Republican Letter From Hctdqtiatteri KtpubU can Shte Commlttet, Omvba, Neb. C, C. am, MMicer PrtllcH turn The foundation of tho campaign this (all is based upon, tho platform of tho party unanimously adopted by tho jtato convention at Lincoln. It is broad and liberal In Its scope. Tho platform refers to what has been dono fcy tho republican party In tho past, Mid pledges republicans to keep up Iho ijood work. Strongly and firmly, the platform endorses tho national ad ministration, commends tho members of both branches of congress from Nobroaka and endorses tho stato ad ministration on tho way affairs have been conducted by the ohlof executive and tho republicans undor him. No ornskans tako a groat deal of pride In their railway commission, which was created by a republican legislature riio rights of tho pcoplo have boon safeguarded, and unjust discrimina tions havo been Jield In rostral nt. The ropubllcan party rightfully claims tredlt for tho railway commission as woll ns for various other progressive laws which havo boon of vital Im- 'portanco to tho citizens of Nebraska and of direct benoilt to them, Tho 'republican platform this year, points with prldo to our educational Institu tions and pledges Its earnest support to tho good work being done by tho stato university and agricultural col lego and schools, The party appeals to tho cltlzonshlp of Nobraska for Its candidates ou tho stato tlckot this fall. Hack of them Is a strong platform. They aro tho nominees of a party that has accomplished much for tho state and tho pcoplo, Tho party promises to maintain a high standard of eC flclenoy and refers to Its record to 'substantiate Its promise Myrtle and Vicinity. If lots of mo sturo In tho fall is an Indication of a good crop for tho on- Bulncr veaf. surely 1912 will tnvo us a bumper crop. The old Burnca hall Is to have , an occupant at Inst Mr. and Mrs. Ottia SchHntz aro moving there this week. Mrs. CHorlle Brctornltz will movo to North Plntte In tho Hear future, hav ing traded her horses for property there, Itoy Koss Is building n new frame house. Georgo Smith's housekeeper, who suffered' a stroke of paralysis two weeks ago, is on the road to recovery. Frank Osturhout purchased an nutomobllo Inst week. MIsb Ada Brown went to North Intto Saturday to tako up dress making. Notice of Tax Sale. Notice la hereby irlvcn that so much of each tract of land or town lot described In this Hat at may be necessary for that purpose, nil located In Lincoln county, Nebraska, will be offered for sale at the County Treasurer's office In North I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, at public auction for the taxes. Interest and costs thereon, on the first Monday of November A, D. 1911, between the .hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock r. m. and continued from day to day as the law directs. The amounts n the subjoined list represent all the taxes due on each tract Of land or town lot together with advertising and Interest to dnle of sales, ,- Dated this 3rd day of October, 1911. KAY U. bANUMJHU. County Treasurer. '. . I Ijnt rule Tax NerUi mile 11 n a, 24 m To Lconn Malorwitz, owner of lot 5, D1UCK 14U. Tho owners of property on tho east slue or Cottonwood Btreot, between 4tn and 3rd streets, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City or worth rmtto, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordinance on tho20th day of September. mil, ordering n bkiowmk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent! material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of s down Kb in sa 1(1 citv. asaed and approved on tho 21at day of une, I'Jvii. Unless nam walk Is constructed by you along tho west side of lot G, block 140. owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances on or before tho 2nd dnv of November 1911. tho tmmo will bo constructed by Bald city and tho costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall bo constructed. UNAS. , temple, Sonl City Clork. Tho ropubllcan party of Nebraska la united In support of tho ontlro state tlckot this fall. The spirit of coopera tion prevails In all parts of tho state. Congressman George W- Norrls of the Fifth congressional district, mtndtul.of tho fact that success to tho ropub llcan party this fall moans a great deal towards tho party's success In tho following campaign, Bays In speak ing of tho primary of noxt spring: "That campaign comos after this, and I havo no disposition to bring noxt year's issues Into this, year's fight" "Senator Norrls Drown ex pressed the eentJtueat of har mony la the party, when he Midi "The outlook for the election of the state ticket tieeraa to ma. to be very good. Indeed. ' The personnel of the ticket has the confidence of the people, and the party seema to be unit ed in Its, support. 