i A FEDERAL HEALTH BOARD. It Is gratifying to noto that tho bill for tho creation of a foderal health board will not be allowed to pass with ut a protest. Reports of organized rlslstanco como from all parts of tho country, and It may bo that tho oppo Won will soon bo sufficiently solldl fled to defeat a project that promises Inflnlto mischief for tho community, and suffering and injustlco for tho In dividual. Tho proposal Is based upon thoso specious claims that aro notoriously hard to controvert. If a federal health board wero to confine lta activities to ment of quackery, and to the nuritv of drugs, It might bo possible to say much lu Its favor, although, It would ntill bo difficult to say that such an organization Is needed. But wo know that It will attempt to do far more than thlrfi seeing that Its adherents liavo loufjly proclaimed thMr inton. Hons. uieea, inero is no secrecy nboyihci' It Is confidently expected V.tnt tho catcs of and thnt oard will consist of advo- o school of medicine only ho methods of that school win do n t only recommended, but enforced t" board that) on tho nation. Indeed a an In nnv nnv rinrodnntn. tlvo of thl medical profession aB a OuiV'i bo Stultified by Its own whole wo disagreements. Outside tho domain of slmplo ltygleno, for which wo need no federal d board at all, there Is no slnglo poliut of modlcai practice upon which allopjaths, homeopaths, eclectics and ostcoplaths could bo In unison. Any boards thnt could bo devised by tho wit of ijnan must bo composed of . representatives of one school only, and this means that nil other schools aro brandedi' ns of an inferior caste, oven thoughi. nothing worse happened to them. AfiVd something worso would happen to thiom. If wo aro to establish a school of Knedlclnc, If wo are to as sert that the government of tho Unit ed Statos favors one variety of prac Uco moro thin othors, why not estab lish also a Isect ot religion and bo Btow Bpoclall authorities upon Bap tists, Methodists and Episcopalians? An established school of religious conjecture scjoms somewhat loss ob loctlonablo tl an an established Beet of psoudc-sclc nttflo conjecture. . Thoso whi Bupposo that a fed oral 6oard of heali li would have no concern with Indlvldliil rights aro likely to 2nd thomselvas undeceived. It Is for tho purpose olf interfering with indi vidual rights jjthat the proposal has been made. vVo need no special knowledge of conditions to bo aware that what mcir be called unorthodox imothods of healing havo made sad In xoada Into tho- irthodox. Homeopathy claims a vast number of adherents 'who aro Just as well educated and Just as intelligent a ? thoso who adbero to tho older school. Osteopathy, eclecti cism, and half A dozen other methods of practlco aro certainly not losing ground. Beyond them Is tho vast and increasing army of those who may ba classed under the general and vague namo of mental healers. Those who aro addicted to any of these forms ot 'iinorthodoxy need havo no doubt aB !to tho purposes (of tho federal health board. Thoso purposes aro to make it difficult for tnem to follow Ithelr particular fads and fancies, to lead them, and if necessary to drlvo them, Ifroni medical unurthodoxy to medical Orthodoxy. I Now tho Argorjaut holds no brlei for any of tho excesses and tho super stitions connected with tho care of the body in 'which this ago is so rife. But lit does feel concerned for tho preser vation of human liberty and for the rights of the Individual to doctor him self In any way ho pleases so long as ,ho does not indubitably threaten the health of tho community. He may . tako largo doses or email ones, or no idoses at all; ho mVy bo massaged, ianolnted with oil, orA)rayod over, Just as tho whim of thovnomcnt may dic tate, and probably i makes no pan iticlo of dlfferonco wjch ho does. But ho has tho right tojjnioose, Just aB ho chooses the color ot.'ns necktie or the character of his un5 Irclothing. It li inot a matter in wh!)h any wise gov ernment will seek t (Interfere This la prcclsoly tho