(1 V Beginning December 26th and closing article carried in regular prices and goods but to the You buy, so get busy. THE I Ring out thA 1 1 I II Vrxfe SSSl JlBSSSy -ill "I Nothing is better than a nice ring for a New Year , present. It is not only valuable for all time but is ever in front of the eyes of the wearer to remind him or her I of the giver. Select the ring today here. I Wishing you all a Happy New Year, CLINTON, The Jeweler. DR. 0. tl. CRESSLER. Dcnllsl. , Gradualc Offlco ovor tho McDonald Stato Bank. r ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL , Mr,, and Mrs. W. L. Hichardu loft Sunday evening for Omaha and other points cast. ' Mrs. Frank Taylor and baby have, re turned from a week's stay in Cozud with relntives. Ililmor Thompson returned to Omnlia yesterday after visiting his parents for n wVok past. , Mrs. T. J. Kerr returned today from Akron, Iowa, whoro sho Bpont the hoi i days with relatives. Mrs. Wm. Tanner returned to Lex ington yesterday after spending ten days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. A. Howe, of Oshkosh, returned homo this morning after visiting hero and in York. w-Miaa Mabel Duko returned to her school nt Columbus yesterday after vis iting her parentB for two weeks. Miss Lillian McCrackon, who had been tho guest of her sister Mrs. II. M. Grimes, returned to Boulder last evening. Attorneys Wilcox & Hnlligan re turned Saturday evening from Lincoln whoro they attended a meeting of tho statu bar association. Wnrren Doolittlo, a student at the atato university who spent Christmas week with tho home folks, loft yester day f.'f noon'. One - Tenth our stock except Butter one - tenth deducted from regular broken stock. WILCOX NORTH Miss Fern Garrison has returned from a month's visit with relatives in Eugone, Ore. Rolfo and Victor Hnlligan left yes torday for tho stato university a'ftor spending tho holiday vacation with their parents. Supervising Architect Archer, oft tho federal building.returned Sunday Even ing from a visit at his home in the east. For Rent Five room house at 414 South Walnut. Inquire of owner nt 519 South Chestnut. J. B. Cross, who has beon visiting in Vermont for Beveral months, is ox pected shortly to spend tho remainder pf tho winter with his son nt the Ne braska House, Guests at tho dinner party given Sun day by Messrs. McGovern, Sturges and Fristo, compliment the hosts very high ly on the success of tho function. The menu was nil that the most ardent epi curean could desire. The Surbor carpenter shop in tho south part of town burned Friday overl ing Bhortly before nine o'clock. The loss, including tools, lumber and gaso line engine, is placed at $000. An ad joining chicken house was burned and forty chickens roasted to death. The insurance will about 1ml f cover the loss. Tho Ritner House opened yesterday at noon under tho management of Coy er & Christenson with n luncheon that was served in several courses. Tho tables were decorated with roses and carnations nnd tho Stamp orchestra furnished music. Tho menu was ex cellent and tho mnnnor in which it wns served evidenced that tho now proprie tors are thoroughly conversant with tho hotel Dusiuoss, Mho attendance was vcjry Inrgc. Oft on January 13th, we iyill and Eggs and XXXXj Flour. The goods will your bill. This. discbunt does not This is an unusual opportunity to save on mh DEPARTMENT STORE, PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ;i Itcv. Johnson spent Sutherland on business. Saturday in Kber Murphy left yesterday for Julesburg to spend a day or two. Will Burke, of Denver, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Tho banks, county ofllces and business houses observed Now Year's day by closing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chorpenning ore spending the holidnys with relutives in Cozad. Miss Laura Whito went to Suther land yesterday morning to spond.a fow days with friends. , . Harry Dixon is tho latest' to; invest in a new automobile, having purchased an E. M. F. "Saturday. ' Charles Maupin returned yekjEflrday from a two weeks' Btay in KansaB. City and other points east. ,) A dumber of out of townj people v are expected to visit' 'friends nndiiaitond tho New Year's Boll tonight.'" 