r tFvya' " m "v" ' 4 '" r P fj U r " ''" uiJi ruiuiLjiiAiiwuiMWwi)uuwiJiuiwMiiimiijmLi,Muamiw).ijniBlijtji) miiaumiiim tJ , ii m.nijjijiiwwrawmii mwiuLi ebmskn Mdvertiser. VOLUME Xlil NEMAHA, NEB11ASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE II, 1897. NUMBER 44 T r: -O 'I PR' $ I f m fiy,VdA-t- t r 4 T ; iJVQgBr Local 3STews. Call and see us for job work. Mrs. Fatrbank for fine millinery. Splendid prospect for all kinds of fruit. ' John Dreury, of Brownville, was in town Saturday. W. J. Davies, of Brownville, was a pleasant caller last Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Hen Parker drove out to Auburn Saturday te see old friends. Mrs. W. W. Sanders went to Auburn Tuesday, to visit friends for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. George Cbabmnn are tlie proud parents of a One boy, born Monday. Mrs. R. J. Duff and children went to Horten, Kansaas, Friday, to visit relatives. John D. and Frank Shubert were up from Shubert Tuesday and gave this fllce a call. L. L. Hulburn, of Dallas, Texas, is visiting bis old friends in this county this1 week. Next Sunday is Children's Day at the Methodist church. The exercises will be held at night. jFOtTND A small cape. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this netice. The editor had home grown now po tatoes and Deas for dinner last Sundav. braised in his, own garden. W : I rrr-,.. TJios. Eft Jongs.pLBedford precinct, was in town last Saturday and gave this office a pleasant call. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Skeen, of Au burn, visited their daughter, Mrs. Fannie Fairbank, Tuesday. M. H. Taylor went to Plattsmouth Monday to attend a meeting of the state pharmacy association. Wo had a good shower Tuesday night. It was needed, as the ground was gotting very dry on top. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Taylor went to Auburn last Saturday, to visit their daughter, Mrs. . M. Baker. The Nemaha Odd Fellows have just received an outfit of splendid regalias for their officers, costing about 980. Willie and Nellie Sauders are visit ing theii grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Sanders, of London precinct, this week. Miss Belle Clark, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crother for several weeks, went to Shubert last Siturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hadlock drove down to Humboldt Thursday of last week and visited old friends in that section until Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Maud Lemon returned to Falls City Thursday of last week, after sev eral days' visit with her parents and friends in Nemahn. Her sister, Miss Minnie Yates, went home with her. Mrs. S. T. Argabright was pleased Sunday morning at the arrival of her nephew, James Faugh, and his son, of .Whitmore, Kansas, on a short visit the lirst they have made her for many years. Alex. Thompson was taken sick sud denly the latter part of last week, while assisting his brother Homer on the farm near Brock. He Insisted on being brought heme on Sunday, He 1b threatened with typho-malarial fever. The Methodist ladles' aid society serve ice cream overy Saturday at the millinery parlors of Mrs. Fannie Fair bank. They will also f urnUh ico cream for weddings, parties, etc., at reasons able rotes. Dr. J. Tj. JVTelvin, Office at residence, south of Minick store building. C. T. Richardson, of Peru, represent ing the Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co., of Linculu, gave us a call Friday morning, Elder L. P. Bush, of lecumseh, will preach at Christian church Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. Everybody is invited. Robt. Frest, Frank Woodward, Kemp Coleriek, Peter Kerker, Win. G. Maxwell, Ed Maxwell, John I. Dressier, Pretl Barker, David Carrol and Robt. I. Smith attended the dis trict convention of the Odd Fellows at Auburn Moneay. All say they had a splendid time. Rev. John T. Smith, of Nebraska City, preached at the Christian church Monday night. During Mr. Smith's visit here an effort was made to raise the indebtedness on the church, with such success that the entire amount was raised Monday night and the church is now free from debt. Oscar Scovill arrived in Colony Men day evening, on a visit to his bretber-in-law, Mid Shockey. He U well known to the most of Colony people, having been u citizen of our town some years ago. He moved from here to Grant county, Kans., eight years ago, aiid from there to Nemaha county, Neb., four years ago, but recontly re turned to Kansas and is now living at Garnett. His intention is to work for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. We wish himself and family abundant prosperity in their new borne. Os. is a good whole-souled f el row, a rustler, and a republiOauGoleny (Kas.) Free Press. The executive committee of the Ne maha County Old Settlers' Association met at The Advertiser office last Saturday, to make arrangements fer the annual