The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1911, Image 6

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IIIA L. DARE, Publisher
Gocnrnl narry's report concorniW
tho deficient education of many con
dldatcs examined for admission
Went Point MJIItnry Academy Ib in
foresting from tnoro thnn'ono point ol'
view. Theso young men wore not ta1
ken at hazard from tho mnna of their;
fellows, nor wcro they merely young
men of average nullity. Koch of them,
had been selected and chosen as a
nomlnco for n cndetshlp. IJnch of)
tlrwnhad prcflumnbly prepared for tho!
examination ho know awaited him:
cays tho Now York World. Yet ninny.
of them disclosed n degreo of Ignor
nnco concerning history and lltoraa
turo that could hardly ho surpassed
nmong Illiterates. Ono of theso as-)
plrantB for West Point stated that
Lee and Stonewall Jackson had fought
at Princeton and Trenton, another
that tho battlo of Waterloo was fought,
between "Nopollcan" and "Welling-,
ford." Of Mason and Dixon's lino It
was said It "divides Maryland from
Georgia." Among tho "most Import
ant writers of tho nineteenth century"
wore Included "Ellor Wheeler Wilcox.
Elbert Huggard, Jack London and
Dorothy DIx." Theso young men aro
graduates .of American schools. To
them havo been open from their boy-1
hood nil tho advantages of public IN
brarlcs and un InceBBant and well
nigh countless stream of magazines
und nowapapors. Thoy ouroly iiro not
dull boys nor unambitious. Their Ig
norance therefore, Is as discreditable
to their tcacherB an to themselves. ;
Tho Idea of reclaiming Kusslun
Bwamp lnnds Is not now. Llko manyj
other valuablo Idoaa It sprang up In
tho fertile mind of Peter tho Urcnt
who built his capital In n swamp, bo
causo It wnB tho only place ho could
find affording ncccas to tho sea. Potor,
selected tho Uolmogori district In thr
province of Archnngol for rnlslnp
Dutch cattlo bccauBO ho noticed the
resemblance between tho grass oil
Holland nnd that of tho IlolmogorJj
district. It Is now pointed out that
nt small exponso tho vnnt swamps Inj
tho provlnco of Archangel can boj
turned Into lands covered with the)
llolmogori grass, nnd that nf tor 'n few
years a largo portion of It will bo Ht
for raising cereals nnd vegetnblcB. A
systematic reclamation movement it
now planned by tho Russian dopartl
mont of agriculture.
Germany la fast becoming Amorh
canlzed, according to the reports ol
the Drltlah consul at Munich, whej
notes the symptoms in altered trndo)
methods, tho greater uso of advortlsi
Ing by business houses and tho growth,
of luxury and restlossnosB In prlvntcj
life, Bays the New York World. DutJ
what will strike AmoricanB thorny
selves as tho beat ovldonco of Amerlj
can tendencies In Qormany Is conj
talncd In tho mounting cost of llvlnpj
In Germany and In tho tmporlnl clian-j
cellor'a suggestion that It must bo aci
copied us part of tho now conditions j
Geologists aro claiming that thej
greatest underground river In tho
world flows from tho Hookv moun
tains underneath Now Mexico and!
Texas, emptying Itself In tho Gulf olj
Mexico. This rlvor Is thought to b
in places several mitas wide, nnd It Is,
believed that it feeds rivers that llowi
upon tho surface. Tho artesian woll
bolt of Texas Is pointed to as tho up-,
lifting of tho water from this rlvurj
often from eight hundred feet below
A Chlcar.o man who was arrested
for kissing a girl mndo n plea for,
.mercy by explaining that ho was bo,
badly under tho Influenco ot IntostJ
cants that ho didn't know whether linj
was kissing a girl or a horso, The;
judge, being unwilling to accopt In
" toxicatlon ob an oxcuso, fined tho of-,
fender $2G and eosta. Things aro not)
BB tllOy UB0U 10 DO.
: Massachusetts Is preparing to put)
tin force a law which will compel the.
retirement ot stato employees on ngcj
limit, but with a pension. Inasmuch'
as part of tho ponalon fund la to bo
obtained from enforced contributions?
from theoo employees, based on cor
Itnln percentages of their salaries
thoro caunot bo bo" much objection toj
tho plan as thoro might otherwise- bo
. Music is said to tncroaso h cow'a,
-output of milk, but farmers who sub J
joct their cows to phonograph concerts
.aro lacking in tho milk of human kind
Now York ollicluls prohibit flying on
Bnuday, but Newport authorities place;
no restriction wbntoyor on tho high;
flying gamo.
