Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L Bare, Ed iter aaJ PhUUW. SUBSCRIPTION, KATES. One Year by Mail in advance ,.,$1.25 One Year by Carrier In advance (1.60 KiUrod at North Platte. Nebraska, Post office as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, DEC. 1911. S Will Name Deputies Next Week. County treasurer-elect Durbln and county clork-clcct Yost will namo their deputies the latter fiart of noxt week It is understood that thcro arc about thirty applicants for deputy treasurer and quite a number lor deputy clerk It is thorcroro somowhat of a query ns to which one of the many applicants is tho best qualified for the respective position. Railroads Pay Taxes. Tho Union Pacific and Burlington railroads paid into tho county treasury this week their personal taxes for tho VyenrlOll. Tho Unloh Pacific paid in Irund numbers sixty-ond thousand dol -w lars nndtne Burlington twelve thou vnnd. ' Tills is moro thnn ono-hfllf tho total porsonal tax of tho county. Trcfts urer Langford Is now getting outtho receipt and in a week will havd 4ho sum apportldru;d to the various fujidi and school districts. Tke Needs of America - . T 11.. .Ill- ... um uuo oi wo special program that will bo rendered at the 'Sunday ochool hour at tho Christian church noxt Sunday, Doc. 3rd. Tills program especially Jnstructlyo hs JfcW as highly entertaining. Every member or tno school is expected to bo In their . place and urged to bring a friend as this program will instruct along lines very Important to tho school and , cnurch. The pub!lc. most cordially iiviwju to attend this sorvico. ' Hoe! W Nest No. 1160. Order 61 Owls, moots nionuay, Uocomber 4th, JffH, At oight .ti clock p. m. Business of Importance. Don t miss this meeting. By order of ' A. A. Schatz president, G.nS. Ifwfman ' secretary. Boilermakers' Ball, Tlio tenth annual ball of tho Boiler makers' union, held at tho Lloyd Wed nesday evening was fairly well attended, both by those who dance and by specta tors. Tho crowd present was, however, just large enough to comfortably fill tho floor, and this made tho dancing tho moro enjoyable. Tho Stamp orchestra furnished tho music and it was up to the usual standard of excellence. There were twenty-six dances on tho program, and tho last was finished nt thrco In the morning. The ball was nicely conducted through out and attendants passed an enjoyable evening. Strikers Extend Thanks. Tho Union Pacific employes who aro out on a Btriko and who last week gave a two nights entertainment at tho Keith theatre, wish to extend their sincere thanks to those who took, part in the vaudovillo, the band and the general public who so generously pat ronized the entertainment which made it the grand success that it was, and the federation most henrtily extends its thanks to Misses Anna and Josie O'Hare for their assistance which was rendered gratuitously. W. A. Kocken, j, t. foggkkty, . Ciias. Seyferth, Federation Committee. Notice to BtMters. No hunting or tresspassing allowed on these premises. Jesse Long Chas. Robinson II. C. ItlDINCJER FriED Sim ants Geo. Patterson Geo. Koph . Dave Mecomiieii. CARPET AND BUG WEAVING 321 West Fijrtt Street Phone 502. Elizabeth Kaar tangslon, Teacher ol Voice Culture At Rlncker' Music and Art Store on Thursdays; Gold Fields ia Wyoming- It Is reported that tho , rush into tho gold fields in the vlcfnitv f ,OTt Messing, 'oi Atlantic City, thlrtv-flv,, mil.; stsW .. ttid the South of Lander, Wyo., the present