The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 24, 1892, Image 2

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W. W. SANDERS. Publisher.
Summary of tho Dally Nows.
Rkp!:bi:ntativi: Stackiiousk, of
(smith Ciirolinn, died vary suddenly at
Washington. His romultm wore taken
to Little lloclt, S. C, for interment
'I'licy wero accompanied by committees
from the senate and house.
UitiMti'.fli'.NTATiVK I'l'.Ki,, of Arkansas,
clutlrmiui of tho committed on Indian
nll'alrs, speaking of his bill for opening
tho Cherokee strip, said: "So far as one
ran seo now thcru will bo llttlo opposi
tion to tho bill in either senate or house.
It is on tho calendar but will not bo
brought up this session. Next t-csslon
I expect it to go through and as a result
the lands ought to bo opon by March lfi,
next year."
Mji. V). V. Lacisv, comptroller of tho
currency, has resigned.
It is reported that General Lund Com
missioner Carter will be made chairman
of the republican national committee.
Hkimikhkntativh JFoi.max, of Indiana,
and Mrs. Ilolmun celebrated in an in
formal way the other evening tho fifti
eth anniversary of their marriage.
Tliero was a largo number of callers
who warmly congratulated tho couple.
The members of the house of represen
tatives sent u largo silver punch lowl
suitably inscribed, and the widow of
lion. Sunset Cox a gold-headed cane.
TIipni ."- 1mo a largo number of con
gratulatory letters i.i,i
Tun department of stato has berni mi-
vised by cable from tho United States
legation at Caracas of tho resignation
of tho president of Venezuela.
On St. Anthony's day, and as usual
on this occasion, early morning found
thousands of pilgrims en routo to tho
lihrino of that saint on Mouit Troy, Al
legheny, I'a. Every year many persons
alllicted with diseases of all kinds find
from all over tho United States present
themselves to Father Molliiiffor, rector
of tho church of St. Anthony, for tho
euro of their infirmities. Ono wiw thoro
from Australia.
Nur.soM W. Ar.mucu was re-elected
United States senator from llhoda Isl
and. Tho vote was: Aldrlch, (54; David
S. 1 Jaker, Jr., 30.
Tin: town of Chlcorn, Pa., was swept
by lire. Ono hundred buildings between
Slippery Hock and Main street wore
AxioNn other business at tho conven
tion of the International Typographical
Union t I'liiimiotpinu was an invita
tion from Col. Elliott V. Slicpard, of
tho Now York Mall and Express, to at
tend tho opening of his new publication
building. Instead of accepting, the
delegates decided that a committee of
ilvo should wait on him and ask him to
employ only union pressmen and storco
typcrs. If ho acceded to their demand
they would attend the opening.
Tin: Doylcstown, Ti., express collided
with a shifting engine on tho North
lJcMinsylvania atOreland. Willinm Den
ton, engineer of tho express, was killed
and others injured.
Wu.mam, Jr., republican stato
committeeman from New York, denies
tho report published during tho Minne
apolis convention in eastern papers
which quoted him as saying that it had
cost 51,000,000 to carry New York for
Harrison in 188S, and that it would cost
twice that sum to carry tho stato for
Harrison in 180:).
Tin: New York Academy of Music was
Vistcfully decorated tho other night
with tho green Hag of Ireland and tho
Mars and stripes, tho occasion being the
reception tendered by a number of Irish
men to John E. Redmond, jr. P., tho
I'aiiicllHo luiulur. Ohiiunccy M. Dopow
Was present, seated in ono of thu boxes.
There was a tempest of cheers when
Jlr. Redmond stopped forward. Jlr.
Redmond paid a glowing tributo to
At the reunion of tho Society or tho
Army of tho Potomac at Sernnton, Pa.,
(Jen. Horace Porter was elected presi
dent. Other otlicers elected were:
Vieo president, ltrovob Muj. Hon. 13. J.
Molineaux, of tho Ninth army corps;
hecretary, Gen. Horatio C. King, of
lh-ooklyn; corresponding secretary,
(Jen. Georgo H. Sharpe, of Kingston;
treasurer, Col. Truesdell.
John Siutoi.sic stabbed his boarding
house kcoperand was afterwards beaten
to death by a mob in llnzelton. li.