1 am careful, so far as I am concerned, to keep my can didacy for re-election In the back ground lu this campaign. I think the first duty of republicans Is to attend te the election in hand and leave per sonal politics to bo fought out next primary. The republican . candidate for the bench havo all been tested as judges, and all of them havo demon strated both ability and Integrity Judges Hose and Lofton on the u premo "bench und-Judgo Hamor on the district bench, Tho candidates for re gent and railway commissioner are ex ccllont'mon and will servo the poopls faithfully." No matter tboroforo what tho Issues inuy be In the primary or la tho olootlon of noxt year, tho ronuh HcnbH aro becoming deeply Interested In tho campaign' of this year and are working harmoniously togothor for the success of the ticket. Thero Is all the moro reason for confining our ener gies to the ponding campaign; be cause, under our recently enacted prl maryjaw, tha people will expre8 their Individual preferences upon candidates next sprlutf, Then, whoever the1 nam lutfiw may be, thoy should receive the loyal support of all republicans. It is' none too oarly for rqpubllqans to make plans now for ejection, dny. The iuc ceM ot Uie'party this year will make uccewi certain next year, when party principles are; at stake.. Men, rather thste measures, are important this year both men and measures will be vitally important next year. To H. B. Nichols owner of Block 3, South Park Addition, North Platte, Nebraska. The ownors of property on tho west sidoof Elm strcot, between "B" and C streets, nre notified thnt tho Mayor nnd Council of the City of North i'latte, Lincoln county, .Nob., passed and approved an ordlnanco on tho 20th dny of bontemner, 1D11, ordering a Bluowalk adjoining their satd premises. to 00 constructed as to tno line anu grade, nnd of pormnnont material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city, passed nnd approved on the 21st day of Juno, 100G. Unless Bald walk is constructed by tfstit n In tin 41m nOnf tsAt t f antrl rtliLr 1 jrwu utuii vuw jfJV oiuu ouiu uiuvn 1 owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho V!nd dny 01 November, tno same will bo con structed by said qlty nnd tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which tno snmo snail be con structed. Chas. P. Temple. real City Clerk. The republican stato committee la pleased with the mquy expressions of good wllfaud support coming from, tho rank hnd lllo of tho party from all iver tho siuto. Uopublfcaus roallzo that to bo lax In their offorta this fall meana conoldorablu of a sacrifice noxt year, when there Is a president to bo elected nnd Nebraska should be counted in the republican column. It is gratifying to tho committee to find that the great majority of republicans have a sincere deslro to get togotker aiwl stay together, This feeling pro- vails generally throughout the stato, Republican principles are just as true today ao they ever have bei Men way dIHor somewhat In their application, but such differences can sever senousiy anoct tne party, or loag divide the people who are proud of Its BChloVOlHOHtfl. Tho voters are beglnulHg to reallxe that undor the primary law It It their duty to name tho candidates, and the nominees so selected sy the republic an voters are certainly entitled to the support of all loyal republicans. Oov erameat by majorities Is necessary undor republican institutions, and as the selection of candidates Is bro'ught home to the people thomsolvos. eo likewise Is te duty brqught home to them to elect the men thoy have bobi Jnated. "VVo cannot all agree upon can utu jijn nmjoniy may ua at wise, as any inaivlaual voter. Lot 4 1 2 . 