The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1911, Image 3

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Eradicates scrofula and all
other humors, cures all their
effects, makes the blood rich
and abundant, strengthens a41
the vital organs. Take it
-.CeS !l ito,,,a,y. In M,,w Nl'ild form or
chocolated tablet called 8ar80tobi!.
Nebraska Directory
THE PMT8N SoSa fa!
Itoorna from tl.ou up Mnitle, 78 i-cutsVip double
CURED In a few days
without rain or a sur.
ideal operation. Ho pay until cured. Write
mi. WltXV, 307 llco lldgH Omalm, Nob.
I enn make you
money by celling
your butter, tags
and poultry on
Itatiort l'nrvls
Established 1179
11 it Wo pay high-
llllQ est prices for
Up 11 Hides, Furs,
Pelts, Tallow and
Wool. Write for our nrico
list nnd tags today. We have no
Branch Houses. GREAT WESTERN
HIDE & FUR COMPANY, 1214-1218
Jones Street - - Omaha, Nebraska
Agent's Talk of the Efficiency of
"Touch" Merely Amused Old
Man's Darling.
Laurence A. Tnnzor of tho Citizens'
union, was condomnlng in Albany cer
tain features of tho proposed Now
fork charter.
"I don't want to sco tho city In tho
power of tho bosses," ho said. "1
don't want to see tho city placed In
tho position of old Gobsa Qolde.
"Gobso Goldc, you know, married In
his old nge a beautiful young actress
a very regrettable thing.
"Tho fair young Mrs. Gobsa Golde
was examining tho royal snlto In a 30
story hotel of crcnra-colored stono one
day, and tho hotel manager was point
ing out tho suite's manifold conveni
ences. " 'You touch a button,' he said, 'and
this onxy bath fills automatically. You
touch a button, and tho tempcrnturo
of each room rises or falls. You touch
a button, and a motor car is at tho
door. Yon touch a button '
"But Mrs. GobBa Goldc. nodding
mischievously toward her aged hus
band, Bald:
"Oh, I havo no uso for your silly
llttlo buttons. I only need to touch
my husband, and diamond necklaces,
yachts, ropos of pearls anything I
want appear "
An old lady, tho customer of an
Irish farmer, was rather dissatisfied
with, the watery appearanco of her
morning's cream and finally Bhe com
plained very bitterly to him.
"Be alsy, mum," said Pat "You
see, the weather of lato has been so
terrific hot that It has scorched all
tho grass off the pasture land, nnd 01
have been compelled to feed tho poro
bastes on water lilies!" Ideas.
"Gho left mo for some motive- or an
other." "Probably another." Llpplncott'a
The moment n man begins to lovo
his enemies ho bns tho dovll's bate.
Must Have tho Kind of Food That
Nourishes Brain.
"I am a litorary man whoso nervous
energy is a great part of my stock in
trade?, and ordinarily I havo llttlo pa
tience with breakfast foods and tho
extravagant claims made of them. But
I cannot withhold my acknowledg
ment of tho debt that I owo to Grato
Nuts food.
"I discovered long ago that tho very
bulklnoss of the ordinary diet was not
calculated to glvo ono a clear head,
tho power of sustained, accurate think
ing. I always felt heavy and sluggish
in mind as woll as body aftbr eating
the ordinary meal, which diverted tho
blood from tho brain to the dlgestivo
"I tried food3 easy of digestion, but
found thorn usually deficient in nutri
ment. I experimented with many break
fast foods and they, too, proved un
satisfactory, till I reached Grape-Nuta
And then tho problem was solved.
"Grape-Nuts agreed with mo per
foctly from the- beginning, satisfying
my hunger and supplying tho nutri
ment that so many other prepared
foods lack.
"I had not been using It very long
before I found that 1 was turning out
an unusual quantity and quality of
'work. Continued uso has demonstrat
ed to my entlro satisfaction that
Grape-Nuts food contains tho elements
needed by tho brain and norvouB sys
tem of tho hard 'working public wri
ter." Namo given by Postum Co., Bat
tle Creek, Mich.
"There's a reason," nnd it 1b ex
plained in the llttlo book, "Tho Road
to Wellvlllo," in pkga.
