The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 07, 1896, Image 1

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    fmmmimm,mnmtmm.mmmfiihi--fvmf'---' witiiuw m
If W . ..
nijfciiwy9ffWiwuM8XtmcsfiiBii,iiiHiMii ii inn 111 mm i Bin 1 1
I' .
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in timo Sold by drtiffclAts.
Nemaua. City:, Nebkaka..
Odlce first door south of Park hotel.
Notary :-: Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
Local 3NT ews.
Considerable sickness.
H. A. Thompson, Pro.
llalr Dressing,
ltuzor JIomoIiik,
Special attention paid to Ladles and Children.
Agentor Nebraska City titcam Laundry.
Jfliss Minima Crim,
Teacher of
Instrumntal : Music,
My system la tlio lntest, whereby llio best
of results vro guanintei'd. I respectfully nslt
for a shnro of your putroungo. l 3 tf
Kerker & Hoover,
Deulor In
Highest prices paliUfor hides, lnru, tiulow
game, etc-
Slmbert, Nebraska.
D003 a general practice All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L. Melvln, JII.D., Ph.K,
SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Skin, Dis
eases of Women mid Children Will
promptly answer all cnlls, elthor day or
night Ofllce at Keynote Drugstore
- Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
8 tella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with"
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parlies
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Old Bottlers' picnic August 22nd.
Old papers for sale at this ofllco,
Church IIowo was in from Auburn
Miss Emma Crim returned from
Salem Tuesday.
Jeff Druuim brought us in some
samples of Tom Thum pop corn Tuess
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lewis, of Drown
villu, visited Neraul.a friends last
Hon. T. J. Majors was one of the
speakers at the darkey picnic at Palls
City Tuesday.
Miss Myrtle Hall of Auburn, whs
the guest of her cousin. Miss Nina
Moore, the first of the week.
Jim Collins, who has been stopping
in Colorado for three or four years, re
turned to Nomalia Thursday.
Mrs. J. 0. Frazell and little daughter
Nannie, of Columbus, Neb ,are visiting
for a few days with Mis. Galbraith.
Mrs. M.II. Taylor wont to Salem
Friday morning of last week, and at
tended the Chautauqua until Suiulu).
ilrs.F. L. Woodward ana Charley
drove to Salem last Saturday, and at
tended the Chautauqua a couple of
We will allow 20 cents a bushel foi
corn, 45 cents a bushel for wheat and
15 cents a bushel for oatsvou subscription.
It G. Emery, who has been suffering
for several years from kidney disease
is in a very low condition, and it is
feared can live but a short time,
Last week we began the publication
of a protracted story entitled "Pro
posed Constitutional Amendments,"
which will continue until election day.
M, C. Shurtleff, of Denton precinct
was In town Friday of this week, feel
ing the political pulse. "Clay" would
not object to receiving the republican
nomination for state senator this fall
Cuius Sciilaugeu
the rustling
Leave your orders
for a team, hack or
dray, and
; : We do the Rest.
Our Hack meets all
tral us
II. A. Kyle, the veterinarian, had a
slight eunstroke Monday, while at Au
burn . He was brought home, and was
confined to the house for several days,
but is able to attend to business again.
At Cripple Creek, Colo., and elsewhere
are being made daily, and tho produc
tion for 1890 will be the largest over
known, estimated at Two Hundred
Million Dollars. Cripple Creek alone
is producing ovir One Million Dollars
a month, and steadily increasing. Min
ing Stoeks are advancing in price more
rapidly than any other Stocks, and
maay pay dividends of 35 to 50 percent.
They offer the best opportunity to make
a largo profit on a small inuestment.
John I. Tallman & Co., 45 Broad
way, New York, are financial agents
for the Prudential Gold Mining Co.and
others in tho famous Cripple Creek dis
trict. Tiny will send you free inter
eating particulars of the mining com1
p aiiies they represent, also their book
on speculation in Stocks, Grain and
Cotton, containing many new and im
portant features.
Send for these books at once if you
are interested in any form of specula
tion or investments. Thoy may prove
profitable to you.
G. N. Titus was billed this week for
addresses at the farmers, institutes at
Johnson, Brock, Auburn and Peru, on
"Third of an Acre Fruit Farms," but
could not deliver thorn on account of
being sick.
If you have anything In the way of
grain, grasses, vegetables, etc, that is
especially good, bring it to this office or
to the Carson bank at Auburn, for ex
hibit at the state fair, in tho Nemaha
county exhibit.
Geo. Fairbrother was shaking hands
with Nemaha friends Monday morn
ing. George is now running a job
office at Omaha, but says he is not ac
cumulating enough wealth to enable
him to be a rival of the Vanderbilts.
