THE SAFE LAXATIVE FOR ELDERLY PEpPLE ? Most elderly pcoplo arc moro or Icbs troubled with a chronic, por Blstcnt constipation, duo largely to lack of sufficient exercise Thoy ox perlenco dlfllculty In digesting oven light food, with a consequent bolchlng of stomach gnses, drowsiness after eating, headache and a feeling of lnssl tudo and general discomfort. Doctors advlBO against cathartics and violent purgatives of every kind, roc ommendlng a mild, gcntlo lnxatlvo tonic, Ilka Dr. CaldweH'B Syrup Popoln, to-effect relief without disturbing tho entlro system. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is tho perfect laxatlvo, easy In action, cer tain in effect and, withal, pleasant to tho taste. It possesses tonic proper ties that strengthen tho stomach, liver and bowols and Is a remedy that has been for years tho great standby In thousands of families, and Bhould bo In every family medlclno chest. It Is equally as valuable for children as for older people DrugglBtB evtrywhero sell Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin n 60o and $1.00 bottles. If you havo never tried It send your namo and nddress to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon tlcello, III., nnd ho will bo very glad to send a samplo bottlo for trial. Speaking Airily. First Aviator How far Is It to tht next gasollno rcservlor? Second Aviator Two graveyards and a spiral glldo to your left, old man. Llfo. You will sneeze; perhaps feel chilly. You think you aro catching cold. Don't wait until you know it. lake a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil and you just can't catch cold. Contrary Human Nature. Pcoplo seem to find It easier to bo kind than to bo genuinely appreciative of a kindness dono them. Dr. Piercc'a Pleasant Pellets first put yp 40 years ago. They regulate and invig orate stouiach, liver and bowels. Sugar ioatcd tiny granules. If you can't marry tho one you love, try to lovo tho ono you marry. . Many who used to smoke 10c cigars now buy Lewis' Single Hinder straight 6c. When truth gets busy, fiction Is apt to feel nshanied of itself. Don't abuse or neglect it, and you will be well repaid. If it becomes weak Remember HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS tones strengthens invigorates Try a bottle today for POOR APPETITE INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA COLDS, GRIPPE MALARIA, FEVER AND AGUE Nebraska Directory FOR RELIABLE AND DURABLE WORK TRY TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DOUCUS ST, OMAHA $100 MONTH AUT0IUG AUTOSCIIOOLNo.ll.Omaha.Neb. QUAItANTKItS MOKK ACTUAL REPAIRING lliun any three other schools. COME SEC. PAINLESS DENTISTRY GOLD CROWN, $4.00 to 53.00 Plataorhrlitffo madam 1 day. Ex amination trco. 20 yrs, guarantee BAILEY the DENTIST lew Onil CITT KiTlOMiL B1AK BLDO, EaUlillihrd IStS lOthfalllra.r, 0a Cut (Ml ad. out to fthd m DOCTORS MACI1 & MACII DENTISTS Formerly OAILEY&MACH 8r4 floor r!tn lllotk OJU1U MIIIIiBU Beit equipped Denltl Office In Omaha. Reaionable price. Special ulacount la all people living ouliido cl Omaha. THE "BELL" SIGN It represents a tele phone system whose lines reach nearly every city, town and village. From a Bell Tele phone station you can talk nearly everywhere. Look for the Bell Long Distance booth. I BE FABR I WITH YOUR , STOMACH IIOUQH drr-ek and Latin be n Italy's boast. They'tu llttlo valued by her loving mntc; Tho kind of tongue that husbands relish most, Is modern, bolted, nnd served upop n plate. Snxe. DRESSINGS AND GARNISHES. For those who do not like oil snltul 'dressings, tlio following will provo a satisfactory ono: Cook together two tnblespoonfuls of butter and threo of flour; when smooth add n cup of sweet cream. Let It boll, stirring all the tlmo. After cooking flvo minutes remove nnd add n half cup of sour cream, tho Julco of half a lemon nnd a llttlo