The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1911, Image 8

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    Scari-Weekly Trihme
Oafl Yew by Mail If) advance ,$1.25
Om Yer by Carrier in advance ,$l.GO
Katetwl at North Platte, Nebraska, Tost
oflke a Seeettd Ckws Hatter.
FRIDAY, DEC. 28 1911.
In speaking of the unwarranted at
tacks on President Taf t, tho New York
Evening Poet says: Wo aro glad to boo
that something liko a protest at tlioso
unhandsome method has sot In, and
that ft col logo professor has had tho
honor of taking tho load In it At Mad
ison, Wis,, on Saturday, Prof. A. B.
Hall of tho university called for fair
play for Mr, Taft, Holding n chair in
tho department of political science,
Professor Hall Is compelled to
keep track of public events and givos
It as his deliberate opinion that novcr in
tho history of tho country has there
been an oxecutlvo who mora rigorously
enforced the law than Prosident Taft.
Himself tt LaFolIotlo man, the Wis
consin professor has tho decency thus
to speak out against the kind of under
hand misstatement and muttered fault
finding that havo boon current. Mr.
Taf t may not be a great president: it
may not bo wise for his party to nom
Inatfl him again; but ho is entitled, to
havo tho caso against him put fairly
and openly. Thero had been far too
much whispering and secret intriguing
and cowardly assault, willing to wound
but afraid to strike.
Ctata Otitleek is EBcwragittg.
A Lincoln special to tho Omaha Bee
dated Wednesday says:
The officers of tho Taft league,
choen at tho mooting in Lincoln last
week Tuesday, mot at tho Llndel
hotol this afternoon. At the request
.of tho officials thero waa also present a
representative gathering of republicans
frow ovory part of tho state.) Thoy al
brought encouraging reports of condi
tiooa ami that there was no question
about Mr. Taft being tho ovorwhel
ming choice of republicans as candi
data for president They also brought
awturarwo that republicanTlsuccoss at
the polls was certain.
nat a
mere nao never neon a more en
couraglng meeting of republican
workers in tho state than that which
assembled In tho Lindell this afternoon
Tiw busineta which brought thorn to
getiwrwas puroiy or a formal and
routine nature, but. lust the snmo
- - -
those present coulcj not refrain from m
dulglng In a little mutual gratification
over tho outlook.
McDonald State Bank,
Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000.00.
-ONcsi BiHk in Lincoln Cttmly.-
Wo Respectfully Solicit your Banking
Btfsiricss.' 'Satisfaction Guaranteed . .
chas. Mcdonald,
w. ii. Mcdonald,
CasMer and Vice-Preit.
Day and night calls promptly answered
Office P. S. Hospital. Phone 642.
i Mil
A Modern Institution
For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the
medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all commu
cations to tho superintendent,
Phone 642 Cer. Eighth aad Lociut
218 West Fourth St.
For the treatment of
CAL patients. Also for
accommodtion3 can- -linement
Merchant Tailor.
We have recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel of all classeee, and we
guarantee satisfactory work. We
are aiso tailors anu Know now to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect fit.
In the District Court of Lincoln
County. Nebraska.
To II. L. Goddard, Annie E. Bab
cock, E. D. Ilaydent Albert Cooley and
wife Calista J. Cooley, and Elihu V.
Sargent, otherwise E. W. Sargent,
non-resident defendants:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on December 22, 1911, John
R. Verdicr, as plaintiff, filed his certain
petition in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, complnining against
you nnd each of you, tho object and
prayer of which said petition are to
quiet In said plaintiff tho title to- the
following described lands Bituate In
Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: Tho
Southwest Quarter of Section Fourteen
(14), Township Fourteen (14) North, of
Ransro Th tv (30). west of tho Sixth
P. M., and particularly to quiet title of
tho plaintiff against tnat.certain quit
claim deed mado and executed bv de
fendant II. I. Goddard to defendant
Annio E. Babcock" and recorded in tho
deed records of Lincoln county. No
braska. and have tho same declared null
and void and cancelled of record: to
quiet title against the mortgage under
wmcn ueicnuant . u. nayucn claims
some interest In said lands for the rea
son that more than ten yeara have
elapsed since said mortgage became
due -and payable and since said mort
gage was in any manner revived, for
tho reason that tho plaintiff and his
grantors have been in exclusive, unin
terrupted and adverse possession to the
said defendant E, D. Hayden of said
described lands for more than ten years
last past and to quiet sata title against
A rWHea ATM- McDonald State BM
g Dsclers Amc$ & Ames,
t Physicians lid StuiesRS,
VL Office over Stone Drug Co.