1 2 5 0 7 8 6 1 toB S4 0 8 Nl-3 S 4 Vacated 4 ft A 7 H 6 0. I 2 ft 0 a 4 11 7 H 7 8 4 I - 3 3 0 2 II t 4 50 U R Nl-2 1 St-2 1 5 n u 1U 1 -V) 3 OH 0 05 It 25 X.1 ftft 21 00 29 08 II 03 U 10 U 05 11 10 19 20 21 23 24 St 20 n 1 28 r 22 M SI 11 lt II 05 10 45 10 m 3 ta 3 w 55 av 88 311 .TJ 41 It 41 41 44 15 47 47 47 48 4H 4 ta 1 I 1 5S 1 1 &4 I ne s o 23 05 22 05 II 40 12 W 22 05 47 40 10 00 27 70 01 0$ 29 :i 4 2-3 n 1 2 3 1 8 2 8 4 K Nl-3 ft 0 1 a 3 1 !l , 5 Nl-2 1 2 al-2 1 2 n 5 1 1 R 4 7 B 7 8 0 0 ft 2 1 D 8 0 11 12 1 2 3 4 7 8 100ft 2 W 07 ft 2 7 H 1 2 I r,i ri m ri 65 05 50 50 57 57 08 tw 5H m 05 at 07 07 68 m eo 09 74 75 75 76 70 77 77 B0 hi HI 81 B4 HI 85 H5 85 HO 87 87 87 B 88 07 07 52 S5 78 85 33 15 HI 05 37 CO 20 30 SI 85 80 16 27 75 11 00 10 70 27 20 23 32 18 85 20 85 47 85 27 70 27 70 1105 41 00 21 70 18 79 2 1 75 20 80 80 05 4tl Ki 8 0 22 40 SO 85 1 58 13 50 1 60 17 05 7 52 4 55 8 08 12 75 12 75 82 80 20 85 SO 15 3 08 10 45 1 68 25 35 17 05 08' 29 80 m 14 05 14 OS 41 70 To Sonhio E. Hunfor and husband Wil nam r. iiupier, lua m. uaynor nmi husband John Itnvnor. Annio B. Brown and husband Oran Brown. Tilman C. (Babbitt and wifo Hnnnn Babbitt, Eunice Johnson and husband Joseph Johnson, Iioso Babbitt nnd Florence Babbitt n minor, ownors of lot 8. block CO. Tho owners of nronortv on tho west side-of Willow strcot, between 9th nnd 10th streets, aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of tho C ty of Noun i'latte, Lincoln county, rsobrnska, passed ana approved un ordinance on tho 20th day of Soptembor, 1011, order ing a BiuewaiK adjoining tnoir premises, LU VV IVJlOb UbH'U un VV, IIIIU unit ifiviv, and of pennnnent matcrinl, as provided in tho ironernl ordinances of said citv. regulating tho construction of Bidownlka in Buid city, passed and approved on tho 21st day of Juno 1000. Unless said wulK is constructed by you along tho oast sldo 01 lots, block DO. owned by vou. in nccordanco with anld ordlnnncos, on or boforo tho 2nd day of November, 1911. tho sumo will bo constructed bv said citv and tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you udjoinlng which tho snmo shall bo constructed. Chas. F. Temple. 8EAI.J City Clerk. 20 85 14 oa 47 05 sa so 60 20 fl 05 22 40 37 25' 20 80 14 03 18 60 34 23 14 03 37 25 17 05 20 00 M 05 UO 03 0 00 10 45 41 70 125 120 120 128 130 i:w 141 li: To Wm, Jeffora owner of lots 7 nnd 8, block LiS. Tho ownors of nronortv on tho north sldo of Tenth street, between Locust and Vino streets aro hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordinanco 011 tho 20th day of Sontember. 1911,, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their Bald promises, to be constructed as to Una nnd grade, and of permanent ma terial, as provided In the general ordinances of snld city, regulating tho nnnnTMintlnri r& ulrTsiitrn 11U Im tanlfl stttir nasfiotl nnd approved on tho 21st dny of dune, ivw. unless said sidewalk la constructed by you along tho south sldo of lota 7 and 8, block 88. owned by you, in nccordanco with said ordinances, on or before tho 2nd dav of November. 1911. tho same Will bp constructed by said city and tho cosia assessed upon ino saiu iota owncu by you adjoining which tho snmo shall bo constructed. CHAS. F. TEMPLQ. ISenl.r City Clerk. Eslray Netice, Taken tin by tho undorslcmod nbout July 18. 1911. on mv premises on Sfcc. 12. T. 10. R. 30, ton miles northeast of Wellileet. Neb., -the following des cribed horsoa: Une bay mare, ono whlto hind foot, branded 21 on left hind thigh: ono sorrel maro, ono whlto hind foot brandod 21 on loft hind foot. Weight of each about 900 lbs. G. A. SCHIlECONaOST, O 00 ft 3 3 4 2 100 W 33 ft I) 101 4 101 w 44 ft 7 101 W 23 ft 3 102 e34ftl 108 n 22 ft Of 8 1-2 n iu3 n40c.xc!x30ftof n corner 0 103 05 O 22 ft Of W 41 ft 7 lira O 41ft 3 104 8 104 3 4 105 5 105 3 100 0 7 111 01-2 1 113 8 110 n 83 ft 0 117 3 118 4 110 DO 110 8 lit 8 123 1 2 121 town lot co'fl.aua o sa it 4 it i North l'lattoV3 10 7 7 " 8 oiatto 7 h 7 i 2 a w41(t8 7 8 w22ft3 D23ft 3 147 4 148 5 11 150 2 151 0 151 7 151 bran lnt rn'a add ID 1 58 North Platto 1 4 R 6 (1 8 12 1 3 2 3 4 2 07 8 so of llocklR5ln 33 II 30 l a IHO 5B IKS i a 1R9 5 0 ISO 7 8 1KU 4, 100 1 to 4 102 ronltlon'H l - 8 4 10 41 7 0 4 55 13 8 4 55 ft 8 11 08 7 0 7 A3 8 0 23 K5 6 11 22 87 8 11 17 02 3 13 29 80 7 12 11 22 Tavlora Addition I it H u a is w 2 0 0 3 0 33 6 0 4 3 13 4 K 3 45 4 7 3 45 MlUor's Addition 23 85 2(1 85 S3 77 71 40 20 00 52 10 22 40 27 00 41 70 37 25 44 05 4T B5 28 35 22 40 158 158 1(10 101 101 103 i:o 177 177 .170 182 182 185 185 20 85 20 80 28 85 37 25 41 70 17 02 23 85 0CO 25 8.". 25 85 0 10 23 85 20 85 20 20 30 05 2 34 H 10 23 35 0 00 II 05 no li 03 13 47 Addition 3 SOW A 1 3 T88 i a 3 ,H 3 . . 1 a PROBATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln county. No- !tftlt. 1(111 la tho tntter of ttm estate of ivllUara L, Notice la hereby riven, thfct the credltora of aald diwoakod will moot thu Kxooutor of a&ld eaUte. uoforo tho Oouatp .Juuire of Lincoln county. NobrMka. at. thoaiunty court room in said county, on the -1th day of October, 1U11, and on tho 27th dy of Aiifll 2 5 5 0 7 8 8 0 12 13 ,13 40. Tovra Lot Go's II 13 3 1 10 12 1 7toll 3 rtrtin IIIiimaniPccon(l'Ad(l . 7 8 ,7 7 53 llank.s HukdlvUlon 4 1 1 68 0 1 1 68 3 2' 22 40 7 2 . 