THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ONE COUNTY IX "NTOMIXQ MAKES 1 FISE CLEAN-UP OF FItAIItlE I)0Q TOWNS A rodont drive In Hat Crook com munity, Niobrara County, Wye, recent ly reported to tho Biological Survey of tho United States Department of Abrlculture, resulted In about half tho cooperators ridding tho'lr land of every pralrio dog, while each of tho others had, at tho tlmo of reporting, but four or five llvo rodents loft. Not 100 llvo prnlrlo dogs, It Is estimated, aro loft on this area of about 25,000 acres vv'-lch was literally allvo with them six months ago. Tho work was start ed In April on a strip of land 13 miles long and 3 miles wide, with twenty two ranchers cooperating. Practically every man in the district signed up to do his share of tho poisoning. Tho county appropriated monoy to bo used In purchasing poison for tho State and nonresident lands, tho Biological Sur vey furnished poison for tho Federal ' land, and labor vcas donated by Inter-, ested residents. Thirteen hundred pounds or poison was mixed and distributed. Tho dis trict survey man returned tho latter part of May to direct tho work, and again In September to check over tho results. Tho project was an Isolated part ofl a 250,000 acre dog town, and upon Its successful completion depend ed next year's cooperation and bupport for tho work in this county. Consider ing tho fact that herotoforo no way of caring for tho nonresident lands had been devised, tho showing in Hat Creek community was considered bx cellent. CATTLE TUBERCULOSIS IS ERADICATED IN MANY WHOLE COUNTIES NOW The most important feature of tho tuberculosis-eradication move ment continues to be tho cleaning up of deflnlto areas, principally counties, according to the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Reports for Juno July, and August show that thlrty-ono additional counties In ten States have officially adopted the area plan. This brings the total of counties now doing intensive work up to 144. Thirty-nine counties have completed ono or more tests. Of tho thlrty-ono counties that be gan area work this summer, Califor nia, Indiana, Virginia, Tennessee, and Maine have one each, Nebraska, Mich igan and Oregon one each, Wisconsin five, and Wyoming twelve. To date the best example of success ful county-wide drive Is the ono car ried on In Steben County, N. Y. Dur ing a period of nineteen days there Were tested, by veterinarians, 4.G15 lots contalng more than 45,000 head of cattle. The disease was found on 48G farms, and 1,574 reactors wero romoV' ed. Tho total cost of tho campaign in tho county was $10,800 about 23.5 cents a head for all animals tested. Ninety-eight per cent of tho herds wero tested in the drive and the fow "con scientious objectors" remaining havo decided to have their cattle tested. Tho great success of the work In this county was duo in largo measure to the wholehearted cooporation given by the live-stock owners, tho Farm Bureau, railroad live-stock agents, women's clubs, the Dairymen's Lea gue, breeders' organizations, county commissioners, chamber of commerce, and other organizations. Real Estato Mortgages bought and sold. T. C. Patterson. :o:- ORDINANCE NO. 1G3 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUE OF FIFTEEN THOU. SAND ($15,000.00) DOLLARS INTERSECTION PAVING BONDS AUTHORIZED AT A REGULAR MEETING ACCORDING TO LAW WHEREAS tho council did nt a regular meeting of snld council hold on the 15th day of June, 1920, at tho regular meeting place- of Bald City Council, tho Mayor presiding and a quorum being present and WHEREAS tho following proceed ings woro had and dono relating to tho Issuo of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars of "Intersection Paving Bonds of the City of North Platto, Lin. nln County, Nebraska," and WHEREAS It was proporly moved and seconded that tho Mayor and City Clerk bo authorized to issuo Intersec tion Paving Bonds in tho sum of Fif teen Thousand (Sa5.000.00) Dollars as provided by law and 1 WHEREAS a roll call on said mo tion was had nnd all councllmen pres-' ent voted in tho nfflrmatlvo and WHEREAS Said motion was de-1 clared duly carried. NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR DAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL of tho City of North Platto, Nobraska: SECTION 1. That thoro bo borrow ed on tho credit of this, tho City of John S. Twinem, M. D. (Homeopath) Medicine, surgery and obstetrics North PIntte, Nebr. (Drug room with drugs for acute and chronic diseases.) North Platto, tlio surn. of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars for the 1 purpose of obtaining money with' which to pay tho cost of paving, cut- toring and curbing tho Intersections of Streets and