iTmf p r?,""P"!f"y'1i jmw ' mi mi imi'i,wwTTray, (WVWmKWnmMXWBtw i iiiimn inniniiiniiii "ii iicti nr 7 M l,ifcWJIS??:'H&i!8Sri8dil sifaYr&fR'jS EJ noet OomrIi Hjtujv TftiUw loo. lfl vm Ej In lUnn. Htt t drupKlM. rU. W. W. KEKMNO, Nkmaua Citv, Nkhuaka. Ofllce at t lit cJritK BUiro. W. W. SANDERS, Notary : - : Public Noxnalia City, Nob HUMP SMMMJMtir PLASTERER Amiio mill AKAtlto work it Hjinolulty. Cist-run liullt. l'npor IIiiiikIuKi KulnomlnliiK luul WltownshlnB dono. how prloos, All torlc wnrrnutoil. Kerker & Hoover, Donlor In MEATS HlKlteit prlooH paid for hldoN, lnrd, tnilow, ntc NEMAHA. CITY, NEBRASKA. EMtaSKRHHW J. H. SELD, llrocdor of Thoroughbred Poland China HOGS. NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA t VIT0 lmvo tho rlgu, wlion you would drive; Our tuulns look well, tlioy uru ullvo. U,fi lioro that Blilnej.thoy nro O. IC. 2Hop tixak of .Workiunn'H iivory day. ,Mo'i Hit" our toaiDH; thoy'ro miulo to (;o, v it. . .And lit tllohnrncM nnver hIow. Nixr- llmoyoa ilrlvo, you Unveil tig mini, Scok Worlciniui'N plnco, nud coinongivln. lion; up tli m pluco wlion tomnn you feed. u lioro lliuy'iu treated well Indeed. "Vsy low our rules mo found Every time you drive around, X<pi, linolcs nnd drixyn und Iiomp bent. Y '" ,v, l''0 word, wo do Hid lost. Workman's Livery, NEMAHA. NEBRASKA "PERFECT " SCALES .. LAST FOREVER. COMBINATION BEAM. COPPER PLATED STEEL LEVERS. M For facts writo to f Jones -of Blnguamton, BINQHAMTON, N.V.' NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. Statu of Nubrnakn, o unity of Nunmlm. sh. In tlio oounty court or Neiunhn county, Nubi ToJonnlu .Mulvlu, .John K Grotlicr, Edwin SandurH, Joliu 1. Snmlera, tirncu Snndora. Harry Sunders nnd Morle Sunders, and to all purBons Interested In the estate of Maria II. Orotlior, deconed. You aro hereby notlflod thnt Oliver 0. Croth ur luu llleil a putltlon pinylng that an Instru ment u'eu in tula court, lmrimritng to uo tuu nim will aiui luBianidiitor Bam docoaBL'd, may he proved, allowed and ocordod as the last will and tustamont of;Marla II. Crothor, de ceased; that said ltiBtruinent may he admitted to prnhate, and administration of tmid vHtnln granted to Oliver O. Crothor as executor, and that Uiu'JOth day of September, A. D. lM)i, a II) o'clock a. m. , at county court room of uald county, In Auburn, Iiub been llxed as tlio time Htid place of proving xald Will, when you and all Interested may appear and Bhow cause, If there be any, why the prayer of Bald petition hhould not be granted, unci contest the probate tlmroof. WHiusb my hand and soal of said court this ldih day of Auirast, A. D. 180). 41. A. LAMBKUT, County Judiru. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. In tlio county court of Nemaha county. Nobr. To all person Interested In the cBtuto of ThoiuiiBOti I'uxlon. deceased. Vou are hereby noilllod that Eleanor 51, Gnl bralth has tiled a puiltlon praying that nu hi nt rum nt ffled In this court purporting to he the taut will and testament of said deceased, may bo pnved, allowed ami recorded as t e last will nnd tostumont of Thompson l'ax t"iu. ilecutiBodt that said Instrument may ho admitted to probate, and administration of Mild estato grained to Charles Uulhralth as t . uoutor. and .hat tint J2nd day of September, A D. is.c.i, at It) o'clock n. m,, at county court room ot'suld county, In Auburn, has been llxed in the tlmo and place of proving said will, wnen you und all (uteresied may appear and show cause, If thoro bo any, why tho pruvor of tliu petition should not be granted und contest tho probate thereof Itnees my hand and soul of said court this 2Sth day of August, lrti'.i. II. A. L-A5IUU11T, County Judge. To PATENT Good Ideas tnny bo socurecl by . our aid. Address," THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore Md. mm Subicrlptlont to Tho ntont Record 11.00 per annum. ECT-SC LAST FOREVER. v STEEL TRUSSED LEVERS COPPER PLATED, COMBINATION BEAM WITH BEAM BOX, CATALOGUE FREE. JONES OF BINGHAMTON, 1 BINGHAMTON, N. Y. ' The Nebraska Advertiser H. W ., fuhUthtr. SUHSOMI'TION, - 31.C0 1'Iitt YKAK