bioto Historical Sot. ,'V . TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, 1JEB., JANUARY 2, 1912. No. 93 1 a Jiorth 1 u 1 One- Fifth Off oeieiy Beginning December 26th and closing January 13th we will give you a discount of one- fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notions, Gents' Furnishing and Shoe stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your bill. During this sale we will riot open any new goods in these departments, so it will pay you to come early before the as- r sortments are broken. Wilcox Department Store. NORTH PLA.TTE, NEBRASKA. 38S338S 1 3 casscta at personal 3-9 -sees-c-s-ttf se-sts-e-c-e-c-s-f-s? Miss Holon Bird is visiting in Suther land this week. Misses Ida and Grace Shelton re turned from Omaha Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins will jjo to Denver this week to visit frionds. Miss Nora Gotham, of Grand Island, is the guest of Mias Lucy Dunn this wouk. Cyril Donegnn and brother Noel spent yesterday in Cozad with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ward, of Columbus, have been visiting their son of this city. Arthur McNamarn has returned from Omaha after visiting rolativos for a week. Miss Alma Waltemath leaves today for Washington, D. C, to rosume her school work. Miss Grace Payne loft this morning to resume her studies at Brownell hall in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan will leave shortly for California to spend several weeks. Miss Elsie Langford left last night for Omaha to resume her work in the Boyle business college. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eshleman re turned a few days from Denver where they visited friends. Edmund Schatz returned to the Boyle colleee in Omaha, having terminated a visit with his parents. Mrs. J. II. McWilliams and daughter Minerva came home Saturday from a short visit with Lincoln friends. Edgar Schiller roturned the last of week from Ida Grove, la., where ho was called by the illness of his father. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner and daughter Helen went to Omaha Satur day evening to spend a week or more. Miss Euphonia Johnson, of Brownell hall of Omaha, loft Saturday after visiting Miss Grace Payne for a week. Miss Hazel Oborfelder, of Sidney, who had been the guest of Miss Mayme Pizor, roturned home yesterday morn ing. Mrs. W. T. Banks returned yesterday from Kearnev whero sho visited her sister . Mrs. 0. W. Neale for several days. Claudo Selby, of the Physicians & Sure-eons collece. of Chicago, who spent tho holidays with his parents, left yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Linobaugh re turned Saturday from Dcs Moines, whero they were callqd by tho death of tho latter s moiner,, Mrs. Charles Wmogar and children, of Lebanon, Kas., Mrs. Will Patterson, nf Ocralnlla. Marie VonGoetz, of Over ton, and Annie VtiGoetz, of Omaha, left tho first c ' (' v.erk after viiting thdr parcrt1 Elks Hold Banquet. iNinety-eight Elks met at their home last evening and celebrated tho advent of the New Year by surrounding the banquet board, partaking of a fine spread served by caterer Chas. Frcdr key arid listened to excellent after din ner talks by Keith Novillo, Dr. N. Mc Cabe, Dr. Quigley, W. T. Wilcox and Judge Grimes. During the dinner hour the Stamp orchestra furnished music, and while it rendered popular song airs the banqueters sang tho choruses, thus enlivening the evening with cheer and melody. The speeches of those responding to the toasts opened with witticisms and stories, nnd then turning from jest to earnest words for the good of tho mem bers were uttered. At the close of the talk by Mr. Wilcox he suggested that a .free will offering to relieve tho needs of tho unfortunate of the town hi made. The suggestion met with heart response and the silver coins contri buted amounted to seventy-nine dollars. This donation in addition to those made by the lodge Thanksgiving and Christr mas. During the evening it wns voted to hold a banquet on each New Year's day in the future. Mantcll in "Macbeth." Discriminating critics say the mem ory of the oldest theatre-goer will not recall a more superb interpretation of Macbeth than that which will bo given by Robert B. Mantell at tho Keith next Friday evening. Mr. Mantell emphasizes tho remorse of Macbeth, whoso overleaping ambi tion drives him to ono crime nfter another until he puys the inevitable, awful price. He is a storm-tossed man from the occasion of his first meeting with the witches, when he becomes the victim of his superstitious belief in them. His crimes haunt him in his waking nnd sleeping hours and it is no tax upon his imigination to seo tho ghosts of Banquo at the feast. Yet Macbeth is not a man without physical courage and Mr. Mantell not only brings out the physical bravery of tho Thane of Cawdor, but ho portrays tho moral cowardice of the man Mac both. The stage version of Macbeth used by Mr. Mantell was prepared from Edwin Booth's prompt book and ia marked by the usual ommissions of both text and character. Tho cuts in elude the scenes laid in England, while tho English characters taking part in theso scenes also are dropped. As a matter of fact none of tho omitted nassaces is dramatically essential in forwarding tho tragedy. Miss Kato Wakeman will have tho role of Lady Macbeth. Weather Forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Wodnosday, continued cold. Maxi mum temporaturo yostorday 17; ono year ago -I. - Minimum temperature ait night -10; ono year ago -19. Genuine crushed Oyster Shells. Make hens lay. I Ilcrahey'a, Fifth and Locust. Joseph I Shcchan and Gladys Caldwell in the world's mot ifxular ojfia rnian Girl ' at the Keith Theatre Wednesday, January ioth The Bohe Mrs. Guy Robinson, of Grand Island, camo