Semi -Weekly Tribune in L. Bare. Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES,. Quo Year hy Mall In advance 5 1.2f Ono YSftr by Carrier In udvance. ..... .$1.60 Entfred at Nortti Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllce ns Second Glass Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 29. 1911. Support Home Industries. Whenever a plan la suggested for tho development of the town the first sug gestion, Invariably, Is "Bring In more Industries." It is customary to throw out nil sorts of Inducements for the locntlon of fractorles, Including oxemp tlon from taxes for a time, free sites, houses, and these methods have contrib uted so much toward building up hurt dreds of prosporous municipalities that their wisdom can not be queslloncd. Anything that will add to our desirable population, that will give employment to mon who support families nnd thus contribute to Uio general welfare, is at nil times desirable. Hut tho neonlo who Join heartily In tho work of bringing In new industries, nnd who show tho greatest enthusiasm over this feature of the public work In which nil good citizens share, some times are tho first to forgot that tho now industries brought in nnd the old ones already hero rcqulro continuous Bupport and fajling to get it, become nhindrnnco rather than an aid to development. Wo are apt to overlook, too, tho fact that the homo merchant is entitled tq as much consideration as tho factory which wo hnvo obtained by special effort. The merchant la n necessity ovon more so than tho factory; for who carea to Hvo in n community whore thoro are no stores, or where tho stores nro closed and tinned nnd the mor clmnU have raovod nwny, forced to other fields by luck of patronage? Tho rotnll store, properly conducted, is an industry that should. linv tho sup port of ovary loynl citizen. Our pride in tho home town Is measured by our willingness In support iU merchants and it Industrie!. It is rot necessary to build a Chinese wall around our communityto reftlM to buy outaiua when We caii do so to advantage. But tho mnu who vill,wnd away fur something that ho can buy at home on us good or bettor terms needs "education njiij lacks loyalty."- Some time), unfortunately, the vary ono who should bo least liable to this critlcium tho loonl merchnnt, In given to sending abroad for things which ho ought tq i!SXlrSIfl iHilRnbgrg, Then, again, thoro In tho. fnrnior who finds it easier lomnll his order to u big city than to coma to towjUj;; Often ho Is handicapped by'bad. roads "and thus hits n valid ex cuse. But lin ought to bo able to buy by mail from our own merchanto tut sufoly and ns mlvantngoouBly as from Homoone lit distance with whom ho htm no acquaintance. If he is not furnished tho facilities It Is timo fbrl tho Improvement of our merchandising muthodfi. And lie ought to liuvo good roads that would mnko n trip to town a pleasure. Itfuch romnjno to ho dono to streng then our locnT businoas interests. Wo ought to glvo renl support to nny move that will tend to keep our monoy ut home. Last week closed with two calamities, a, wreck 'on a railroad at Manchester, N. Y,, in which twonty-alx woro killed nnd-seventy injured, nnd tho death of twonty-flvo In a plcturu show nt Can . nonsburg, Pa. In tho former Instancu the accident was duo to a dofcctlvo rail; in tho second to the explosion of a film followed by a cry of fl'ro and a general stampede LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr5. Gcorgo Schatz wlHentortaln tho Novita Club to morrow. Mra. yan Brocklln returned to 'day from Denver where sho spent rt vcck. Homer Vaughn, of Grain! Islund, is Ink big treatment at tho P. & S. hospital. J, B; 'ElllotMi enma Jiomo Saturday ovening from a weok'a fishing In rramio. Mrs. Hnrpor was forced to .close her hoarding house Inst week on account of Illness. Miss Isabell StauTonl, of Paxton, who has been tho guest of Mrs. J, B. Murphy for, ooveral