The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 28, 1897, Image 1

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Local 3NTws.
Tliero wus a light frost Sunday
John Moore was in from Auburn
Sunday. ""
Dr. Callisen, the dentist, waa ovor
from Stella Monday.
Hon. T. J. Majors was in town a few
hours Saturday evening.
J. L. Dalby and J. M. Raper drove
np from Shubert Monday, to see a
good town. They saw it.
Henry Seid has planted a big patch
of artichokes this spring, and will tost
their quality as hoc feed.
Ed M. and Robt. C. Beyd.of Au
burn, were in town a few buurs Sun
day, the guests of F. L. Woodward.
Jim Titus thought we needed seme
thing to freshen us up, so he brought
us a big bunch of pie plant. Saturday.
Considerable fall wheat has been
plowed up and the ground planted in
corn, as the wheat badly winterkilled.
Stephen Cooper was sworn in as
marshal ef Nemaha. Monday night.
Let offenders against the law look out.
Rev. C. H. GHmore and R. V. Muir.
f Brownville, started for Lincoln
Monday, to attend the meeting of the
prohibition party.
We notice by the Odell items in the
Beatrice Express thai; Prof. J. II .
Veeder has been re-elected principal of
the Odell schools.
We acknowledge the receipt of the
program of the ouramenceent exer
cise of tbflOdeJLhigh school, of which
Prof'J. firVeedfr isprincipal.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Shubert, of Aspinwall precinct,
died Thursday of last week, of whoop
ing cough. The bereaved parents have
our sympathy.
M. T. Hill was over from Stella
Monday talking fire insurance to the
Nemaha people. Mart is agent for the
German mutual fire insurance com
pany, of Omaha.
The third quarterly conference of
the M. E. church will be held at Ner
maha Saturday, May 20th. at 8 o'clock
p.m. Ail official membere are re
quested to be present.
Wrav Taylor bought a new buggy of
G. P. Leming on Saturday and drove
overland to Lincoln, where he will
visit his family for a week. Stella
This must account for the burning
on Sunday night of the drug store
whore Wray has been clerking,
, Last year Wm Anderson raised
considerable broom corn and has been
manufacturing the same into brooms.
Hp makes a first class article and Is
selling them as fast as he makes them.
He will raise more broom corn this
year and go into I he business more ex
tensively. f,"
' Stella is having bud luck lately.
'Two or three weeks ago lira destroyed
three stores, and Sunday night Galush
Melvin'H drug store was burned, The
fire started in the rear room and
burned or ruined all the contents. The
.building was brick and the waIIh viM
left standing. The etock was insured.
Mr.' and Mrs. Hannibal Bennett
Were the victims of a runaway Sunday
ninlif Tlinu liml lnnn . . .
...t,.... ..,wi ucdh m unurcn in
Nemaha and when they started home
the mules became frightened and ran
away. They ran into the barb wire
fence in the est part of town, break
ing the tongue and upsetting the
buggy. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were
thrown out but fortunately not in
jured, oxcept'for the jarring they re
ceived, The mules escaped with a few
Dr. J". Ij. M elvin,
Ofllce at residence, south of Minick
stort building.
Rev.C. H. Gllmore will proach the
annual memorial aormon next Sunday
night, at the Methodist church.
The decorntiou services will be hold
Monday forenoon, meeting at the park
at 10 o'clock a. m., and after services
there the procession will form and
march to the cemetery, when the
graves will be decoratrd, Hon. Church
Howe has been invited to make the ad
dress, the Brownville band has been
engaged, there will bo good singing,
and other appropriate exercises. The
W. II. 0. has charge ef the exercises. 3 fc
Mrs. Fairbank for One millinery.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
serve ice cream and cake every Satur
day afternoon at the millinery parlors
of Mrs. Fanny Fairbank. The pro
ceeds will go toward repairing the
church putting on a hard coat of
plaster, and other needed repairs. The
Methodist ladies have the reputation
of serving good ice cream and cake,
and deserve the patronage of the public.
The Nemaha schools closed last Fri
day. During the pnst two years the
school has been laboring under the
sorious disadvantage of having only
two teachers, while teaching nine
grades, and of course the teachers
could not do themselves nor the pupils
justice. Nevertheless the school dur
ing the past year has been an excollent
one, and will compare favorably with
any other school of like size in the
Miss May Brooks, who has- taught
the primary department, o our school
for the past live years the longest
term any one teacher ever held a posi
tion in the Nemaha school will retire
from the school room and undertake
the training of one pupil, Miss
Brooks has gained tho love of her pu
pils and the respect of the parents
during her residence among us, and
we are glad to know that she will not
leave Nemaha.