1o t Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Lannin returned tho Inst of the week from a two weeks' stay in Burwell and Grand Island,, Mrs. Will Lanning and,baby returned Saturday from Ovorton, whoro they visited relatives for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vernon, of Jules burg, who spent tho past week . with local relatives, left yesterday motging. Miss Mabel Root, of Julosburg, who has been visiting in Omaha, spent yes terday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen. Miss Bertha Banks returned to her school in Lexington yesterday after a fortnight's stay at tho parontal home. Attorney and Mrs. M. E. Crosby and baby went to Sutherland yesterday to spend n day or two with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Huntington, of Grand Island, who have been the guests of their children for two weeks, will leavo tho last of tho week. Misses Mario Martini, Zitn Worle- ment, Vorn Corrigan "and GeorgJ Weir spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rnsmussen in Hershoy. W. T. Bnnks returned yesterday from Kearney, where ho purchased, a grocery store and left samo under tho management of a capablo party. Miss Marion Smith, of the art de partment of the Kenrnoy, Normal re turned to Kenrnoy Saturday after n pleasant visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. R F. Stuart. Miss Cleo Chappell, of Brady, is in town getting ready to nssumo her duties as county superintendent, into which ofllco bIic will be inducted at noon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy and daughters Isa and Roxie, returned Sunday evening from Kansas City by way of Denver. They report a very pleasant visit. A big audience saw "Brewster's Millions" at tho Koith Friday evening nnd wore well entertained. Tho actor assuming the title rolo is n first class comcdinn and he Is given good support. The informal luncheon to bo given Thursday evening by tho business nnd professional men of tho city is in tho lino of tho got-to-gothor spirit and should bo attended by all to whom invi tations hnvo been extended. While tho business men of North Platte are in harmony with each othor, yet thoy nro not so closely united in tho forward movement as they should be, nnd it is hoped that at this luncheon a truo booster spirit will bo launched. Groceries give a discount of oie apDivi;io The county commissioners arc in see-l sion todnv. Premus Forstcndt left Snturdayfpr fclni Creek on business. as'ji Miss Laura Murray will entertain tho Travel and Study club next Monday! evening. J. F. Gardner, of Gothenburg',1 visited the Bnldock family tho lastfof the week. Miss Edith Gantt of the CI school is snendincr the holidavs with her mother. J! Mr. nnd Mrs. Emil Kosbau returned Sunday from their honoymoon trip' eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. Hammer and Miss Freda have returned from n vlsitiii1 Sidney with relatives, Mrs. Frank Dentlcr, nnd daughte: returned to Denver the last of fthi week after visiting relatives fo?i? Mrs. Will Jcffers and Miss Eileen tr ill i n . - -r f-. . i n - ivenner oi urecn uiver, leic aunaa" after1 spending a week with rolativeijlii the city. August Molzer, of the Molzer violin' school, of Lincoln, who visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cnry last week, left Saur. day morning. , 4f' Charles Terrell, of Omaha, who visited tho Rannio family last weekj has returned home. Mrs. Terrell remain hero a week longer. ft' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ' OF NORTaitATTE, -NEIi. ' . CAPITAL AND SUtPLtJS S5145.00O.OO. With our ample caji in banking', and assJts of three quarters of a million dollars? to give you the best'i i E. F. SEEBEROER, Prcs, m Union Realty and Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS- T. C. PATTERSON, President, First Mortgages on Real EstatcJBought, Sold and Negotiated. This compnny is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight por cent semi annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation. - tenth off of every be sold to you at case fences ,jr., .4, I on most staple things p Miss Mamie Johnson, of Brady, is spending this week with relatives in town. Mrs. Mnnion loft Sunday for Kearney to spend a week with hor daughter Mrs. Frank Winn. ' Mrs. Bcecher Parkor, of Rock Springs, arrived Saturday to visit her mother Mrs. Theodore LoweV . Mrs. (Rbort-Lowery, formerly of thlB cfty, camo In from ' tho east Saturday to ylsit Mrs. Lem Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwick returned sunuay, irom tiasm, wyq., alter spend ing two weeks with their daughters. Miss Parsons, of the P. &. 