Spaces opposlto alloys in rognlnrly croated Paving Districts witliln nnd for tho City of North Platto, Nebraska. I "Section 2. That said Bonds bo dated j July 1st, 192,0, duo July 1st, 1940, but payable at tho option of said city at any time nftor five (5) years from their date. That said bonds bo in de nominations ot 51,000.00 each, number ed from 1 to 15, both numbers inclu ded. That said bonds bpar interest at uio rate or six (U) per cent per an num payablo semi-annually on tho first day of January and of July In each year and that said interest bo evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds and maturing upon tho sevcrnl days when such Interest accruoa. That tho city seal bo Impressed upon such bonds and that the same bo stirnnd lv uonus ami mm me same uo sitneu ny tho Mayor and attested by the City Clerk and that said coupons bo ex ecuted by tho facsimile signatures of said Mayor and City Clerk which said officers shall, by tho execution of said bonds adopt as and for their respective signatures their fnc-slmilo signatures appearing upon such cou pons; that said bonds and coupons bo payable at the office of the County Treasurer of tho County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, In the city of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 3. Tlint said bonds have en dorsed thereon forms for certificates for registration by the Auditor of tho Stnto and by tho County Clerk. Section 4. That said bonds, Coupons and certificates bo in substantially tho following form: (Form of Bond) "STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF LINCOLN, PAVING BOND OF THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBR- ASKA. Know All Men By These Presents: That tho City.. of North Platte, In the County of Lincoln, in the Stato of Nebraska, horeby acknowledges itself 10 owe ana ror value received pro mises to pay to tho bearer the sum of 0 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) on tho First day of July, 1910 with interest thereon from dato hereof until paid at tho rate of 6 per cent per annum payablo semi annually on the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July of each year on presentation and surrender of tho proper interest coupons hereto at- i tached as they respectively become due. Both principal and interest are hereby made payablo in lawful money ! of tho United States of America at the j office of the County Treasurer of ; Lincoln County at North Platte, Nobr- j aska This bond la one of a series of fifteen bonds, aggregating Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars ,and said bonds aro payable at the option of said City at any time after tho ex piration of five years from dato there of, and for tho prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity and the levy of taxes suf ficient for that purposo tho full faith and credit and resources of tho city of North Platto aro hereby irrevoc ably pledged. This bond is issued by said City of North Platto for tho purpose of paving, re-paving, or macadamizing the Intersection of streets or avenues and spaces opposite alleys in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, in full com pliance with tho provisions of Section 70, Article G of Chapter 49 of tho Re vised Statutes of tho Stato of Nebr aska, for the year 1913 as amended and Chapter 9G of the Session laws of Nobraska, for tho year 1917, and other laws of tho Stato of Nebraska, appli cable thereto, and is authorized by tho mayor and city council of the City of North Platto, 'Nebraska. It Is hereby certified and recited that all acts, requirements' and con- dltions precedent to tho issue of said bonds havo been duly and legnlly dono and performed nnd tnis bond Is a legal valid obligation of tho City of North Platto, In the County of Lincoln and In the State of Nebraska, that thore is no constitutional or statutory limitation of the state of Nebraska that in anywlso effects this bond and that, tho indebtedness of said City in cluding this issuo of bonds does not exceed any limitations imposed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho said City by Its Mayor and Council has paused this bond to be signed by Its Mayor and City Clerk and tho corpor ate seal of said City to bo affixed here to and tho coupons hereto attached to bo oxecuted by tho fac-slmilo sig natures of said Mayor and City Clerk, One Brand, Sioux Lookout Flour. One Quality, Sioux Lookout Flour, A Satisfied Customer, Sioux Lookout Flour. Order Your Sack Today. Guaranteed. ALL GROCERS. Nebraska Mi & Elevator Co. which said officials do by the oxtcu- tlon horoof adopt as and for their own proper signatures tnoir respective tac - simllo signatures, all as of tho .day of ,A. D. 19 Mayor Attost: City Clerk (FORM OF AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE AUDITOR'S REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. 