4 53 Solby's Hutxllvlslon 1012, aty o'clock a itnsuof nrosontluir tloti. Bdjustmont aad aUovranco, m. oacli day. tor tho nur- uoao or nroHoniinif inoireiainsa tor .exanuna- Six raonths aro Kllowod for cremtoni plaliim and nnn vnr tor Hottlo Hld patato, tromHq HoDt.. 1011. .Thin notteo to ha tho North Viatio tsomi-weoKi j)OHSl)lcr DUblUhcd In Bald Mtooka 8UcceNalvolyt prior to oa- JQHN OltANT.OountyJudBa to w-ttfctnt tholr the liixieturo to tn uay oi nuoiuneu in I'latio Hcml-WooUlv'Trltmne. a county lour i aald dato ot 1 3 1! 3 . 48 13 14 8 4 8 ft 10 It 38 ltois two 7 to 12 Ito4oht22 WUt5 0 sa 3 4 0 5 2 all 10 11 12 22 whr&e m 24' 44 l!5 2V!S1 5t8 IjS.70 29 7 63 20 18 12 83;,. 1 W Si 0 00 2 2 22 38 Addition 2 r, 08 Trusties' whf 2 8 10 2 18 70 11 2 2 70 1 3 2 70 ft B 2 70 0 3 8 08 7 8 11 12 ft 17 05 4 7 ,SSh 7 8 0 "7 So 1 8', r5 0 5 0 8 ,0 65 12 ft 3 35 8 OO 7b County Clerk's 8ub 33 14 'K0 U jO 40 K 0 00 laaac Dllllon's . -Siili 1113, ,'87 25 bouth I'ytk Addlon IM 100 47 155 70 110 22 37 05 73 40 40 4 55 20 80 33 0 6175 01 73 60 03 20 15 33 ft 13 71 Add J 114 17 05 S 34 !iS 88 II 00 8 0i 3 70 2 70 308 17 03 (12 AO 02 70 33 70 ,17 02 80 H 0O5 11 40 41 05 80 05 41 til 0 00 38 110 4 7 4 1 ft 0 7 8 ltoB7 '40 CO ;'402 21 38 ,7 03 0 45 li 25 '1 09 1 CO . 1 CO .1 09 1 00 A 88 22 48 I 13 3 27 12 v 8 27 33 0 07 H 2 50 7 8 County Clerk's Rub HZ It Mi 7 ' 85 oxc 30x108 ftnhf . 10 7 35 4 IS 80 0 , 2 00 it io no 12 10 85 10 . 1(11 50 Taylor'a Subdivision 3-13-30 0 1 08 10 81 11 - 1 08 12 1 82 13 1 3J It 1 32 15 1 32 II) 1 32 , 17 1 82 Mattorlow Subdivision 3-13-30 2 ohf tl 7 8 81 32 35 40 48 40 53 67 CO 60. 01 US 03 Oi (15 (KU (17 Brady i! 11 2 40 8 3 808 , 0 3 40 7 8 ft 5 41 0 10 ft. 11 00 U 10 (V 72 11 13' 0 7 50 w 100 ft ' 14 14 15 0 21 00 12 7 3 05 10 7 3 80 17 nnd o 00 ft IS 7 10 13 5 0 8 55 1 0 40 2 0 40 10 11 12 0 3 03 14 15 10 10 21 35 017 13 10 0 81 21 '11 40 15 10 17 14 3 35 1112 10 3 25 11 12 17 40 11 1)7 8 18 70 '0 10 18 40 1 2 4 7,8 11 12 20 1 00 I'twhfsoll 12 27 70 12 1 8 18 2 1 a 63 1 3 3 63 ' S 1 3 18 i 1 1 53 lt03 2 20 80 R05U4 5 2 7 85 lto4 8 20 08 5 0 3 8 18 1 2 4 ,9 60 13 4 2 08 14 13 4 4 CO 10 17 18 4 7 00 5 O 5 10 40 , 0 6 7 60 13 .ft 10 83 17 18 ft 19 40 11 0 8 13 South rark Addition 13 o (SO 3 t n 10 16 60 Clarkaon'8 (3ub n o fr 20 11 83 12rofw4rofnhf23 o8rofwl2rofnhf23 pflrof Wl2r0flif23 23 85 Clarkson's Pub n w f r , zo ii n li 13 45 25 Thomas Subdtvlon of id pt 10 08 10 2B5 ClarksonsSub nw fr It S3 24 25 CO 45 20 15 05 28 10 45 McOocs Subdivision a o TOWN P, ItANClEflrt I) esc b'oc Atnt nw and uo 8 10 07 all 17 47 80 no 19 0 m BO 8W 18 1 85 all 10 W 55 nw a) o bo o lif no HO SW HO noo hf nw noswn hf SO HW SO whf nw w hf sw ue nw all no nw 80 nw Maxwell n20Hft 13 21 4 23 It ID ZJ 7 78 12 8 31 20 63 ft 0 7 25 1 00 8 25 40 4 20 11 68 0 20 1 28 n 53 ft S i 03 ft IV 27 12 50 2 ' S7 3 115 7 27 8 (18 15 28 7 18 10 28 7 18 I'luinor'BSuu-my 22-13-28, o in n in lots Li) x 200 ft SO 05 w anu i n or lots )t 200 ft 13 07 21 and 22 north of lota 45x100 font 2 18 35 30 3 05 42 43 10 75 Mackln'a llmt Addn 1-13-28 23 21 20 28 itt 15 1 20 10 7 7 4' 40 0 00 4 65 1015 Horn's Addition 1 3 0 85 10 2 3 05 in uoruoratlon of Maxwell I't 4 2 73 n 4 40 I't 4 40 Pt 4 40 lOt 1 VI 80 SW 23-18 ot ot pt sw aw zi 18-38 40 Heribcy 3 0 1 9 10 13 I 3 93 tl 2 2.1 80 n a in4o Water Do's Addition 1 I 5 0 1 13 05 7 8 ,1 1 73 waiora uo'a 2nd Add 8 to 8 10 3 4 110 90 21 22 2 1 05 6 0 10 U03 10 17 10 ft 25 13 18 to 23 10 7 17 0 co. M, Hmlth's Hub 20 It 83 Witt G 133 . 10 33 uammu'fl Auuitioa it 7 8 1 9 10 1 11 12 1 7 a 8 3 14 4 4 8 4 l a s 3 5 7 8 ft 0 10 11 12 ft ValUrson'H Addition 1 to 13 1 3 05 l to a 2 s oi o a o 18 112 ! 75 33 12 05 810 3 5 75 8 4(1 73 0 55 13 108 1 73 Lot lto4 8 to 12 1W7 8 8lo0 7ao. 12 10 Sutherland Bile Tax 3 1 34 3 4 4 6 5 ft 1 40 2 37 45 1 38 1 08 1 73 .1 4 0 7 8 to 11 12 to 22 8 to 10 1 53 3 00 4 50 10 17 .10 25 boars Hubdlviilon 29 14 33 . U 10 80 19 10 25 Eraoraoni Sub 30 li 33 12 21 40 ft 10 35 0 7 22 03 Wallace 8 0 3 15 1 3 0 It 8 11 7 11 17 8 7 11 0 13 0 1 3 11 12 13 0 li 10 18 8 9 2 13 43 73 43 43 73 43 73 43 43 1 00 43 43 43 43 43 2 00 1 30 5 60 Lot Hlk Tax 3 18 2 33 I 18 9 58 Wallace 12 18 9 00 nnd hf 13 18 6 80 Sehlllers Addition 1 2 8 3 1 05 West Wallce 1 k)67tol2 1 toll Ito57tol2 2tofl 2to0 1 to 5 7 to 12 2 to 12 lto57t6 12 1 to 67 to 13 2 to 12 lto57to 12 2 toO 1 tofl ltflOBtO 12 4 toO 1 to58tOl2 ttoostoia 2 to 11 1 to (i 7 to 12 2 toO 1 to 3 1 to 3 10 to 12 22 2 to 11 1 1 to 3 21 I 8 to 12 21 1 to 3 10 to 12 25 2 to 12 20 Ito08lol2 27 lto8 29 1 2 4 5 0 SO 1 2 3 5 0 