liberty that tho health board Intends to tako from him. Orthodox medlclno, 'Ansclous of Itl llosses. Is trying to buttress Itself by ifederal statute, to exalt allopathy tc -the "status of a privileged caste, and to, create "an established school ot Ixnedlclno Just as somo other countries ibavo -allowed themselves to create at established school of religion. It it ifor tho common senso of tho commu inlty to rebuko that effort and to re ipel an unwarranted invasion upon clo montary human rights. Son Fran Uco Argonaut, On his way homo from tho theater, truero ho had seen a performance of 'Othello," Bobby was unusually quiet. Dldn't you enjoy tho play," his grandfather asked at last. "Oh, yes, vory much," replied Bobby. "But, grandpapa, there's ono thing I din't qulto understand. Does the black man kill a lady every night?" fouth's Companion. Natural Deduction. "Papa, aro lawyers always bad-tempered 7" "No, daughter; why do you ask that?" "Becauso I read so much In the pa pers about their cross-examinations." Kindred Splrlta. "Lady," said Plodding Pete, Mi ain't had a square meal In two days," "Well," said the resolute woman as sho turned tho dog looso, "neither has Towser, so I know you'll excuse Mm." Ms ET'S protend, Just for ilnv. ur lionrtH nro free from woe, ; wind blown Just the way Tllllil llttn In linv.. It l.lmv If flfatcnil tliat what wo do tftyork wo like tho bent; WMd tlio scf-nn un view is or niMtho love est t.oi'H pretend .we're nntlaneil, ix! t 8 prwlcnu, we're bmvo nnd stronit: Mnybo affe w have trltd wo can po If rlKlit nlomr. -S. 1J. lClsor. IDE WE SHOULD HEED. It tnnyFeom to tho mnlorllv of wom en' that device conccrnlnc tho vash- Ing of coffeo and tea pots was entirely uncalled but knowledge of facts show that! poor coffee Is moro often tho resultj of 'unclean pot3 than from inferior coffer. Tea an i coffee pots should bo or. using them Just as care- ia -ilnna tlinlr trnnA phlnn. washed at rally as and left to air In tho sunlight, if pos sible. T1m Ideal way to servo tea Is in uslu'l a?teaball at tho table, but for ovoryyjllfo most people nro too busy for jjjjuch pleasures, so that a stono or ctrtSon tonpot la best to uso. TeapotajjUnit aro not In frequent use will becomo musty, and should bo Bcalded aid well aired before using. If a lump at sugar Is left In a company pot It wllijabsorb tho Impurities. Coffee Ipots should never stand around wren tho grounds in them. If coffee Is tc be warmed over, drain It and rehea when wanted. If the cof fee pot islfrmptlod as soon ns tho moal Is over atli filled with cold water and boiled thqpo&wil! always bo sweet Coffeo Iki better and pots aro easier cleaned lflchpcsecloth bags aro used to hold tb coffeo or, better still, have a porcolatWV? A raw fegg or two beaten up and milk or oTreatn added, with a little sugar, a pikch" of salt and n grating of nutmeg will often be most satisfying when the Worunch lins a spoil of rebel- i.on. ij ; QJSIIALIi do so much years to como. But whatlhavo wo dono today? "Wo shall BiVo out gold In a princely sum, nut wnanaia wo Rive touay7 Wo shall lift tho heart and dry tho toar, Wo shall iTnt n. hope In placo of fear. Wo shall gj-c-aK with words of lovo and choer.hi r Dut wholrhave wo dono today7 Nixon Waterman. SUQQESTION3 AND ECONOMIES. I " When wjahlng windows or mirrors do not use! soap, but Instead n llttlo ammonia fijf alcohol, which will mako them BhlnaJ , Rub thojjiottom of n dish that must bo used Injjtho flro with lard and tho smut will Jo oaslly wiped off. A delightful" invalid drink is mado by blending aMmlf cup of grapo julco with a cuplanil a half of strong lem onade, n If the ca.to ,;flavorIng has been for gotten, srjnklo n llttlo over It as it is in thQipan before baking. Figs andji dates with a few raisins mako a delicious combination with chopped amileS for a salad. Four to ffx drops of either camphor or turpentine dropped on loaf sugar will rellovKa cold Jf taken lu tho be ginning. !ij .