days went homo yesterday. Dr. J. B. Redfleld wont to Sterling Sunday for a consultation with 'several other doctors on a enso there, Mrs. L. C. Ifnnaen, of Callaway wont homo yesterday nf torooon after spend tng a week with her mother, Mrs. Emma Pulviir. Miss Lena Basklns returned yester day from Garfield where b1o visited Miss Lena Sensoll, who nqcompanled tier liomb. Ono of tho best bits of negro comedy acting oi tno season will uo seon in "As told in tho Hills," which will play at tho Koith thoatro Wednesday, Aug. 30th. The play Is regarded as tho atrongeat melodrama produced this Hoason and one that has met with do served success from its first perform HJICO, Commissioners' Praccedings. Aug. 10-17-18 Board mot pursuant to adjournment as n board of equalisation, present Wnltcr, Streitz and county clerk. Board of equalization continues pre paring values. Whereupon the board takes a recoss until A ii ir. 21. The hoard meets as board of county commissioners nnd tho following claims were allowed; Cy Towers road work district No. 2 10w!0N. Koso road work district No.l 8.60 lt C. E. Parsons road work district No. 17 100.00 , Whereupon tho board adjourns as n board of county commissioners until Aug. 21, 1011 Aug. 21 Board of equalization mot as per re cess taken-present Wnltor, Streitz nnd county clerk; completed getting out - Tl...u.1 A t.n MstMnetn Until movv and meets as a boaVd of county rnmmlsflionoM. Claim of Fred Simanta road work district No. 30 allowed on district No.30 fori 00.00 nn Aug. 22 Tim hoard of eouallizntionmct.nKreo- able to recess taken present Wnltcr, Stt-nlrz nnd cotintV clerk Tho board of equalization proceeded to mnko the following levy for Lincoln county for the year iuu: STATU LEVY. Gonornl fund .' 5 mills University fund 1 mill State aIdl)ridgo 1-5 mill Total Cl-G COUNTY LEVY. General fund 7 8-10 mills Bond fund 4 mills nridmi fund 2 mills Sold ere' relief fund 2-10 mills Total 14 mills. PilECINCT LEVIES. North Platte bridge nnd Interest 1 mill Eureka bridge and interest 3 mills. Bostwick bridge and Interest 1 mill. Ilorshny bridge nnd intorest 3 mills SPECIAL LEVY. Road Dist No. 4, ono mill. SCHOOL DISTUICT LEVIES. No 1, general 80 mills, bond G mills, special 4 mills. No 2, general 20 mills, bond 7 mills, high ochool 0 mills. No 3, general 14, high school 7. No 4, gonornl 15. No 5. goncrul 1C, high school 1 No 0, general 25 No 8, general 25, high school 1, build- ing ju mills No 0, general 10, high school 1 No 19, general 25, high school 2 No 11, general 20 No 12, genornl 20, special 6 No 13, genornl 23, high school 3 No 11, general B, high school 4 No 15, genornl 10 No 10, genornl 10. No 17, genernl.20 No la, general 15. high school 2 No 19, general 36, bond 7 No 20, general 2ft , No 21, general 20 Nrt 22, genornl 20 No 23, gonornl 25, high school 2 No 21, gonornl 14 No 25, general 10 No 20 general 10 No 27, general 20, high school 8 No 28, general 20... - No 29, general 25 No 80, general 25 No 31, gonornl 20, high ochool 2 No 32, general 25 - No 33, general 25 No 34, gonornl 10, high school 1 No 35, gonial 20, high Bchool 2 No 80. itcnornl 25. bond 7 No T17, genornl 24, bond 2, high school 1, spocinl 10 , No 38. irencrul 15. high school 1 No 89, general 20, high school 0 no iu, general vsu, mgn scuooi t No 41, gonornl 20 No 42. (Mineral 20 No 43. general 20 No 41, genoral 25 No 45, general 2G,$hlgh school 2 No 40, general 10, high school 3 No 47, general 25, 'bond 0' No 48, general 10, high school 1 No 49, gonoral 25 v No CO, gonoral 25 No 51, general 31, high school 4 No 52, no levy No 53, genornl 10, high school 3 No 54, general 25, high school 3 No 55, general 85, bond 2 ' No 50, general 10 - No 57, general 10, high school 1 No 08, genoral iu no G'J, genornro No 00. nonaral 20 No 01. gonornl 20 - No 02, gonoral 25 No 03, general 25 No 64, general 25 No 05, genornl 25, high school 2. No CO, gonornl 10 No 67, general 20, high