81 4 5 0 32 1 05 1 05 1 05 73 73 1 05 1 05 1 05 1 05 1 05 1 05 73 73 1 05 73 135 43 l no 1 80 1 80 73 43 73 1 03 43 1 03 1 05 1 05 7 88 43 78 73 73 Bchlltor 2nd Addition 1 2 8 4 5 i a 78 9 10 11 13 "078 10.11 12 1 5 7 B to li 1 to 12 Pomorsot - 0 10 1 2 3 8 Wellileet 7 7 8 8 8 10 11 13 li ghf3 nht 3 8 12 3 4 lto4 n 6 ft U 12 ft 7 8 0 10 12 o70ft 5 W 10 ft W 40 ft 3 5 1 2 1 to4 10 11 12 Laltoview ft o Adifttli 1 7 8 1 11 12 2to8 45 00 00 01 05 00 43 0 12 43 43 13 41 0 75 1 05 1 80 85 25 CO 3 23 15 1183 50 0 .15 3 23 m 7 02 CO 4 01 702 30 60 0 on Illirnoll 0 i). all LANDS. nhf 17 03 10 08 17 07 80 20 80 30 31 33 31 Bi 31 SO 803 & 15 20 65 19 48 29 10 25 00 89 15 TOWN 10. RANG IS 20 out no. so n: sw 4 13 w HO O 5 78 O hf 20 17 08 all is 17 15 whf no whf 80 , 20 4 45 n hf 30 22 20 ahfsw nw HW 30 7 18 TOWN 11. RANGE 20 lota l z 1 so no 3. nw o whf 13 no and whf 16 n hf so 21 8 hf so 21 s htno - 23 no 28 BO 28 nw 32 ohtBwhf so 82 nhf andshfSU ohf swohf so 34 hf nw whf BW 1M TOWN 12, RANGE 20 13 08 23 87 1)8 15 85 65 15 85 15 05 13 23 0 00 0 45 0 43 0 45 25 22 4 05 4 05 15 SO 80 15 30 0 33 2 40 a &o a 13 Tax 2-68 7 80 TOWN 12. RANGE 27 NO no 9 2 38 lot I 10 ft 85 nw 12 6 no no IS 3 07 lots 07 8 and sw sw 20 40 80 no nw 30 73 00 lie 35 23 00 TOWN 13. RANGE 27 Dcs nhfnw Soc li 30 wno nwso all all swtionosw so 8 17 18 SO 20 whfnoohfnw20 no nw so so ptno lots 12 8 4 no nw lots 5 0.7 ft no nw bw no so nw sw all o hf nw 27 80 81 81 82 31 84 24 25 110 ; 38 10 88 80 70 10 00 21 85 4 32 12 08 21 80 18 18 SO 60 12 65 42 GO 8 83 7 45 14 7 a sa TOWN 10, RANGE27 nht so sonw2o nhf sw 23 shfsw 25 80 S3 no and nw 27 shf no sonw no o 28 so sw whf so so no 28 4 27 2 65 05 ft 80 0 70 035 10 88 TOWN 13. RANGE 20 sw no lot 2 2 w hf & w uf nw whf w 13 nw 25 ohf no ohto20 whfnooufnwzo ohfsw whfso20 nw 33 all 23 3 83 8 00 10 18 0.81 0 81 7 23 12 03 8 113 13 80 TOWN 14. RANGE 20 ulifno bhfso 12 nw w htsw all o lit so nw no aud so so BW sw and so 15 15 18 23 30 31 33 32 33 7 30 9 38 5 05 1453 ft 03 3 02 6 23 4 M 3.02 0 30 TOWN 13. RANGE 20 no so 9 siio no & 0 63 clifno whf no!2 13 03 nw 12 14 M Wilt SO SW 12 10 83 Whf Ohf 23 15 08 no so 20 0 32 nu nhfnw n hf se 34 ft 07 TOWN 10. RANGE 20 sntnw nesw 3 uw a ohfsw uhfso 3 lie sono clifso nwsw sono ohfso whf aw sw sw otirno wut nw whf no siitnwmit swswsw so sesw wntnw 0 80 0 ol 8 62 In 40 8 38 2 48 3 111 2 48 8 82 8 02 it 9 43 82 82 33 0 03 0 63 ft 00 TOWN 9, RANGE 27 an a .-us e hf 4 23 80 nw ft 14 42 nw 10 7 3D swso 10 27 40 ehfnw nht sw 14 7 10 whfnw 14 8 73 wafnw whf sw 18 8 70 shtnw ohfswro 0 68 nhfnw 20 a 75 wlifs w 20 8 60 DO SO 21 & 10 nhlno swno 25 4 05 nw SO 25 18 05 BO no 25 1 43 whfnw whf SW , 10 1 43 ohfsw shfno ho 80 St 15 whfaw 81 B 60 TOWN 10. RANGE 27 SW 8 7 80 Ohtuo llhfbO 24 0 83 w hf na 21 3 63 ohf ns Ohfso 28 68 SW 33 0 68 ohf . M 13 05 TOWNU,RANaR27 nw i j no 4 7 00 nwsw no s 23 25 UW 11 6 03 Shfsw 2 nw 4 sw 12 nhf no swno 15 so 15 no swso 10 ohfsw whf so wiifsw chfso22 no nw 23 sw so 23 no so 21 nw no 31 TOWN 9. RANGE 28 nurno sono noso 2 swno whf so 2 sw sw 2 sosw 2 all 3 nw 11 whfno nenw ohfnw nw 12 nw so 12 whfno nosw nwso 10 nw 10 ehfnw ohfsw Swso 20 nw no 20 Town 1. Ranto 28 I)oa Poo Tax all 3 88 40 no A 7 88 tin 7 A 15 sonw ehfsw swsw It 0 42 nw is 7 sa nw 17 8 13 chfnochfeo 18 0 05 m 20 7 15 nw 30 0 05 no nw 33 13 10 Town 9. Ranro 20 v 37 81 1-8 18 85 8 15 3 00 0 02 14 60 11 15 18 75 13 43 so 8 sosw so 10 W8W CO 11 nw nwsw 14 nhfnoncnw 15 whfnw 21 ae 27 28 no 81 nw 83 Town io. Rang 29 sono nonoe hft 4 0 13 sw 0 4 05 bo 0 10 20 no nw 7 30 40 ehfno 8 2 68 Bwnwwhfsw sesw 10 7 4.t sw 18 12 05 IIOAO SW 21 22 00 nw 82 11 10 be 32 13 82 Town II, Ransro 29 chtaa 2 4 42 whfuowlifno 0 0 83 nhfso 13 31 95 all 21 20 70 all A 27 45 68 whfno whfRcsa 4 05 UW sW ill 18 35 Town 12, Range 20 sonw lot a sw nw lot 4 stf whfsw nwso BW BO all all 1 2 3 10 23 25 20 40 55 8 83 4 25 10 43 10 40 40 35 34 00 AUOTU I'. ..hiiku feu chfnoloU 21 7 02 nhfnonhfnw8l 28 W none whfsw s hf so 35 23 50 Town 14. RanaoSU all 2 10 05 all 6 8 83 no sw ohfso whfso 0 v 11 40 all 7 0 88 no nWswebf se 8 7 33 nw It 2 43 Town 15. Hangoau no o no nwsw so 8 sw 12 o hfsw shfsa n hf w hf sW nhfso It oo ehfnw no sw nhffco 18 ss 27 tilifue nhfnw shfno lufnw BW 80 noso sw nw sw ehfno&Q. 28 31 33 31 83 n 69 23 15 0 07 18 10 13 05 6 51 21 80 0 03 ft 62 10 83 8 32 Towrino, RanRO 20 ohf and whf 1 a 03 15 25 10 25 5 82 13 05 17 10 18 25 23 08 18 25 2ft 28 17 25 13 82 11 10 2 02 2 02 50 SO 15 05 14 ft) 3 48 is fa 10 25 21 88 I BO TOWN 10. RANGE 28 n hf 1 19 45 nw a io oo whfno whfso ehfnw nosw soso 0 17 00 ehfno eh f so 8 