The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 30, 1897, Image 1

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auiiu. Willi n ii ii in
Local ISTews.
Mow tbo weeds.
Call and see us for job work.
Old Bottlers' picnic August 7th.
Mrs. Fairbank for lino millinory.
The rain Saturday night was greatly
The corn crop now looks in splendid
Tho now hack now meots all passon
gor trains.
II . II . Vonfeldon, of Auburn, was
In town Tuesday.
The Salom Chautauqua begins Satur
day of next week.
Basket meeting in tho park next
Sunday, at 11 o'clock.
District court is in session at Auburn
this week, with Judge Stull presiding.
Ford Skeen and MisBEva Armstrong
drove down from Auburn last Sunday.
A goodly number of our citizens at
tended the picnic at Shubert Tuesday.
Mrs. Kempthorne aud Miss TusBey
are attending the toachors' instituto at
A splendid rain fell here Saturday
night. One and one-tenth inches of
Tvater fell.
Dr. Melvin reports the birth of an 11
pound girl to Mr. and Mrs.C,Galbraith
born Saturday.
And now Tom Thompson is the
ownar of a now road wagon, bought of
Andrew ynea-.; '. ' , " C -'
You will certainly miss a rare treat
if you fail to attend tho old settlors'
picnic August 7th.
A. L. P. Thompson is preparing to
build a large house on his farm. An
indication of prosperity.
The Woodmen of tho World, we un
derstand, aro arranging for a picnic at
Howe August Mth.
MiBses Pearl and Maud Burns went
to Shubert last Saturday, to visit
friends for a few days.
D. C. Miller was doing some needed
carpenter work on the front of tho
drug store Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Rockport aud Shubert base ball
clubs will play at Nemaha on the day
of tho old settlers' picnic August 7th.
Misses Minnie Elliott and Mellie and
Florence Minick are attending the
teachers' institute at Auburn this
John Stewart, a former resident of
Nemaha, gave us a pleasant call
"Wednesday. IIo has been working In
Pawnee county this summer.
Miss Josio Mauch, of Oregon, Mo., a
neico of M. II. Taylor, ia visiting in
Nemaha. She will probably remain
until about the first of September
Dr. A. T. Withers, the Omaha pain-'
less dentist, visited No.naha Wednes
day and Thursday, IIo will make regi
ular monthly trips to Nemaha here
after. Mr. and Mrs, George Daughorty,who
for years ran the Union hotel at Brown
villo, surprised their friends in Nema
ha by driving in Wednesday. They
now live near Vesta.
Charley DeYorss, who has been in
MisBonri for tho past two yoars, gayo
ub a social call last Saturday. IIo was
called to Nemaha by the serious injur
ies of his brother, Will Devorss.
Stove Coopor attached a hose to tho
tank at the public well last Friday and
gavo an exhibition of its availability
in putting out (Ires aud also for sprink
ling the streets. It worked all right.
Dr. J. Xj. JVTelvin.
Office at rosidenco, south of Minick
store building.
pi A T Duquoin, Uovior, Walnut
VUAJU Uiock, McAllister aud
other grades of coal for salo, ranging
in price from 82.25 to $1.00,
Davidson Piasters is having his
house repainted and is having conslds
orablo improvements mado about tho
farm, all of which shows that ho is
convinced that prosperity is hare.
Will Dovorss is recoveringan fast as
could be expected from tho severe in
juries he received last week. Ho rests
woll, doesn't suffer so much pain, and
it iB thought he will be up in a fow
Arrangements have been made for a
game of baso ball between tho Rock
port and Shubert baso ball clubs on
picnic day August 7th. Both are
good clubs and an interesting gamo is
M. H. Taylor has bought a road
wagon and harness, and Vorno and
Gladys now hitch up "Satan," tho gen
tle old pony owned by them, and drive
out in tho country nearly every day.
They are two happy children.
The partial eclipse of tho sun Thurs
day morning1 was seen by all who re
membered and looked for it. As there
were no clouds tho eclipse could be
plainly seen from beginning to end.
Smoked glass was freely used.
The republican state convention has
been called to meet at Lincoln August
2th. The eagle has been adopted ub
the party emblem. The convention
will have. 013- delegates. Nemaha
county is entitled to IS delegates.
Seymour Howe is delivering about
1300 bushels of new wheat to Gilbert
& McCandleaa, for which he gets GO
centB a bushel. Quite a difference be
tween that price and 10 cents paid uih
der the democratic administiation.
Complaint has been mado that boys
who are in tho habit of playing croquot
in the park have Injured several of tho
trees by striking them with mallets,
whittling tho bark, breaking branches,
etc. There is a heavy fine for this
kind of work, and tho boys should
bo careful.
Rev. Mr, Nowland delivered a loci
turo at the Methodist church Monday
night. His subjsct was tho war of the
rebellion. Wo wero unable to be pres
ent but aro informed that tho lecture
was quite interesting. Rev. Newland
will preach in tho park next Sunday at
11 o'clock.