88. Tho within bond No. having this day been prosontod for registra tion nnd being satisfied from data filed In my ofice that said bond has been Issued according to law, I, George W. Marsh, auditor of Public Accounts, for tho State of Nebraska, upon tho basis of such data, hereby cortlfy tlmt 8a,d bond lms bccn rosu , , nnil l)niiv tonl.,i ,t ,. j,n larly and legally issued, and has boon duly registered In my offlco In nccor dauco with tho provisions of tho law In such cases mado and provided. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havo herounto sot my hand and affixed my seal of offico at Lincoln, Nebraska, this day of A. D. 1922. Auditor of public accounts Registry No. Vol. - Pago (FORM OF COUNTY CLERIC'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY CLERIC'S REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE I, tho undersigned, tho duly quali fied and acting county clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, do hereby cer tify that this bond has been duly reg' lstered in my offico in a book kept by 1110 tor such purpose, in nccordanco with tho provisions of tho Revised Statutes of tho Stato or Nenraska, for tho year 1913, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand nnd tho seal of said county at North Platto, Nobraska, this day of A. D. 1922. County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska. (FORM OF COUPON) ."No. COUPON $30.00 On tho day of j. , 19 , the City of North Platte, Coun ty of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, will Pay to the bearer $.50.00 in lawful money of tho United States of America Qt tu office of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Nebraska, being lone-half year's interest on Paving Bond No. dated- as July 1st, 1920. Mayor. ATTEST: City Clerk. SECTION 5. That said bonds bo executed as.herein provided and there upon presented to tho Auditor of Public Accounts together with state ments and showings required by Article 2 of Chapter 8 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, for tho year 1913, and amendments, and that when said bonds shall havo been duly and properly registered by and In tho offlco of the Auditor of Public Ac counts pursuant to tho provisions of Articlo 2 and Chapter S aforesaid, the same bo procured to bo certified by tho County Clerk of this County who shall register tho samo In the Bond Record provided for that purposo nnd execute the form of certificate heroin provided to bo endorsed upon said bonds. SECTION G. That thereupon said bonds bo offered for sale but in no case shall said bonds bo sold for loss than par.- SECTION 7. It shall bo tho duty of tho proper officers of this city to causo to be annually levied, collected Piid to tho holders ot said bonds, a special tax on all taxable property within said city sufficient to pay the intorest on said bonds a the samo be comes duo and when the principal of said bonds becomes due sucn officers shall in llko manner collect an nddl tlonal amount sufficient to pay such principal. Section 8. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions In conflict with tho terms hereof bo and the samo aro hereby ropealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall tako effect and be In force from nnd after its passago approval and publl. nnUnn Passed and npproved this 22nd dayirfj of December 1922. E.H.EVANS. Mayor, - Attost: , O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. vSEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 101 the i tqqiTK 'n Si'v Ttmii TUB ISSUL 0 MFTLLN THOU. ' SAND ($15,000.00) DOLLARS INTERSECTION PAVING BONDS 1 AUTHORIZED AT A REGULAR MEETING ACCORDING TO LAW WHEREAS tho council did nt a reg ular meeting of said council hold oh tho 5th day of October, 1920, nt tho regular meeting plnco of said City Council, the Mayor presiding nnd a (lucrum being present-and WHEREAS tho following proceed ings woro had and dono relnting to tho issuo of Fifteen Thousand ($15, 000.00) Dollars of "Intersection Pav ing Bonds of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska," and WHEREAS It was properly moved and, seconded that tho Mayor and City - I'rk bo authorized to Issuo Intersec tion Paving Bonds in tho sum of Fif teen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars as provided by law and WHEREAS a roll call on said mo tion was had and all councllmon pres ent voted In tho affirmative and WHEREAS Said motion was declar ed duly carried NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN ED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL of tho City of North