iK"MLMnmwalk ebmsJm Mdvertiser. VOLUME XLI1 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 10, 1897. NUMBER 11 wwuij mrnw iiimi fiHiiiiimun jmii fflfe . A J i ilM t Local News. Corn, 2 cents. Call and see us for job work. Mrs. Fairbank for fino millinery. Mrs. S. Tuesday. A. Scovill visited Auburn Republican next week. primaries Saturday of S. Gilbert paid Auburn a ibort visit Wednesday. Elder Nicholson is holding forth at the Christian church this week. J. W. Webber attended the populist state convenlion at Lincoln laBt week. Dr. Keeling orders The Adveutiseu sent te his son Will F. Keeling, ut Unian Grove, M. MiF8 May Davis, daughter of D D Davis, started for Mondota, Wis., Mon day, to visit relatives. Geo. Yackley and Charley Devorsa went to Falls City Monday, to take in the big Ringling circus. The trains are all behind time these days, on account of the increasing ex press and freight business. Grandma Seabury sent us in a fine assortment of delicious peaches and Maiden Blush apples Sunday. E. D. Rogers, of Auburn, was greet" ing his old friends in Nemaha Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Dr. Withers, Omaha painless dentist, will be in Nemaha again Sept. 28th, 20th and 30th three days. Office at hotel. Presiding Elder P. Van Fleet, of Nebraska City, preached a line sermon at the Methodist church last Sunday night. Charley Zook and Chan Waterman took a load of peaches to Shenandoah . Iowa, last week, selling them at Si per bushel. Mrs. M. II. Crother, of London pre cinct, visited her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Melvin, from Monday until Thursday ef this week. The Titus Nursery is slapping large quaniities of fine grapes. Largo quan tities go to Arcadia, Neb., and Hot Springs, South Dakota. Green Burgess went to Maitland, Mo., Tuesday, to visit his sons, Sam and Dede. We understand Sam was to be married this week. lhos. Sutton, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, arrived in Nemaha Wednesday, on a visit to his sisters, Mrs. Dr. James Kay and Mrs. D, A. Morton. Rev. Joe Jones, a brother of the cel ebrated Sam, has been trying to reform the people of Auburn for the past two weeks, but finds it a hard, task . Important musical features of the Woodmen picnic at Auburn Monday was the cornet solo by T. A. Clark and the singing by tho Nemaha malo quar tette. W. H. Englebright, the apple man, shipped a car load of apples to Grand Island and Broken Bow Monday. Ho is payig 40 cents por hundred for thorn. Mrs. W. W. Keeling and daughter. Mrs. Ed L. Culver, started for Shelby, ville, Ind., Monday, whore they expect to visit relatives for two or three weeks. V. P. Peabody is having an increas ing demand each year for his peaches They aro line this yoar largo size, fine color, and delicious flavor. Ho shipped eevoral baskets to Omaha, Nebraska City and Council Bluffs Thursday and Friday. Old papers for sale at this ofllco. Chub Henderson was bert Friday forenoon. up from Shu- Mrs: Ona Argabright and children, of lied Cloud, Neb., arrived in Nomas ha Wednesday, on a visit to MrB. S. T. Argabright and other iriends. ttev. James Hiatt was in town Wednesday, riding in a now buggy which had been given him by the con gregations to whom ho ban been preaching. We have for free distribution a num ber of copies of the premium list of the Nemaha county fair, to bo hold at Auburn Sept. 28th, 20th and 30th and October 1st. Call in and get one. John L. Carson came down from Brownville Wednesday morning and was taken by Frank Woodward to look at his land in Aspinwall piociuct. Ho returned homo in tho afternoon. WANTED PEACH SEED. We will pay 80 cents per bushel in trade or CO cents in cash for 1,000 or 1,20 bushels of peach seed. The Titus Nuuseuy. The Nemaha schools opened Monday with a good attendance. Prof. W. II. Crichton is principal, Miss Minnie El liott teacher of the intermediate e partment, and Miss Mellinger Minick teacher of the primary. Dr. I. L. Callison, the Stella dentist, will make his regular monthly trip to Nemaha next Monday, Sept. 13th, and will be prepared lo do all kinds of den tal work. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Oflice at hotel. We have placed our accounts in this section in the hands of Mr. Ban Parker for collection, as it is impossible for us to get out and see the delinquents. We hope those who are owing us will be prepared for the emergency. Next Sunday will bo Rev Gilmoro's last service before C. H. confer. enco, which meets at York on the 15th. It is probable Bro. Gilmore will be re1 turned for another yoar. He is well liked and has preached some strong sermons during the past year. Mra. Fannie Fairbank went to St. Joe last week and bought a flno stock of full and winter millinery and nos tions. The goods are now arriving. The selection is excellent, the styles are the latest. Look for the advertise ment next week. Mr. and Mra. James Earhart, of Pow halton, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Earhart and Mrs. E. T. Earhart, of Horton, Kansas, arrived in Nemaha last Saturday, on a visit to II. J. Duff and family. James Earhart and wife returned home Wednesday. Mr. Miller, editor of the