Olflce phone 241.". Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonal Bank Building.
HomeeDathlcPhviielun andSureeon
Special attention siren to conflno-
J racnti and children's diseases.
OniCH I'bone 183 lies. Pbono,283
OBIco McDonald Stato Hank nid'ir
Physician and Snreen,
Office over McDonald Bank.
Pt,nM Office 130
Phonea Reeidence 115
Send Us Your Shipments of
Grain and Hay
We Dav the ton market. Threo cou
pons free with returns on each car of
hay you Bhlp us to handle for your ac
count. I' ll teen coupons anu sa.fau in
Cash will secure for your homo an elo
tho defendants Albert Cooloy and wife 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner
f 'nimn "yr I rt i f at thin vnrnT ct rvi I "...
Hekn Deliltle M&rcied.
A Long Beach, Cal,, pnper contained
tho following account of the wedding of
Miss Helen Doolittlo, n former North
Platte girl:
One of tho prottlest girls of Long
Bench waa married this morning nnd
one of the most popular of young mon
claimed hor for his hrido Miss Holen
Augustit Doollttle, and Mr. George
HaVrison Stevenson, nnd tlia ceremony
Waa. performed at ten at tho homo of
the bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrn. Mil'
km .Ddrilttk 527 East Fourth street, by
mn mv. Kobort It. Qooden, rector of
Sfc.-LWMS's Episcopal church, who used
tm iwk coromony and tho beautiful
EpfaMOftftlian warriago service.
. A Yw(tkle wedding and all tho adorn
Ute MtW hells avvayed from fc' "T0 1 frpm two
vrv tkrwy. arch and acrcs stmcBs. ?na "V'WJ
Great fiamlnK noinsottlas added their Mrs. Anna L, Domarr, of Omaha,
erSnMOtl Yma iti (lift llillnutn uniinnnr nf will bo in tho city on January 13th to
wnllax vine that mnspod rnntl. nnd Install tho officers of tho L. 0. T. M.
Local News.
Walter Cronfn has accepted a position
with tho Pacific Fruit Express.
Mayor T. 0. Pnttoroon wont to Kear
rtoy pn business yesterday morning.
MIhrob Idn mill (IrriPf Khi'ltnn wnr.t
to Omnha ycstenlny morning vto spond cated
a week.
Vorno Longford hus resigned his pos
ltlon at tho Westorn Union and accepted
one in' Omaha.
Mrs. Frank Dontler mid daughter
Erna llobluBOii, of Denver, aro spend
ing the holidays n town.,
Robort Finney came down from Ogul-
alla yesterday to visit relatives nnd
transact business.
francis uiumt, who ih teaching in
Gandy, canlo in tho' first x)f, tho wqok ta
visit her mother and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vernon' re
turped yosterday from Julesburg.'whore
thoy visited tho formor'a paronts,
Mr. B. M. Stackhouso, of the state
of Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer
with 40 years experience, has lo
in North Platte, and would
like to make prices and' dates for
your sales. Have sold stock and
general merchandise all over Ne
braska. . tT.
See me at F. E. Barber's Restnif-
rnnt. corner of 6th and Locust St
Wing Hing,
New Laundvy.
qtlenstulR Building', E. Gill
Hani Work a Specially.
fireplaces, and jardlnlcrres of tho same
brilliant blossom marked cornors In
the tllhlng room iVhero a break faut fol
lowed tho ceremony, pink losoa wore
utilised with charming effect.
The bride was radiantly '.beautiful In
her traveling costume of tailored brown
cloth, mid thoro were no attendants.
Following tho breakfast Mr, nnd Mrs.
Stevenson loft on the Salt Lake for a
wedding trip, their destination a happy
secret between themsolvos.
