u $aa,'lo: ebrwkn Mdvertiser. VOLUME XL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JAN. 24, 1896. MJMKEJi 30 Me k A QU. V. W. KEELING, Mkha.ua. City, Nebraka, Office firat door south of Park hotel. W. W, SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nomaha City, Neb. Kerker & Hoover, Deator lu IjVl":E.A.TS HlKhost prloos paid. for hides, lard.tailow iamo, ole NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. T wp! Hon Cuius Sioel Introducing Cooper tlio rustling Iiivoryman ok Nemaha. Leave your orders for n tentn, linck or drny, and ; Wk do the Rest. Our Hack meets nil trains ;Sitiva B.BeilAndrews.M.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Veiicocele, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain hoaui and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering bkill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief thiough surgical means will do well to' confer with Dr. Andrews. WAITED. A MANI To sell Cuniidliin Orowu rmtt ' Preen. Ilerry Plants, Roses Sliruunory, .-veil Potatoes, etc., for the largest S rowers of hluli tirade , Mock. Seven liu iilr il ere, hardy profitable, varieties tlint Hucceeil In Hie coldest climates. .No expnrlonco re quired mill fair treatment guaranteed. Any hub not nariil.iK 950,00 per ;notitti and axpun bos should write uh at once for particulars. Liberal Commissions paid part time men. Apply now and i?ot cholne of territory. LUICK BROTHERS COMPANY. Htoott Exchango Building, Chicago, ill. Wanted Salesmen,; to sell a choice line 'NUKS 11T STO'JKorS!) 'IflfH. MREIIAI.NAIj- AICV or COMMISSION PAIU1 WEEKLY. rKUMAM'.Ni" and PAYINU POSITIONS to GOOD MEN. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to BEGIN NEUR. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY GIVEN IK DESIRED. Write tit once for tonus to The Hawks urEery Co , Mlwaukee.W Complexion Preservid DR. HCBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pimple, Liver -Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re stores tno HKin to in orlgl nnl freshness, producing o clear and healthy com i plczinn. Superior to all face' preparations and pe druggists, or mailed fc ffiff :ra$W2'! H. -C- rTi forSOcts. Send for circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP It .Imply licoaiparahl m a kin purlfilng R.ap, unequal! for tUa toilet. .n4 without a rlnl for tho nuritrj. AN.Intrlr ire anil delicauly mill, ealad. AtdraKliti. Priee 25 Canlt. TheG. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, 0. ESTATE OK MICHAEL SPINNER. Do ceased In the County Court of Nemaha ountv, Nebraska. Notice Is hereby glvon that an application has been made to tho County Court of said county to appoint Chas. P, Edwards administrator of the estate of mild Michael Spinner, deceased, and that January 13th, A. 1). 1896, nt 10 o'clock a, m., at the oillco of tho County Judge of Nemaha oountv, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebraska, have been fixed bv the court as tho time and placo for tho hearing thorrof.whnn and where all persons Interested may 'appear and con test the Mima. Dalod Dorembr 21111.1895. II. A. LAMBERT, County Judge. 0 rtcUOCS t1tfYT- The Rocker Wasner lit proved tho tno.t ttUfittory of any Hubii titi placid uixju Hit mnrkct. It It wtrranleil to waili an ordinary family w.ihinf nf lOOrlKCESlJIOMi IIO UK, at cltan at cm U wailiol on Urn wuhlwaril. Writ, for ptlcti and full JnctlpHon, ROCKER WASHER CO. T WAY.1K, IN D. Ubcitl luductiutuU to liv aieut aBvaiafJHaai Local News. Queer weather. The protracted meetings still con Untie. G. N. Titus went out to Johnson Thursday. J. W. Taylor took tho train for Lin coln Saturday. Minor Taylor lias been on the "ailin" list this week. Wm. II . Hoover returned to Lin coin last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Wolfe visit ed Auburn Monday. J. W. Taylor shipped a car load of wood to Lincoln Saturday. Miss Pearl Finch, of lirownville, visited Nemaha friends Wednesday. . Titus & Williams have had another large corn crib built on the lots west of town. ' Mrs. John B.&eid returned to Au burn Tuesday, after a few days' visit with Nemaha friendB. W. A. Kyle, the Nmuhu veterinary, is a brother ol United Slates Senator Kyle, of South Dakota. Miss E. M. Galbraith returned to Lincoln Tuesday, and will go to work in one of tho job oilices in that city. Mrs, J. M. Saudeis came down from London precinct Monday, and visited friendo until Wednesday afternoon. FoundA pair of spectactles in case. Owner can get same by applying at this oillce and paying for this notice. F Mr. and Mrs. James Burns visited their daughter, Mrs. Dan Fauver, at Peru, last Saturday, Sunday and Mon day . Mrs. David Tourtelot, who has been assisting in taking care of her mother, Mrs. A. D. Skuen, leturued to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Edith richell returned to