meeting of the association. Seymour Howe was added to tbe com mittee and was elected Yice president and treasurer. It was decided to hold the annual meeting and picnic on Saturday, Aug. 7th. Tbe secretary was instructed to correspond with speakers, whose en gagement will be announced in the fu ture. It is the determination of the corns mittee to make this tbe best meeting ever held by the old settlers of Nema ha county. Steve Cooper has been having a little experience with a dead beat. A fellow by the name of Shannon hired a team Tuesday merning, to drive to Rock Port, but instead of going there h e went to Falls City. Wednesday morning Steve got a telegram sent from Rulo by Shannon, saying that his team was at Falls City, with one horse sick. Steve, went te Falls City and found the team. He then went to Rulo and found that Shannon had hired a team there to go out in the country. Ho had left a valise at tbe hotel, but on examination it was found to contain nothing but bricks, old rags, etc The Rulo liveryman went to White Cloud to loek for the fellow, and while be was there a telegram was received at Rulo that his team was at Highland, Kas. The fellow seems to be addicted to this kind of work, as ho played the same kind of a trick on Dustin & McCennell, of Auburn, and also beat the hotel out of his bill, the same as he did at Rulo. Of course he did not pay for the telegrams. Ho had a woman with him. Private money to loan on farm se curity on tho best terms that wero ever made in Nemaha county, by Wesley Dundas, Auburn, Nebraska . Kansas Champion will make tho sea son of 1807 at my farm, one mile south of Nemaha. Terms, S7.00 to Insure a colt to stand and suck. J. H. SEID. Jerry Marlatt was in from. Auburn Friday. J.W.Darrah, mayor was in town Friday. or Auburn, Tho Bchool board of district No. 00 -Larkln have secured the services of Mrs. Kempthomo as teacher for the next school year. A Nemaha county editor and invcn teris just now struggling over a com bination harvesting machine that will leave the straw stacked in one cornor of the Held and deliver hot biscuits to order as a mere pido issue. Nebraska Farmer. jonn uunaas'niust be the man,' as he is the enly'editer and Inventor combined in the county, At last the starving people of India Hie to receive tho supplies raised in this country fer their relief. The steamer City of Everett, chartered by the government, will leave San Fran cisco for Calcutta, June 12. the cargo will consist almost entirely of corn, contributed by people of Illlnels.Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. On" reaching Calcutta the grain will be-aent to tbe American missionaries for distribution. Last Sunday the Woodmen of the world unvailed the monument erected by this order to the memory of their deceased brother, Everett Larimoie. The services werp under the direction of the Nemaha camp, and were held at the Prairie Union cemetry, where the deceased is buried. Rev.,0. H. Gil more made the address, and it was good and very appropriate. A very large crowd was present, estimated at from 200 to 8000. The neighboring camps at Auburn, Hewe, Stella, Shubert, Salem, Barada, Verdon were well rep resented, there being'about 800 Wood men in the pfdcesslou. JFlfty-three sovereigns were present from the Nemaha camp. Excellent music was rendered by the Stella band and there was also goed singing. Tbe ceremon les were very impressive. Col. L. TV. Oelby called at our office last Wednesday for a soeial chat. Speaking of the colonel's proposed ex pedition to Cuba in behalf of the cause of liberty, he said that the negotiations were pending and that it would not be at all strange if everything was in readiness to Btart for the island with in tbe next six weeks. He says that the only trouble be is experiencing in tbe matter is the raising of the money, but that his eastern agents tell him that that difficulty will soon be bridged ever. It will be an easy matter to get the li.eoo men which tbe colonel thinks necessary for the success ef the enterprise. To properly arm and equip them with sixty days' rations will cost $1,000,000, but Col. Colby says that with such an army he could march through Cuba from ene end to the other and make sure and speedy the independence of the island. When asked if he did not think it would be very difficult to get away from AmerN ca with such a force he said the rende vous would be in Mexico, and that there was practically nothing there to interfere with the embarking of tbe expedition. The colenel talks confi dently of the success of his plans, if he can only put them in practice. Te cumseh Chieftain, Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhaney, pronrietor. Look Here! Best Garden Seeds. Fresh bulk seeds just received at Kerker & Hoover's. Cheaper than ever. None bettor. Give them a call and see for yourself. Get our clubbing rates on any paper you want to subscribe for. We can save yeti money. For sale 1.000 pounds of cane seed at 80 cents per 100. 