Tine 145th annual commencement of
tho Princeton college occurred recently.
Six men wero badly burned by a lire
that followed an explosion of natural
gas at the Nathan Cook well, situated
two and u half miles south of McDon
ald, Pa. The men wero at work plac
ing six inch casing, when an explosion
of gas occurred, Betting tiro to their
clothes. All will recover except Adam
Carlisle. Tho loss wasa,000.
A petition has been received ut Chi
cago from a number of Unitarian
churches requesting that the exposition
buildings bo kept opon on Sunday. Tho
isigners of tho putltion which represents
tho north Massachusetts conference and
ntlier Christian churches situated in
Massachusetts and New Hampshire re
quest that the fair bo open on Sunday
but that it bo "a silent exhibit" with
jio machinery running. ;
Tim executive commit Ve of the silver
clubs of Nevada has hsued a cull for u
statu convention to b" hold ill Reno, ,
June '2 J, for the purpose of nominating ,
three presidential electors pledged to
vote for a free coinage fan did a to. ,
It litis lccn definitely announced by
Marshall Campbell, chairman of the
Jlinnesota democratic central commit- I
tee, that thero would bo no fusion bo- I
tween the democrats and alliance men
either oif electors or stato ofllccn. Ho j
said the democrats hud made, u poll of i
tho state recently and wore mo confident i
of getting it plurality this fall that they '
did not euro to make any alliances.
Tin: Mexican Northern railroad,
through W. II. Davis, its general so
licitor, has taken ofllcos in Chicago and
will shortly open an otllee in New York.
Messrs. Hush and Townsond, the con
tractors of Hits company, have gone to
Doming, N. JI., where they will begin
active worlc on the road and push It
rapidly forwurd until tho lino is com
pleted to a connection with the Mexi
can Central ut Chihuahua, a distance of
fr0 miles.
Tine Grant monument at Chicago was
struck by lightning. Three perMms
were, killed and two injured.
Tin, southern central portion of Jlin
nesota suitored from it tornado, lack
son, Jlartln, Faribault, Freeborn and
Illuc Eartli counties appear to have
lwen the scene. Between forty and fifty
people are known to have perished.
Am attempt was made to lynch
Thomas M. Holland, represented as a
colored land shark, at Kingllsher, Ok.,
by colored men from Tennessee, but tho
attempt was foiled.
Tin. governor of Jlontnnii has estab
lished a quarantine against shoop from
neighboring states and territories.
Ri'.roitTS from half of South Dakota
say that grain is looking bottor than
for years.
i,- a . ...., .Norwegian hardware
merchant of Northflold, Jlinn., for
twenty years, died witli phi-fashioned
leprosy. The corpse was a most horri
ble sight, the flesh dropping oil' his
body. The Alfsons havo all died in tho
month of June.
Tun Western Passenger association
lias decided upon it chairman, 1). It.
Caldwell, assistant general passenger
agent (if tho Jlissouri Pacific, having
been elected.
I'iiinck JliatAKUi, tho notorious lead
er of the "Flying Roll" community in
Detroit who has been on trial in tho
circuit court at Ann Arbor, Jlich.,
charged with assaulting Ilernico llcehol,
it daughter of one of his dupes, has been
convicted. Ho was sentenced to llvo
years' imprisonment.
Fivi: children, ranging from 12 to in
years of age, were drowned in the Ohio
river at Neville island, twelve miles be
low Pittsburgh the othor day. Their
names were Paul, Rudolph, Edith and
Maggie Pittoce and Edna Richardson.
It appears that tho children drove a
u"tffry Into tho river to wash. In some
manner tho buggy was overturned and
tho children thrown into tho river.
Tho two boys made heroic efforts to
save their companions, but they were
unequal to tho task.
run south.
A I'uioiiTi'Ui. wreck occurred at the
trestle spanning Lonesome Hollow,
near Jliddleborough, Ivy. Freight en
gine No. 10, with sixteen loaded box
cars, went through, one on top of the
other. The distance from the top of
the trestle to the ground below is UfiO
feet. Tho engineer, Frank Sargent,'
I'lromiiu Henry blater and Conductor
Duckworth were killed outright. The
north bound passenger train with 100
passengers was only saved by being
one-half hour late.
