)tf'xjmismttMVamn'i!ttnuiawtruaicwoitKmmtiaiMvanvniruitrKiv'naxMwxu mimnitror: xrnxfsamixiwuniiBtMurwjzvm.rmtauuaTteM x mKumr&jnnn. iuvm"vatvuii Ofc.!1 F1" I 'TNfi-T ATF! Wc are Hearing the end of a VERY SATISFACTORY SEASON'S BUSINESS, -in our- MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, and in accordance with our usual plan, we proceed to CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF STOCK STILL ON HAND. Wc make the sale 15 days' earlier than was the original intention, in order to render it available to f)ur customers for July 4th. Is Sale Dtps i Thursday, Jim ti id Ends i MeMay, Jnly 1. An inventory of stock shows 143 Ladies' Trimmed Hats still on hand. We divide them into two lots, as follows: 9 Lot NO. 1. I 3 LadleHlk-nutlfiU Trimmed Hm,lBood styles and g Lot.No 2 I 1 '' Trimmed Itats; New bhiules, New Stvles, 1 Choice for I B00d mmlugs- For.mer pr,,co 8W0 10 2'00- I X Choice for EleKant smJ Ex'Mfc,v" T,imrain T" "p 2 I 95 cents. Your choice for 95 cents. S SI 95 1 TIatIn t,lls ,ot is worlh 8,3'0- May of em are 2 Remember that Ave do not reserve or hold back any part of this stock. Every Ladies' Trimmed Hat in our store will be included in the two lots above mentioned. I Missp.s Trimmfifl Hats ssxssrs''- v mr 0 r a m m K. TkT.ii. Nothing reserved or keut back. I rMBWfcwviwBwawiiwaHiwiaBiwawBK'iycaavEayflMWBBWiWwI Ladies and Misses Hat Frames, .MEwSSt Take your choice for 25c Misses and Childn Everything pertaining to our milliuery stock will be offeied during this sale at redtiml nrkis. CHILDHE.V3 IiONXETS, llMHONS, FLOWERS and THIMMIXGS OP ALL KINDS AT PIIICES OUT IN TWO. en's Flats, r0c DURING THIS SALE We Close Oixt at Eastern Cost tlie balance or Stock of ITlonnciiiis. and alAKKS aSs th S? "y ' l" ta"" ' '"'" ' """- ' " . market this season. Tcv co ,. WM. ".. WE ARE CLOSI'G OUT Our entire stock of Clothing and Shoes. The Stock is Splendid. Crowds of people are taking advantage of the immense reduction in prices in these departments. JrJirksLw. Assortment Still Unbroken. Our entire stock of S1.50 and $1,75 Child's Suits are being sold at 00 conts, Tod.iv we add to thU lnt a lino nf o nn a.,ua i c- .... , i suits at 82,75 j i formerly sold at 85.50; at 80,85, worth 87,00 toW We are closin ot " llni of M ,'s Sat "et ?inS cStonade sS tt-itS worth tSfcaui mJn ChUd'8 8Uit8' W are Selli" Youlh's At $6.00 l J'Ur Ch0lc0 0f 20 l,atterna of fany " W0Dl 3l,"s for men; former price StO.00. "onatu. suits at -,,o, worth twice the money. Hundreds of Suits at MANUFACTURER'S 8,000 worth of Shoes for Summer n.nrl Pnll neo of iifti ,v. i, i,,.ir . Shoes formerly sold at 81,50 to S2,00go now at 81,00 Shoes worth 82 25 to 82,50 can be bought now at $1,50 to $2,00. Our $3,00 and $3,50 shoes go now at $2,25 to $2,50. Each week throw um our Job counters several hundred pairs of .hoes to ho closed at less than actual cost. These goods arc odds and ends of stock-, broken lots, some of them sightly scufed On account of the bad condition of the roof of Room TO, our Clothing and Shoe stock must be closed out "WILL -3TOTJ BE I3ST IT? THE GREAT GASH DEPARTMENT STORE .A.. A. MCININCH & SON 68-70-72-74 Opera House Block, Brownville, ITeb. : IV . I