ii- Semi - Weekly Tribune ir I. Bare, Editor and Publbhtw .SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail In ntjrance $1.25 Ono Year by Carrior in advance.. ,.,.$l.f0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraskn, Po3t office as Second Class Matter. TUSEDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1911. Lecal Paragraph!. , Mrn, Van Dyke loft today for Cozad to spend two weeks or more Harry Fleishman returned this morn' lng from a Bhort Btny in Omaha. Kobart .flarvey, of Lincoln, state cn . glnccr, is spending the day in town. Misses Evelyn Sandall and Cossle Miller vill leave Saturday for Gothcn burg. C. P. Campbell, former principal of the local schools, spent yesterday In town. Mrs, Portorfield of Horshey is spend' ing a fow days in town having dentn work done. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andy Yost left Saturday for Chicago to visit Mrs. Charles Dill for two weeks. ( Miss Gertrude llcrrod, of Columbus, who spent the past three weak with friends, left this morning. Clarenco T. Murphy of Curtis and; Minnie Donner of Kearney, wore mar ried yesterdny by County Judge Grant, Herbert Luckey, of Sutherland, who i.i well known in this city, wus operated on In Chlcogo for appendicitis yester day. The onrollmcntin tho high school yest erday was one hundorcd nndnlnoty two, ninety of whom-aro freshmen. The ward ochools are also crowded. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stuart and daughter Eleanor, of Washington, D, C, will arrive tomorrow to visit the form or'H Hlutor, Mrs. A, F. Streitz. John Thomas, of Dickons, wus in town yesterday getting endorsements for appointment ns postmaster at Dickens, vice Cecil Tuoll, resigned. Last Friday vns tho opening day of tho prairie chicken season nnd daily slnco thoti the hunters have been abroad in the fields. The chickens are reported Bcnrcu and so far none of tho nlmrods havo no far as wo have learned, brought in tho maximum number allowed bylaw. John C. Galloway, formor manager of.thu locnl Postal Telegraph office, was nrroslod tho last of tho week by Sheriff Dunkell forombozzlement while in charge of the Grand Inland office. Ho wan chnrged with taking about ono hundrod dollars of the company's funds nd the trial was to be hold Jn Grand Island. Kocontly Mr. Galloway he's had elurgo of tho office atChappell and ndmit3 the shortage. Mrs, C. U. Hodgers, of Mooroftuld. died at heu home at that plncu Aug. 31st, of dropsy of tho heart. Thefunoral was held Scpt.lBt at the M. E, church. Mrs. Rogers, who was soventy-two years of ngo, was ono of tho old sottlers having resided In Lincoln county slnco 1830. Sho leaves to mourn her loss a husband, three dnughtors and four sons, beside n large number of neighbors and l'rionds. Mrs, Rogers was a faithful mombor of tho M. E. church. Her love and devotion was spent on those of her own household; a kind nnd loving wife nnd mother, evor considerate of tho wants nnd needs of othors. She was the mother of M. C. Rodgers the hnr noss man of this city. Myrtle and Vicinity.. Miss Ada Brown, of Osceola, Nebr., ia'vi.Bitirig'old tlmo friends; Chirllo ' Gambrol purchased n now piano recently, Missionary Tumor, accompanied by Rev. uud Mrs. Kimberly, gave a inngic lantern show and lecture on Sunday school work at the Gambrol school houso last Wednesday evening. A Hastings dispatch dated yesterday suytf: Burtlott Richards, wealthy ranchmnn, sont to the Adams county jail to servo n one-year sentenco for fencing public land, died inn sanitarium here at u:15 this morning, following a HurgicHl operetion, thu second ho had submitted to slnco being imprisoned. Thu finit was at Rochester, Minn,, for which ho was temporarily released. Ho returned here about five weeks ago. The second operation was performed hore Saturday night. A Real Patriot. "T.et'a seo." snld the Inwycr who had ineb au out of town acquaintance on u Htreet dir. according to the New Or loans Plcnyune, "doesn't your town soon Holt! an election V" "It tlOt'H." t'nd I suppose you tuko a, lively lu "lrct'ln It?" . ,;, j . 'Vfeil. not too llvely-fiot no lively r I used to." ' 'Interest falling off. eU? Didn't you ',niii for mayor two or tkrefe years ngo?" "I have ruu for mayor of my town peven -successive times, sir." "And becn-bcon" "Been dofcutcd every ttme, sir." Then you probably won't run JlgRlU?" "That'a uncortnln. I am going to u.V'l'rt1 around and And If J ani foully Ii"i-.'SJf8iwiit t LHm.'