Bait, and sugar to tasto. Allow It to becomo perfectly cold; pour tho mlxturo over sliced ap ples or bananas nnd set on lco for nn hour before serving. MayonnnlBc Tartare. This Is simply the addition of chopped olives, pickles, parsley, capers nnd onions to the may onnaise. Use a fourth of n cup In all with ono cup of dressing Never mix mnyonnnlso with meat or fish until ready to serve. Mayonnaise may bo colored with lob ster coral, or with pounded spinach or parsley. Mayonnaise Dressing. Mix together n half teaspoon of salt! nnd n teaspoon of powedered sugar, a dash of cayonno nnd add to tho beaten yolk of an egg. Drop in n llttlo ollvo oil. keeping tho bowl stnndlng in lco; add n table spoonful each ol lomon Julco nnd vine gar, alternating with tho oil a few drop3 of each until a half cup of oil Is used, then add a llttlo moro, a tea spoonful at a tlmo. until a cupful of oil has been used. A half cup of whipped cream added to tho mayon naise improves It nnd makes it go 'further. This is tho dressing par ex cellence. Garnishes. Edible garnishes nro tho only ones that should bo allowed, tho custom of tying up food with ribbon is entirely undesirable. Millinery is ,uot In place on tho dining tnblo. Tho skins of fruits may be used as receptacles for salads nnd cooked beets, nnd boats of cucumbers arc not ppposcd to good taste. A modly of lettuce, parsley, celery nnd capers or a variety of colors nnd shades cannot be considered artistic. The rod of beets nnd tho red cf to matoes do not harmonize, and tho gar nish of a dish should not detract from tho main sub3tnnce. Drains nnd inge nuity aro tho best recipes for the uso of garnishes. Hli sociable, woman lsionc who. having nothing to do. comes around and bothers ono who has. You may havo brains, hut can you provo It? CHAFING DISH DAINTIES. Tho chnflng dish will ever bo a wel come adjunct to any equipment, for ono may in n fow moments prepare hot soup or a drink with llttlo trouble. There seoms to bo Jn tho minds of many that tho chafing dish Is n mod ern invention. In fact, it is ono of the most ancient, for chafing dishes havo been found In tho ruins of Pompcll and tho Egyptians used simi lar disheB nt tho tlmo of tho captivity of the Israelites. Tho chafing dish of today hns kept alive the fires of hospitality In many n "third floor hack" npnrtment. and bachelors and maids nllko hnvo bo come adepts in using the hundy little homo dish. Shell fish, lobster, eggs and cream dishes aro most ndaptnblo to tho chafing dish, and much of hnusowlfe ly urt has boon revived by tho worka day woman, who otherwlso has llttlo opportunity to exerclso tho nrt of cookery. For breakfast dishes tflero Is French toast, poached eggs and any number of creamed dlBhcs. French Fritters. -Mix and sift to gether a cup of Hour, a half teaspoon of salt and two teaspoonfuls of baking powdor. Add three-fourths of a cup of milk, ono egg well beaten and ono tableflpoouful of molted butter. Fry same as grlddlo cakes When cooked, cprond with currant Jolly, roll and tjprlnklo with powdered sugar. Iloat tho Jolly or bent It with a fork before spreading. Anchovy Toast. Tonst four slices of bread from which tho crusts nro re moved, and spread with anchovy pasto. Scald a cup of milk, add two egg yolks and stir constantly until It thlckons. Ilcnt tho whites of two eggs until stiff, ndd tho milk, heat thor oughly and pour over tho tonst. Buttered Egos. Melt three-fourths tablespoonful of butter In a hot blazer. Slip in carefully ono egg, sprinkle with salt nnd peppor and cook until tho whlto Is firm, turning onco during tho cooking. Do not nttompt to cook moro than ono egg at a tlmo. Grilled Oysters, Clean n pint of oysters nnd drain off tho liquor Put n ML 1 tho oysters In a blazer, nnd as fast as tho liquor flows remove It with a spoon. Continue until tho oysters nro plump. Season with