A. L. Lawreuce.of London precinct,
gave us a pleasant call Tuesday , and
added his name to our list. Ho in-,
forms us that his father who had a
stroke of paralysis last winter Is suf
fering from the effects again. It is
hoped he will soon rally.
Tho popullBt county convention mot
at Auburn last Saturday and elected
delegates tn tho state, congressional
and scnatoral conventions, and then
ndjourned until the 15th inst., when
the county ticket will bo nominated.
John II. Dundas was endorsed as tho
candidate Tor state senator, J. E.
Harris for lieutenant governor, and it
is understood tho congressional dolega
tion is for G. W. Council for congressman.
Tho following teachers wereregis .
tered from Nemaha, who were In at
tendance at the county institute held
at Auburn for the past two weeks: E.
Delia Kempthorne, Lulu II, Clarke.
Mary Tussey, May Voedor, Dora
Morton. Mattio Drain, Mabel Drain,
Eva Jarvis, Gertrude Smolsor.
While In Auburn last Friday J. M.
Burress showed us the specimens ho
now has on hand for the Nemaha
county exhibit, He has already col
lected about 125 diflerent species of
grass grown in tho county, and expects
to get at least ICO kinds. IIo has
lino specimens of small grain. A few
days ago ho found a wild grape vine
seven inches In diameter almost largo
enough for a saw log. The exhibit is
already a good one.
During the past few weeks we have
talked with men from Nomaha.Brown
vllle, Peru.Aspinwall, London, Doug
las,- Lafayotto, Denton aud Washing
ton precincts in regard to Seymour
Howe's candidacy for tho legislature,
and have heard nothing but good re
ports from all over the county. So
far there seems to be no opposition to
him. He h capablo of doing good ser
vice for the county. Is honest, has a
good record as a citizen, -mid jn Qvery.
way will make a good candidate.
Monday evening wo drove up to the
Titus Nursery to investigate reports
as to ripe peaches and grapes being on
tap there. We found tho rumors well
founded as to the grapes, got all we
could oat and a basketful to bring
homo and also found a few peaches
just getting ripe enough to eat, which
wo also sampled, as well as a few
plums. We fouud the nursery in
fine shape, the nursery stock all grow
ing and looking well. Preparation
are being made for a big trade next
Terry's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. had
the misfortune to strike Nemaha at a
bad time for them, as It began to rain
Wednesday evening before timo for
the performance to open. However,
the tent was pretty well filled with
people, and as the rain stopped for a
while, about 8 o'clock the entertain
ment commenced. But in a short time
tho storm broke, and few in tho audi
ence could hear anything. This was
to bo regretted, as tho company was
putting up the best performance or'
this play ever given in Nemaha. On
account of tho rain the people from
tho country had to stop in town over
night, and almost every liouso near the
tent had company. Over thirty men
and boys bunked in the livery stable,
and the Odd Fellows hall accomodated
a number. Tho hotels were 111 ltd.
Wodnesday evoning as Mrs. Jas.
Umland and Mrs.Wm.Umland, living
on tho J, R. Dye farm, about six miles
southwest of Nemaha, woro returning
home they met with an accidont that
came near being fatal. Doth ladies
had babies with them, ono being about
threo years old and tho other probably
six or eight months of age. As they
drove on the crossing over tho D, & M.
track at J. P. Hoover's tho team was
struck by a train, both horses killed,
and tho buggy torn to pieces The
two ladies wero not Boriously wounded,
although ono of them received asovere
cut on ono limb bolow tho knee, and
both wero bruised and otherwise in
jured. But tho poor little babies were
the worst hurt. Both of them received
sevoro injuries, both having a leg
broken in two places. Tho ladies and
tho babies wero brought to town and
Drs. Keoling and Kay made them as
comfortable as possible.
From all accounts the engine did not
whistle as it approached tho crossing.
Tho bell was ringing, but was not
heard by tho ladles Tho ongino had
been to Bracken siding after stock.and
had two cars in front and ono behind
tho engine, so tho vie. v of the track
was obstructed. On both sides of tim
wagon road at this crossing the weeds
and trees hido any train coining so it
cannot be seon by persons on this side
of tho track until it is within a fow
feet of tho crossing.
We understand Messrs. Umland will
stio the company for a good sum, in
addition to the bill put in for
tho horses and carriage tho latter be
ing almost now, and was quite costly.
he older child is getting nlong nieo-
ly. as. wo go to press, but .the baby Ih
in a serious condition.