Beat rice Saturday, niter visiting several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Clark. We were visited witli a snow storm Wednesday night, and the next day those having sleighs could enjoy them selves sleighriding. Robert Sampson and David Carrol wout to Kansas City last Thursday evening, with a car load of cattle, re turning Saturday night. WANTED-AN IDEAo&S thing to patent 7 Protect your Ideas ; they may tiring you wcaiin, write juun wiuuuniv KultN fc CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, Harry McCandless want to Neb raska City Wednesday, to get some re pairs lor the engine of the Forest Home elevator at the siding. Dr. Wm, Daily, who was elected coroner last fall, did not give bond, so the old coroner, Dr. Oppermann, holds over. He has giveji a new bond. George Tourtelot sends us a paper from Galena, Kansas, so we suppoFe he must be in that section of country, but what he is doing we do not know. Dick Argabriglit, while going home a few days ago, was so unfortunate as to get a leg broken. He was riding horseback and the horse fell down, breaking Dick's leg. Rev. James Hiatt, who for somo time has been preaching in Missouri, arrived in Nemaha Wednesday even ing, and will visit his son Thos. Hiatt and old friends hero for a few days. Undo John Barnes, who has been stopping with his son, Casner Barnes, near Howe, since his return from Kan sas the first of November, is visiting his (laughter, Mrs. J. F. Drain, this week. D. G,, for their $1,800 prteo oiler. On nnd after January 20th, 1800, The (.Gilbert Bank will be open from 8 a. m. till 4 p. m. S. Gilbert, Cashier. The protracted meetings contiuuo at the Methodist church with increasing interest. Tho church has been crowds ed almost overy night. So far (hero have been 48 additions to the church. Mr. Editor: Please stato to tho readers of The Advertiser that the meanest man in the state is in the (own, and will sell goods at auction for ten or fifteen days in tho Moses Banks' storo room. J. II. Kuhlmann, the former propri etor of the Auburn Steam mills, who moved to northern Texas about a year ago, returned) to Auburn a few days ago, on business and to visit friends. He says he is well plessod with his Texas homo. Notice. All persons who are indebted to the firm of Titus & Williams are requested to call and settle their accounts at once, either by cash or note, as there will bo a change in the buslnesH inside of 00 days. Titus & Williams. Walter Jarvis Is now confined to his bed at Ids home in Auburn, Doing in very low condition from the cancer bn his face. He has had a number of op erations performed, one of his eyes be ing taken out in one of them. But it seems nothing could ho done to help him, and it is feared ho can livo but a short time longer. Auction Sale! Saturday afternoon and night.' a OLD GOLD AND SILVER WANTED. Take all your old gold and silver of every description toS. 11. Avey & Co., of Auburn, who will buy it and pay you full value. Attend tho auction every afternoon and night next week. Mrs. Maud Lemon, of Baradn, is visiting friends in Nemaha. M i i Cnrl SandetB it visiting his brother George N. Sanders, in London precinct this weak. MrB. J. M. Tldrow returned to her homt at Auburn Monday, after soveral days' visit with Nemaha friends, I A correspondent! in last week's Shubert Citizen, from Columbus, Neb rasku, signing himself " Ex-Democrat," writes as follows concerning the can dlcacy of Hon. T. J. Majors: "Somo of the westorn papors aro commenting upon tho probablv candi dacy of Hn. P. J. Majora for tho Governorship' this year, and ho seams to be as popular as hi was beforo his defoat by the treachory of his "friends.'' It is tho writer's prediction that if Majors can get the nomination it will be equivalent to It in election. I have heard scores of republicans say in hit presence that they stayed from the polls In 1804 because they believed the lies and innuendoes circulated by the enemies of Majora hut had since satisfied themselves of tho utter malic lottHiit'ss of the reports and stood roady to help him if hn should determine to run again and mark this prediction should Majors run he will be elected. His great political enemy tho Hon "Everywhere" Rosewater having been "frosted" beyond tlto hopn of resurrec tion in Douglas county hint, November shows that Majors is a survivor and a very "much alive" one, for tho men most reMponslbln for Majors defeat have thrown off the yoke of Roso water and struck thoir first blow of atone ment for tho fault of desertion. The second blow will be the election of Majors and he will make a "Govoin or of the Poonlo." No excuse for sleepless nights when yon can procure" One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyan era. cure the most severe cough and give you rest ami health. Can you nf ford to do without it? Taylor, the