butter, peppor nnd salt, nnd Rorvo on crackers. Of may have been born In nlllMtlVe. but for hemm's snko keep It dark." The !nuty aboilt n thirst for knowl edge Is tlmt there Is no mornlnjc nfter." MEATS FOR THE CHAFING DISH. There are eo many delightful nnd appetizing dishes of different kinds of meats that nro bo nicely served from the chafing dish. Rechauffe of Beef. Brown two ta hlospoonfuls of buttor, ndd three tn blospoonfulB of flour, nnd when well browned pour on gradually ono cup of otock. Season with one-fourth of a ton spoon of paprika nnd a few drop3 of onion Julco nnd n half teaspoon of salt. Add n cup of rare cooked beef, finely chopped. Cook ono minute and serve. Hash Balls. Chop cold corned beef, cooked, nnd which has had tho gristle and most of tho fat removed. Add nn equnl quantity of cold boiled potatoes, chopped and seasoned with salt, peppor and onion Juice. Moisten with milk or cream, mako In flat cakes and cook in a hot buttered blazer. Drown on both sides. Vienna Steaks. Chop one-fourth of n pound each of raw lean beef nnd veal, removing nil tho fat and mem brnne. Season with three-fourths of a teaspoon of snlt, ono-fourth of a tea spoon of paprika, a little celery salt, a few gratings of nutmeg, n teaspoon ful each of lemon nnd onion Julco. Add one egg, well beaten; lot stand several flours, then shnpo Into smnll steaks. Put Into the hot buttered blazer nnd sear on both sides. Cook six to eight minutes, turning frequently. Cream one and a half tablcspoonfuls of butter, mix with" popper and salt and spread on tho steaks. Bean Rarebit. Melt two tablcspoon fuls of butter, ndd one teaspoon of snlt. paprika and n cup of cold baked beans, mashed; ndd ono-half cup of milk or cream. When thoroughly hot ndd a half cup of grated cheese. Deviled Almonds. Blanch nnd shred n half cup of almonds. Cook until brown, using enough buttor to. prevent burning. Mix two tablcspoonfuls of chopped pickles, n tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, n fourth of n teaspoon of salt, and n llttlo cayenne. I, WHAT will you do with the MInulo to Snare? Tho gay little, stray llttlu Mlnuto to Spare. That comes from n cllmo Of old Plenty of Tlmo. With never a worry nnd never n enre. "Wo'd better bewnro of tho Mlnuto to Spare Tho wen little, freo llttlo Minute to Spnre; And never refuse The Mlnuto to uso Thnt' always so ready como burden to bear. Krnnk W. Ilutt. CLEANING HINTS. Chloroform will remove grenso spota from tho most dollcnto fabric; rub un til completely dry and there will bo no ring to mark tho spot. Coffeo stains on colored goods enn bo removed If at onco sopped up with a clean sponge, wet in cold water. Plnco tho damaged spot over a thick ly folded cloth and keep chnnglng the wntor In tho spongo until tho coffeo disappears. Ontmcal Is a good cleaner for whlto paint. Hub tho paint with a damp cloth dipped In oatmeal, then rub dry with a dry cloth. To retnovo grenso spots from wnll paper, cover with a blotting paper nnd press with n hot Iron. nrnsa bedstendB can bo clenned by rubbing with n cloth dipped in Bweet oil. Afterward polish with a pleco of leather. This Is tho aeaBon of the year when pepper nuts nro In tho market. These spicy llttlo cakes nro easily mado nt homo nnd will keop until spring, ns thorn is no shortening in them to grow rancid. Pepper Nuts. Mix one pound nnd a quartor of brown sugar, two tablc spoonfuls of cinnamon, ono table spoonful of cIovob nnd ono teaspnontul of baking powder. Stir Into this threo eggs nnd ndd ns much flour as It Is possible to work in. Holl In n thin shoot and cut with a Hmall cutter. Bnko in a slow oven. Thcno cakeB aro more attractive If a llttlo frosting Is spread on ono Bide. Buttermilk Biscuit. Sift togothor n qunrt of Hour and nn ovon teaspoon ful of soda, ndd two teaspoonfuls of salt. Rub In two tablespoonfuls of shortening