school 1 No 68, gonornl 20, high school 8 No 09, general 20, high school 4 No 70, gone rat 25 No 71, general 25 No 72, genoral 25, building 10 No 73, general 25 No 74, genornl 20, high school 2 No 75, general 10 No 70, gencrnl 20, high Bchool8 No 77, goneral 10 No 78, genornl 25, high school 8 No 79, general 25 No 80, genornl 15, high school '4 No 81, general 25 No 82, genoral 20, high school 1 No 83, general 25, high school 7 No 81, gonornl 25 No 85, general 25, building 10 No 80, general 25, bond 10, high Bcnooi is No 87, general 25, bond 5 No 88, general 25 Nrt R9. ponornl 15. liullrflnt 10 No 80, general 25, bond 10, high scnooi ii No 87, genoral 25, bond 5 No 88, gonornl 25 No 89, gonoral 15, bond 10 No 90, genornl 25 No 01, general 25 No 92, general 25, bond 12, high scnooi i No 93, general 35 No 91, general 33, -high school 2 No 95. irenernl 85 No 90, genoral 5, high school 2, build ing a No 07. trenernl 20. hlorh school 1 No 98, gonornl 25, bond 10 building 10 no vv genortu zu No 100 gonoral 32, high school 3 No 101 general 15 No 102, general 15 No 103, general 35, bond 5 No 101. general 15 No 105, general 25, bond 15 building 10 No 106, general 25 No 107, general 25 No 108, general 25 No 103, general 25, building A No 110, general 20, high school 2 No 111, general 25 No 112, general 15 No 113, general 85 No 114, general 25 ' . No 115, general 5 No 110, general 25 No 117, general 25 No 118. general 20, bond 10, high jhool 3 No 119, general 31, high school 4 No 120. trenernl 35 No 121, general 25 No 122, general 15, bond. .6, high school I No 123, general 25 no general , No 125, general 35 No 120, general 35 No 127, general 24, high school 1, building 10 No. 128, general 35 Whereupon the board adjourns ns n tumid of equalization and reconvened as ih IIUUIU J J AH J VVIIIIIIIDOIUIlblDi Tho boaru or county commissioners adjourned until tomorrow. Aug. zii Board mot pursuant to adjournment, present Walter, Streitz and county clerk. Claims allowed as follows: Chan. A. Howard, road work allowed on district 14 for 100.00 A. W. Hoatson. rond work allowed on district No. 4 for 300.00 Jacob Miller, road work allowed on district No. 38 for 100.00 Wm. Dvmond. road work al owed on district No. 4 for 100.00 Joscnh Horshov. material for over seer district No. 3 for 0.50 Carl Lunkwitz. work on br decs al lowed on uriugo mnu lor 7i.zo O Kourko & Krntzcnstoin, supplies 39.38 I. L. Miltonborrrer. bnlnry us sheriff for Juno nnd July allowed on genornl fund 250.00 Sonhia Anderson, takinrr care of Emma Anderson Juno nnd July allowed on gonoral fund 51.00 I, Li. if arc, printing allowed on general fund 95.72 Josenh Wilson, services as lanitor nnd cash items allowed on general fund 133.79 Wm. Ebricht. sulary as county super Intondcnt for August allowed on general fund 183.33 F. L. Knnno. salary us dotoitv sheriff Juno and July allowed tin genornl fund 100.00 J. D. W. Ijtncoln. opunlng avav-- ior Roy Tumor allowed on aensral fund Ben McMlchcnl. work at tall allowed on general fund 7.50 ' Wm. Ebright, ofuce oxponsni allowed on cenernl lund ea.'JH ISd. Walker, cement floor work clerk s ofllctt nllowed on gonoral fund 14.75 (J. 11, Waiter, mi vices as commis aloner and mileage allowed on general lUIUl 226.75 A. P. Streitz. sorvices jib comm a- sionor nllowed on gonoral fund 174.85 Whoroupon tno board ndjournod to .gopt. 20th 1911. "Tho Lino of Lifo. Tho line of life curves from the side of tho hand between the thumb nnd forollngor around the base of tin thumb to the cct(tpr of the wrist Joint According to chiromancy (tno nreuniu ed art of Jmtalna thu character mid foretelling the fortune of n person fiom the aspect of ttu hand). If tills lino In the left pnltii is regular nnd deeply col ored It piedletu a long and happy life; tortuous, colorlass, feebly marUcd and broken It unuouiiecH 111 health mid short life; narrow, but long and well colored. It Indlcutes wisdom ami In genuity; broad