Platte, Nobraska.: Section 1. That there bo borrowed on the credit of this, tho City of North ? BnmfQ TJT, J'" (?15,000.00) Dollars for the purposo of obtaining monoy with which to pay tho cost of paving, guttering and curb- ing tho Intersections of Streets nnd Spnccs opposite alleys In rcgulnrly created Paving Districts within nnd for tho City of North Platto, Nebr aska. Section 2. That said Bonds bo dated Nov. 1st, 1920, duo November 1st, 1940, pnynblo at the option of said city I at any time after flvo (5) years from their date. That said bonds bo in de nominations of $1,000.00 each, number ed from 1 to 15, both numbers Inclu ded. Tlmt said bonds boar interest at tho rate of Six (G) per cent per nti num payable somi-nnnually on tho first day of May and of November In each year and that said interest bo evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds and maturing upon tho several days when such interest nccruo3. That tho city seal bo Impressed upon such bonds and that tho samo bo signed by tho Mayor and attested by tho City Clerk and that said coupons bo ex ecuted by tho fac-slmilo signatures of said Mayor nnd City Clerk which said officers shall, by tho execution of said bonds adopt as and for their respective signatures their fac-slmilo signatures appearing upon Biich cou pons; that said bonus nna coupons uo payable at tho offlco of the County Treasurer of tho County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, In tho city of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 3. That said bonds havo en dorsed thereon forms for certificates for registration by the Auditor of tho State and by tho County Clerk. Section 4. That said bonds, Coupons and certificates bo in substantially tho following form: (Form of Bond) "STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF LINCOLN, PAVING BOND OF THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBR ASKA. N Know All Men By Theso Presents: That tho City of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln, in tho Stato of Nebraska, horoby acknowledges itself to owo nnd for valuo received pro- mises to pay to tho bearer tho sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Si Thrift Club Savers! mis year our uimmiuuB inrut muu inemuurs receiveu many, many aouars. Money r- lr linnfl la. nn lmnaimllxr lirmnvtn nt fnrtri nt P.lirlotmno tlmo If vnn wnnlfl nntnli tlm ?! rr1 rl spirit of the season and carry it out, you must be prepared. Our 1923 Christmas Thrift Club is now forming. It is weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments and you will Forewarned is forearmed t jg gj (Hi ,f Select the class that You may select any one, or combination of two or more pf the above classes"; and In addition to theso wo have progressive and reducing classes lc, 2c, 5c 10c paying at Christmas time 1923 all the way from $12.92 to $130.90. Interest paid on deposits made on or before date duo. ' 522 Dewey Street ($1,000.00) on tho First day ot Nov . .nbor, 1940 with Interest thoreon from uutc hereof until paid nt the rate of 1 6 per cent per annum payablo soml- A ! initially on tho 1st day of Mny nnd I tho 1st day of November of each yoar 011 presentation and surrender of tho , )r )(Jr ,ntorost coupoll8 heroto at ' , , ' . " , ,. ' , N". " f. '.'"V . hereby made payablo In lawful monoy of tho United States of Amorlca at tho I offlco of tho County Troasuror of Lincoln County nt North Platto, Nobr aska. This bond Is ono ot a sorlos of flftoon bonds, aggregating Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars .and said bonds aro payablo at tho option of said City at any tlmo nftor tho ex piration of flvo yenra from dato thoro of, and for tho prompt paymont of this bond, both principal nnd Interest, nt maturity and tho lovy of taxes suf ficient for that purpose tho full faith and credit and resources of tho city of North Platto ore hereby irrevoc ably pledged. This bond is issued by Bnid City of North Platto for tho purposo of paving, ro-pavlng, or macadamizing tho Intersection of streets or nvonuos and spaces opposite alloys in tho city of North Platto, Nobraska, in full com pliance with tho provisions of Section 70, Articlo G of Chaptor 49 of tho Roi vised Statutes of tno stato ot wour- aska, for tho yoar 1913 as nmonded 1 and Chapter 96 of tho Session laws of Nobraska, for tho yoar 1917, and othtr Mws ot tho State of Nebraska, nppll- cablo thereto, and is authorized by( tho mnyor nnd city council of tho City ""tf Platto Nebraska It is horoby certified and recited that all acts, requirements nnd con ditions precedent to tho issuo of said bonds havo boon duly nnd legally dono nnd performed nnd this bond Is n lognl valid obligation of tho City of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln nnd In tho Stnto ot Nebraska, that thoro Is no constitutional or statutory limitation of tho stato of Nobraska that In anywlso effects this bond nnd that tho indebtedness ot said City In cluding this issue of bonds docs not oxcood nny limitations Imposed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho said City by Its Mayor and Council has caused thlB bond to bo signed by Its Mnyor nnd City Clerk and tho corpor ate seal of said City to no nttlxed hero to and tho coupons horeto attached to bo executed 'by the fnc-slmllo Big nntureB of said Mnyor and City Clerk, which said officials do by the execu tion horoof ndopt as and for tholr own propor signatures . their respective fac-slmilo signatures, all as of tho day of ,A. D. 19 Mayor Attest: - City Clork (FORM OF AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE AUDITOR'S REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. 88 Tho within bond No having tills day been presented for registra tion and bolng satisfied from data filed in my offlco that said bond haB boon Issued nccordlng to law, I, Gcorgo W. Marsh, auditor of Public Accounts, for tho Stnto ot Nobraska, upon tho basis of Biich data, horeby cortlfy,. that said bona nns neon regu larly and legally Issued, and has been ; duly registered in my ornco m ttccor t dnnco with tho provisions of tho law in such cases mado and provided. 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havo To Christmas ml ) iti 1 1 1 JOIN NOW! suits you .10 per week class receive $ ?25 per week class receive . . . . r .$ .50 per week class receive $ $ 1.00 per week class receive $ 2.00 per week class receive $ 2.50 per week class receive $ 5.00 per week class receive . $10.00 per week class receive McDonald State hereunto sot my hand and affixed my seal of office at Lincoln, Nebraska, this - day of D. 1022. Auditor of public accounts Rogistry No, Vol Page . - (FORM OF COUNTY CLERIC'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY CLERK'S REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE I, tho undersigned, tho duly quali fied and acting county clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, do hereby cer tify that this bond has boon duly reg istered in my office In a book kept by mo for such purpose, in nccordanco with tho provisions of tho Revised Stntutos ot tho Stato ot Nobraska, for tho year 1913, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand nnd tho seal of said county at North Platto, Nobraska, this day of A. D. 1922. County Clork of Lincoln County, Nobrnska. (FORM OF COUPON) "No. COUPON $30.00 On tho day of , 19 , tho City of North Platto, Coun ty of Lincoln, Stato of Nobraska, will pay to tho bearer $30.00 In lawful money of tho United States of Amorlca nt tho offlco of tho County Treasurer 0f Lincoln County, Nebraska, being onc.hnlf year's interest on Paving n0nd No. dated as Novembor 1st, 1920. Mayor. ATTEST: l City Clork. SECTION 5. That said bonds bo executed as horoln provided nnd thoro upon presented to tho Auditor o" T'ubllo Accounts together with stato . ihcnts and showings required b Articlo 2 of Chapter 8 of tho Rovlse l 'Statutes of Nebraska, for tho yoar 1913, and amendments, nnd that whc- said bonds shall havo boon duly an 1 proporly registered by nnd in the offlco of tho Auditor of Public Ac counts pursuant to tho provisions of , Articlo 2 and Chaptor 8 aforoBald, tho samo be procured to be cortltlcu by tho County Clork ot this County who shall register tho samo In tho Bond Record provided for that purposo and executo tho form of cortlflcato horoin provldod to bo endorsed upon said bonds. SECTION G. That thereupon said bonds bo offered for snlo but In no enso shall said bonds bo sold for loss than par. SECTION 7. It shall bo tho duty of tho propor officers of this city to causo to bo annunlly levied, collected nnd paid to tho holders of said bonds, n special tax on all taxablo property, within said city sufficient to pay tho Interest on said bonds ns tho samo bo .comos duo nnd when tho principnl of said bonds becomes duo such officers shall In like manner collect an nddl tlonnl amount sufficient to pny bucIi principnl. Section 8. That all ordinances and resolutions nnd parts of ordinances nnd resolutions in conflict with tho torms horoof bo nnd tho snmo aro horoby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinnnco shall taho effect and bo In force from and after its passago approval and publi cation. Passed and npproved this 22nd day of Decornbet 1922. E. II. EVANS, Mnyor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clork. (SEAL) 1 i ar easy to join. Make small be prepared for 1923. 5.10 12.75 25.49 $ 50.99 $101.98 $127.47 $254.95 $509.90 Bank, North Platto, Nebraska. 1