The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 25, 1895, Image 1

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ryll. W. W. KEELING,
Otllce flrat door south of Turk hotel.
Notary :-: Public,
Noinalia City, Nob.
Etacllock & Zook,
House Painting,
and Kalomining.
Paper Hanging a Specialty
Furnituri' repaired, Tinware mended.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer In
HlKtictst prices niilil for hides, lnrd, tnilow
prtinu, etc
m nut mm.
Fresh and Salt Meats.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Hon ChkisSigei.
& Harper
t lio niKtllnn
ok Nkmaha.
Leave your onlors
r n tenia, hack or
(liny, anil
; U K 1)0 TIIK RlCST.
Our Uncle ioco'h nil
The Famous
Gem Stoves I Ranges
Jirc Gaavantvvd to
Give Satisfaction.
The lire backs are Warranted
for Fifteon years, and any pait
that breaks from action of fire
within 12 months will be fur
nished free of charge. . -
For sale by ' , " . '
Local IsTews.
No rain.
Got ready for winter.
Additional local on last page.
See that every republican votes.
Wo need money and need it bad,
G, N. Titus drove over to Rookport
Phil Shuck has moved back to
Ono week from next Tuesday is
election day.
Wo will allow our subscribers 20
cents a bushel for corn.
Frank Jones sold a carload of wheat
to S. Gilbert Wednesday.
Winter wheat is being injured by
tha prolonged dry weather.
Republican rally at Nemaha next
Tuesday night, October 20th.
Wo are needing wood. Let our des
linquent subscribers tako notice.
There are several cases of scarlet
fever in town, but all in a very mild
John Harper has moved on T, N.
Cooper's farm, where ho will feed cat"
tie this winter.
J. II. Veeder lias sold his residence
property to R. I). Waterman, who will
move to town in a few weeks.
Tho sidewalk south of Titus & Wil
liams' store and that in front of where
the buildings burned out has been re-
Tho postotlice inspector visited Ne
lualui Tuesday. He reported every
thing in excellent shape at this postotlice.
Every building in town of any na
ture that a family can live in is full
and thero are almost daily applications
for vacant houses,
rank Lesley came to Nemaha
Wednesday on n few days' visit. Ho
has been working on tho Missouri Pa
cific at Glen Rock this summer.
Rov. E. S. Chamberlain informs us
ho will probably move back to Nemaha
in the near future. Flo doesn't liko it
at Rethany so well as he expected.
Mrs. Thurman and daugnter, Miss
Minnie, returned to Atchison, Kansas,
Monday, after a visit of some time
with Frank Woodward and family.
Mart May wnt to Lincoln Monday,
to consult an expert about tho cancer
on his face. It is probable he will have
an operation performed beforo his return,
Tho dwelling house and Crother's
Iiarness shop that were burned at tho
recent lire were nmonir tho oldest
buildings in tov n, both having been
built in 1850, we believe.
Surgeon Specialist,
George Fablingor and M. 1 1, Carman,
republican candidates for county judge
and copnty superintendent, called on
us '.Wednesday. They report good
meetings wherever they go.
ftobrasitfti "T'10 ' (iel,ot ail(1 platform has
J been raised rabout twelve inches and
Operations for Cataract atHhll opera-fa new platform built, ail of which im
Ti""l!!".t'!l0y?Veri?COlo,fIei!.,i','Prove3 the looks and adds to tho con
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities tit prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings
vonionce of tilings considerably.
seekhiL' relief throueh surirlcal I
means will do well to conier with
Dr. Andrews.
Dick Rurgeas has bought the build
inc formerly used as a scale house bv
Parties tu0 Nebraska City Elevator Co., and is
Wanted Salesmen,,'1
tl) HOll ft
let lino
moving it to the northeast part of
town,a,nd will uso it for a dwelling
John Elliott drove four men to Shu
bert Wednesda night. On the way
I'KHMANKNTimd I'AVINi. l'usj I'loN.s to thero tho carriairo ran un on u. hleh
uk(jinn'kk. kxci.l'sivk TKititiTouv place on ono side of the road and upset
OIVKN IK IMHIUKU. Writ.) t ono forLlln, ,.,, , , , ,. '
j uu c-iuiiiiu iup was
the whole load.
tfrniB to
The Hawks Nursery do-, Milwaukee, Wis badly damaged, but no one was hurt.
