlio new cltlrlcal ortran Ijii, Ln, of When Summer's walked Into Mr. Ageo's
Chihuahua, raisu-i the usual cry of the oflleo he was prepared not only to
conservative party, predicting the ab- ' make repentaiiee, but also restitution,
sorption of the country by tlio United i He turned over to Mr. Ageo Sl.flOO in
States and tho danger to Mexico of so ,.ash, to cover tho amount of his in
many Mexicans' wlif) have become , debtedness- to the Southern Kxprcss
Aincricimi.uu in an uietr ideas ami
which aro tho worst foos tho father
land has.
Sevornl State I.ttt-Wlatiirii .'May Column In
hprclal S'chklon for tint I'urpono
or .DriilliiK with It.
Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 18. It is
Raid one of the probable results of the
anti-trust uonfereneo of governors and
ttttorney generals in St. Louis" will he
thb convening of several state legisla
ture in - " special sossitm for
tho purpose- of dealing with
the trust problem. ''lio conven
tion, it is said, will outline lega
tion that shall be found desirable imd
that governors in harmony with the
movement will immediately after tho
adjournment of tho convention sum
mon their state legislatures together to
enact uniform laws' in thu different
states, following tho lines laid down
by the. conference.
IVarU That It .May Sprrail Ovnr Kuropu and
lie IlrniiKlit to Ainurlra Tlirouli
llu I'arH Exposition.
Washington, Sept. IS. Tho marine
hospital corps has made public a report
received by the atato department from
United States Consul Thomas Ileenan
ut Odessa, Russia, in which Mr. Ilee
nan treats of the precautions taken by
Russia for tho suppression of the bu
bonic plague and the fears which are
entertained of its spead over Ihiropo.
Among other things lie says: "There
seems to be a general belief in this sec
tion of lhuopu that with tho advent of
the Paris exposition the bubonic plague
will be spread all over the continent of
Kurope, and may oven reach the states
of North and South America.
Dentli from uti Unusual Cuusc.
Reading, Pa., Sept. 18. Hon. Daniel
Ermentrout, who was elected in No
vember last to his hixth term in con
gress from tho Ninth district (Rerks
and Lehigh counties) died at his home
hero yesterday. Ho was (W years of
age. On Thursday last while at din
ner a piece of meat lodged in his throat
and a physician had to bo called to save
him from strangulation. Paralysis of
the parts affected followed, but his
deatli was unexpected. Mr. lCrincu-1
trout is survived by a widow and a son
and daughter.
New IIiiHobnll l.cairiiK.
Chicago, Sept. 18. A new baseball
league, whoso circuit will include
cities in both tho National and West
ern leagues and which will be known
as the American Association of Rase
bnll clubs, was formed yesterday at n
meeting hero of baseball men and
lovers of the national game. The cir
cuit as decided on will include the fol
lowing cities: St. Louis, Milwaukee.
Detroit and Chicago in tho west, mid
Raltlmore, Now York. Philadelphia
and Washington in th- east.
To Hold Kami In Common.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 18. A colony of
7.r families from the vicinity of Rutter-
tlelil, Minn., mostly Oenuans, bus pur-
chased 3,'JOtl acres of land on the Omaha
railway a few miles east of Shell Lake,
Wis. It will be called tho Christian
Social organization and all lands will
bl held in common. The land is now
being cleared and houses and burns
Unlit. The railway company has put
In a siding. The station and post ollice
will bo called Saroua.
An Knllr.i Family Kllli-d.
Las Vegas, N. M., Sept. IS. An
adobe house live miles from Mora. N.
M., collapsed last nigjit, killing Manuel
Cordova and his wife and six children.
It had been raining in that vicinity for
several days and the dirt roof of the
house, having become saturated, fell
upon tlio inmates, crushing them.
Only one member of the family, a boy
of ten years, escaped, he being ouuhfe
the house when the accident occurred.
Kncluml Want Our Mule-,.
Washington, Sept. lb. War depart
ment ollleiuls have been approached by
represontatlvts of tho Rritish govern-inentw-ho
wanted to buy 1,000 mules
atoneeufor slupment to South' Africa
foJ- iirmy use 'rtie department, how
ever, "had disposed of nil its surplus
stock. Tho Englishmen will buy the
mules In open market ttnd ship them to.
South Africa as fast as tltoi? can be otfc
tallied. " u. .
njiiniiratlo Mmitln;;.
Chicago, Sept. 18. One of .thu Un-
mediate result's of tire trust conference
"will bo the orgiuitaitlon of a movo:
incut undcr'deniooratlo aus'picos to call'
jin anti-trust conference-in Chicago or
Cincinnati ajitjut thjf nnddlu of uet
month. " t
An li'iipril (.'inn let Ititturim to SiTvn Out
If In Scutum i- mikI Miikr Iti-Atltu-
lion fur Htoli'ii .Money.
Memphis, r tin.. Sept. 18. Charles
0. Summers, f rmerly u I'lnlcerton de
tective, mi !. aped convict from the
Mississippi tunitentlar.V, u gold hunter
in the Klondike and a man with a deep
company, even including tlio compa
ny's expense of pursuing hltn. Ho
gave, Mr. Agee a SI, 000 gold certificate
and SBOO in currency besides. Ilo then
said ho would reimburse the state of
Mississippi for the expense 6f bringing
him baek from California and was pre
pared to do so.