A. Hi:kii:i.ku, young man who
claims to bo it son of tho German consul-general
to Canada, was arrested nt
San Elizario, El l'aso county, Tex., for
swindling. Ho had a number of checks
cashed at El l'aso and they wore dis
honored. 1ji:k, a young colored woman
who witnessed the hanging of Alf White
at lluntsville, Tex.', fainted when the
drop fell and died late that night from
tho effects of the shock.
Co.vnutK.vci: committees of the two
wings of tho Louisiana democrats have
come- to an understanding.
Whim: forVy-tlvu men wero at work
on the bridge in course of construction
over the Licking river between Coving
ton and Newport, Ky., the structure
fell. Only two or three escaped unhurt.
Tho contractors with twenty-five work
men lost their lives.
Tin: National Association of Freight
Agents concluded Its work at Louis
ville, Ky., and elected otlicers as fol
lows: James 'Preveling, president, St,
Louis; Fred Hudson, Louisville, vieo
president; U. W. Howard, secretary.
Executive committee: J. R. Sample,
Evansville; T. J. Kern, Cincinnati; E.
11. Wray, St, .Joseph; F.J. Hill, Detroit;
J. P. Lounsberry, Toledo; f N. New
ton, Fort Wayne, treasurer. The asso
ciation will meet next ye-ar at Milwau
kee. Coi.ohkd people at Danville, Ky., havo
threatened a boycott against those mer
chants who signed a petition for the
separate coach bill.
Fiuj: destroyed over $100,000 worth of
property ut Elizabeth, W. Vn., the
other day.
A. G., sheriff of Raster county,
Ark., was instantly hilled the other
day by a desperado named Jessie Roper,
ltylar was attempting to arrest Roper
for carrying weapons when he was
killed. After killing the sheriff, Rorrr
succeeded in escaping and is still at
large. In his Uight ho shot one of thu
sheriff's posse, but not fatally, and
killed one horue unil wounded another
An unusual ceremony took place at
West Jlroinptoti, England, tho other
day. It was tho burying of Long Wolf,
mi Ogalhda. chief who died at tho wild
west oueutnpmeut from tho effects of
wounds received in various campaigtm
during his career ivs it Sioux warrior.
His body contained twenty-five bullet
wounds, all of which had become more
or less painful with increasing age.
Tin: village of Sto. Rose, a fashion
able summer resort near Jlontreal, wits
visited by a cyclone tho other day,
which killud two persons and damaged
At tho annual election of ofllccrs of
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific held
in Chicago, R. R. Cable, Georgo W.
Cable and II. II. Sudlow were elected
directors mid II. R. Cablo president, A.
Kimball vice president and H. Sudlow
secretary and treasurer. Tlio annual
report showed tho net earnings to havo
been $207,803. The regular Hoinl-nnnuul
dividend of 2f per cent, was declared
payable July 1.
Jilt. Thomas n. Shkuman, United
States consul at Liverpool, has tendered
his resignation to tho president.
Latest reports from Uganda say that
tho English did not persecute the Cath
olics during tho recent trouble there.
Sin Wim.iam Gonno.v Cummino, tho
central figure of the Londo" inicearat
scandal, will stand for a beat in the
house of common.
Tin: financial situation at Jlontovideo
is calamitous, and a commercial panic
A tkiat, for criminal libel in Paris
caused several riots in tho court room
and a duel afterwards.
At Jlagdeburg, (Icrmmiy, soldiers be
longing to the garrison there were un
loading a wagon containing ammuni
tion when a shell exploded, killing four
nt iu mmi. 'Their bodies wore fearful
ly mangled and their heads, arms anil
legs were blown off.
Fuhtiikii intelligence of the great cy
clone in Canada shows that the destruc
tion of life was not confined to Ste Rose,
Quebec, but spread to many places in
that vicinity. Advioes f rom St. Ephricm
state that that district woa devastated
by the terrible storm.
Fua.ncih Ai.tamoiiaxo, the noted
bandit of the border and tho murderer
of half a dozen or more men and women,
was shot and killed in Imuris, Sonora,
bj' another Jlexican.
