L3I "B- THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER IV. Wi 8ANDKKS, l'tiblUlicr. NEMAHA, KBDRASKA. THE WORLD AT LAKGE, Summary of tho Dally Nowe. WASHINGTON NOTKH. PlIKSIIIKNT Cl.KVKI.ANI) on the 2'Jd approved tho joint resolution appoint ing McBsra FrunUltn, Henderson, ileal and Kstello members of the board of managers of tho national soldiers' home. Ahout MO men mot at Washington on thu 22d for a conference to promote international arbitration. Kx-Sccre-tary John W. Kostcr, tho temporary chairman, made a speech in which ho thought tho problem not cany of solu tion, but that Unglish-speahltifr nations ought to find a different way of set tling their disputes than by tho blood arbitrament of war. Andrew Carnegie pent a letter inclosing a check for 81,000 towards oxponses and Bald that arbitration for natiotiH was suro to como "as that tho huu will continue to shine." Tiik president has approved tho joint resolution directing tho secretary of war to submit an estimate for the Improvement of tho Nebraska side of tho Missouri river opposlto Sioux City, la. A dkimttation of the Now York Stato bar association presented Presi dent Cleveland on tho 21st with a me morial recently adopted by that body for tho creation of an international court of arbitration. There was an in formal talk of half an hour on the sub ject Tin: houso bill providing that all tho public lands within tho state of Mis souri which havo not horctoforo been offered at public sale shall hereafter bo subject to (ysposal at privato sale in tho maimer now provided by law haH passed tho senate. Actual Bottlers are to havo a profczonco right. Tins ropllcans of tho United States Konuip 'G caucus on tho 23d doelde'd in favo of an early adjournment after tho appropriation bills aro passed. CoNOUKSBMAN MoNKV, of Mississippi, and Congressman Hall, of Mibsouri, had a personal encounter in tho room of tho committee on naval affairs at Washington on tho 23d. Mr. Money oallcd Mr. Hall a liar when tho latter struck tho formor and then ouch picked tip inkstands and throw them at one another, Mr. Money being struck and having an ugly gash cut behind his ear. Tiik conforonco for international ar bitration at Washington closed on tho 23d with a mass meeting at Allen's opora houso, in tho course of which President Eliot, of Harvard, soveroly arraigned tho policy of President Cleveland. Carl Schurz stated if tho United States wanted to bo a great sea power sho must establish a navy twice ns largo as any two European powers. Resolutions wcro adopted for a perma nent system of arbitration and urging President Cleveland to take faiich stops as will best conduco to that end. A Washington dispatch stated that tho gold money democrats would work hard to capture the delegates from Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana. Michigan and Ohio, which th-jy claimed would give thorn control of the Chicago convention. Tiik United States government has colled Spain to account for the outrage committed on Dr. Joso Manuel Del jjdo, an American cltizon, on March 4, in Cuba. OKNKKAI. NKWS. Tiik sheriff ordered in all deputies bocuuso ho expoetcd an attack on the jail at Knoxville, Tcnn., on tho night of tho 24th by a mob from tho country, Iwjnt on lynching the murdoror of Mrs. C II. GivcuB. Glvens was reported to bavo been lynched at Doudridgo. All wires wero cut and nothing definite could bo ascertained. Tiik Hotel Slocan at Denver, H. C, burned to tho ground and the guests lost everything but their night clothes. Two boys, Nicholas Jungon and Oliver Dalloy, of Martinsville, Ind., wont fishing and a heavy thunder Btorm camo up and they took refuge under a trco and Jungon was killed, lialloy was not hurt. A ski it containing live soldiers and a civilian was overturned on the Ohio river opposlto Fort Thomas and two coldiers woro drowned. Pur.MiKii Castillo, of Spain, recently dcclured that he would ncycr give Cuba homo rulo nor a regime sirailur to that of Canada. T. Estkada Palma, president of tho Cuban