Ever read tho above letter? A new
one nppenra (rum time to time. They
are treuulne, true, and lull of human
Adding Two More
Tins joa
WASHINGTON. Now that It seems
certain that two new states will
bo ndded to tho Union by March 4,
New Mexico nnd Arizona being slated
for promotion from territories, tho
flag factories run by tho government
are In for some busy tlmos. It will
bo necessary first for tho departments
here to ducldo how tho now stara
shall bo placed on tho flag. Tho field
of the flag 'Is becoming crowded with
stars and It is no easy matter to re
arrange them so that tho section re
served for constollatlons may not be
martlsttcnlly Jumbled. This duty de
volves upon ofllclnls of tho army and
navy departments who must meet
and decide how tho new stars repre
senting tho two now states aro to
bo placed on tho fleld of tho flag.
Then tho work of rearranging tho
Hold on all tho flags owned by Uncle
Sam will bo bogun, and a gigantic
task it will be.
Tho army flags aro ull remade at
tho various government depots, tho
work being given to women who uro
widows of army men or -daughters
of veterans with somo claim on tho
government for employment. Tho nn
val flags aro usually fixed up by tho
sailors themselves, the Jnckics being
Just as handy with tho neodlo and
the sowing machlno as the women and
Uncle Sam Teaches
AN0T15D professor from the Univer
sity of Chicago, who spent several
months in tho Phlllpplno islands as
lecturer at tho teachers' vacation as
sembly, conducted by tho bureau of
education every year at Bagulto, tho
summer capital of tho Islands, re
turned recently to tho United States.
"Other nations ono of thoBo days will
be coming to tho Philippines to see
how tho educational triumphs havo
been won," ho said, In speaking of
the work of tho schools there.
Without question ono of tho tri
umphs of America in tho Orient is
the wonderful work thnt has been ac
complished there by tho public school
system during tho ten years since its
organization. From "a mere handful
of pupils, and an cxpcndlturo of a
fow thousand dollars In 1901, the sys
tem has developed until now it
reaches into every town and nearly,
every village of tho Island, and last
year instructed more than 600,000
boyB and girls. The Philippine gov
ernment spent moro than $3,250,000 of
local revenue for education.
Tho scrvlccB of moro than 9,000
American and Filipino teachers aro
employed In tho various schools of.
the Islands as supervisors and class-
Federal List of
THE so-called "list of immortals" of
tho United StatCB biological sur
veya roBter kept by that bureau of
all hunting fatalities In this country
already this year has had added to It
47 names. From this Information tho
bureau hopes after a fow years to
bo ablo to deduce general principles
which will bo of value In framing
"Hfe-Bavlng" federal and Btato game
"Ono fact which we havo learned
during the three years wo have kept
this record," said Dr. T. S. Palmer,
chief of the bureau, "la that there aro
practically no deer hunting accidents
in stnles which prohibit tho shooting
of does. This Is becauso in those
states the hunter hesitates a moment
Pay Girls to Paw
UNIQUE among government "Jobs"
Is that of tho two women who sit
side by sldo down in tho basement of
tho treasury department nnd spend
the entlro day going through the con-'
tents of tho department waste bas
kets. They are searching for stmy
bonds, checks and bills that may
through Eorno mishap ,havo fallen
Into tho baskets. Tho positions of tho
two women nro more Important than
their placo on tho treasury rolls would
Indicate, for somo tlmo back ono of
thorn fished up a $10,000 United
States coupon bond. Tho two women
havo been doing this work for yours
Not a scrap of paper is permitted
to be carried out of tho treasury de
partment until it has passed the .cen
sorship of tho olllclal examiners of
the wasto baskets, Thero Is a rule
In the service also that no envelope
letter or slip of paper shnll bo thrtyn
Into a bashot until It has been lorn
tav at a nums
Stars to the Flag
ns they have a great deal of lclsuro
time the sailors manngo to do their
own olllclal needlework when tho
flags are called in for tho addition of
stars and tho rearrangement of tho
Held of stars.
