5T im i , Lus ' ,f TJI Sl ebrwfa dvertiser. 7 v.nW mm f! J ff I r i YOIAJME XXXIX NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, L895. NUMBER 48 ism m i a. fe I K if-- ' I J r ; IM i ( l f & JL0CJ1JL JYOTHS 4fr School closos today. Tom Crutnmol, town Thursday. of Auourn, was in Mr. nnd Mrs. Oa Scovill drove from Barada Wednesday. up Attend the entertainment of tho "little folks" tomorrow night. T. A. Glark writes us to chango the address of his paper to York, Mo. Mrs.Fannlo Fairbank, of Auburn, visited Nemaha friends several days this week. J. L. ilfolviu carao ovor from Stella Monday, and Is staying in tho drug store for a few days. M. II. Taylor wont to Omaha Mon day, to attend tho meeting of the Pharmacist's association. The recent rains have extended all over the west, and everyone is feeling correspondingly jubilant. Mrs. J. L. Melvln and two daughters came over from Stella Wednesday, and visiting Mrs. M. II. Crother for a fow hours. Mr. and Mr3. E. D, Rogers, of Au burn, came to Nemaha last Saturday, visiting friends in this vicinity until Monday. Mrs. John Beard, of Arcadia, Nebr., is visiting friends and relatives in this section. Mrs. Beard is a sister of Mrs Seymour Howe. James K. Geo. who now lives about eleven miles northeast of Beatrice, gave us a (all Wednesday. He drove in the day before. M.S. Emma Butler returned from Marysvllle, Mo , last Saturday, after a week's visit witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. t.eo. Hoskins. Miss Myrtle Clary, of Trinidad, Col orado, is visiting her grandfather, Jos Reard, living on tho bottom road be tween Nemaha and Brownvillo. Geo. Fairbrother has sold the Tal mage Tribune to his son-in-law, John DeMotte, and will move to Omaha where he has bought an interest in a job ollice Married. At the home of thobrido's parents, in Drownvillo.on Wednesday, Juno 5th, by Hev. Wm, Cowley, Mr. Lewis Langworthy, of Beatrice, and Mies Clara F. Meitz, of Brownvillo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed E. Samlets and daughter, Miss Clytle, of Whiting, Kansas, came to Nemaha Thursday, to visit mother and brothers for a few days and attend the Commencement exercises. Frank Argahrlght and JHss Mary Chamberlain, Albert Titus and Jtas Nina Moore, MiBS Lulu Clark, Eugene Howo and Carl Sunders attended tho commencement exorcises at l'eru "Wednesday. Galush Melvln, of Mound City, Mo was shaking hands with ids many Ne maha friends Wednesday. Ho drove ovor from Stella that morning, with his wife and two children, returning in the evening. D. D. DaviB drove up to Nemaha a few days ago and bought a lino large range of Andrew Aynes. He already had one big one, but bought another one to put in tho summer kitchen, so ho would not havo to move the stove in tho spring and fall. Uncle Sam Brimble says he has the best foundation under his new house of any man In town. He certainly has a good foundation, nnd will have a good houso whon It is comploted. Taylor Gillespie and Fred Seabury are doing the stone work nnd plastering, and II. II. Vonfelden the carpenter work. ilfiss Harris, the South Auburn mil liner, has the latest styles and lowest prices. There were two changeB in Nemaha county postoillces tills week. J. N, Simmons was appointed postmaster at Glenrock, vice Wm. Pierce, resigned, and S. A. Hickman was appointed postmaster of Howo, vice W.B. Smith, resigned T. II. Itailsback, Miss Celia Rails back and Miss LydiaSkeon.of Auburn, were initiated into tho order of the Eastern Star, of Nemaha, Monday night, .Refreshments were served after the ceremonies of initiation and election of otlicers of tho Star, and ot course all had an excellent time. mere aro two or turee persons in Nemaha that do not lake Tmc Advisr. tiskr, but these same parties always nihiiage to borrow a copy, and are al ways the iirst to find fault with any thing they do not like. They talk as loud about it as if they bore ail tiie ex pense of tho publication of tha paper but they never contribute a cent, Now watch them flutter. J. II. Veeder, who has been primci pal of tho Ne.iiaha schools for the past four years, has certainly given splendid satisfaction as a teacher. The graduates of our schools who have taught havo all made flue teachers. He has brought the Nemaha school up to a high grade, and it is recognized as ono of tho very best schools of tho state of its grade. Mr. Veeder's health is not good, and he will retire from teaching for the nnxtyear We are pleased to learn t list he has no in tention of leaving Nemaha The school board met at the school home Monday night for the purpose of engaging teachpra for tho ensuing year. The applications of a number of teachers for each department wore road. It was decided, however, in view of the indebtedness of tho dis trict, to havo only two teachers for the next veur. tho nrimarv teacher to utS40 nor month and the nriIieiiml s.-,njnr month. A h.uiot w,in t,ikn for principal and W. L. Davenport was elected. Miss May Brooks was elected teacher of tiie primary depart ment. Mr. Davenport taught the in termediate department this year, and gave the very best satisfaction. Miss Brooks has taught the primary depart ment for three years, and is one of the ni03t successful primary teachers in the state Big stock of Shirt Waist at Jbore's Daylight Store, South Auburn. II. Bellas' lumber yard afc South Auburn is the placo to get lumber, lime, sand, cement, brick, etc. For low prices on Clothing call at Joore's Daylight Store, South Auburn . MONEY TO LOAN on farms, at low rate of interest. Apply at this oirico. Shoes for all of tho human family at Jbore'a DaylightStore, South Auburn. Doctor II. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills Mo., a practising physician of many years experience, v rites: Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal for Indolent sores, scalds and burns. It stops pain instantly, heals a burn flllin.klv nnd lanvna tin annr W I Taylor. If you want to seo one ortlie best entertainments ever given in Nemaha, attend the coucert to bo given tomorrow (Saturday) night by tho prh mary department of our public school. Miss May Brooks has trained the chil dren carefully, and tho entertainment is said to be tho best ever given by tho primary department, and rll of them havu boon first class. To see these children go through tho drill is well worth the price of admission, which is only 10 cents. Reserved seats 13 cents. For latest styles millinery go to Jflss Harris, at South Auburn. The Christian Sunday school ob served last Sunday an Children's Day. Tho exercises were hold in tho even ing, and wore lino. There wore rocita tioiiB by the little ones, songs, etc. The marching when the children came on to sing the choruses was excellent. Every word Bpoken in the recltatiois could bo heard distinctly all ovor tho church. Juoh praise is due tho su perintendent, H. E. Williams, and to Miss Mary Chamberlain and Jrs. May Veeder for training tho children. Tho collection amounted to 10. ill) which goes to the foreign mission cause. Tho following, taken from tho Rock port (Mo) Mail, refers to the death of a former well known citizen of Ne maha: "Jerome Tann died of typhoid fever fever at the homo of his son-in-law, Henry Enoch, on Tuesday morning, May 28. 1805. His funeral took place at the Christian church on Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. in. Dr. B. E. Dawson .iiid Hev. B F. Armstiong wore the of ficiating ministers. "Mr. Tann had passed his 70th year. He was a native of the state of New York. When a youth his parents emi grated to Miami county, Indiana, mid there ho grow to manhood. Ho after wards settled in Nemaha county, Ne braska, where he married and remained a number of years. His residence in tnis county and city dates back 22 jears. "His sickness was of short duration. All that loving hands could do was he stowed on him in his last hours. "His remains now lio in Elmwood cemetery." B. Bull Andrkws, M. I)., Pn. D., a.. 13. ) SURUKON Sl'KCIAEtST, Nemaha. Nur, April 15, 180 To my friendsand patrons of Nemaha, Nebraska, and vicinity: I have from the above date opened nan ollice in jNematm that l will visit , I Tuesday of each week to accommodate my patrons. In my absence my son who is a qualified physician, will care for my interests and your wants. Tho boy is yet a minor, but no novice in tiie art of medicine and surgery .having been my assistant for six years.attend- I d three full course of lectures, and I sumo all responsibility for his acts and conduct while attending to my af fairs in your community, and I will sustain and counsel him free of charge. Yours very truly, B. Bull Andrkws. Cofilns and CaskBts for sale by Arm strong & Armstrong. i l A WOMAN WHO WILL WORK Wantkd in every county to introduce tho Celebrated "Hygeia" Waists for all ages. ThiB waist supercedes the corset and has received tho unanimous appro val of the leading physicians. S3 00 Outfit Freo. Any energetic woman can make from $15 to 850 woekly. Send for ciiculars and