The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 29, 1911, Image 3

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PHOTOGRAPHS juat received from Panama show tho remarkable progress
canal. Tho one hero roproduccd rIvcb a bird's cyo vlow of tho guldo wall
south. This picture gives an Idea of the varying geographical dlfllcultles with
have to contend.
Angry Mother Grabs-Justice by
Trousers Leg.
Makes Desperate Effort to Prevent
Marriage of Son In Public at Pic
nic Flying Wedge Formed
by Business Men.
St Louis. A public wedding at tho
West End Duslness Men's picnic at
Normandy grove was almost prevent
ed by the determined mother of. the.
bridegroom, who tried to pull Justlco
Werromoyor off. tho platform during
tho ceremony as a last desperate re
sort. Dut ho went abend with tho
ceremony and completed it
Tho principals In tho wedding wero
John Mlnstormann and Miss Minnie
Grochbowalskl, both of 1304 North
Twelfth street, and the mother Is Mrs.
Roberts, who has married a Becond
tlmo. Her full name was not loarned
by Justlco Worromeyer or tho officers
of tho association.
Mrs. Roberts and an uncle of tho
young man called Justlco Worre
moyor up at noon at his homo and
told him tho young man was under
ngp. Mrs. Roberts said she intend
ed to stop tho mnrriago if sUo had to
go to law to do It Werromoyer re
plied that If tho marriage llconso bad'
been properly Issued ho would porform
the ceremony.
When Worromoyor reached tho pic
nic grounds at 2:30 p. m. ho found
that Mrs. Roberta had preceded him,
and was in tho kitchen at tho homo
of Gone Guerre, proprietor of tho Gar
den, arguing with her son and weep
ing. Tho wedding had beon set for 6
p. m., but thero was bo much troublo
getting MInstermann away from his
mother that It was postponed until
8 p. m. The brido meantlmo array
ed herself In her woddlng gown and
veil and waited In roadlnoss.
By sending a man to tho Guerre
homo with a fictitious message for
Mrs. Roberts -that an officer of tho
Stops Train With
Brakeman With Both Legs Broken Es
capes Further Injury In Novel Man
nor Died on Operating Table, -
Chicago. Lighted matches were
successfully used the othor night' by
H. Zillamb, a brakeman, to stop a
freight train and save himself from
being crushed to death as ho lay help
less on tho Illinois Central tracks at
Ono Hundred and Forty-seventh street,
both legs having been broken by a fall
from another train. Zlllamb's pros-
ence of mind is declared by railroad
officials to bo worthy of special men
. Hon, although his heroic efforts ta
savo his own life proved unavailing,
death following two hours later at u
Zillamb was riding on the rear of a
nrfrth-bound Illinois Central freight
and was thrown off by a euddon lurch.
He rolled on ono of the south-bound
tracks In great agony, both legs being
crushed. Another freight tratn was
thundering down on him as ho lay on
the tracks and although be made
frantio efforts to pull himself away
from the steel rallB. he could move
hardly an inch.
Finding that his hands were free be
managed to reach Into a pocket and,
taking out a box of matches, feverish
company wanted to sco her, tho young
man was. for tho moment separated
from her. About 100 business men
formed a flying wedge, and with him
In tho centor proceeded to tho plat
form built for tho ceremony. On the
way tho brido was admitted to tho
center of tho wedgo.
Mrs. Roberta, perceiving that she
had been fooled, tried In vain to break
into tho wedge.
Tho men In the wedge formed them
selves about the platform to guard it
Ab Worremoyor Btartqd. to pronounco
tho ceremony, Mrs, Roborts cried loud
ly; "I forbid this marriage," but he
paid no hood to her.
Mrs. Roberta got to the edgo of tho
platform and caught Worremeyor's
trouBora log In an effort to pull blm
off. A man standing near him help
ed brace him, ho says, and saved tho
day. Ha shouted tho ceremony and
got through with It without further In
terference. Tho couple dlnod at tho garden and
were brought In an automobile to a St,
LouIh hotel Thoy rccolved $100 for
marrying in public, transportation for
a trip to tho lakes and a certificate
for furniture for a homo on their
Fly Paper to
Londoner, In India, Discovers New
Method of Capturing Wild Animals
Tragedy "Made Farce.
London. A new way to. catch tigers
has been rovealed by p'ayson Stow
art, who has Just returned from In
dia, whero ho learned about it
A certain Indian gentleman of
wealth and title had a hobby of tam
ing nnd domesticating wild animals.