Tho addition of ono star to tho flag
sometimes proves an easy task. Tho
amount of work Involved dcuends
upon tho position of tho stars already
on tho flag. If there Is room at tho
bottom of tho last row of sturB for
tho addition of another then It is
merely a matter of adding that extra
star nnd this Is a comparatively easy
Job. But tho Held of stars Bcldom
lends itself in that kind of manner
to tho work of adding additional
stars. Tlic symmetrical arrangement
of the stars Is a matter of tho utmost
Importance nnd this requires much
much thought and skill on tho part
of tho ofllclals to whom la entrusted
tho work of designing a field with
the extra stars added.
Tho first work when tho design of
tho now ling has been sent out to tho
arsenals, Is to rip off tho stars thnt
havo to bo placed la different posi
tions. TIiIb work Is done by rows of
women who aro armed with sharp
pointed knives. They placo trio star
to bo removed on a padded bnso that
holds the cloth taut. Then thoy care
fully rip out the stitches until tho
star Is removed. This work goes on
for weeks nnd sometimes months, for
all tho flags In tho country must bo
rearranged. As tho stars aro ripped
off they are dropped in bnskcts nnd
not usctLngnln, now stars being sown
on to replace tho discarded ones. Tho
new stars are cut by means of a dlo.
Filipinos to Farm"
room teachers of tho academic and
technical subjects of tho courses of
study. The University of Chicago
sent Dr. Shcpnrdson nnd Dr. Goodo,
two of Its ablest and most successful
extension lecturers, to Manila during
tho past vacation to remain in resi
dence at the vacation assembly of
teachers and conduct education
courses during the session.
In referring to tho class of mon
nnd women engaged In tho education
work there, they speak In tho high
est terms. "I havo seen many gath
erings of educators, but nono which
average higher thnn this one," said
Dr. ShopardBon. . "Tho reason, no
doubt, Is thnt nowhere elso could such
a company be found of mon nnd wom
en who aro doing" pioneer work, who
havo tho spirit of tho pioneer, nnd
whoso earnestness In pursuing ideals
is reflected In conversation and con
ference ' talk."
Immortals' Growing
beforo firing to detcrmlno whothor
the animal Is a doo or a buck. In
case tho animal happens to be tho
two-logged variety that brief nuuso
beforo pulling tho trigger Is enough
to save human life." Moro than lfiO
persona were killed last year in hunt
ing nceldontB. This was considerably
larger than tho number In 1309, which
In turn wbb GO per cent. In excess of
tho 1908 fatalities. "Of tho 47 klllcA
so far this year," said Dr. Palmer,
"the largest number were reported
from MIchlgnn, with IB deaths, Now
York coming second with nine, Wash
lngton and New Jorsey bolng tied for
third placo with threo fatalities each.
"In proportion to Its population tho
United Stntcs lends tho world In tho
number of hunters within its borders.
Unfortunntely It also leads In the pro
portion of fatal hunting accldonts.
"There Is five times moro Interest In
game InwB In this country than In
any other country. Wo estlmato that
there aro almost 5.000,000 American
huntors. in several of tho western
states tho hunters constltuto ao much
as 13 per cent, of the population."
Over Waste Baskets
or otherwise mutilated. This disfig
urement is a sign to tho examiners
that the paper was intentionally
thrown Into the baskets. Consequent
ly a sharp lookout is maintained by
tho two women exnmlnors for un
marked cnvolopes and olllclal looking
l sometimes hnppens that a gust
of wind will carry a bond or a check
from an ofllclal's desk and whisk It
Into his scrap basket. It la almost
aB safe thero as If It repoBed under
lock and key, for the chances are a
hundred lo ono In favor of tho ex
aminers rescuing It.
Moisture Steadily Transferred
From One Particle to An.0th.9r.
When Surface of Soil Is Left Undis
turbed Tubes Come Closo Togeth
er, Allowing Water to Pats
From One to Anothor.