- Instead $i sowing hangers on towels for tho kltojioq, mako button holes In tho- corneriland they will last as long as tho towjcj'.s. ! Tho flavbf of a cup of cocoa 1b Im proved if &. few drops of vanilla aro added to li A good fioor cleanor la turpentine rubbed intaj the hard wood floor and followed bH a , cloth wet with linseed oil When alUottta has food burned ou never Bcntf Q ii, ouc pui uoun mm water to i 3 ,tl.U nnA olmifli tintll uiau uuu uuti diu" tjf uiuii mlvl li la anftnnnil n1(1 tho Imrnei easily rc.m6jl'ed7 Tnoxlrehie cases of Insomnia a hot water bag at tho feet and an Ice bag at tho back of tho head will afford quick relief. OPK'S a mnh'tcnl compound To Increuso our strength. wo'vo found, enn chnrm our burs and barriers nil u awny; With Its Impulse, which wo borrow, We can nlwnys do tomorrow Lots and lots of things wo never do to day. N. Waterman. MORE CHEESE DISHE8. Cheese, being so rich In proteld, it may tako tho place of moro expensive meat dlshCB. Cheese Wafers, Sprlnklo crackers gonoroualy with gratod chceso, dust to- mm iet'snsr n ? f ir mm. over a llttlo salt and cayenne voppor, nnd bako In tho oven until tbo cheose Is molted. Cheese and Olive Saladr Mash a crcum cheese, moisten vlth cream, nud season with snlt ad cayonno. Add six ollvos finely chopped, lettuce flnoly cut and half a can of sweot rod peppers cut In strips. Press ?n orig inal shape of cheese and let stand two hours. Cut In slices, fopnrnto in pieces and servo on lottuco leaves with boiled or mayonnaise dressing. Gnocchl a la Romana. Melt n fourth of a cup of butter, and whon bubbling ndd n fourth or a cup of flour, tho samo amount of cornstarch and two cups of milk. Cook three inlnutcs, stirring constantly. Add the yolks of two eggs slightly benton, and a hnlf cup of cheese. Pour Into buttered mold or shallow pan and when cool cut In squaros or strips, sprlnklo with a fourth of n cup of chceso and brown In tho oven. Servo from tho dish In which It Is baked. Cheese Omelet. Uent two ogga, slightly, ndd one-half a teaspoon of molted butter, a little salt and popper und a tablespoon o.f cheese, gratod. Into tho omelet pan add a tablespoon ful of butter nnd when molted pour In tho mixture, cook until firm, sprlnklo with grated cheese and servo with grahum bread sandwiches. Cheese Fondue. Mix together a cup ful each of bread crumbs and scalded milk; ndd a fourth of a pound of chceso cut In small pieces, n table spoonful of butter nnd a half teaspoon ful of salt. Bent the yolks of threo eggs until thick nnd ndd, then cut. and fold In tho whites, beaten until stiff. Pour Into a buttored baking dish and bako twenty minutes In a modernto oven. HE best thing to tnko pcoplo out of their own worries Is to go to work and Hnd out how other folks' worries uro getting on. -Mrs. Whltnoy. BEWARE OF TOO MANY SWEETS. Hnlf tho Ills of life might be elim inated If our food was properly chosen, we aro told, and during or Just nfter tho holidays many will suffor from so-called bilious attacks, which mean over-worked livers. Sugar eat ing Jn tho various forms of candy and cakes Is responsible for bad livers, sick headaches, muddy Bklns and tho "seal brown tnsto" In tho mouth. In tho ordinary course of digestion Btnrchy foods reach tho circulation as sugar. This Is carried to tho liver by tho portal system and stored to bo used by the body. If wo over oat such foods as potatoes, bread and sweets, wo overcrowd tho liver. Children can easily cultivate nn ap petite for sweets, but If they novcr got tho habit much suffering for nil concerned Is avoided. Sweet fruits oontnln sugar that is thoroughly satisfying nnd wholesome, and llttlo pcoplo mny bo early taught to buy such things, Instead of candy, It Is qulto a remarkable fact that children who havo been so reared that thoy havo had llttlo or no sweets aro rarely apt, whon reaching maturity, to caro enough for such food to overin dulge Tho errors In diet that nro begun In childhood undermino tho vitality, and in time the body Is not nblo to ex pel tho wnsto and ward off disease. A child may bo plump and tho pic turo of health, and yot