The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 19, 1896, Image 1

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i : "3
Local ISTews.
The Great American circus was in
Nemaha Monday.
Auburn and Brewnville will cele
brate the Fourth.
Mart May viaited Lincoln friends
several days last week.
Miss Flo Minick has again taken her
position as assistant pesttnlstress.
The editorof this family journal has
bean "enjoying" a nelge of rheumatism
tliis week.
Little Theodore Hill, of Stella Is
visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Theo.
Hill this week.
MIbb Nora Elliott is visiting friends
at Lincoln, tike will prebably remain
until after the 4th.
Guy Taylor came down from Lincoln
Jdnday nlghl,and is visiting his many
friends in Nemaha and vicinity.
The unnual school mooting will be
held at the ucheol noma one week
from, next Monday night June 2tfth.
Robt. Hoskius was quite Hick for
several days last week and tho lirat ol
this week, but 1 able to be out again.
Geo. N. Sanders was first on the list
this year with roaatiug etrs. tie
brought us in some samples last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Davies.of Brown
ville, attended cbildieus' elay exercised
at the il. . church here Sunday
The Methodists had a regular old
fashioned bouse cleaning Wednesday
and the looks of the church inside is
weuderfully improved.
J. D. Itaiuey, the Brownvilie drug
gist, and Dr. 11. H.Smith were in
town Monday. We acknowledge a
pleasant call from them.
Nemaha had a surplua of shows
Monday. The Great American Circus
the Wonder Worker Conceit, and the
thieu legged colt were all hero.
Mrs'. "Viola Wykes and children, ot
Syracuse, are visiting Mrs. Wykea'
mother, Mrs. Criiu, and her many
trieuds in Nemaha this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiu, II. Hoover res
, turned te Lincoln Tuesday. Miai
Veva Clark went with them, and will
visit Lincoln friends for a few days.
Charley Woodward haa been visit
ing at home for a few days. He litis a
few di.ys work yet at Peru, when he
will beat ieiHure for about two mouths.
Friday morning Jeff IJramm brought
us in a roasting ear that is u roasting
eitr. It has good big grains on, big
enough to make good eating without
biting into the cob.
We learu that a petition ia being
circulated, and signed by a goodly
number, asking for post oilioe at
Allen Siding, or Bracken, -between
Nemaha and Auburn. Granger.
Miss Eleanor Galbraith and Carl
Sanders are responsible for the typo
graphical part of Tub Advbktisku
this week, as the editor i acting as a
"before taking" advertisement of a
rheumatism medicine.
There will be a lawn social at tho
residence of Mr. Jolm DhyIm, of
Brownvilie, afternoon and evening of
Saturday June 20. Raspberries and
ice cream will be served. Proceeds
go to pastor M. E. church. All are
T. A. Clark received orders at
Brownvilie Thursday to report at Mr.
T. E. Calvert's cilice in Lincoln for
position as operator on Wyoming
Division. Tom went to Lincoln Fris
day, first subscilbing for '1 m; Aim.n
TisEir. May success attend him.
Mart May says that two or his hogs
havo strayed ever in Marshall Pryor's
Qeld and Jarshall wont Rive them up,
they are his. A big law milt is imt
minent, unless friends can aibitintf.
Tho Children's Day exercises at the
M. E church last Sunday night were
good, considering that luss th.inono
week's practice was had. The hoiue
was crowded, and many were unable
to gain admission.
County Attorney Burnliam came in
from Auburn Ifondny evening te
prosecute the boot-leggers caught that
day butvhile he was planning his
speech before the squire the prisoners
tied, so he went back to Aubutu the
next day.
II. T. Minick was pleased tho ilrst of
the week to be visited by an old Ohio
friend Mr. Aumiller. who was for
merly a schoolmate of Mr. Jiulck's
and of Pat. JcGnrry, tf London pre
cinct. Mr. Aumiller owns a half sec
tinn of laud just east of Johnson where
he has a brother living.
Ed. E. Sunders, of Whitlnc. Kns
visited his mother, Mrs. J. M. gander ,
and his brothers, Geo. N. naii Curl, in
Landon precinct, from Saturday afters
noon until Monday afternoon, whet'
he returned to Nemaha, leaving the
next day for Clarieda, l.iwa, where his
wife is now visiting.