Now capillarity 13 a big word, nnd
It moans something pertaining to a
hair. Now hair haB very llttlo to do
with tho soil and yet "capillarity of
tho soil" Is a common term. Very
lino tubes nro called capillary, or half
like tubes, and the word capillary
la often applied wrongly becauso wo
hove no tetter word to express tho
moaning. For Instance, tnko two
sheets of glass and place them In a
ran of water, and tho water will
How up between them (nr above tho
cvcl In tho pan. and If tho glaBs Is
not too long. It will run over tho top,
wrltOH John iBanc In tho Town nnd
rountry Journal. This la called capll
'ary attraction. Place a pleco of wool
n rag In a pan of water nnd lonvo
ono oud of It over tho sldo and tho
wator will run up the cloth and over
'he rim or tho pan. This, too, I3 called
splllnry attraction, yet In neither
faro are their any halra or hair llko
.'ubes. Now, In tho soil wo often
M'ak of tho loss of molsturo by capll
'nrlty or caplllnry attraction, and ot
"aplllary tubes through which tho wa
ter csenpea. but thoro nro no such
lubes and no continuous pnsnngo be
tween tho tdwer moisture In the soli
nnd tho surface Hut thoro Is a con
stant flow of water through tho
eoII, and this molsturo Is being
steadily transformed frdm one par
tlclo to another. Now when tho,
surface of the soil Is left undisturbed
theso particles como very closo to
gether, nnd tho closer thoy lie to
gether tho moro easily tho wntef
pnssca from ono to tho other. So It
tho ground is loft It compnets, thnt
la, tho soil particles como closor to
gether; thlH forms a very closo con
nection between tho surfaco and tho
lower layers, nnd between these
closely compneted particles thoro nro
mlnuto spaces through which tho
water raises with comparative rapid
ity, this comes to tho surfneo and Is
ovnporatod by tho sun, bo thnt It Is
lost to tho soil nnd wo say tho ground
Ib dry. In speaking of this process
It Is often said that tho molsturo es
capes through capillary tubes, al
though na you boo, thoro aro no tubes
nt all, only a closo connection bo
tweon tho mlnuto soil particles,
which Is Just as bad, for It affords n
continuous passage for tho water to
como up to the surface and bo lost
To prevent tho escapo of this
niolBturo too rapidly, somo poopld
apply what Is known as a mulch to
tho soil, or to such parts as thoy wish
to protect. This Is somo kind of cov
ering, straw or other, which will
ahndo tho ground nnd provont tho
evaporation of the wntor by tho sun.
This, of course, does not provont tho
tens of thousands of llttlo pumps'
which aro at work on ovory squaro
foot of tho soil from bringing tho
molsturo to tho surfneo. To check
thlB loss and prevent too much of tho
water from escaping, wo rosort to
whut Is called "cultivation." Thnt la
wo keep tho surfaco always broken
up; keep stirring tho top soil, so
that tho connection between tho soil
particles is brokon up and pre
vented from being continuous. This
forma what Is called n dust mulch,
or a dust covering, and If this Is kept
from compacting, It prevents tho for
mation of continuous passages for
tho water which Is kopt In tho soil,
until It flows pnst the trees and plants
whose roots tnko It up and uso It for
building up their Hbbucs and making
fruit nnd grnln, it does not tako long
,for tho particles to sottlo closo to
gether again, so that they roqulro fro
quont stirring up. You will undor
.stand from this tlo philosophy of
cultivation, or tho froquont ntlrrlng ot
tho soil, nnd why it Is necessary.
In Dry Northwest It Has Mot With
Considerable Favor It Resists
Drought Splendidly.
Durum vyhont Is gonorally grown ns
a spring wheat. In tho dry northwost
it has mot with considerable favor. I(
gonorally out-ylolda spring wheat nnd
reslstB drougth splendidly. Tho gront
est objoctlon to growing macaroni
whont In this country has boon tin
lack or market, tho millers at ilrsj
discriminating ngnlnst It. AnnlyscJ
Indlcnto that Durum wheat ha n hlgl;
vnluo for feeding purposes, bolng conl
slderably rlchor in protoln than ori
dlnnry whont, says tho Wallacos
Farmer. It Is bo hard, though, that I)
must bo ground beforo bolng red. Wi
havo reason to suspect that a largcl
amount of feeding nutrtentH can by
obtained from nn ncro of Durum when)
in n dry season than from nny otho)
spring grain unlosa It be barley oi
Durum wheat does not Btool qultd
as much as ordinary spring whenfi,
nnd consequently should be sown n lit)
tlo thicker. A bushel and a half to
two bushels to tho aero Is about right!
Clean Milk Palls.