I Another American hetross has do
Icldod to cut. herself adrift from horj
noblo apouso, bpt tho market prlco oP
dukes nud earls Is as high as ovor,
The slzo or women's huts apponr to
increase as tho sonso of woman's Im
portance grows,
T. A. Ireland, Rifle 8hot of Colfax,
Wash., Tells a Story.
Mr. Ireland Is tho holder of four
world records and has yet to loso his
first match saya ho: "Kidney trou
ble bo affected my vision as to Inter
foro with my shoot
ing I became bo
nervous I could hard
ly hold a gun. Thcro
-was sdvero pain In
my back and head
nnd my kidneys wcro
terribly disordered.
Doan's Kidney Pllln
cured mo after I had
doctored and taken
nearly every remedy
imaglnablo without
relief. I will glvo
further dctnllu of my
caso to nnyonc on-
closing stamp."
"When Your Back Ib Lcimo, Remeni
bcrtho Name DOAN'S." Guc,nllstoroa
Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Easto Turnor I should think you'd
havo lots of troublo collecting 'wny
Viit here.
Collector Suromark Not on yor
mo; every uody noro knows I kin
Eil unk tho bull's-oyo nlno shots out of
"Four years ago I had places break
out on my wrist and on my shlu which
would itch nnd burn by opclls, and
scratching them would not seem 'to
glvo any rolief. When tho troublo first
began, my wrist and shin Itched Ilk
poison. I would Bcrntch those places
until they would bleed before I could '
get any rellof. Afterwards tho places
would Bcalo over, nnd tho flesh un
derneath would look red and favorish.
Sometimes it would bogln to itch until
It would wnkon mo from my Bleep,
and I would havo to go through tho
Scratching ordenl again.
Our physician pronounced it "dry
eczema." I used an ointment which
tho doctor gavo mo, but it did no good.
Then he advised me to try the Cutl
fcura Remedies. As this troublo has
boon in our family for years, and is
considered hereditary, I felt anxious
to try to head it off. I got tho Cutl
cum Soap, Ointment and Pills, and
thoy seemed to bo just what I needed.
"The dloeaso was making great
hoadwny on my system until I got
the Cutlcura Remedloa which havo
cleared my Bkln of tho great post.
From tho timo tho eczema healed four
years ago, until now, I havo never felt
any of its peat, nnd .1 am thankful to
tho Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment which
certainly cured mo. I always uso tho
Cutlcura Sonp for toilet, and I hopo
other BUfforers from skin diseases will
uso tho Cutlcura Sonp and Ointment"
(Signed) Irvon Hutchison, Thrco Riv
ers, Mich., Mar. 1C, 1011. Although
Cutlcura Soap nrtd Ointment aro sold
by druggists and dealers ovorywhoro,
a Bamplo of each, with 32-pago book,
will bo mailed freo on application to
"Cutlcura," Dopt. 17 K, DoBton.
Adam Beds on Pittsburg.
Plltsburg pntrlotB twisted their
faces awry at a Smokotqwn pun de
livered by former Congressman Bodo
of Minnesota.
Ho do nut It over in tlin I'llmnr at
a Sparkling speech at a chamber ot
commerce banquet.
After tolling how dearly ho loved
old Pittsburg and her flno old poo
plo, hor rich pcoplo and hor tollers, ho
"I llko Pittsburg becauso if I over
got tired of tho town I can wash it
Orator--! thought your paper was
friendly to mo?
Editor So It la. What's tho mat
Orator I mndo a speech at tho
dinner Inst night, and you didn't print
a lino of it.
Editor Well, what further proof do
you woni7 London Opinion.
Important to Mothom
Examine carefully every bottlo f
CASTORIA, a safo and euro remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Bears tho
Signature of
In Uso For Ovor 30'
Children Cry for Hotelier's Castoria
When ono is sad or out of sorts for
any causo whatovor, thoro is no rora
edy bo Infnlllblo as trying to make
Bomeul fly else happy. J. W. Carney.
Smokers like Lewis' Silvio Binder cigar
u im nvu iiiuuuw quality.
The man who Is envious of ovll
PRESIDENT TAFT and tho other prominent men who attended tho mine congress at Pittsburgh wcro espe
cially interested in tho demonstration of developments in first aid to those injured In mine disasters. Among
the new devices exhibited was the pulmotor, used to rcsuscltato thoso wo aro asphyxiated by noxious gases.
Outdoor Life Is Luring to Dwel
lers on Prairies.