Some ef tho dogsth at infest Nemaha
got into a discussion Tinnday. probab
ly of the finance question, and frights
ened or discussed Johns. Hoovers
horse so much that he jumped out of,
the harness, breaking it in several
places, and started for homo. One
shaft to the cart was cracked.
i i
John Sanders, late fereiuan in the
Granger ofllce, writes from Ward,
Colorado, that ho is well p'eased with
his , position, hut that while he was
absent from his rnum.someorte entered
and swiped his clothing, ull of which is
unpleasant, as in that nsction seersuck
r suits aro neither fashionable or
comfortable. Granper.
Mrs. Hubert Fiost sent in some
samples of vegeanbivs raispd on their
farm. There were inmn hno radishes,
white and red ones, noutu hunches of
string beanu, and some largo new
potatoes. Judging from the appear
ance of the samples sent us, there is no
immediate danger of a fa:i.ine in that
Mr. and Jrs. Alex. Maxwell and
Miss Lillian Maxwell, drove in from
Auburn Saturday arternoon, and
visited friends until Sunday evening.
John H. Dreury died at hU home,
three and one half miles north-west of
Nftnnha, on Monday, June 15th, ldllii
ut 2 o'clock p. in., uged 05 years and
4 months. Mr. Dreury had been a
sufferer ior many years from kidney
diseajf, which causud his death. ile
was a man highly respected for his
alerting integrity and uprightness.
Mr. Dieury win a mem her of Vietoi v
lodgiNo. 1. O. U. F..of Nemaha,
and the funeral Miviees weru hld un
der the direction of that order on I ucs
day, June 10th. at the M. E. chinch
Huv. C. II. Gitmore preached the
funeral sermon. The church was tilled
to Mveillo A'iii by the friends of the
deceased. The reuiHius wtre buriwd
in the Nemaha cemetery.
J')hn H. Druury wits born in Butter
wick, Lincolnshire, England. February
l.'jili, ls.'ll. lie came to Nehrakn in
1801. lie leaves a wife and ten child
ren, and a brother, .Sonus lMeurj, who
lit an old lesident of Biwwnsille.
Mart May brought us in a "mesa" of
roasting enrs Tuesday, but he whs a
little late as Geo. N. Sanders had
brought some in Sunday. This is the
first time Mart has failed to be first
since he moved over fajom Mis-wuri.
Some times he has had to rush matters
a little a bring in the corn before the
grains had fairly set, but he always
'got there" until this time.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. C. II .
Gilmore visited John II. Dreury.
When he started for home he opened
the gate into the read, led the ponies
through, and then went back to shut
the gate. The ponies were evidently
in a hurry to get homo, and so did not
wait for a driver, but came on alone.
Mr Gilmore started to walk home, but
get a ride before he had gone far. The
team came on home creating consider
able alarm, as it waa thought perhana
Bro. Gilmore liad been hurt. Neither
tho ponniea nor buggy were Injured.
"Miss Ruth Maria" Helmes, Mr.
Meuzo Deles Moyor, Married Wednes
day evening, June tenth, eighteen
hundred and ninety-six, at Christ
cliuroh, Ontari, California." "Mr.
and Mrs. Menzo Delos Jeyer at home
Wednesdays after June twenty
seventh, Fern Avenue and I) street,
So reads cards received last Saturday.
The many friends of the bride in this
vicinity unite with The Advkktiskk
in wishing ler a long and happy life
with the en"'. unien she has chosen.
We are needing ram at this time.
Com looks tin but is small.
Mrs. NhhIi ii visiting her lather neat
Brownvilie this week.
Christian Endeavor meets Sundag at
tf p. in. Gjd program.
Jr. Hiid Aim. Matlney and faniilj
will start for Illinois in about two
.weeks, to visit Mr. Maltney's mother,
whom he, has not seen for twentj
yearn. They will be away about twt
months. This community will uiIhn
lliriu in the Endeavor work.
A gospH meeting will be held the
4th of .inly in Met) I Brndlew's giove a,
itilln and a half northeast of the St.!
Deioin furry, in Atchiion county, Mo .
conducted by Elders Uoudwiii.Drniwn
.ind McFurling.of the Chi istlau church,
and Rev. Ginmne, of Nemaha, imil
Kev. Simpson, of Shubvrt, or tnu M. E.
hutch. This meeting is a union
meeting, and oveijbjdy is iuviU'd to
.mm. Skiffs will run freo trom 7 ie
!i o'clock a. m. and from 0 to 7 p m
IjMt everybody come and enjoy them
delves. Pieu'tV of shade and watei
Come to - Mmsiiuri and havo n good
I line ' c. (.
