Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Pabluher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25 Ono Year Uy Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1912 Frofn Dea Moines comes tho word tlmt Senntor Cummins, of that state, will shortly announce thnt ho is n can didate for tho presidency. This is not startling. It was generally conceded nst year thnt the Senntor would shy his enstor into the ring. Wo don't clnlm to know anything about seed corn, but tho fellows who claim to know say thnt tho Nebraska crop of lust yenr will not bo good seed for this yeur, and the sntne is said to bo true of Iown corn. It will probably be woll for Lincoln county farmers to tost tho corn they select for seed and thus be on the safo side. Mayor Jim, of Otnalui, announces that he will see thnt n Bpccial train is provided for the Nebraska democrats who wish to attend the nationnl con vention at Baltimore, and says thnt a n commissnry enr will bo provided. Wo aro glad ho has taken palus to speak of tho commissary car, for without such n car not u half dozen democrats could bo drummed up to take pussage on that train. Rcduco tho price of ment. notntocs. flour, butter, eggs and milk, and tho cry of the nverngo man about high prices will largoly censo. And yet when these commodities nro low in price, tho farmer will tell you thnt ho is not mnklng n living; that ho is grow ing poorer ovcry dav. Thus tho nricos that aro satisfactory to ono class is un- satlslactory to another clnss. and there is nover n timo nor a condition when ovorybody 1b satisfied. Colonel Harvoy, editor of Horpor's wcewy, mado Woodrow Wilson irovor nor of Now Jersey, and started out in tho nttcmpt to make him prosident of tno united IStates. but WI son re quested Harvey to withdraw his support as It was proving injurious to Wilson's candidacy. At least Harvov savs Wil son mado such a statoment but Wilson donles it, which is evidonco that some body is either mistaken or else lying. At any rato tho episode has almost eli minated Wilson from tho presidential race. The government at Washington is not being lulled to sleep by repetitions of Japonoso talk and repeated avowals of Japan's peaceful intentions. Pro ceeding on tho knowledge that thoro aro thirty five thousand trained Japan eso soldiers nngnged in peaceful Indus "try in Hawaii, is sullicient intimation of Japanese intentions In tho Pacific when tho moment is ripo, and tho mo ment might become ripo unexpectedly and very suddenly. Tho intention to send thirteen thousand United States regulars to Hawaii means thut our gov ernment will bo propured to protect that groat naval base of tho Pacific from enomlnes within or foes without. at tho snmo tirno serving as nshiold for San Francisco and il striking bnso for tho defenso of tho Philippines. If Japan should Boino day find tho United States wenk or unprepared and unwary. tho bolt that would fnll would bo a . thunderbolt.- Kearnoy Hub. Congressman Kinkaid. Owl Quiz: M. P. Kinkaid lias filed for roiruminatlon ns congressman from tho Big Sixth, and thero Booms to bo no possibility of his falling in tho quest. Indued there oujjht to bo no opposition to his nomination. Ho is the only con gressman wo have ever had who was worth Ids salt, and Kinkaid is eongros man enough to make up for a lot of worthless predecessors. Ho is always onto his-job, always alive to the inter ests of his constituency, always ready to answer any inquiry from the hum blest person In his district hnd doos a thousand things for them that are not included in the list of duties of congress men. Tho fellow who essays to defeat Kinkaid has always hnd it hard timo of it, but lie will have a bonier timo