revolutionary junta, has issued an address at Now York to tho people of America in which he declares that all tho talk about Spain giving reforms to Cuba was senseless, that tho in- Eurgonts wero ilrruly resolved to listen to no compromise and' would treat with Spain only on tho basis of abso lute independence for Cuba. Tiik 22d was the seventh anniversary of tho opening of Oklahoma to settle ment nnd was observed as a holiday generally throughout tho territory. In Uuthrio all business was suspended and athletic games, basebull and races wero hold at tho stato fair grounds. At tho territorial college at Stillwater, normal school at Edmond and unlvor nlty at Normun appropriate public exorcises wero held and largely attended.. Pait.vkes for Iho week ended tlio 2lth were, according to Dun's Iloviow, 238 In tho United States, against 230 last yonr, and I in Canada, against 37 last year. Tiik dead bodies of Mrs. Joseph Cock ing and MIbs Daisy Miller, her niece, and tho unconscious form of Joseph Cocking, wero found early on the 24th in tho village storo kept by tho Cook ings at Hill Top, Md. Itobbcry had boon tho incentive for tho murders. Tho women wero on tho upper floor of tho storo and wero struck dead with a blunt instrument supposed to hnvo been an iron bar. Cocking was left far dead in tho cellar. Ho had been bound with a heavy ropo and brutally treated, but will probably recover. John Lovk. of Milton. W. Va., aroso from his bed and fired two shots at his wife, killing her instantly. He then entered his fathcr-in-faw's bedroom and fired two shots at him, fatally wounding him. He wound up bj firing a bullet into his own brain. At a meeting in M. A. Hanna's oflico at Cleveland, O., tho official McKlnlcy badge to bo worn by supporters of the presidential candidate at tho St. Iouis convontion was adopted. It is a bright red catin ribbon, four inches in length. In the center of tho ribbon a photograph of McKlnlcy will ap pear, and in golden letters abovo and below it will bo tho words: "Patriot ism, Protection, Prosperity. William McKlnlcy, tho People's Choice." It was reported at Louisville, Ky., that Senator Qcorgo G. Vest was go ing to stump Kentucky in tho interest of silver. Two empty sleepers attached to a froight train broke looso on tho Penn sylvania road recently near Allegrlp pus, Pa., and started down tho mountain, crashing into an engine drawing a froight train, demolishing it and probably fatally injuring tho engineer and fireman. Tho sleepers afterwards took ilro and wero con sumed. At Sing Sing, N. Y., Louis Herrman and Charles Pustalka, both wife mur derers, wcro killed In the electric chair. A dispatch from Ulcvclanu, u., on the 23d stated that tho proposition to admit women ns lay delegates to tho gcncrul conference of tho Methodist Episcopal church lwid boon defeated by tho narrow margin of 18 votes. TiiK Presbyterian women's board of missions was in session at Oklahoma City, Ok., on tho 23d delegates being in attendance from Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arizona, Now Mexico, Oklaho ma and Indian territory. Prominent missionaries of tho Presbyterian church from all parts of tho world wore also prosont. Piiksidknt Clkvkland, Secretary of Agriculture Morton and Commissioner of Internal Itavenuo Miller spent the 23d fishing among the trout streams of Loesburg, Va. Tin: returns on the 23d from tho Louisiana election indicated the elec tion of Poster, tho democratic candi date for governor, by a good majority, although tho populists claimed tho state. A kikk broke out in tho machine shops of tho Seaboard Air Lino rail way at Raleigh, N. Q, on the 22d and thoy wero destroyed, throwing 125 men out of employment. Tiik Eighteenth Street Paptist church at Detroit, Mich., was the sceno of a fight on tho night of tho 22d. One man was struck across tho face by a woman and raised his fist to knock her down, but was pulled away. Women screamed, men shouted and recriminations How thick and fast. Two of tho church trustees resigned and