nnd pnlc tt Is a sign of folly; deep and unequally colored It denotes mnllee. New York To!egntm. Coronation Graft. .. Tho practice of running the fojiii- taiiiB and condmtu with wine uii core nation day viUi abandoned inter the' reign of Quei' Kllzabethf but another old custom wan olMcrvud up ti ihe coronation v. Ocorge IV. After th" king and. ihe company Had departed from the banquet In Westminster hut! the (lours were thrown open, and llnr people rushiHl In and cleared Hit" ta bles of everything vlrtunlx. cloths, plates, dishes, etc.,. nil vanished In n taw minutes. And. us Sir Walter Scott tells us, the nobility were hot above taking away Hie Hnltcetlurtj and spoons. r An Office Cushion. If those of you who have u husband or brother or slater working tu an' of fice will go to the trouble of making n flat cushion for the chntr of the worker you will find that It saves the. trousers or skirt from getting "shiny" and nlso helps to retain the garment In form. Good Housekeeping, Spanking Truth. Speaking truth lb like writing fair nnd comes only by practice. It la loss r matter of will thnn of habit, and t "doubt If nuy occasion can be trivial which permits the practice nnd forma tton of such n hahlt-Husklu. . Time, to Go. "Pa, Is a vessel a boat?" "B-yos-you may call It that." " "WWI." what kind of a bout !? o blood vessel" ., "It's it lifeboat. Now run uwoy ttj bed,"-Boston Transcript. Not Fast. "I uiuloininnd." says the father, "thai yon have been going with a very rant nut" "I'list nothing!" retorts the son. "Why. pot nut t them has a four cylinder enr!" - Judge. Tho essential thing la not knowledge, hut clin meter. -to Conte. . A King Who left Home sot tllO WOlid to talk Ino-. hut Pniil juauiuiKa, of liullalo, N, Y says" ho always keops at homo tho King of all taxatlvos Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills -and that they're n blessing to nil his family. Cure constinntion. Immlnnli.. Indigestion, dypopsin. Only 25 centa at Stono Drug Co. HE WOULDN'T BE A HERO , By. M QUA6 IN t I .ln linriirr v,i-t i r mil,, .uiiitm :i in IV.t III il ltU 'lttM P. mil! I .If ii i 'I it vim I pf IMIiHilH, i!U if) Wi'te I'llUi.H'tl 10 Ih.'ll II I till" silid It HflHlttT I'' glvitf !' ' ,: yuiilij! v Tilnt i 1 1 n,i.f uiiHeli .lnf ttrtft "i. . .ii loin" ill 'hursf i, IH . 'Mini lllill i til , . i a hi" tnvtviiu 'ii.:.', I until itficr it nr '. i ii. iii-rs from Imm Ii .-I lulu ui : I miiUi ii i.rf w !.-' lai Mini vM (!our"iii lh ii m mi iii'iiiml lii'i ivlico !ii ili'iiitftfd Thwtu iiuHk wcri nueu! lu iues v ullors. i tifviillers nnd unlyii's I ii- told of perils, l ouiimts nnd. re tn s Mrs. Taylor would tin vo hinlid tuom Into the store hud she ftumil them ,:i.:i boxed her daunhter'H ears lnsiiltH dim the didn't llnd theni -Tlici wire tt.:d nt night nftcr the rest of tin' fm.liy was uslecp. B.v the time she tind Hit lshcd the second ono the jrlrl wan In K Ing uslcance lit Joe. He wits runlnitii cd nnd freckled: his cars were hither large; Insteud of saying prltliw. he s.tld by 'gosh. In all the novels the ciievn Hers had plumes In their inns; .it didn't oven wear a hen s featiier -In 1i!hv old straw. He had n hoe on his shoulder Instead of n lance, and lie plowed corn with an old ileabltteu mare Instead or riding nrouiui on nn Arnblau steed. . No, Joe dldn t size up for shucks. compared to the chevaliers. Ill the meadow near the held where Joo wns plowing corn, u X'olony of bumble bees had taken up their qunr ters In n tuft of grnsu. This fact wnn known to the Taylor family, nnd the farmer Intended to rout them out souk- evening. Bumble bees nre not chevn Hem. but they ure the next thing to It At 2 o'clock one afternoon, when It was soph that Joe and the old imr were hard nt work. Miss Ullcu put 'mi her bonuot and walked out to thai bumblebee caucus. At five feet from It sho hnlled nnd screamed nnd dnneeil around. The scream reached .lot Harper's ears, and