The body of Sam Honk, who was
drowned atSt.Doroin two weeks ago,
waB found floating in the Missouri
river, three miles below Corning, Mo.f
Tuesday, by Bome men who were fish
ing. After the coroner's inquest was
held by the Missouri coroner, the body
was put in a coflln. brought to Hills
dale, and buried Wednesday morning.
The body ha'd been in the water eleven
of twelve days.
The fifth annual commencement of
the Nemaha high school was held at
Hoover's opera house Friday night of
last week. The orations of Miss
Annie Frost, Mr. Leslie Woodward.
Miss Florence Minick, Mr. Robert P.
Frost and Miss Hattie Burgess, the
graduates, were all excellent, the
thoughts expressed and language
chosen were good, and they were de
livered in clear tones, so all could be
heard in all parts of the opora house,
which was crowded. The graduates
were the recipients of a profusion of
handsome baskets of flowers, bou
quets, etc. Theclass addross of Rev.
W. Dieffenbach,of Auburn, was one of
the best ever given in Nemaha. The
music was line, the singing of the
male quartet, composed of Messrs. J.
L.Melvin, E, J. Maxwell, John Dor
ram and E. E, Rumbaugh being espe
cially well received. Taken altogether,
it was one of the best commencements
the Nemaha school has ever had,
Call and see us for job work.
Ripens Tabuloe cure biliousness.
Look Here!
It rained.
Attorney Morrow was up from Shu
bert Tuesday.
Strawberries are retailing, at 10
cents per box.
Miss Eleanor Galbraith returned to
Auburn Monday.
Chas. M. Woodward returned to
Tecumseh Monday.
Robert Frost brought us in some
magnificent snow balls last Friday afternoon.
Albert Titus will probably have to
replant about seventy acres of corn.
Cut worms.
Irvin lladlock went to Auburn
Monday, and from thence to Glen
Rock to Visit friends.
Miss Lillio Minick went to Bracken
last Saturday, to visit hor brother,
Oscar Minick. and family.
Henry Seid returned from Kansas
City Wednesday morning, where he
had been with a car load of fat cattle.
Sam Anderson recently got in a car
load of crocks, jars, jugs, etc., and is
now prepared to supply all demands in
that line.
The west bound freight train got
two cars oft the trackWodnesday after
noon while switching, but no serious
damage was done.
Miss May TCerker and Miss Nellie
Sanders wont to Brownville Wednes
dav afternoon and visited some of
their friends until tho next forenoon.
The freight trains running betwoon
Nebraska City and Beatrice now run
ovary day instead'" of every alternate
day, 8 heretofore. This has. been ren
dered necessary by the increased busU
Kerkor & Hoover have improved on
Burl Hoover's sidewalk by putting
down one of rock. They expect it to
last as long as they arc in business.
Andy Jarvis furnished the roek and
did the work.
For a number of years the farmers
of Nemaha county have had a ' mutual
fire insurance company, and it has
saved them thousands of dollars that
would otherwise have been paid to old
line companies. Tho German Mutual
Fire Insurance company of Omaha is
a mutual company that has been test
ed and proven all right. This com
pany sustained three or four losses in
the fire three or four weeks ago at
Stella, and they were promptly paid.
M. T. Hill, of Stella, is agent for this
company. If you want insurance
that is cheap, safe and reliable, see
Everything new in shirt waists at
A. II. Gilmoro & Sons, Auburn.
We have made arrangements where
by wo can send Tiik Auvertiskr and
the Inter Ocean both one year for only
81.40 cash in advanco.
Kansas Champion will make the sea
son of 1807 at my farm, one mile south
of Nemaha. Terms, $7.00 to insure a
colt to Btand and suck.
For sale 4.000 pounds of cane seed
at 80 cents per 100. 2 miles south
west of Nemaha. Nkwton Jarvis.
Best Garden Seeds.
Fresh bulk seeds just received at
Kerker & Hoover's. Cheaper than
ever. None better. Give them a
call and see for yourself.
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
cwrately. Legal documonts drawn up.
All business given prompt and careful
FLIES. FLIES. Get that old wall
paper tore off and put on new, before
the flies come. Neat workdone by
J. S. Hadlook.
Ripans Tabulce euro nausea.
i mm
WANTED. 25 buggies to paint at
tho very lowest prices. If you aro go
ing to paint call see me.