by a llttlo over work or exposure to disease tho Improperly-nourished body succumbs. To bo nnturnl is to bo well. All conditions of sickness aro In somo way penalties for tho transgression of nature's laws. The most readable les son wo hnvo Is that "tho sins of tho fathers shall bo visited upon tho chil dren," and still tho evil goes on, through Ignorance nnd carelessness. Sweet fruits, such as dates, rulslns and ripe bannnns contain sugar In Its most acceptable form, and nppotltea doprlvcd of such wholesomo sweets will turn for gratification to thoso which are fermentable and Injurious. A child mnyo bo as easily started right as wrong, when It comes to feed ing, for tho mother Is tho architect, nnd how they build will tell In later years. Threo hundred thousand bnbles dlo In our land every yenr, moro from lg nornnco In regard to diet than from any other cnuso. "Manana." In describing tho dally llfo of a cor tula distinguished citizen of tho re public, a writer in tho Review of Re views gives, by way of contrast, the story that follows: ThlB calls to mind nn English hu morous wrltor who sketched out his dntly progrnmme as followa: Rise at noon; breakfast at ono; a stroll to tho club; attontlon to mail; soino aft ernoon calls; a rldo In tho park; din ner; a round of evening parties, and then to bed. "But when do you do your literary work?" ho wbb asket. "Why, tho next day, of course," was tho reply. COSTS LESS THAN 55 CENTS A BUSHEL TO RAISE WHEAT IN CANADA. A FREQUENT QUESTION AN SWERED. Western Cnnnda probnbly-' BUffored less from weather conditions during tho yenr of 1911 than did almost any other portion of tho country. Seeding was most successful nnd tho growing conditions up to July were never bet tor. Crops of all kinds Bhowed won derful growth nt that time and wero universally good, but thoro was uot tho usually excellent ripening wont nor in August nnd tho effects or this wero felt. Many Holds that Into In July promised 10 nnd 50 bushels yield of wheat wero reduced to 2,"i and ?.0 hush ols. whllo some ot course gavo tho full expectancy and others somewhat loss. Tho quality wns nlso loworcd. In fuco of theo conditions. It Is found that during tho months of September nnd October, tho total amount of con tract wheat marketed and Inspected wns about 20 million bushels, which realized a total of 1S million dollars, tho average price for this wheat be ing 07 -i cents; that below contract for tho two months wns a llttlo over 15 million bushels, which at nn aver ago prlco of 89 Hi cents per bushel realized a llttlo over eleven million dollars, or n grand total for all wheat of 35 million bushels, which realized n total of a llttlo over thirty-ono mil lion dollars. On tho llrst of November, thcro was In tho hnmls of tho farmers of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta for salo and seed about 1.10 million bushels of whent, from which fact somo Idea may bo had of tho valuo of tho wheat crop of 1911. A careful canvass mndo by tho Win nipeg Free Press mado of a number of men farming in a largo wny Indi cates that even with tho oxtrcmo ex penBo of harvesting tho crop, which hns been caused by tho bad weather and difficulty in threshing, wheat has been produced. nnd put on tho market for lets than 55 cts. u bushel. Tho averngo freight rato Ib not over 13 cts. per bushel. This would mako tho cost of production and freight G8 cts. and would leuvo tho farmer an actual margin on lits low-grndo wheat of 17 eta. and for his hlgh-grndo wheat of 19 cts.; and though this Is not ns largo a profit ns tho farmer hns every right to expect, It Is a profit not to bo despised, and which should leave a very fnlr amount of money to his credit when all tho expenses of tho yenr havo been paid, unlesB tho valuo of low-grado wheat slnka very much below Its present level. Meant to Be Real Bad. Two llttlo girls residing In Knst Eighty-sixth street, Virginia Clough and Clalro Fold in an, who had long envied their boy playmates Tor their ability to enjoy such bndnoss as Is Inherent