ho lot go of the plow bundles nnd mado for tho fence. In rtn Instant he realized tho situation, but he didn't dash forward nud fall over wvm stumps. liiHtend of so doing he sst mi the fence and called out: "Klleu, why In thunder don't yon run nwny!" "Oh, the butuble bees!" s!ie shouted. "Yes. but don t stand there like an idiot! Make for the hoime:"'. A week had pawed nnd the stings hnd been cured, when Joe got another chance. Al ',' o'clock "one afternoon Miss Hllen sat on tlic'Veriinihi scwln nml wondering how Joe would look In nrmor and on horsiMmck. when !ic caught sight of n hlg dojr mining along the highway on Mn uallon sin screamed for Joe again. He dropped his hoe nud enmc running, hut punned ns he reached the fence to nsk wnR tlie.nialter. "Mad dog! Mad dog!" she shouted "Then climb up that ladder mUo tin roof of the kitchen!" No mulling to the rescue, no bnsitlmi tho dog's brnhis out. uo remarks worth leaving to posterity. Miss Klleu was furious with lilm. That was the reason n'rung or the ladder broke as she was descending nnd preclpated her on an ashheap. Within an hour the chevalier of the hoo received word that he need never show up nt the Taylor honsi again. The engagement was off. "Now look nt that I" he exclaimed kwhen lie had been made to understnn-l j nere was tnni inuuer nanny 10 cuum 1 haw the dog coining nnd knew H lie lonccd to Perkins. Was there nn need for mo to break my other sti pendcrV And If It had been a ron mud dog would It have helped the inn any for both of us to have been bit ten?" Joe stayed nwny. He had been ton to-nnd he obeyed. At the end of tw weeks he tools n day olf to go IN" ing. Miss Klleu heard through f brother that lie wns going, and in made n little plan. She had got m -being in Ml nt the man who won t)'i bo heroic. In fact, she wnntcu ; "make up." She would i'o a 'i-'in too. She wouldn't Ush for ll-h but ft Joo Hnrpcr The lover ol inlu-i happier davs was tlstihig from i i ui onnic wtien su came into vi- . in he was on the other side of ihw smv. :i Ho watched ncr walk out on n sti-a-'i' ed log and said o himself- "If she gets a bite 'Hod 1erk tip it pole she'll sure go oft that Ion 1 'lwo minutes Inter t lit Jbl'u' lci nencd. There was a nibble, n Icik h a souse, ami after the soiwc :i for Joe. He had been wen. I'mc was only aboni three leer ili';. ua as tho irlrl mil tied her feet attti ui souse she was called to: "Don t get skeari. Klleu!" ' "Oh. Joe--Joe!" "Vou can wade hh!ioivinix" ciioinrii "Joe. I Bhall-shall"-"No. you won't." In the six weeks followlm: the tt-i were ten lo onu that Joe and Ki would never marry, but nunc gave tho odds lamented It. I In i w mot on the highway, nnd after pre tending not to see each tit her itu baited, and the girl nad: "Jool Wjiuted to marry n bern "wen, t paurr one. "I wanted to marry u hero, nut gueB3 Pll hnvo to take up with a grea big, good nntured, Blahslded farmer." "Looks thnt way to me, Klleu Broiled Joe. nnd that cronlng tho man rlago day was sot Suits All Clams. Tho clears we make and sell suits all classes of men. We have several brands of nickel clgara which aro pro nounced a superior article by smokers of good judgment For tho man who wants a finer cigar, wo liavo tho ten centers, which nro as good a cigar as you con buy nny whore, fhero aro men in Worth l'Intto who have smoHed our cigars for over twenty-flvo years nnd nro satisfied. That tells tho story of tho quality, J. F. SCHhjAL7.MEr, Office phono 211. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. It A. J. AMES. MAtllE AMES. I ci i; nnr.(nr: Ames & Amns. m 1 I Physicians and Surgeons, 3 Ofilco ovor Stono Drug Co. t: n,no I Office 273 Phones Jle8idenco273 WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D Surgeon, Physician, Consultant. Ofllce Physicians nnd Surgccns HoEpita Phones: Ollice 042, Residence 04-1. 