Everybody knows these happy young
people so well it sooma hardly necessary
to&ay that the bride U loved for her
pergonal charm as well as her unusual
beauty, a no attenueu the grammar
and high schools of Long Beach about
for years agp and waa a great favor
ite among the younger set. Mr. Steven-
hxi, a unKiit young newspapor man, is
corrponknt for the Lm Angeles Ex
prea, ami came to Lodg Beach about
four years' ago from New Haven after
taking k efurse (n Harvard college.
Ha I om of the most popular members
of, Kl JHodo club, whom "nm)mn will
lj MrpriMd to rd of his wedding1 this
morning, for the date had bwa kept aa
Minhtful wcret divulged only tf
members of the family and most Inti
mate friends,
Iec. 22 bay driving twfe 6 yei's okl
brwd t on left Mukler, xet
wi vrt iKmisioot I'rotwiy f in
road botwoeii' NortB Platte h'd Dexter,
AmjM. knowing My thlrtg In vtvM-d-'lo
wm whereabout of animal please com-
Miss Euphonla Johnson, principal of
tho BrownellHttl! college, In Omnium is
Vlslthig Miss Graco Payne while olv
route home frpm Denver.
Mr, and Mrs. John Crockott, of
Evanston, uro visiting the formor'a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. II, T. Crockett
nnd brothor Arthur Howard,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ottenstoin, of
Salt Lake City, who hud boon tho
guests of relatlvos In town for several
ftouks, returned homo n fow daya ngo.
Tho holiday danco given by tho
Catholic Girls' Club In the Masonic hall
Wednesday evening was as successful
s . 4 . a
unanciauy ns it was sociuuy anu a
pleasant evening waa Bpcnt by tho
largo number present, funcli was
Borvod during Uio evening by Misses
LeDioyt and Smith.
Iy Mare Slrayed er Steles.
A bay mare belonging to me, 4 years
old, reasonably gentle and will weigh
about 1060 pounds, she has a small
lump on theilower jaw where a tooth
was extracted. Was kept on tho fann
4 miles southwest of Bignell and has
bmn eone three or four weeks.
Will pay a liberal reward for informa
tien as to mo ammars location,
J. H. Edminsten.
orUv P)tte;. Neb.
."'jj , , t ..ii-iwgfsmmm. m .i.,.w..
Notice for Publicatlan.
Serial No. Will
rtprtmontof the Interior.
U.S. Land Olilco at North l'lattn. Noll
... Pec. Hth',mil.
Nntlco la horolir Klvon that Ilnnrv V.
KlcUlcy. of Trj-on, Nob., who on Tub. 17, 1V0S
in mlu llomuatdSd Kntrv No. SCKKI7. Hnrl&t No.
02111. for EM, ana VM ot WW Sootlon
(1. TowtisblD. 10. North, raniro 80.
Went of tho sixth principal meridian
has tiled nntlco of Intention to maku final
uvuyoar uroor. to ohUWIsIi claim to tho
land abovo descrlliwd, boforo thuRoiriBtor
and lticlver at North l'lattn NnlirnsUa.
tin tho JOth day of Fob, 1011.
uintmant iiaraua as witnesses: David n,
Oallondor and Harry U Callnndor otl'ryon,
Nob. Jacob Mayer. Notlli 1'latte. Neb.
KlinerM, Mayfluld.of Ncwblt. Nob.
UlS-n J. K. KVANH. ltwUtr,
Caliata J. Cooloy in this respect, to am
plify tho deed under which plaintiff
claims titlo for said described parties
and to reform samo to reflect the true
intent nnd agreement of tho parties
when the same was made, executed
and delivered, and further to havo this
decree rendered herein ODerato ns a
conveyance of tho fee simple titlo of
said premises to the plaintiff from said
defendants, Albert Cooley and wife,
and further to operato as satisfaction
of a mortKaco lein held by tho nlaln-
titt against tno defendants; ana tor a
decree finding that, the defendant,
Elihu W- Sargent who took title to
said described land under varrarity
deed recorded in book Al, at page 317
of tho deed records of Lincoln county,
Nebraska,, is one and tho same person
that executed tho warranty deed as
trrantor to defendant. Albert Cooley.
and which said deed is recorded in
book A -4, at page 848 of tho deed re
cords of said Lincoln county: nnd for
such other and further relief as justice
nnd enuitv may demand.
