The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 30, 1897, Image 1

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Local 3STews.
More rain Wednesday.
Dr. Kyle, the veterinarian, moved to
Johnson Tnesday.
Tho prospeot. are excellent for a big
fruit crop this year.
The apple, peach, plum and ehorry
trees aro full of bloom,
A very cold rain storm made things
disagreeable Wednesday.
' Miss Veva Clark this week bought a
fine piano of S. H. Avey .
Mrs. Robt. I. Smith has been in very
poor health for several weeks.
The railroads have been heavy suffer
ers by the recent hard ruins and floods.
Major Ebbs drove up from St. De
roin Friday morning and took the train
for Auburn.
The passenger trains ran through to
Beatrice Wednesday for the first Ume
since last Friday.
Mrs. T. A. Lorancecame down from
Brownville Tuesday forenoon and vis
ited relatives for a few hours.
Wm. H. Hoover came down from
Lincoln Thursday, and is leokiug after
his Nemaha property and visiting eld
Eev. Pater Slack, of Brownville, will
preach at the M. E. church next Sun
day night. Subject: "The Divinity ef
S. H. Aveyof Auburn, was in tewn
Wednesday aud Thursday.looking after
prospective purchasers of pianos, or
- gans, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. McCandlese are
jrejoinUjg over the arrival of a hand
"eome 12 pound daughter, born Tues
day, April 28 th. ,
White corn is now worth 17H cents
in the Nemaha market an increase in
price of abeut 50 per cent Isince Mc
Kinley'a inauguration.
Mrs. E. M. Baker, who has beon
helping take care ef ber father, Rev. J.
W. Taylor, returned to her home in
South Auburn Tuesday.
A number of Nemaha citizens have
been working on the B. & M. at Te
cumseh this week, repairing track that
was washed out last Saturday.
The members of the Nemaha school
board will meet at the Gilbert bank
next Monday at 8 o'clock p. m.
Robt. Frost, Moderator.
The members ef the Methodist Sun
day school and Junior League will have
an eld fashioned May Day celebration
in the woods near town on Saturday,
Wm. Rossell has sold his livery sta
ble at Brownville to a Mr. Cook, He
is disposing of his other property, and
will move to Beatrice in two or three
The Woman's Roliof Corps is having
a hard timo getting up a supper. Twice
they advertised a supper and both times
it stormed. They will try it again
Saturday night of this week.
On the 27th day of April, 1807, there
came to the pleasant heme of Georgo
Green and wife a fine son, somewhat
boisterous on his arrival -but he soon
became as quiet and gentle as a sum
mer breeze, with fine prospects of mak
ing the pathway of life for Geerge and
his geod wife very pleasant. He pulled
tho beam heavily at nine pounds.
T. H.Jones, of Howe, probably feels
like suing Tiie Advertiser for damn
ages. He ordered an advertisement in
this paper, but in putting the same in
tyye we made it read that Republican
Jr. could show a 5 :40 gait at 2 years
old without training, when it should
have said a 2:40 gait quite a differ
ence in the time made. Attention is
called te the corrected advertisement.
Dr. J. Hi, JVTelvin,
Office at residence, south of Minick
store building.
On account of the extensive wash
outs on the A. & N. the St. Joe and
Denver freight trains now run through
Nemaha. The passenger trains go up
on the epposlte sido of tho river, cross
ing at Nebraska City.
James A. Stephenson was in town
last Saturday, for tho first time since
he had his leg so badly cut. Ho thinks
ho will not bo crippled, as he can now
bend tho kneo considerably. The
wound is healing nicely.
Jim Titus says tho Titus Nursery
was visited by the air ship Monday
night, Tho managers of the ship got a
supply of water, bought a large order
of nursery stock, and after swapping
lies with Jim for awhile started for
the north pole.
Judge John S. Stull drove in from
Auburn Tuesday, bought some trees at
the Titus nursery, inspected his resi
dence property In Nemaha, transacted
some other business, and then drove on
to Brownville. The judge appears to
ho in good health.
Mrs. Oscar Scovill and Ted and Tu
die started for Topeka, Kansas, Tnes
day, where they will visit relatives for
a few days and will then go to Colony,
Kuusas, where they expect to make
their future heme. Os will remain in
Nemaha for awhile yet,
Scott Argabright tells a big rat story
but has witnesses to prove its truth.
