The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 05, 1911, Image 3

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    "Liberty Bell" Shape
IPE without hope draws neo-
, tar in a sieve;
Ana Jwpa without an object cannot live.
a. '.t,n(1 word to weotcn a sorrow,,
the kind deed you would IcaVo Ull to.
Do not dolny putting down sonio ten
der llttlo cucumber plcklca for winter
uso. Hero la a recipe, easy to pro
paro, and most successful In results:
Tako a pound of good ground mus
tard, a pint of salt and a gallon of
vinegar. . Mix tho uiUBtard and salt
until frco from lumps, then naa tho
vinegar In a large, opon-mouthod jar.
Gather tho small cucumbers from
day to day, wash carefully and add
to tho vinegar, putting a plate with a
weight on tho pickles to keep them
under tho vinegar. Whpn tho Jar la
sufficiently full cover with n cloth and
put away to bo used at any time. Tho
weight must alwaya be loft on so that
nono of tho cucumbers aro exposed to
tho air. If a llttlo aweotbnlng is do
aired, sugar and spices to tnsto may
bo added.
Mushroom Catsup. When mush
rooms aro plenty In tho cool fall morn
ings, gather a basket full, look them
over carefully to boo that nono aro
wormy, and put them In a large
mouthed Jar in layers, with salt bc
tweon. Don't bo too generous with
tho salt, or you will spoil tho catsup.
Lot them stand in a worm placo
twenty-four hours covered with a tow
jbL The next day mash and strain
them through a coarso siovo. To
every quart of tbd liquor odd an ounce
of pepper corns and cook a half hour,
then add one-fourth of an ounco of
cloves half nn ounco of ginger root,
onadozon whole cloves, throo blades
cti mnco and cook fifteen minutes.
Tako from tho flro and strain again;
reheat, ail small bottles and dip tho
corks in wax to seal. Tho housewife
who docs not fool that she can afford
to bavo theso dollcaclcs when bought
from tho grocory, will bo ablo, at lit
tle expense to put them up, havo them
for herself and a fow bottlos for hor
The canned sweet rod pepper is
such an addition to so many dishes
nnd'ln tho tall whon thoy may bo had
from your own gardon a fow cans
.will be easily put up. This is a tried
roclpo. of Miss Farmers', and ono only
has to uso tho right proportions to
hnvo success: Wash and cut tho
stems from a peck, of red poppers, ro
movo tho seeds and cut tho peppers
in thin rings, round and round with
tho scissors. Plunge, into boiling
wator and lot stand two minutes,
drain and plunge Into ico wator. Lot
stand ten mlnutos, drain and paok
Into glass jars. Doll ono quart of vin
egar and two cups of sugar, llftcon
minutes. Pour over tho poppors to
overflow tho Jars, seal and keep in a
cool placo.
THAT hath never warred
with misery
Wur ever tuggod with dancer or dis
tress, Hath had no occasion nor no Hold to
The'-atrenBth and forces of his worthi
A busy Ironing dny, Or a day when
using the kitchen range for other
things is n good time to havo a wholo
dlnnor, except perhaps tho dessert and
a salad, cooked in ono dish. Buy a
piece of beef for Btewlng, a bit of veal,
nnd If you havo a broiled chop or two
of lamb loft from yesterday's dinner.
bo much tho better. Cut tho meat in
plccos largo enough for a serving,
and brown well In a frying pan, using
a llttlo 8uoL Add a cupful of wnter
to tho frying pari, aftor removing tho
moat Placo tho meat in a stono-cov-ered
dish, pour over tho liquid from
tho frying pan, and put into a hot
oven. After half an hour's cooking
add a fow carrots, onions nnd pota
toes. Dasto thorn with tho brotr oc
casionally, and serve thom from tho
A simple salad to bo sorvod with
thiB dinner is lettuco and French
dressing. Prepare tho lettuco early,
nnd placo on tho Ico, wrapped In a
cloth. All wator should bo drained
from tho leaves, as tho dressing will
not stay on wot leaves. Prepare tho
drosslng by beating together a ta
blespoonful of vinegar to three of oil,
a half teaspponful of salt and a few
dashes of paprika or rod pepper; a
teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauco
or ono of catsup, or both, may bo used.
When tho dressing la thick and woli
blended pour over tho lettuce. Servo
at onco, as the dressing will wilt tho
lettuce in a few moments.
For dessert on this busy day, a dish
pf fruit nnd a cooky or cheo30, crack
ers and coftco may bo served.