mrgoiy a quartz propost ."" " it saiu cotiid be worked to uyUntage ir water could b secured ,-.v ,, ono company claims to bo Mvwiinff up about $8,000 of gold .v..,. in nuumon n mrmbor of are mild to bo mnWhw by digging out tho ore ana" trtatlnc It n a most primitivo manner" to, feat out per nvJn wages For Exckaire. Wanted for exchange,1 a gootfnneh MWith somo good farm, alfalfa niirti pas ture land, with good ' Improvements for a good farm in Central Nobraaka. AD clear; priced at $24,00Q. . Wo also ifiavo Bomo good farm land and pity property In Central Nebraska for exchange' i'or relinquishment on farnw nnd.ranchas. Call on or address Lucpy Bros., !8utlW -orland, Neb. Phono 101. j HerihcyNewi. 4 From Tho Times. Aruiur Lewis and family, of the nillo, mot with an accident whilo on their- wturn trip from North Platte today (Wednesday) In driving over tho illtch bridge noar tho Nation home. They drove HWjienr tho edge, upset- t'"Si brealrrng MrB. Lowls'a arm. Shu "w bro&Khb to Hershey and Dr. Sad ler oetf tho member. Tuesday morning whilo taking cam of soma of tho stock in tholrynrd, Mrs. Olaf Hodlund, an aged lady of 715, Hv- tng northwest of Ilorahoy, foil in somo way, breaking a wrist. People of this ago usually recover very alowly from broken bonus, but with tho proper bujj- - ideal attontlon, wo hope to soo her out again soon, ; Andrew Hahn, whilo driving homo from North Platto last Saturday oven tag, mot wiUi an accident that might have cost him his life. Ills team -became frightened", throwing him out of tho buggy, ono wheel passing ovor his head, cutting It up quite badly. Dr. Saddler was called and administered tho proper dope bo Androw will soon bo out again. He lives southeast of Her bfiey about six miles. Contractor Thompson and men have just completed the first story on our new school building. At a mooting of tho school board ami building com mittee last evening the question camo " up as to whether further work on tho building should be deferred until next Mnv nn account of cold weather and tbolr bolqg bo much cement work to bo. done vot. It was howover docidod to. proceed as tho weather would permit and to proiwriy protect same Democratic Jollificalioa. The following letter addressed tofilC Tribune was from some causo delayed in transmission) and whilo as a matter of news it had lost its sovcr, yet we publish it to show that our democratic brothem aro "up and coming": The result of the election caused democrats of Wallaco to frnvo a bonfirC After gathoring upjSoarsJRoobuckJcatalogues, soap wrappers, a barrel of straw jackets that formerly coyoredj ''Jive Soldiers", also some Burlinetort '.(at- doors, they touched her oit and tmh partook of a roast nltr and bioclc cheese and proceed to dampen It down; to'Jtho ncaitft of tho nowlv elected- After three cheers for Bryan they all sang -wo won't go ho-hlc-hlc-by gosh. "The Red Mill." Thoso wha tho now Henry Blos som nnd Victor Herbert opera, "The Red Mill", which Cofileij to tho Keith on Thursday ovoningV D'erf.-' 7th, will easily understand Its gVtiti Voetaa at tho Knickerbocker theatre. NW York City for ono entire year. Tho flb&fncci of any suirrrestlvo aitnntlnna th tho pretty love exnuiattn mnarU :..t. - ... wwmw with tho picturesque and dolilt'coirtumes, tho quaint Bcehj cry and1 the' g"ooJ, wholesome hurrTdrt and, jnorcuvutvtritf thorough cxplitta tion uy tut- pottt?ct organization of some sixty people, are tho basis of Us solid joundatiota "of 'success. l GEO. D. DENT, Physician atia Surgeon, Offlco over McDonald Bank. ou..,, rOflicoiao Phonefl Residence 115 DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduato NorthWefitflfn UniTersity L Offlco over McDonald Ststs Bank f Notice ef Secial ElectMH, at whkk north hf of the sw qr wctlon Ekctka ke SislHwtted Ik,"- If . 