Burwell (Neb.) Eye, gave us a pleasant call Wednesday forenoon, in company with Moses Banks. Mr. Burwell is a rela tivoof Mr, Banks, and visited a few days this week with Mr. Banks and family and other relatives in this vi cinity. Robt. Frost bought a Dempster dou ble cutter grain drill of Andrew Aynes last week. This is a flno imploraent , a new invention, manufactured by tho DjrapBter Manufacturing Co. of Boat- rice Thursday Mr. Aynes received another drill for W.T. Russell, and has an order for another one. Nemaha is getting quite a reputation as a musical town. The cornet band is ono of the best in this section, and T. A. Clark ie gaining a reputation as one of the finest cornet solo players in tho state. Our male quartette "brings down tho house" wherever they aing, and our young lady singers are flrat class. O.r A T Duquoin, Bevier, Walnut jJHLj n,ock( jjcAliister and other grades of coal for sale, ranging in price from 82.23 to $1.00, Hanky McCandless, And now a correspondent of the Au burn Herald is complaining because flour is so high, Ho is the same follow who waB complaining a short time ago becauBo wheat was so low. Ho does not explain how ho oxpects tbo price of wheat to double without increasing the price of flour. T. A. Bath, CharleB Moltz, Mr. and Mrs. John Davios and Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Ritchie, of Brownville, and Alex. McKinney, Wm. French and Clias. B. Motcalf, of London precinct, attended tbo fourth quarterly meeting of theM. E. church at Nemaha Monday foros noon. Mr. Metcalf was given license as a local proncher. The Nomaha male quartette is geU ting quite a reputation. They are res coiving calls from all parts of the county to sing at picnics, concerts, etc. The boys appreciate tlio praise tnoy aro receiving, but cant see much monoy in noglecting thoir business ono or two days in the week for the aako of enter taining the dear people. Dr. James Kay appears to bo tho only free silver democrat lift in Noma ha precinct, as ho was tho only delegate in attendance at the county convention at Auburn, and apparently no other democrat could be found in tho pros cinct, as they put in Or. Keeling, a prohibitionist, as tho other membor of the county central committee. Landon, tho "divine healer," wont back to Tecumsoh Wednesday. He has been preaching on the street in front of the hotel to a steadily decreas ing crowd, and Monday night ans nouncad that unless the people of No maha wauted him to btay longer he would return to Tecumseli Wednesday morning. Euidontly tho people signi fied no desire to have him remain with U8. On Tuesday ho came out dressed in pantB, vest, coat, shoes and stiff hat. Whether this change from tho robe, sandals, etc., was brought nbout by the influence of his wife, or for some other reason, wo did not learn. Lie seemed to feel quite indignant that tho peculiarities of his dress were com mented on, but as thiB dress was worn to attract attention his indignation was only assumed in order to arouse a little sympathy and cause more talk and advertising. LOANS. Private money to loan. Most any amount. Prefer loans of 100.00 and upward. Will loan on land without buildings. LANDS, FARMS, EAST AND WEST, f boveral good 80 and 100 acre farms to sell and exchange, Want others to sell and exchange. Write me what you have and what you want. Now Is a good time to make a change if you de sire t do so. Address Henky C. Smith, Falls City, Neb. Try the new Union hotol when in Auburn. Everything clean and noat. One block southwest of court house block. John McElhaney, proprietor. W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds mado out acs curatoly. Legal documents drawn up. All business given prompt and careful attention . John Griffin, of Zane3villo, O., says: "I nover lived a day for thirty years without suffering agony, until a box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my piles." For piles and rectal troubles, cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo is unequalled. M. H. Taylor. Private money to loan on farm se curity on the best terms that wore over made in Nemaha county, by WeBley Dundas, Auburn, Nebraska. W. W. Sanders is agent for R, V. Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you want to lease or buy one apply at Tur Adveutiseu oflice. "Tnoy don't make much fuss about it." Wo aro speaking of De "Witt's Little Early Risers, tlio famous littio pills for constipation, biliousness, ami all stomach and liver troubles. Thev I never gripe. M. II. Taylor. Jamos A. Stephenson is enjoying a visit from his fathor, who lives in Now York state, nnd a sistor and hor hus band, Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis, who livo in Wisconsin, Tlioy arrived i Nemaha Wednesday of last weok. Hon. Church Howo expects to loavo for Palermo, Sicily, to assume tho du ties of consul at that place about tho 1st of October. Ho will nail from New York on the Gorman-Lloyd steamer direct to Palormo on Octobor 0. Tho trip is expected to take about eleven days, lie says he will take no clerk or secretary with him, but will retain, bo far as he now knows, tho present con Bulato foroo of Italians. He seonis confident