nnd wet to a soft dough with buttermilk. Work until tho dough Is smooth, roll an inch thick nnd Cut in cnkoH with n largo-sized biscuit cuttor. Whon nil nro ready, prick with a fork nnd bnko In a hot oven, JL HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS? There are two ways lo tell whether you have weak kidneys. The first is through the pains in the back nnd other outward signs. The second is by examination of the kidney secretions. Tlmt is why physicians make such a careful examination when you npplv for Insurance, nnd if thcro Is nny sign of kid ney trouble you nro surely rejected. Kidney disease is to dangerous that It is n bad mistake to overlook or neglect it, nnd if pain in tho back, recurring head aches, or n fretful, nervous, tired condition makes you suspect soino kidney trouble, tako the trouble to wnteh the kidnev secre tions. Look for nny of tho following signs: More or leas than three snd one half pints passed dally. Too dirk or too pale a color. 1'isiaifes too frequent, profuse, or much reduced, or scattllnd and painful. Study, erltty or cloudy scttllnirs. Fit or olly-looklna layer which aathcrs on the surface when allowed to stand, or a Jelly-like thickening. Staining' of the linen or bad odor. Tcmnornry changes may occur for n time from things eaten, but if the chnnged ap pearance continues, your kidneys nro out of order nnd need help. Neglect may provo serious, Doan s Kidney Pill correct nnd regu late tho kidney Accretions, stimulate and heal eick kidneys, nnd thereby drive away SHE KNEW. Visitor (examining plcturo In dining room) Is that picturo ono of tho old masters? HosteBB Yes; that's a plcturo of our cook. A LEAKAGE THAT CAN BE EASILY STOPPED. How many peoplo who rend this article, realize tho weighty Inilucncc of ono llttlo necessity of life baiting powder on tho Yet It Is u lcalcago that can easily bo Btonped If tho housewife will only pay a llttlu moro attention to tho cholco of her baking powdor. Soma think there Is economy In buying tho cheap "nig Can" Baking Powders. Thcno linking 1'owders arc not nlwnyH uniform, and sometimes produce failures In thn buklng, nnd the result is that moro Is lost In ono or two spoiled bakings than you spend on bak ing powder In tho wholo year. Tho cheap "IJIg Can" Baking Powders should bo avoided. On tho other hand, many housewives feel tlmt a Uniting powder Ih of no value unless they pay CO cents a pound for It thn price charged for .tho high priced "Trust" brands. This Is a mistake, as the best baking powder that can bo mndo enn bo nold for ?5c. per pound If the man ufnfturor Is natlsllcd with ft rcasonablo profit. Thcro Is ono brand on tho market that meets these requirements. It Is CAI.UMET BAKING POWDKU. recom mended by leading physicians nnd chem- lsts: used In millions of homes; nnd given tlio Highest Award nt tho World's iven tlio Highest Aw 'uro Food Exposition Their Limit. "Thoro 1b ono queer thing nbout fish stories." "Whnt Is that?" ."Flsbcrninn, In tolling of their catches, never scorn ablo to draw tho lino." When Your Eyes Need Caro Try Murine Eyo llemcdr. No Huinrtlng Feela Flue Acts Qulukly. Try It for lied, Weak, Wntery Kyes mid llrnimlnted Eyelids. lliun trnted Hook In ench Puckngc. -Murlnn Ih compnimdiul by our OpiiIIkIn nut n "IMtent Mecl lclno" -but usr-il In auci-r-asrul I'liyalcluna' l'ran (lco for inniiT jrimrs. Niiw ilodlcntc-d to thn Tub llo nnd anld by llriiKKlxt" ut 2ta nnd Wo per llnttln, Murlnu l!yo Pulvo In Aaoptlo Tuboa, io nnd tOa, Murlno Eyo Romody Co., Chicago Uncertainties, "A number or mon who get to tho front nro moro nccldcnts." "Yes," responded Senutor Sorghum; "I sometimes think that what our government most needn In no mo reli able form of nccldent Insuranco." CREAM OF RYE For health and enorgy oat It for breakfast. Reduces cost of living. Free Silver Spoon In every package Auk your grocer for a packngo. A silly man Is easily convinced thnt ho possesses moro wisdom in ono dny thun the Into Mr. Solomon did In nil his years. "Lost A golden hour, sot to 00 di nmond mlnutos. Thoro Is no reward, for it Is gone forever." Iiccchor. What Ails You? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tongue, bitter or bad tasto In morning, "heart-burn," belching ol gas, ncid risings in throut offer eating, stomach gnaw or hum, foul brcuth, dizzy spells, poor or variablo appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms ? If you havo nny considerable number of tho above symptoms you aro sufXerlnii from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is mado up of tho most viilunhlo medicinal principles known to medical scienco for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It Is a most efficient liver invigorntor, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nervo strcngthencr. Tlio Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at theso will show that it contains nd alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made witli pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from tho roots of native American medical, forest plants, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props,, Iluffulo, N, V, There are Two Ways to Find Out Whether the Kidneys are Sick or Weak ft- MSI it Oft, what a fain!" "When Your Back Is Lame Remember" the Name"' WAN'S KJDjNET PILLS Sold by ell Dealers. Pilco SO cents. fostcr-MIIburn Co., Buffalo. M. Y, Prpptlelors W. L. DOUGLAS 2.25,$2.50l'3)3.50,s4&,5 SHOES All Styles, All Leathers, All Sizes and Widths, for Men, Women and Boys. THE STANDARD OK QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS . THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. Douglas namo stamped on a shoo guar antees superior quality and more valuo for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the crenumo W. L. Douglas Take no substitute. 'ZXSZtiMl:' I )W TO ORDER BY MAIL. I f W.UDnitclM alioea r not told . oi iooi inown in mourn - orrAPio-( ii-htt, medium or 1 1 irorlif. Illui. L-! UOJ.SjRBJJBaBR Woman's Way. "A woman's convontlon, oh 7 What do women know about enthusiasm? Now, at tho Inst natlonnl convontlon wo men cheered our candidates for an hour." "That's ail right," said hla wlfo. "Wo throw klBscs at ours for sixty seven minutes by tho clock." Important to Mothers Exomlno curefully overy bottlo of CASTOHIA, a safo and sure remedy for Infants and children, and boo that It Ttnnrn ihn sGturo of In Uso For Over 30 Yoara. ! Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Guarding the Money. "Why was ho guarded by tho po- lice?" "They were afraid somebody clso vould got his money." Stop tho Pain. Tho hurt of n burn or u cut stops when Colo's CurhollHalvo Is applied. It bonis illicitly and prevents scars. 2Ro and 60c by druggists. For freo Humplo wrlto to J. W. Colo & Co., Black Blver Falls, Wis. A fow weeks of matrimonial train ing will enable a man to predict brain storms In advance. ru.r.M ctmr.n in to i i days Your ilruiriilat will ruin ml money If I'A.U OINT MKNT fulls to euro nny cut-e of Itching, llllnd, UlcodlnKor 1'iotrudlni; I'llca luGloldu;s, Wo. Dlcssod Is tho season which en gngeB tho wholo world In a conspiracy of lovo! Hamilton Wright Mnblo. Mrs. Wtnslow'n (toothing flynip for Children teething, softens the gum, reduces Indmnmn tluu, ulluys pulu.curea wlud colic, 26c u bottle. Forco a man to eat hla own words and ho will soon loso his nppetlto. Lewis' Sitigln Hinder, tho famous straight 5o ciar annual halo 11,500,(100. The theory that mlBory loves com pany uncount8 for somo marriages. backache, rheumatic pain, nervousness, (Ha ziness, bloating nnd other results of kidney disease. The following ense h typical of tho ,curr effected by Doan'a Kidney Pills. Grateful testimony is tho best evidence. 