Daughters of Two Men, Who Were
Disabled, Prove Expert Agricul
turistsPerform All Kinds
of Manual Labor.
Topeka, Kan. Many Kansas wom
en aro turning to ugrlculture and to a
llfo out of doors. Within tho last two
years a Bcoro or moro of young wom
en havo chosen tho farming vocation
in proforenco to teaching and to clerk
ships In stores and stenographic posi
tions. Some of them dcclaro that
much of tho work may bo dono by
women now that modern mnchinory
has lightened the burdens of the farm
er. But tho greatest benefits come,
they say, from tho noeded exercise
and tho life in tho open air.
Prominent among the young women
of Knii8U8 who are making n success
nt farming aro tho Misses Ruby and
Ollvo Herd of Hodgeman county.
Theso two sisters own a farm seven
miles west of Jetmore. Preferring a
llfo of indopendenco, thoy bought tho
land and built a modost cottago nnd
turned their attention to small farm
ing, poultry raising nd fruit growing.
Thoro aro no Snturday half-holidays
with tho two Herd sisters, for they
aro not seen at tho county seat or
tho local trading placo on that after
noon talking politics.
Thc3o two young women wero for
merly school teachorB. Their little
homo Is comfortable, and It shows
every cvidenco of refinement.
Miss Tllllo Rholnschlmdt, eighteen
years old, has demonstrated this year
that sho knows how to run a farm.
Her fathor Ib a well-known citizen of
Sumner township, Reno county, but
In the summer ho was disabled by a
uerlouB accident and tho burden foil
upon his dnughter to manage tho
work. Bossing a hired man and a
Dog Has Costly Gold Teeth
Little "Mexy" Had Bad Toothache and
His Owner Gave Him Brand
New Set of Incisors.
Chicago. In tho future, when
Mcxy's playmates laugh at him for
having no hair, ho will open bis
mouth In a yawn, curolossly display
ing n mouth full of gold teeth that
would fill tho soul of somo pooplo
with envy. Tho set of brldgowork
cost $112.
At least, tho3o wero Mcxy's pinna
when ho wna Interviewed. Not that
ho was so ill-bred us to sny anything
about his teeth. In fact, ho said
nothing Intelligible- to the nvcrago
man, for ho is iv Moxlcnn dog.
Ho bolongs to Dr. Henri Grosser, a
student nt tho ;Westorn Deutnl col
logo, and lives with Grosser and his
wlfo at 034 La Salle avonuo.
Dr. Grosser took Mexy from tho
refuge of tho Anti-Cruelty Bocloty sev
eral wooks ngo and soon afterward
discovered that tho dog was suffering
from toathacho.
An examination disclosed tho pros
enco of two nbsccssed Incisors and
Bovernl other teeth that needed atten
tion. The basement of tho Grosser homo
was turned into an operating room,
wltl Mexy ns tht patient and Dr.
Grooser tho dentist.
"Mexy aoemed to know that I 'was
doing what was host for him," Dr
Grosser said, "and, although ho ob
jected a good donl at first, ho gave
mo no trouble after tho tooth wero
out It was a great rollof to him, you
UMI . , w-.- -
boy, and doing a lot of tho work her
self, this bright Kansas girl has put
In nearly 100 acres of wheat, and per
sonally holped In tho work qf gather
ing tho corn from a field of 80 acres.
Sho proudly boasted that hers was
tho first field of corn gathered in
Sumnor township.
Probably tho best record made by
young women on Kansas farms this
year Is that of tho throe daughters
of Ronnie Grlom, a Kingman county
farmer. Ono of thom was teaching
school near Zenda. and tho other two
wero attending Kingman high school.
When their father was taken 111 tho
three girls camo homo from tholr
schools nnd sailed In to run that
farm. Tho elder Bister, tho school
ma'am prepared tho ground and
plnntcd several acres of corn with her
own hands, besides putting out other
Says Our Music is Trashy
Dr. Drunner of Berlin Declares Rag
time Will Drive UaAII Crazy
It Jars Nerve Centers.
Los Angeles, Cal. That Ragtlmo
music will eventually drive the Amer
ican public crazy because of its effect
upon tho nerve centers and brain
cells of tho human system, and that it
Is mainly responsible for many busi
ness failures and cases of hopeless
Insanjly, is tho belief of Dr. Ludwlg
Brunner, late Instructor In the Im
perial academy of medical research at
Berlin, who arrived hero recontly.