Fitl)AY,SEI.T. 10, 1899. Tho poiiHlon of Dr. Jamea Kay 1ms boon Incroasod from $0 to $8 n month. ScuatorM. L. Hnywurd, who Iuib remained In tliu houao ainco his sick spoil at Hrownvllle last month, was out yesterday and today attending court. Ho litis not jot fully rccovorod from the offocts of his sickness, but is grad ually regaining his strength. Nobrus ka City Nowb. In order to introduce our new month ly family magazine, ''Tho Nutmeg," wo will send it for one year and in clude CO of our superior culling or visiting curds for lady or gentleman upon receipt of one yearly subscription 25 centu. Write plainly and address Cunningham & Litchfield, Stamford, Connecticut. Wo see that in the Nebraska City News that 13. F. Dennison, one of tho passenger conductors on this lino of tho U. & M.,is a sufferer by tho failure of tho Atchison National Bank a few days ago. He had $10,01)0 deposited in tho bank, tho suvings of i lifo time. It ia hoped Denny" will bo able to save tho mo3t of his money from the wreck. Corn stalks from fourteen to flfs teen feet high are not unusual this year in Johnson county fields. Near ly every day some tremendous spec imens nro brought in that are really marvels of vegetable growth. Fre quently the ears aro eight feet front the ground and tliegathoiing of corn is the sorious problem which the short men are worrying about. Ex, NOTICE. The Groat Western Hotel, 15th and Jackson streets, Omaha, Neb., will offer, pedal inducements in rate until Jan. 1 1000, at a S1.2r per day rate, room and hoard, also rooms without board at reasonable rates. Secure jour rooiiif In ntlvunci. Special arranpemt-nts foi large parties. Electric bulls, bath and .ill mudui a improvements. Tiiko Faiinsiky, Prob. Finally Appreciated. Tlio people mo becoii'lng i-live to th ereat nmrits ot the "Greater Aoierict Exp.-itiou" at Omaha The people ol Omaha, Council Bluff and other near y towns are Constant and pletsed vtr U)h Thonsaiuls of the peopin of sur rot ndinc stales, are now enjoying tin Exposition Tne strange peoplo from across the sea nro till tl.ere, Filopeno' 37 of thorn. The famous Water Bull' alo. Aguinaldo's carriage. Twontj oight fino people tiom Hiwaii. C'ham piou Swimmers. The llnvnl double quartette The bfst singers in our new pissesslotH. A large, company of na tive Cubaup. The awful Uurrolte mid the terrible Executioner Valeut'in-, who has killed more than S00 peopu I ... I OU IUIS VCiy machine No such an exposition will be given in tho west in tliu next twenty years." See it while you can. Paul Porri.ol Loiumbus, Gn suK Cored anony for thirty years, and then cured Uis Files by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin disease like magic. Keeling & l l 1 tjT Money to Loan On good farms at as low rate of in terest as the, lowest and tho best of terms. Call and see us GiijMohu, & BunitKss. Auburn, Neb. His liif Was Saved. Mr ,) E Lilly, u proinlnuni oitizon of Hannibal, Mo., Intoly had u wonderful (U'livmanco from it fiightl'itl dentil. In tulluif,' of it ho Hiiys: "I was takon with tvplioid ftu'er that ran into iniciimonia. My lung's hycainn hatdenwl. I whh so woalc 1 ontiidn'L oven sit up in bed NothiiiK helped inu, I expwsteil to soon die of consiimptiiin, when I heard of Dr.KhiR's Now Discovery. Ono liottlo Ruvn Rrent rolit'f. I conlimicd to ush it, uiitl am now woil and utroiiR, 1 can't Hiiv too much in its pmNo " This m.trviloiia inedlcino is Uih snrent and (iiii'kfst oure in tliu world for all Ihrout 11 ml lunR trouhlo HoRiilar no ch nnd l. Trial bultlpp fnn al KeeliiiR'a tlniR store; vory liottlo Riiaran'ced. CoiiRhiiiR inj'iicB and inflames hum ItinRs. Oiih Mlnuf (loiinh Cujo loos ens liif cold, allays coimhinR and bcais qnlcklv. ''n b"f cuiittb cun for clilitlii n. Ki'fliiiR.Uit) drusuint , THE OOUHTY FAIR. Evorythlng iniUcates that the Nema ha county fair at Auburn Sept. 20th to '20th will bo the moat successful over hold in tlio county. A race circuit lins been formed with Otoo, Gago and Lancaster counties, which ought to bring tho largest Held of good hortes evor seen in this part of tlio