You nnd each of yoii aro hereby
notified to make answer to said potl-
tion on or before tho am day or jr ebru,
ary, 1912, or your default will bo tnken
and decree entered agninst you. aa
prayed in said petition. t ,
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Do
cember 22d, 1911,
John R. VEltMEU, Plaintiff,
By E. II, Evans, his attornoy.
Ira Goddard and Mrs. Ira Goddard.
his'wifo, first and real name, unknown;
II. L. Babcock and Mrs. 11. Lt. Bub-
cock, hia wife, first and real names un
known: John R. Green. John L. Green
F. L. Bavles and Mrs. F. L. Bavlos.
I lf trvrflVfc ii vol- v rl tidmA ilrtbnmitn
and J. fj. utciimond, tirst and real
name unknown, defendants, will
take notice that on the 18th day
of December, 1911, tho abovo
named plaintiff, Sena Franzon-Kolly,
riled hor amended petition in tho dis
tnct court of Lincoln county. Nebraska.
wherein she prays to havo the titlo
Set worth $10.00.
Consiem your hay to us and please
tho ladies and also eet a irood price for
your hay.
Our Motto: Jbair treatment and
prompt remittances.
sample of the quality ot these dishes
can be seen at tho office of tho Semi
Weekly Tribune.
The F. C. Ayres Mer.
Cigars for Gifts.
The man who smokes always ap
preciates ttio gift of a box of cigars no
prefers such to Homo nicnac or gewgaw
that affords him no pleasure. Our
cigars are apneciated by all men who
know a good cigar and the price is
moderate. Give him a box of our
cigars and ho will feci satisfied.
carpet Tno rug weaving
321 West First Street
Phone 592.
20J,h and Wazeo Streets,
Denver Colorado.'
Ib the Unilcd States Slate' District
Court, for the District of Nebraska,
North Platte Division.
Case No. 16.
In tho matter of ) In Bankruptcy
Joseph M. Benkosky, VVoluntary Pe-
fjanurupt, ) tition.
To the Creditors of Joseph M. Ben
ko&kyf of WellfleOt, In the county of
Lincoln and District aforesaid, a
Notice is hereby Riven that on utn
any of December. A. D...1911; thesaid
Joseph M. 'Benkosky was duly ad
judicated a bankrupt; and that the first
meeting ot tno creditors win ng held at
worth I'intte in tno oiucuot tnotfoteree
on the 2nd day of January, A. D., 1912,
at i o'ciocic, a. m., in. tno torenoun, at
which time the said creditors may at
tend, prove their claims, appoint a
trustee, bxaminc, .the bankrupt and
transact such other business as may
properly come before said meeting.
uatea this luth day ot December, A,
1911, at North Platte,' Nebraska.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
AKesdaeat to the Articles f lacor
peratioH of the American Invest
et and Trust Company of
North Platte, Nebraska.
This Ss to certify that at the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
American Investment and Trust Com
pany of North Platte, Nebraska, held
at its office in North Platte, Nebraska,
on October, 10, 1911, tho stockholders
all having previously received thirty
days' notice of the proposed amend
ment to change tho name of the corpor
ation, tho same was acted upon and
tho following is a trua copy of tho pro
ceedings of tho meeting in reference
"It was moved and seconded that the
name of the corporation be changed by
amending Article I of tho Article of In
corporation to rend as follows:
'Tho name of this corporation shall
be American Investment and Loan
All tho stockholders being present,
and representing oil the sto:k of the
corporation, having voted In favor of
said amendment, the same was de
clared adopted.
We, John Bratt, President! and E.
R. Goodman, Secretary and Treasurer
of the American Investment and Trust
Company, hereby certify to tho abovo
as being a true nnd correct copy of tho
proceedings of said meeting in refer
ence to Baid amendment.
John Bratt.
Corporate Seal President.
E. R. Goodman,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me
this 4th day of December, 1911. f
Notarial Seal Notary Public
My commission ns Notary Public ex
pires June 18th, 191G. i
the southwest' quarter (swi) of section
21. township 13. rnmre 34. in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, quieted andjeonfirmed
in her for tho reason that sho and hor
grantors have been In the open, notor
ious, oxclusivo and ndvorso possession
of Baid land for a period of mora than
ten years at and prior to tho filing of
said amended petition, during all of
Which said time sho nnd her grantors
havo claimed to bo tho owners thereof.
nnd by the further reason to have a
certain treasurer's deed dated May
31st, 1901, made by the county treas-
Notice To Non-Resident Defendants.