Steve Cooper will run a hack to tho
Salem Chautauqua any day five or more
parties wish to go. Fare, 75 cents for
the round trip. Hack will leave Ne
maha at 0 a. m. and arrive at Salem at
0 ; leave Salem at 0 :30 p. m . and arrive
at Nemaha at 0:30. Leave ordors at
postofilco or llvory stable.
The body of Mrs. Mollie Clark ar-.
rived in Brownville Tuesday afternoon
and was burled in the Brownville cem
etery Wednesday. She was a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Poun, and has
been living in Idaho. Her mother
was sent for during her last sicknens,
and got to her daughter's home the day
before she died.
T. B. Parker, of Tecumseh, was in
town several days last week, looking
after citizens who wero acquainted
with Aloxandor and Charles C. Haislip
in 1808 and 1870. He wanted affidavits
that these mon were not married at
ihat time, in ordor to correct title to
Borne land ho owns. Burl Hoover re
membered tho men and was able to ac
commodate Mr, Parker.
Wo havo mado arrangements where
by we can Bond The Auveutiseu and
tho Inter Ocean both ono year for only
81.00 cash lu advance
It has boon decided to have a Sunday
school convention at Nemaha August
27th, 28th and 20th, for tho southeast
ern section of Nemaha county. All
Sunday schools in this section aro In
vited to be present and to assist in tho
convention. Tho program ia being
propared. and will bo announced later.
James F. Dkain, President.
W. W. Sandeiis, Secretary.
1. N. Coopor has been making some
ornaments out of common mussel
shells, Buch as are found on the bunks
of tho Missouri and Nemaha rivers,
and it is surprising what handsome or
naments can bo mude from ihese shells.
A line polish Ib secured, and tho many
changing colors as it glistens in tho
light is very pretty. Mr. Coopor has
I mado a number of watch charms, BotB
for canos, etc.
G. B. Beveridge and John R. Maddox
of Auburn, wore in town a short time
Tuesday. They were on their way to
the A. 0. U.W. picnic at Shubort. Mr
Beveridge informs us that he is a can.
didato for tho nomination for county
judge on tho populist ticket. There
are three other candidates in tho field
for the same nomination tho present
judge, II. A. Lambort, Prof. W. M.
Crichton, and S. L. Caldwell.
Tho entertalnmont and social givon
be tho Junior Epworth League Satur
day night was a success in every re
spoct. Tho entertainment was pre
pared by the Juniors, and was excel
lent. The proceeds amounted to al
most $10, and would havo been moro
if they had not run out of ice cream.
Tho Juniors desire to return thanks to
those who patronized them, and espec
ially do they thank Dr. and Mrs. J. L.
Melvin for permitting thorn to hold
tho sociable in tholr yard.
Dr. T. DeWitt Talmago, tho greatest
preacher in the world, will preach and
lecture at Salem Intor-Stato Chautau
qua Sunday and Monday, Aug. 8th and
9th, at 2:30 p. m. Half faro railroad
Private money to loan on farm se
curity on tho best terms that wore ever
made in Nemaha county, by Wesley
Dundas, Auburn, Nebraska.
on oasy payments. Inquire at this of
flco for particulars.
"Tney don't mako much fuss about
it." Wo are speaking of De Witt's
Little Early Risers, tho famous little
pills for constipation, biliousness, and
all stomach and liver troubles. They
never gripe. M. II. Taylor.
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions paperB of all kinds mado out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up.
All biiBinoss civon prompt and careful
It may be worth something to know
that tho very best remedy for restor
ing the tired out nervous system to a
healthy vigor is Electric Bittors. This
remedy is purely vogetable, acts by
giving tone to tho nervo conters in tho
stomach, gently stimulates the liver
and kidnoys. aud aids these organs in
throwing off impurities in the blood.
Electric Bittors improves tho appotite,
aids digestion, and Ib pronounced by
those who have tried it as the very
best blood purifier and nervo tonic.
Try It. Sold for 50c and $1 per bottle
at Taylor's drug store,
Church Howo has resigned his posi
tion as consul-goneral to Apia, in tho
Samoan islands, aud has boon appoint
ed consul to Palermo, Italy. Although
tho BAlary is net bo largo at the lattor
placo, and tho perquisites will not
amount to near bo much, yot in other
respects tho Inst appointment is much
moro desirable. Tho salary at Apia is
3,000 per year, and at Palermo is
$2,000. Another Nebraska man, a Mr.
Oaborn, et Blair, has boon appointed
censul-gonoral to Apia:
Tho bossos of tho pop and democratic
parties mot at Auburn a short time
ago and proceeded to parcel out county
oillcos. By tho division tho pops are
to havo treasurer, clerk, judgo and
sheriff, whilo the democrats aro given
superintendent, commissioner, survey
or and coroner. Peory, Engios and
Lambert aro to bo renominated for
clerk, treasuror and judge, John Borgor
is to be nominated for sheriff and W.