"" 'i
Last Sunday A.L.Lawrence, cotlBta
bio of London precinct, arrested a
couple of fellows who have been steal
ing harness in the vicinity of Corning,
Mo. llio two fellows drove through
Nemaha Saturday in a light rig with a
cover to it. and camped near Henry
Clark's farm that night. The officers
fiom Missouri wore on their track,and
had been at Brownvilio, leaving a (lis
cription of tho fellows. Sunday morns
ing tho thieves drove through Brown
ville and then went west. Wm. Ros
sell and Jim Miller followed them, in
formed Constable Lawrence, and thoy
wore turned over to the Missouri
Annual Meeting Picnic
of the Old Settled
Arrangements aro being mado for
tho best colebratlon over hold In Ne
maha at tho annual meetiHg and pic,
nlc of the Old Settlors' A8aociatle, on
Saturday, August 22nd. Hon. M. L.
Ilayward, of Nobraska City, Hon. A.
J. Weaver, of Walls City, Hon. T. J.
Majors, Hon. Church IIowo, and prob
ably othor speakers will bo present.
Tho Brownville brass band has been
engnged. Arrangements will be made
for baso ball, foot races, etc.
Tho committee on tho log cabin re
quests all who desire to furnish a log
to have the Banio delivered at Nomalm
during the coming week, as thoy wnnt
to raise tho cabin Saturday of noxk
week. Every one who so doslres is so
liolted to bring in a log 10 foot long, on
which will bo inscribed the namo of
the giver and tho yenr ho camo to tho
Money to trade for cows and heifers.
A. L. P. Thompson.
House and two lots in Nemaha.
Apply to Kemp Coleuioic.
An udjourued session of the district
court was held Mondav and Tuesday
morning at tho court house in this
city. Judge Stull, presided.
William Mount,, of Aspluwall pros
conct, .charged with stealing a pojkot
book at tho Woodman picnic at IIowo
several weeks ago, plead guilty to petit
larceny and was sentenced to thirty
days In tho county jail,
B. G. Whittenioro pload guilty to
tho charge of rape and was sentenced
to the penitentiary for a term of ton
Tho sale of tho G. II. Klmbcrly land
In Aspluwall precinct to W. T. Boone
was confirmed and a deed ordered.
In tho matter of tho sale of tho land
oC.tlie Collins estate, tho referees re
ported that they believed there was a
combination of persons to prevent
honest and fair sales. The sale was
thereby set aside aud a new appraise,
mont and sale ordered.
Tho court adjourned until Saturday
morning, at wh'ch timo othor law and
equity cases will be heard.
Tho docket is pretty well cleared of
all but jury cases, and today tho nunii
bor of cases not disposed of is less than
for a nunibor of years.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out act
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
attention .
Take the wagonette when In Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhanoy, proprietor.
ISTeixialia. Tel.
Canned Goods
Canned Corn . . . . J Oo
Can nod String Beans Os
Canned Tomatoes 8c
Canned Lima Boans 8c
5c Sugar Drip Molasses, fine 40
It waB decided Monday night to
postpone the organization of the Afc
Kinley club until some future date,
when a good speaker could bo secured.
It is probable this will bo done in a
week or two. In the meantime the
list of signers on tho clublist contin
ues to grow, and tho list now contain?
about 100 signatures.
About 200 bushels good seed rye for
sale. Inquire at this office.
This wonderful Liniment is known
from tho Atlantic to the Pacific and
peora the Lakes to tho Gulf. It is the
t'rnetrating Liniment iu the World.
It will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Cuts, Sprains. Bruises. Wounds. Old
SoreB, Burns, Sciatica, Soro Throat.Soro
chest and all infiammatlon after all oth
ers have failed. It will cure Barbed
Vire Cuts, and heal all wounds whero
oroud flesh has set in. It is equally
'filcient for animals. Try it and you
.vill not be without It. Price 50 cents.
Sold by Taylor, the druggist.
Bond's Cream Eye Salve
cures lullaiuiiiatioii of the
EyeB, Granulated Lld8,Wcnlc,
Watery Eyes, and all kinds
of Sore Eyes, it is Cooling,
Healing: and Strengthening.
Every llox Guaranteed.
Price, 35 cents.
Prunes 0c
Peaches 00
Package Coffee 20
Mocha and Java Roast Coffee .'50
Japan Tea 35
Lilly Starch on
Horse Shoe Tobacco 37
Battle Axo Tobacco 2:1
Oat Meal 08
All shades in Henriettas 22c pr yard
Good Prints at 05c
Ll Muslin at 05c
24 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 08c
21 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 0!ic
A now lino of lints from 15c to S2.00
McKinley Hats aro beauties.
Toddy 23 Boys' Suits from 85 cents to S4.00
n.rrs, q uejujws nviRii,
Kirkendall Co. Shoes: The best on the market.
Everything at BedRock Prices
Everything that is kept in a genoral store can be found here, with
prices to suit the times. Call and see mo and get prices.
N. R. Andersons Gash Store,