The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 10, 1911, Image 1

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    State Wttorie- Sookk
No; (58.
Barb Wire and Bale Ties at Horshoy's
Locust and 5th St.
Mr. and Mrs. PrenusForsteadt became
tho parents of a baby girl Sunday even
ing. Fred Rasmusson returned to Hershoy
yesterday after a short visit with local
Mrs. Charles Reynolds loft last night
for a week's visit with friends in
F. ,H. Garlow will recdive 1750 sheep
today which ho will feed on tho Scout's
Rest Ranch.
For sale 30 "head of shoats at tho
W. N. Roso ranch 2 miles south and
three miles west of town.
WantedGirl for general housowork.
Inquire of Mrs. Mary Adams. 414 West
Cth street tf
Base Burners $15.00 to $55.00 at
Hershcy's. Soft Coal Stoves $5.00 up
wards Locust and 6th St
W. T. Wilcox came homo Saturday
from Lafayette, Ind., and Chicago
whoro ho transacted business for ten
For RentNew five room houso on
West 6th and Lincoln Avo. Inquire
of J. H. Fonda. tf
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Soobergor left
last night for Omaha where they will
combine business with pleasure for sev
eral days.
Visitors from Dickens today aro
Messrs. W. R. Weekly, Frank La Velio,
Frank Dork, Geo. Jcnsberry, B. D.
Baker and their wives.
Mrs. Anderson, of Bridgeport, who
visited Mrs. Ida Tarkington tho last of
tho week whilo onrouto home from
Omaha, left Saturday morning.
Mrs. Gcorgo Godfrey, of Upland,
who Bpont tho week with her sister
Mrs. M. J. O'Connell nnd brothor
arry Porter, loft for homo yesterday.
Thursday afternoon tho Methodist
ladies aid society will bo entertained by
Mrs. LiicaB, Mrs. Crook and Mrs.
Throckmorton at the home of the latter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Hcnish, of
David City, are guests of tho former's
sister Mrs. Julius Hahler and if condi
tions prove favorablo they will locate
here. .
Miles McCarty, of tho North Side
Drug Store, returned'last night from a
short visit in Omaha nnd will leavo in a
few days for California to spend the
- Mr.and Mrs. .T. F, Martin, of -Albion,
Neb., arrivediast night to 'visit at
the home .of tho latter s sistor Mrs.,
Martha Graham while cnrout home
from Pacific coast points.
Monarch Malleable Ranges. The stay
Satisfactory Range atHershoy'ri Locust
and 5th St
The room recently vacated .by tho
Waltemath saloon is being remodeled
to suit tho convenience of C. O. Wein
gand, who will open his clothing store
there about GctoWr 20tb.
In tho police 'court yesterday Robert
Jackson and Dan Ryan were edch fined
$2.00 and'eosts for being drunk and dis
orderly in the main streota of tho city.
Gordon Laing, of Fresno, Cal., a
former North Platto boy, arrived last
night for a visit with local friends
while enrouto to Omaha to attend tho
land show and do somo boosting for his
section of California.
Tho Union Pacific Ry. Co. has en
trusted their timo sorvico to us for
twelve years. Wo assure you we will
give your time pieces as careful atten
tion as wo do theirs.
Dixon, The Joweler.
Attorney J. G. Beeler received word
tho latter part of last week from Mi
ama, Fla., that William Parcell. who
had been held there charged With tho
murder of his daughter, had been dis
charged by tho grand jury.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Howard were ten
ured, an informal, surnriso and recen-
tion bythoTr'nearfriends and neigbors
nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Huntington Monday evening. Thoy
wore the rcccplontB of many beautiful
The last lecislatnre passed an act
crnatlner n new state letral holiday
known as Columbus day. tho dato of
which is Oct. 12. Therefore next Thurs
day will bo observed us a holiday by the
banks, postofllco and land ofllco, if not
by business houses.
We do diamond mounting in our own
shop. We pay highest prices lor gold
and silver. Wo can make an old piece
of silver look like new at a small cost
tn vnn Wo havo tho most comnloto
repair department in western Nebras
ka. You will do well to patronizo thia
Dixon, Tho Jewolor.
Tho sower committee of the city
nnit!l mnf ISVMnv 'nvnninir In "Dr.
Brock's office and after investigating
conditions and going over tho reports of
Sewor District N.. which is between
Front and Cth. street, ordered n now
man hole to bo placed on Pine Btrect
nn1 nno Tiiinrlrnrl fnnt" nf tlin filiWcr to
be lowered, as complaints havo been
made In regard to tho rise in mis uis
trict. Work Wjll bo commenced at onco
under tho supervision of Street Com
missioner Salisbury and City Engineer
' For Sale.