A very dainty dessort easy to pre
nara and most delicious Is musk mel
ons. Cut tho cdlblo portion Into
pubes, add a llttlo lemon juice ana
(.ugar and servo with small cakes or
When making paBtry, bake sev
eral shells, and when a fruit
11 1 Fl I
plo Is . wanted in hurry, crush
tho fruit, cover with a meringue
and brown In a hot oven. This same
plo may bo served with the fruit cov
crod with whipped cream Instead of
the morlngue.
TW HAT is tho uso ot weeping It
I tho sun does take a rostt
It's bound to ro on shining when Die
sood Lord thinks It's best.
Florence M. Day,
It la always bettor in baking flour
mixtures to havo a modernto heat at
first, until tho enko or biscuit la fully
risem then lncrcaso tho heat so that
it will brown over quickly. If too ex
tremo hent 1b used at first tho dough
Is stiffened boforo it has nn oppor
tunity to rise; tho result is a cracked
and unsightly surface
Ulscults- and pastries nro baked In
a very hot oven, as tho cut surfaces
allow tho gases to cscapo readily.
Pastry, unless baked quickly, will bo
Havo a strong umjor heat for baking
Small evens cool quickly nnd should
bo heatod hotter than large onus. Do
not cool tho oven by keeping tho door
open too much.
Tho length of tlmo for roasting or
bnklng fish dopends upon tho extent
of tho surface exposed to tho beat
moro than on tho number of pounds.
For example, a thin largo roast, bo
cnuso Of its largo siirfaco exposed
would tako less tlmo to roast than a
roll roast of tho samo numbor ot
A steak nn Inch thick requires six
to ten minutes for broiling; nn Inch
and a half, eight to fifteon minutes.
Lamb should novor bo sorvod rare;
mutton may.
In baking angel food a vory slow
oven Is maintained throughout the
first halt ot tho baking, then a llttlo
lncrcaso and finish with heat enough
to brown tho enko a rich brown.
A layor cako needs a hot oven and
should bnko in twelvo to twonty min
utes. Molasses and fruit enkos should
have Blower ovons. An ordinary gin
ger bread will bako in a good oven
in forty-flvo minutes.
Tho small ovons used on tho top
ot gas stoves aro a groat convonlcnco
and economy.
F ONLY myself could talk to
As I knew him a yenr ago
T could tell him a lot
That would nave him a lot,
' Of things ho ought to know.
Aluminium vessels aro moro expen
sive than granite, but in tho end they
nro safor. if a dish bolls dry and
burns, tho granite surtaco is npt to
crack and break oft, and a bruiso
or tall cracks- and breaks lc t
Pieces of granlto in chickon feed aro .
not objoctlonablo, but tho human '
stomncb Is not ablo to manngo such
questlonablo things with safoty. i
Tho uso ot cnamol spoons for stir
ring foods is ono tb bo deprocatcd for
tho samo reason. A woodon spoon is
lighter and easier on tho hand. Now
ono can buy small wooden spoons, not
at all llko tho old-fashioned great
born spoon.
Remember to tack pieces of old
cast-off rubbers on to tho bottom ot
tho stop loddor to keep It 'from slip
ping on a slippery floor. Many brok
en hips and legs woutd bo envod II
this advice was followed In each
Cabbago and onions . aro moro dell,
cato It, nftor boiling for n whilo,. thoy
are drained Into n colander nnd cold
water run over them; then return to
finish cooking.
As scon as a bottle or Jelly glass it
emptied, wash It and put It away for
future uso.
When cooking a spnro rib, sprinkle
It when putting to roast with minced
onion and a little powdered sago.
Put a little cold coffee occasional!
on your terns nnd palms. Thoy need
stimulating as well as wo.
Qreaso tho cork of tho cement not
tlo nnd there will need no forco to
open tho bottle when needed.
Rubber heols on shoos will save
many a back acho and over-wrought
Ufio keroseno oil to savo elbow
grcaso in cleaning tho sink.
Necessary Labor.
Everything within and about us
shows that It never was Intendod that
man should bo Idle. Our own health
'and comfort and tho wolfaro and hop
plnoss of those around us, all require
that man should labor. Mind, body,
soul, all allko suffer and rust out by
Idleness, tbo Idler Is a saurco of men
tal and moral oftonso to everybody
around. He Is a nulsanco In the
world and needs abatement for the
public good, llko any other sourco ot
Photograph by Hummel, from
THIS plqunnto nnd patriotic article
of hoadwoar in both comfortablo
and bocomlng. It is tho first ot
tho fall fashions to reach theso
shores from Franco, where It was es
pecially designed for tho "Los Belles
Ullcs Americanos."
