Tf -"!,-'' W" ebmsh Mdvertim. r VOLUME XLIV NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FUIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1899. NUMBER vaA H df Efa 4 j X HT Local !N"ews Cool nighty. Tlie corn crop is immense. Eggs, 11 cents per dozen. OKI pupcra for sale at tliis office. Butter is 20 cents a pound nnd scatco iittluit. A I Morton went to Edgar Saturday, on business. J. II. Linn iB now working at the Bunnell mill. Gasoline at Keeling' drug store. 20 ce :la pet gallon. The f unionists hold their convention at A u On i n Saturday. Go to Keellng'3 drug store for school supplies, tablets, crayons, etc. Call at Mrs. Fait hank's Opening and set) those handsome Pattern Hats. Work has been commenced on the foundation for the new court liouso. Rev. C. II. Gilmore went to Lincoln Monday to attend the annual Methodist conference. Mrs. F. L. Woodward went to Hust ings .Monday to visit her son, Charley Woodwind. Hairy Nicholls came in from Paw nee City Friday of last week, returning Wednesday. Mia. Pomeioy started lor Bedford, low n, on Wednesday, to see her father, who Ks very sick. Mis. J tunes Iliatt went to Falls City Monday morning to see her daughter, who is very wick. Dr. Gaithur reports tho birth on the lSih mst. of a tine boy to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G Deurleldi. Itev. James Iliatt is mowing the grass and cleaning up the cemetery. He is doing a good job. Lester Poland went to Auburn Thursday after a stray mule that has been gono several weeks. Mart May and daughter and August Quiller and wife went to Omaha Mon day to take in the exposition. Wanted All kinds of cattle that will do to leed. A L P. TnoMrsoN', Bracken. Wo have had tlueo light frosts in low placeri during tho past week, but no particular has been dono. Mr and Mr John Clark started for Smith coiiiity, Kansas, Wednesday, to isitthe Clark boys and Sam Barnes and family. Mrs. Huntington will have a public sale of lift household goods at her res idence on Saturday, Sept. 30th. begin ning at 1 o'clock p. m. II. W. Carson, conductor, who runs between Nebraska City and AtchlBon, is taking a vucation of twenty days. Mr. Johnson takes his placo. John Shuck and family, of Iona, Kansas, atrlved in Nemaha Tuesday, ou a visit to old friends. Mr. Shuck is a nephew of C. bliuck. Fay Galther went to liiownvillelast Saturday morning and took John li. Lewis' place as D. & M. agent, while the latter attended tho republican county convention at Auburn. Itev. E. S. Murphy, of Auburn will hold service at tho Episcopal chuioh irt Nemaha Sunday, Sept. '1 lib, at 11 o'clock a. in, Every ia invited. Geo. L. Kennedy, of London precinct, gave us a social call Wednesday after noon. He waa interview iug the fusion foices regarding his chance for the nomination for county treasurer, and received considerable encouragement. Republican Caucus. The republican caucus for tho nomi nation of precinct ofllcers and the rec ommendation of a judge and clerk of election will be hold at The Advertiser olllco Saturday of this week at 3 o'clock p. m. Every republican in the pro-, cinct is urged to bo present. Mrs. 11. L. Keister went to Omaha Monday to havo au operation per formed at the St. Joseph hoBpital for a throat troublo which has bothered herJ for a long time. "The Nutmeg' Is tho tinmo of our now monthly family magazine, pub lisheJ at 20 cttnts a year, and in order to introduce the paper, we will send it (I months for 10 cents. Sample copy mailed for two cent stamp. Cunnings ham & Litchlield, Stamford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. David Fr.vz.ier Btarted for Prosperity, Mo.. Monday. They havo rented their farm to Geo. Swope and say they do not intend to soil it as they expect to come back hare some time in the future and make their homo hero. Tho Advertiser will keep them posted on tho Nemaha uews. The populists nominated tho follow ing precinct ticket Wednesday: For justice of tho peace Dr W W Keeling. For constable D J Thompson. Fer assessor J W Webber. Bond overseers Dist. No. 32 Ellis Young; Dist. No. 33. Ed Stiors; Dist. No. 34. John C Stokes. Dr. J.'L. Calliaon, the Stella dentist will be at Nemnhn next Monday, for the purpose of doing dental work in all its branches. Olllco at hotel. VV.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out no curately. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention . 25 Oonts to Jan. 1900. In order to secure several thousand new subscriber, Tho SomisWeokly State Journal will be mailed postpaid from now until Jan. 1, 1000, for onlj 25 cents. It's ft big- paper and this is a big offer. All through the fall cam paign up to 1000 for a quarter. Twice a week, and away ahead of the old weekly. Its markets alono are worth this. Send in stamps. Tho sooner you send tho more papers you will receive. Address, Nebiaska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Old papers for sale at this olllco, No Rigiit to Ugliness The woman who ia lovely in faco, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would bo attract tlve must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and nil run down she will bo norvou-j and irritable. If alio has constipation or kidney trouble her im pure blood will cause pimplcs.blntches, akin eruptions and a wretched complex ion. Electric Dittoia ia the best tuedis cino in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidnpys and to purify the blood. It gives atrong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety akin, tich com- plexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down inval id. Only 50c at Keeling's drug store. Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Cobs for Bale. Call at tho feed store. HOGS. I will bay hogs at Nemaha and Mo Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Highest market prices paid. IIauuy K. McCandlkss. The Royal Highlanders now havo Hoover's opera house in charge and rent it at reasonable prices for any le gitimate entertainment. Applications hould be made to W. W. Sanders, manager. Don't get scared when your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffei fro'n indigestion. Kndol Djspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It will cure every foun of dyspepsia. Keeling. Grandma Gulp was ninety years old Inst Saturday and her daughter, Mrs. Yates, invited a few of tho friends to a birthday dinner. G minima Gulp thoroughly enjoyed tho presence of her children, grandchildren uud great grandchildren nnd her friends. Sho is very active for an old lady and does n great doal of work yet. Tho following guests weio present: Mcsdamos John Maxwoll, Coons, Brlmblo, Watsou, Solcs.Yackley.Crim, Chapman, Lemon, Llttroll, Mrs David Fra.ler, Mis Walt Maxwell and family, MIbb Sallie Coons, Miaa Emma Crlra, Eddio Yaokley. John E, Crotherand Oliver C. Croth- ordrovoto Auburn Wednesday to be present at the reading of the will of their mother, Mrs. M. II. Crothor. MILLINERY Mrs. Faii-bank will have lier PALL AND WINTER ILLINERY OPENING FPIMY AND SATURDAY, Sept. 22 and 23. All tho now and latest stylos in STREET AMD TRIMMED HATS. The largest and bost lino Renieniber the date: NOTICE. NiaiAHA, Neb., Sept. 20, 1809. To whom it may concern: 1 hereby give notice not to buy, rant or trade in any f oi m of Hatty IJ. Jar via for tho southeast quarter of tho southeast quarter f sec. M, townBhlp J, rango 15, as it is illegally deeded nnd 1 will not relinquish my title or inter est therein. 1. J. Jakvis. Call in and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. Mr. S. A. Fnckler, Editor of the Mioanopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wilo anil children, suffered terribly lrom LaGrippe. One Minute Cough Cure was the only remed that helped them. It acted qufoklv. Thousands of others use this remedy as a apecillo for La Grippe, and Its exhausting alter effects Keeling, tho druggist. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand hut hkin eruptions lob life of joy. Bui'kltii'a Ainica Salvo euros them ; also old, i mining and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, bcitlda, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cine on o.iith. Drives out pains and ashes. Only 2'c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Keeling, druggist, DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronage of the citizens ot Nemaha and vicinity. Tho pultons may ho assured of receiving lair treatment. A good lino of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kept in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A good stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything In our line call and see us. Prices fjuaranteediight. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Merger, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lorance nnd tholr neico, Ethel Parker, nnd William Bossoli Btarted for Galveston, Texas, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Btrger have made their homo in Nemaha for the past three and ono-lialf years, making tholr home un til last spring with their dnughter.Mrs. W. W. Sanders. In tho spring they built a residence nnd moved in. This aununor Mr. Merger's health has been so poor that the physicians advised him to go south lor tho winter, and ho decided to go. I wish to say to tho ladios of Nema- ha and vicinity that 1 do dressmaking nnd Boliclt their patronage. All work guaranteed. At residence of Dr. Gaithor. Jkhnii: Calvin. OPENING. of Pattern Hats in tho city. Sept. 226. and 23d, 1899. Tho populists at their primary on Wednesday elected the following dole gates from Nemaha precinct to the county convention to bo hold at Au burn Sarurday: John I Dressier, John S