31if ' Bncrctifn fu....:. 4cl.i.i u.. SH.I.- v.m- range 31; the aw or of the Vcmwn, una ii in-c i ranc , arrcj Irrtgatkm District ke FerlHed7" Notice is hereby given that on tho 2nd day of December, 1911, a special election will be held, at the time and places hereinafter stttcd. at which said election tha'.question shall be submitted to the doctors of tho proposed Platte Valley Irrigation District, as follows: "Shall an Itrigatlon district bo formed to bo named Platto Valley Irrigation District," bounded as hereinafter de scribed, excluding thercform certain lnnds within said boundaries, and here inafter specifically described: and In clude In said Platto Valley Irrigation District, tho landH within said bound aries hereinafter spccifially mentioned and do'crjbed as included therein. The boundaries Of said districts, the lands within said boundaries to be excluded from said irrigation District, and tho lands to bo included In said Irrigation District aro as follows, towit: Beginning at the ne corner of tho nw qr of sec. 14, town 14, range 33; running thence west to tho nw corner of the no qr of the nw qr of said see. 14: thence south to. 'no sw corner of said ne qr of the nw qr of said sec. 14; thence west to the nw corner of tho sw qr of he nw qr of said section 14; thence south on the sec. lino to tho sw cor. of tho said sec. 14; thenco west to tho nw corner of tlio no qr of tho neqr of sec 22, town 14, range 33; thence south to the bw corner of tho ne qr of the ne qr of Bald sec. 22; thence east to the se corner of the no qr of the ne qr of said sec. 22; thence south on the section lino between sections 22 and 23 to the sw corner of section 23' town 14, range 33; thence vfi&l on the ictloh line between sections 22 and 27 to the nw corner of sec. 27, town 14, range 33: thence south on tho west line of said sec. 27 to the sw corner of said sec. 27: thence ettft on the south lino of sal4 sec. 27 to the north bank of tho Suth Platte river; v thence in an easterly direction along the north bank of the South Platto river torero said north bank intersects the caet'hCf ofB": 3 townBhip 14, range 81; thenc .no.r " the east lino of said sec. 31 taXJhen pnrnni nf nnirt oi. HI ? thortCn nt oil the south sec. line of sections 29, 28 ai?i 27 to the se corner or saw sec. zr, thence north to thd ne corner of tho se qr of the sa jr of said sec, 27; thenco east on the South line of the n hf of the s hf of sec. 26 to tho east line of said sec, 26, town 14, range 31; thence north to the ne corner of the se qr of sold sec. 26; thence west on we nortn lino of the b hf of said sec. 26 to the nw cor of the iw qr; thence west on th north lino of the se qrof sec. 27, town 14, range 81. to thd nw corner of the ne or of the se'iir 6f eaid sec. 27; thence predates tho gift box of clga.-he J oTthnwqr of t'no q? of said prefers such to somo'jilijhac or gewgaw acci thence west along the north that affords him , no fWasure. Our Hn ofVa,d ' seiv 27 to the nw corner cigars areAPpeciatedbyrfii men who K & 14 ran, re 3L know a good cigar-nnd tit price is 200 Vods' thV'ce east 80 rd8' t"ent;e moderate.