.then PJI tfltiW' - WdiM'rVof, tb6u H will i ,-.v1(Hm : man they ilo.wnnt.'' Sure It Wat Hit Wife. Threo o'clock was the very earliest tho man could get up to the store. his wlfo askcr him to meet her then "I don't know In what dcpartnu-nt I shall bo nt time time." she mild, "bur Just before 11 I will telephone In Hie clerk ut Hie liifornniiloii utimin tu-t tho tnnln I'litrotii'e. nnd if you will Jn ( step over mid itnlr hllu lie will lull n where I nm." At two minute pnsi :i tin' imn aotijrltt liiftii'iifiiiliiti ii to t In- wiit'iv about of liN wlfi' "I Initv n t;f x'fi'.'i'." nHd tit -Jirii 'from n vooimi iii -: l Iit iiti!mnd would li'i;tilie Tn ii!iiit ti nVln V Mnvlie It l lif n'i Vw tld it !' you iln't rth- a- tit' m i'!l:inkv r-. over on n.sMi m-i'iin. t il;il-!i if suofipfifu lf iit' the 'IitUh in i fii store me ltuiiuii'iit. tin' pliti'i' i;i vimi tllnted itinl '-'ie oii.dn'i tlnd iKiytluv' bIio wnillt'il lli'ri mr how mid newt has ln'cli nlile to f Vntl iiiiythl'ij lii'i'. nnd hlr Is lionlilvi'l.v the umi nan silo will over try to l)iid'n.ritil:if.' here. Of coiirw llftil tnlsbt ! your wlfe"- "Oh. yes." kiiIiI the mini: "tlt.u w:i her nil rlKht."-Now York Situ. Coclilneel Iniccts. Before many years cochineal niir!tt will have become a thing of liNtory only, like the Tyrinn purple or uutt(Ul ty. Tlu.t Is the conclusion of M. Leon Dlguct. who has been Httidylnu: the state of the cochineal Industry Mis Ico. The first specimens of cochineal were taken to Europe by the Mpuiilsh ndvetiturcrs In the sixteenth cijfitury. Tho Indians hurt cultivated the coi-cus cnctl. from which tho color Is. derived in pre-Columblnn times, nnd after the Spanish conquest, tho Industry devel oped rapidly. The city of Onxnca wns tho center of tho cochineal country In tho days of Humboldt, but only u few plantations of the nopal enctux. on which tho insects nru fed. now remain. The fornnle Insects only iifo used to form rt dyo, and they nre gathered by brushing the branches of the nopal an soon ns they begin to lay their i-Kps, They are then desiccated In- ovens or killed with boiling wntor. Duel With Horsewhips. A novel but brutal form of duel be tween two carters look place at Itnjn, Hungary. Being both In lovo with the daughter of tho farmer who employed them, they decided to fight for her with their heavy horsewhips, the girl agreeing to act as umpire and accept tho winner. In order to Insure that thero should bo no running away, they first fastened themselves to two posts In the ground. The girl iruvo tho slg. nnl to begin, nnd tho two men. who were stripped to the waist, began to belabor each other with such fury that long bleeding welts soon cov ered their faces, arms nnd bodies. Unable to bear the horrible sight, the girl ran nwn.v for help. When she came bnck with some of the neigh born they found the two men lying on tho ground covered with blood nnd exhnusted, The duel was declared n draw. A Luscious Morsel. A speaker ut n llternry dinner In fsew York snlds "lie who writes 1 for posterity can only expect the approval of posterity To his own generation his work will be ns unpalatable as German carp and you know tho recipe for cooking Gorman carp? "No? Woll. then, this Is It: "Catch a German carp In a stagnant and muddy stream. Clean It 'Imme diately and hang It In tho sun three days to dry. After It Is thoroughly dried nnll It to a spruce board and cover It with a paste of salt and miis Let it stnnu two unys longer, now bako It forty-olght hours. Remove the nails, scrape off the salt and mud paste cnrefully nnd thon oat tho board- novor eat tho carp." ' Why the Head of a Lion. A custom thero Is In most purls o Europo to adorn aqueducts, spouts nnd cisterns with lions' heads, which though no lllriudublo ornament. Is o an Egyptlnu genealogy, who practiced tho same under a symbolical Illation For because the sun being In Leo, the tlood of Nllu was at the full and water became conveyed Into every part, they mnde' the spouts, .of their aqueducts through the head or u linn -Sir Thomns lirownc. " Vulgar " Er rors." Eskimo Beliefs. Eskimos believe tluil earth uud all ure tilled with spirits. The one drag- men into the eiirth by the feet, froi which they never emerge, the "tin Htrlues men. dead, leaving mi marl; They often stop and listen a nil sa that Tuna of the wind I panning liy Imagining that tun air is full of voire Did HU Best. The Clergyman-Do you tmun t say that your wife goes to 'huiv every .Sunday without you? Hits band-Well, It Isn't my fanlt. I cuu persuade her to stay nt limne.