J V, fa---' 4 I- 5- , eteukr " ? ineres in every Locket Lockttt iff tlwtytta tlrle. Ther lie to carry the imtll but prlcelcit trctlutet ol thn hem. One thine ontr li ncceiiatr tl roii would mike rout locket ol tell tiluet Look lot the little W. te lit Co. "heatt" mde-tmtk ittmped on the Imlde. It guiunteci not onlr jurthllltj, but tttritintti dull. LOCKET An endlen Ttiletf ol Uriel end ihtpei lor both ncn end women. Aik to ice the locket ihown below, Ko. 9300, otl ihtpel DIXON, The Jeweler. Look for Tins Mark on Inside LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. W. D. Waldo is taking treat ment at the P. & S. hospital. J. H. Seaton Jr., left Wednesday for Wallace to spend a week with friends. Miss Helen Davidson returned yester day morning from a short visit in Den ver. Mrs. Fred Elliott went to Omaha ' yesterday to spend ten days with her ..son. ' Miss Margaret Fredericks will leave shortly for eastern points to visit rela- tives. Fergus Flynn and Till dasey went to Lodgepolo Wednesday to spend a week - fishing. i Mrs. Arthur B. Hoagland, who has ' "been visiting in Omaha, came homo yes sj terday. R. D. Herzog, of Harvard, Neb., has ' accepted a position as salesman in the. Davis garage. Miss Mary White, of Sutherland, came down Wednesday to visit her sister Mrs. Eshleman. A. R. Adamson left yesterday morn ing for Cheyenne and Laramie to visit .. his sons for two weeks. Mrs. V. E. Dale and daughter, of Arapahoe, are among the out of town people here this weekl For Rent Nicely furnished 5 room cottage, clean and modern, close in, Inquire at this office. : . ' Mrs. LeDoyt, of Paxton, is expected . today to visit her son -George LeDoyt and wifd for a month or more. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeberger re " turned yesterday from Omaha after spending a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worrell,of Suth erland, have returned homo after spend ing several days in town with friends. Mrs. Clarence Tollifsen returned to her home in Sutherland yesterday after spending a week at the parental home. For Rent Good 5 room house. Phone ' 510."!na-.Hux61I.- Ralph Graham returned tho first of the week from a two weeks' visit with his brother and other relatives in Colo rado cities. J. M. Wood, Jas. Howo and C. H. Walters, of Wallace, who have been visiting in town left Wednesday night for Omaha on business. Hugh Carlyse, who is employed on the Hugh Gaunt ranch, had his foot in jured in the hay press Wednesday and is taking treatment in town. Tho Lady Macabees will hold a re ception in tho K. P. hall on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 19th. at which tho Star Division will banquet the Diamonds. Sisters Lucy and Julia Ann, of St. ' Anthony's hospital at Grand Island, spent a few days at the homo of Mrs. A. J. Frazier while enrouto to Sidney. Supt, of Motive Power Fuller spent Wednesday in town looking over condi tions and inquiring into the needs of his. department at this terminal. No ad ditional strike-breakers will bo sent hero for the present, and it is said that Mr. Fuller intimated that tho striko might be called ofT. An additional mail carrier will be added to tho local forco November 1st. in tho person of Henry Clark. In tho civil service examination Henry passed with a marking of ninety-eight and one half per cent, tho highest rating given any applicant who has taken the ex amination at this place. ..ekukXuitiaiuAlkii Attorney J. G. Beeler transacted legal business in Oshkosh this week. John Dcnn returned Wednesday nigjit'from a week's visit in Arapahoe. Theodore White was taken seriously ill tho first of tho week with tonsilitis. . Attorney William Shuman received hia'n.ew Flanders. 