this year than over. Kate Shelly Dies. Kate Sholly, Iowa's horoino, died at her homo at Moingonu, la., Sunday. Miss Shelley became famous on- tho night of July C, 1881, when sho saved n Chicago & Northwestern passenger train from going into a river which had left its banks and washed away tho bridge Whllo sitting in her homo at II o'clock at night, Miss Shelley heard n crash and upon going to the door found that a freight train had plunged through the bridge which had been weakened by a fiorco storm. The entire row was kiljui. Mtos Shelly know that tho passenger train was duo to pass ovor tno struc ture in thirty minutes nnd, against tho wishes of her mother, wentout into tho storm and picked her way through the black night to tho closest telegraph station, nearly two miles away. Tho passongor train crew was warnod of . the, 'danger.- At tho' me'otihg of tho-' jioxt Iowa legislature, Miss Shelley, who was then 1C years old, was givon a gold medal and'5200 in cash for lior bravery. Sho also was rewarded by tho railroad com pany and given a position ns station ' ngent which she hold until two months "go. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $145,000.00. With our ample capital, long- experience in hankihrr, and assets of three quarters of a million dollars, we are in a position to give you the best possible service. E. F. SEEDERGEU, Prcs, Concerning Shipments of Goods When your shipment of coods have been lost and you must locate them without delay, there is no way so quick and so effective as over the long distance lines of the Bell Telephone System. Bell Telephone Lines reach nearly every city, town and village in the country. You can talk to almost anyone nearly everywhere. Long distance telephon ing is just as easy as a local call. LOCAL AND PERSONAL T. C. Phinnoy nnd family loft yester day lor uca uiouu to locate. Fred Post, of Cheyenne, Ms visiting mentis among tno local engineers tins wook. Miss Pearl Gardner returned to Brady tho last of tho week after visit ing Miss Lillian Hcndy. Hutlor Buchanan wept to Humbolt, Kans.. tho last of tho week to spend n week or more on business. Tho Baptist ladies aid will meet Friday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. G. L. Loudon, 101) West First St Jako Pizor, of Mabama, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizor went to Ogalalla tho latter part of the week. Clarence McMurray and "Soft Spot" Fletcher were gathered in by tho police last evening on tho charge of drunk enness. Number 2103 hold hv Moso McFm- land won tho dinmond ring at Dixon's Jewelry Btore last evening. Several thousand tickets were out. H. C. MeMakon. father of Mrs. Harry RiAjse. died at ids homo in PlnttsmoUth Tuesday of last weuk. The deceased at ono time made his homo with Lis daughter in this city. Weather forecast: Fair toninht nnd Wednesday, small tempornture change. Maximum tompornturo yesterday 3D: ono year ago 29. Minimum tempera ture this morning 15; one year ago 4. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Duiriran. of Vnl. naroiso. Nob., and Mrs. l'erry Frank lin, of Fremont, loft for their homes Monday, having been called here by tho doatli of thero nephew, Jay Halli- gan. I'Vnnlf A. Arphnr ..nfrlti.w. switch engino at Kearnoy, died yester day morning after an illness of a week. Ho was forced to quit work on account of rheumatism and complications. Sun day his nose began bleeding, but this wnslator stopped and thon his mind be came disorganized. Christian Janott, of Madison county, 111., frrnndfiithnr of Mm. f'lmrlnu Tl.nulv of this city, celebrated his ono liun- ilrtxlrh Itlrtlulnir ililaurmtr TT.wll 11,...., . ...J l.Jlt. Willi! A-lllVU years ago when ho foil