J. S. IIadlook-
aijosiisra- - otjt
Her new stock of Millinery
Sho intendB to enlarge her store building and make other clmnges soon.and
in order to dispose of presont stock immediately will soil goods at and below cost.
New Goods. Latest Styles. Call and see.
The festivo BtJawberry is now ripen
ing in this vicinity. Tho Titus Nurpe
ry Is now marketing Borne fine berrleB,
and will have several hundred crates If
noehing happens.
We had a fairly good rain Tuosday
night, and Wednesday night it rained
nearly all night and most of Thursday
forenoon. Tho ground is now thor
ougbly saturated.
The rain Tuesday night was very
heavy at Tecumseh nnd other places
on the A. & N. Tho track was
washed out at Tecumseh and Tablo
Rock, nnd was under water at Salem.
L. II. Barnes has received some
samples of hii wheel wrench, and was
exhibiting one on the streets Wednes
day. Every one who examined it
said it was a fine thing. It seems to
fill a long felt wane.
Mrs. Anna Shaw, an old settlor of
this county, who came to Nemaha in
1858, afterward moved to Aspinwall,
and went to Wyoming a few years
ago, died at Tie Sididg, in that state,
recently. Mr. Shaw died ovor a year
The new school house at Hillsdale
was completed last week, eeats put in,
and ia now ready to be occupied. It is
good house and cost complete about
800. The district get about 550 in
surance on the old house when it
burned down.
The railroads east are blockaded by
the immonse shipments of corn, and in
consequence a number of loads have
been standing on the sidetracks at Ne
maha. waiting until the roads can han
dle the sarao.
Alf Kinton says be has corn to spare
as his corn has come up so well he will
liave to thin it out some. lie says
those of his neighbors who nro having
to replant can have about one-fourtn
of bis corn to transplant if thoy wil(
come over and get it.
FOR RENT. Three rooms upstairs
in Tiik Advertiser building. Inquire
at this ofllce.
on easy payments. Inquire at this of
flee for particulars.
DON'T WASH your wood work and
doors, but have them neatly grained
and varnished. Just as cheap as to
paint them. First class work dene by
J. S. Hadlook.
Mrs, R. T, DevorBS, of Aspinwall
precinct, wns called to Missouri two
weeks ago by tho sickness and death
of an undo. Sho roturned te Nemaha
Wednesday evening, ni.d on account of
the rain remained here until tho next
Nellie Sanders Invited a number of
her 'friouda to assist hor in colebratlng
In a fitting manner hor twelfth birth
day anniversary Tuesday, and twenty
of her school mates and ftiends (iu
eluding her teacher, MiBsMay Brooks),
had a joyful timo from four until eight
p.m. Ice oroam, cuke and strawber
ries were served .
Aarangemonts are being made by
Olive Camp No. M, Woodmen of the
World, for the unveiling of the monu
ment erected by their order to the
memory of their deceased Sovereign,
J. E. Larimore. The unveiling will
take place one week from next Sunday,
at Prairie Union. Rev. Chas. II:
Gilmore will make the address, The
sovereigns will meet at their hall in
Nemaha at 19 a, m. All neighboring
camps are invited te be present and
assist on this occasion.
Editor Advertiser: Our public
schools closed at the opera house Fri
day night, May 21. A class of five
graduated . The Nemaha quartet fur
nished the music. Rov. Dleffenbach
gave the class addross and Robert
Frost presented the diplomas to the
class in a graceful manner. Our pat
rons are proud of tho class, as they
made the following good average:
Annie Frost, 88; Robert Frost, 8(1;
Hattie Burgess, 85; Leslie Woodward,
85; Flo Minick, 02. It is to be hoped
that our school board will emploj
three touchers next year, as our school
has been too much crowded for two
teachers. A Tax Payer.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John,
McElhaney, pronrietor,
Full Line Latest Styles Prints
Novelties, Etc., just received, at
Andersons New Gash Store.
We carry a good line of
and invite your inspection
as Anderson has just got in a good stock. The dry goods, notions, hats anh
caps, boots and shoes and other departments have ajso been stocked up wlti
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bed rock prices. Try him.
Package Coffee 15
First class bulk Coffee 20
Canned Peas 10
Canned LimaBcanB 10
Canned Tomatoes 8
Cauned Corn 8
Choice Mixed Candy ie
Horseshoe Tobacco St
Toddy Tobacco S3
Capt Kldd 20
0 for 10 20
Corn Cake 15
N. B. Anderson's Gash Store