In boys, resolved to bo bad themselves. To this end thoy shut themselves up In Virginia's room and proceeded to bo naughty. In tuct, thoy practiced swearing JUBt to soo what would happen. When thoy wero qulto suro that nono would overhear them each pro duced a slip of paper containing tho swear word and llrod away. "Hulldog!" snld Vlrglnln. "Cigars I" wna Clalro's reply. Hut tho celling didn't drop, and thoro was no oarthquako to swallow them up, and tho two resumed their play, a trifle disappointed nt tho tamo termination of their badness. Cleve land Lender. Men Who Live Long. Tho longevity of artists Is almost proverbial, nnd tho cuao of-Mr. Thom as Robert Macuuotd, who at tho ago of nlucty-ono is still painting, Is remnrk ablo, hut not unparalleled. T. H. Coop er, H. A., exhibited at tho Koyal acad emy for several yonrB aftor passing his nlnotloth blrthdny; John Mnssoy Wright, n water color artist, born In 1773, was fully occupied and In nctlvo work up to tho tlmo or his denth at tho ago of ninety-three. Most notahlo, howover, na Titian, who, born in 1477, lived Just ono year short of n century, and continued to paint pic tures until tho vory last. London Chronicle. Read It Differently. A man wus charged with stealing a sheep belonging to Sir Unrnctt Fitz Maurice. "I found tho poor crcuturo strayln' on tho road, mo lord, nn' was Just drlvln' It home," pleaded tho accused. "Can you read V" aHkcd his lordBhlp. "A llttlo, mo lord." "You could not havo been Ignorant, then, that the sheep belonged to your landlord, Sir Onrnett Fltz-Maurlco, aB his brand, O. l' M.' was on tho ani mal." "True for ye, mo lord, but suro 1 thought tho letters meant 'Good Fat Mutton!'" Good, Tho Father Hut what special quali fications has your school that might Intorest my son? Tho 1'rlnclpal Just toll him that wo overlook tho Hudson and non-at-tendnnco at classes. l'uck. As n man's mind Is bent, bo Is his tonguo Inclined. Thero nro fow slmdo trees In the avorngo mnu' field of labor. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CotormoreKCoIsbrlBhterandfiutercolorstlian anyotherdye. OnelOcpackaKecoloraail fibers. Theydyelncoldwaterbetterthannnyotherdye. Youcaa dye any garment without ripping apart. Writo for free booklet How to Dye. Ulcach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY. Lfulncy, IIU PIeasantJMreslmi, Beneficial, GentleandEffGctiYe, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. la 1fiQ Circfo. on evorij Pacfo of 1Iio Genuine. ' " $ ' DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU, SYRUP OF FIGS AMD ELIXIR OF SCNNA HAS CIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FO R M 0 RE Tl I AN Tl I IRTY YEA3S r-AST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS I (AS LCD UN ' SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATION UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS) THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING, Note IfioFuff Name of the Gompamp miNTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACK AGE.OF THE GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE 60 PER BOTTLEi ONE SJZft ONLY, FOR SALE DY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA THE MOST PLEASANT, WHOLE SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AN& BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION, AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS FT U NECESSARY TO DUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENUIN& WHICH 13 MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig Syrup Co. SI fl HKSH!f i Modern Methods. Mollcre had written mnt)y plays to ridicule doctors and medlclno. Louts XIV. heard thnt tho author had, how over, a doctor nt his scrvlco slnco ho became famous and well to do, so tho king ono day called upon Moltero and said to him: "I havo heard, Mollero, that you havo a physician. What Is ho doing to you 7" "Slro," answered tho author of tho Malndo Imaglnnlro, "wo chnt together, ho writes prescriptions for mo, I don't take them, and I am cured I" Llfo. In Deep