down a (light T nt,.!.... .I... -I.I At lt. .J 1 I I ninuo uiu uiu ueilUL'IIIIlIl UlVIUCtl HIS time nmong his children and wns novor a charge upon them. Decline followed mo nc:ment nnd wlillonis physical stato I- ll. ..i i I M II t . a a h unit oi a enwus. no lamcntnuyniort. In n tVMil'.imil pnlltulnn nt irintm itwlir III., early yesterday morning J. T. iiiiiiiiiwian, ionnor president ot tno lllinolH finirnl 10 n M president of the Hock Island, and two -Ill Ml.. I i . . ' S wiuur uuiuiaiH oi mo iiuior road were l.tll 1 rtti . . kiuchi ino party was ruling in a pri- Vllti in r nn m ttfitn Mint lnwl ulnnuuil .- a water tank, and not being protected by a llnginan whs crushed into by a fast express train. F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. Nebraska Telephone Co. John Mnrquett hns disposed of his restuarant on north Locust street and ieit ior lierslioy Saturday. A Great American Play. "Tho Lion and the Mouse" is an American play. Tho scenes iiv America, tho subject is American nnd they play was strictly arc laid strictly written by an American. It is ono that will in tensely interest any audience in ica. Amer- Examinalion for Post Office Service. An examination for tho position of clerk (male or female) and enrrior in tho Post Office nt North Platto, Neb., will bo held on Snturday, Feb. 3d, 1912. Application, blanks nnd necessnry in formation mny be obtnined at tho North Platte Post Oillce. WHY WOMEN SUFFER. Many North Platte Women are Learning the Lure. Women often suffer, not knowing tho cause, Backacke, headache, dizziness, ner vousness, langor Knch h seeming torture of itself. Together tell of weakened kidneys. Strike at tho root get to tin- cause. Quickly give tho holt, the kidnevs need. No romecjy endorsed liko Doau'a Kid ney Pills. Recommended,by thousands -Endorsed at homo. Hero's convincing proof from n North Platto citizen. Mrs. Christinn Pickett, 318 K. B. St., North Platte, Nob., snys:"I have used Dean's Kidney Pills, which I procured from McDonoll & Graves drug storo, fpr kidney trouble and have found them to bo just tho remedy I needed for backache and other kidney disor ders. Whenever I am suffering from those troubles, I appeal to Doan7t Kid ney Pills and their uso givo mo (relief. Other membors of my family :havo taken Doan's Kidney Pills with excell ent success." For sale by all doalers. Price IjO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Biuralo, Now York, solo ngents for the United States. Remember tho namo Doan'fc' nnd take no other. Scientific Facial Massage onOcalp Treatment MISS BIRKINSHAW Phone 080. JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Speclnltyt SKIN DISEASES. Day nnd night calls promptly answered Office P. S. Hospital. Phono 642. REGISTERED PEflCHEON HORSES FOR SALE 1 yearling Stallion, 1 three-year-old Mare, 1 two-year-old Marc, 1 yearling Mare. THOS. E. DOOLITTLE, North Platte, Nebraska. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that whereas tho C. B. S. Polo and Neck Yoke Manufacturing Company, of Brndy Nebraska, at their annual meeting held in tho village of Brady, Nebrasko, on Jan 2. 1912, did authorize the Board of Directors to offer for sale all the property and effects of said C. B. S. Pole and Neck Yoke Manufacturing Comnnnv! Now. ihnmfnvn . ttm Directors of said company, do advertize V. 1..,1 l.S.I- At. A--II ! Am otrun-ij uiuo uii uiu lunowing prop erty: TIi1q fnr tlm fnni nnfmifiinP material finished and unfinished and real estate ot said company. Bids for the above will be received lin to KIY n'nlnrtr nn ITnlininvw 1.1 1010 All bids to be accompanied by a cer- uneu cnecK ior ?ouu, to be reiundcd if oid ue rejected, and to bo applied on nurchaso