When pnils are loft around wltlj
milk clinging to them the bnctorlj
grow nnd multiply at n tremendoui
In order to have woodon utonsllj
enduro eorvlco hotter nnd keep puN
longer, wash them In cold water bo
fore they are scalded,
How to get FREE
MOTHER'S OATS Fireless Cooker
Over 80,000 of these cookers now kl uso
How to get tho
cooker free
This advertisement
is Rood for 10 cou-
pons cut it out and
you have a bin start.
Then in every pack
age of AIi Air's Oats
you will find a cou
pon. Save the cou
pons and uct the
cooker ftce in a
hurry. Only tut ad
vtrristmtnt will it
accepted fnm each cut
tomtr as 10 coupons.
Take advantage of this offer NOW '
Buy a package of Mother's Oats today
Uncle Jeth Had Deep Reason for Oc-'
cupatlon Thnt Wan Qeemlngly
Unprofitable. '
John Collier, tho secretary of Now
York's board of moving picture cen
sors, said tho other day:
"It's no good getting up objec
tionable picture plays. Wo never
pass them. In fact, wo turn thorn down
so invariably that It scorns to mo tho
composes of Bitch plays aro animated
by a spirit of porvorBlty. Thoy re
mind mo of old Undo Jothro Husk,
"Undo Jcthro Bnt flBhlng on tho
bank of n tiny rivulet when a stran
ger stopped bcsldo him nnd Bald:
" 'Is it posslblo thnt thero aro any
fish In Buch a small stream as that 7'
"'No, thero ain't nono,' Undo Jeth
"'But you'ro fishing.'
"'Yep,' snld Undo Jeth.
" 'What, then, la your object?'
" 'My object,' said Undo Jeth, 'Is to
show my wlfo I ain't got no tlmo to
sift tho ashes.'"
"Do. you mean to toll mo you really
Hvo In Chicago?"
"Yea. You speak na if you thought
tt romarkablo for mo to do so."
"Why, I supposed peoplo merely
stayed In Chicago until thoy got
money enough to Hvo In Now York."
For over fifty yenni Hlicumntlmn, Ncn
mlffin, and other painful nilmcnts havo
been cured by Hnmllus Wizard Oil. It in
a Rood honciit remedy and you will not
regie t having a bottlo ready for uie.
No Proof.
Blanche Whcro was Percy educat
ed? Belle In his hoad but I don't won
dor you aBk.
To strike at ail Involves a victory
nchlovcd over sloth, inertnoss and In
difference. Dickons.
Don't go with tho crowd Just be
cause It Is n crowd.
You know what you soil or -buy throiifxh tlln itu'led llitliUtiout
22P .l1!?.",?.0. ,n fl,ty. t0 ooapo HAL10 BTAUMO DISTPMl'Iffn.
"BPOHN'B" is your true, protoctloti, your only snfoKunrd, for
na euro ns you treat all your horses with It, you will soon
bo rid ot tho dluooBo. It nota nn a euro provontivo no mat
ter how tlloy are. "oxposod." CO Cents anrt I a bottloj JS
nnd $10 Uoxon bottles, at nil kooU ilruKfflotH, liorso Kooda
Iioupich, or delivered by tho nianufacturqrs.
6H0HN MEDICAL CO.. Chamtttt and Dicterletooliti, GOSHEN, IND U.S.A.
Rayo lamps and lanterns nlve
most light lor the
The light Is strong and steady. A
maicnaia ana worgmansnip arc tno ocsr. uayo lamps and
lanterns last.
ll your dcaltr to $hou you hit line of Jtavo lamp nnd lanterni, or tcrtfe for
illuitratetl booklet! direct to any agency of
Standard Oil Company
2.50, 3.0D, 3.B0 & 4.00 SHOES
WOMEN wear W.L. Douglas rtylhth. perfect
r:t!nr ..... ...iL! i i . i !..
t. vumii uuuk, MEUiuia uicy
long wear, soma at w.!uoU(ias Men shoes.
The workmanship which hasmadeW.L.
Douglas shoes famous tho world over is
maintained in every pair.
W. L. Douglas shoes are warranted to
hold their shape, fit and look belter and
wear longer than other makes for the price.