Makes for Comfort In Travellnrji and
Also Preserves the Articles
A Bchemo which a girl will find a
gront comfort In any placo whoro she
has insufficient closet space ia a bag
to hold her hat or her dress. In travel
ing it is well to tako ono or moro ot
theso bags, and in a camp they aro al
most indispensable A girl can very
quickly inako all alio wants of thom,
and if sho wants to cconomizo spneo
they can bo mado of sllkollno. which
folds up into the smallest kind ot a.
package, Is light in weight and, very In
expensive For a hat, mako a bag three-quarters
of a yard deep and half a yard
wido, with a drawing string at tho top.
Tho bag Is hung up by this string nnd
tho hat is kept freo from dust and out
ot tho way, This measurement 1b for
a hat of ordinary size; if your hat is
an unusually largo ono tho bag mimt
bo larger.
For a dreBB tho bag should bo about
llvo Inchos longer than tbo dress It
Bolf, tho width being a llttlo moro thnn
enough to slldo the dress In easily.
Whon camping It Is best to put ono's
traveling dress nnd hat Into theso
bags nnd loavo thom there, for they
aro. seldom wanted until ono is ready
to leave. In making tho bags for camp
ing there aro some advantages In us
ing crctonno Instead of sllkollno. Be
ing so much thicker, It keeps out tho
dampness better, and it is often damp
enough in a tent to havo a rathor dis
astrous effect on a hat.
This slmplo waist Is of marqulsctto
or vollo trimmed with n beautiful laco
or embroidery and fantonlng at tho
side with buttons and loops.
Tho sloovcs, but In ono ploco with
tho body of tho waist, aro trimmed to
To Pull Bastings.
Few porBonB know that an ordinary
orangowood stick, such as Is used for
tho nails, is tho boat Instrument for
removing bastings, A scissors when
used is very apt to cut or tear the
garmenL Procure tho stick at any
drug store.
Underwood & Underwood.
Tho slmpo of tho hat clearly resem
bles that of tho historic liberty boll.
Tho material la a rich brown plush,
and tho willow plunio Is white abovo,
shndlng off Into n hue matching that
ot tho body of tho hat. It 1b ono ot
tho Eoason's favorltos, '
HlQhly Important Part of Equipment
When a Qlrl Contemplates
"Rounhlno It."
Girls who havo had llttlo oxporionco
In outdoor llfo ofton do somo foolish
thlnCB Whfn th,IV lintrlii tn tvv .lo
' - - - - W V. ...III
form of enjoyment Ono way In which
many of thom intorforo with tholr own
comfort is by going on n tramp with
tho wrong kind of shooa.
A girl who hns played tennis and
found tho soft, rubbor soled slides
comfortablo will think that thoy will
suroly help hor to enjoy a tramp; but
thoy aro tho last thing to wear for a
long walk, as thoso girls havo found
to their coat They como homo with
their foot aching nnd tho culvoa of tho
lega tired out from tho lack of tho
nprlng that Is givon by hoela, Walk
ilng with a Hat, hoolloss Bhoos on a
'rough road Is oxtromoly trying, and
ono can feel ovory stono through tho
toft rubbor solos; and theso tired feot
nnd legs will fool ovon worso tho noxt
Quito as bad as tho tennis shoca nro
low Bhoos with thin solos aud high
heolB. Theso tiro tho foot and may
sprain tho ankles. Tho only shooa
Phut aro really satisfactory for "rough
ing It" aro strong high Bhoos with
thick solos. Tho strongest ankles need
support In rough walking, and it 1b
often wc.t In tho woods. Tho girl who
hao onco tried tho two wayB of tramp
ing will novor again bo persuaded to
wear low or thin shoos.
Paris Bridesmaid Gowns.
A chophordoss offoct wna shown In
four bridesmaid gownn recently
turned out by PnrlB makers. Tho nn
dorsllps wero of a thin whlto silk trim
mod with scattorod wroaths, about tho
bIzo of a saucer, of tiny pink rosea.
Over thoso foil tunics of palo bluo
chiffon, which mellowed tho Ilow'erB
until they woro the dimmest blush.
Tho broad hats wero wreathed with
the. pqsIob hold by a vast buttorily of
thin whlto lnco, and thoro wore small
knots of tho buds on tho bluo slip
pers. Suit Coats.
Suit Jackets for autumn nnd winter
wll remain close fitting about tho
hlpa and hold to tho straight lno
form. At prcBout thoro Ib no arbi
trary decreo regarding tho length.