nrice if nccpntntl. Board reserves right to reject 'any or nu uius. Board of Directors: Wm. Beatty, F. Geokge, N. Edwakds, T. T. Mahcott, G. B. Scott. Legal Notice. To Earl W. Brodine, defendant: You will herewith take notice that on the 2nd day of December, 1911, the plaintilf, Lincoln County Land Com- Iliinv. a rnrnnrntinn film! ia niilnn !.. tho district court of Lincoln county, No- uruuKu, ugBinst vioia a. urouine, Jiarl W. Brodine, George E. Brodine, Fred erick V. Brodine, a. minor, Albert A. Brodine, a minor, nnd Viola A. Brodine, as guardian of Frederick V. Brodine nnd Albert A. Brodino. mlnnra tVtn nU. iect nnd nrnvnr nf nnul nnfitln'n Kninn I J " 'Wb.Vl V. 1 1 1 to secure an accounting upon four notes ..null n!v.,w1 t... Tl.l! . niucu uv ra-u uruuine, since ac ccased, and Viola A. Brodine, each in the sum of four hiindnwl nml nrtir .ini- lars ($150), and each bearing date of vciouer .0, ivui, nnu payable iNovem her 1, 1909, November 1, 1910, Novem bor 1. 1911 nnil Niiwrnhoi' 1 1010 spectively, with interest at 7 per 'cent jier mmum pnynDie annuniiy irom tno date of said notes, and if any interest should not bo paid when due, said in terest should bear interest at tho rato oi a per cent per annum from time same became dep. nn nnvmnnfa Kmrinrr been made upon said notes, except thnt iiiicrusi. huh ucen pam upon ail ot said notes up to Novomber 1, 1909, and the mortgage given to securo thi payment of said notes nnd signed by Fred Bro dine, since deceased, and Viola A. Bro dine. which bears date of October 28, 1907, acknowledged November 1, 1907, and recorded November 9, 1907, in book 34 of mortgages at page 496 of the re cords of tho county clerk's offico of Lin coln county, Nebraska, and conveying to the nlnintifr to snmir thn nnvmont of said notes tho northeast quarter ut, iiim me soutn nan (aj) ot sec tion twenty-one (21) township ton (10) range twenty-nine (29) west Sixth principal meridan in Lincoln county, Nebrnskn: thnt snid mnrhmmi lm nvi. judged to be a first lien upon tho real eStntfl nlinVH doaerillOll nnfl Vll rnrnnlnowl and tiie defendants bo barred of nil claims nnd interest in said land and for SUch Other rnll'of ns mav tin- iital nnI - -1 J J "ttu equitable. You are renuired to linnwor snwl no. tition by the 4th day of March, 1912. KINCULN LiOUNTY IvANO COMPANY, a Corporation, Plaintiff. By Wm. E. Shumnn, Its Attorney. Notice. Hcrmnn P. Cholina. dnfonflnnt will - T ww((iasbf it 111 tnko noticn flint nn thn oiuu rtr vasu Lit VI li Y J I Jan., 1912, William Henry Essex filed ins punuon in tno district court of Lincoln COUIltV. Nnhrnskn. nrrnlncf defendants Gilbert Smith nnd Mattha J. Smith ins wife nnd Herman P. Chelins, the object and prayerjj of which nro to redeem from a certain moi'ttrnco mill void fnrimlnanrn tli,......-,. said mortgage being given by Hyla uuuv uuvis uni liizanetn uavls to Lomunrd Inveatmnnt. flnm nnnu n ml 1)V the said Lornhmrl I Company assigned to the de- lendant Ilormin P. Chelin said morttrnce covering th fnl described real estate, to-wit: The south three hundred acres of the oast half of section fourteen, township nine, north, range thirty-ono west of thoflth P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne brnskn. nnd tn nililit tilln nf nlnintiir against the defendants in nnd to snid premises, and to hnve declared null and void a certain sheriff's deed, exe cuted by tno shenlt of Lincoln county, Nebraska, to the defendant Hennnn P. Chelins, nnd to have declared null and void a certain deed executed by said Herman P. Chelins to the defendant Gilbert Smith. nnil in linvn dunlnv.wl null and void a certain mortgngo exe cuted oy Bam deiendants uilbert Smith nnd Martha J. Smith to tho