4 ie Christmas cjpinl is. rondLv exDressed Ai illt to mother, (titer, wile or iwett heart, no offering li more eloquent than a locket, the Symbol ol FaUhlulnen. And no locket li more hitcilr choaen (or ' thli putpoie than our "Inner-Croup" Locket ' ahown below. Inilde this locket la a tiny hinted leal. You can put picture iti each covet and a picture In each tide ol the leal. Four plcturea in one locket I And yet thli locket la unuiually thin. , Look lor the Utile W. A: H. Co. heatt trade mark on the Inilde. Aii endleia variety ol itylea and ihapea lor both men and women. Aik ua about the "Inner-Croup" Locket ahown below, No, 100. TIT S. TVT The Jeweler. There's iv heart in.- every locked SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Dcor North of First National Hank Mrs. Bert Napersteck will entertnin the Ncvita club on Wednesday after noon. Little Harriet Fleishman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman has been very ill this week. ' The 0. E. S. kensington club will meet with Mrs. George Trexler next Tuesday afternoon. . Mrs. Charles Corne, of Ogalalla, I visited" friends in town yesterday while enrouto to umana. After spqnding a few days with Mrs. Charles Burroughs, Mrs. Robert Mc Gralereturned to Sutherland yester day. Wanted A girl for general houso- wm-k- frnnd wntrea for nnr pnmnntnnt. Inquire of Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 west ruin airum. Train No. 18 was delayed several hours Wednesday by a broken wheel on the observation car. The accident oc curred at Sutherland. For Sale First class Radiant Home burner in good condition. Inquire of P. A. Norton. Atrd W V. TTnnnlnnil Mrs .T S TTnnirlnnrl nnil Mrs. C. M. Nnwr.nrf will entertain at a kensington Wednesday aiiernoon oi nexi ween at uie nomc oi the first nnmcd. Mrs. Wolfe and daughter Nettie who have been visiting the former's mother Mrs. u. J. Krncson anu Mrs. Charles Burroughs will return to their home in Chnppell today. Base Burner, handsome, new, latest improved, at S-10.00, being below cost Also other heating stoves below cost at Hershey s, 5th and Locust, phono 15. Little Ada Beyerle entertained number of her young playmates at a birthunv party yesterday atternoon Games wero played and a nice lunch served by the little hostess's mother Mrs. Au ueveric. t the ditcli meeting Monday after noon of the Paxton & Iorshey Water Co., the following oiucers wero elected for the ensuing year: P. A. Anderson, president: G. O. Johnson, secretary: ' .i n-i.-J ir.. A....i M ,l is arm t OWJr iuuii, aunuai jiaun mill v. 0. Johnson, the board of directors. Hershey Times. A jolly party of fifteen young ladies and gentlemen chaperoned by Will Friend and Dave Day held a very pleasant bob slod party last evening. The roads were in fine condition for tho rido and two hours wero spent in sleighing after which refreshments wore served at the Dickey Parlors and several flash light 'pictures taken. A largo supply of horns, megaphones,'' cowbells and bon bona added to tho pleasure of tho ride. a oeieiy Mrs. Walter Crook will entertain a number of friends at Som R Set Mon day evening. Miss Edith Wendcborn will entertain a number of friends at a prenuptinl linen shower for Miss Francis Nichols on January 24th. Tho Mother's Club spent a very en joyable afternoon with Mrs. Gcorgo Austin Wednesday at a kensington, after which a dainty lunch was served. Misses Ethel Doncgan, Vera Schar man, Genevieve Ottcnstein, Eflle Christ and Ethel Fryo will entertain the Catholic Girls Club Monday even ing at the home of Mrs. Clydo Cook. The J. D. Club were the guests of Miss Mamie Johnson Wednesday ovon- Ing. After a very enjoyable session an elaborate two course lunch was served at midnight. A pleasant meeting of the Young Ladies Kensington club was held at the home of Miss Mnymc McMichacl Tues day evening. A dainty lunch was served and a couplo of hours spent in social chat and fancy work. The altar society of St. Patrick's church held n very successful social at the home of Mrs. A. J. Frazior yester day. The attendance was unusually