Tin: swift improvement in the crop
outlook has had a marked effect on tho
condition of trado throughout tho eoun
try. A niOTOUH demonstration was made
the othor day ut a bull fight at Linares
in the province of Jaon, Spain. One of
the bulls charged Into the mob and ono
man was killed. Tho mayor tried to
preserve order and was turned upon by
tho crowd.
Jacoii Sciinitzkk, otherwise Emin
Pasha, according to reports received at
lierlin is not dead as reported recently.
Tin: entire property of the Richmond
fc Danville road and its leased and con
trolled lines havo been turned over to
the receivers.
Ilili lttlTUST.
Tin? new levee on the bayou protect
ing the town of liiiyou Sara, La., broke
and the town totally submerged to u
depth varying from 4 to 11 feet.
Emmoxr Hi.aixk, second son of the ex
secretary, died suddonly at Chicago of
blood poisoning.
.Hum:: J. 1!. Jlono.vx, an ex-congressman,
was shot and killed on an Illinois
Central train near Jlemphis, Tenn., by
Henry R. C. Faster, a lawyer of Her
nando, Jiiss. '
Tin: most deplorable state of affairs
exists in tho San Antonio section of
Texas, as scarcely any rain has fallen
there for three years.
Cai't. G. V. Rox.NT.n, n wealthy horso
raiser of Cleburne, Tex., is under arrest
for poisoning Dick Teuipleton.
Tiikui: was no session of the senate on
the 18th. In the house tho senate reso
lution authorizing the president to issue
a proclamation recommending tho ob
servance of the 400th anniversary of the
discovery of America Was passed. In
committee of the whole thu tin plato
question was discussed.
I'.Y it C R. ,fc Q. wreck, near Gales
burg, 111., four men were killed.
Emi.v Pasha has arrived at Rukolay,
having recovered from his attack of
Tub will remain at Copenhagen
for some time boforo returning to Rus
sia. Six of the Rnrcelona strikers havo
been sentenced to three years' imprison
ment each for rioting.
Tin: sentence of Capt. Raker, of the
Dutch steamer Obdam, lias been re
duced from ono year to three months'
imprisonment. Raker was convicted of
causing the death of a sailor by brutal
Titoops wero called out to suppress
the strikes at Tower, Jlinn.
Tine associated trades of New York
adopted resolutions demanding that the
world's fair be open Sundays.
Dicta rou Pai.auio has left Venezuela.
His destination is said to bo tho island
of Trinidad.
Doi.n Huo., of Roston, dealers in
hops, havo suspended.
Tin: indictments against tho Jlaverick
bank dircoUH's of Roston wero quashed
in the United States district court
Tiik freight handlers of every road
entering Indianapolis, except the Penn
sylvania, have joined in n demand for
an increase of wages.
At .Marble Head, III., the three-year-old
daughter of Jionroo Rerbridge got
hold of a loaded shotgun, when the
weapon was accidentally discharged,
causing the child's instant death.
Well !'i III Corrals.
From the bulletin received by Com
missioner Andres recently it Is noted
that Nebraska stands well up to the
top in tho list of western cereal produc
ing states. In the state the total num
ber of acres devoted to the cultivation
of cereals wan 7,001,0(10, an increase in
ten years of more than 1,000,000 acres.
The increase in the are of corn lands
alone amounted to !),8 10,010 acres.
Every coiinly in tiie state increased its
acreage during the decade. The aver
age yield of ojrn per acre is :0. 10; bar
ley, 22.00; buckwheat, 7.81; oats, 20.10;
rye, l.'l.!!3; wheat, 1H.2H. In the produc
tion of corn Gage county leads, with
188,370 acres, while Saunders county
comes next with 187, ISO acres.
The other big counties having
it corn acreage of over 100,000:
Lancaster, I71,07ii; Saline, 1H4.881;
Filmore, 1!11,020; Clay, IWlOO; Cass,
1S.87U; Hamilton, l21,r7S; Otoe, 12.1,080;
York, 12n,47. The estimated area of
Nebra'ika, availab() for cultivation is,
according to the hist report of Secretary
Furnas, of the state board of agricult
ure, 21,2:11,007. The area actually
cultivated last year was only about one
third of this amount.
Hlutu school Apportionment.