state. In addition to a splondid speed pro gram tlio management has secured as a special attraction a Koman chariot race between four black horses nnd four wliito ones, and a slide for life, which consists of a lady starting at tho top of a CO foot tower and sliding down a wire to tUo ground on a pully, hang ing by her teeth. Each of these special attractions will bo given every day. In Hddition to tho entertainment it is expected that there will be a hotter display in nil of the departments than over before. Tills, .however, will de pend on tho exhibitors. Liberal pre miums are offered and if the farmers and others will take interest enough to take in their products wo will have u good fair. Let everybody take some thing to tho fair, THE LINCOLN STREET FAIR. JSpond tho week beginning Sept. 18th at Lincoln if yon want to bco tho bigs gost thing in th(5 way of street I'a.r over held in the west. Everything i free tho agricultural exhibit, Hie band concerts, tho paiades, theatiical per formances, balloon ascensions and fire works, For six solid days you can fairly. revel in fun. You can see hun dreds of odd and interesting things every one of them withuut a cent of cost. Extraordinarily low rates via the Burlington Houte, S;pt. 18th, 10th, 20lb and Ulat. M'f the local ticket agent. .1 iiancis, (Jcii'I FasstM g-r AaeiitAOinaha. -1 Don't get Bailed when your hear' iroublps you. Mo.-tt Mkcly yon suffei iro'n iitdicestion. Kndul ' Djspepsia Cure digests wliai. vou eat. It will cure every form of dyspwui. Keeling. v - 5 TlH'70 are ilaiu-tioiH tunesr for the heallli. '' Croupe, colds and tiiroai troubles lead rapidly to Consumption b.ittle of Ot( Minute Cough Onie tmed at tlio rifibt tune will preserve life, health, and a largo amount of money, i'leasant to take; children like it Keeling, the druggist. WW IvM'iiiiguir.'intees every bottle of Chiiniiiei'liiin'ft Coub Itemed) and will return! the irioney to any one who is not Hiti.slied after using l wo-t! irris ot the contents. This Is the best iemedy in the world for la grippe.conirlH. colds, - 'roup and . hoopingconult and H plens tnt ami salt) to ljke. I pieve l -. any tendency of a eo'lil to result in pneu monia. i LaGiippe is amtin epidemic Every precaution should, bo taken to avoid It. Its specific cure is One Minute Counh Cure A. .1. Shnperd, Publisher A ur ea Rural Journal und Advilrtiner. Elden Mo , says: "No ono will feel disap pointed in uslnx One Mmiuo Con.'li Guru for I'aGtijiDe " l'l(asui to lake, quick to act. Keeling, the druggist. A Sure Sign of Group. lIourseiiKds m ft chil'l "lint ih subject to cioii is a Hint' indication ot tho approach ot the disease If Chamber hiln'n CoiirIi Henwly is Riven as soon as tho child becomes hoarse, or even I lifter the croupy coiirIi lias appeared,! it win pievuiiij 1110 aitiicK. Aitmy mothers who have croupy children al ways keep this iremedy lit hand auil find that it saves them much trouble and worry, It, can always ha depend ed udoii and is pleasant to take. For sale by M. II. Taylor. Trtr1 ilnua nutn mtrt r lii t,,A when not .hKed. Kodol Dj .pla j Cure digests what you t. ltprevonts' wiistiiiR diseases and cures stomach trmihleQ If on'rou 1 i,,lWrncH,i an., stomach and IHchinur and allows n wornout stomach rest. It acts in stantly. W. v. KeelliiR ... w.. ...i.u. .,,,.i naiiki'iv niM,l " spepsia Cure.' Digests What you cat. ItartlflciallydigeststhefoodandaldB Naturo in stroiiRthening nnd recon BtructiriR the exhausted dlRCStlvo or gans. ItiatholatcstdlscovereddiRestr ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relievos and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache,GastralRla,Cranip8,and all other results of imperfect digestion, rpareii by E. C DcWItt A Co., Ct)lcaa For suit) by Keeling, tho driiiM. Kodo i Oy Are You Goii to If So p First to Mclicl's You will want wagon bows and we have 'em. You will want wagon covers; we have these also and in three different qualities; or it you prefer we can sell you the duck and you can make the covers at home. Doubtless your wagons and buggies will need a little over