1140 shfsw nwsw swnw 8 0 15 whfno whfso 8 0 15 nhfnw sonw nw nn hv (in nesw swnw 10 13 60 all 15 41 05 swnunh fsw nwso no so nUt nt nnnn HW 22 18 20 SW so 20 12 05 Plifriw 30 3 83 TOWN 11, RANGE 28 all 7 HI 25 ohfno 14 4 10 swno nesw U 4 10 all 15 31 35 alt 21 33 00 nam iff urlifsw sesw 23 7 tft nil 20 38 00 all St 33 00 TOWN 12. RANGE 33 lota 3 4 5 1 17 70 Itcsrvatlon Lands Inta 1 2 nut- sldo 2 11 03 Khf nw Ints 1 2 3 4 Insldo 2 29 78 ohf so lots 6 0 outsldo 2 13 Us 5 0 Insldo 2 4 40 Inta H i R It Insldo 3 30 55 inta 2 It 8 O Insldo 4 81 70 lots 17 Insldo t 15 85 lots 8 4 nht n hf nw sw Insldo ft 10 15 no 8 40 whfnw 17 15 55 no zo o t nn n lif nw ehtsw 24 73 85 ns nw 20 30 68 all 31 33 15 no whfso 32 83 00 TOWN IS. RANGE 28 ahso nwso 0 no so 10 whno whfso 12 8 60 0 42 4 82 00 40 S3 20 18 00 15 75 1 0, 13 40 0 05 nw so is no nw 25 so as no 20 lotl 28 lota07 8 28 SW 80 31 lot 2 outsldo reservation 82 lots 5 0 Si lots 18 85 pt nw 30 Town 14. Itaniro 28 ne nw sw so 4 17 85 shfsw h f so nnisw nuiso n lit 8 Bhfno bo nw no so 18 ohfnn ohfsn 23 Town 15, KantroSS w lif mv whf SW Si S 53 ehfnwelifaw3t ft 21 noso 81 0 13 S OS 8 50 11 15 11 03 10 03 4 85 ft 70 22 21 21 0 7 8 0 9 9 0 10 58 00 It 32 11 55 9 27 4 42 13 10 13 10 20 45 8 30 880 8 15 8 15 nw SW 4 no nw 0 nw 8 no and ao 12 no and ho 13 all I? no nw no an Towito. itansroiio no I whf nw whf sw hfnonhfBO so o hf no o hf nw no sw and so nw bw a hfsw w hf aw so and ioiw 12 swnonwfo is shfsw swso 13 no B,w so 17 nw 18 no to 20 ehf nw swno no sw 20 whnwwhfaw21 so , 21 nono nwno nhfnw 2 hf so 28 so 81 n hf no 33 ehf no no so 31 whf no whfso nhfnw swnw neso sw34 35 40 nw BW 33 2 1ft sw 35 2 15 Town 10, Raniro 30 10 38 10 08 10 63 14 15 3 08 10 68 3 03 3 00 4 10 0 32 1 70 fl 83 14 13 10 03 21 13 7 18 11 35 7 18 21 08 ft 78 10 08 ft. 78 4 10 sw sw and so 3 no nwsw 4 sesw no 80 ohfuo ehf ho 17 w hf 80 17 whfno ohfnw!7 nw 18 shfsw ahfso 14 8 g W f ; hf nw 31 hf no 33 0 78 R 80 18 70 0 12 3 20 7 60 0 12 0 12 7 00 11 30 3 18 3 00 Town 11, Rango SO " o and so 8 nw 8 nonw bw 11 e hfso shf no 13 nw zo sw - 22 swnw whfsw 80 8U 20 all 27 slino uhfso 28 lihfnwwuswtSU nhfnWBhfsw HI shfnwnhfaw si 7 23 8 8 4 53 30 68 4 52 5 42 0'12 0 55 15 03 8 83 4 62 0 72 4 03 Town 12, Rango 30 ehfHW 1 nhfso sw sliso:t 0 II 8 25 20 31 31 35 nwsw BO nw sw nw all shfuo 80 all Town 13. aline Inta 1 2 8 0 0 ohf of pt O Of coroau so ui rlvor sw so no nw sw no 88 110 so no so 08 0 88 7 70 3 62 0 43 0 08 10 88 23 45 11 20 23 00 Rango 30 203 10 20 70 8 05 62 no 41 00 0 10 12 40 8 05 Town 11, Rango 80 nw sw no bo so sw no nw nwso sw 3 4 7 8 10 10 14 17 0 03 0 S3 12 05 13 25 4 80 4 80 ft 00 a no 12 03 00 00 18 32 nono lots 12 18 all 10 low 4 5 20 wpt whfno o ohfnw 23 all 29 all 30 Dt nhfno pt nhfnw 81 sw so .31 bai nw nnr . sw 83 ptso w nw ehfsw w Town 15, Rango 80 hfso a 10 81 hf no sonw noso 4 ehfsw whfso 4 swno shfnw nwso 8 uw 18 no sw 20 nw 20 U l ohfno ehf o 2i whtue ohfuwat ohfsw whf&o-'i all 5 SO M shfnw nhfsw28 ehfsw whfso 28 all 85 Tnvrn 10. Italian SO all 7 18 42 all 83 14 75 Town 9. Rango 31 0 05 78 75 ISO 40 47 75 309 70 81 25 2 08 7 18 4 85 4 23 ft 70 10 78 4 22 10 44 4 67 4 08 ft 78 21 75 ft 51 ft 70 4 85 21 75 lots 2 3 4 no ne nw sw COM, ao sw ft 83 1 80 18 05 7 85 4 02 02 Des sw nw BO ohfno Boc ft 0 0 8 Tax 4 (B 4 81 3 02 2 21. whf na so no setiw none n hfnw swnw 0 7 85 whf 80 11 12 25 sw 13 4 S3 Bhfse 17 2 21 nhfno 20 2 22 shfnw nhtawil ft 02 no 23 7 02 na 23. 7 02 nw nhfsw 23 13 45 no 87 i oa Town 10, Rango 81 T)oa ROf! Benescse nhf Be 27 whfnw 27 ohfno 23 nhinw so ao S:n nw whfsw 32 ehfsw whf eoS2 sw 33 nbfne nhfnwai ehfnw nhfsw31 shfno chfso 31 no " nhfnonhfnw ft o hfnw noaw nw so 0 sw nw so sw whfsw 0 88 80 0 ohfno neso 7 whfnoohfnW7 ne 8 nhfso swso 8 BilfSW 15 sene noso shf so 23 so S3 3 40 I 68 3 87 1 08 3 00 a 31 3 03 2 23 1 08 4 03 4 02 nhfno ohfnw 1 sw ne so nw whfso 2 nhfnonhfnw 8 shfnw 4 nhfnonhfnw B eo . 0 nhfno nhf im 7 Town II, Rango 81 80 all all no nw alt lie no noso alt nw all 4 62 17 OH 17 23 IS SO 17 00 I 62 4 52 10 40 17 68 3 32 17 68 shfsw 80 nw BW whfnw shfso nw sw so nhfno 11 ' 11 ' Town 12, Rango SI all nw nhfso ahfso all all Bhfsw Hhfso siifno nhfso 28 so 30 no 80 shfnw nhfswSO 21 30 8 83 4 53 17 70 17 70 4 52 4 62 0 42 4 A2 4 52 Town 13, Range 31 lot 1 lota 2 34 9 ohfsw OllfBW so no whfsw 20 20 20 2:1 12 15 40 8 03 1 00 3 41 (I 02 Town' II. Raniro 31 nhfno 2 2 08 no 4 11 00 all 5 65 00 pchw lots 3 4 0 42 40 Inta 1 2 shf nw sw 13 37 25 80 11 25 70 nhfno 17 20 75 Bhfno nwsw so 17 120 05 ohfno " 10 20 20 whtne 19 23 fcO no 0 48 60 uw 20 48 00 whnw Whfw21 77 60 whf tin nhfnw ehfsw- so 21 79 SO BW 23 23 75 110 21 23 76 not rrln so20 ' 24 05 nw whfno hw so 27 01 10 lot 1 81 4 03 lots 2 3 4 5 34 131 10 no nw ohfsw nwsw so SO 601 85 Tnwn IK. ltnni7Q 31 all 0 13 15 all Jl 11 00 all 21 12 15 wlifnn whf so ho uw 28 5 28 ehfsw swsw 28 2 08 all 20 13 40 all 23 100 CO B 110 a S 84. 