Models considerably shorter than tho
2G-lnch length, and somowhat longor
also, nro among tho now modols. But
tho length mentioned Is a hnppy me
dium. Tho feeling Is that with tho ap
proach ot winter tho tendency will bo
to longthon tho Jacket, with perhaps a
rovlslon to tho short offocts again in
tho spring.
Hunter Green.
As tho soason advances tho vogue
for emerald green notlcenblo for soma
months past appears to bo on tho do
cllno, huntor grow, a spfter, moro
pleasing tono, Ulng substituted.
Scarfs of huntor green satin aro
draped around tho crowns of outing
bats ot Panama and poanut braid and
grncotully looped aUono Bldo. Scarfs
of striped and checked silk, such as
may bo found at tho nockwear shops,
aro also utilized as drapery for out-
I Ing bats.
Bestowal of Two Black Eyes Alto
gether Too Much for Heiress
to bverlook.
. They wore n pleasant party at ihe
country houso, and It wna only nat
ural that Harvey Uarduppo ohoirtd
all In love with Clarissa Coyno, tho
Ono afternoon thoy went for r row
ron tho river, but their boat struck a
floating tree and sank, loavlng thom
struggling In tho water.
Mnd with terror sho throw her
arms mound his valiant nook, almost
strangling him, but ho was deter
mined to savo her, so raising his flat
ho struck hor twlco, making hor un
conscious, and thus ennbllng htm to
Bavo hor.
Sho wub carried to hor room, and
4ioxt day, when Hafvoy called, this
ote was handed him:
"Sir: I qulto ndmlt that It was
necessary to' mako mo unconscious
in order to snvo me, but you might
.havo boon careful not to black both
my oyea. Wo part for ovorl -C.
"Whllo attending school nt Lebanon,
Ohio, in 1832, I bocamo afflicted with
bolls, which lasted for about two
years, when tho aflllction assumed tho
form ot an oczomn on my face, tho
lower part ot my faco being inflnmod
.most ot tho tlmo. Thoro would bo
wntor-bllstors rlso up and opon, nud
Whorovor tho wntoV would touch It
would burn, and cauBO another ono to
rlso. Attor tho blister would opon,
tho pluco would oenb ovor, aud would
bum nud itch bo aa to bo almost tin-'
bcarablo at times. Iu this way tho
eoroa would nprcad from ono placo to
inrHhor, back nnd forth ovor the
wholo of my upper lip and chin, and
at, tlmos tho wholo lower part of my
faco would bo n solid sore. This con
dition contlnuod for four or flvo yonrs,
without getting any hotter, and in fact
got worso all tho tlmo, ho much bo
that my wlfo bocamo alarmed lost it
provo fatal.
"During all this tlmo of bolls and
oczom, I doctored with tho host phy
elclnna of this part of tho country, but
to no avail. Finally I docldod to try
Cutlcurn Uomcdles, which I did, tak
ing tho Cutlcura Hosolvont, applying
tho Cutlcurn Ointment to tho sores,
and using tho Cutlcura Soap for wash
ing. In n vory short tlmo I began to
notlco Improvement, nnd continued to
uso tho Cutlcura Romcdloa until I wbb
woll again, and havo not had n ro
curronco of tho troublo slnco, which Is
ovor twonty yoara, t havo rocom
mondod Cutlcura .Romodloa to othors
evor slnco, and havo groat faith In
thom as romodloa for skin dlsoasos."
(Signed) A. C. Brandon, Attarnoy-aU
Law, Oreenvlllo, O., Jan. 17, 1011.
Although Cutlcura Soap nnd Oint
ment aro E'old ovorywhoro, a satnplo
ot onch, with 32-pago book, will he
mailed freo on application to "Cutl
curn," Dept. 3 K, BoBton.
Avoid Disputation.
Tho disputatious porson never makes
a good friend. In friendship, mon
look for peace and concord and some
measure ot contont, Thoro arc
enough battles to fight outside, onough
jarring and Jostling In tho strcot,
onough disputing In tho mnrkot place,
enough discord in tho workaday
world, without having to look tor con
tention In tho roalm of tho Inner llfo
also. Thoro, If anywhoro, wo ask for
an end ot Btrlfo. Friendship Is tho
sanctuary ot tho heart, and tho poaco
of tho sanctuary should brood over It
(Us chief glory la that tho dust and
noise of contost aro oxcludod.- Hugh
Little Pitcher.
Lady Visitor I am coming to your
mnmmn'n company tomorrow, Tom
my. ' Tommy Well, you won't got n good
Tommy'a Papa Tommy, what do
you mean, talking llko that?