3 DR. Wr F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern University. Ofilco over McDonald Stato Bank WWWWTC I GEO. D. DENT, , 2 Physician and Suracon, Ofilco over McDonald Bank, i W i rm inn Mr I hones J Residence 115 " JOE B- REDFIELD, M. D. Physician end Surgeon. SpocIal(y:-SKIN DISEASES. Day nnd night calls promptly answered uiiico if. s. Hospital, mono 04. eeo99tn to0ssoi eo a DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic rhystclnn and Surgeon Special attention Blvon lo conDno- menu ami clillilruii'M dlsousos, Olllcu Phone 183 Itos. l'liono !3 Olllco McDonald Statu Dank lttdV e e a a waocue WOMB oj4iet Jog-along Transfer Co. C. II. SAWYER, MGR. Hack nnd Heavy Draying of all Kinds. Piano movinc a snecinlty. Un-to-date 1911 piano truck. Office hours 8 a. m. to G p. m. Office with Postal Telegraph Oflico phono 201. Residence 651 Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay Wo rmv the ton market. Three cou pons f reo with roturns on each car of hay you ship us to handle for your ac count, fit teen coupons ana yj.w in cash will sccuro for your hhmo an ele gunt 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consign your hny to us and please tho ladies and atao get a good price for your hny. Our Motto: Fair treatmont and prompt remittances. Sample of tho quality of theso dishes can bo seen at tho oflico of tho Semi Weekly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wa7.ce Streots, Denver, Colorado' Notice to Delinquents. Notico is hereby given thnt tho ren tal upon tho lenso contract to tho fol lowing described school land In Lincoln county, Nobraska, as sot opposite tho namo of the holder thereof", is delin quent, and if tho amount which is duo is not paid within sixty days from tho date of this llutice, said, contract will bo declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, - and said forfeiture will bo entered of re cord in tho manner provided by law: Lots 1 to 4 8-14-31 Mrs. II. J. Hen derson. NESW, NESW 10-14-33, D. W. Hnrslifield. . S 1 1C-10-29 F. A. Votaw. E. B. Cowles, Commissioner-of Pub lic Lands & Buildings. Dated Aug. 17, 1911. SANITARY llftlli DRESSING PARLOR. Everything modern and sanitary Electric Ilalr Dryer. Electric Vibrator. Electric Ilalr Curler, Electric Parlor Cooler. Every-tlittigup-to-date. Better equlp 'ctl than most of ttie largo city shops. Ilalr goods of tho latest stvles always on hrfnd. Phono 201 for appointment MRS. C. M. NEWTON ' Spirella Corset. The Ladici's Hone Journal. Deline ator, Vogue, etc., are advertising the Spirella Corset. These advertisements are of particular interest to corset wearers. As local corsetiere for the Spirella Company 'I am ia positien to give you the benefit of my training and experience. I guarantee your cor rct to fit you, to be the proper model for you. I do residence fitting, will call, demonstrate the corset and ex plain it to you at your convenience. MRS. M, K. DUKE. 408 East Sixth St. Phone Red 202. Go to SORENSON'S Fon Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Eif th F. J. BROI2KER Merchant Tailor. Wc have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men s and Ladies apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. Wo, are also tailors, and know how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class " workmanship and perfect fit. Notice. To Mamio G. Culton, Defendant: You aro hereby notified .that on the 28th day of April, 1911. Albert B. Cul ton nica a poution against you in tho District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, the object nnd prayer of which nro to obtain a divorce from you on the Grounds that you have willfully aban doned plaintiff, without cause, for the term of more than -two years last past. You aro required to answer said pe tition on or before tho 18th day -of Sep tember, 1911. Aj.deut B. Culton, Plaintiff. By E. II. Evans, His Attorney. NOTICE OP CONTEST. Deportment of tho Interior, U. S. Ijind Office, North riatte, Nebraska. Aug. 14. Mil. To Richard