Stevenson, Win Moore, Win Ander son, F Q Ilawxby, Geo E Dye. Tho democrats elocted tho following delegates: W M Swan. J II Littroll, Dr Jitmes Kay, W F Keeling, Dr W W Keeling, Joseph Stlllwell. Wo get The Advortlner out oarliei than usual this week, as tho editor was elected the lay delegate to the annual conference of tho Methodist Episcopal church at the last quarterly conference of tho Iirownvillo, Nemaha and liothel charge. He goes to Lincoln Thurs day night. The lay conference meets Friday at2:.'ll) p. in. The following has been handed us for publication. Those threo young men at church last Sunday morning had bettur not lepeat such behavior or they will bo indicted. This ia just a wanting. These are daniioroiis tunes health. Croupe, colds and for the throat tumbles lead rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right tunc will preserve life, health, and a large amount of money. Plensant to take; childieu liko it Keeling, the druggist. Bismark's Iron Norvo Was the icsult of Ins splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous oner gy aio not found where stomach, liver, kldnoy and bowels are out of order. If ou want these qualities and the sue cess they luing use Dr King's Now Life Pills. They develop every power ol brain and body Only 25c at Keoling's drug stote. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Ruins and Skin Diseases. These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWltt's Witch Hazfil Salve Be wareot worthless imitations. Keeling SOUTH AURURN, NEBRASKA. Dimler in Hardware, Furniture, Coffins and Caskets j -r ..ZH l ":j." Uintortaking and I Pb vAr,rTjf4 a -l Best lino of U rr. - ... J'J'IJF Mrs. Sanh Saylo died at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. Leltitia A. Sliaiii, three miles northwest of Nemaha, on Friday, Sopt. 15th, 1809, aged 82 years and 1 month. The funeral services wore held at tho Cumberland Presby terian church Saturday. Itev. Chns.II. Gilmoro preached the sermon, Grundina Snylo was one of our old., ost citizens, not only in years but in length of residence. She moved to Nemaha county In 1855 nnd has mado this her homo slnco then. For some timo she has boon quite feeblo but was ablo to get around the house until a few weeks ngo. About seven weeks before her dcuth alio becamo paralyzed uud after that timo was entirely help less. She bore her sufferings patiently. Sarah Lay ton was born in Andeison county, Ky., August 15th, 1817. dho lived there twenty-ono yaars nnd then removed with hor parents to Illinois. Shu was married to James L. baylo May 7th, 1830. In 1814 sho moved to Iowa, thence to Kansas in 1851, nnd then to Nebraskn in 1850. Wo doslro to return our heartfelt gratitudo nnd thanks to tho many friends and nolghbors who weio so kind as to assist us during thcslcknoBs death and burial of our dear mother and grandmother. May they never lack for liko assistance whau tho hour of beroavemont comes to them. Mas. Luttitia Strain AND FAMILY. IV o drovo down to tho Dennett mill Wednesday morning to seo how tho mill was running with the new engine. Wo found the in'll running along very nicoly. The engino Ih -10 hoise power but onl about half that power is used. The Hennett mill is now second to none in the county and now fears competition from nono of them. Ilorr toforo tho inaulHclont power furnlBhed by the water ha been a great draw back, but tho ftiglno now renders them independent of the water. Farmers can now bring their grists to the Hen nett mill with the assurance of getting prompt attention and the veiy best Hour possible to be mado from tho wheat bioitgnt. Ja.nos F. Hennett, the miller, has been In tho business for nearly forty yearn, and all his pa tions know he can mako good Hour when he Iiih half a chance. We know he is making good Hour now aa wo tried Rome of it and it makes splendid bread. Oivelhe llinnett mill a trial and we aio positive you will not bo disappoiu ed. Mart Hill has been giving tl e drug store n cleaning up leceutly and has thingB shining. The w mi room waa piled bo full that Dr. Keolint! win talking of buirding an addition for the overflow, but after Mart got tlnniiiMi with hishousecleauing the loom looked almost empty. Kit Keitzer, one .r II. W. C.itso''n old luakemen, whs promoted to a con diictoiHliip Mundav. He runa between Nebraska Citv nnd Dextrin. Food does more harm than good when not dmested. Kndol Ihcpepsni Curedigc'iis what jou out. Ii ptoveniH wasting dWi'.isea and cuiea stomach troubles. It cures indigestion, sour stomach and b'dehing and allows it wornout H'omnoh rest. H nets in stantly. W. W. Keeling Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Kaay riding Quick timo. All trains met. John McElhanoy, pronrletor. Cmbalming; a specialty, the con nt v. ndcitakera' Goods. 0 HntiBfhotinu, , U ..:,J.jC..w,Vij-i-':' AVe guuruntco . .