- Give him. o, b(rtf f our north 80 rvthnc Sn3tl?0-.rd.8i thence south 120 w,,B nt fK Ja V -c. ; tnence east of tho ne qr of B4, K Bw' - of tho no J- F. SCHMALZRIE'rV. LrZ CT&S totho ne v . r -.- . , t-r v'l nn nr ni nnin V corner or tnenw qr ti " i, in; ; kcc. 22;fH'rtWrf.enHt on ffilfV Tho man Ci&fito Gift, wW amokcB a, ho cfoars nnd ho will feci BaUsfled'. Nctlcc. wiiiiarrf uurroifthri,, Jr., will take nonce mat on wo imn day of Sept.. lyu, i'. II. stinivan, Juatico of tho renccv or worm natto )qclnct No. 1, hi turn jur ii co n counrvi iunti.ri nn - J .U"..VM 1 1 orooroi Attachment for'thU sum of jwtaw in an acuon now porxiitrg- before IVS1' w,H.'.n eorgo . ucnif-is plain tlfif and W km Biirrmitrliq. .It: .ti tv.. lendnnt, Uiat property consfif hg of money in tno hands nr tin, iirWnw p dfic RailnHwl comnimv. n cnmnASXlkn m liccn attached under snid orcfer." ' b U causo wan rnnrinmxl tn 1mT unyoi jan;r jujiz. at ' o'clock n. m- Date Nov. 25th. 1911. Geo. B. Dent. Plaintiff. z - DR. J, S. TWWEM, KomesfntUtoPftyalalan andSurtfeon JHM.-cial ttn(lDB Klvun to cunllno- ftientn nmU iihUdren's UWomcs, QtSco I'hwio 1M I'w.Vlioro'Jaj CWleo McDonald Hlato n hWg Wing Hiog? New Laundry. Ottansteln BMlIdlno, C (ilk ttai Wark. a SpcciaRy. Notice to Bidders, Sealed hfdtf will ftm riM loflko of thd t'ountv dork i county, Nebraskii, on or before per- 3i, iu, lor records, blanks and vat'3tri i,tCii 7iWlW r .. . ..- ;7.t, -z.r .iv town 14. .V.i t. i 1 10 "Jr. .comer or StSOt wt OHf vod ht tho 'mnrttiteteo south on flttf ?.V8w Of l.fnonln I -r ? , ..rJ. . . m . Ail t. O SW . Q1 Bec, 'iow' xi, rang6. cv. w .-v 9q. i i in 1 1 1' r in i ii h ail nr a. ill. dulh section 26, town town 14, or or trie sw nr or section 21, town 14, range 31, the ndrth hf of section 29, town 14, rango 31, and the south half of section 20, town, 14, range 31; all of sec tion 30 and the south half of section 19, all in town 14, ranee 31; tho south half of section 24, town 14, range 32, and all of the nw qr of said section 22, town 14, range 32, save and except the following tracts of land: A strip 40 rods wide north and south and 160 rods east and west, directly south of the main irrigating canal; and a strip beginning on the west lino of said section 24 on the north bank of said main irrigating canal, running thence east 120 rods along said canal, thence north 63i rods, thence west 120 rods, .thence south 63J rods to the place of beginning; all of section 26. town 14. range 32; the south half of secion 23 ana tho south hf of the so qr of the nw qr of said section 23 and the. south qr of the sw qrof then war of the said section 23, town 14, range 32, and tho se qr of section 22 and the east half of the sw qr of section 22, and the nw qr of the sw qr of section 22, and tho south half of the sonth half of the ne qr of Bald section 22, town 14, rango 82; the ne qr of section 28, the south one-half and the south half of the aw qr of section 28, all in town 14, range 32; the south half of Bcction 20; the south half of the south half of the ne qr of said section 20 and the south half of tho. nw qr of Baid section 20, all in town 14, range 32; the fractional south half of section 30; tho east half of the ne qr of said section 30; the sw qr of the n qr of said section 30; the south half of tA6 nw qr of said section 30, ail in town 141 range 32; the south half of section 19, town 14, range 32; the se qr oft sec tion 24, except 60 acres on north side thereof; tho couth half of the sw qr of section 24, and