jrmumwii mi iniiniii irir i ininmiiii irrrii u iiii i iimiiiiii n i"l mi niiiijnmi'Bjujj.j r w 4 u The Nebraska Advertiser M. 1I V.f.Vlv'r.v, fuUll'litr. mmmramsnMin FRIDAY, JUNE L4, KM)-'. REPUBLICAN 1ICKET NATIONAL. For President of the United States, BENJAMIN HARRISON. vor Vice President, WIIITELAW 111311). For Governor, TIIOS. J. MAJORS. Tho Beatrice chautuuqua begins next week. Sioux City will not build a corn pal ace thitt year. It is too expenslvu a luxury. P'fsidont Harrison and David Swing the celebrated Chicago preaclior, were classmates at, Miami university. m m Tho republican national committee will meet next Monday, at Washington, to effect a permanent organization. Tho Omaha World Herald grieves over tin1 xact that "tho same old, ugly New York light confronts tho Chicago convention." Tom Majors has been acting gover nor this week, while Goy. Eoyd hm been attending the democratic eouven- tlon at Chicago, i Emmons Blaine, son of the ox-secretary of state, djed last Saturday foie- noun, from blood poisoning, the result of inflammation of the bowels. All tho prominent democratic leaders and newspaiers ad.uit that Harrison was the strongest mint that could have been nominated by tho republicans, Bryan was renominated by acclamu t on at Nebraska City last Monday night, by the democratic convention, for congressman fiom tho Fhst dis trict. Judge Bright Morgan, of Mississippi, was shot dead Saturday morning, on tho tiain, near Memphis, Tenn., while on his way to Chicago to attend tho national democratic convention, to which ho was a delegate. The St. Lonis Globe Democrat says it doe. not matter wnat the democrats say in their platform. They will have to go before tho people on tho record ol the piescnt House, and it is unquei tianably tho worst one that has been known for the last twenty years. ' Nebraska City News: The republi cans of Lancaster, Richardson and Pawnee counties have united upon Allen W. Field as their candidate for congress, and he will most likoly bo nominated on the first ballot. Otoe and Cass counties will vote for Judgo Chapman, while Nemaha may support Chuich Howe. pi Beatrice Express: In 1SS2 Great Britain made 8,403 ,287 tons of pig iron, Germany made 3,380,803 tons, and tho United Suites 4,023,323 tons, In 1891 Great Britain made 7,228,41)0 tons, Ger many 1,452,010 tons, and the United States 8,270,733 tons. This is a decrease for the free trade country of 14 per cent, and an increase of 33 per cent and SO per cent respectively for the two protectionist countries. That is the kind of "victories" Cobdeniani is win ning these days. We rospectfully refer the following, clipped from the Lincoln Call, to a few of our citizens: Over in Iowa a church society has been organized on aii on tlrely new scheme. The members who join can dance, play cards, drink, and bet on horse races if they want to, and the one who gains most fame and widest repute in these diversions, is accounted the ono who is nearest tho kingdom all the time. When tho devil learned of tho birth of this denomina tion, he "knocked off". work himself and gave his hands a half holiday in which to celebrate. Western Normal College, Lincoln Neb. Tho leading noroial of tho west. Other medicines might help but to make assurance doubly sure use Do Witt's Sarsap.irilla to enrich, purify an d renew the blood. Taylor Bros and Bourne. GLOBE DEMOCRAT BRIEFS. The democratic patty has more sec ond class candidates for tlrst class po sitions than any other political oiluiiI zulion in 1 1. 1- woild. After h.tving undergone several 10 visions and le-rovlsions, the "llnul ami conclusive'' figures of the population tf tho country in 1S00 aie put at 02,070,700. The total now must be in the nelghboi liood of 00,000,000. It Is a great coun try. Twenty-eight years ago, at Chicago, tho democratic party declared In favor of peace at any pi ice; and now, at the same place, it has a little war of its own which promises to bo equally as disastrous to it as was the great one which it then opposed. Tho democratic leaders generally confess that Harrison Is the strongest man who could have been nominated at Minneapolis, and they will have abundant confirmation of this yiow as tho campaign progresses. The heart of tho whole country will go out in tender sympathy to Mr.Blalne in his latest domestic aillictlon. Fate has dealt most, unkindly with hii.i in his family relations during the last few years, and his accumulated sorrows have probably dono much to undermine his health and cloud his spirits. The piesent British parliament, at the time it steps down, will have ex isted in tho neighborhood of six yoavs. This is over a year more than tho aver age of the parliaments of this century. Tho six year mark has been exceeded only twice by tho parliaments of tho past ninety years, and then only by a few days. The situation of Hill in this emer gency is peeuliaily humiliating and embarrassing. If Cleveland tails to carry Now York on November