-Ntni.v Rtorles. An Evon Thlnn. Mistress Bridget, how long would you stay with me If I couldn't pay you?.Mnld As log ns you'd keep me if 1 couldn't cook, inuiii. -Harper's Bazar. Immortsljty, "Speaking of Immortality, whnt'fl tho matter with tho hen?" "Go on." "Her son novor sets." New York Times. Consolation, Kulckor My wlfo la nlways praising tho tnon sho rejected for mo.. Bocker Kover mind; sho will praloyypu to her second Uusban(l.--Now York Sun. A Prophecy B, CAROL H. PIERCE Copyright by American Prese Asso ciation. 1911. 5 ; When the civil war woh coming on Enoch Armsby, a Connecticut Yupkce, who had taken It Into his head to run n plantation on the Mississippi river somo twenty miles south of VIckh- burg, found himself u northern man with southern Interests. Despite the differences between him and his neigh bors they didn't drive him out. His bou, Zcko. who had lived in the south longer than In the north, enlisted In tho Confederate army, and this dis posed the southerners more than ever to let the father alone. Enoch Armsby told his southern friends that, there wore reasons why tho north would prevail. "1 guess." he Hald, "uothln can stand njmlnst the south for tlghtlu', but it Isn't nguthf that's goln' to win. The northern people are full of re sources, wnen incy come tiown neru you'll find that they will convert n fer ryboat Into a mnn-or-war, ouim britlges with cotton bales, nnd when they capture ono o' your railroads they'll git out a time tablo and run It nearer the schedule than you fellers can do It In time of peuco." 1 reckQn one southo'nor cnu whip flvo Yankees." would be the reply. "S'posln' they do. S'posln' they kill the 'live Yankees nnd threo out flghtln'. They will be Jolucd by three more Yankees nnd bo us strong ns ever. That'll go right on." The Federal forces slowly mnde their woy down the river and in tlmo the grent event at the war In that region, the siege or Vlcksburg. hegan. JCeko Armsby participated In the lighting thnt took place In tho rear of that city, was captured and eiuillued with a lot of Confederate prisoner or war In a manufactory or undertakers' supplies, When thu news reached Mm father the neighbor said "Mr. Armsby, reckon yer moii It have n chance to show that Ynilki Ingenu irv vn iiiMMi imiLiirm uiiiiiii uuu Reckon he'll Hurt n wny fo' getthrout." 1 guess y.eue II git out If nny one can." "How's he goln' to do It? That fae tory Is on n point o lauu sticuur out Into tho river. There's a high wnll on one sldo uud water on the other. Tho Yauks hnln't sue! fools ns to giv'e their prisoners boats, are they?" "1 cucss not." the rather admitted "Well, wo'll see what Yankee Inge nuity 'II do. Thero's soveral hundred southerners in that building, and if one northerner Invents' a way to bit' Out wo'll give up the point about t no 'su- norlorltv of vo neon c." " Ono morning one or Mr. Aruibby's neighbors stood on the bank looking up tho river, shading hla eyes with his hnnds. Another person saw him, and having nothing to do, wnlked slowly opt to Bee what tho first was looking nt Another and another Joined the party, nnd finally Armsby hlmsolf ap peared. "Somop'n nuaur?" nsked one or the pnrty. 