the south half of the north half of the sw qr of said section 24, all in town 14, range 83; the north half of the no qr of Bection 26, and nw qr of section 26, and the fractional south half of section 26 in town 14, rango 33: the sw qr and the bo qrof the nw qr of section 14, township 14, range 83, and the se qr of se qr of section 23, town 14, range 33. . Tho lands to be included in said dis trict J? moro particularly described as follows!' - -." vho north liau of tho so qr of station Ol!. fi.A nm if nt aectlnn 93. tlm nmiiU Phalf of tho aw qr of flection 14; the south half and the nw qr and the west half of theeqr oi section xi; tne west nair or thenOvfjr; tho north half of the ne qr of the nwqC anc the north threefourths of the west half of the nw qr, all In 6C tloh22; theflouth half and the south half of the nw qr and the nw qr of tho jW or and tho half of the ne qr pf tho nw qr, and th west half of the bw qr or tne no qr in seonn 10; me sw qr of section 9; all of section 16; the north half and the se qr; the east half of tho aw qr tand the north half of the wost half of the sw qr in section 21; all of section 17; the nw qr and the np qr of section 20; and tho south half of section 29; tho north half of sec tion 19; the south half of tho aw qr of tho no qr nnd the north half of the n.w qr of tho se qr and the north half of th bw qr and the north half of the south half of the sw qr of section 18. all In town 14,, range 31. And the following lands In town 1,4, range 32: All of section 13; all of the ne qr of bcc tion 24; and also, the following tract on the nw or of said flection 24. hoffinninc on the west line of section 24 at the suiipllos estimate! jvs follows: . UasA books. 4'8qr,. plain records, loose leaf. 4-8' qrv printed page' records, loose nn-f. 4-4nxXllBta.J-tqr., 2-4 I lie ; aBowv records to box mI of tho Dose nneli iudsrer t)anor. .,fui7 bound l V ' uiiuB'unnus anu iront. l'flf ..... 1 . . uww iux roocipu m duplicate-, or m jiiiibuii;. 2 dozen each. 43 assessors- lionlhr doth bound'perlHJOk; 10,000 asessorfs'Bdiedbiea- In' dupli cate. ,. ' qr to tlte s$ cofjribi;,6f said nw q" lalK",n, thence east 120 rods alorigsaid canal, nee. 23:' thence north on tho east l.rt f I A. inco north 53 rods. thflco wost 120 said nw or or' na m seczstn Lifno j. thence south Hftv.thfli i corner of said nw or of said sea .J : rods tt the nlnon qr or tho v rit df Bec. 14, town 14. iwwFnV tract on tho nwnr f-.i-- one- be- directors district shall bo an election precinct, and the polling places in said precincts biibii uu uo iuiiuwd. In Directors District No. 1 at the riatto vauey bciiooi nouse in saiu District. In Directors District No. 2 at the Nichols school house in said District. In Directors District No. 3 at the OTallon school house in said District. Tho ballot used at said election shall contain tho words: Irrigation district. , . .Yes. Irrigation district, No. Those voting in favor of the forma tion of said district shall mark their ballot with an X opriosito the words "irrigation district Yes." Those voting against tho formation of such irrigation shnll mark their ballot with an X opposite tho words "Irrigation district No." Thero shall also bo voted for at said election by tho electors of said proposed irrigation district, persons to fill tho following offices, which said officers must bo resident electors of said pro; posed irrigation district and directors districts. Ono person for treasurer, One person for