2 miles south west of Nemaha. Newton Jakyis. IS OLosiisra - otjt Her new stock of Millinery AT COST and TJJX13EiIfc! Sho intends to enlarge her atoro building and make other changes soon,and In order to dispose of present stock Immediately will sell goods at and below coat. New Goods. Latest Styles. Call and see. Tho July number of the Delineator is called the summer number, and its resume of tho latest styles of hot weather attiro, with cipeoiul roferenco to tho needs of sojourners at seaside and inland resorts, 1b rendered graph ically complete by glowing coler plates and scores of accurate weod-outs. Various aspects of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee are entertainingly considered by Mrs. Aleo Tweedie, whoso books of travel have made her name familiar on both sides of the Atlantic. In her talks on health and beauty Dr. Graco Peckb am-Murray this month deals with the digestion. Mrs. A. B. Longstree,t begins a eorial discussion of domestic problem. The season of canning and preserving is taken note of by an article describing tbe latest and best methods in these processes. In fiction, the Adventures of Clive Raynor, by "Martin Orde," begins promisingly with "The Eye of Buddha," a short story of strange hap penings in Thibet, while Jennie Beene Winston contributes a pathetic dialect sketch of life in the south, "Mammy's Chile." Once in a while some Nemaha coun ty man gets an idea that he is too good for this country, and after reading a lot of real estate pamphlets he goes to California er Arkansas or Florida to make his everlasting fortune. Soener or later generally sooner he returns to eld Nemaha, richer In experience but poorer, in pocket. A man may net become a bloated bondholder in Nemaha county, but if ho invests his meney in a few acres of Nemaha county land and sets It out in fruit, in stead ef spending it in traveling over the country looking for a better place, in a few years he can be independent of any "power, prince or potentate" on earth. We have made arrangements where by we can send The Advertiser and the Inter Ocean both one year for only 01.40 cash in advance. i W. W. Sanders is agent for R. V. Mulr's town lets in Nemaha. If yeu want to lease or buy one apply at The Advertiser efflce. Vipana Tabulae: one g ivee relief. Full Line Latest Styles Prints Novelties, Etc., just received, at Anderson's New Cash Store. We carry a good line of CLOTHING, and invite your inspection GOOD FRESH GROCERIES AT LOW PRICES as Anderson has just got in a good stock. The dry goods, notions, hats anh caps, boots and shoes and other departments have ajjso been stocked up witd good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bed rock prices. Try him. Package Coffee 15 First class bulk Coffee 20 Canned Peas 10 Canned Lima lieanB 10 Canned Tematoea 8 Canned 'Corn 8 N. B. Anderson's Gash Store CLIPPINGS. The sultan has just discovered that it is tho wish of Allah that the Turks Bhould have the Grecian Heat. This request has beeu sent to the czar ot Russia for approval. St. Joe Herald, Why should Bryan go te Canada to make conversions to the Bilver causo? Was the ultimatum not free coinage without the aid or consent of any other nation on earth? Where does Canada come in ou the Bryan program, any way ? Omaha Bee. Milllenalre Sorg has withdrawn from the popocratio lists for endorse ment fer the Ohio senatorshlp, Urns leaving the way clear for Millionaire McLean. Tbe trouble with the popo cratio party In Ohio, whose leaders prate about being close to the common people, is that It has a surplus of mil lionaires ou Its hands. Omaha Bee. The delegates to the Universal Pos tal congress nearly all speak tho Erench language, inasmuch as that is tho polite language of the world. All the proceedings of the postal cengress are held in the Frenoh language, and for that reason the delegate who does not speak Frenoh is practically useless to himself and his country. Great care had te be taken In naming the delegates te represent the Uulted States to get men who could speak fairly good French. General Georgo S. Batcheller, of Washington, and Ed ward Rosewater, of Cmaha, speak French excellently and were chosen by the postmaster general because they combined this accomplishment with, other excellent traits. Neither one. however, is acquainted with the tech nicalities of the pestal service, and therefore several officers of the posts office are appointed to furnish the technical knowledge. Chicago Times Herald . - - Sick headache can be quickly and completely overcome by using those famous little Dills known as "D Witt's Little Early Risers." M. H. Taylor. W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds- made out act curately. Legal documents drawn up. All business given prompt and careful attention . Choice Mixed Candy 10 Horseshoe Tobacco - SS Toddy Tebacco 23 Capt Kldd i 20 Ofor 10 20 Corn Cake 15 -& ,td&fm 'fliiKkk'