defendant Ilorniiin P. Plinlina All nf ool.l in struments being for tho above des- cnuea premises. You ore required to answer said pe- tition on or bnforn thn .lfli i?nv nf March; 1912. Dated Jan. 20th 1912. William Henuy Essex, PlaintiiT. By M. E. Crosby, his nttornoy. Notice tor Publication. SorUt No. Will .Department of tio Interior. U. 8. Laud OHIco at North Platto. Nob. , , . Dec. 8th. 1911. Notlco In horohr irlvnn tlimt. Ilnnrv V. ltlcUlor. of Tryon, Nob., who on Fob. 17, HW5 IllBllu IlDIilCitnail Kntri- Nn. !XYiU7. B.rli,1 N'o. Win. for . KH. and VM of WM fiectlon b. Towiuliln. in. North, raneo so, Wottt of tho sixth xirlncipal meridian lm tiled notlco ot Intention to tnako tlnal Uvoyuar proof, to ostablhlu claim to tho land.'alHire descrllMd. buforo tho Iteclster and Iliu'ulvor at North I'luttn Nnhmali. on tho 10th day of Vvh. 1011. Claimant names as' wltntissOHi David N. Callendor and Harry I! CallHtider of Tryon, .nun ii aioyer, iotin riaite, ieu. I'lmerM. Maylleld.of Nosblt, Nob. DR. W. F. CROOK DENTIST, a A . a . uraauato iNorttiwertern UniTersity. L UDlco ovor McDonald Stato Bank A. J. AUES. MARIE AMES. I Decfers Ames ft Ames, q B Physicians and Surgeons, OfHen ovnr Stnnn Tlriitr fTn. I. t 1 Ofllco 273 - - -. -r, IlUIlua t TJ...I.1 nnn I IVCOIUUIIUU ,IO Oificc phone 2-11. Res. phone 217 l. c. DRosrr, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. GEO. D. DENT, 4 Dhucician nnil Ciirnnnn I- U I llj JIUIVU UIIU iJUIUVUIIl Office over MeDnnnlil Pnnk. ii S )Ofiicei3o i: J Residence 116 Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay We pay the top market. Three cou pons free with returns on each car of nay you ship us to handle for your ac count. Fifteen coupons nnd $3.50 in cash will secure for your homo an ele gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consign your hay to us and please tho ladies and also get a good price for your hav. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. Sample of the quolity of these dishes can be seen at the office of the Semi Weekly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wazee Streets, Denver, Colorado. Notice. Edmund B. Srntt. rWnnrlnnf will take notico that on tho 31st day of uciouer, ivu, union ueaity a invest ment company, a corporation, plaintiff, filed its petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against roier tn. Burnett, may . liurnett and Edmund B. Scott, defendants and Inter. to-v!fc! on thn 4th ilnv nf .Tumi. ary, 1912, filed an amended petition prayer of which petition and amended iuwiwuii ut v; iu luictiuau u curiam mortgage executed by the defendants, Peter E. Burnett and May H. Burnett, upon me ionowing uescrioea premises: all of the northwest quarter of section fourteen M4.. frnivnahln tliirtnnn fm north of range thirty-three (33) west of mo uiu p. m., 10 secure uie payment in n eeriuin promissory note dated October 1st. mm fnr si J7 nn oriti. in terest at 8 per cent, said note being .1 If I. . m.rt 1 " uuu Auurcn isi, i-jiz, nnu nttacned to said note being two certain interest coupon notes: one for the interest from Oct. 1st, 1910, to March 1st, 1911, being for s.jg.25 nnd bearing interest nt 10 nor onnr. nfrnr fliu nni nnn f --- I - - ------ .. Wltu 1UI unieu uctoocr 1st, taiu, ior tne interest from Mnrch 1st. 1911. to Marcli 1st, 1912, which said first coupon note was due and unpaid, and by the terms of the mortgage the nlaintiir hns eleotpH tn flonlnrn thn nn. tire amount secured by snid mortgage due. By the terms of snid mortgage plaintiff hns paid tho taxes due on the land nmnuniinir tn SR. lift, wlilr-h iimnunt is secured by snid mortgage. Tho iiiuuum. lur which ino pinincilt nravs iudtrmont is the sum nf SlRir. n.i fnlnl nn-.n..A r.. ...I. : ..1. aI. ..1 With mtoil'st on SI ..