six woro expelled from tho church for open rebellion. It nil camo about because tho trustees forbado tho pastor taking up a collec tion at tho door and ho disobeyed or ders. Tub populist stato convention, held nt Dcs Moines on tho i;2d, was one of the largest in tho history of tho party in Iowa. Chairman Taubencck, of tho national party, and Gen. J. S. Coxoy, of Ohio, woro present. Tho platform was written by Gen. Weaver, and con sists of a single resolution in favor of the union of all the reform forces of tho country on the Omaha platform of four years ago, together with tho recognition of tho initiative and refer endum. Tin: act granting to tho Atchison & Nebraska and tho Chicago & Purling ton roads tho right of way over tho Sac and Fox and Iowa Indian reserva tion in Kansas and Nebraska has be come a law without tho president's signature. Mits. Hannah Cii.vni) celebrated her 108th birthday at her homo at Fcrrell, N. J., on tho 20th. There were pres ent three sons, the yrtuneest of whom jvas 00 yeurs, 32 grandehildron, 82 great-grandchildren and 12 great- great-grandchildren. Tiik general managers nnd passon ger agents of tho western roads wero in session at Chicago on the 22d on tho question of mileage tickets, and it was agreed that, beginning May 1, 1,000 mile tickets should be of tho punch de scriptive signature form, tho samo as tho 2,000 mile tickets. Mileage tickets trood in territory west of tho Missouri aro not to bo honored east of tho river except in specific cases, and tickets told east of tho river may not be used (vest of it. Tiik American national bank at Den ver, Col., failed to opon its doors on tho 22d. It was claimed depositors would bo paid in full. TiiKoxtonslvo saw mill and salt plant Df Wall & Weber, at Saginaw, Mich., tvas destroyed by , fire. Simon Hasbklijach, aged 70, and Ins Bon William engaged in a drunken quarrel at Union City, Pa., on the 24th when tho Bon seized an ax to kill his father and tho old man drew his re volver and shot his son and then sent a bullet through his own temple, lloth will die. A ovclonk struck Salem, Vn., on tho 24th, blowing down houses and barns and uprooting trees. In ono houso de molished a woman and her five-year-old son wcro taken out dead from tho ruins and four others wcro seriously hurt, ono of whom will die from tho injuries received. Two young children at Evansville, Ind., found a can of insect powder and ato of it and death soon relieved their Bufferings. Tiik manufacturers of wire and cut nails, who recently had a conforonco at Chicago, havo decided to raise the price of both kinds 15 per cent, on May 1. Makrhall AniikhsoN, colored, was hanged at Malvern, Ark., yesterday. Ho was convicted of killing Tom Han son, his wlfo's brother. Anderson de clared on the gallows that his life had been sworn awaj. Ho claimed to havo killed his victim In self-defense. Tiik congress of bimotallists at lirus selr closed by addopting M. Pocrnncrt's proposal that tho congress should bo declared permanent until the question of bimetallism had been solved. Jamks Clklland, cashier of tho Osage Trading Co., was instantly killed at Krebs, I. T., by two colored men, who mndo their oscapo boforo ofilcors could bo procured. Clcllnnd wus hit on tho head with a stone, which crushed his skull, killing him instantly. No motive could bo assigned for tho kill ing. In a recent interview Grand Master Workman Sovereign, of tho Knights of Labor, suid that It. P. liland would not get the united support of labor raeu for president. Miss Fiiancks E. Willahi) sailed for England on the 23d to attend tho an nual convention of the World's Women's Christian Temperance union, of which she is tho president. Peforo sailing sho issued an apneal in behalf of tho persecuted, and suffering peoplo of Armenia, urging that tho W. C. T. U. of tho United States raise S.IO.OOO to aid in the relief work which is being carried on through Miss Clara Parton. Tiik republican stato convention held at Staunton, Va., on tho 23d elected delegates to tho