20 automobile Wed nesday. Mrs. Will Whltlock returned Wednes day from 'Omaha, where she visited friends for a week. , Pago Sole, of Julesburg, arrived Wednesday to spend several days with his' niece Mrs, Joe Jessup. Photographer G. W. Anderson re turned Wednesday from a week's visit in Cozad and Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Miner Morrow arrived home Wednesday from a pleasant month's stay in Kentucky. Miss Amanda Mylander has returned from Omaha where she took a course in the Kcister Tailoring School. Miss Fanny Bergman, of Lincoln, visited friends in town the first of the week while enrouto" home from Chey enne. Norman Thomas, a former North Platte boy, arrived Wednesday from Wayno to visit his young friends for a few days. i' Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger returned Wednesday from Lincoln where she spent several weeks with her daughter Mrs. Lowell. Miss Helen Mae Allen, formerly an elocution teacher in this city, went thru Wednesday evening from Cozad to California to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bixler left Wed nesday for Oakland, Cah, where thoy intend to reside. Ralph will take a position with the Diamond Tire Co. Mrs. H. W. Goldburg has resigned his position in tho Dixon jewelry store and will leavo with Mrs. Goldburg Sunday for Los Angeles to reside in tho future. Base Burners $45.00 to $55.0Q at Hershey's. soft coal atoves $5.00 up Wards Locust and 5th St. Conductor Will Shohoney and Brake man Arthur Know left the early part of the week for Gregory, S. D., to register their names in tho drawing for the Rosebud agency lands. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams re turned Wednesday from an extended visit in Missouri. While there Dick as sisted an uncle in getting started on a farm and for a diversion milked the cows and fed tho pigs. The Union Pacific Ry. Co. has .en trusted their time service (to us for twelve years. Wo assure you we will give your time pieces as careful atten tion as we do theirs. ' Dixon, The Jeweler. I. L. Woodward, a Blgn artist of Ogalalla, was in town Wednesday dis playing samples of his work 'and taking orders for window cards. These samples were as fine as wo have seen in any city, both in execution and originality, and gave evidence of Mr. Woodward's ability in this work. Window cards arc now much in use, and those of our merchants who use them should at least see Mr. Woodward's samples; to see them means to place an order, Mr. Woodward has been a resident of Ogal alla for twenty years or moro and is in every way a responsible person. For Sale Angus bulls ranging from ten months to two years old; a fine Duroc boar. In quire of Frank Ebelo, North Platte. . A ' fehbttfl "iel'Sitl t h'T'itt tikii fc i 1 1 li I 'ill . Societies, Clubs and Social Is Functions. Tho Ladles Auxilary to tho B. of L. F. and E. will hold a IlRllow'een party at tho K. P. hall on the evening of Oct 31at Tho Nevita Club will entertain their husbands at a Hallow 'con party on Oct. 27th, at tho homo of Mrs. W. P. Snyder, at the experimental farm. Miss Maudo Mollyncaux entertained, fourteen lady friends at the Hoagland residence Tuesday evening. Enjoyable refreshments wcro sorved. The ball to bo held at tho Lloyd this evening by tho Ladies of tho B. of R. T. promises to be a very enjoyable function for all lovers of dancing and music Ir. and Mrs. Roy Pel ton ontortaincd twenty friends Tuesday evening in a charming manner. The evening was enlivened with several musical selec tion. Delicious refreshments wero served. THo 500 club were royally entertained on Tuesday ovening by Major and Mrs. Walker and Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Patter son at tho homo of tho former. Tho ovening wns spent in cards and closed with a nice four courso lunch. Tho daughters of tho members of tho club wcro guests of honor. Master Lawrence Murrin entortaincd a party of young friends last ovening in honor of his birth anuivcrsary. Sov cral hours wore spent in entertaining games after which an elegant Bupper was served by Mrs. Murrin. The young host received many mementoes of tho day. Mrs. Clara VanDorn was tendered n surpiso party by a largo number of hor friends and neighbors on Wednesday afternoon. Tho guests remembering it was hor fiftieth birth anniversary pre sented her with a beautiful rocking chair. After a pleasant afternoon a nice lunch was served. Mrs. Edmund Dickey extended her, hospitality to tho Nevita Club on Wed nesday afternoon. For their amuse ment a number of interesting contests were introduced and the majority be ing solved by Mrs. W. P. Snyder Bhd was awarded first prize. Tho consola tion emblems wero awarded to Mea damcs James Morrow and Bert Naper Btack. A' nice two courso luncheon was served. Tho Cotcrio Club wero pleasantly en tertained on Wednesday' afternoon by Mrs. William Stegal. Card tables were arranged ,fcnd 500 played. Tho highest score was made by Mrs. Asa, Snyder and sho was given first prize and Mrs. Andy Schnrman received tho sec6nd "prize.. "''Mrs. Eddie,' of N6rth- port, was an out of town guest.' As, customary thd hostess was presented with a hand painted pinto. Dainty re freshments weresefved. Tho Brotherhood of American Yeomen gave an informal reception at their hall last Tuesday night in favor of Dr. and Mrs, T. J. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Glines. A large number were pres ent and greatly enjoyed tho musical and literary program given. To Jthe strains of a lively march played by Mrs. Leininger; tho two couples escorted by representatives of tho lodge marched to tho front of the hall whore they wero greeted in a most cordial manner all present. After tho program, presents were presented to both couples by tho lodge as was also a gift from the girls' drill team to their captain. The .hall and banquet room were beauti fully decorated with tho lodge colors and carnations and ferns. The evening was another of the splendid social .fea tures of the Yeomen of North Platte. Nominate Gibbs. Both the republicans and tho demo crats held mass conventions Tueuday ovening and-eacHWomlhatfed George N. Gibbs for clkhinglstrat'e! This posi tion is a nov bn"o for"tTdf(b Platte, and comes to us through our passing into a city of tho second class. Tho duties aro similar to that of police judge, which office it usurps, but tho magis trate is given jurisdiction threo miles outside tho city limits, whilo tho polico judgo has jurisdiction only within tho city. Mrs. Westfall, of Carroll, Iowa, will leave tomorrow after spending a fort night with her daughter Mrs. Walter Crook. Tho most efficient and up-to-dato re pair department in Western Nebraska. This means the best results when you leave your watch with ub for repairs. DIXON, U; P. Watch Inspector. Attorney and Mrs. Maynard Crosby ehtertained a numbor of friends Tues day evening. Pleasing features of en tertainment made the evening, a pleas ant ono for all. A nice lunch was served. Brick laying on tho federal building has been in progress for sovoral days, eight or ton men being employed. Tho government requires very exact work and the progress being made is not very rapid. C. M. H&yden, one of tho leading merchants of Wallace, has been trans acting business in town for sovoral days. Ho says business is rather quiet in his town, duo largely to tho fact that tho corn crop in that section was a complete failure. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. ' UNITED STATES Capital and Surplus $140,000. DIRECTORS: E. F. SEEBERGER, President, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-PrcsldcH., F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. ARTHUR McNAMARA, ' J. J. HALLIQAN. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Rov. Johnen left Wednesday for Gothenburg. George Austin Went to Omaha Wed nesday morning. Tom Sodin spent tho early part of the week in Omaha. Mrs. Lou Tilling, of Grand Island, Is visiting friends in this city. Mrs. Miller, of Sarben, is spending a week with town friends. Hnrry Porter returned Wednesday from a business trip to Sidnoy. v Rov. B. F. Favorlght Is holding re ligious meotings in Paxton this week. Mrs. Emily Maryott, of Oshkosh, is spending this week with friends in tho city. F. W. Lewis, of Crawford, visited his cousin Mac Westfall tho first of tho week. John Burko injured his right foot whilo at tho Union stock yards n few days ago and is obliged to use crutches. Mac Westfall and Will Hondy re turned yesterday from Kcarnoy, whoro they sold their picturo show to Ed Dickey. For Ront New fivo room house on West 6th nnd Lincoln Avo. Inquire of J. H. Fonda. tf Miss Josephino O'Hnra returned last ovening from tho Foresters' Conven tion in Chicago. Enrouto homo Bho visited friends in Omaha and Sioux City. Mrs. Frank Winkleman entortained a coterie of ladies yesterday afternoon. All present report a pleasant day and highly complimented tho hostess as an ideal entertainer. Refreshments