SumnMjrs and Detective Murray
worked for the Southern express ou
tho Capt. "Hunch robberies. Summers
learned tho details of 'the express of
fice at Meridian, Miss, imd ho and
Murray robbed it of S5,OO0. Murray
went to New-Orleans with the money.
p Summers was hired to work on tho
ease. Later he was arrested. Murray
was arrested with S-1,100 on his person
in Chicago. Roth were placed in the
penitentiary at .Jackson,. Miss. Siun
mers escaped, was free a few months,
but was recaptured in San Francisco,
escaped again, went to New York nnd
Canada and opened negotiations to sur
render, hut later he went to the Klon
dike and returned from there to New
Summers said that constant effort to
evade the olllccrs was worse than con
finement, and he preferred to servo out
his term and begin life again a free
Tlmy Kent Ilnr II irk to ICiuima,
Linn Creel;, Mo., Sept. IS. Last.Iuno
Miss Minnie Marshall, an orphan, who
is said to be au heiress, came here from
Abilene, Ivan., to live with her aunt.
Miss Marshall is engaged to one of
Uncle Sam's boys in Manila, but her
cousin, George Cooper, fell In lovo with
her. The folks here would not allow her
to write to the t-oldier or to send west
for money. The inexperienced girl
made two attempts to end her life.
Ry this means the facts were made
public and a writ of habeas corpus was
issued for the purpose of restoring her
to her friends. Money was contrib
uted by the citizens to pay her expenses
baek to Kansas and she returned yes
terday. .Manila' lllir Kulnfiill In .Inly.
Washington. Sept. 18. The first olli
cial record fioin the Manila central ob
servatory, now under American con
trol, bus been received at the navy de
partment. Tho month was a record
breaker and Indicates the hardships
which must have been imposed upon
the troops by the unusual climatic con-
ditions. Tho rainfall for tho entire
month aggregated 10.8(10 inches, tho
extent of which may be judged by thu
fact that weather bureau statistics
show that tho rainfall in New York for
an entire year is only -1 1.7 inches.
Milium lloini) from I'nropu.
New York, Sept. 18. Senator M. A.
Ilauua, chairman of the republican na
tional committee, reached New York
to-day from Southampton. In regard
to polities, lie said the Philippine war
and industrial conditions would prove
great factors in 1000. Ho said he would
as soon have so-called anti-expansion
made an issue as the silver question,
for silver is an old man of the sea. Tho
republican party, ho said, is just as
much opposed to tho amassing of
wealth in a manner to injure the pub-
lie as the democrats are.
I.lm iiln, Ni-b , Suffer by Tiro.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 17. -Fire which
started at an early hour Saturday morn
ing caused a loss"uf SriOO.OOD. lt'started
in the North block, occupied entirely
by printing firms, and spread so rapid
ly through the Imilding that it was
soon apparent that the structure with
all Its contents would be a total loss.
From there it spread to the Masonic
temple, Methodist church and Webster
block, which were also totally de
stroyed. Several small buildings were,
also burned.
VVIH for I.'iti ltllln.
Washington, Sept. 18. Secretary
Gage siiit that it is true that there is
a scarcity of small .bills In the wnst,
but he thinks there is no occasion for
alarm. The treasury, ho said, Is pro
paied toi'solitingesnmll notes for large
bills- of the same character In ny
amount, silver certificates of small
denominations will be- exchanged for
silver certificates of large denomina
tions, the hainous United States notes
and treasury notes arc exchanged.
Tlio oiin;; Woman Complained.
Spriugtiehl, III., ts.-Key. R. S.
Ken fro. pastor of the Christian church
at Rochester, cwas held for the United
States giund jury to answer a ehar,;c
o( sending obscene matter through tlio
malls. Tho minister, who has borne
an excellent reputation In tho commit
"nitj; In which he resides,elaiins he is a
victim of circumstances." Miss Pearl
Walchcr, luyoung woman living'in tfiis
city, Is thu ef)uiplaining0witucis in the
caho. i -
Preserved by
It removes the cause of disfiguring eruptions, loss of
hair, and baby blemishes, viz.: The clogged, irritated,
inflamed, or sluggish condition of the PORES. CUTI
CURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties
derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the
purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of
flower odors. No other medicated soap ever com
pounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purify
ing, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No
other foreign or domestic soap, however expensive, is to
be compared with it for all the uses of the toilet, bath,
and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE
best skin and complexion soap, and the best toilet and
baby soap in the world.
llathc the ulTcctcd parts With HOT xcater ami CUT1CUHA SOAP to dcansa
Vic skin and scalp of crusts and scales and soten the thickened cuticle. J)ry
without hard rubbing, and apply CUTIOUJIA Ointment freely, to allay itching,
irritation, and injlammation, and soothe and hcbl, and lastly tdkc CUT1CU11A.
RESOLVENT to vtiol and cleanse the Hood.
This pwcet and wholesome treatment nfl'ords instant relief, permits rest and
eleop hi tho severest forms of cinema and other itching, burning, uml scaly
humor's of the skin, seal), and blood, nnd points to a speedy, permanent, and
economical curq, when all other "remedtea and even tho best physicians fail.
l'rlco. Tjik Set, IU3A: or.SouMVi., Oixtmk.vt. HVj.,iuid hi:soi,vbxt (half uliol.Kfc. BoUi
tliroiiKhouiltio Miirlit. PoriKii Hiiro ASliCUi'. Coin'. Solu Props., Ilostuu. 'Ate, "iluirlo
Tri-sum.', I'uiify, uuil Uouutifr t lie Sktuj-tfi'itlp. LUIr. unci HamU," nuUixl frv
o o
- o o