national convention at St. Louis, instructing them by strong resolutions to support McKinley. Tiik Pennsylvania republicans met in state convention at Harrisburg on tho 23d nnd formally launched tho boom of United States Senator Matthew S. Quay for tho presidential nomination. Tin: Hourgcois cabinet resigned at Pnris on tho 23d. Tiik whltos of Opolousas, La., wcro determined to prevent tho negroes from voting and armed bodies of regu lars and anti-regulars were assembling nnd it wns predicted that the crisis was at hand and there would be blood shed on the 21st. ADDITIONAL DISI'ATCIITS. Tin: greater part of Cripplo Creek, Col., tho famous mining town, was burned on the 25th. All tho theaters, dance halls and sporting resorts were destroyed, together with tho post of fice, the First national bank, tho Mid land railroad depot and trestles, tho Times newspaper office and many stores. An angry woman in a dance hall throw a lamp at her lover and started tho fire. Tho loss was roughly estimated at over 51,000,000. Piiksidknt Ci.kvkland having failed to sign the agricultural appropriation bill on tho 25th it became a law with out his signature. At midnight on the 20th a mob of armed men entered the jailatMcMinn- ville, lenn., dragged tho jailer from his bed and forced him to givo up tho keys. William and Victor Hillis wcro then taken from the jail, carried on horseback five miles from McMinnville and hanged. Tho Hillis boys wero guilty of murder ami tho work of the mob was tho result of a feeling that the courts were too slow in disposing of the men. Tin: Vicja mine in the Santa Eulalia district, Mexico, caved in a few days ago when 85 men were nt work. Of these 18 escaped and 07 wero burled. Thirty-seven have sinco been taken out, seven of whom are dead and 30 seriously crushed, and many will not live. There was very little chance of recovering tho other 30 miners under tho earth. A toiinado, uccompanicd by a severe rain and hailstorm, visited Claj- coun ty, Kan., and vicinity on the night of tho 25th. At Clifton, Clay Center and Concordia 11 persons wero ronorted killed and between 20 and 30 others in jured. Tho damngo to property was great, many houses and barns being blown away and a large number of cattle, horses and hogs killed. Mn. Baunky Culi.kn and his wife wero burned to death in their homo near Chester, N. Y., on the 20th. Jksbik Linplky aud Bottie Black ford, prisoners in tho county jail at Oklahoma City, Ok., committed suicido by taking large quantities of cocaine. Nkahlv 100 Moplah funatics, who had risen in rebellion, wero cauirht by tho rajah'u militia in a tcmplo at Man gori, iu Southern India, recently, llko rats in a trap, and the militia 11 red volley after volley at them until they were nearly all down. Tho most re volting spectnelo was to seo tho wounded Moplahs having their throats cut by thoso of their comrades who wero ablo to staud. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Silver DomocmtH Meet. The silver clement of the democratic party in Nebraska mot at Lincoln on the 22d. Eight hundred delegates, representing every county, were pres ent and the gathering was marked by great unanimity on all questions discussed. J. W. Sparks was made permanent, chairman. Tho platform drclares for a direct vote on senators, income tax, revenue tariff, initiativo and referendum and liberal pensions. On finance they declared for free coin age at tho ratio of sixteen to one with out regard to tho wishes of any other nation; opposed to tho retirement of tho greenback and demanded that tho secretary of tho treasury, "Instead of issuing interest-bearing bonds for tho purchaso of gold, shall recognize silver ns money of redemption and redeem all coin obligations in silver when sil ver is moro convenient." Ex-Congressman Bryan, C. J. Smyth, W. II. Thomp son and W. D. Oldham wero made dele-gates-at-largc. Tho district delegates are: First, C. S. Jones und W. J. Mor gan; Second, J. A. Creighton and C. II. Prown; Third, C. F. Holenback and