5. hospital, roturncd tho last of the week from Valley where sho attended hor brother's wedding. - f Mrs. Philip Fent and children, of Omaha, returnedjionie Sunday having terminated a vlsltiwith hor mother and b aiura. , . Ot.t,- Ml.. . Mrf. L. C. Hansen and, children, of Grand Island, who spfmtthq.past week with her mother Mre. Emma Pulver, left Saturday afternoon. Miss Clara Stewart, of Sterling, who has been visiting.her sistor Miss Maud Stewart and friend Miss Maud Jacques, left Sunday aftoVndon. The city council will mectln regular Bes3ion tonight ana Mnyoi? Patterson ' will-appoint a councilman in the ilrst ward tojBUcceed Malonoy. tal, long- experience 'e are in a position .; le service. . F. L. MOONEY, Ciskier. MeMinenLQmjiany B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Trens. J 1 Local and Personal- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcr Winquest, of Brady, spent tho week end in tho city. Guy Reese, of Plattsmouth, who spent the week end in town, left Saturday evening. Mrs. Hart, of LeWellen, left for home Saturday having "spent a week with town friends. 1 Mrs. Roberson, of Ogalalla, went lomc Saturday after a short visit in town with friends. ... Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Mlllor returned yesterday from Alliance, after visiting relatives for two weeks. i . . i Miss Emma Sales, of Ogalalla; visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Lantz, last week and went home Saturday. Fred Purdy returned to Gothenburg Saturday after spending a week vfth i barents north.oftawji. ' . SataFday, having spent a with Mrs. Frank Lawrencti xamii mainnj icbuiircu p-uw ictau .ul&j tho week from a fortnlehlVs Vit in Omaha and points in Michigan. ' ' Mts. 3rown..,of ewelWri, . who has been visiting her parents' jftr; ahfl Mrs. Ross, returned homo SfiWhky. 1Y1183 uauierine ijowih oi. yvayne, who has, been the guest o Mrs. Rich mond Birgc, will return h lima today. Mrs, Claude Delanoy wift Saturday for hor homes in Nortllporl?, after visit ing friends hero and fri 'Gctithenburg. Mrs. Wood, of Sutherland, returned home Saturday morning, After visiting her mother, Mrs. Purdy, ffor a week. Mrs. Gus Chamberlain fatid son Val- damar returned to Dermer yesterday after spending a week wmH relatives. Miss Florence Anderson, of Suther land, who spent tho past! week in town with friends, left Saturday afternoon. Leo Pass, of the SacroulHeart college, of Denver, who spent fitho past week with his parents, left Saturday after noon. IV- Chot Reynolds, fornWfrly employed in the railroad survoyoMa office hero, came up from Omaha oa business Sat urday. - V- For, Rent-Front rt in in modern house, with board, 209 cust St Mr. ancl Mrs Walter''; tates, of Den- ver,' who' were guests parentsiast "week, we the former's tjhome Saturday morning.. Mfeee8 -Rdxv Mu: Ify and Lillian Ritner left-yestbrdRy or Sutherland to to open' their schools' vacation. tertho holiday U " ' J. 11. Edminlsteriaii?. called out to the Jrick Morrow "Fl&ts"Saturdav bv - the serious illness of nfe daughter Mrs. Highbergor. -i I .1.,.; . visited Miss Jennie I incoln- tho last of the week, while enrc u,te .to.Lewellen to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Aj.Crosby, of Suth erland, who visitea tho former's brother M. E. Crobby.and wifo last week, left Saturday.. i Mrs. Sebastian Schwaiger and daugh ter Theo left tho last'of the week for Kearney to visit tfid former's mother for a week or longeit For Sale Cheap-; One cutter and two strings of sleigh bells. Inquire of Jim Clinton. Mr. nndiMra. Chatles Hendy, Jr., and Bon, of Denyer, who spent Xmas at the homp of thp latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnjllratt,, left Saturday. For Rent-Trnished modern cottage. Inquire at;thls office. ' All tho Royal Neighbors are requested to meet at the K. P.'. hall Thursday afternoon, Janui ry 4th, at 2:30 p. m. important busing. Also at-8:30 p.m. Frank. L. Emih, tho traveling marr, who with his t Wo were residents of Nortli Platte' lai M'sprinir. becamo the father of a bouHing baby boy at Kenr- No Matter Wkat tke Trouble witn your piumomg, wo will remedy it promptly foryou. And wo suggest thnt fliA mifelrni imn mill no ft. looa r. . n n . . X Plumbing Does Not Repair Itself. It gets worse instead of better. So we again remind you that quick action is to your ndvnntage. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phono 083 Special Tonic Shampooiiia dpno at your own home. HlISS DIRKINSHAW Plioio OSO. iuaiii.lluraiHir JB1