Pure Bred male and female Duroc
imt Hntru All nliclhle to roiristrv
Also nureWd Barred Plymouth Rock
rvMiorolfi. Tnnuiro of or address. Blank
enburc Bros., North Platte, Neb. 9(5-4
"BjijjMtij i jh j
IHMBBH iAfiyflllHd9IVlK9MiMb lJ'0wn iu renter, has mii.iII fret which tulinlu water nt His Wtom. Nnthlnucnn burn. J'twJ.can be lifted out
f fffifc'-'l FltrTm V .Vf" " "r H ' niain vrastl (shown on lclt at tho samo tlmo ilrsitans oB bII tho watof. Tlia Stamr or Cuiltmder tUowa on S
2wmpi ftMnSfvrwvm ItA fSE?y am M KUmptiil Iron Marblo- flapper NlcVel-ilatd Ten eppr NIckM-plate cR III
mW v'liKfcwSJlB t'1mrJ& i5 Km m ,I'1 comnleto with cover KMIta. Hancleomoly nickeled on VaU HaniUomcfy nletafol on H
fcjjl8H J; JK B anil handle that bolda on cner. oul'ilfl. Unwl on lnriijc. outnlda and tlnhwl on lnMJ.
mm in nfc i
111 THK MAJI!S11C Marble THR MAJKfiTIO Patent
It lieil Enameled l'mldln l'an.
Matin (iMsdally Ono for the
maiuEi in iit rsizcrr.n and stvles
Nevcr-lnirn Wired nrlpnlntt
In. x 20 In.
ran. HUeof pan 14H
Mntlo cptiuially for the M
Nevor-Kurii Wired Urtpplng
Pam. Sln of baif 9 tn. x 13 In.
: tT: :
Beginning Monday,0ct. 9 rnrStZSL1 "SEnding Saturday, Oct. 14
The only range in the world made of genuine charcoal wrought iron and malleable iron. Not an ounce of cast jrQii or cheap Bessemer
steel used in its makeup. , Lasts three times as long as a steel range. Each day during the week we will show a rajge-in actual use, baking
tempting biscuits in three minutes, and serving free, with prime coffee, to all visitors. With; each Range sold during'this demonstration week
the Majestic factory 'will give ! V ' 1 "
7 BS0IUTELY FREE""' v- ' 1 .Wf -
a set of kitchen ware worth $8;po. The Range willndt cost you a penny more. You get this valuable .ware absolutely free., sOrder your
Range during Gift Week,' make a ' smdlLpayment'deliyeredhvh.en ready t thussecurinf--th'e'gif.This is a special invitation to you .
to call, whether you buy. Or , not. " ' . . . ,
We will also put on sale our entire line of Furniturd and Rugs during this week at a Discount of 15 to 50 Per-iCent. This is going
to be a great bargain week at our store, so don't miss it. L -
Ginn. White & Schatz.
The Davis carapro report a five pas
senger Reo to J. R. Howe.
Will HendyandMnc Westfall went
to Kearnoy on business today.
Cash Austin leftlast night for Sidney
to spend a day or two on business,
Rov. Johnson spent Saturday and
Sunday on church work in Gandy.
For Rent Good 5 room house. Phono
510. EllaHuxoll.
John Dow loft yesterday morning
for Omaha on business for n few days.
Mrs. W. F. Cody, who had been
traveling with with tho Wild West Show
for several weeks, rotured homo tliis
Mrs. Georgo Dillnrd formerly of this
city who now resides in Grand Junction
arrrived this morning to visit Mrs. B.
L. Robinson.
Miss Delia Hanks who formorly
conducted a china studio in this city
arrived Sunday from HaBting and will
engage in china painting.
Francis Montague loft today for
Omaha, where ho will.transact business
and take an advanced degree in tho
Knights of Columbus.
Weather Forecast Fair tonight and
Wednesday. Maximum temperature
yosterday 73; ono year ago'85. Mini
mum tompcraturo yesterday 87; ono
year ngo 43.
Miss Ella Biako was tendered a sur-
Eriso last evening by a largo number of
er friends. All received a hearty wel
come and several hours were pleasantly
spent in card games Uio nrst prizes
being won by Mrs. Millio Barraclough
and Ray Barber. After the card games
a nico two course luncheon was served.
Mrs, J. F. Clabaugh entertained tho
past matrons and present oflkers of
tho Eastern Star at a kensington Sat
urday afternoon In honor of the Grand
Worthy Mntron, Mrs. Carrio Wright,
of Schuylor. The affair proved very
pleasant to all. A nico two course
lunch was served and the table decor
ations consisted of a hugh five pointed
Star composed of red, yellow, white,
blue and green flowers outlined in fern
leaves. This represented the. emblem
of the order ana was beautifully arran
ged. Placo cards were water colors
cut in tho shape of a star and colors in
keeping with tho flowers used. Twenty
six ladies were present.
Death of George Babbitt.