"Your ragtime nlr Jars tho nerve
centers and causes nn Irritation of tho
brain colla," Bays tho doctor. "While
tho roll and thump of ragtime is ex
hilarating to the senses nnd acts as a
stimulant, It has tho after effects of
nn Injurious drug that will eventually
stngnato tho brain cells and wreck
tho nervous system.
"I havo been In this country several
months and everywhero I havo visit
sco, for as soon as I had removed tho
tooth the pain stopped.
lie used to lie perfectly still wnen
was taking the Impressions and
made no trouble, even when I was
fitting tho new teeth In place. Thoy
aro good and sound, too, and not a
dog In Chicago Is hotter able to chew
bones and mont than ho."
By reason of his teeth, Mexy has
become ono of tho celebrities of tho
Osculation Nettled Kansas Justice
Who Was Performing Ceremony
Bride Was 40 Years Old.
. Kansas City, Kan. William W.
Shannon will be known about tho
courthouse In future as tho kissing
bridegroom. While ho nnd Mlnulo I.
Stockey, both of Ottawa, Kan., wero
being married by .Tustlco Cass Welch
In tho county recorder's office, ho kiss
ed his bride five times. After every
question the Justice nskod Mr. Shan
non insisted on kissing the brldo be
fore tho question was answered.
"If you don't cut out tho kissing I
won't go any further with this cere
mony," Justico Welch told tho brldo
groom. "You not only violate tho nn-tl-klsslng
rules ot this office, but Inter
rupt a most solemn ceremony."
"Guess 1 can wait 32 seconds If you
finish up In that time," Mr. Shnnnon
told tho Justico. He kept his promtso.
Mr. Shannon Is 39 years old and un
til tho ceremony was n bachelor. Tho
bride Is 40 year old.
crops. Tho two high school girls
rolled up their sleeves and made full
hands on tho farm.
Tho thrco of them plowed corn,
milked cows, delivered cream, har
vested wheat and oats, cut 30 acres ot
alfalfa thrco cuttings, put up a lot of
pralrlo hay, raised corn that mado CO
bushols to the aero and performed
overy bit of tho fnrm work unnBsast
cd. Not a man was seen on' tho Grlem
place nil summer. When their fathor
was able to bo out thoy pointed to
granaries full of corn and wheat, tho
barns housing fat cuttle and sleek
horses, and tho bank account intact.
They wcro proud of tho fact that thoy
did not pay out a dollar to men to
nchlevo this record.
Generally tho women of Kansas who
have turned from tho cities to the sim
ple ilfo out In tho country aro not
concerned about marriage. They aro
women ot mature years and Judgment,
to whom marriage relation does not
appeal unless It carries with It energy
and tho ability to make a living.
ed, New York, Chicago, New Orleans
and Snn Francisco, tho little minds
are crazy with ragtlmo.
"If something be not dono tho clas
sics of the long ago will be a thing ot
tho past entirely, and they will be
singing Rational hymns in ragtime."
Good Eye Removed, Sees.
Carlisle, Pa. By removing his ac
tlvo eye, Jacob Shields, who has been
blind In tho other for If years, has occn
enabled to see perfectly out of tho
ono formerly defective.
Recently Shields suffered a sudden
attack of total blindness from tho
strain Imposed on tho good eye by the
blind. Ho wan removed to a Philadel
phia hospital, and thoro tho physi
cians determined that his good eye,
which had been affected, would have
to bo done away with. Thoy discov
ered, however, that tho blind oyo
was mado bo by a cataract. That re
moved the blind eye regained its
People Drink From Stagnant Pool
Scented With Stolen Perfume and
Story Spreads of Spring.
Calcutta, Ono of the most extra
ordinary religious hoaxes over regard
ed even in India has Just occurred
in the northern part of Calcutta.
A pool of stagnnnt water formed
from tho accumulation of sewago
from roadside drains suddenly began,
nccordlng to, tho local Inhabitants, ta
emit a Sweet perfume which had a
lovely lemon llnvor. Many pcoplo
came, smolt, and wero conquered, and
the rumor spread that tho pool was
holy and that a new goddess would
soon rlso from Its waters to redeem
tho world.
Tho pool became a place of pllarlm
age. Diseased people bathed In It
and drank of it, and those of uneasy
conscience washed nwny their sins In
it. Tho water was carried away In
Jugo nnd bottles and a brisk trade
sprang up under tho aegis of un astute
young Bengalee In selling the "holy
wnter" In all partB of tho city at as
much as $1.50 a bottle. .
News of tho holy perfume camo to
the ears of Boso & Co., scent manu
facturers, who sent a connoisseur to
Investigate. His nose Immediately
provided him with a clow to tho mys
terious disappearance of several cases
of essential oils belonging to tho Arm.