(. 83 tlinrnnf nf iivi tc-iii, iur annum irom iNoy. tat, xvu, wim interest on $-.y.25 tlioreof at 10 nor colli nnr nnnnm frrm lnr 1ct 1911, and with interest on $8.96 thereof in i percent per annum irom inov. 1st, Plaintiff further prays for decree that defendants bo required to pay the sumo or that the promises may be sold to satjsfy tho amount found due, nnd tho defendants nnd each of them bo bnrred of nil rights and equity of redemption in and to said land. ou aro required to answer said nmended petition on or before the 19th day of February, 1912. Dated this Uli day of January, 1912. Union Realty & Investment Co. By Wilcox & Halligan Its Attorneys. NOTICE OP INCORPORATION OP JACK MORROW PLATS TELEPHONE COMPANY. Notlco la hereby given that the unileralgnixl hnve formed a corporation tho nnme of which la Jack Morrow Plata Telephone Company," with Its principal place of bualnoBs nt the real ilcnco of J. T. Lloyd, on the Jnck Morrow Plata. In Lincoln county, atnto of Nebraska, tho uencral nature of the business belnir the operation of a telephone syitcm or telephone linea In tho vicinity" of Jack Morrow Plata and aurroundinir country nnd connections therewith with the power to es tnbllsh and collect rentals for the uso of telephones and tn chariro and collect tolls; to establish a messenger service nnil chariro nnd collect fees for such service ami to collect such other charges as may be necessary and proper In the conduct of said business: and to connect and furnish connec tions with other telephone lines nnd systems and to purchase such personal and rrnl property as may bo necessary for the transaction of anld busi ness, nnd also to erect and maintain such buildings and structures as mny bo necessary for tho trans action of said business; tho amount of tho author ized capital stock Is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) In shores of Plfty Dollara ($50.00) each. One Thousand Dollars ($1.01)0.00) of which shall be subscribed and fully paid up before tho cortKiration shall commence tho transaction of business. Tho timo when tho coriiorntlon shall commence Is the 1st day of November. 1911, nnd shall contlnuofor n period of fifty years. The hishest nmount of Indebtedne to which tho cor poration shall subject Itself shall not exceed twenty-llvo per cent of tho paid up capital stock of said corporation and the alfulre of tlio,corora tlon shall bo conducted by lioanl of Directors, thn live stock holders and n president, secretary nnd treasurer to bo chosen by tho Hoard ot 1)1 rector. John V. Dihnkr, K. Sodhiimaw. A. S. OlIKOd. llHNHV PAKKKH, wm. a. iiai.iniRNRM, wm. mm j. t. lu)yi. m. i'. mfararsr-- Hrrman Johnson, O. W. Diencr, It. O. Itn Ki'8, A. It. Lkavitt. J R. Winrr. W. A. Kklso, 1 lVtlBMM Cigars for Gifts. The man who smokes always ap preciates tho gift of a box of cigars ho prefers such to some nienne or gewgaw that affords him no plensure. Our cigars aro npnecioted by all men who know a good cigar and tho price is moderate. Give him a box of our cigars and ho will feel satisfied. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. We cany samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class workmanship and perfect fit. ( DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Physician andSurgeon Special attention given to confine- 5 0 monis ami ciniuren'S diseases, Z Oillce t'hono 183 Res. l'hono:283 Onii.nMi.nnn.lil Olaln T1...I. A " AUCTIONEER. E. H. FUNK, of Cheyenne,, Wyo., an auctioneer witn 4U years experience, has lo cated in North Platte, and would like to make prices and dates for your sales. Have sold stock and general merchandise all over