Georgu Rurgcss, a son of Groen Rur
gess. anived in Nemaha bunday of last
week, with his family, from Illinois
Ho is making his home at present with
his father, in Aspiuwall precinct.
John R. Seid lias concluded to quit
farming and try town life for awhile
so ho moved to Sotitn Auburn tho first
of tho week. Wm. Seid has moved on
tho farm, his father occupying Will's
house in South Auburn.
A. M. Englos, candidate for county
clerk, and Wm. Watson, jr., candidate
for sheriff on the independent or popu
list ticket, nave this office a pleasant
call Tuesday. Mr. Englos and Mr.
Watson are both nice men, but their
Tho passenger train from tho north
lias been about an hour Into for soveral
mornings, on account of work being
done on the trestlo work at Nebraska
City. The R, & M. Company has been
filling in a draw, and the tioidlo work
has boon so weakened that trains can
not pass over it, so everything lias to
bo transferred.
Some onoaet'flro to the coal liouse
at tho depot last Friday night. It was
evidently tho intention to burn the
depot, and tho scheme would have sue
coeded but for fact that tho blaze was
seen by a man who was sleeping in u
car near tlio depot, who got up and put
it out. Thero is no clue to tho one
setting tho lire.
A nutnbor of attempts have bee i
made of late years to get a good well
of water on the Skeen farm, adjoining
the Champion school house, but each
attempt has resulted in failure unti1
this fall. George Skoen pointed out
to the well dieters a piece to dig and
they struck a big vein at twenty-eight
feet. The water is now fifteen feet
deep in tin1 well and still rising. Georne
doesn't claim to be a water witch, but
certainly succeeded in finding water.
The Methodist ladies' aid society bus
decided to give a supper at the poor
farm Tlmnksgiving night for tho pur
pose of raising money to pay off the re
mainder of the church extension loon .
At the tune the church was built a
loan of $250 at ti per cent inteiest was
secured lroin the church extension
fund. Tins was to be paid at the rate
ol 850 a year and interest. In June.
IS01, when the church was dedicated,
tho ladies' aid poeicty assumed the pay
ment of this obligation. The last pay
ment is due Jniiuaiy 1st, 1800 The
ladies have to raise 820 or $25 more to
meet this payment and want to n.ake
it at thip supper. This will put the
church entirely out of debt,
Cows, Heifers, Hulls and Steers that
will do to feed. Also corn.
A. L. P. Thompson.
Please call and settle by cash, noto,
corn or stockjand save coats, iibI must
havo money.
J . II. LtTTUEI.t..
WANTED An elderly lady to koop
house and care for three children
House well furnished, For particulars
call on or address Frank Lesley, Ne
malui, Neb.
Tho firm of Cooper it Harper, pro
prietors of tho Nemalia livery and dray
business, is this day dissolved by mus
tual consent, John Harper retiring.
Dated this Mth day of October, 1S05.
Stki'hkn COOI'KH,
John IIakimck.
Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
Reg1 pardon! 1 want to whisper,
soft and low, ploaso call and settle.
Mits. Tiiko. IIii.i..
Now stock of Pants just received at
Titus & Williams.
Republican Meetings.
The candidates on tho republican
county ticket and other speakers will
hold metings at tho following times
and places:
Howe, Friday, October 25th.
llillsdalo, Saturday, October 20th.
Gillilaud school house, Redford pre
cinct, Monday, October 28th.
Nemaha, Tuesday. October 2i)th.
Hickory Grove .school ljouso, Wash
ington precinct, Wednesday, Oct. :10th.
Manning school houso, London pro
cinct, Thursday, October illst.
Peru, Friday, November 1st.
Auburn Monday, November -lth,
Theso ineotingB will begin at 7:150 p.
in. Everybody is invited.