CAUTION Tl' B,''l" Jmvo W. I IlmiRlim
Shoes Beat Evorywhero All Charges Prepaid.
.. ii irriirr or num. ir w i.
.u.ukm yw uiiii iiiniii iirrmwiMii iiruvy mou
' lUht tale, j ,toth taraft 7ioe
laa ahon are not aolilln your town.aand direct to I
larlory. Tk iiiMiauremi-nlB ot foot aa ilioitn I
In modal atate ctyle itralrmli alia ami width (
Illnatriileil 4'iitiiliiK free.
mHnirk'ui inrnliiJu
lib Bparh Ht., Brockton,
If you arc going
out, place the
entire dinner in
the cooker
and it will' bo
ready to serve
when you get
Why Rent a Farm
nnd be eompelle d to pay to your landlord ntoit
or your narti-eimita promt?
Own your own
Secure a I'ree Ilomcatend In
Manitoba, Oatkatchewan or
Albertn, or purchnie
land in one 01 me
districts and hnuk n
profit ! iu.uiynr
TlUsH eaJ.OQ an acre. The
crop grown on throa
1 n m A m unrt.nt thm
advance. You can
Become Rich
farming- nd groin vrowlna In
the province of Manitoba.
Sta-iuatcliewan and Alberta.
Free liomeileod nnd pre
rmtitlun arena, aewr 11 aa land
held by railway and land com
ranlea, wilt provluo home
lor mllllon.i. 38
Adaptable anil, ticnlllilnl
climate, anlendlil achonla
i'or euTir' rntcn, (Mnorltiujra
llteraturq'-IJUl Ural Wtr'how
In ri-nch toe rminlrr and et h?r ir
tloulara, write to Htip'l of trunil-
6 railoti, Ottawa, Canada, or to the
anadlan Uavormuenl Agent.
Rom 4 Bm Hit. omthi, NK
PlMie writ to thncflt)irarmt yon
Hni all the elemmita ot
Bond itylei woit rraetW
eal d-ei thnt cart be vrora
thta umod, Moat at-
iraptlvo linitBO dven er
oalsned , HU tltes.f roin n
tdttlnehoi buat'focatura.
requlr a 0a ynrda of nie
porcalo and lawn are ax
wenr. toft Bilk and light
ntlalit vrooltn niatomU
for atreetwear.To quickly
Introduco oor ha home
tnasailue whlrli lias all
the latitat) fanlilona, fancy
hurt eterlee anil nuni otkte
iimcIaI fantntci in'
ka t
pwlal aHmtttlnt offtr too
OBIT w na
m lu-tla.
lor iiclal (rial s-moi. tub
tlloH.antl If von alio.
ciaianamiaolflrj honnkiop
ara a will unit yon tbli pop.
ular drtai frra. Da
ui a to tall your ila whin or
fttrtnf, aliowy rmi want paa
tarn No.WiO. ildraiotonea,
xxnium inn jounaaia
ratlarn Dayl 17,Om aha, N.U
W. N. U.r OMAHA, NO. 47-1011.
oil used.
Rayo never flickers. Hk.k,AV,
ONli PAUtnf my iioVH' tM.avi.noor
.!. HIIOIIH will l.o.ltlvoly oilt wour
i... xwo 'AIH8 of ordinary baya'alioee
Hti. fa,t ooler ylts U$et Excluaheljf.
BlilluMTiC Sr I aiiu-uu nn acre
IliWI5" A, 1 very year.
IUik fl ffVMJ Land ptirchattd 3
IWHIISrM hA recently
I 1 ft 1 dTT1 l ii ti mil at
Mr IBHBk r .4BV
:: .OSS
Stnokelcas Odorless Clean Convenient
The Perfection Smokcleti Oil Heater warm up a room
111 next to no time. Always teady (or uie. Can be carried
eatily lo any loom where extra waimlli ii needed.
A ipecial automatic device makes it impoiiijjlo to turn die
wick too high or too low. Sale in the hand o( a child.
Tito Prnecu'on burnt nino houn on one fillingplowing
heat from the minute it is lighted. Hotultortiely hnithedi
tlruma of blue enamel or plain tteel, with nickel trimming,
Ak your dealer or write for deicriptiro circular to aay agency oi
Standard Oil Company