On Jouday it vrua evident to ai
iidinary obiervei that th cup fch.nt
utoxluiles was beiug passed around,
jo Moishalla I. N. and Steve Cooper
and II. A. Kylu l out to trai;e the
source of the intoxicants. It was
rtoou discovered that a couple of young
fellows from Btowuvillr, wlio had
ink n a room at Lhu hotel, weiv acting
vwiy Hiirplciouely, so Mtvo Cooper
Xkinined their room dining their all--encH
and fonnd a lot of whisky in a
big vah-e. They ncie arrested, taken
belore Squire Gilbert, and trial tied for
lucB(la) at I) o'clock. 1. N. Coopei
and H A Kle wiM-u lfl in charge of
im prisoueri at dark, and ver to be
relieved at one o'clock by hteve Cooper
xnd Jim Banks. About ll o'clock, i'B
(lie mm thalti xud their (iinoneis wein
on the hotul of them wanted
a drink or wutur. He went into the
ofllce, got the dunk, and an he came
out, with Mr Cooper ie gave a yell
and sprang off the poich, lollowed by
the other fellow, and both disappeared
in the darknis. Jwsrs. Cooper, Kyle.
Burnliam, Woodward and ethers
chased them, but the bootleggers were
too fast for them, and they were seen
no mure. One ot the fellows had been
arrested earlier in the day tor insult
ing a woman, ami waa fined 83 by
Squire Gi bert whlah he paid.
Hardware, Furuiture.BindmgTw ine
Collins and Caskets at prices to corres-
pond with the times, at
J. W, Akmbtuong'h,
South Auburn, Nebr.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McIClhaney, proprietor.
Rlpans Tubules: at druggists.
Nemaha.. INTeh.
Canned Goods
Blco 5o
Prunes uo
Peaches 00
Package Coffee 20
Mocha and Java Roast Coffee :io
J a pun Tea nr,
Lilly Starch on
Horse Shoe Tobacco 85
Battle Axe Tobacco 20
Toddy 23
Kirkendall Co. Shoes: The best on the market.
Everything at Bed Rock Prices
Everything that is kept in a general store can be found here, with
prices to suit tho times. Call and see me and get prices.
N. il Anderson's Cash Store,
Canned Corn .On
Canned String Beaiid 03
Canned Tomntnis 8c
Canned Lima Beans Ho
Sugar Drip Molasses, lino 40
Oat Meal 03
All shades in Henriettas 22c pr yard
Good Prints at 05c
Lij Muslin at 05c
24 iuclfTurkey Red Handkerchiefs 05c
21 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 03c
A new line of lints from lfic to 82 00
MuKlnlny Hats an bchittles.
Boys' Suits from 86 cents to 94.00
The finest stock of goods in the
country is to be found at Taylor's. Hei
also has secured the sale of Begg's
Family Medicines, Every bottle war-!
routed. They will . give you satisfac-.
ColOliel J OH lllimer wum In tbu tnvun
Thursifay inoriTlnjjTlVfl usual, Jon was!
enthualAitic for his home town , as far
as his talk was concerned, but we no-i
tice he always o.-t a Wistful eye
towards hi old location.
ie to l.
If you don't pay up at onco, 10 chillis
ces to 1 1 will go to the wall. Doe
that mean yon? If yoa owe mo it
does. Respectfully.
M. H. Taylor.
Rlpans Tabules: gentle cathartic
Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
I have for sale, for cash only, about
200 bushels of line German millet seed
at f0 cents per imshel. J. 11. Skid.
House and two Iota In Nemaha.
Apply to KlCMl' COLKHIOK.
Omaha. June 0 to 13,
Lincoln, June 10 to 20.
All tho world beaters will be there.
One fare for the round trip, plus &0
cuts for admlflslon. Tickets on sale
at Burlington route stations within
150 miles of Lincoln and Omaha.
See the local agont of the B. & M.
It, R. and get full information.
ta aTscy.s'issr r -"" - um -
75 suits worth 10.00 at $6.00.
Wontad and Rulunera suits ut ncUuI coat.
We - 3JLst - Have - Money!
Our elegant line of Youths' and Boys'
suits cheaper than the cheapest.
S-Rrofor"rloadl with them. Please take them out
W out of our sight-at your price, remember.
We Retail at Wholesale Price!
No Middle man in it!
Youean always save 25f, by trading at
J. W. Cranmer Co., Auburn, Neb.