State Superintendent Goudy has is
sued the annual state apportionment of
school moneys. From thu report It is
noted that the entire afnount to be ap
portioned among the several eountle.i is
5310,28:5.07. Of this amount $111,320 SO
is derived from interest on county
bonds, 105,247.30 from interest on un
paid principal school lands, $31,8S0.30
from school land leases, SAT, 4 00.40 from
state taxes, Sl.'i.O.'O.OO from interest on
state bonds. The total amount is appor
tioned among the several counties ot
the state in proportion to the numbei
of school children in each. There arc
in the state 3:53,1 15 children of school
age, and the apportionment gives a
fraction over 05 cents to each scholar.
Douglass county receives 31,721.82 and
Lancaster $17,0."0.
XrbniHkit (irainl Lodgr.
The grand lodge of Nebraska masons
mot in Omaha on the Kith. A member
of the order asked to be reinstated, hav
ing previously been expelled for selling
intoxicating liquors. The committee
on crievances recommended that the
' petition be not granted, on the ground
that the brother had been notified that
if he engaged in the sale of liquors his
masonic relationship would be endan
gered, lie persisted in tho traffic, and
it was tho committee's unanimous find
' ing that masons could not engage in the
sale of liquors and retain their masonic
standing. Tho report was received
with applause and adopted without a
dissenting vote.
A Howry C'olli'ctiMl Uy
A curious case came up in the district
courtat Lincoln. Two years ago Rachel
JIadowiuk, it well-to-do P.ohemiun, had
a wayward daughter whom she desired
married. Among her acquaintances
was Jiax Coonsky, to whom she offered
$2,r00 if ho would marry Freda. Jinx
was willing, so was the pretty Freda,
and a contract was entered into for tho
payment of the money. The wedding
t took place, but the dowry was not paid.
Jinx thereupon entered suit. Tlio
mother claimed that it was contingent
upon the sale of certain property, but
the court found for plaintiff.
SnioMsitrito was much damaged re
cently by a hailstorm.
Tin: Sous of Veterans havo been in
encampment at David City.
Tin: canning fnctory and new depot
at Grand Island are much talked about.
Tin: grand chapter of the Eastern
Star has been in session at Grand
V. llAitnv had both legs and an arm
broken falling down it well fifteen miles
north of Columbus.
Ot.d Jilt. Rr.riii:, aged 78, came near
killing himself at Tecumseh by drink
ing carbolic acid in mistake for brandy.
Tin: Jletropolitun hotel at Sidney has
been destroyed by fire. Oberfelder's
clothing house, next door, was also
much damaged.
Tin: state board of equalization has
assessed the fifty-nine Pullman curs in
use on Nebraska roads at $3,000 each,
making a total of $177,000.
HiCNintis' circus, while giving an ex
hibition at Dunbar, was closed and
taken possession of by the sheriff of
Lancaster county on a chattel mortgage
of .:,ooo.
Dtuttxo a thunder storm at "Warsaw
lightning struck a barn belonging to
Qscar Larson, killing three head of
horses, two mules and one cow and
damaging a lot of machineiy.
S. I. Mi:si:itAiTi,i.v editor of the Alli
ance Roomerang, at Crawford, was as
saulted l)3r two masked men as lie was
returning from the Jlaple school house,
whore he had attended a meeting.
F. A. Rah ion, who was recently ap
pointed superintendent of the educa
tional department of Nebraska's world's
fair exhibit, has left for Chicago on
business connected with the exhibit
Omaha voted by an overwhelming
majority fS.'iO.OOO in bonds to aid the
! Nebraska Central road build a bridge
across tho Jlissouri river, a union depot
in Omaha and 100 miles of railroad
northeast from Council Rluffs.
Tin: great sham battle at the camp of
the National Competitive Drill associa
tion at Omaha proved almost u complete
failure, owing to lack of organization.
Twenty thousand people witnessed tho
maneuvers, which lusted for only twen
ty minutes.
"Is Jlario, Imppy with her new hus
band?" "Nq
"k thought ho wns perfect."
x'Hc is. That's tho trouble." Judge.
Tho Only One Kvf r Printed Can You rind
the Word?
Thero is n 3 inch display advertisement
in this paper, this weak, which has no two
words alllto except one word. Tho same la
truo of each new ono appearing oach week,
from The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This.
hotiBO pluces a "Crescont" on everything
they malto and publish. Look for it, send
thorn tho namo of tho word and they will)
return you hook, boautTful lithographs or
siimplos free.