Tommy Well, you know, pa, you
told ma you'd havo to got somo
chicken feed for her old hen party
Tuberculosis Among the Insane
Autopsies mado In Now York state
hospitals for tho Insane nnd olaowhoro
show that tuberculosis Is an nctlve
dlfloaao In about 20 per cent of tho
cnscB, ns compared with about halt
that percentage In theNnorrunl popula
tion. (Mrs. Wtnslow'n Boatlilng Syrup for Children
Itccthhia, softens tho (ruujn, reltice luflaruma
tlou, ullaH yulii,oiiru wind collo, 2ic a bottle.
'Is that bargain really cut glass?"
"Suro; It was marked down."
'2,50, '3,00, 3.00 & '4.00 SHOES
WOMEN wear W.L.DouSl& stylish, perfect
fitting, easy wnllting boots, because Uiey give)
long wear, same as W.L.Dotiglas Men's shoos,
The wotkmanship which has madeW. L.
Douglas thocs famous the world over is
maintained in every pair.
If I could tako you into my large fadotlcs
at Brockton, Mass., and iliow you how
carefully W.LDouglas thocs are made, you
would then understand why they ore war
ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and
wear longer than any other make for the price j
flnllTlflM T,,' ff"lnu "vo W. I Douglas
unu i lurt name Bml tirlca stamped on bottom
It tou csnnnt nbtsln V,', U Doualis ilios In
Four town, writs for cstl2. Blioos sent
rota fsotorr to wearer, all ubsruet prepaid.
DOVlillAM, lis ttpark HU, Urocktou,
Evelyn But -when it comes to love
maktng Harold la rather green, isn't
Myrtle Not now.
Evelyn lndeodt
Myrtlo No, ho'o bluo; I rojocted
him last evening.
A Human Cruet-Stand.
Sovornl villagers wero discussing a
departed sister who had been given to
good deods but was rather too fond
ot dispensing sharp spoken ndvlco.
"Sho waa an excellent woman," Bald,
tho deceased lady'a pastor. "Sho waa
constantly in tho homes of tho poor
and aflllctod. In fact, sho wna tho oalt
of tho earth."
"Sho waB moro than that," romark
ed n villager. "Sho was tho vinegar,
tho peppor and tho mustard uu well.
Sho was a perloct cruot stand of Vir
tues." London Tlt-BltB.
"Now that you've hoard my da'ugb
tor nlng, whnt would you ndvtso mo
to do?"
"Woll," tho muslo master ropllodi
"I hardly know. Don't you Bupposd
you could got hor lntorostod in sottle
mont work or horsoback riding or
Bomothlng llko that?"
Colo's Cnrbollxnlvo quickly relloves nnd
cures burnlntr, Itchlne And torturing skin
diseases. It instantly stons tho .pain of
burns. Cures without scars, 'JSo 'and COo
by flruRKlsts, Kor freo tnmnlo writ" to
J. W. Colo & Co.. Mack tuvor fulls, Wis.
Faces Inoluded.
Howoll Ho has a wcathor-bcaton
Powell Woll, tho wenthor boats
Hnd2atamptor Are utmplet of my ytrr ctmlo
Mil Hold Kuiboatsd HlrtlxUr, Flower nnd Motto
I'utt Ctordii bountiful colors nd lorvlleit draliai.
Art Post Card Club, W Jscktou Bt., Tupelo, Kan
A crowd ia not company, nnd faces
aro but a gallery of pictures, and talk
n tinkling cymbal, whore there Is no
lovo. Bacon,
FOlt SALU-Moving TicWo, film, la
foot. II. D.tvis, Wnte-rtown. Wia.
Flrmncfea is fomlnlnq nnd obstinacy
is masculine ao says a woman.
Lewis' Slnjjlo Binder Cq cigar equals In
quality niosv iva cigars. .
How ti man does llko to havo peo
ple think ha la wealthy whon he Isn't!
It will restore the
appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation,
and keep the
open T i
a Bottle
Home Today
Iiirceat stock, lowott prices. Ilomlntrton t
Htnltn rrcilor t. Chlmuo UndrrMrnod U
U U Sullli (40, Monarch $W, lUinmond I'ox
Kul I (Juamnteit. Bend for Ualulou A,
11. V. bWANSOH CO.. UUllftmaniBt., Oaiulia, Nub,
UAH I AUI fewfffeftg
annual Inntnllmrnti. Ample HSteriupiilr uuaran
toud. IDAIIO lllltlUATlUN CO., iUcfinelU, Mutx
direct ONI! I'ATK of my 1IOVH' S3,.S0tf
W.L. 83.00 H1IOKH will noil tlvjly outwear
Mass. XWOVAUIU o ordinary boje'sltoM