'powerful ipianr. I'd reckon If was driftwood, only fo' somep'n sbinln' On It. Thur-rtld yo' see the flash?'''"'"' Every one saw It and wondered. The driftwood or whatever It was came rapidly nearer, for the current or the Mississippi Is by no menus slow, and ns the thing approached many were the comments made upon It. Some mild It was a lug that had been sqtinrcd,. sumo that It was an obloiig box. while others noticed thnt It was nmnller at each end than In the middle. As It rolled something, elthor glnss or metnl, occasionally caught the ray of tho sun ami sent out a Hash. "By Bum. It's n colllnl" exclaimed ono or the watchers. "Acollln?" oxclnlmcd the othors. "Whnt can a collln bo dolu' tmllln' down tho river?" "It Is n collln. sho'." While those remnrks .wero 'being mndo tho collln ror such It was was approaching the bank on which the party was standing. "There must be a eo'pse In It." re marked one. "or It would roll over." "Thar thing that rellects the light Is tho plate." Tho collln floated by, and as It did so the upper pint or tho lid was lifted off by tho snld corpse, nnd a pnle race rose and looked nt the party with frightening effect. "By Jlng." exclaimed Armsby. "Its my boy Zekel" "Beckon." snld several others. "Dnd," cried the young man, "come out lu a boat and git me. 1 haven't got no oars," Armsby ran downstream to where n boat was tied, rowed out to the cof fin nnd towed It ashore. Then Zeke told them that In 'the undertaker' sup ply manufactory (his prison i n hnil dlscovered a pile of coKIuh. lie, had launched hlmcir In one of thenuibe- fore daylight. "Feller rltlzeus," Bpoke up one o? the party, "we'll nove' compie slch people ns that iih loug as God Almluhty lives.'' A courerenco was iielil. and Itwns decided that the people of the county bo recommended to havo nothing tp do with the war. They felt assured that a people who would use cnfllns for boats instead of burying corpses would be round Invincible. Enoch Armsby simply said, "1 told you so." nnd when the Conredorncy collapsed became tho most Influential planter iu those pnrls. o make prisoners of tho other two. The cd for backhend Xr k dne two they don't kill will Invent some di80rjora. Whenever I am suffering wny o' glttlu' out o' Jail nnd go on from those troubles. I nnnonl to Doan's I Miss Herman Knessmann, formerly I of Rochester, N. Y., the" school teacher who formed a $175,000 company at a Rochester tea party to buy and operato a Kansas oil refinery, is bankrupt Sho filed a petition nt Fort Scott yesterday giylng her liabilities nt $107,000 and her .assets at 5200. Miss Kaessman was ! tho first woman In tho wortf to operate nn oil company. A palatial gambling house, patronized exclusively by women in the higher walks of lifo and operated by a woman, has been in operation in Minneapolis for weeks. Tho police say tho rooms contain two tfozen tables. Tho placa was handsomely furnished and luncheon was Bervcd. It was in Nicolletto avenue tho chief commercial street of the city. Every afternoon a string of automobiles lined up in front. Follow ing complaints of husbands Hint their wives were losing money there, the woman operator of tho establishment WM qummoned to nolice hendaunrtors. Sho was allowed her freedom on her promise to suspend operations. THEY ALL DEMAND IT. North PUttc. Like Every City end n in the Uuion, Receives It Tows Peonlo with kidnev ills want to bo cured. When ono suffers the tortures of an aching back, relief is eagerly sought for. There nre many remedies today that relieve but do not euro. Hero is evidence to prove thnt Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and tho euro is last ing: Mrs. Christina Pickott, 318 East is. at,, xsortn rintto. NeDr., says: "I havou8cd Doan's Kidnoy Pills, which I procured from McDonnell & Grnvns' f?"1'? Store, for kidney trouble and Kidney Pills and their use gives mo ro liof. Other members of my family have taken Doan's Kidney Pills with excellent results," For Salo by all dealers. Price EOc. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffnlo, N. Y,, solo agents for tho United States. Remember the name Doan's and tnko no order. PERFECT IN EVERY .LINE that is the way you will look in your photograph, when we take it. You i have the right to demand porfection of port raiture. YOU LOOK YOUR BEST when you come to us, nnd we do our best. This means that something will result, nnd it is a perfect G.W.ANDERSON Go to SORENSCWS F0IC Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth OHOKR OK HRAHINO ON OIUQINAI. I'UO HATH Or WILL,, Slnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County. S. S. in me bounty (Jourt. In tho Matter of the KsUtu of J. It. Chris tanson. deceased. On readimr and flllnir tho nntlttnn nf Jnhn I? Vcrdlcs praying that the Instrument tiled on the 18th day of August, 1911, and purporting to be an authenticated copy of tho lt will and testament 01 me said ileeenseu. mav be nrovpil. anunivn anoweu aim rocorueu urn tno last win ana tcsm ment or the said J . 