Charles Brittimrham. Gussio Schick.
J. II. Schick, husband of Gussio Schick,
Carrie Brittimrham. C. VnnSchovk.
South Bend Chi led Plow Co.. Joel
to Turnoy & Company, Bradley, Morri'mnn
& Smith Co., McFarlan Carriage Com
pany, John C Camp and Challenge
Company, defendants, will take notice
that on tho 16th day of September, 1911
the Rnclno Sattloy Co., of Nebraska,
plaintiff herein, filed its petition in tho
district court of Lincoln county. Nebras
kn, against said defendants, with other
defendants, the object and prayer of
which la to rorociose two corlain mort-
gages, executed by the defendant
harles Brittinglmm to tho painlifT, one
mortgage dated August 12, 1909 upon
tho southwest qunrter ot section 4,
John Frahfcon and Carolina Franzen.
his wife; Joseph L. Franzen and Pella
franzen, hiB wife; Amanda feterson
and Johan Peterson, her husband;
Bernard O.Franzou and Rosina Franzen,
his wife, nnd J. E. Richmond, defen
dants, will tako notice that on the 20th
day of November, lull, tho plnintm
filed her petition in the District
Court of Lincoln county, 'Nebraska,
against Baid defendants, and each of
them, for the purpose of having the
titlo to the Northwest J of Sec. 20, tp.
13. Ret'. 34. quited in her as crantee of
John Franzen; that John Franzen ac-
uired tho title to said property
hrouiih nnd bv operation of said law
as tho heir of Adena G Franzen, de
ceased, the said Adena G. Franzen.hav
ing mado homestead entry of said land
but died before the titlo to ' said real
ostato was Required In her name and
that tho patent thereon was mado to
tho hoirs of Adena G. Franzen, deceased
and that the said John Franzen, under
the laws of tho stato of Nebraska, Is
tho solo and only heir of tho said
Adena G. Franzen.
You and ench of you aro required to-
ahswer said petition on or Jjeforo Mon
day, tho first day of January, 1912.
Dated this 20th day of November,
1911. MuldooN & Ginns,
Attorney for Plaintiff, Sena Franzen
In tho Oountv Oourt nf TJnrnln pnnnlv.
braska. December SI. It'll. .
In tho tnattiir of the oatato nf lllram A.
Morrow, deceased.
Notlco li horobr nlvon. that tho crodltani
of aatd deceased vrill moot the Administrator
iraaiu uatato. bororo tho County Juugu of
jllieoln county. Nebraska, at the cnuntv
court rogm In said county, on tho Ed dayot
auuary, ivu, and on tuo fl uay or JUiy,
Uli. atU o'clock a. m. iaeh dav. tor tho tiur-
lso of crewintlmr tholr claim for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six mOMttut
aro allowed for creditors to. present Mielr
Claims anu onu year for tho Administrator to
the Slat day ,ot
urer of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and township 9 N. of Rng. 27, in Lincoln
Which said treasurer'a deed is recorded county, .Nebraska, to secure the pay
in book A-2 of deeds at page 171 ex- mont of two certain promissory notes,
nmincd nnd confirmed and for such one of $590.00 dntcd August 12, 1909
other nnd further relief as equity may due August 1, 1910, and one noto for
require. $1232.60 dated Auirust 12. 1909 and due
That said notice Ib being published August 1. 1910. Also a mortgage for
In pursunnco of an order of court duly $25-18.27 dated August 9, 1910 executed
entered in this action upon an appuca- by the ueienaant unanes lirittingham,
sottlo aatd
Dec. mi.
four successive
estate, from
.rriita tintlA tn
weeks In
be nublllied
no North PlaUe
Tribune, Bcml-weokly newspaper publ Unfed
lii Mid county prior to said date otlieaHaa.
ukant. county Juaarn,
ferial No. OtMM.
Vubllu Land Balo,
Den'arlment bf the Interior.
i.ana umeo at North riatto. neb
1 I
tlon mado by Bald plaintiff alleging and
showing that the first, true and real
names of Bald defendant, if arty, are to
plaintiff and her attorneys unknown,
and that tho residences, domicile or
place of abode of said defendants, and
each of them, are to said plaintiff and
her attorneys unknown.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition. on or before Mon
day the 28th day of January, 1912.