that he will liko tho place very much, and says he has a letter from the former consul at that placo, and the latter says it 1b eno of the most delightful places in tho world to live, that tho climate is unsurpassed and the people yory pleasant. Nebraska City Nows. Ilufus Rowon met with a very bad accident Thursday, ne was assisting with the steam thresher at the farm of Frank Shubort, near Shubert. A wagon was being backed to the machine and Mr. Rowan was back of the wagon, when the horses backed suddenly, catching Mr. Rowon'a head between tho heavy step to the straw carrier and tho wagon. Mr. Rowen was badly hurt how bad cannot yet bo told. It seems Btrange his head was not crushed as the heavy wooden step was broken, so great was the forco of the contact. One of the Shubert doctors was aont for, who pronounced tho case a very Berious one. Dr. Androws, of Stella, waB ufterward sent for. Mr. Rowen was taken homo soon after the acci dent occurred. The following, taken from the Shel by ville (Indiana) Democrat, referB to tho golden wedding of an uncle of the editor of The Adveutiseu, May they live to celebrate many mure anniveisa riea of their wedding, and bountiful blessings rest upon them in their old age: "Sunday, August 20, 1807, was tho fiftieth anniversary of tho marriage of Mr. and Mrs CM. Sanders. In com memoration of the event their many relatives gathered about the fostive board at their hcuue in Decatur county When they woro seated at the tablo a touching letter from an absent cousin was road. Then the numorous beauti ful tokens of this their golden wedding were presented to Mr, and Mrs Sanders . An enjoyable time was had by those present, all joining1 in the wish that they might be spared to en joy many more anniversary daya." OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME John G. Woolloy, the great apostle of temperance and prohibition, will lec ture in the opera hcuso in Auburn Sept. 18th, at 8 p. m, Wo wish to roo delegations from all sui rounding towns. It will be the opportunity of a lifetime to many in southeast Nebraska. He is the poor of any man now in tho lec ture field on the temperance question. Como early if you wish to obtain a seat. Seats free. A collection will be taken at the meeting to defray expens es. Dout forgot to bring your pooket book. A great treat is in storo for those who have the home and good government at heart. A word to those who would be wiao is sufficient. R. V. Mum. Brownville, Nob., Sept. 0, 1807. J. K. Curzon, The Jowol or at Auburn, nos removed from Opera House Block to the Coopor Buildintr, 4 doors east of his old stand. Wo would liko to got in a few bun drod bushels of corn on subscription, and will allow two cents a bushel above market price for the same. There ia a time for every tiling; nnd tho time to attend to a cold is whon it starts. Don't wait till you liavo con sumption but prevent it by using Ono Minute Cough Cure, tho great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. M, JI. Tayler. l.HHlatlrgJJgTl 1 CURLS WHtHt ALL ELSt FAILS. Bwt Couch Syrup. TMes Uoori. in Urns. Rnld tr dnvrnlnU. )R. W. W. KEELING, Nemaha Oitt, NEnitAKA. Oflice flrat door south of Park hotel. W. W, SANDERS, Notary Public m i Nomalia City, Nb. L. IT. MERUIT!; Contractor and Builder. All kinds of Carpontor work dono on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. J.L.JIclvtii) i?Z.D., l?h. a. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON SPEOtALllKH: DlHonseHof tho Hkln, DIh cant o Women mid Children Will prnnmtli' nntuvur ml cnliH, ulthor dny or night. Olllco nt rcHldoncc. Kerker & Hoover, Donlor In HlluiHt prlooH pnld for hides, lnrd, tallow ?mno, eta NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. NEM AHAISTOCK FAUM J. H. SEID, Prop NEMAHA, NEUUASKA. liroodornnri Hhlppor of Duroo Jornoy and Poland Chlnn HogH Best ne, low prices. Farm ono mila soutli of Nomaha. Nemaha Cornet Band. is now prepared to furnish good musia for entertainments, picnics, memorial services, etc. Satisfaction guarantood. Charges reasonable. E. E. Mumfoud, Pros. J. E. Chotjiek, Sec'y. G. N. Sandehs, Loader. O. SHUCK, Proprietor of tho nemaha valley Berkshire : Farm. Ilroedurof Thorouhlrecl HorlcMiIro Uokh, Prly.ii wliinlimntoolc. No liottor nilHwI. My prlcCH uro In iiccordmictt with tho Miiiuh. Hoa Htock mid not prices. Kiirm 4 ihUoh nortti weHt of Nomiihu, NEMAHA, - - - NEBRASKA. B.Bellftndrews.M.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc., performed witus out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain board and hospital facilities at prices loss than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief through Burgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Androws. Wo nro UoprwiontlnR and introducing Mr. J. M. Workman, tho ruHtllDg Liveryman OK NEMAriA, Sncct'HSor to H.Cooper Licnvo your orderH for u team, lmclc or dniy, nnd Wudo the Rest. Our Hack meets all trill n h Jf Do YouWant Employment At home or traveling with GOOD PAY? if ho, write us for particulars, giving ago and occupation. You can work i J or part time, and the work iB LIGHT AND EASY. Address 1 30 THE HAWKS NURSEilY 00MPAN Y MILWAUKEE, WISCONBIN.