11. Uhrlstnnson. riope.-ined. urtlcrcd. That September 25th. 11)11. at 9 o'e lock a. m. Is BSBlimed for hearing said netltlon. when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court to be held In and for said coun. ty, and show canto why tho prayer of petitioner nouiu not oe grameu. This notice to bo published threo successive weeks In Tho North Platte Tribune, a letral news. paper, prior lo said ctato or Heating. soil JOHN UKANT. County Judge. HUMPHREYS' Rnnnlflra rnrn hv nctlns directly On the iilcAs parts without disturbing tho rost of uio system. No. l lor l overs. No. 2 "Worms. No. 3 " ToctUlng, No. 1 ' Diarrhea. No. 7 " CougkB. No. 8 Neuralgia, No. 0 Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. II " Suppressed Periods. ; No. 12 Whites. No. 13 Croup. No, 14 Tho Skin. No. 15 Khouiuatlsm. N.o. 10 " Malaria. j No. 19' Catarrh. ""'''Wo. 20 " Whooping Congh. No. 27 " ThoKiduoys, No. 30 " Tho Bladder, No. 77 " Grippe. In small bottles ot pellets that fit tho ves pocket, yvt liruR3iKts or mauoii, boo, encu fitfrMedleftl Outdo mailed free. lfiinlphrey,Med.Co.,Cor WIIlia'.'oua Street ew juhf. Suits All Classes. Tho clears wo make and sell suits all classes of men. We havo several brands of nickel cigars which aro pro nounced a superior article by smokers of good judgment For tho man who wants a liner cigar, wo have tho ton centers, which are as srood a cicrar as you can buy anywhere. There aro men in JNortn 1'inttc who havo smoKcu our cigars for over twenty-flvo years and aro satisfied. That tells the story of the quality. J. F. SCHMALZRIEn. Office phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. A. J. AMES. MAUIK AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. 8 Phones Ullico 273 f Residence 273 WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D Surgeon, Physician, Consultant. Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phones: Office G42, Residence G44. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern Dniversitv Ofllco over McDonald State Bank r GEO. D. DENT, s iijibiciii uiiu uuiybuii, 5 Office over McDonald Bank. $ Phonos t Office 1G0 I Phones Residence 115 JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty: SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered uiuce f. a. Hospital, mono o4Z. DR. J. S. TW1NEM, rtomeopathlo Physician andSurgeon Hpcclal attcnllnn given to conllno- menu and child run'H diseases, Ohlco Phono 18.1 Hes. Phono 283 Ofllco McDonald Statu Hank Illd'e Jog-along Transfer Co. C. II. SAWYER, MGR. Hack and Heavy Drayinpr of nil Kinds. Piano moving n specialty. Up-to-date 1011 piano truck. Office hours 8 a. m. to C p. m. Office with Postal Telecraph uinco nnone zui. Kesuience 051 Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay wo pay tno top market. Threo cou pons free with returns on each car of hay you ship us to handle for your ac count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in ensn will secure for your hhmo an ele gnnt 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consicn your hav to us and nlease the ladies and also tret a (rood nrico for your nay. uur Aiotto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. ' Sample of tho quality of theso dishes can do seen at tno oltico of tno Semi Weekly Tribune, The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wnzco Streets, Denver, Colorado. v Notice to Delinquents. Notice is hereby given thnt the ron tnl unon tho lease contract to tho fol lowing described school land in Lincoln county, .Nebraska, as set opposite tho name of the holder thereof, is delin quent, and if the amount which is due is not paid within sixty days from tho dnto of this notico. said contnict will be declared forfeited by tho Board of Educational Lands ana Funds, and saiu forfeiture will be entered of re cord in tho manner provided by law: Lots 1 to 4 8-14-31 Mrs. II. J. Hen dorson. NESW, NESW 1C-14-33, D. W, Hnrshfield. S 1 10-10-29 F. A. Votaw. u. uowles. commissioner ot run - lie Lands & Buildings. Dated Aug. 17, 1011. F. J. BROjSKjBR Merchant Tailor. Wo havo recently installed a French . Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We ; are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. I We carry snmples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring nrsi-ctass woricmansnip and perfect fit. IN THE DISTniCT COURT OP LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the annllratlnnnf Jnhn tTorrn.1 ndmlnlrtrator of the estate of Mary Lamplugh, deceased, for license to sell renl estate. U1IUKK TO SJHOW CAUSE. On this 16th ilflv of An cm it. 1911. thin nnu came on for henriner unon the netltlon under nnth of John Herrod, administrator of the estate of Mary L.ampiaugn, deceased, praying for license to sell tho following described real estate of tho said Mary Lampluugh to-wit: That part of lot C, block 103, In the city of North Platte described as follows: Ucginnlng at a point on tho south lino of said lot 40 feet east of southwest comer: thence on tho fouth line of said lot 20 feet: thence tn it northerly direction on a lino parallel with tho east one or said lot to tho north lino or snld lot; thence westerly on the north line of said lot 20 fret; thence In n southerly direction to the placo of beginning, or a sufficient amount thereof to bring tho sum of T3IM.G0 with tho payment of debt allowed said estate and allnwanrn nnd rnt of administrator, for the reason that there is not n suincient amount or personal property In the possession of aald John Herrod. admlnlatnitnr. belonging to oald citato to pay said debts, allow anccs and costs. That all persons Interested In said estato appear before me nt Chambers In the city of North Platte In snld county on tho 7th day of Octnherj 1911, at nine o'olock a. m., to show cause, If any there be, why a llcenso should not bo granted to said John Herrod. administrator, to sell tn mnrh of tho above described real estate of anld deced ent, as shall bo .necessary to pay said debU and expenses. It is further ordered that a copy of this onlcr bo served to all parsons Interested in said estate by causing tho same to be published once a week for four successive weeks In the North Plnttn Scml-weekly Tribuno a newspaper published In saiu county or Lincoln, state of Nebraska. 11. M. UBIME3. Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of LINCOLN . , COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of tho nnnllcntlon of John Hnr. rod, administrator of the estate of Isaac Lamp lush, deceased, for llcenso to sell renl estate. , UIIUEK TO SHOW CAUSE. On this 16th day of Auzunt 1911. this rnn.n camo on for hearing on tho petition under oath of John Herrod, administrator of tho estate of Isaac LamptUKh, deceased, praylnlr for license to sell tho rollowlntr described real estate of tho said Isaac Lamulush. to-wlt: Tho runt nnn-otnv cnthof Lot 6, Block 103, In tho City of North riaiv, Deinir a strip or lanu six leot In width nnd 132 feet In length on the cast sldo of said Lot C In Block 103. In the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, or a sufficient amount thereof to brinir the sum nf fnr thn nnvm.ni.r debts allowed said estate, and allowances and costs or administrator, Tor the reason that thero is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of said John Herrod, 'administra tor, belonirlnir to said eatata tn n.iv mnM Ho).t. nl. lowances and coats. That all persons Interested In snld estato ap pear beforo mo at chambers In the City of North riatto In said county on tho 7th day of October. 1911, at nine o'clock n. m. to show cause. If any thero be, why a license should not bo ernnted to John Herrod, administrator, to sell bo much of Uio abovtt described real estate of said decedent as shall be necessary to pay mid debts and ex penses. it is lurthcr ordered that a copy of this order be served, to all persons Interested In said es tate, by causing the samo to be published onco a week for four succcsslvo weeks In the North I'latto Scml-Wcckly Tribune, a newspaper pub lished In said county of Lincoln, State, of Ne braska. M H. M. GRIMES. Judgo NOTICE OI' CONTEST. Department, of thfrlntcrior, U. S. Land Oftlce, m .... No.rtJi I'lottC Nebraska, Aug. 14. 1911. To Richard Taylor, of Soannuth. Nebraska. contestee: You aro hereby notified that Theodm-n AmI. son, who gives Spannuth, Nebraskn. as hlB post office addrens, did on July 14. 