6AVED AT THE CRISIS. Cured After Doctors Gavo Up Hope. If. R. Hatch, 2570 Cedar Street, Everett, Washington, says: "I doubt if anyone ever suffered more tfinn I did from kidney trou ble. I endured tho greatest agony nnyona can imagine. My back so had 1 could hard ly wnlk. Tlio least jar was or sudden mis step caused sharp twinges through my loins that fairly made me groan. I clrcnded to stoop for I knew what I had tosuffer when 1 stinightencd. At times the kidney secretions passed much too freely, while ngnin there was n marked retention. Tlio secretions were almost like blood, offensive in odor nnd terribly pnlnful in passage. I treated with several physicians nnd con sulted two specialists In Senttlo and one in Tncomni They nil told mo 1 had Jlright's dlseaso nnd could expect to livo only a short time. Finally I began using Doan a Kidney Pills on a friend s nuvicc, nnd to my surprise, I received "prompt relief. I continued nnd was completely cured. Though 75 yenrs of nge, 1 nm ns supple nnd nctlvo ns any man in tho country." shoes. Shoes Sent Everywhere AU Charges rropald In your town, lenit direct to factory. Tnke niraoreinrnla iiaie ttiinnturea) t unci main uaimur worn i main uuni aoie. i no rneitrfjeraniwifiinrMrrMti- Catalog Frm. W.UDUUOLAB,U0SrlBt.,nroclton,Iaja. PERFECTION ITMkiM. In every cold weather emergency you need n Perfection Smokelcta Oil Heater. Is your bedroom cold when you diets or undren? Do your water pipes deeze in the cellar? It it chilly when the wind whudea around the exposed comers ol your houte? A Perfection SmoWeii Oil Heater brings complete com fort. Can be carried anywhere. Always ready for use clowing heat from the minute it is lighted. Ait your dealer to ahow you a Perfection Smolelew OQ Hcattri or Wills lor deacripliTa circular to any agency o( Standard Oil Company (lncoriorated) LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GR.UAT VARIETY FORj SALE tAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTEIIN NKWSrAPER UNION v 311-33! W. Adams St, Chicago Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're, Tired Out of Sorta Havo No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you i in a few days. They d their' duty.. CureCon-i stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache) SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature s Son's Ureal Opportunity nyvraiirnr mo oui rarm to becomo rinueninncor jiciMnnowto Iirniniru inr your ruturo Jiruaperiiyanu inaapen lonco, A ureal upper timlty awutis you In &uinlloba,BukiitcliaTinn or Alberto, wtiern you land u rea sonable prlcoa. How's theTime not a year from noir, when land will bo liU ti er. Tlio protltii trcured tho iiliuiKliint crops of tints mill llurlov. as emtio rolling, aro u steady ndrnnrA In cniulnir nrleo. ( T. layernuient return show that thn iiiii,ilii,r mitiMr. in tvuMitru C'uimda W. V. DENNETT Room 4 Bis Bids. Oirafia, Kib. I l'leaie write to tlieai(ntnearaat you THOMPSON'S M'-Sia EYE WATER MUIM JOUN L. XUOMl'&ON BONb iCO Troy, ri. , right HVlLaAK tKh jmhdm diver jgfiHMsff PILLS. lrl m r jS?v kkl'.tSA? 1 1 --S..VJW jRamHaw mini imttJm&v- larger iii iu io thun tho fPyiawWH' pro lima ynnr. "ftrn'rvF , Jinny .farmers Jmvo paid f 19) '-',(' fr tlielr liuiit out of tho fry L iCJi l'lJoeuodH of (inn crop. 'J.Wir5 Jt'.'l, Fro ItiinieiloiuU of 10O tS'y,. f'm '."'V?14 Ul"1 I're.-einiitloin of mM olA' J.'.1" i:r' aa.oft mi acre. W'fflSi l ino elliitut... good seliiKila, 7a(Vv . !''ejlnt , nillHuy fuellltlca, ,lmf$!fy0& !"w freight ruttai Wood, wo? 'MlfaSZr t,p mill lumber eually obi 'JvmtStSJlr t'ur pamphlet "Last llest Vst," jfAnzrfm Partlculuraua to aultablo location VlWWflnn'l "nl. low aoltlora' rate, apply to I IMi ' I RllS ?,"n t of Imnilamllon. Otlawa, rf,f.m Cuu.,ortot'uiiiidlau Uort Agenu W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 2-1912.