Gforgc Simants left Sunday for an extended atny in Montana. Miss Fanny Chappell, of Brady, visited local friends Saturday. M. J. O'Coniiell transacted business In Herehey and Sutherlund Saturday. Dr. Fetter, of Brady, was among the out of town peoples hero the Inst at the Week. Hector Marti went to Knwlins Satur day to spend two weeks or more with his aunts. Mr. Llheburg. of tho car ganglft Sid ney, spent the post few days in town on business. Katie Esler and sister Elsie left Sat urday for Omaha to visit relatives forn week or more. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stamp and daughters Sundayed with tlic Roberts family in Maxwell. Miss Groves, of Chappell who was tho guest of her brother Ed, left Sun day morning. Mrs. Hankins and daughter Mable, of What home should be without one, or in fa'ct several, for they complete the furnishings for every room, be it par- lor, bedroom or kitchen. There arc two things required of Maxwell, spent Saturday and Sunday a clock, first that it be ornamental, that is of small import ance if it does not keep time. We guarantee every clock we sell to keep perfect time for if it docs not it is no clock. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. HS DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisl. Oflko over tho McDonald State Bank. e LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Maurice Gullltftumo returned Sunday nfternoon from a week's sojourn In Denver. Mat Welsh, of tho car department, roturncd Saturday from u short stay in Council Bluffs. "Doc" Herrod, who is conducting a pool room in Ogalalla, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Addie Hall returned yestorday from Elyrin whoro oho spent n month -with hor daughter. Mrs. C. M. Newton, and son Donald returned yestorday from Denvor, where thoy spent a week. Wanted -A girl for gonoral house work. Inouiro of Mrs. 0. F. Iddingn, B19 West Fifth street. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists Ktrst Door Norlli of first Ntlonl iUnU with friends in town. Miss Orra Campbell, of Lincoln, arrived Sundoy to tako charge of the millinory at The Leader. Mrs. James Fonda and daughter Dlancho went to Denver Friday night to visit the McGovcrn family After visiting Mrs. CharloB Porkina a short time, Mrs. Shanor, of Maxwell, returned homo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan re turned to Brady Saturday evening' after spending a few days in town. W. W. Burr will leavo this week for Lincoln to visit friends nnd possibly I-crgns Flynn spent Sunday in Ogal- stay over for tho state fair. I Afro whitn. nf Tlnrahnv vahn onmif Mrs. J. C. Raynor was taken ill last tho past week with hor daughter Mrs, week with an attack of pnoumonio. Sizcmore went home Saturday. Frank Frcdcrcl camo down from M(ss Hazel King, of ,Sidney, having Sidney Saturday to spend Sundoy with terminated n visit with Mayrnc Mc his family. Michael, loft Saturday night, Harry Porter is onjpying a visit from Misses Edith and Tyrone Winkleman, his mothor who is a resident of Hold- who spent the past month In Hastings, redgo. returned homo Saturday night. Frank Nolen returned Fridav from 'Miso Minnie Frye, who npent the past Aurora! whoro ho visited relatives for week with her Uncle Julo Glado and a week. Mrs. Itnamussen, of MIndcn, is tho guest of hor daughter Mrs. Harry Porter. Miss Hazel Lcirk will go to Omaha Saturday to attend the Boyle Business College. Thomas Marcott and Wm, Gtnapp, J. E. Kfrkpatrick is working at tho , of Brady, transacted business at tho American Express offlco during tho nb- sonco of Tom Gilmarten, Frank Smith loft Sunday evening for South Omaha, after spending twow,coks with his parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Itourko left yesterday for their homo In Morna, after a visit at the parental homo. Misses Mabel and Bessie Strom, of Lodgepole who visited Mrs. Archie Howard last week hnve gone homo. Mrs. Thomas Gorlmm and baby, of Grand Island, will arrive today to visit lior sisters and other relatives Jn town. After visiting Mrs. Harry Scott for several days, Mrs. Stroud, of Idaho and Miss McCabo, of Paxton loft yesterday. Court House Saturday. Mrs. McLauglin and children, of Sutherland, are visiting hor sister Mrs A. J. Frazier this week. Robert Grace, who has been working in tho shops at Alliance for Bevcrnl weeks, came homo Saturday. Mrs. E. T. Tramp accompanied by MIbscb Llillan and Graco RItncrwentto Omaha Sunday to spend a week. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Yost will leave in n fow days for Chicago to spend two wepks with Mr, and Mrs. Chnrlca Dill. Gladys, Puul, Carrie, Jennie and James Leonard went to Koystono Saturday morning to spend a week with relatives. Mrs. R. Gusloff, of Rawlins, loft yes tchlay morning aftor spending Bevoral weeks with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore loft Sun clav for Excelsior Springs to try tho curative powers of that health resort Mrs. S. N, Kompton and daughter of Hastings, formerly of this city, Bpont last week in town with MrB, C. J. Bowcn. Mrs. Frank Alden and daughter, of Grand Island, spent tho week end with Mrs. W. T. Alden while enrouto to Lodgepole. Tlta Storo room 22x100 wlthbasoment 20x1)0 at 223 East Sixth St., will bo for rent after Sept. 15th. S. Goozek Mrs. Charles Dill and children re turned to Chicago yesterday. Thoy had been visiting relatives here for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Harry Vincent and daughter Margaret came homo Saturday form Levcland, Colo., where thoy visited for a month past. C. R. McKay, of Omaha, who con atructcd nowora In this city ut different times was married last week In Kunsns City. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hnrtman, Washington, D. C, returned home yes terday morning aftor making n two weokB visit with his parents. Mm. Julia Cody Goodman, of Lincoln who is tlta guest of hor boii Ed, Bpont -yenterday in Sutherland with friends Sho will return homo Friday. Pasture For Horses Closo InVor- " rton Tract. W. L. Crisaman, ofllco with R. H. Roid, ovor postofllco. Mr. nml mra, jsuwnra Jiauor nnu children, of Terrr Haute, who havo been visjting tho DoRolf family went to Chicago yesterday morning. Mrs, M. C. Hayes will leave th week for Lincoln. She will bo acconv panted by her niece, Miss Margaret Barnett, who has been here for two weeks, Mm. C. .T. Cornwnll lnffc Snfnrilnv for Grand Island to visit with hor hus- tHrnod Saturday from Excelsior Springs ht.n.1. rhn la in witl, fnWt,i nf i,,, wnero tno lormer has been taking tlie ' " " I A A. J . f 1 . iruatniunis lor nuvoriu wcoks. of family, left Saturday for Denver. Mesdames Bowen and Newman, of Grnnd Island, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Yost last week left Saturday. Mrs. Martin returned to Horshey Saturday after spending two weeks with her sister Mrs. Hcrmlnghausen. Mrs. A. O. Kocken has returned from an extended visit with her daughter, Mra. Pauline Fotz, of Montrose, Colo, Miss ivato tenoning, oi itawiins, re turned home Saturday" aftor visiting her nunt Mrs. F. Dick for two wooks i Clark LoDoyt has accepted a position "aa traveling, salesman of tlicT Star Bottling Works and mado his first trip yesterday. Mesdames Robert Lewis and Louis Huntington, of Maxwell, visited the hitter's sister Mrs. Wm. Hutching the last of tho week. MayOr Patterson, wife and daughters and Miss Aileen Gantt camo homo Frl day evening from Choycnne whoro thoy went by auto to attend Frontier. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Winkleman re typhoid Hospital. Tho Catholic school wlllopon on Mon day, Sept. 11th. The sisters havo re turned nnd tho rooms are being put in readlnosB. Mrs. Georgo Walker and daughters Mnbel and Lois, of Nntionul City, Calif., who spent the past month with Major and Wm. Walker left n fow daya ago, Mlsa Marie Poitivin, who taught in tho Maxwell schools last year, spent the week end with Alice Albce while en routo home from a tour of California, Mr- nd Mrs. Hermnn Le Doyt and chil'lron spent tho week end with rel ative in Paxton. Mr. Oakley Swarthout and children left Saturday for Paxton to spond a week with relatives. M rs. Piko, of Koarnay, who had been the guest of Mrs. Conrad Anderson for ften days left Sunday for home.. - Mrs. Orra Do For I and baby loft the last of the week for Denver to spend a month or longer with friends. After spending a week with her daughter Mrs. W. R. Waits, Mrs. Fin- ley, of Lincoln, left for home Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Simons, of Hamp ton, are visiting tho former's brothers, Carl, Lee and Owen Simons this wefck. F. A. Stroup, of the Payno Investment Co., of Omaha, spent a fow days with his son Leonard this weekvhile enrouto west. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bigger nnd child ren, of Omaha, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton, left Sunday morning. Wnnted A qulot pony. S, W. Mnnnon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Miko Radeliff returned to Sidney the lust of the wcok after spending a week with Mr. nnd Mra. L'lias. Ell. Mcsdamos East, of Omaha, and Combs of Kansas City, who have been visiting their niece Mrs. O. W. Size- more hnve gone to Horshey to visit their sister Mrs. White. Mra. J. II. Edminstcn and hor guest Miss Efiic Doner, of Lincoln, arc spend ing this week with tho former's daugh tors Mcsdamos Levitt nnd Highberger on tho Jack Morrow Flats. Miss Anna VonGoctz returned the latter part of tho week from a short visit with her slstor at Greeley, Colo., and will leave shortly for Omaha where she is omployed with the Remington Typewriter Co. W First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. ''united STATES DEPOSITARY. Capita! and Surplus $140,000. DIRECTORS: E. F SEEBER0ER, President, M. KEITH NEVILLE, ViccPresidcnl, F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. ARTHUR McNAMARA, J. J. HALLIGAN. M. J. Forbes nnd family and Sam Dorryberry nnd family will leavo Friday for Donvor to, spend two weokB. Thoy w 111 mnko tho trin in their automobile. Miss Kathleen Flynn, who spent the past week in Cheyonne, went thru to Fairbury Saturday to spend tho rest ol her vncntlon with her cousin Mre. Harry Rtttor, ' Mr. nndMra. Alex Meston accom panied by Mr, Meston's mother and Bisters, of Hastings, who spent the Notice to the Public. Because of the serious loss caused by short weights of care, bad preparation of coal, poor accounts and tho larger investment necessary by reason of credit business, we find it necessary, in ordor to obtain a fair and reasonable profit, that ve must either incrcaso the price of coal or else got payment on sale. It Is tho fairest way to keep tho price ns low as possible, nnd not ask thiif ty people ft pay tho bills of aitf- other. Thoroforo on hnd after, Aug. 21st we will Bell coal for cash only, without discrimination, nnd treat everyone alike, believing Hint this course ot action will meet tho approval of nil thinking IW9.' 1 no mils hnve to be nam only once, nnd the conl-man enjoys sound sleep as well as any one. W. W. BlItGE, ,k . G. T. Field, J The C. F. Iddings Co., Plnttil, Aug. 18th, 1911. Thirty Years Together. ?Thirty years of association think of it. How tho merit of a good thing stanus out in tnnt time or tho. worth- oi n unu one. so there s no (xucsswork in this evidence of Thos. Ariss, Concord, Mich., who writes: "I hnvo used Dr. King's Now Discovery for 'thirty yenrs, and its tho best cough afld'cbld euro I ever used." Onco it finds entrance in a homo you enn t pry it out Many families havo used it forty years. Its tho most infallible throat and lung medicine on earth. Un- equHlcd lor Ingnppe, asthmn, hayiever, nnd $1.00. Trial bottle free guaranteed Stono Drug uo. What We Want Is your banking business. Thnt is our business and naturally wo want your business at this bank. If years of experience, fair, square treatment, honesty, courtesy, together with unexcelled servico and our amplo capital will merit your consideration then wo are entitled to your patronage. DO WE GET IT? IT'S UP TO YOU. Our depositors aro protected by tho deposit ors guaranteo fund of the state of Nebraska. r The Platte Valley State Bank, Interest Paidon Time Deposits. ORDERING SUPPLIES .TELEPHONE nnat month horn. luff, fintntilnv fni t r - ,, n II ' " " . . .villi. iuii.ii.mj ui uiu iv. xv. Bul I TTnqtlnrru n f. Moafnn'o rny VAirnro KntA la annmlmir n ftw tltma n I town whilo on Ii b way from Omn ha. to vJ'B"y yesieruoy ior Sidney whoro ho will accent a nosltlon. uucaB' spenu tnreo wcokb tnuing a Watlfnfl.9 hnmna Will nmr tlK aw I 1 . V .