S next Hiil will bo accused of "knillng" him, while if he carries that state Hill's in fluence in state politics will bo belittled and his pretensions to leadership will bo repudiated. In either case Hill is near tho end of his political rope. When he steps down from the senate at the cud of his term ho will bo as dead and discredited as Aaron Burr. Tho people of Franco have always been regarded as thrifty and temperate, It is painful therefore, says tho Now York Pi ess, to learn, in the Paris cor respondence of a London newspaper, that "drunkenness has so much in creased in France cf lato years that this country, once so sober, is now sorely puzzled to know what to do with its habitual topers." The same writer adds that "the quantity of spirits con sumed in France has increased enor mously. Tho cheap bars for tho work ing classes which have sprung up in all parts of P&is during tho last year or bo are undoubtedly doing much to in crease the evil hero. They are gener ally crowded, and tho quantity of ab sinthe that is drunk in these places at all hours of the day is quite sutliciont to explain the alarming increase of al coholic madness." From this it appears that Paris, too, is menaced by tlio biiIooh question, and .that Hie country of cheap wine is rap idly becoming demoralized by cheap bars. All of which ought to bo of in terest to those social reformers who would promote sobriety by introducing a mild form of inebriety. Lincoln Journal: A largo forco of men began work last week on tho now tin plate mill which Is boing erected it Norrislown, near Philadelphia, by the representative of W. II. Edwards, own er of a number of tin pJato mills in tho Swansea valley, Wales. Ho frankly admitted that the tariff had brought ono mill over here and thought that it would bo only a question of time until the entire company camo oyer, and with it a largo number of Its neighbors from the district which has been male ing the tin plato of the world for gen orations. This particular factory will begin operations in about five wooks, and will turn out 140 boxos per week at the start. A groat school Western Normal College, Lincoln, Neb. Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following from Alex. B. Pope, A D C, Commander Dep'fc Tonn and Ga. Ho says: "We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here, (Stewart, Tenn,) and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been the only medicine that has done any pood." There is no danger from whoop ing cough, when this remedy is freely given. It completely controls the di sease, no cent bottles for sale by Tay lor Bros. Wo aro Informed of tno publication or a novelty in the book line which la certain of an enormous salu. This book 19 "Glimpses of tho World. A Portfolio of l'hotogiaphs" prcpaicd under the supervision of the great traveler and lecturer John L. Slod daid. It contains photographic views of famous scones and places in all parts of the world. Every view Is fully do scribed. As an educator It Is Invalua b'e. It contain 550 pagea, and nearly 275 viows, and Is sold by subscription at popular prices. The R. S. I'ealo Co , Chicago, are tlio publishers, and thov desiro an agent In this locality. They will gladly mail descrlptlvo circulars, sample views and terms to all, on ap plication. Your railroad faro paid to Western Normal College, Lincoln, Neb. Write for particulars HALF RATES TO SARATOGA, On the occasion of the National Ed ucational Association's annual convon . tlon at Saratoga, N. Y July 12-15, the Burlington Route, from July 3d to July 0th, inclusive, will sell round trip tick ets from all stations in Nebraska to Saiatogaat one lowest first class laro, plus two dollars (membeiship fee N. E.A.) Tickets are good for return passage from July 15th to 21st, but an exten sion of timocan bo had, if requested. Apply to local B- & M. agent for full particulars, or writo to J. Fraud.-. General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, for folder. Write foi catalogue and circulars to Western Normal College, Lincoln, Nebr. If dill!, spiritless and stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish; if your ap petite is capricious and uncertain, you need a Sarsapari'la. For best results take Do Witt's. Bourno and Taylor Bros. I: tit Lien's Arnica Salvo The best salvo in tho world for cuts bruises, sores, ulceis. salt rheum, fover sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi Ivoly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. For sale Ly rAYLon Hros. Largest, cheapest and best Western Normal College, Lincoln, Nob. NOW TRY THIS. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If you have a cough cold, or anv trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery, tor consumption, cougns and corns is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just tho thing and under its uso had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for vourself just how good a thing it is.' Trial bottles free at J. W. Taylor & Bro's drug store. Largo sizo 50c" and $1.00. FOR THE CAMPAIGN. Tho TWIOE-A-WEEK St-Louis Ropublio Will be mailed every Tuesday nnd Friday, from now until NovomhorSO, 1S02, for ONLY FORTY CENTS. It 1h n Kieut Reml.wackly paper, nud will bo lndlspeiiMlhlo during the campaign. An oxtra copy will to sont free, for thosamo length of tlino. to tlio Hondnr of eiicli club of live, with Two Dollars. Send for a pncknuo of Hnmplo copies, ntnl raise a club. Address TilK Hki'UM.ic, St. I.ouls.Mo. MUSICAL WONDER! AUTOHARPS! We have just received a big lot of them, and remember we furnish you a harp and Guarantee to Learn You to Play, all for $5. Call and seo our fino window display when in Auburn. SEAvey Co. First NationsBank All U U r n , N 6 D EBTA VE of LKVI HKNEFIEMJ, Deceased. 'In tlio county court of Nemaha county, Vohraska. In ttie matter of allowing the dual administration account or Mary J. llonelleld, administratrix of tho eHtato of r.ovl Iioucfleld, deceased Notice Is hereby lven that July 2. A. D. 1892. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the olllco of tho county Judgo of Nenm ha county, Nebraska, ln Auburn, Nebraska, uas boen ilxed by the court ns tho tlmo and place for examining and allowing suld itc "otint, when and whore ell person, interest ed may appear and contest tho same, Dated Juno 3d, 181)2. 0 30 JAHVIS S. CHUItCII, Co. Judgo. V.clvcx-tioi" Presidential Campaign, 1892, Grand Inducement to Headers of THE ADYERTISEE. tonal'l' u.VrMlM0nl,wl p"?lBn of 1802 will, without doubt, be tho most In SLytiV.iT8tl1!8 aml. oxoH,,MB ln -' "'"story of the United States, and country !?S 1. L r?Jctro,me,y nnxl0U8 t0,lmvn u tl10 General and political news and i, m, ?. i ?. V10 (,uy ,"3 PfMO'rtecl in a National Journal, ln addition to that contract wlththo" mV' T 'nCCt th,B W"Mt W hnyo onturc(1 ,Ilt0 a N. Y." WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Misleading Republican Paper of the United States, ,!? v.1,,,"!1!1 w,Vi ?t i xTff",,t,,,ilt.,8i),0".l,1(1 jmmml (rcwliir subscription prlco $1.00 per year) and THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER one year For only $1,50, vp5TS?!C EEl'XTUUJUN13" . ..u.uvk-nii. ji.u v xm j. loi-j it, Total, .... $or,0 W o furnish both papers one year for S1.50! ,, . , , Subscriptions may begin at any tliuo. nils is tho most liberal combination offer over mado in the United States, and ovo.y reader of THE ADVERTISER should take advantage of It at once Address all orders to The Apvertisek, Nemaha City, Neb. HOWE LUMBER CO DEALERS IN All Hinds of Lumber sin cl Onildliiio. Material. Hard, Soft and Norway Pine. Hard and Soft Coal. Give mo n call. M9 TUCELiiie, .llanugev, Jfowe, Nebr. ymgm nikJt fucultX,rinUl h Amt'rica and A Prac Sell for Kill 40 Courses, Departments and Colleges, Including almost anything and eyorythlng you may want at the least exnenso and shortest time. ' Zealously moral and christian, but nonssectariun. No vacation. Expenses low. Members of tho Faculty specialists and experienced in Normal School work. Faculty and students of an old Normal unite with this ono and continue right along without a break. Two great schools in elegant now (inartorH Lo cated in the beautiful suburb of TSJ01-?.NT A T . r.wn nr.,i m,.i,if' ,..ii southeast of Lincoln. Connected with electric street car lino and lino boulevard Aggregato length of buildings, 400 foot, covoring more ground with moro floor area than any othor Normal. Forty acre campus, massive main building, largo dining hall, conservatory of music, large pipe organ, lino equipments, llbrarv, power house, water plant heating p'ant and electric light plant. ' Send thirty names and addresses of young men and women, and wo will send you ono year free our "Educational Journal." Pall term opens in Septem ber. Send for free catalogue and circulars to F. F. Roose, Manager and Owner, Lincoln, Nebr. It M. G1LLAN, GILLAN & -DEALERS IN HARDWARE, FURNITURE TJiiclci'talccx'j9 3roocl5 etc. We make mill rnrrvf tirr t,i cii inr nji.i.j ...J, in oiubik j. : uui U1I1U1U1II II1HUU3-" Gold Coin, Superior, Peninsular and Acorn As well as a full stock of the latest Improved 41 GASOLINE ST0VI&; & Call and seo us. You will bo pleased with goods and prices. South of Court House Square, Auburn, Neb. II W, HIIUIIKltT, 1'res A. McGKCHIK.V-l'res., FARMERS STATE BANK, BHUlti'jlir, ISUJSKAMvA, A.iitliorized Capital S50,000. Does a general Banking, '.Zoiui and Exchange Business ACCOUNTS OF FAHMEHd AND UUSINESS MEN SOLICITED. DIRECTORS : II W Slmlierr. Ali.Yinwli.r i.n,.ni.ii i n r.'i..., t c i... ,... Lt,M ,Wem,,,, G w Lewis, W W James, E Lundy, G V A rgiilu ighi. NOI Ain PUBLIC at tho bank during business hours, from i) a. in. until 4 p tut 31'emiriiix. Cash in Advance! reu,nr l'rlco l'er year, $1.00 1.50 wlth lll fl,,Mt bulld'HSB. best equipments J. M. AIIMSTKONO, I - J. a ARMSTRONG, a specialty of- j lt.i 1 1 ffV,.'i.t ,i1.r, O. V.'AlHlAimKJIIT.Cas Masses A r ,