Taylor, ot Spannuth, Nebraska. contotteo: You nro hereby notified that Theodore Ander son, viho Rives Spannuth, Nebraekn, as his post office address, did on July 14, 1911, file In this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your homestead entry mo. , serial no. wun. maclo Juna 29, 1901, fortouthwest quarter lection 32, township 14. ranao 20. west of tho Sixth Princinal Meri. dian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges mat nam claimant never Hid reside upon said land; that ho never cuIUvatcd any portion of same and thnt the said entry Is more than reven years old nnd tins expired by tho statute llmltlnir it life. Vou are, therefore, further notified thnt tho said ullcsntlons will bo taken by this oflico na having been confessed by you, und your said entry will bo cancelled thereunder without further rlcht to be heard therein, cither before this ofllce or on appeal, If you fall to file In this dAIco within twenty dnya after tho fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, .under oath, specifically meeting nnd responding to these allegations of contest, or If you fall within that time to file within thin ofilco duo proof that you have served a copy of your answer on said con testant cither In person or by registered mall. If this service Is mado by tho delivery of a copy of your nnswer to tho contestnnt In person, proof of such service must bo cither the said contestant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of the copy, ehowlner the date of its receipt, or tho nffi davit of tho persQn by whom the delivery wns mado stall n tf when and where the copy was de livered; If made by rctrlatered mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when und thepostoflico to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmast er's receipt for tho letter. You should stato In your answer tho name of the postolllce to which you deslro future notico to be sent to you. a22-t J. K. Evans, Kcirister. Date of first publication August 22. 1911; date, of second publication August 29, 1911; dato of third publication September 6. 1911; data of fourth publication September 12. 1911. OHDKROP HRAIUNCJON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT Ol'" ADMIN18TItAT01t. Stale of Nebraska, Lincoln County, PS. In tho County Court. In the matter ot Uio I'stnlo of Talnnr Itorby, dPCwaBCd- On reading and tiling tho petition of Simon Tlorbr, praylntr that Ilia administration of said rstato may bo granted to Simon Itorby vl ndinlnltitrstor. Ordered. That Sopt. lBlli, 1911, at 9 o'clock a.m.. is assigned for hearing bald petition when all persons Interested in said matter may appear nt a county court to l lioliln and for said county, and hIiow causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notico ot tho pandency of said petition nnd tho hearing thereof, bo given ui all pernons Interested In ft aid matter by pUbllcatlng u copv of this order In tho North Platto Bond-Weekly Trlbuno, a legal weekly nowopaper printed In said cchnty for threo successive weoks prior to said day or dny ot hearing. Dated August 2i. !ll. t-3 .Twin Ohawt. County Judge Perlat No. 022oS, NOTIOB I"On PUUMOATION DKl'AHTMENT OV Tn INTKlllOlt. United HtatCH Land Ollice, At North Platto. Nebraska, Julr. 27.1911. Notice Is hereby given that Daulol W. Ktuik-l of North Platto Nob., who on Oct. 1st. 1604, made homestead entry No. 20572. Serial No. 02253 for tho oast half of southwest quarter, Section 4, Township n, N.. Kaiige 31 W.. of tho 6th Principal Meridian, lias filed notice of In tention to mako anal Hvo year proof, to establish claim to tho Una" abovo described, before tho register and receiver at north Platto. Nobraska. on tho ?5th day of Scot. 1011. I Claimant narnus as witnesses: Carl J)'?,',. Pr' ,"1, North Platto. Nob., William Qrtttlth. of Dickens. Neb,. John Pulls of Som erset. Nob.. !. O, Tibbies, of North Platte. Nob- al- J. E- Evans. Hoglster.