large and a neat sum collected for lunches. Assisting Mrs. Frazier were Mesdames Joseph Murphy and Julius Hnhler. Mrs. Robert Lannin entertained the Coterie Club on Wednesday afternoon in a most enjoyable manner. Card games were played for two hours and prizes awarded to Mesdames Asa Snyder and Al Brown and a hand painted plate presented to the hostess. At the close of the games an enjoyable lunch was served. The Catholic choir were the favored guests of Mrs. John B. Murphy Wed nesday evening. The entertaining fea ture of the evening was progressive high five. A two course lunch was served after the games and the latter part of the evening devoted to music and social conversation. The function was a most pleasant one to all. While the Freshmen were having such a gay time at the engineers' hall Friday evening the members of the Sophomore class met at the home of Marie LeDioyt and about nine-thirty preceded to the Pat -theatre where they took in the picture show. They then went to Dickey's nnd partook of a delicious lunch which Mr. Dickey had prepared for them. After caiing all their appetite desired there were a number of stump speeches given by different members of the class. Arthur Barraclough acted as "Toastmaster" and Russfl D. Bedell occupied the pul pit in absence of the minister. LOCAL AND PERSONAL B. P. Baker is very ill at his home on South Walnut St Civil Engineer Clydo Fariman, of tho U. P. surveyor force, is quite ill this week. Will Craigio left Wednesday morning for Kearney to attend tho firemon's convention. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Downing at tho.Twincm hos pital Tuesday. Mrs. Joseph Soloman, of Tryon, died Tuesday. She- was known by a num ber of local people. Mrs. I. L. Mlltonborger loft Wednes day morning for Chicago to visit hor daughter Mrs. Cal Lowell. Dr. Twinom reports tho birth Jt n baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Voss, who live Bouth of town. Mrs. H. S. Ridgcly, of Basin, Wyo., arrived a few dayB to visit her parent Mr. nnd Mrs, Alex Fenwick. Mrs. Miner Morrow, bookkeeper at the Greeson grocery has been off duty several days owing to illness. Superintendent Wilson Tout returned last evening from tho State Superin tendents' convention ot Lincoln. Lost Watch charm, monogram 0. N. S. Return to Yellow Front, Mrs. Agnes Boycr want to Grand Is land Wcunosday to install the new officers in the L. 0. T. M. in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koons oro re joicing over the arrival of a baby girl which was born to them Tuesday morn ing. The marriage of Miss Francis Nichols and Geo. Kanough will take place at the home ot tne undo on Wednesday evening, January 31st. Frank Stuart who hns been employed in Ogalalla for 3omo time spent tho lirwk of tne wecK in town and leit wed nesday for Greeley. The J. S. Davis Auto Co., has just closed a contract with Gunn NalTzinger Auto Co., Lexington, Neb., for live new 1912 liuick touring cars. W. II. C. Woodhurst loft Tuesday night for Alliance to adjust a firo loss sustained by an insurance company. Mr. Woodhurst is frequently pressed into service as an adjuster by the in suranee companies sustaining losses. At a mcetinc of the citv council held Tuesday evening tho water works or dinance was read for tho second time, niter which the council adjourned. Tho local homestead of Yeomen will hold a special meeting on the evening of Jnnuury 27th at which a class of one hundred new members will bo taken in. George H. Booker, of Billings. Mont,, a postofflce inspector, spent Wednes day and yosterday in town inspecting tho local office and placed his OK stamp on the business conditions. Presbyterian Church. The usual sorviccs will bo held at tho church on Sunday. Sunday school at iu A. jh., public worship at 11 A. M., C. E. at G:45 P. M. and evening service an 7:30. The pastor will bo in his pul- fiit as usual and his themes will be of nterest and service. Notice. Tate Lodge No. G4 A. 0. U. W. offers for sale to tho highest bidder for cash, lot 7, block, C in Pcniston's addition. .Sealed bids will bo received until January 22, 1912. Tho lodgo resorves the right to reject any and all bids. T. M. Cohaqen, Recorder. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that whereas tho C. B. S. Polo and Neck Yoke Manufacturing Company, of Brady, Nebraska, at thair annual meeting held in the village of Brady, Nebraska; on Jan. 2, 1912, did authorize the Board of Directors to offer for sulo nil the property and effects of said C. B. S. Pole and Neck Yoko Manufacturing Company: Now. therefore wo. the Directors of said company, do ndvertizo for sealed bids on the following prop erty: Bids for the four patents of compnny, material finished and unfinished nnd renl estate of said company. Bids for the above will bo received mi to six o'clock on February 1st. 1912. All bids to bo nccompanieu by a cer tified check for $500, to be refunded if bid be rejected, nnd to ho applied on purchase price if accepted. Board reserves right to reject any or all bids. Board of Directors: Wm. Beatty, F. Geoikjh, N. EnwAitns, T. T. Maiu'ott, G. B. Scott. Wilcox for Presidential Elector, At a meeting of the representatives ot the Taft forces in Nebraska at Lin coln Monday, W. T. Wilcox of this city was selected as a candidate for presi dential elector from the Sixth congres sional district. This election came without any solicitation on tho part of Mr. Wilcox, and was made by reason of his standing as a prominent republi can of the congressional district and of the state. He will poll a very heavy vote. The marriage ceremony of Miss Jessie Hatfield, late of this city, and Theadore Samuelpon was solemnized at the Episcopal church in Sheridan, Wyo,, nt six o'clock in the evening Jan. 10th. Tho bride was attired in a blue silk mousselino gown. Following tho cere mony a wedding supper was served at tho Great Northern HotH, and Inter the couplo left on a wedding trip to Los Angeles. From Friday, Januairy 19th To Thursday, February 1st, Wo will sell the remainder of our Ladies' Cloth Co&is AT ONE-HALF PRICE Wo will also sell all.- Ladies' Plush t)oats at one-third off. We do this to give us an absolutely clean stock next fall. Store. DO NT W A For some of your neighbors to tell you of their loss of deeds, mprtfiages, uotes, abstracts, in surance policies, or other val uable papers by fire, being mislaid and lost or destroyed, before renting n private Safe Deposit Box in our fire proof vault. You can rent a box for $2 a year, keep your valuable papers in it and feel secure. l Keith Theatre ujrsaay. JANUARY 25. The Play that Makes you think The I: L1UI1 awl the Mouse GROW SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Jan. 1 9 and 20. Swifts Premium Hams per lb, Swifts Empire Bacon per lb ..... . Swifts Premium Bacon, whole slips, p'er lb.. Standard Corn, 2 cans for V- Kraut, 2 cans for . . . v ..... i . . V. . 1 Red Pitted Cherries per can Alaska Red Salmon, 3 cans for . . . , Pink Salmon, per can 1 1 6-oz can Calumet Baking" Powder Large Oranges 45c and 50c kind per doz. . . . n. 15c 16c 20c 15c 15c 15c 50c 11c 19c 35c a itt: 1 n j 1. w Union Realty and. Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OrriCERS AND DIRCCTORS- T. C. PATTERSON. President, B. BUCHANAN, Scc'y nnd TronB. First Mortgages on Reul EstntoJBouBht, Sold nnd Ncgotinted. This compnny is prcpnred to loan money of. investors on first mort gages on renl estate, nmply Becured nntl drawing eight per cent Bemi nnnunl interest. Money so invested will be exempt from tnxntion. J McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000.00. Oldcsl Bank in Lincoln Counly. We ' Respectfully Solicit your Banking Business. Satisfaction Guaranteed . . CHAS.IMcDONALD, President. w. 11. Mcdonald, Cnihicr and Vice-Prest. A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases Training school for nurses in connection. Address all enmmu cations to the superintendent. Plionc 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust DR J. 3. HH'S 218 Weit Fourth St. For the treatment of MEDICAL and SURGI CAL patients. Also for ncconimrdtiong ci:i liiYiuent ci'o"..