G. A. Lukehart; Fourth, C. J. Holby and S. J. Seward; Fifth, D. Walsh and F. A. Thompson; Sixth, A. T. Ulackburn and J. C Dahlman. Allncoltnucnnii. Tiik people of Lyons aro working to secure a boot sugar plant. Nkak Wahoo Emit Thorson was kicked over tho heart by a horse and died instantly. Tin: county scat fight between Alli ance and Hemingford is on again with renewed bitterness. Will Hand, a young married man, committed suicide at Nobraska City in a fit of despondency. Tiik State Sportsman's association closed its annual meat at Omaha on tho 2lth. Tho diamond budge for the Nebraska championship was won by Duer. David Nkal was visited by white- caps at I'lattsmoutn tne ottior nignt and invited to leave town under threats of severe punishment. Ncal's wife died recently and in what tho neighbors thought an indecently short tlmo he married again. Twkntv-kivk affidavits from attend ants and employes of tho hospital for the insane at Norfolk havo been pre sented to Gov. Holcorab denying tho charges of cruelty and immorality pre ferred against Dr. Mackay, superin tendent of tho institution. Tiik recent deluge caused great loss to tho "II. & M. peoplo near "Moorefield. At tho Plum Creek canyon steel rails wero washed away and drainage piles weighing 1,000 pounds and buried 75 feet in tho ground wero torn up and wnshed 400 yards down the canyon. Judok Kkybkh. of tho district court at Omaha, has addressed an open letter repudiating the report current that ho recently rendered a decision Mhat a mortgage bond contract with a clauso requiring payment to bo made in gold was illegal. No decision was rendered in the case. Tiik second annual convontion of tho West Nebraska conference Epworth league will meet at Cozad Juno 25, 20 and 27. Many prominent Christian workers will bo present, nmong thom Lucy Rider Myer, of Chicago; Robert Mclntyre. of Denver, and ono of the bishops of tho M. E. church. Tiik Board of Educational Lands and Funds at a recent meeting decided not to invest any more surplus money in stato warrants on tho ground that thoy wcro not of sufficient security. A proposition to invest iu government bonds was deferred. Tho surplus fund uow lying idle amounts to SOU, 111.07. A pbw days ago Lewis Baldwin, a farmer near Ashland, flagged a B. & M. train and saved it from being de railed and precipitated ovor a high em bankment into the Platte river. A day or two later Baldwin was notified to appear at tho company s oflico in Lincoln, where he was presented with' a fine team of horses, a now wagon nnd harness and a new breaking plow. Skvkual years ago Stephen A. Davis, of Plattsmouth, a veteran of company II, Second Nebraska, applied for a pon sion. Not hearing from it ho recently wroto to Washington and to his sur prise discovered that Stephen A. Davis had been drawing a pension for years. It transpires that there were two Stephen A. Davises in company II, Second Nebraska, and that tho ono who had been drawing tho pension re sides nt Blair. "Coin" Hakvky lectured in Omaha tho other night under tho auspices of tho Bimetallic league of Nebraska. Ho denounced tho press of tho stato as subsidized organs of tho money power. Editor Roscwater, of the Bee, was in tho audience and resented the insinua tion, and after defending tho press challenged Harvey to a discussion of finances. Harvey .was considerably disturbed and finally declined. The affair created considerable excitement. Tiik vouuty commissioners havo agreed to appropriate 81,000 for tho benefit of the Nebraska Irrigation fair to bo held in North Platto October 13, 13 and 14. Ono thousand dollars in privato subscriptions is already se cured, nnd It is thought that another thousand can bo raised. Tnis assures the success of tho first Irrigation fair over hold in America. Tho district re union of tho Grand Army will bo hclii there at tho samo time, and Col. Cody's wild west bhow will eloso the seusca ut the same oluco October 12, A Trinity of Kvlli. Biliousness, sick headneho and irregular Ity of tho bowels accompany each