hauling and repairing before starting upon so long a journey. That's In our line too, We sell all kinds of wood and iron repairs for wagons and buggies. Wo sell wagon and buggy tongues, buggy and cart shafts, felloes, rims, hubs, spokes, axles, reaches, bolsters, hawns, etc. We sell singletrees, doubletrees and neckyokes, ironed or plain. Wo sell iron bars and rods, steol plates, and all manner of minor repairs in iron and steel. If your horses need shoeing, we would like to furnish tho shoes and nails. Then the harness will need your attontion. You wont want to start to Oklahoma with an old sot of harness ready to fall to pieeos. You will need horse collars, pads, bridles, halters, or Some of the smaller repairs of parts of harness. Perhaps you will need horse blankets and lap robes. You will of course need shoes, underwear, shirts, hosiery, blankets, comforts, duck coats, jackets, and a dozen smaller arti cles, without taking into acoount your provisions and camping outfit. Now where are you going to buy these things? There is no other one stftre in Nemaha county where you can supply all your wants, and there is no other store in Nemaha county that can furnish any singlo item of your needs so advanta geously as our store. fie Great Cask D ep artment Store OF j- A. Mclnmob. & BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. tua We carry a stock 01 gooas valued at $1,500,000.00 -a ft" H .- Jt ' .-(., pTiS-sy WM'v? m WTO .'" rtvSSl mm !K8 1 mi n ncnusai: We own and occupy the tollest mercantile building In the world. We have over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly encaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people It quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations, and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 71 cents to print and mail each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. .MONTGOMERY WARD & flKsgsffffS Its Easy Writing lf its a B.ickcnsderfer No. 5. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. 11 un n.A "HMll, n l.nn r w. n v In.a.n n v. muiv; UUk.lD III U3C UlllUIIJi lUWil MIIU inc- braska newspapers than all the rest of the $100 machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar work that is sold at a popular price. Has 28 Keys, of 8a Characters and Letters; Portable, weighing but Six Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly, ia carbon copies being easily taken at one writing. Only one price S35.00 net. On ten days ap proval to any responsible man in Iowa or Nebraska. Address, Harger & Blish, Gencrnl Agents, 904-910 Alain Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. 8SS3S35E2E WftKwg'fy 11' P? fj M TrrVLV' bud 1 million AddIc. whole-root Kraft 6 million t- nnd 2-yr OjOJI VH r1,rt rr.n.-m -f !.,,. fli y Vtr UOOat'rei Nursery. .W.OOO acres Orclmnls. VU DAY FRFQHT -a H lloxmul pack free, euarnntco mfo nrrlval.shln YVe rl W HKJ,iJU A M r sniIy, t veil to Chhin, lVru, Kuroiie, Austmlln. Our bct customors mo tin ro wl.o y lmvo bsnrlna Plnrk Trees. IiiBteudotiryiiiRtooot nil woenn, CTftDK LOUISIANA, MO. l?tot2f wo nlm to civo all woenn. alonufone mi y. Wol volt. It'sono wny ... 1.1, i.ii. .! Xklf DAV cvii lM,,h WKl'.K to Homo nnd traveling Pok'sinou. It's easy. Belling Stark HOJJF.Y VVtJ ITHI! MAKKiidi Applo of Commerce, tllock flen ilnvls, Clmmplon, Delicious, SMintor,Str.yrrien Vr'iiicsap, York Imperial crpleoj GOLD plumj Kielferj Liberia, etc. Various EorU, adapted to eti bccticr.s fllMoia? Son 74M We receive from 10,000 to 25,000 letters every day KKS2S& ti aiii (I'lHJ 2ft ! 1 :r " urc-.t. 'nn"1 X'SRil h aaat:j ;:aasa: m.lixiiirii. MOMBJiwawiMnrij nr.i C0.M,chlganarGao on Ha &Esmm!mmss9S8Mmfprimnk ... . IV I . lmvo n7l-yr. record, InrRcstnnntml sale, hlRh quality (not hih jirli'o): nro sold dliect, Kroun to lest nud uoar 1110 uesc lriuo Known, wo I.; .,.,.u-..l- TlbEnivflrAita Tlrtl.l..;. i'.i.i .,,u i....n.:. . u..i,ii3.i .., i.. aii' iiiiiiit.ii,,'. :. :: v: ;...;... niiii -... . :. " -. to "doKorxl." Vlsltus, Ktiirlt, .Mo., etc. iflC Lwir sP 5 8 1 v.. r .JUJMfttHftltMJUMfilrflV' il aJrL.1