He tore down some old corn cribs a few
days ago and with the assistance of an
other man or two, some boys and dogs
they succeeded in killing 271 rats. He
killed 150 rats one day last fall, but the
supply does.uot seem to hapbeeja de
creased much.
Deputy Sheriff Hill gave us a pleas
ant (unofficial) call last Saturday. He
has been doing some lively rustling for
two or three weeks, arresting the hog
thieves who have been committing
depredations near Brownville. Ho
traced two fellow to St. Joe and from
there to Sioux City, Iowa, whoro ho
captured them. Ho has done somo lino
detective work on this case, as well as
semo very hard work.
on easy payments. Inquire at this of
flee for particulars.
My Millinery Stock
is now complete,
and ready for business.
New goods, latest styles, lowest prices.
Call and be convinced.
Get our clubbing rates on any paper
you want to subscribe for. We can
saveyeu money.
m i m
The most practical and.roliable'dalry
iaformation we have seen is found in
the Dairy Department ef Wallaces' Far
mer, the weekly agricultural paper pubi
lished at Des Moines, Iowa. The Dairy
Department is edited by H. O. Wallace,
who for several years was professor of
Dairying at tho Iowa State Dairy
School, land Is full of up-to-date infor
mation en the feeding and care of cows,
and the manufacture of dairy pro
ducts. The subscription price of Wal
laces' Farmer is $1.00 per year. We
will send it and the Advertiser, both
one year for only $1.00.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the oity. EaBy riding.
Qnick time. All trains met, John
McElhaney, proprietor.
The passenger train going north now
leaves Nemaha at 2:S5 p. m. twenty
minutes earlier than heretofore. The
freight train from Nebraska City te
Atchison does not leavo here till about
7 p. m., and the time of the arrival of
the freight frem Beatriee has been
changed so it connects with the Atchi
son freight.
Rebert Teare, the implement dealer
at Aubnrn, died Wednesday, and was
buried at Brownville Friday. He was
one of tho oldest rosldouts of Nemaha
ceunty, haviug lived here about forty
years, lie was aoouc 74 years or age.
He has boen in poor health for a num
ber of years.
Wo dosiro to return thanks te the
many kind friends and neighbors who
wore so attentive, holpful and sympa
thetic during the sickness and at tho
death and burial of Mrs. Annie Eos
sell. Their kindness will ever be re
membered with gratitude.
Wm. Rosskll,
Mus, J. B. Burger,
and Relatives.
Mrs. Miles Kunpp and Mrs. Rufas
Rowen gave Mrs. Rowen's father, Mr.
Archibald Young, a surprise birthday
dinner April 21st. He was 07 years
old. Those who wore present were
Rufus Rowen and wife, F. Withooand
wife, M.Knapp and wife, J.W. Webber
and wife, Ed Stiors and wife, C. Knapp
and wife. David Urimble and wife, J
H. Seid and wlfo, Wm. Colorlck and
wife, S. Rowen, E. Knapp and wife, C.
H. Conover and wife, Mrs. Jarvia und
Mrs. Seabury. They all had an ea joy
able time and all wish to celebrate an
other birthday with Mr. Young.
One Present.
The editor acknowledges the receipt
of a bountiful 'supply ef cake from
-Mib, Itoweii arftFMrrt, Knapp.J ""
Look Here!
Best Garden Seeds.
bulk seeds just received at
& Hoover's. Cheaper than
ever. None better. Give
all and see for yourself.
them a
Nemaha has a Bakery, Candy Facto
ry, Lunch Counter, etc., where you can
get a hot lunch, a square meal, fresh
bread, cakes, pies, etc. I am prepared
to make hot candy for parties on short
notice. It. L. Norfleet.
We wish all our delinquent subscrh
bers who can furnish us wood or corn
weuld bring the same la at onco, as we
need it.
FLIES.. uFLIES. Get that old wall
paper tore off and put en new, before
the flies come. Neat workdone by
J. S. Hadlook.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use ef this medicine has
often averted long aud perhaps futal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act
more surely in counteracting aud free
ing the system frem the malariul poi
ses. Headache, indigestion' constipa
tion, dizziness yield to Eleo trie Bitters
Fifty cents and CI per bettle at Tays
lor'a drug store,
Her new stock of Millinery
Sho intends to enlarge her store building and make other changes soon, and
In order te dispose of present stock immediately will sell goeds at and below cost.
New Goods. Latest Styles. Call and see.