78 33 Town 10. ItansreSl all 0 la 03 nw 11 3 70 BW 11 3 70 shfnw - 25 1 82 80 '5 4 3! Tnwn 0. Ran ere 22 ne , 3 3 18 nwsw bw so 2 8 80 no 8 4 00 nw 8 4 00 all 0 25 BZ all 10 25 02 eono nosw nhfso nhfno 6wne Bhfsw nwsw shso nw all no lots 3 4 nn so whfnw whf sw whfnw noser Town 10. Rango 32 swno 8ouw no sw nwso 1 nil too nhfnw f BW 7 nhfsw Beow 8 nw 0 nonw ox la 17 pt nonw 17 nwsw oh (so 10 11 7 00 11 li 10 10 21 23 10 25 25 (H 4 90 5 12 14 72 5 20 2 02 7 48 4 Oi 3 83 4 82 3 22 10 85 1 41 40 12 25 00 4 22 1 83 a 75 3 43 ptnw 20 no 21 whfnw 25 sw 27 so 27 nh foe swno nonw 28 ft 42 no 31 ft 03 nw 33 7 83 sw 83 5 42 sw 85 3 48 Town 11. Itantro 32 80 13 3 52 W hf 10 0 03 no . 20 4 B2 all 25 It 15 all 27 14 15 no eo whfsw ohfsw nw 30 18 10 all 31 13 45 80 32 8 02 all 83 13 60 Town 12. Raniro 32 nw ft 0 18 all 7 10 5S neswso 19 15 32 all- 27 20 80 nw sw 19 20 10 Town 13, Rango 32 sw 80 all no so so nwsw all no all sw all 31 50 58 50 22 28 10 05 21 OS 33 10 13 38 32 05 5 73 23 80 Town 14. rtnnu-u 32 nwsw 3 13 00 swnw ehfsw oh nht sw 3 71 43 lot 7 SWSW 7 10 10 lot ft 10 8" lOtH 1 23 4 12 20 15 nonw 13 48 00 swno whf ne 15 21 75 whfso no war ohf so 15 10 OS ohfuano ehf ohf so 15 10 08 nw nw 15 8 80 ohfneebfnw 17 Si 05 ohfso whfso 18 47 63 ohnw whf nw 21 20 10 nhfsw so 21 08 05 so 22 151 00 whf bw 23 70 10 sw 24 20 00 all 25 65 00 whfnw It 4 20 18 00 no pt nhf nw pt shfnw 28 71 20 uhfnwltsu and 4 29 33 05 ohfno Its 4 5 80 20 05 nwnn nenw lot 1 SO 10 35 Town 16, Range 32 ohfno swso ail uw nw sw all ntnwso ntsw so SO 3 9 18 25 8 48 0 ta 1 00 4 00 13 62 18 28 Town 10, Rango 83 all ne nw so no uw so awBw nosw all all 3 o 13 13 10 27 18 45 11 03 11 03 1 03 1 03 14 75 3lM II 75 ehfsw nwsw 83 3 05 TownO, Range 33 whfno ehtnw!7 8 05 whfuw BW ehfno nw w se no nw nhfsw ahfsw 17 17 18 18 18 18 10 10 10 10 1 70 3 05 2 23 4 03 4 03 4 03 5 03 5 03 2 71 8 80 Tax 4 63 a 43 3 43 2 74 ft 03 7 55 ft 03 ft 88 4 7h 4 73 12 00 4 75 Town 10, Rango 33 7 12 li 17 18 10 20 21 Z3 80 8 80 3 80 8 80 1 68 3 63 3 63 3 63 3 03 4 15 3 80 0 33 1 83 2 83 3 62 3 18 3 80 1 o:. Town 11. Itnni'S S3 ohfso shfno lots 12 3 4 AW f hfnw whfso 2 nw 8 no 10 Bwne nw 11 shfna nhfso 12 . so lift ne so 23 so no ehfnw ohfsw 21 nw 20 so 31 Town 12. Raniro 33 nhfno ohfnw it It 15 no (I 0 80 no nw nhfsw whfM 12 12 65 nwsw nose 23 17 70 Town 13, Range 33 17 49 4 02 4 Ki ft 05 4 63 4 63 8 80 8 (S3 3 03 3 03 SO no nwsw no so nw no 0 7 12 12 li 22 15 85 37 75 10 85 10..00 ft 73 13 15 ToWn II. Raniro 33 no lots ftO 7 2 80 10 lot 8 Dt lot 7 2 33 85 uhfne eli f so 0 10 00 nhfnw ohfsw 0 18 60 iota 12 10 to 70 ehfehfso ehf sono It 7 05 Iot4ohfsw 11 17 40 sonw lot 0 12 10 05 ehfnw 13 15 05 pt ehfno 14 13 03 nenw ptehf ow nwair bw aw whfso shfno shf so pt sw PtBWpt 80 niuno shfno ehf so 23 sw 24 nhfno nhfnw lots 1 2 3 4 -25 lots 123 4 20 nwsw so 27 senu uctio shf 14 11 11 14 15 10 20 23 23 Bo pt nw pt nw pt ohfsw Dt Silt pt shfno nw tit shfnw nt hfsw 80 pt sw 30 23 28 28 29 29 30 30 21 20 7 03 9 60 18 78 II 80 18 S3 21 60 1 02 22 50 20 05 24 85 45 70 28 10 32 00 81 CO 37 33 32 60 3 52 2 08 3 03 231)9 100 60 03 15 Dos Sec Tax shf Be 80 11 00 pt se . 80 16 10 ToWf14 RANOKI33 nhfso 80 - 11 00 ptso 83 0 43 10t7 33 1 05 nhfno whfseia 12 05 Town 15 Range 33 whf nn whfan 8080 nwsw 28 ohfnw ohfsw Si allootcrcok 85 Town 16 IUNtir, 33 whfnw whf bw It pteof croeklS all 17 all st no 23 12 55 4 73" 40 CO 0 80 7 00 17 08 17 70 0 12 Town 9 RanoU 31 so pt shfno, sw so no BW no ehfnw eh Tso no nw whfsw no so 8nw 2 12 12 13 ,13, 27 "20. 11 15 80 10 or, o 83 0,01 0 85 8 SO 7 00, 0 28 12 63 81 .11 00 82 7 58 S3 0 68 3i 8 73 33 ' 10 00 33 7-53 nrifiw Town 10 RAnqb'31 . sonw nesw whfsw 0 nw sw 8 undKlntplow outsldo of Wallace li nw Slf 10 68 Town 11 Ranob&i nw 31 4 03 all ' , 27 10 65 nhfno nhfn w 3i 5 08 Town 12 Range 31 noso 2 23.15 nhfnw fl 8 83 all 11 27 90 nw . 13 7 13 shfno shfsw 14 11 25 SO SOSW 80 4 51 nenw lotsl 4 senw SO 4 10 Town 13 Rango 34 no so 1 27 73 son? ohfso Iot7 8 0 RS so 18 0 i8 nw 22 12 70 o 27 14 10 80 31 12 00 SW 31 12 60 no 33 12 85 Town 14 .Range 34 lots seso ' 17 pt sosw 20 swsw wSasosw 21 121 60 pt nhfnw 28 pt s of r r -In ohfso 23 ptso 20 pt nhfno pt 4 03 2 00 11 00 89 05 nhf nw , 28 10 40 all 31 13 03 shfno nesw nwso shfsw neso swso 82 lot l s u 4 nw ne nhfnw sw nw 33 lots 12 31 lots 4 5 nhf HO 35 Town 15 Raniro 34 all OXO tl p right of way 13 17 00 Town 16 Rango 34 all 8 17 45 nhfnonhfnw 10 12 45 S'J 0 85 000 10 40 2 25 10 05 B. J. BROEKER Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes, We carry samples of iloods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class worlmanshio and perfect fit. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE. In the matter oj the annlicntlon of John r.nclkp iruardiun of Eggcrt Martens, on Incompotent. for iiceinu w seu real estate. Notlco Is hereby given that In pursuance of tho order of tho Hon. II. M. Grimes, Judge of tho District Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, mmln on the 20th day of August, 1911, for tho salo of rcni csutto ncreinaiter uescriDixl, thero will be sold at public vendue, to tho highest bidder for cash, nt the cast front door of tho court houso In tho city of North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 17th clay of October, 1911, ot the hour of 2 p. m., tho following described real estate: The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, tho east half of tho aoutheastmiarterand tha rmttiuri! mmrioi- of the southeast quarter of section twenty-three in ujwnsnin ten uu, norm or range Uilrty one (31), west Sixth I. M., In Lincoln county. ,iuuiDM(. ouiu iuiiu win remain open one nour. Dated September 22. 1911. ' John Gaeukr, 26- Guardian of Eggert Martens. ORDER OP HEARING ON ORIGINAL TRO- HATE OF WILL. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S. in tno wiuniy uourt. In the Matter of the Estatn nt -T U Phd.. tanson. deceased. Ou reading and filing tho petition of John R. Verdles praying that the instrument filed on tho 18th day of August, 1911, and purporting to bo an authenticated copy of the last will and testament of the aald deceased, may bo proved, approved, allowed nnd recorded as tho last will nnd testa ment oi tne sam J, it, Uhrlstanson, deceased. . Ordered. That SoDtombor 25th. 1911. nt n nVl-L- a. m. la assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear bi a county court to do nem in nnu xor a)t coun ty, and show canso why tho prayer of petitioner should not be granted. This notlco ta bo published threo successive weeks In Tho North Platte Tribune, a legal news paper prior to sAld date of hearing. boj JUllfl UHANT. County Judge. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. Claude II. Reed, known also' as C. II. Reed, de fendant, will take notlco that on tho 11th dav of September, 1911, Oliver S. Christian and David E. Martin, plaintiffs, filed their petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said Claude II. Itcixl, defendant, the ob ject and prayer of which aro to confirm tho undi vided Interests and shares of said parties In tho following described property situated In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: All of section 29, and the west half and the northeast quarter ot see 30, township 15 north, range 32 west of tho 6th principal meridian, and the east half and tho southwest quarter of section 25. and all of section 30, township '15 north, range 33 west of the 6th i ai ana tno improvements thereon; to partition said property among said parties, or, If said prop erty cannot be equitably dlylded, to have tho same sold and tho proceeds thereof divided among said parties according to their respective Inter ests therein, and for general equitable relief. Bald Claude II. Reed, known also as C. II, Reed, la re quired to answer said petition on or before) tho 30th day of October, 1911. OLIVER S. CHRISTIAN nnd DAVID E. MARTIN, Plaintiffs. slM By M. R. Foster their Attorney. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss In tho County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estato ot fJacob RIchlger, Decoasoil. Tothocrodltors, holrs legatees and others Interested in tho estate of Jacob RIchlger TaUo notice, that Albert Rlchlgor, ox ocutor has Mod in tho county court a report ot his doings as oxocutor of said estato and It la ordered that the samo stand for hearing tho 10th day ot October A. n. 1011. boforo tho court at tha hour of 0 o'clock, a. ni.. at which tlmft any porson lntorcsted may appear and except, to and contest tho same. And notice of this prococdlne: Is ordered given by the publica tion of a copy of the notlco la tho Soml Weokly Tribune a legal nowspapor printed In.sald county four successive wooks prior to Raid date of hearing. Wltnosa my hand and tho seal of tho coun ty court at North Platte. Nob., this 8th day of September A. D. 10U. sl2- .John Oh ant. County Judge.