J. E. Harris, wo understand, poses
as a great educator, but acknowledges
that ho hasn't taught for tho past
twenty years or more. During Ids ies
idenco of twelve or fifteen years in
Nemaha county has ho ever been
known to attond a teachora' institute
or association, or take any inteiest in
educational matters except the two
years ho was a candidate far county
superintendent. once for tho appoint
ment, in 1880, wlion Wellington Rlcii
resigned, ami in 1887 whou ho ran on
the prohibition ticket? Isn't it a fact
that ho has to go back twenty-five or
thirty years for any experience in ed
uo.tiwml work? lias ho kopt posted
on tho modem methods of school work?
If he is so intensely interested in tho
woik why is it that ho lias succeeded
so well :n concealing any uiunitestation
of that interest except when ho is a
candidate for superintendent?
Even the populists concede Albert
Gilmoro's election as district cleik.
Ho will be elected by a big majority
Ron Rurress is capable in every way
of filling tho otllce of county clerk ae-
ceptably. Ho is well posted in that
linn of work, is accomodating, and at
the same time will adhere sttictly to
the law. See that an X is marked af
ter Ids name.
The heali"g properties of Do Witt's
Witeji Hazel Salvo are well known. It
cures eczema, skin offcctlons and is sim
ply a pwrfect remedy for piles. Taylor
the drupgis-l.
A nice liiie of diess goods hand
some patterns low prices just ro
ceivtd by Titus & Williams.
"W tfLlltCCl.
1 or 10 cords of good
Wood, in exchange for
South Auburn, Neb.
It is a truth in medicine that the
smallest dose that performs a cure is
tho best. Do Witt's Little Early lll
ers aio the smallest pills, will perform
a cure, and are the best. Taylor, the
See the handsome patterns in prints
at Titus & Williams'.
George Kablinger Is an honest, con
scientious man, well qualified for tho
position of county judge Ho will
make as good an official as Nemaha
county over had. Seo that a cross is
marked after his namo when you mako
out your ballot.
S P. Glasgow has made a good sher
iff. No ono denies this. Ho has boon
faithful to his trust, fur two years. He
should receive tho vote of every ropubs
lican.- There is no reason why any
member of the party should vote
against him. Do not fall to mako an
X after his name.
T. W. Eustlco has made a good offi
cer. Ho has strictly obeyed tho law
in ovory respect. FFo linn turned over
more money as interest on county
funds than all the other county treas
urers combined. Ho is deserving of a
second term. Ho should have tho vote
of every republican.
It is amusing to road the send-off
tho populist papers givo Ed Falloon.
As ho has never made a record for win
ning casos, they have to smooth things
over by saying "he iB ono of tho most
careful law students of the state, hav
ing tho largest law library in Richard
son county" as if tho library made
the lawyer. Rut thou it is well known
that they do not expect or deslro to
elect Falloon, having merely put him
on the ticket to draw democratic votes.
Tlireo years ago Frank Mclnlnch
was renominated by acehmation for
county commissioner, after having
served three yoais in that olllco, IIo
almost overcame an adverse majority
of nearly ono hundred in tho district,
and that, too, against the best man the
independents could put up against him.
This year ho was again renominated
by acclamation. IIo made a good rec
ord when in otllce. lie will mako a
better record during tho next term on
account of his past experience. Ho is
a republican. Vote for him.
I havo taken charge of tho Nomaha
Roller Mills, and am prepared to do
custom grinding of all kinds on short
notice. Faed grinding 8 cents per 100.
Give mo a trial. I wili guarantee to
pleaso you in quality of work, and
treat you white.
Fkanic M. Sciiultz
There tire many good reasons why
you should uso Ono MinutoCough Cure.
There are no reasons why you should
not, if in need of help. The only harm
less remedy that produces immediate
rust Its. Taylor, "tho druggist.
Old papers for sale at this office,
Titus & Williams carry a good grado
of goods, and their prices are reason
able. No shoddy goods kept to mako a
cut on.
Caps, sxncl
The only dealers in the
Lucky Worsted ClothingJ
Most Durable, (? Best Made,
Suits, and
Olieapest ixi"swlrVciiialiaJOo
K$r?1 i.?KRl
tmifr Or
W-i:iS!lUH 17tl