assessor. And also three directors; ono for each directors district, who shall rcsido therein and be an elector In said district. Each elector shall write on Ins ballot nnd designate tho officers ho desires the person voted for to fill: One person for treasurer. One person for assessor And one person for directors of eaid irrigation district, from the directors district, in which said elector votes. Said election shall bo open at eight o'clock in tho morning nnd continue open until six o'clock in tho evening of said 2nd day of December, 1911. F. R, Elliott, Seal County Clerk, F. J. BROETTTCT? Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We an also tailors and know how to repair clothes. - We carry Bamples oft60dy ' - m .... . iiiunu v-iwmvo vi uu iwilUB IU OR1L insuring flrflt-cla worlatiansliiS and perfect fit. A. J. AMES. MAME AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, ) Office over" Stone Drup; Co. Janice 273 K J R&flMence 273 Oifico phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DRbST, Osteopathic PhyBiclan. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. ranee 81: thencvr wriat'rtn rh north Hri oi me soutn qrevwosw qr o.t swd sec. 14, to tho nw coroeT-df the sw ar of the aw qr of said, BeC 14; thenceforth on MOim jh bliu lJk til ,1. !.l'.i.W.I ledger paper, Bee) jn 120 rods, thenco" tidrtft fWod. thenee west 40 rods, tlrerito nnr?& 4b rods;, thence west 80 rods. tielHAi'rih'1h Poll books for'43 nroewcta frrertdral 4"ro.dtpto tne ne Cohier of the nW q;r election). ao'I,rocfJV?B45noral of the nw qr, of ,safd sectlorr 15UlWn Poll books for WnTodrl&'rnrlmarv i4, "TSS" 31J.theDC0, Vest ori tfeo north', election). pwwrw; ipnmary ,fno o thrj-8aid section to the hVrtrHef (Jiass li, Wiolo Bheet blariksfperrlOGt- Half sheet blnnkgipor 100,v Qtiartor sheet blanks per.,'10 LlWelopos, JxQi vpbr l,p0W. SnnfoWsChrtbr'tr'aAffordr ' " w V V4 VY1IV,- iiuju per ijuart. ' lUMrtitHlnH . M.J . n ".iiwriuu viiucmum orj;ii a: nrma vanadium or Falcon ponR-norilrross velvet pencils or'ooual. rubbor.lina of said see IB, thence west on thVrnorth lino of section lfl. tpWn 14, rangd SI, to the nw corner Of tho no nr nf nnMJW 16: thence north An thn nnnt Una ftYA sw qr of sec? 9,town 14, range 31,' Ui wherel said lino intmppta thm an.,v bank of the North) Platte river; thenco' vvuaiaiunir inn Hoiitii rmnir nr th Mn.ii, di.ii. v- -TT . r :. y ''hi i mno river to wnero saia hiinir intnr. Beets tho west lino f said thence south on the west linn nf nnl section v to the ne corner of section 17, town 14, range 31r thence west along tho north line of said section 17 to the Gertrude Gibbon Patterson, accuwnl f tho murdor of her husband, Charles A. Pattorson. whom sho shot to death whllo,thp.counlo was walking together in a . suburb of Denver, aontombengb. was declared not, guilty by a jury in tho. ffiHirici cwrs YYeunusnuy, fSendJ IT Ycmr Shipment of Gram and Hay Wo-nay the top raurkot. Trweo cou pons. iaeu with rtrn8 on erh car of hay you. shin us, to handle for your nc- V.UUUK, unu:uii. coupons ana .50 In cash will accurx for your honq an elegant; 42rFiece Rsyal BIu Dinner Set wortk $10.00. ebnsign your hay to a and ploaso ttio latllcB arulalso got a good price for your hay. Our MoUor Fair treatment and prompt rolttuncos. Sample of tho quality of theso dlshos cnnbo Btxpn nttho omcoof tho Semi Weekly Tribune. The F. C. .Ayre, Mer. Co., 20th and Wnzeo Streets, Denver, Colorado. Ailnfrnt,! . . nw corner of said see. 17? tlrnn