All interested in the building ef tho
log cabin in Nemaha and also those
interested in the old settlors meetings
are requested to moot at The Adver
tiser eilice Saturday, May 8th, at
2 o'clock' p, m. The members of tho
executive committee are especially re
quested to be present.
Tho family of Mrs. Von Georgo,
Olive Chunoy and tho two youngest
daughters of John Timmermnn, were
all mado very sick on Tuesday night,
from eating tho eggs ef a large Missouri
river garr-Ush, which was given to the
former family by John Whito, a flsh
peddler. The fish was about to bo
thrown away by the peddler, who had
it tied on his wagon simply as a couii-
oslty while he wus selling out his load
of flsh, when the young bey of Mrs.
Von George carried it triumphauth
homo. Mrs VonGeorge found on clean
ing it that it was full of eggs aud
cooked them for supper, saving the
moat for breakfast. Tho Timmerman
girls aud Olive Ghaney were presout
at supper time and ate of the eggs, and
all of them required tho assistance of a
doctor in a fow hours. Dr. Andrews
was called und toon had them out ol
danger. Moral dont eat fish that you
know nothing about. Stella Press.
One advantage subscribers to Wallaces-
Farmer (weekly, DesMoines.Iewa,
$1 per year) is that they can ask any
questions concerning sick anluals.grass
and grain growing, law points, etc,, aud
have them answered without charge.
This prlviloge alone is often worth ten
times the subscription price. You can
get a sample copy free by writing fer
it. We will send Wallaces' Farmer
and The Advertiser both one year
for $1.00.
I can furnish pasturage for abeut
fifty head of young cattle this summer
at following pricos: Culves and year
lings 50 cents a month per head; twe
yearolds and grown cattlo 75 cts. No
horses wanted. Pasture three miles
south of Nemaha.
E. S. McCandless, Alburn.
WANTED. 25 buggies to paint at
tho very lowest prices. If yeu aro go
ing to paint call seo me.
Full Line Latest Styles Prints
Novtlties, Etc., just received, at
Anderson's New Gash Store.
We carry a good line
as Anderson has just got in a good stock. The dry goods, notions, hats anh
caps, boots and shoes and other departments have ajso been stocked up wltd
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bod rock prices. Try him.
Package Coffee , 15
First class bulk Coffee 20
Canned Peas 10
Canned Lima Beans 10
Canned Tematoes 8
Cauned Corn 8
N. B. Anderson's Gash Store
Knnsas Champion will make the sea
son of 1807 at my farm, one milo Bouth
of Nemaha. Terms, 97.00 to insuro a
colt to stand and suck.
For sale at 50 cents per setting, Pure,
choice stock.
Geo. N. Sanders, Brownville.
For sale 4.000 pounds of cane seed
at 80 couts per 100. 1 miles south
west of Nemaha. Newton Jarvh.
We will send Tiie Advertiser, the
New York Tribune, the Toledo Blatfe
and the Chicago Inter Ocean, all fear
papers one year for only $1.85.
m m
We have made arrangements where
by we can send Tiie Advertiser and
the Inter Ocean both one year for only
f 1.40 cash in advance.
W.W. SauderB, Notary Public Pen-,
sions papers of all kinds madu out aos
cvirately. Legal documents drawn up.
All business given prompt und careful
STRAYED. From my stock field
about March 15th a two-ycai-old bay
horso colt; white spot in forehoad and
Borne white on hind feet.
J. L. Haitit.
DON'T WASH your wood work and
doors, but have them neatly grainod
and varnished., Juot as cheap as te
paint them. First class work done by
J. S. Hadlook.
W. W. Sanders is agent for It. V.
Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy ono apply at The
Advertiser efllce.
Itipana Tabulcs.
Blpana Tabulos: one gives roliof.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist
of Shrevepert, La., Bays: "Dr. Klng'e
New Discovery is the enly thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best sells
er I have' J. F. Campbell, merchant
of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that is claimed
for It: it never fails, and is a sure cure
for consumption , coughs and colds. I
cannot say enough fer its merits." Dr.
King's New Discovery for consusopi
tion, coughs und colds is not an exper
iment. It has been tried for a quarter
of a century and today stands at the
head. It never disappoints. Free
trial bottle at Taylor's drug store.
invite your inspection
Choice Mixed Candy 10
Horseshoe Tobacco --.-. 38
Toddy Tebacco ; 33
Capt. Kldd 20
0 for 10 20
Corn Cake 16
, J , 'A