other. To tho removal of this trirltyof ovilj Hostot tcr's Stomach Bitters is specially adnptod. It also cures dyspepsia, rheumatism, ma larial complaints, biliousness, nervousness, and constipation. Tho most satisfactory results follow a fair trial. Use it dally. Wnr.N a man has no longer any concep tion of excellence abovo his own, his voyage is douo, ho is dead. Bccchcr. Tub act of worship is among all creatfom indigenous and peculiur to man. Melville. Nervous People find just tho help they so much, need, in Hood's Sarsaparilln. It fur nishes tho desired strength by purify ing, vitalizing and enriching tho blood, nnd thus builds up the nerves, tones tho btomnch and regulates the wliolo system. Read this : "I want to pralso Hood's Sarsaparllla. My health run down, nnd I had tho grip After that my heart and nervous Bystcnx wero badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gavo mo some help, but did not euro. I decided Vo try Hood's Sarsaparllla. Soon I could do all my own housework. I havo taken. Cured Hood's Pills with Hood's Sarsaparllla, and thoy havo dono mo much good. I will not bo without them. I havo taken 13 bottles oC Hood's Sarsaparllla, and through tho bless ing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard ns over the past Bummer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood's Pills when taken with Hood's Sarsaparllla help very much." Mus. M. M. Messenger, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures prove that Hoods Sarsaparilla ts tlic One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, jr. I'reparcu only by C. I. llood & Co., Lowcll.Muss. HnnH'c. Oillc net easily, promptly nnd llUUU & MT IHS nffnctlvf.lv. ! i'nni. effectively. 25 dents. The Unscrupulous Merchant who tries to make you believe some other skirt binding is as good as .tkJl mc ctnt" to Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding should be taught a lesson buy it elsewhere. Look for " S. H. & M.,' en the Label, and take no other. If your dealer will not supply yoit we will. Send for samples showing labels and -materials,. lotheS. H.&M.Co.,P. O. Box 699, New York CI'.v. For your Protection ito positively stato thnt this remedy docs not :ontnln mercury ornny stlier Injurious drup. Nasal Cntnrrh Is a locul itfcatio nnd Is tlio re mit of colds nnd ud Jon climatic changes. ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens nndclcnnsos tlio NumiI rursuk'eH, Allays I'nlnanil Inllnniuiutlou, u AV-FEVER Hems tuo pores, i-ro- .....la .tin Mnnitirnnn from Colda.ltestorcstheSenfesof Tnsto nnd Smell. Tuo Halm Is quickly nuorl)0(l una kivb rcnei ui. onci. l'rlco McentHittDriiBiMstsorliy umll. 13I.Y UKOTUUKS, 50 Wurion Strcut, NewTork.. A SHINING EXAMPLE of what may be accomplished by never vary ing devotion to a single purpose is seen in the history of the McCormick. Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago For 65 years they have simply been building grain and grass-cutting ma chinery, and while there are pbably forty manufacturers in this line, it is. safe to say that the McCormick. Company builds one-third of all the binders, reapers and mowers used throughout the entire world. There is just a little ap petizing bite to HIRES Rootbeer; just a smack of life and good flavor done up in temperance style. Best by any test. Mal onlr br Thr Chtl V.. Illrct Co., rMl IHphl. A Sic. iMk uiVi't 6 1 ill jo . bold crttjttii.ru. THE 1CELESS KHFKinKKATOlC Keeps milk, tiutter, etc.,. In ciMiil condition illtur notlilns but wnter. coollnc belni; dono by eraoTnt'on. Keml mm formrtIculnr. Ipklkhh I ifrpptc Wanfprf: HlU-WaKtUTOIl CO., ST. Louts, Jlo. I HBOHld liailiCU' WE PAY catfiWEEKLTnniiwaet rata EYMIYVYHKCR to Mil GOLD ($3,VU00) PLUM anl AM. otbrr ST1RK Trtts. Outfit, FREE. No Mortsy to Invert. Ho Risk. ST1P.K BR0 Loaltlaiu, Mo., P.odpcrt, lilt. AGENTS MAKE S?.uDArc'uc iiofriBiiufiii- chine. Savei 7& tier emit. lii ico. hmi;i sump tor lur Uf (Uri. AHCnO UEt'HIOKlUTl.NU CO., a. Luai, tis'ij no t ....i. Wm ewummfe -f X V A-1 -.;