Dated December 18th, 1911.
Sena Franzen Kelly.
By Muldoon & Gibbfl, Her Attorneys.
Special Ttxic ShimMilRg
i doijo; at. yourown hornvr
foisS UlRKiNSrlAW
tea - M
Phone C$9,
8rl!No. KWo.
Ilea. Sth. 1811.
N a In a Immakv slvnn that . OHM L.
Itowanl, of IWelllleot, Neb., who. on Nov.
80th. Ittil. made H. K. No 228W. Serial No.
(MS&O. tnr nil. nvU. uv.U tivrU and neU
swW. Section Jfl, Townahln It. north, premises be sold to satisfy
upon an un -divided one-third interest in
tho EJ and tho EJ NWJ section 32,
Twp. lO.rango 27, and the NWl Sec. 4,
and the Nat ec. b, and an of section
9 In Twp. .9 range 27, said mortgage
being given to secure a promissory note
of even date therewith, for $2548.27 duo
u.ecemoer i, iuiu, and thoro is now duo
on said indebtedness the aum of
$2&18.27 with interest thereon at 8 per
cent per annum from September 9, 1910
for which aum with Interest from this
date tho plaintiff prays for" decree and
that the defendants and each of them
do oarrea irom an interest, title, or
lein in and to said premises,- and that
the claims of the defendants ,be held
junior and Inferior to the claims pf the
required to pay Uio samo, or that tho
the amount
lWomlvArL'J 101 1
" Nbtlcofalieroby elenthat, directed W
Ltho , CotuinUslonor iot tho Uunoral I.atd
approved Juno i7.vlH0il. (31 .stU.. BID. o
will offer at uublln sale, to the bhrhuittr blilAor
at ton o'clock a . in-, on tlio20thdav of Fub..
1UI. at tliW nllli-iv tlin fnltnuiliiiirilMTlMl I v. nmnfi .- ovtlIUI I'lulm
VuStLWS? W" B?,ltl?lH,dl,,.e.oroS,,&"PKU.,Ar a,n.rtit0 on f befro the 5Ui day of Febrp
V(.8JVf. Sfii. . 10. TOKnshlu Itaiiiroj I colvbr atuNortu l'lattn. eb. ou thd UtILday I :oio w.JM
i ofthooth p.m. . . br ntftabrtis. " ' . ... "'KA"rn
I or obi
uweflroriule. Nob-,
has U!e5 'notice of IntontloA to tnaVo llnal Bve t0"n ,, , tf'' ' " , ,
io me lanu ibiuihu w iniawci nuiu pou'
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the county clerk of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on or before Decem
ber 81, 1911, for records, blanks and
supplies estimated as follows:
Class A books.
4-8 qr. plain records, loose leaf.
4-8 qr. printed page records, loose
4-tax lists 1-4 qr., 2-4 qr., 1-3 qr.
The abovo records to be mado of the
best linen ledger paper, full bound,
extra ends" bands and front, '
C000 tax rece nts In duplicate, or
2 dozen chattle files of 200 napes
43 assessor's books, ledrror nartr.
cloth bound per book.
fu.uvu asessor a schedules in dupli
Poll books for 43 precincts ftrencml
foil books lor 43 precincts (primary
Class B.
Whole sheet blanks per 100. r
nan sneer. DianKa per 1UU.
Quarter sheet blanks per 1
Envelopes, 3jxCl per
envelopes 4x114 per KiOQ,
Ulass U. t
Sanford'B, Carter's oV?tWi
HcofvJKma tJer irrofis:
coequal' rubber tips,
8 JSWired bv. the
Vtwrinnfirlialmtnff i1vArHlv Dim clwivnJ 4r4mnt.naTri nti uUttiNBiKwt llnwAnl films I JJutBU JJCCCITlbOr 11)11
Md'lahllav61iivH0rtlo fllriil,olVtJUlm rVWioit. Klllal. imuKit ;ar Wtom BAtitSTCvf. 6f NEntrASftAT
By Hoagland & Hoagland
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J. K. Evans. Iteelster.
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