1911, filo in this offico his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead entry No. , serial No. 02017, made June 29, 1WH, lor southwest quarter section 32, townst.tp 14. ranse 2G. west of tho Sixth Prlnrlnnl MH. dlan, and as, grounds Mr his contest he alleges that said claimant never did reside upon said land; thnt he never cultivated any portion of somo and that tho said entry is moro than seven years old and has expired by tho statutes limiting its life. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will bo taken by this ofllco as having been confessed by you, and your said entry win ut cunccuvu mcrcunucr without further right to bo heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, If you fall to fllo In this offlce within twenty days nftor tho fourth publication of this notice, ns shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or if you fall within that umo to mo wunin tins olllce due proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on said con testant cither In person or by registered mall. If this service is mado by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant In person, proof of such service must bo either tho said contestant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of tho copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the affi davit of the person by whom the delivery was mado stating when nnd where tho ropy was de livered; If made by registered mall, proof of such' service must consist of tho affidavit of tho person by whom thrf copy was mailed stating when and the poBtotlko to which It was mailed, nnd this affidavit must be accompanied by the postmast er's receipt for tho letter. YOU should state In vour Rmwrr IL nim nf tho postoffico to which you dcslro fyjuro notico to be sent to you. n?-4 J. E. EVANS. Register Date of first publication Auinint 22. lflll-rintx of second publication August 29, 1911: dato of third publication. Sentember 6. 1911: dnta nf fourth publication September 12, 1911. Serial No. 022T3. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEl'AUTWENT OIT TUB INTKHIOIl. United States Land Ofllco. At North Platto. NobrMlta. July. 27, 1911, Notice Is hereby given that Danlol W. Klink) (if North I'lutt.l N,l)l.. Ulul Oct. 1st. 1BOI, rnadi. homestead ontry No. 20&7S. Serial No. 02253 for tho east half ot MmiiiwusMjiuru'r. Htciion 4, Township 11, N.. Range. 81 V ut thn fitli Principal Meridian, lias (lied notico of In tention to rimke flnal flvo rear proof, to CKiabllf.li claim to thn land nbovo described, loforo thu register and receiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on the 25th (lav of Hept- 1U11. Claimant names a witnesses! Carl nroeder. of North Platte, Nob,, William Griffith, of DIckmiR. Nob., John Pulls of Som erset, Nob., It. O, Tibbies, of North Platte, Nob- al-fl J. K- Evans. Register, ORDER OK IIEATUNd ON PETITION FOB APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Stata of Nebraska. Lincoln County, SS, In tho County Court In tho matter of tho estato of 1'alnor ICorby, rtpooased On reading and filing tho iwtltlonot Simon Rorby, praying that tho administration of ald estato may bo granted to Simon Borby ax administrator, Ordered. That Sept- 18th, 1011, at 0 o'clock a.m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo licH In ana for said county, and show cause why tho prayor alt petitioner should not be granted; and that notico ot tho poodency ot said petition and tho hearing thereof, be given to all persons interested In said matter by pnbllcatlng a cony of this order In tho North Platto Soml-Wcokly Tribuno, a legal weekly newspaper printed In said cchnty for threo succeshlyo weeks, prior to said day or day ot hearing. Dated AugubtSl. IDtl, I-3 .Town Quant. County Juduo Notice. To Mnmio G. Culton, Defendant: You nre hereby notified that on tho 28th day of Anril, 1911. Albert B. Cul ton filed n petition against you in tho District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, tho object ard prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on tho grounds that you have willfully aban doned plaintiff, without cause, for tho term of moro than two years last past. iou aro required to answer saw po- tition on or before tho 18th dnv of Sen- , teniDer, xati. i Albert B. Culton, Plaintiff. 1 By E. II. EyVNS, His Attorney, A