George Babbitt died at the homo of
his daughter Mrs. William Hupfer oarly
bununy morning or pneumonia alter an
illness of less than one week.
Mr. Babbitt's condition was not con
sidered 'serious until a short timo be
fore doath occurred thoroforo his
demiso was a great shock to tho fam
ily and f ribnds. ,
Tho departed man was among ear
liest, settlors in this county nnd highly
respected by ovory acquaintance. Ho
lived nobly and woll ana his death canto
calmly and peacefully in the presence
of his children who reside in this city
and were with him during his illness.
Mr. Babbitt enlisted in tho 39th
Illinois regiment in 18G1 and served un
til six months before tho close of tho
war at which timo ho was wounded in
tho back and spent almost a year in
tho hospital. Sinco that time his health
has been affected and ho novor fully
regained his former strength. Ho ru7
eerily returned from Salt Lake whoro
ho spent several months hoping to
bettor his condition.
In former years Mr. Babbitt dealt in
horses but owing to old age and a weak
ened state of health he was unfit for
work for several years past.
Ho was a meiribor of the G. A. R.
and thoy will hold services at tho
Georgo Babbitt was born in tho
westorn part of Virginia in 1839 and
was married in Detriot, Mich., in
1805. To tills union were born soven
children, six of whom aro living. They
aro Tilman Babbitt o Salt Lake City,
Mesdames Joseph Johnson, Will Hup
for, John Raynor of this city, Mrs.
Orrin Brown of Northport, and a
brother James Babbitt of this city.
The funeral will bo held from tho
Hupfor residence this afternoon and
tho remains interred in tho North
Platto cemotory besido his wife who
passed awoy ono year ago.
H. E. Dickey returned Saturday
from Fairbury, whero ho went to look
after a business proposition, and yes
terday went to Kearnoy on a 1 similar
Word wan received by local friends
that Miss Gertrude Herrod, of Colum
bus, who was operated upon a fow days
ago for oppendkdtis, is progressing
The M. B. A. social club will crivo
ono of their soml-monthly dances nt tho
ii. y, hail tomorrow night.
The Presbyterian Synod.
Tho annunl fall meeting of the Synod
of Nebraska, convenes in tho local
Prcsbytorian church, on Wednesday
afternoon of this woek. Tho Synod in
cludes tho wholo stato nnd represents
240 churches nnd more than 20,000 mem
bers. Wednesday afternoon will bo giyon to
Sunday school matters. On tno pro
gram aro Sunday School workers of
Btato and national rank.
On Wednesday evening tho retiring
vice-moderator, will delivor tho sermon
which formally opens the sessions of
tho Synod. It is tho custom for tho
retiring modorator to pronch at this
session, but as that ofllco is hold this
year by tho Rev. Geo. F. Willams, D,
D., pastor of tho local church, he has
delegated tho duty to tho vico-mouora-tor,
Prof. W. A. Clark, Ph. D., of tho
Kearney Normnl.
The morning sessions will bo devoted
largely to ecclesiastical business. Tho
afternoons and evenings will be moro
intercstingto tho public. Those do
siring to learn what the church is doing
nnd what her methods are will find
opportunity to lenrn at tho sessions.
The great departments of tho church
es' enterprise will bo presented. S S.
work on Wednesday nfternooon, Thurs
day, homo missions and related topics
will be considered. In the evening tho
service will open with a concert by tho
church choir followed by an ad
dress by tho Rov. E. Morris Fer
gusson of Philadelphia. On Friday
foreign missions will havo tho chief
emphasis. In tho evening thero will be
two speakers Mr, J, B. Wooton, ono of
tho editors of tho Omaha Boo will
sneak on tho men and Tho Mon and Re
llgouB Movement, which is just now at
tracting tho attention of tho wholo
country. Ho will bo followed by an
other luyman, Dr, Robert E. Spear,
whoso reputation Is international",
Tho program for Saturday and Sun
day can bo spoken of later, Tho
following however will bo on tho
program for these dayp: Dr. D. E. Jen
kins of Omaha, Dr. Hughes of Madison
Wis., Dr. Wadsworth of Denver, Dr.
Jcnks of Omahu. Dr. Lawrence of Lin
coln, Judgo Davidson of Tocumseh, and
William Jennings Bryan.
ri . a it-i-i!
Tho Democratic electors of tho city 1
vi iiuiin i-jiuio are reuueuteu u inuyi,
In mass convention at tno court house?,1
Tuesday evening, Oct 10th, lit 8 o'clock
for tho purpose of placing in nominal
tion a candidate for the ofllco of pollco'
magistrate of tho city of North Platte.'i
to bo voted for at tho general election
to bo held Nov. 7th, 1911.
J, B. MaDONALD.Chairman. '
Haiuiy Walhath, Secrotnry.iV'j
Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Ell and Mr'nf'
J. I. Smith went to Omaha this morn,
Charles Sinclair, of Columbus, Ohio,
loft yesterday after visiting his uncle
Charles Ell.