Ne braska. See me at F. E. Barber's Restau rant, corner of 6th and Locust St E. H. FUNK. Referee s Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued to mo by the district court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, on tho 20th day of December, 1911, in an action therein pending, wherein Oliver S. Christian and David E. Martin are plaintiffs. and Claude H. Reed, known also as C. II. Reed, is defendant, I will, on the 24th day of January, 1912, at the hour of one o'clock of said day, at tho east front door of tho court house, in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, sell at public auction, to tho high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed land, to-wit: The cast one-lialf and the south-west quarter (EJ andSW i) of section twenty-five (25) , township fifteen (15) north, rango thirty-three (33) west of the Cth P. M. And also all of section twenty-nine (19), and tho west one-half and the north-east quar ter (Wi and NE) of section thirty, township (15) north of range thirty two (32) west of tho Cth P, M. All in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Also six teen (10) school land leases, mado by the State of Nebraska, on August 14th, 1897. for n tnrm nf KvnnHi.HtM ok years from January 1st, 1898; of the luiiuwing aiaio scnooi land towit: All of section thirty-six, township fifteen (15) north, range thirty-three (33) west of the 5th P. M. in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and of the interest crented by snid leases in said land, and Of tho lmnrovnmpnta thnronn- nonli nf said leases covering forty (40) acres ui huiu section tnirty-six (M). All of the above described real estate, and school land I PnROS will llO nirnv.wl fn sale in quarter section tracts, and at ino aiuiiu uniu an oi tne above ue- scribed real estate and school land leases will bo offered for sale as ono tract, nnd tho bid or bids will bo nc cepted, which will amount to tho greater sum. Dated tins lilst day of Dec,, 1911. W. T. Wilcox, Referee. NOTICB TOR I'lJIILIOATION. Serial No. (MOID. Department of tho Interior. U. S. LandKHlco at North Platto. Neli. ,. . , , December 'M, 1011. PJnHftA lu,, .1.-. .-,.-. .Tnliitunn r V..l, ...i Yt.i , aiwa v.i a iuiii;. A1UU.. WIIU. OH lUar. lj.ltw.mado homestead entry No. lillohorlal Nn IP-Mill fn, 'L UWI Ulilti Mint '"r,1.1,? SRW. and lotB 12. il 4. Sec. 4. Town 15, Haiiio il a' i "'""n ' riimipai niuriuiaii, lias .uuu iiwiiuii oi iihuiiiiuii 10 mauu tlnal nvo v,ai imuif it a,u1.1IlI. .1.1... . .1... . alKivu dPHJrllM(l, iMiforo tho Iteirlbtorand Re ceiver at North I'latte. Ncbrahka, on tho tlTth day of robruary.lUia. ninlniAtif iinniuu nu ...I . n ... . . . Pcliwaliror. 1- red .!. Ilremurs, Krank Hood. Henry DoobUe, all ot North I'latte. Nob. J-" J K. Evans. Hearlstor. NOTIOR KOIt I'UIILIOATION. Horlal No. 0M0. ...... . I'ec 5th. 1011. i uvtvi to iiA uuj kiih mat uwun 1j ISA W "'S.?1' ?rn Nov. W. tor nK. nwK, so nw!4 and noU culuuij LuwiiHuin ii, north .luA.wu. iinuiibiui. tijuHu nnai nvo year proof uj establish claim to tlio land alwvo described, boforo tlio Iteelstor and Ko cnlvMatNorth I'latte. Nob., on tuo Otli day Claimant names as witnesses! Howard Sims rf,".8cte"on,L:ostl,.EII,al' .C'T-klln. all of Nob " diiuck, 01 iurtit i'latte, J. E. Evans. Itcclstor. ISOLATED TIIAGT. Korlal No. oticu. l'ublle Land-Salo. U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto, Nob. vi ,1 . . Decemlwr 22, lOU. tlio CoiiimlhslonSr of the Ocnoral I and Olllco. under provisions of Act of ConJri" s r.,.i "." 111 on ii e jutti nay of Full A II V .iUIUIDIL' 1.1 tn. I Ih.i - .1 . . hated for iair- umi umig. 12U"'1 J E I'VANH. neitlstor in-; " j r . kvand. if.'irwior.