terms. IIvokia M'f'o Co., 378 Canal St., New York. FIFTY CENTS TO JAN. I, 1800. That is an awful little bit of money for a twico-a-week paper like tho Semi Weekly Journal, but if you send 50 cents you will receive that paper until January 1, 1800. You will find It the farmer's daily. Market! alone are worth more money than that, If you take It tho rest of this year for 00 cents you will want it always. If you got up a club of 50 cent subscribers you can havo a copy free for your trouble. Address, Nebraska State Journal, Linctln, Neb. Special PANTS SALE 200 pairs to bo sold at tho Blue Front, Auburn, SATURDAY, JUNE 8. You cannot afford to miss this sale, as wo aro going to oil pants for Less than the Cloth cost the Manufacturers. Wo will also give some raro bargains in Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits. Wo have all size.", colors, Btjles and prices. Best llttlng, best trimmed and best made clothing in the county. Remember, we arc not selling for Cost, but for Less Mone than other merchants can buy the same goods, as our goods come direct from the manufacturer. No middleman In it when you buy at tho Blue Front. You pay no trav eling man's exp.enses or sale protlts, which saves you at least 25 pur cent. J. "W. Oranmcr & Co., .XJBTJXlISr. STEB. Sunday night KerKor & Hoover's shop was entered and somo postage stamps and pennies taken. The next day a young fellow who has been around town for a fow days tried to trade postage stamps at the stores, and was promptly arrested and taken be foie 'Squire Gilbert, when ho confessed to entering the shop, lie was lined $5 and costs, which has been settled and the young man released. On ac count of his parents, who are respect able people, wo refrain from giving his name. This is said to bo his flrat of fense, and wo trust he has learned a lesson that will prevont him from ever again trying to get anything dishon estly. Do you want brick, lime, sand or co ment? I have all kinds of building material. I havo a car load of brick on track at B, & M. depot. II. Bkllas. Titus & Williams have just received a line assortment of sines and slippers. Best goods, lowest prices. Do You Want Implements Of any kind? If so, you can get what you want of . j. jycoiToisr. Harvesters, maing ana Wat Icing iJiows, Disc narrows, ,.,., Lever Harrows, Cultivators of all hinds, Corn Planters, Check Rowers, And all goods usually kept for sale in tho Implement trade Opposite Kerkor & Hoover's meat markot, NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. Almoiit Ibex-clocii TSTo.XlOOO Standard by brooding;, performance and as siro of spood. Raco record over Half-Mile Track to Old-Stylo Sulky, 2:22. Sired by Aberdeen 27,he by Hambletonian 10; first dam by Almont 33, ho by Alexander's Abdullah 15; second dam by Ashland 47, he by Mambrlno Chief 11; third dam by Toronto Chief 85, ho by Royal George 0; fourth dam thor oughbred. It will be seen that there are united in Almont Aberdeen's veins the most famous, valuable and successful trotting blood lines known to the west, or to the trotting turf of the world, which lines are supported by stout, winning rac ing thoroughbred strains. He is the sire of Alloou 2:21; A. A. 2:20; Alraodeen 2:31; and many other trotting un pacing colts that will soon enter tho charmed circle. No Stallion anywhere, of equal speed, individuality, pediqree, and as a producer of srted, is making such low prices, and on such liberal terms. Sea son began April 1st and closes positively July 1st, 1805. TERMS : 820 Insurance Conditional Note yiven; $15 Cash for the Season . For additional information apply at tho barn of W. W. SHANKS, South Auburn, Nbr. Dr. A, S. IIolladay, Owner. W. W. Shanks In Charge. Our patrons will find DoWitt'a Little H.irly Uisersa safe and reliable remedy for constipation, dyspepsia and livor complaints. M. II. Taylor. Dissolution Notice The partnership heretofore existing between lt.ll. McManus and J.L.Unlth. under tho firm name of McManus & Haiti) is this day dissolved by mutual consent, 11. II. McManus retiring. J. L. Haith will continue the business at the old stand. Dated May 24th, 1805. It. II. JcJANU8. J. L. II Arm. New stock of Rats just received at Titus & Williams'. I havo a car load of brick on track at R. & M. depot. Seo me if you want good brick. I am handling all kinds of building material. II. Bkm.ab. Wo havo made arrangements whore by we can send Tim Advkrtiskr and ho Inter Ocean both ono year for only 81 00 cash in advance. lie carries Mowers, A