an,u county ollicors. rcquireu ny nw the w. er of BaId tUon yj. thenco , auccesaful bkldor to furnish bond to 7 1 u,e nOTiO na or section ID to bo approved by tho county iSard. each llLT corJler of 8ninction 10; thence bidilorto have printed on thnvolono ?ortb1?n thfr west 'i"o of Bection 18, 'Bids for Printing ' onvoiopo, town 14; rango 31, 40 rods; thenco east Tho COinmisainnnnr scrv thu right to reject any or nil bids 27 19lf 'ltt0, Ncbraskn Nov- F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. iisu roaa, thence north 80 rods, thence uiini cu' ro(i9 inence nnrth Eft wwi il. . ' . tUUOi lllfinCfr West m; rodq. thnnn An wis to the aw corner of tho ne nr of iuunire west on tno soutn line of the- nw nrof said section 1. t Notice. JSQ aX corner of. "w qr of said sec. John Prar nn,i p u i??i.uw"5S north " the east line of hia wife: JosenhXL. Fr r, ' p i V' """"" F"' r.anBO ?2. to the SSLJSSsJst .Site ?TO2f3 -.rn I r .. ""iWMU, uuiun- BCCUOn IS to thn n xnni :.i ofNoSerr il 1. v .1 1 " limit iicr petition Court of Lincoln , againBt aakl defendantu ijwm, tor tho purpose of l... .-r. . ii. tltb io the Northwest J of S'l, 4' quid in ,,or Krantoo of John Frazen: that John j?5i?IJr ""JPfcSSM?? Bald section 23 town. "'' rnnce is;; tnence south on tho west lino . and ieach of of thn oat ,t r u x 1"L. we Fr lino ouiu sec- 1" " we sw cornor ol tho bo ar of :tton23; thence west razon: thnt .ir, tZ " u uib no orol sa d I mm Willi X' I Hnil 11 CT I KHPrinn 'J' m Miinxl the t Uo to .r... I, Zl V",U"W co;7ier or the ne as tho heir of Adena G. Ffazen,do- Ing mad.! homestead ontrV ol Wd land" thin LtfnTlFTWf aid 8ect,on 23? hut died ).fn, !, ti s A . . "n4 15en..wa.t on the north line of unction. of said Bbction a thenco north 120 rods; thence, west 160 rods to the west ime ox saw Bection 23: thnnon said real 22 91 vn Vk io Vr.." ul B",on? h6)r immn n, nn'Xl "nil r5"BO S and ........ vM Mtv iiwi kii imn cii Hnrr nn vi t but died boforo tho' title to usiato was acquired in 4linf ....... .1. toOTK" tt iS 5?A.fe JSfcw corner pf said sec and that tho said John Frazon tinder Xn u.u' ra,,Be3; thenco north tho laws of tho state o Nebraska U thatS? in3,hnco Wfu8t 1(50 xod', tho solo and onlv hlr r K8' "enl. nor.lh . P. the eaat lino "I OVUllUIl XH, 33 to the placo of answer said petition on or in. MJ'"7. " ,lT . corner of tho nw day, the first dav of Jnn, !, imo P b &1A lown mnge 33. all riv'hT)jf-ivayf tho main canal thereon l$v r.wsast and west and 40 rods north andVouflft being 0 acres. Afso all of a&tu tno ea nau or the ne qr; tno so " ,17,-ril.v l" ',vl1" oi tne nw qr: fK ? no.'tn nair or .too so qr of the nv qr; tid nortJi'Ujree-fOurth' of tho sw qroitnorr 4 "''."wction zs. ino nw qr nnd tftv nortt' Jtalf of thenenr and the north K'lf of rhtf sbut.h half of o no qr and tbfi bw qr Of tho sw afcin section 22; i,'' of scftilnh.j'nl .i . .. . V. L.i, 'i :ir ' . tanion sa; tne norm nan tn too qr w .uuu t-o, 111(3 IJUlu nun ai LUG no i ..a iiuiin uaii ui nit; HOL;n null pi 4 "m "urin iiuu oi uiw nw or, nllKfrr nnrtinn 9(1. nil nf n..nn tiHiVX nortvirof section 1&; theVwflTdf JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty SKIN DISEASES. rjaV and night Colin promptly answered Office" B' hospital. Phono 642, ftib' hv ani the north half of tho Wf Iflaarwr section SO, All , of salli last WWVnty, Nphrka.