The police found that several broken
bottles of tho oils had been thrown
Into tho pool. ThlB was tho oxplana
tlon of tho holy smell.
Tho young Bengalee and a carter.
suspected of having stolen tho oils,
i wero arrested.
Prejudice Is
Serious Menace
Prejudice Is a hard thing to overcome,
but where health is at stake and tho
Opinion ot thousands of reliable people
differs from youri projudlco then be
comes your mcnacv and you ought to
lay It aside. This Is said In tho Inter
est ot people suffering from chronlo
constipation, and It is worthy of tholr
In tho oplnk.t of legions of reliable
American people tho most stubborn
constipation Imaginable can bo cured,
by n brief uso of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. You may not havo heard of ft
before, but do not doubt Its merits on
that account, or because It has not been
blatantly advertised. It has sold very
successfully on word ot mouth recom
mendation. Parents aro giving It to
their children today who were given It
by their parents, and It haa boon truth
fully said that moro druggists uto It
personally In their families than any
other laxative
Letters recently received from Mr.
Harry Itackcnburg, Klllott, Iowa, and
Mrs. E. aodlng. DIx. Nebr., are but
a few of thousands nhowlng tho es
teem In which Dr. Caldwell's Byrup
Pepsin Is held. It Is mild, gentle,
non-griping not violent, llko salts
or cathartics. It cures gradually and
pleasantly so that In time naturo
again does Its own work without out
side aid. Constipated pooplo owa It to
themselves to uso this grand bowel
Anyono wishing to mako a trial of this
remedy beforo buying It In tho regular
way of a druggist nt fifty cents or ono
dollar a largo bottle (family size) can
havo a sample bottlo sent to the homo
freo of chargo by simply addressing Dr.
W. D. Caldwell, 201 Washington St.,
Montlccllo, III. Your name and address
on a postal card will do.
In Strange Company.
Tho Visitor And whnt Ib that gray
stono structure over there?
Tho Courier Zat ees zo armory for
xo soldiers. .
Tho Visitor Ah, yes. And that
long, low building that looks llko a
train shed what Is that?
Tho Courier Zat ees zo arsenal.
Tho Vlsltor-I sco. And what Is tho
big factory with tho Immense- smoke
The Courier Zat ees zo gr-a-real;
iron works where is mado zo big gun,
an' co shot an' zo shell.
Tho Visitor And that peculiar look
ing structuro across tho river tho
ono with tho rounded roof?
Tho Courier Zat ees zo powder
Tho Visitor And what is this mng
nlflcent marble Btructuro with Its won
ierful domo'and countlesB columns?
Tho Courier Oh, zat ees only zo
palace of peace! Cleveland Plain
A Hunting Story.
An old backwoodsman that Abra
ham Lincoln often told of had very
heavy, overhanging cyobrows, and
woro big spectacles with brass rims.
Ono day he camo rushing Into his
cabin and seizing his rifle, nlmed It
carefully through a crack of tho door
At a great oak tree that stood near,
rvl fired.
"What Is It?" whispered his wife.
"A wildcat," Salry," ho said, ex
citedly, "an I missed hlml"
Ho hastily loaded and fired again,
And then again.
"Now, hold on, Joshua," said hln
good wife. "Let mo look at you.
why, laws-a-daisy, It's nothln' but a
Uttlo.bug on ono o your oyebrowBl"
One of the Accessories.
Quiet-Spoken Customer You keep
everything for the piano, don't you?
Salesman Yes, sir. Wo do, Blr.
Quiet-Spoken Customer Give me
an nx! Puck.
"Tho men came to clean tho fur
nace out."
"Then they cleaned me out."
Sloan's Liniment has a
soothing effect on the
nerves. It stops neural
gia and sciatica pains in
stantly. Here's Proof
Mrt.C. M. Dowkerof Johannesburg,
Mich., wrltet : " Sloan t Liniment Ti
the bet medicine In the world. It has
relieved me of Neuralgia. Those pains
have all cone and I can truly cay your
Liniment did atop Intra."
Mr. Andrew K. Lear ol CO Gay Street,
Cumberland. Md., writest "I have
used Sloan's Liniment for Neuralgia
nnd I certainly do praise It very much."
is the best remedy for rheu
matism, backache, sore
Uiroat and sprains.
At all dealers.
Sloan's book on
Horses, Cattle,
lloca and Poul
try tent free.
Earl S.Sloan
Boston, Ma ux.
doern will soon be ono himself.