druggist. i Notice. Any ono having horses, mules, wag ons, buggies, harness, or stock of any kind that they wish to sell, I would bo glad to soil the same if brought to my storo in Nemaha on each Saturday If stock is not sold I will not make any charge: if sold a small commisvini will bo claimed. Remember we will start our auction on each Saturday, at 2 o'elock. Everybody in tho vicinity bring their stock in, also household goods, machinery and farming imple ments. W.S.Titus, Auctioneer. TO THE PUBLIC. Kind friends and patrons: I have carried you through th last year and this the beginning of a new year, I have some bills I have to meet, and I will have to ask you to respond at once. Thanking you for your patron age in tho past and ask for a continu ance in the future. I am as ever Respectfully yours, M. II. Taylor. Coughing irritates the delicate orgs ana and aggravates tho disease. In stead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces the sore ness and infiamation. Every one likes it. Taylor, the drnggist. Wo have for sale a good 100 acre farm near Nemaha City, well improv ed, good house, barn, etc., large orch ard, farm all fenced, which will be sold for $115 per acre. If you want a bar gain call quick. The business men of Nemaha have more trouble In collecting accounts this year than they did last year. They believe that nearly all tho money goes out of the country to pay debts Nemaha cannot prosper and hold its trade unless those who patronize our merchants pay promptly. Nearly all the busineBs men have authorized Stephen Coopor ta collect for them His first visit will bo as collector. If obliged to make a second visit, he will have legal papers to serve in tho per-, formance of his duty sis constable. Gilbert & Son pay in trade 20 cents for com. No one lus been obliged to sell a bushel of corji for les than 20 CMits to pay them as they allow the use of their crilm to parties owing horn who wind to hold their corn. WANTED. All the old gold and silver watch cases, rings, etc., in the country for which we will pay the highest market price. S , II. Avky & Co , Comer store, Auburn, Neb. Opposite First National Bank. Titus & Williams carry a good grade of goods, and their prices are reason able. No shoddy goods kept to make a cut on. Piles of people have piles, but Dp Witt's Witcli llirel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain. Taylor, the druggist. "W. S. TITUS' CASH STORE GOME AND SEE ME. ONE PRICE TO ALL. Why go to othor towns to buy your Groceries when you can buy them choapor at home. Goods delivered to any placo in town. Compare my pri ces with any store In any other town, or anywhere This is a partial list of what I have at bottom prices: Granulated sugar, 1711) for SI. 00 Aibucklo Coffee, per package. 24c Lion " " "... 24c Hotel Baking Powder lOo Climax " " fie Quail Oats, per package 10c Lonox Soap, 0 bars for 2oo Satinet Soap, 0 bars for 2iic Hodn Crackers, 3 It) i!6c Prunes, 0 lbs 25c Riee. 7 lbs 25e Plug Tobacco, per lb 2u Beans, fl lbs 26c Best Gunpowder Tea 40t Dwight'sCow Brand Soda. 2lbs loc Apricots, percanlOe, 2 for... 'Joo Pears , 2 cans for 25o Covo Oysters lOo Salmon 14o Tomatoes, ! for 25c Corn, per can 0c Japan Tea Dust, 2 lbs 2fto Parlor Matches, 4 boxes Go Glinicn peanut candy, per lb. . . lfic Mixed candy tic Roasted Peanuts, lb lfic Vliginia cigars, 2 for r Fresh Pickles, por doz 8o Salt, 0 lbs for Re Also tin cups, pipe", pins, tobacco, oats, corn, corn meal, chop feed, brooms ax handles, aud other things too num erous to montion, t low prices. Como and see my goods and get prices, as every one is welcome. Everything fresh and now. No old goods. Call and see m; W . S. Titus East Main Street, Nemaha, Nebr. Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the eity. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhanev, proprietor. Draying- I will haul loads in town for If) ceuta rt load. Any reasonable distance side of town, 40 cents. Promp ervice Your patronage solicited. Sam Buroksb, Old papers for sale at this oillce, MONEY FOR YOU. DID YOU HEAR OF IT? The chance of the year you will miss if you Ml to visit ' SPECIAL SALE: In our Entire Line of Boys' and Men's Clothing & Furnishing Goods Cheaper than ever sold in the county. They must and vVill Go and at the following prices: Just think of ill A good overy day suit and ovorcoat, all for $0; worth twice tho money. Good suit of undorwuar for 50 cents. Good all wool cap for 19 cents. 1'alr of good calfskin mitts or gloves for only 35 cents. Good paii of yarn initio, leather faced, only 24 cents. No one shall freeze, though corn and hogs aro" low. So come along, Remember, wo are almost giving away underwear. Como and examine It, Now is the time to buy. Everything at Astonishingly Low Prices at J. W. CRANMER & CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska