The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 24, 1892, Image 6

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Bouthorn Mhmoaota Moots With
Many Mv I.ont In tho Hlnrm-.V .School
Tciitifinr mill 1'irtfiin Pupil I'orNh
Orcut )iiiiui(;i) Also CitiiAori
liy I'lootl.
Mankaio, Minn., Juno 17. A school
teacher uiul fifteen pupils ili'iid noar
Sherburne, n score or inoro of persons
tlt'ticl or dying at other points, and u
vast uinount of damage done through
out the region about this city tolls in
brief 1 ho story of u tornado which swept
over this section yesterday afternoon.
Every report that comes in is worso
than the preceding one. Tiio extent of
the country swept by this storm was
greater than ever before known in tiio
history of the state.
Starting near Jackson, on tho South
ern Minnesota road, a funnel shaped
cloud swept eastward and passed four
miles south of Minnesota lake, then
took a broad circuit to the south
nnd passed away south of WoUs. Con
siderable rain had followed during tho
afternoon and about fi o'clock the at
mosphere became almost sulYoculing.
Curious shaped clouds hogun over the
southwest and people gazed in wonder
ut tho sight. About ti'.'.W the wind
sprung up and off to the west a rapidly
circling black cloud was seen rapidly
advancing and tearing usundcr every
thing In its course.
The tornado passed two miles north
went of Sherburne and struck tho dis
trict schoolhouse, in which were tho
teacher and eighteen school children.
The building was demolished and tho
teacher and fifteen scholars killed.
At Estston three buildings weir de
stroyed atin scvortvl people were injured.
Linden was visited and ninny houses
were torn from their foundations. One
family, composed of a man, his wife and
child, were killed and others injured.
A large grove of trees were completely
Tho storm passed on eastward, de
stroying farm houses, barns and in fact
everything in its path. At Wells side
walks wore overturned, store fronts
blown in and other damage done. Sev
eral men were blown down by the force
of tho wind.
Fonr miles south of Minnesota lako
five farm houses and then buildings
were caught in tho storm and utterly
demolished and four people were killed.
The body of one of these John Jtrown
was taken to Minnesota lake this
morning. His wife, a hired iimii aud a
school teacher were also Injured. Sec
tion mun suffered severe Injuries.
Much damage was done south of
Wells, and il is reported that forty to
fifty wore killed south aud west of that
village. As most of tho damage was
done in tho country, reports are slow in
coming In, but what has been already
heard is enough to insure belief that it
was tho worst storm ever reported in
southern Minnesota.
It is reported that later reports will
Increase rather than diminish the ex
tent of the damage done, us well as tho
loss of life and personal Injuries.
At Rochester at fi o'clock yesterday
afternoon a terrific hail, rain and elec
tric storm broko and continued for six
hours. Rain fell in sheets and the sur
louudlng country is Inundated Tim
Ztunbro river is a raging torrent full of
debris. Nijfht trains on tho Winona fc
St. Peter road were suspended. Tho
track iu washed out and water four
foot deep on tho track in some places.
'Tho trcHtle half a mile west of Roches
ter was washed away anil trallle is at u
Tdh aro reported killed In the neigh
borhood of Mapleton, and twenty in
jured. Tho cyclone passed four miles
south of Mapleton, and that village suf
fered littlo loss, Tho northwest corner
of Freeborn county was in tho path ol
tho storm, and considerable damage to
property aud crops wus done there,
whilejsovoral fatalities aro reported
Two inches of rain fell in Faribault
county within less than twenty-four
hours, and several bad washouts are re
ported. Probably the worst damago In tho
state by the Btorm outside the actual
cyclone district, was at Spring Valley,
where tho rain caused a bad Hood.
The wholo town was Hooded.
Houses, bridges, sidewalks and
everything near the rlvor were washed
away. The damage iu estimated at
from f'25,000 to 160,000. Cummtngs &
Taylor, lumber dealers, aro heavy
losers. Mrs. Taylor's millinery estab
lishment sultored, as also did tho resi
dence of Mr. Tombi, both buildings
being washed away. Considerable utook
was drowned.
Jtcport-. Now htuto That tho Hurrrotfor of
tho Tom CoiiKi'OHnmuu Will llu Doui
tiitrut. Galvkston, Tex., June 17. The re
turns, which aro pr.ietictilly complete,
in tho eloctlon held in tho Ninth con
gressional district, (Mills' old district),
show that Antony, democrat, has a ma
jority of 3,511 over Harbor, third party.
It was thought that the election would
indicate tho relative strongth of tho
democrats and tho third party in that
A very light voto was polled, how
ever, and thcro is not much moaning to
it. Only 10,US3 votes were polled alto
gotlier, whllo Mills' majority alone at
tho last election was 17,500. The feat
ure of the election was that Barber ear
ned Mills' home county as well as Milan
county, tho homo of Antony.
Another Sou or th Horelr AMIi-feil T.x
sverelury f Slitto Pit-mH Auiiy.
Ciiir.voo, Juno liO. Emmons Illume,
son of ex-Secretary of State James O.
Blaine, died very suddenly at his house
hut out It: 15 o'clock Saturday from blood
poisoning arising from iullaminatiou of
the bowels. The fact of the death was
kept concealed for some time after he
had actually passed away, the object
being to reach the father nnd mother
first with some gentler intimation of
the sad news.
It wits not until aliout a quarter of an
hour prior to the fatal moment that tho
least intimation that Mr. Blaine was iu
a dangerous condition Ix-camo known,
and then only to a few. At his olllco in
the Ilaltimore A Ohio railioad head
quarters in this city his associates were
only awaro that he was ill and hud been
so for several days.
Young Mr. I'lninc was a notable lguro
In tho exciting convention scenes at
Minneapolis that resulted in his fath
er's defeat, lie took the result greatly
to beat t, and was confined to his room
shortly after his return from the north.
During the convention ho seemed iu
perfect health and no one who heard of
Ids sudden passing away was more
shocked than those who saw him par
ticipating In caucuses early and late,
night ami day, In his father's Interest,
It is thought possible by many that the
strain and excitement at Minneapolis,
followed by tho keen disappointment
of the outcome, had not a little to do
with the physical prostration ensuing.
Death occurred at the brown stone
mansion of tho McCormleic family on
Rush street. The wife aud the couple's
two-year-old son, McCoriniek Maine,
weie the only persons present besides
Mrs. Cyrus McCormick, young Mrs.
Blaine's mothor ltuiitli came so swiftly
when it did come that there was no
time to summon the other members of
tliu McCormick family, Mr. and Mrs. W.
(I. McCormick, who were iu tho house
at the time.
The first con (Intuition of the fact of
death was given by the attending phy
sicians, Dr. Billings and Dr. Alport.
Their statement was simply: "Mr. I'm
mons Blnino died at 11:1." o'clock of
septicu'iniu (blood poisoning), due to
disepso of the bowels."
W. G. McCormick, in explaining why
tho information of tho death of his
brother-in-law was withheld, admitted
that it was to prevent any announce
ment getting into the presa dispatches
until private advices had reached tho
Blaine family. "I feared it would be a
death blow to them all to receive the
dreadful news w ithout preparation," ho
Last Saturday Emmons returned to
Chicago greatly exhausted and some
what indisposed. He attributed his
slight gastric and intestinal derange
ment to overwork and laughed at the
anxiety off bis friends. Monday ho
felt bettor) aud loft his residence for
short time, though he was far fiom
well. Tuesday he felt rather worso
and remained in doors the greater part
of tho day though not taken to his
bed. Wednesday his symptoms began
to annoy him considerably and
that night ho retired unmistakably ill.
Dr. Billing and Dr. Alport diagnosed
the case and at once discovered the
gravity of ids malady, and the case was
deemed all but critical. The best meth
ods of procedure were resorted to and it
was believed that his exceptionally vig
orous constitution would enable him to
bufllo the dangerous ailment No alarm
ing febrile disturbance made itself evi
dent Thursday aud tho family enter
tained no apprehension. In fact, only
Mrs. Blaine knew the exact nature of
Mr. Blaine's illness. Friday noon, how
ever, there was a sudden elevation of
temperature and tho physicians knew
that their efforts hud not availed to
avert the dreaded outcome.
Emmons was the second son of James
G. Blalno. Ho was about 37 years did
and a native of Maine. In appearance
ho closely resembled his father, but
there was lacking in his personality
that magnetism which has made his
parent so famous. Ho had the Blaine
nose and eyes and his hair had been
gray for more than ton years.
Young Mr. Blaine graduated from
Harvard college as a member of tho
class of '78. Soon after leaving college
ho went to Burlington, la., where he
assumed a position on the Burlington
road. In lbS3 lie was called to Chicago
and promoted to a position of impor
tance. Later Emmons Iwcatno general agent
of the Santa Fe and was at one time
talked of for mauager.
Three or four years ago he went to
Baltimore to look after his father's coal
and railroad interests in West Virginia
and became general manager of the
West Virginia Central road, of which
ex-Senator Camden is president
Three years ago ho married Misn Mc
Cormick, tho heiress and daughter
of tho great reaper and harvester
builder, at Chicago. Tho wedding
attracted national attention and
was attended by many notables. Fnl
somo accounts of the wedding presents
and reception following were published
at tho time. Since his marriago he had
lived with his wife's family.
Emmons Blaine at the time of his
death was vice president of tho Balti
more Ohio railroad and had intll
quite recently resided at Baltimore,
coining to Chicago to take charge of tho
western interests of the company.
Cj run W. Clt'lil AkuIii Low.
Doiut's Fr.uiiY, N, Y., June SO. Cyrus
W. Field, who a month ago cumo to his
country home at Ardsley, near this
place, is very ill. Ills family ure very
much concerned about him.
Tlmt U llo Huh ItcMlcm-il ii4 President, of
Washington, June 18. The depart
ment of state was this morning advised
by cable from tho
United States lega
tion at Caracas of
the resignation of
tho president of
Venezuela The sit
nation remains
quiet, littlo or no
excitement prevail
-jr-'.viiing. J no executive
&v2 of the state has been
c,- .assumed by the feu-
raaorul council until
such times as con-
L I i vened for the pur-
iMu:Biw:vrrA-iAf io. pose of electing a
successor to the presidency. It is ex
pected that tho congress wlil meet for
that purpose almost immediately.
BAitciit.oNA, Venezuela, via GaWcs
ton, Tex., June 18. A general engage
ment was fought near Gaucipati on
Tuesday between the government
troops and tho revolutionists. The loss
was heavy on both sides but there was
no decisive result The fighting was re
sumed next morning and, although tho
soldiers of l'alacio made a gallant
stand, they wore eventually defeated
with great slaughter. They left a great
number of dead and wounded lwhlnd
them. The rebels, encouraged by their
sweeping victory, are now inarching
upon the city of Bolivar, which they
arc sanguine of capturing Irom the gov
ernment DUN & CO.'S REPORT.
I'r.ulo 1'iUrly Anllvo With No (ircut
( linnet. ,
Nuw Youk, Juno 18. II. G. Dun &
j Co.'s weekly review of trade:
1 rade Is f.urly active at Boston and
the shoe trade excellent, though orders
are checked by western floods. Leather
K very llrm. Rubber shoow are steady
with orders for weeks ahead; rubber is
firm and active and sales of wool aro
!),500,00) pounds with encouraging
The trade in paints and glass is satis
factory in Philadelphia; in tobacco
slightiy improved; in liquors and chem
icals steady, and in oils and jewelry
quiet, while sales of wool ae more free,
the market being llrm. Hot weather
checks retail trade at Baltimore.
At Pittsburgh the demand for linished
iron is good, the prospect of wage difli
cultics stimulating. Hardware is very
active and glass unchanged.
At Detroit trade equals last year's
with wool sales below last year's prices
and crop prospects good. At Chicago
the volume of business is increasing in
all lines, and receipts of oats show
some increase over last year, of cured
meats one-sixth, of hogs and cattle one
llfth, of Hour and rye two-thirds, while
of dressed beef receipts are double, of
lard three times and of barley four
times Inst year's. A decrease of one
third is seen in wheat and wool and
some decrease in hides, cheeso and but
ter. At St Louis business is reasonably
good and at Kansas City fairly satis
factory with large receipts.
lViiimylvmiln Iron iliuiiiruet tiror Propono
Alulcliif- Ono l'roiuol,-. of it Lockout.
PiTTsmntoif, l'a., June- 13. For tho
first time since the Amalgamated asso
ciation was organized the iron manu
facturers yesterday morning addressed
its delegates to their convention, advis
ing them to accept a sweeping cut in
wages for orory iron worker represent
ed. The manufacturers' committee
went to Turner hall at 1 o'clock and
for an hour and a half talked to tho
delegates on the necessity from tho in
point of view for a wage reduction.
In the afternoon the delegates dis
cussed the scale, but no conciusion was
The tin plate workers' committee mot
n cotnmlttco of manufacturers- yester
day afternoon to discuss the wage ques
tion. The joint committee was still in
session at 10- o'clock last night and it 13
hoped that an agreement with this
branch will bo reached at least Thcro
is no change in the situation at Carne
gie's Homestead plant Tho workmen
have until the 2Hh inst to. decide upon
the scale. If it is not signed then tho
plant will bo closed down and tho 3,000
employes locked out
nrt'm of Thrm Tnkim to (Hithrlo for
.Mltrmtluj- Clmrlc M.-Clll.
Outiikik, Ok., June 18. A party of
deputy marshals arrived here bringing
as prisoners the fifteen Osage Indiana
who recently committed an outrage on
Charles McOlll, of Poneu, capturing
linn and keeping him tied naked to a
stake for four days and abusing him
The trial of these Indians will be a
noted case, as it is a question as to
whether there is any law under which
these Indians can bo punished. If this
proves to be tho case, it will bo neces
sary to send troops to the O.sago reser
vation to preserve order.
Hw Clillilrim Iiromii'iL
Pittsiiuhoh, Pa., Juno 18. FIvo
children, ranging from la to 15 years of
age, were drowned in the Ohio river at
Neville island, twolvo miles below this
aity. Their names wore Paul, Rudolph,
Edith and Maggio Pittoee and Edna
Richardson. It appears tlmt the ehil
dien drove a buggy into the river to
wash. In somo manner the buggy was
overturned and the ehildten tiirowr
into the river. The two boys niudo
heroic efforts to save their companions,
J but they were unequal to tho task.
b& "Si
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Drtiilln or tlw Torniiilo'n Work In I lie Illl
noll Totii-I,om of Ono I.lfo mid !)),
000. UAMssnunn, 111., June 15. Thcro
passed through the northeastern part
of this, Knox county, about b o'clock
Monday evening, a most destructive)
tornado, und ruin was left all along its
path. It seems to have first made its
appearance northwest of Galva. About
7:30 o'clock threatening clouds were no
ticed iu the west approaching one an
other and the tornado is thought to
have resulted from their junction.
It course was south and east through
that city and the main body of tho
storm passed along the main business
street It cumo with such suddenness
that the citizens had no time in which
to fly to places of safety. In the Fre
mont church there was assembled a
congregation. In the rink there wan
gathering a committee for a Fourth of
July celebration. Tho church was
quickly a mass of ruins and the congre
gation wus imprisoned.
A number wero injured, one danger
ously. Tho rink was blown down, but
those inside managi-d to escape without
injury. Had tho storm coino a few mo
ments later many would have been in
this building and loss of life would
surely have resulted.
The storm was accompanied by mid
night darkness and an awful sweep of
wind that carried everything before it
Nearly every business house along tho
principal street was unroofed and tho
stocks of goods wore Ivadly damage I by
tho Hoods of water following the tor
nado. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
roundhouse was totally wrecked. Tho
G. W. B.irnett elevator, nearby was un
roofed and 10,003 bushels of grain de
luged with water.