- Oflscrioka1 wnas aforesa d be n fin town rorec osuro wmIa. described rango 33: lana Tho Nfirrnp Kor1 1'OllLlOATlON tmrXn 11 No. o-mofor tb i wjrt , hal , and nnnt. iiir. Boc iui - tho 6th Prlnclpa flipd notlco or u . a 1 Aha WAV Si.Ve!9i ore tho- register nnd roc los as wltnosscss Harry , r? noehko, Geortro Macombor ber, all ot North Vlatte. OIIN K. kyib. upgmrn. at North7 of Dec. Itf , OlalmaTi JMBdlnnn. andpavld Nob. OlO rrg-a vs sale. rderof St BV VirtUfl nf nf A frojti tlio Distriifi f50jntV.'Nehr-JVtV. so tne north hlf of the i iS".0 V,i'J tfto sw qr of section 24, P "V."1 my &$t MiK r& acres of th court house fnNrirtH1 Pi& I f'nH..' AT I Tir ' AKo tlio' followlna beins ifi rbflsnshin norm' rjaui hi norfhalf dfi and noVth & nortlf half ana ttte fractlonnl anth'uit m , . , " 1 -.w.... nun or seciiwzor.twaeqror the rrw qr, the wr oi one nwjr,. me soutn nair of the nnnrh Imlf .nf tUrt at n. f all of SQctrbtt 28 vxant tho se qr of the .... . J . .m.. Lilt: nt, 1 1 r f 1 1 i . "i""' if, ujuuv flix j 1 1 1 iihl section 20: th.hb'fir'ff tho nn nr nf'.MJ Addition to-tho citv nT mAVH;i tion 22: all of section' ZZ- nnl inof , riincoln Countv. Nnhyi-4 scribed lands bfinM'tbrnt 14, range 33. foriated Nortfi PJatte' Nbb Oct. 2lk oll .... "V tion to the hirhoar:iitild.-l?' satisfy said decree, M&rostsJ,tfV i.rn:i'i i the followinrr to-wit: dribe(fJ Sale issued Court of Lincoln ion a decree of in said Court 'eld is plaintiff e defendants, on the 2nd ono o'ciock ot of tho Lincoln ash, tif costsl erty.J described 1911 itoii tracts to be indddtW liY ni,i ,n.f'n,. WJ,f,4Ii;ilL:iIll' m I. II fl Nf 1 1 J T IMV. T ui Hccuon zo. town m. .rtihvw in ,.,,. i ui un am x-. m,, tnence1 nbrth on tho section lirid 439 feet.4 tVit-nM ln.. - . . - """vii-i u-jwnjr uirecwop to a point 3IO feet ici norm oi mo Boutneatrccetliosof L. MnvroNDEai,, Sher)fVj Sorial No. (BWa. JV' -Dopanmont or the IntortoV ,. U.S. Land Omce at North j'VaYUNeu. Btvon that oi-.-iii.'v. l uii. j., ngn,, Wlin. nN Ha. . iiuiico w neroDr Southwest ntlhrtnrnf nT,T3:;f.r.:"! tf,?J& ?h l'latto. south nn thn Vi corner thence st Nwf , blace of bee nn nir. vrhKn ? (V BJ;'ir?Hf . Town 12. NTj.rJl ' ! tion of oaid tract ofTdru' fllo ; vyciiiciery una tne Uiivor" North colver at Nnrti7ii;:r'w':? "wisiorand Ub . natte, Nebraska: this deed" LAM in. day of Novom!; LiniY "uorM".on tboSltb r X "suiMMii ijiih aeea Demgln-lu V" "O'OHDer, mil. ihmi iibui nic iivrmwcsc ."icKens, Nea: rani RnT,i. if'muf acaa, sfflBjawwar iK- -air For thn numnon V,F !.?. -l t i ' Zl '"Mt Baldjrrigation district If frrried shnll 1 iniin.. .7'.'"-u"' JuniJ as follows: uirectorar diRtHrt Mri i oi.nir i,a- n that part of said -proposed' district sit'u- uw;u uaat or tno nait fiectinn nn mn. nine norUi and south through sections io, ii uuu ou, townsnin m. rnnrro m tho county conn mt.:"1"'' ui county, as. - " "W or Illram Mid estate nViV bo irani5?i,n.,5tr.a,t,on ,ot V. . -r. wwibhi ii ii, rungo at. L 'i 5s "ministrator Directors-diitVJct No. 2 Bhaft bo allto-35kraKl,B, TV.U . A. n that part; of said proposed district lying potuioVwhln iu fiS25?1 'P' Wn Hf. 0 hi..i.::u " -"'til. OA 111 Interested In nald West Of BJlIll illnnr-tnrS MoJ.i H iJ" 9 mVit. 'J".""" ?. WWoni. W&Kn 20 and IT cu hi;..;t; I m.'A"0 EMl? that notK nAVSHa nf .. z . I ' . i . . . i I iri vntt in .11 -v .luarinir 1 iinrnir v '."."."". 1'iyi'UBcu irniintion ,.;.Vv .rc .'.c''s"ns iniorested i lying West of directors dfstrict North IftttWi For the nurrioftn nr'Bnl,! n. J ctslvu Vpow, J'.??P.nA'-'threo ,ue- that nart uisr,nct o. 2. territory wblned In cF f S No2V;W.r-'uu'& , AMU