Dr, WaltorOrook 'will leave tho flr$t
of tho week for Kearney to attend tho
Dentists' Convention. V
Mrs. D. Kenncr and daughtor Emil:
who havo been guests of Mrs.
Redmond, will leavo tomorrow.
Good Hay Presses at $75,00 to $125.00
at Herhoy'Br-Locust ami 5th ht.
Mrs. Adams, of Cozad, relumed to
her homo this morning after a visltwith
her daughter Mrs. I'ramt inyjor.
Miss Alico Anderson, of Axtoll, whb'
nun wuuii uiu tjuuni. ui nur diblut mia.t
Bertha "Anderson, went homo today.
Mrs. Wallace of Grand Island who lfhs1
been tho guest of Mrs. W. B. Salisbury
wont to Grand Island this morning.
Mrs. Julius Pizor enmo homo last
night from uenver whoro sho accom
panied her daughter Maymo last week.
Martin Gross, formorly .of thia cftv.
who is now associated with tho Nebras
ka Feed Co:, Is transacting business
and visiting friends In tho city,
. A reception will bo clvon nt tho I. O.
O. F. hall tonight by tho Yeoman In
honor of Dr. T. J, Kerr and brido and
Ernest Gliner and bride. r
There aro no now dovolonmenls in
tho Btriko conditions, both tho men and
tho company roporting conditions" as
satisfactory. Officials say thnt thero
uro now sfxty-striko breakers at work,
in tho local shops. It is said that tlio,
BtriKe-breaKors havo been shipped in
hero In greater numbers than ronlly
needed. At Ogdon it is said that fpuv
carloads of striko-breakcra woro un
loaded, but,onlyono man went to wore
For Sale j
Angus bulls ranging from ton months
to two years old: a flno Duroc boar, In
qulro of Frank Ebolo, North Platto,
KTlau TTnlf.n hnulrlfinn inff Cntwlnt, tn
. ... ..... ..biu.i muiiuwii ww uuiiurjr AVI
yonver to spend u week with friends.
Mrs. A. Howlott returned todov from
week's visit in Chicago,
. License to wed was granted to Shcr-
Sian ttmorsori nnu iNeiiio hi. iirundt, or
'iRov. Harman and Wm. Ebrlght will
icavo tomorrow ior umana to attend
tho Lutheran synod.
Temporary injunction was granted in
mo case oi w r, onyoer anu J. ti.
Markco vs. Cecil O'llaro and Leon a
$cott lOBt Saturday.
Tho Lutheran Brotherhood mot at tho
homo of Andrew Yost last uvening.
Rev. Woods, of Oshkosh, was tho guest
of honor. A four courso lunch was
sorved after tho business mooting.
Mrs. Bert Decker, of Elwood. Nob..
ylsitcd local friends today whilo on
routo to I'axton to visit her Hislor, Mrs.
A. Loo. Mrs. Dockor was formerly
MissGertio Brown, of this city.
Little Josonhino Ouimetta entertained
a number of friends last ovenincr in
honor of her seventh birthday. Juvenile
games were played and a dainty luuch
was served. Joscphlno recoived a num
ber of pretty gifts.
Press Drill at $70.00, Farm Wagons at
$05.00 upwards at HersheyB Locust and
6th St.
Tlin TttlfTnln mil riiln C.hlU Imlil n
V - W . W A i VVI VIMhf
Sractlco shoot Sunday In honor of Mr.
ortMnnnlng of tho Y. M. C. A.
Cartrago Co., who wa3 their guest and
i.i u pruiuamunui unooier. ronowing
aro tho scores: Hosier 88, Muldoon C7,
Winlrnuitfoti (M Mannlncr OA VnAnrhnnt
1 , ..... W ... WW . . V, V,
03, Neville 05. Watkins 80, Rebhausen
at, mcuonneii ov.
RerUl No. 02710.
United States Land Olllco.
At North Platto. Nebraska. t Oct. a, 1011.
Notlco is hereby fflvon that Hutrh
L. Daunt of North Platto Neb., who on
Dec. '."Jtb. 1W id ado homestead ontry No.
21C03. Serial No. 0.710 for thowst half and
west half rant half, Boc'lon 10, Township IS,
N Itanaro 31 W., of tho 6th Principal
ilorldlan, haa filed notlco of In
tention to ,, nlako final flvo yoar
proof, to cHtabllsli claim to tho land aboro
Uoscrlbod, Iwforo tho rcalster and rocolvor
at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho flthday
of l)co. Wll,
Claimant names an wltneasesj Harry,
MadtBon, 'llonry Doobko. Qeortra Macomber.
and David Macombr, all of North Platto.
olO-O J. K- Kv.iNS. IteKlstor, ,