The Rojk Island depot went next
The tall steeple of the Ilaptist church
was cut oil! as clean as if by a knife and
was hurled into the street. Tho Con
gregational church was also badly in
jured. The saddest feature occurred at Au
gust Olson's house. There were in tho
house at the time Mr. aud Mrs. Olseti,
Charles Olson and four others. Tho
residence suddenly collapsed, killing
Air. Olson instantly and the others es
caped by a miracle.
Tho place yesterday was in a state of
demoralization. Business was com
pletely suspended, the streets were filled
with debris of every description. The
stores were more or less in ruins. Hard
ly a reiideneo but what will need re
pairs. The damage is estimated at SSC0.000.
VcoMflii liiiriifd ly i I'lro Duo l'roh'iMy to
Sloi)tiiiM'oiiH ('omliuotiou in Cotton.
Bai.timoiii:, Md., June l."i. One of tho
largest fires that ever visited tho water
front of Baltimore started a few min
utes after i! o'clock yesterday afternoon
on the Old Bay line at the foot of Union
The loss, as near as can be estimated,
is nearly $1,000,000.
The lire is thought to have originated
in the cotton by spontaneous combus
tion. Quiitk as a Hash the flames spread.
Intense excitement reigned along tho
entire water front The bay line wharf
was totally destroyed. It wus about
500 feet long and 'J00 feet water front
The wharf stood on a large warehouse,
a big laundry and a newly erected oflieo
building. Before the schooner Carolina
and the Gaston could be towed from tho
wharf they were badly damaged. Lying
at Cochran-Oler's wharf, just southeast
of the burning pier, were the fine four
mawted ice schooners, Wesley, Oler,
Mamie Howard and William Wirt Tho
flumes caughtin the rigging of the Oler,
nnd then the other schooner, eating at
the masts aud sails. Tugs were quick
ly on hand and towud the burning ves
sels to safety. The streams from the
tugo were turned on the nchooners and
the Humes were quickly conquered, but!
not until considerable damage had been
Lying at the Cochran-Oler wharf just
north of the three schooners was the
four mar,ted schooner Augustus Welt
A sheet of flame shot from the burning
wharf, and soon the schooner Welt was
a mass of flames. Her rigging and cord
age were burned away, her masts and
hull charred and tho new and handsome
vessel was soon a blackened wreelc
Fonr of the sailors wero on the cross
treca when the fire broke out and they
hastily ivcramblcd to deck. They lost
their effects which were in tho bunks.
The estimated damage to the schoonea
is $25,000; insured by tho individual
owners. Tho ice is valued at $1 a ton,
of whieh then wero 1,000 tons on board.
Two barges laden with cotton wero
moored to the l!ay Line wharf and before
relief could reach them tho cotton wua
a loss and the barges burned.
Ttio Itntuno u rril(;lit Trnln Iropiut
Through n Trstln Iu Ki'iitiieliv.
MimiLvsnoHo, Ky June 15. A fright
ful wroek occurred ut tho trestle span
ning Lonesome Hollow, near here, yes
terday afternoon itt V!:15 o'clock-.
Freight engine No. 10, with slMeen
loaded bov cars, went through, one on
top of the other. Tho distanco from
the top oi tho trestle to tho ground be
low is M0 foot
The engineer, Frank Sargent, Fire
man Henry Sinter and Conductor Duck
worth wero killed outright Tho uoitlv
bound passenger with 100 passen
gers wus only savo.l by being oiii-half
hour bite. A special from this, place
went to the scene of the wreck and
brought back the dead and tho-w unded,
Where only a small flock of sheep is
kept, with good cure fully ninety-five
per cent, of the lambs should be raised.
To secure tho best lambs a breeding
owe must be kept thrifty und strong;
this is as important now us at any other
Dust, cobs or filth of any kind .iould
not bu allowed to accumulate on tho
feeding floors; it increases the risk of
In growing cattle a hearty, thrlftr
condition is as important as the produc
tion of fat; get growl h first and fat
A chnngo of feed will often improve
tho appetite; stock must be thrifty eat
ers if they make a rapid gain either in
growth or flesh.
Raising beef cattle of the commoner
grades at least has not been v.'ry
profitublo for somo time past. W1H it
bo any better soon?
Variety in feeding belongs to profit
able stock growing whether it be cat
tle, sheep, horses or 'hogs, und in sum
mer us well us winter.
Growth can be pushed during thu
summer while there is plenty of good
grass to ti better ad van Lugo and at a
less cost than any other time.
One advuntugo in keeping plenty of
salt where the cuttle cun help them
selves is that there is no danger at any
time of their eating too much.
The hog pasture is one of the essen
tials in the production of pork at a
profit, and especially when corn anil
other grains ure high in price.
A good bull bred to poor cows will
got better calves than the dam, yet it is
best to select tho best dams we can,
especially when breeding to Improve.
Tho mistake is too often made of
feeding the sow too niuch rich food too
soon after farrowing, causing too ltirgo
a, flow of milk und often inducing milk
Sorghum cane makes a first-class
winter feed for sheep. It can be sown
broadcast or in drills reasonably thick.
If sown in drills some cultivation should
be given.
Turn up two or three furrows in the
sheep pasture, where they can rub their
noses when attacked by tho gad-fly. It
takes but little time and may avoid con
siderable loss.
To a considerable extent every farm
or must follow his own system of feed
ing and managing his cattle; what will
bo best for one will not always be best
for another.
Tho farm herd of brood sows should
be kept up by adding a young animal
S an old one fails, rather than by dis
carding all of the old ones at once and
beginning with new ones again.
One advantage with sheep in the pas
ture is that they are close grazers and
when they eat down the weeds they ure
not liable to spring up again, und with
some varieties this is quite an item.
Hog feeding is as much a mutter of
business us banking. One requires no
more attention than tho other to insure
success. Farmers do not appear to re
alize this, for we believe there ure mote
bankers that would make successful
swine feeders than there are farmers
that would make bankers, simply be
cause the bunker would look upon it us
a business transaction und be governed
Somo claim that the perfect flowered
varieties of strawberries are more easily
killed by frost than the others.
It is the eating of unripe or over-ripe
fruit that is unhealthy; sound, well
ripened fruit will save doctor bills.
Whether or not it is necessary to
stake the tree depends largely upon the
amount of top it has been allowed when
set out.
Before selling too large a number of
the early hatched poultry what is" need
ed for breeding should be carefully se
lected out
As a rule old hens ure unprofitable
although of course there ure exceptions
as when they are good luyer.s or good
When it cannot be used to an advun
tugo the poultry manure should be gath
ered uy und stored iu barrels or boxes
under shelter.
Better lot the hogs or .shcopcut the
fallen fruit than to allow it to lay un
der tho trees and rot; plan for this in
good season.
With both apples and grapes the qual
ity of the fruit may bo improved by re
ducing the length of the linibh upon
which they grow.
A hen will eat anything that other
animals will und much that others will
not, so that they take up much that
would otherwise be wasted.
Mr. Galloway will find that if lie will
keep four or five eats in his barn and
feed them new milk regularly twice
daily ho will have little trouble with
ruts opening his silo; ut leust tlmt b
my experience. To close the rut hole.
I vised Akron cement iiMd sand, anO
used that to stop all crevices in. the silc
door. I tun feeding Itlie- cats sparingly
now and they ure hunting mice in Uic
nearly empty burn. Under all
meat floors 1 tump in stone und clti;
and on that pluco a layer of cement ant
aboto that inch boards. That give
rat proof floors Unit am cheap and dm
uble. In building a silo I would hav
the lower four or six foot of conctcto H
indies thick und cemented outside ,m.
inside. I mude 5(1 feet of wall S fee
high and 10 inches thick for less tha-
815. No wasto of silage next this wall
C. V, Potter, in Hoard's Dairyman.