wero delicious, 'Tbmmy Green, late of this city, opened his new picture and vaudeville thatro jn Grand Island Saturday. Tho uaily Independent gave a half column account of thd now theatre which has been named tho EmpresB. Notice Dr. T'winem desires to announco ho has to'' tho public that opened a private hospital at tho former homo of Mrs. James Belton, 218 west Fourth Btreot, for the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Special accommodation for confinement cases. General Election Notice 1911. Jttotice is hereby given thnt on Tues day, tho 7th day of Novembor, 1911, at tho voting places in tho various pre cirjts of Lincoln county, Nebraska, thero will bo hejd a general election for the purpose of electing the follow ing named officers, to wit: Three Judges of tho Supreme Court. Two Regents of the State University. One State Railway Commissioner. One District Judgo, Thirteenth Ju dicial District in Nebraska. One County Judgo. Ono Sheriff. One Coroner. One County Treasurer. Ono County Clerk. Ono County Surveyor. Ono County Superintendent. One Clerk of tho District Court. One County Commissioner, Comis sionor District Numbor Threo. Ono Ovcrseor for each Road District. Two Justices of the Peace, in each precinct. Two constables, In,. each precinct. Ono Precinct Assessor, where vacan cies exist. One Polico Magistrate, city of North Pllltte. Which election will bo open at 8:00 o'clock in tho morning, and continue open until 0:00 o'clock in the afternoon of tho same day. Dated North Platto, Nebraska, Oc tober 7, 1911. F. R. Elliott, Seal County Clerk. PERFECT IN EVERY LINE that is the way you will look in your photograph, when wo tako it. You have tho right to demand .perfection of port raiture. YOU LOOK YOUR BEST when you come to us, and wo do our best This means that some thing will result, and it Is a perfect G. W.ANDERSON DEPOSITARY. Miss Mary Eh'as has taken a position' as reportor on tho Dally Telegraph. Robert Dickey transacted business in Sutherland Wednesday. Miss Elsio Cohagen began work In tho Schriobor meat market this wcok. Leave your orders for milk or crenm nt tho Enterprise Bakory, now conduct ed by tho Doolittlo Produco Co. To Mnry Anna Poalo, owner of lot 5, block 137. Tho ownors of property on tho cast side of Cottonwood atreot, between 5th and 4th streets, nro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of tho Citv of North Platte. Lincoln county, No braskn, passsd nnd approved an ordinance on tho 20th day orSoptombor, 1911, ordering n sidowalk adjoining their said premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent mntorial, 'as provided In tho genoral ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidownlks in said city, passed and approved on tho 21st day of Juno, 190G. Unless said sidewalk is constructed by you along tho west sido of lot 5, block 147, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or boforo tho 2nd day of November, 1911, tho same will bo constructed by said city and tho costB assessed upon tho said lot owned by you ndjoining which tho same shall bo con structed. CifAs. F. Temple, Seal City Clerk. NOTICE KOtt PUIILIOATION. HorUl No. MOID. , Department of tho Interior, V. B. Land Ofllco at North l'latto. Nob. fioptcmbor BU. 101 1. Notlco l hereby (riven that Olarenre I. Lewis, ot North Platte. Nob., who. on Nov, lft.lV0ti.mado homestead entry No. serial No. 03011) for HMNWM, anrt NKWNWW, 8 NKM. NWMNKM. NMflWW. 8KM8WM, NM SFM. 8WHHKot8oo. 10. Town li. N. iWo !W W. ot tho 0th Principal Meridian, haa Hied notlco of Intention to make final fivo rear proof, to ostablUh claim to tho land abovo described, before tho ltoulstor and Ho colvor at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 21th day or Novumlmr. 11)11. Olattnant namcg as witnesses! Hondnrrson J. Itunnor. Hershor, Nob.: William Kacka, Dickon. Nob.1 1'anl Smith, ot North l'latto, riviM oiwncer tv luinuKien. uorsnoy. nao, O3-0 JiH. KVAN8. Itcfflilcr, Office phono 241. Rob. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screen a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. To Mary Deals, owner of lot 4, block 107. Tho owners of property on tho enst sido of Cottonwood stroot. between ftril .findSnd 8trqp, nro hereby notified thai; the Mayor ana council of tho city ox North Plntto, Lincoln county. Nebraska. passed and approved an ordinnnco on tho 20th day of September, 1911, order ing a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to bo constructed ns to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of tho city, regulating tho construction of sidownlks ( n said city, passed and unproved on the 21st day of Juno, 1900. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho west sido of lot 4, block 107, owned by you, In accordance with snid ordinances, on or boforo tho 2nd day of Novembor, 1911, tho samo will bo constructed by Bnid city and tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which tho some shall bo constructed. Chas. F. Temple, Seal City Clork. To Joseph II. Cunningham, owner of loU, block 137. Tho owners of property on tho east side of Cottonwood Btreot, between 5th and 4th streets, aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North l'latto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinnnco on tho 20th day ol Soptembor, 1911, order ing a sidewalk adjoining their snid premises, to bo constructed ns to lino nnd grade, and of permanent material, ns provided in tho general ordlnnncos of said city, regulating tho construction of Bidcwnlks insaid city, passed and up proved on tho 21st day of Juno 1900. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho west sido of lot 4, block 137, owned by you, in nccordanco with said ordinances, on or before tho 2nd day of Novembor, 1911, tho Bamo will bo constructed by tho city and tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which the Hamo shall bo constructed. Ciiah. F. Temple, Seal City Clerk. Closing out Sak Of New and Second r Hand Goods As I expect to quit business in a. few weeks I will sell both new Second-Hand Goods at Less Than Cost. Come in and make your se lection. , ECHELBERRY'S New and Second-Hand Store Corner 6th and Locust Streets. Suits All Clanes. Tho cigars wo nmko und sell sdits all classes of men. Wo lmvo sovoral brands of nickel cigars which nro pro nounced a superior article by BmokorB of good judgment For tho man who wantn n finer cigar, wo havo tho ton centers, which nro as good a Cigar aq you can buy anywhere. Thcro nro men In North Platto who hnvo smoked our cigars for over twenty-five years and nro satisfied. That tclla the story of the quality. J. F. SCHNALZRIEn. , Elizabeth Kair Langsfen, Teacher ef Velce Culture At Itlncker' Munle and Art Store on Tlnirmlajri. - ftte. AVWW W-, 0m l A. J. AMES. MAR1B AMBfl. " j Declers Ames & Ames, 5 Physicians and SuroeenS, umce over atone Drug lo." it i vunnna I Office 273 g Phones Ro9idence273 6 WILLIS J. REDFIELD.M.D Surgeoo, Physician, Consultant. Ofllco Physicians and Surgeons Hosplta . Phones: Office 042, Residence G44. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, V urnauato XNorumcetorn University, L, Office over McDonald State Bank f GEO. D. DENT, Physician aad Surgeen, Office over McDonald Bank. tss&su JOE B. REDFIELD, M D. Physician and Surgeon. Speclallyi-SKIN DISEASES. Day nnd night calls promptly answered Office P. S. Hospital, Phono 042. m S UK. J. S. TWINER, Honneopathlc Physician end Surgeon Special attention slvun to confine- 2 9 mcnts and children's dlsoisua, Ofllco Pliopn 1A3 Ilos,lione!288 Odlco McDonald Stato ltantc Illd'ir . Jog-along Transfer Co, O. II. SAWYER, MOH. Hack and Heavy. Draying of all Kinds. PInno moving a specialty. Up-to-dato 1011 piano truck. Ofllco hours 8 a. m. to 6 p, m. Office with Postal Telograph Office phono 201. Residence 651 Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay Wo pay the top market. Three cou pons free with returns on each caf of nay you ship us to handle for your ac count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in cbbIi will secure for your hhme an ele gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consign your hay to us and plenso tho ladles and also got it good price for your hay. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances, Sample of tho quality of theso dishes can bo seen at tho office of tho Sdml Weokly Tribuno. Tho F. C. Ayres Mer. Co,, 20th and Wazco Streets, Denver, Colorado.