& ...... v.... - ..v..... ,,.v T. nhoT.Mi.n Tit- nm, PTIn..l. have. Apply before Sept C, T. E. T.illov, 812 So. ChosnuL juugo w. u. ftiunger will nrrivo av nMnliM friiitw.i. ;.t.L i ji wkWlmnllin m.oh nf l,nr tnll.r A'u" nu no . . . fo lowint? dav Will. In rnmnnnv wltVi who arrived last night, will answer any calls. The Bell Telephone serves the retail mer ohant'not only as a salesman but as a purchasing agent. This is the age of buying and selling. 1 Telephone trade may be secured only by giv- , ing'the best selections and getting a prompt de-' livery. . ,'. The long distance Bell lines permit the mer chant to' order goods at a moment's notice no matter what the distance. -L NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., J. C. BEAVER, Manager Mm A M ...Ill vi.uyiiiK uujr win, in coiliuunv leave Thursday for Grandlslnnd to visit MTra' 1JVil,; Sc,hatznndKoly. fPin.ia n y or two shooting chickens. Tho friends. McBdamoo C. J. Perkins, Pauline Pnssmoro, Fred Owings, Messrs. Eber Murphy, Ed. Walker, Clarence Alex ander, enmo home from Choyenno Sun day aftor attending Frontier. wo deliver fresh milk nnd cream ovory morning nt Armstrong's and North Platte Meat Market D. P. Co Phono D 75. Don1 Youger left last wcok for Shon following Monday tho Judge will open the full term of federal court Tho "Spring Maid" nt tho Keith Friday ovoning is pronounced by nil to bo tho best attraction which has como to our city In somo time. Tho costumes nnd music wera benutiful and Mizzio Hajos has just tho voice, stylo and technical skill to make it capttvutincr. Tho household goods oi Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Burko arrived from Nebraska Citv Ten Miles for a Cent From one-tenth to one-fifth cent pel milo coven the cott of operating a HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE Th ailntOryrllow Thw machine it always ready for n huny-untiip or a pleasure run. Will do the road work of 3 hortes. No expense when idle. We would like to tell you more about the greatest sport ia the work). Come k and tee us. MINOR HINMAN, Agent. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. $25 i nandoah, la,, to attend the annual Saturday ahd thoy are moving into tho encampment ot the lown btato Mllltla puivor houso on east Third rccontlv vacated by Ncls Rosmusson nnd family, Mrs, Burko Intends to open a to which he belongs. Ho was nccomp anicd by Master William Davis, Mrs. II. J. Long returned to Port land Saturday after n two months visit with her Bister, Mrs. Jas. McEvoy, Mr. Long who arrived from Lincoln the last or the wcck accompanied hor home. Buy It now. Now Ib tho tlmo to buy n bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera 8ml Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before ho sum mer la over. This remedy hus no Mperior. AFor sle by all dealers. For Rent, Tho three rooms in the McDonald Block abovo Buchanan & Patterson's office, lately occupied by J. G. Bcelor in ii law nfllrn. ' . . . . . . w . . . i, ii. . . Also the bulldinir lately occun ed bv orougni obck on xno. ix nnu in company tho Hartman cignr factory In block 101. with their father contihued their tjoo uib. Mcuonam. journoy to their homo in Ogden. millinery parlor there. Two children who camo In on No. 5 Saturday morning, stopped off for breakfast at the Pacific Hotel .whilo their fnthur transacted businessin the local stores. Being instructed to roturn to tho train, thoy boarded No. 10 by mistake and wore carried down tho road as far as Gothenburg. Thoy were Closing out Sale Echelbery's New and Second Hand Store. Ranges from $5.00 up. Stoves from $1.00 up. Large Refrigerators $4,00. Gasohtfe btoves $i.oo. dressers from $2.00 up. . Commodes from $1.00 up. Iron Beds from $1.00 up Carpets, room size, J 2.50. Come in and see the goods. To California, aind. the Pacific Northwest Low one-way Colonist Fares September 15 to October 15, 1911. VIA UNION PACIFIC, Standard Road of the West. Electric Block Signals Excellent Dining Cars For further information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address F. E. BULLARD, Agent.