C. Parroit, of Peru, for superintendent.
Tho bosses have not yet fully decided
on tho candidates for tho other ollloos,
but will do so in time to havo tholr se
lection ratified at the county conven
tion. Tho delegates will be saved all
trouble of making a choice.
A very pleasant affair occurred Mon
day evoning, tit tho residence of Dr.W.
W. Keeling. Mrs. Keeling's claBS in
Sunday school, desiring to show their
appreciation of their teacher, got up a
surprise party, in honor of Mrs. KeeN
ing's birthday, which was on Sunday.
The young folks arranged with Mrs.W.
W. Sanders to mako Ico croam at her
residence. About 5 o'clock Mrs. Tay
lor called around, by previous arrango
mont with the young folks, and
took Mrs. Keeling out riding.
While thoy wore away Mrs. Sandeis
and tho children went to Mrs. Keel
ing's home, and when tho lattor got
back from her rido she found nearly
every member of hor class present.
Thoy arranged tho table, called Mrs.
Keeling to the (lining room.nud served
ico cream, caka and lemonade. It wub
a total surprise to Mrs. Keeling, and a
very pleasant one.
Nature gavoto fond parents a human
being. Tho Almighty breathed tho
breath of life into this human being
and it became a living aoul. First a
child whoso happy prattle about Us
parents' knees mado homo a joy. Then
a maid whose every art ondoared hor
to those in who3e caro she was entrust
ed. Thonco sho bloomed into fair
womanhood, and from that round of
life's ladder she stepped into the storn
realities of life, witli ambition hor mo
tor power and "onward" hor motto.
Bravely she went to carrying out these
aspirations, but when but fairly begun
her Mastor said, "Well dono, faithful
ono, come up higher."
Tims the spirit of a wifo, daughter
and sister upon whom sweet lave was
bestowed returned to its giver, and its
earthly tenemont to tho olements from
which it came.
Mrs. Mollio Lee Clark, daughtor of
J. W. and Mrs. Lou J. Ponn, was born
in Brownvillo March 20, 1801), whore
sho grow to womanhood. In May,
1803, she was marr'ed to Mr. C. M.
Clark, of New York. In 1805 they
moved to Wardnor, Idaho. In Janua
ry, 1807, she was taken with that dread
disease, consumption. A short time
ago alio expressed a desire to come
homo to die but failed so fast alio could
not. Mrs. Ponn then lott for her
daughter's bedside, arriving there at 8
p. m. July 20th, and Mrs. Clark ex
piled at 10 a. m. July 21st. The re
mains were embalmed and brought to
Brownville, arriving at 3 p. rn. July
27th. Tho funeral services were hold
at 10 a. m. July 28th, in the M. E.
church, Rev, C, II. Gilmoro delivering
the last sad rites. Tho remains woro
then interred in Walnut Grove ceme
tery. A Fur end.
Kansas Champion will make tho sea
son of 1807 at my farm, ono mile south
of Nemaha. Terms, $7.00 to insuro a
colt to stand and suck.
(Xrash Hjmp. TminUomI. Urn
in urns, pom tr armrnlnu.
Nemaha City, Neuuaka,
Ofilco first door south of Park hotel.
Notary ;-: Public
Nemaha City, Nb.
Contractor and Builder.
All kinds of Carponter work dono on
short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
J.L. Melvin , i.I., lh. G.
Sl'KOI ALLIES: DlHunsoHof tho Skin, I)Ih
oiihiw o Woniun anil Children Will
protnnm miHwnr nil civIIh, clthor ilny or
night. Oillco nt residence.
Kerker & Hoover,
Donlor In
(IlahoHt prloon j)nki;for hldOH, lnrd,ltmlow
gAtno, etc
nemaha:stock farm
J. H. SEID, Prop
lircoder nnd Shipper of Duroo Joraoy
and Poliind C'lilnii HngH
Host no, low prices. Farm one milo
south of Nemaha.
Nemaha Cornet Band.
Is now propared to furnish good musio
for entortainmonts, picnics, memorial
services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Charges roasonablo.
E. E. Mumkoud, Pros.
J. E. CnoTHEU, Sec'y.
G. N. Sanders, Leader.
General House Painting,
Kalsomining and
Paper Hanging.
New process of Graluing at one-half
price. Neat work and satisfaction
o.. shuck:,
Proprietor or tho
nemaha valley
Berkshire : Farm.
Uroedurof Thoroughbred Uorknhlro hot?H,
Prl.o winning "took. No bettor rnlnwl. My
prlceH are In ncconluuoo with tho Union. Hee
Htoelc and not prices. Farm 4 miles north
wcHt of No in lib it.
Surgeon Specialist,
Stolla, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Vericocolo, Ilernii,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed withs
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
Booking relief through surgical
moans will do woll to confor with
Dr. Andrews.
tho mulling
or NEMAnA,
I.oavo your ordorH
tor a teiun, buck or
tlrny, nnd
Wmdo the Rest.
Our Hfick inoetaall