up last eyening to visit her mother Mrs. John Day. Hnrloy Greeson, who spent the holi days with his parents, returned to the state university Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Jeter, of Los Angeles, is visiting her husband who is employed here as conductor for tho Union Pacific. Mrs. Mary Marovish returned last evening lrom lirany isinnu wnerc sne attended a lamily reunion on Lhristmas day. Charles Tighe left Sunday evening to take up a course in Croighton College in Omaha. Superintendent Chae. Ware trans acted official business at the railroad odlces yestorde" Dan McKoo, of Willow Island, ar rived last evening to spend a few days with local friends. Mrs. Eva Baldwin, of Lincoln, who has been visitinc Mrs. Jj J . Halligan ond other friends will leave Tbilisi! evening. Will Lannin severed his connection With the Grooson Grocery Co. yester day. Mrs. Frank Winkloman and family camo home tho last of the week from a visit with friends in Omaha. Wm. Adair, manager of the local hiundrv. returned last evening lrom a week's stay in Omaha and Kearnoy. After visitintr Miss Blanche Fonda for (several days, Misses Marian Bot loll' and Florence Coppock returned to Denver. I One-1 enth Uti on b rocenes Until January 20th. Wo will give ten percent off on our regular prices-excepting butter eggs and potatoes. Our stock is new no old items in tho store. We give you prompt service with our auto wagon. Oar of fancy Minnesota potatoes just received. HERROD & SON, The purpose of the above discount sale ia to demonstrate to tho people of North Platte and vicinity that we have fresh and reliable goods. Phone 208 Mrs. Harry Samelson will entertain tho Nevita club tomorrow nftcrnoon, Mrs. James Golden will cntortaln the Hanifln-Guthcrless wedding party at a six o'clock dinner this evening. Miss Mae Hanifin will bo tendered a pro-nuptial linen shower at tho homo of Mrs. Julius Pizor Thursday evening. Mi8es Mary Elias and Mario Brod- heck will give a miscellanous shower Friday evening for Miss Mao Hanifin. Miss Amy Langford pleasantly enter tained the Young Ladies Kensington club last evening. Tho refreshments were very dainty and nicely served. Miss Nnneno Iddinga entertained a number of young friends at Som It Set- iFriday evening. Dainty refreshments were served. Perry Carson nnd Miss Mary Guil- linumo will be united In marriage at tho homo of tho bride on east Fifth treet tomorrow ovening. Mrs. Thos. Austin entertained a few friends tho last of the week on tho occasion of her birth nnnivorsary. A nicely prepared lunch was served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Spies celebrated their twenty-fifth Wedding anniversary Friday. All present report n pleasant time. Tho refreshments were appro priato to tho season. Tho bans of marriage were published for the first time in St Patrick's church Sunday, of Miss Mae Hanifin and Mr. Harry Gutherless, who will bo married at the residence of Rov. McDaid on. January 10th. In honor of Miss Gortrudi Dill, of Chicago, who is visiting in town, MIrs Gladys Bird entertained n (party of young friends Friday evening.! Games, contests and music made up i( pleasant oveTiing. Delicious rcfrushmsnjtfi wore served. I. Tho Luthoran Aid Society wil hold a mef llrtfttttrthb home., ofi M rs J fc II. Crosslor Thursdny afternoon itr' honor of Mrs. C. A. Dill, of Chicago. In on- tertnining Mrs. Crosselerwill bo assisted by Mrs. Warren Kelly and Mrs. Rov. Cressler. Mrs. II. S. White very pleasantly I a number of friends last evening in I honor of Mrs. Kva Baldwin, of Lincoln. The opportunity which the Oceanian gave to former frionds to renw their acquaintance with the guest of honor was greatly enjoyed by all. Elaborate refreshments wore served. Thursday evening tne foot ball team of the high school mid anumberof tho'ir friends were royally entertained at the home of MIbs Blanche Fonda. About forty guests wore presontund spent the ovening in enjpyable games, vaudeville stunts and music. The rooms were hung with holly, mistletoe and Xmas bells prettily arranged. Tho refreshments were dainty afid'nicoly served. Assist ing the hostessv wore Misses Myrtle Bcelcr, Irma Horn, Hildegard Clinton, Virginiu Bui hint and Amanda Butler. Out of town guests were Misses Bolt liolf, Coppock and Robinson, of Denver, Pizer, of Hastings,, and Oborfoldor, of Sidney. One of the most enjoyable affairs of tho Christmas festivities was tho din ner dance given by Miss Edith Patter son at her homo Saturday evening. Covers were laid for twenty at tho prettily appointed dining table, in tho center of which was a small Chrismns tree lighted by tiny colored oloctric lights. Holly picked and sent by the hostess' brother Major Patterson for the occasion, was profusely used for the table decoration as wore also min aturo reindeera and lighted candles. The place cards wore of hand painted poinsettia design nnd on tho back were dancing programs. Tho dinner wa3 sorved in five courses nnd at tho con clusion tho guests adjourned to the homo of Miss Aileen Gantt whero dancing wns participated in until a late hour. Those present were tho Misses Edith Gantt, Irma Clinton, Alice Birge, Nell Brntt. Aileen Gantt. Ituth Streitz, Kathorine Lewis, of Wayne, Neb., Gernldine Bare, Edith Patterson and Mrs. U. D. Birgo and Messrs. Jim Clinton, Ed Keliher. Bort Bnrbor, Walter O'Connor, Richmond Birgo, Carl Schaeffer, Evorott Evans, Frank McGovern, Horton Mungor and Rolfo Halligan. Sheriff Miltonborcor loft last evening" for Rushvlllo to arrest Asa Salome for disposing of mortgaged property. Ho will bo brought hero for trial. MIbs Mario LeDoyt entertained a number of frionds at a Som It Set party Friduy evening. A dainty lunch was served. For Rent Furnished Unon with board, Mr,. R. I'. Lar.gford.