Tub valuo of afnnn product Is not always
declining wuou it is on tho wain. JJostou.
AKoiilxlnf- TwMs riclow tho 'Waistband .
Aro produced by a drenching catlmrtlc.
Why use such nn Irrational moixns of rcm
ndying costlvcnesst That, puro, botanic,
piiiiiloss, philosophic remedy, IIORtettor's.
Stomach fritters, produces tlio desired ro
Btdt decititvcly, but without ineonvenlciicO'
or griping. Dyppepsia imd inaction of the
liver and kfdneyn rn likewise- rectified by
tills lxjnign rcstorntlvo of health. There is
no finer tonic for tho dohllltatcd and ner
vous. Cur as malaria aud rheumatism.
Tun bad habit. Is ono thing thnt grows
IiiiKr imil larger tho more it la commoted.
Dallas iiew
i .
Tlio True T.atiUIto I'rlnclplo
Of tho plnnts ued in manufacturing the
pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has it per
manently bonciicil olTeot on tho human
Hystetn, whilo thn cheap vegetable extract,
iind mineral solutions, usually sold as medi
cines, are pcrnmnmitly injurious, lic'mg
well-informed, oh will uso tlio truo rnmody
only. Manufuutarud by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
Tiik gfrls cannot resist tho Impression
that tliero is Boinothlng engaging about tlio
uinrruigc proposal. isingiiuinton reader.
IIam.'s CATAiiun Cunr. is a liquid nnd 1b.
taken internally, and acts directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Send for testimonials, froo. Sold by IJrug
glstH, 7fia F. J. CiiKNur & Co., l'roprs.,
Toledo, O.
"IlAXnn rrt" exclaimed Old Tfmo, ntorn
l.v. And tho frightoned clock tremblingly
struck twelve.
Rt. Loris Beer is tho best, and tho "A, "B.
C. Rohemlan Bottled Beer," Tho American
Browing Co.'e, is tho best in St. Louis.
Tun exercising of horscti ust boforo ni
raco is the prauuiblo.
Nmtvous, bilious, disorders, sick hend- ,
neho, indigestion, loss of nppollta and cons
tipation icmoved by Beecham's Pills.
CoMri.iMRKTS usuallv go out searching for
mutes. Detroit Free Press.
nAi.r-connn eruptions will roturn. Erad
icate them with Glonn's Sulphur Soap.
UIU'b Hair and Whisker Dyo, f0 couts.
Tun man who strikes nn nttltudo fuiag
lueu that ho is making a great lilt.
Tin: Ram's Horn is published at Indian--iipolis,
Indiana, ut$l.50 per year.
lr you can't lick a man bo lenient with his
faults. Texas Siftings.
Ai.wats buy umbrcllns in lair weather.
Tlioy are biuo to go up whan it rains.
A xnuvors allectlc A man's on the evo
of proposal. Puck.
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
below the knee, and traa cured sound and well
with two and a nan iwiurau w;
ni..i.i-.nri t-inrliriiicn had failed &
in dn ma miv rrood. WILL C. IJeaty,
YuiLvUlc, S. C.
I was troubled from childhood with nn as-
avntiMrjiso of Tttr, nnd thrcn potties oi
curou uq imrnmiioiitiy.
ryl WALiacn mann,
Our boolc on r.lood nnd Skin PIsrascs mailed '
t rco. Bn'in.' Srtciwo Co., Atlanta, CJa.
My niece, Emcline Hawlcy, was?,,
taken with spitting blood, and she
became very much alarmed, fearing
that dreaded disease, Consumption.
She tried nearly all kinds of medi
cine but nothing did her any good.
Finally she took German Syrup and.
she told me it did her more good
than anything she ever tried. It.
stopped the blood, gave her strength
and ease, and a good appetite. I
had it from her own lips. Mrs..
Mary A. Staccy, Trumbull, Conn.
Honor to German Syrup. ;
When you buy Flags voir
want the best. Government
Standard is the best; the'
largest flag dealers in the U.
& CO., Oak Hall, Boston,
Mass. Dealers in AWitary
Uniforms. Write, for a
Flag Catalogue.