Water. Jack's Undo (coming up on piazza) What do you supposo? Jack Iibb Just rescued that young widow, Mrs. Wiles, from tho surfl Ills Aunt Thcro! I expected some thing of tho Bort. Now wo'U havo to roBcuo Jack. Hoston Transcript. TikIi trices ncrox tho chest mean a cold on the limn. Tltnt'fl tho dntiRer nicnnl. Cure that cold with Hamlins Wizard Oil before it runs into Consumption ur Pneu monia. Excitement. "Whnt'B that rackot out thore?" "That'B Fldo. Ho's chased your fuzzy hat up tho hall tree." Mrs. WtnBlow'a Soothing Symp for Children Uelhltitf, softens tlio kuuih, reducPH liifliimmrv tlon, ullayM pnlii, cures wind colic, 25o a bottlo. Thoro Is seldom any money In tho helping hand a man Ib willing to lend. Lewis' Single Hinder Ktrnlftlit (5c cigar. You pay lUc for cigrtrN not no good. Ono pugilist never offers to fight nn other Just for fun. Scientifically constructed to give most light for the oil they burn. Easy to light, clean and rcwick. In' numerous finishes and styles, each tho best of Its kind. Ask your dealer to show you his line of Itayo Lamps and Lanterni, or write for llluatrated booklets direct to any agency ol the Standard OU Company (Incorporated) (3 '1 111 TtflrTTAiu ux NiT'ltS Hm CKNT OF ALtOHOLLfl! I H , to m f in, i pU 1 1 1 1 1 1 H( j V?ntfKrl'm ' Vflltill Ib ?! ,i'SrlI!!? Fill I Mill v s."r - Wl 1 1 1 1 II ; iiunuueovsnrtno, N Ills v MDNnimiRnmiTts. vi II lill m MINIATURE PICTURE or PACKAGE. 1 PERFECTION Sfi? OIL HEATER Always ready for use. Safest and mott reliable. The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is just lite a poitablo fireplace. It give i quick, glowing licit wheterer, wlienerer, you want Sl A nccetuty in f all and spring, when it it not cold enough (or die furnace. Invaluable at an auxiliary heater in midwinter. Drumi o( blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimming, A lie your oVtWr to thow you a Perfection Saulclew Oil Heater, or write I any agency ol Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when tho liver Is right the stomach and bowels ore right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutfirmly com-. pel n lazy liver to do us duty. Cures Con. lipnlion, In-. digestion, Sick Headache, nnd Diatreii After Entlng. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature of this paper desiring to buyanythlng advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OlcasMi ami ttautinei tht habv l-ronioUl a IniurUnt troth. Haver Faltt to Kratora Oray lUlr to lta Youtupil Color. a amp oiiriKi m nair iuu too. ami UOat I)rartUU L1VF. STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROTYPES In great variety for a.alont tlio lowjlir em by I nrsTr.ux iir.narirEK inioi, nnr.n..si.. aita PATENTS Vn taonlC.Colrmnn ,Wuh. lntfon, li.U. lloolrafreo. Hint cm relerenoca. ileal leaulia. aHMrADTirD aamivHn i urvui iaHTiaaW I aV I 1 1 I. I I Housework Drudgery Houaework it drudgery for the weak woman. She broth e, duals and scrubs, or Is on her feet all day attending to tho many details of the household, her hack aching, her temples throbbing) nerves quivering under tho stress of. pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed i not refreshing, becnuso the poor tired nerves do not per init of refreshing sleep. The real need of weak, nervous women is satisfied by Dr. I'icrcc's Favorito 1'rescriptioa. It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Welt, This "Prescription" removes tho ennno ot women's wcakncusco, lieala Intlant inntlon and ulceration, and cure a thoso wenknesaett en peculiar to women. It trantjiiUlzcii the nerves, encourages the appetite and Induces restful sleep. Dr. Tierce is perfectly willing to let every one know what his " Favorite Prescription" contains, a complete list of ingredients on the bottlo-wrappcr. Do not let any unscrup ulous druggist persuade you that his substitute of unknown composition is "just as good" in order that ho may mako a bigger profit. Just smile nnd shaku your head! Dr. I'icrcc's Pleasant Pellets cures liver Ills. Vh Lamps and