Ills last experience according to Mr.
Stewart, was with tigers which be had
captured and brought to his place at
great exponse. For a long tlmo they
wero kept in a compound until they
Lighted Matches
ly struck them against the railB, sev
eral at n tlmo, and held them up In
the air to attract the attention of the
englneor of the freight that was fast
approaching. Tho box was quickly
emptied, but tho engineer had seen
tho unusual signal and brought his
locomotive to a stop within a fow feet
of Zillamb. Ho wnt taken up and car
ried to 8t. Francis hospital, niuo Is
land, but bo died on the operating
U. 3. Reindeer Herd 30,000.
Seattle, Wash. The rolndcer herds
of Alaska havo been Increased by
nearly 3,000 head during the lant year,
according to C. W. Hawkesworth, dis
trict superintendent of relndoer for
northern Alaska, who has Just arrlvod
iu Seattle. The governent reindeer,
In Alaska now total rooro than 20,000
English Replaces Greek.
Noj York. An Important change Is
about to bo mado In tho German sys
tem of national education, according
to advices rocolvod hero. Greek, which
has hitherto been the pride of the Ger
man "gymnasium," Is no longer oblig
atory, and English la to take Its
that is being mado In buIldlngUhe
of tho Podro Miguel locks looking
which the American engineers
Eleven of Woman's Luxurious Twelve
Must Go, City of Wllkeabarre Or
ders Neighbors Complain.
Wllkeabarre, Pa. Only ono cnt
will bo allowed in a housohold, ac
cording to a decision of tho hoaltb
officers of this, city, when thoy ordered
that Mrs. William Church dlsponse
with 11 of her 12 felines. She is an
cldorly woman, who, having no chil
dren, has bocomo very much attached
to hor pets.
Neighbors complained that tho cati
were a nulsanco. A health officor sent
to inspect the premises found the 121
cats had tho freedom of tho house and
that ono big follow slept in tho mid
dlo of tho dining room table whllo oth
ers occupied easy chairs or tho bods.
Mrs. Church doclared It would break
her heart to part with hor pots. Thoy
aro well bred and woll behaved, slta
lnslstod, and wept profusely, Sho
was allowed 00 days in which to dis
pose of tho 11.
Frog Eats Many Flies.
Chicago. -Ab a part of tho "swat
fly" trained frogs aro being- put
on the Job, Tho Lincoln park zoo
claims tho champion In Jumbo, who
devoured 268 dlseaso sproadors hi one
Trap Tiger
soomed to have becomo as harmless
and tamo as house cats. Thoy were
let loose to bo pots of tho neighbor
hood. Immediately their Jungle tastes
and habits returned.
Tho first night they cleaned out
native village and ato up something
like n Rcore of inhabitants. In splto
of all tho ensuing oxcltoment, tho
would-bo tiger tnmor insisted that the
animals must bo captured alive and
roturnod to tho compound; they woro
too valuablo to bo killed and so tho
hunting party was disbanded.
No volunteers came forward, how
over, to catch tho tigers as you do
sheep, or oven by putting salt on their
tails. Mr. Stewart suggested fly pa
per. Tlundreds of sheets wero Bpread
around tho lawns. While tho anxious
people in Uic houses wero peering out
that night tho tigers prowled up, step
ping on tho sticky fly paper, Boemed
very much dlsconcorted when It did
not drop off, and that tho more thoy
rubbed around to wipe It away tho
moro thoy got on.
In a minute or so what might huva
beon an approaching tragedy was
turned Into a burlosquo, Tho tigers
changed from terrors!, to "clowns In
their struggles with the fly paponl.
Thoy rolled on the ground to rub It
off and finally became wiggling, howl,
lng bundles of paper InBtcad of fero
cious wild animals.
8ummer Resort Tale.
Doston. Tho largest turtle seen on
the Cholsea beach this season was
captured last night by Romano Glaon
netto, an East Doston shoomaker
When he solzcd It by tho tall and
turned It over a large copper penny
dropped out of Its shell. Tho coin
waa minted In 1770 and marked with
tho name of George III. of England.
Cholsea residents are divided as to
whether tbo turtle Is actually ill
years old or has been delving into
Cuptaln Kldd's pirate chests some
where below the waters of Massa
chusetts bay.
Town Has First Wedding in Fifty Years
.Will bit
BOSTON. llronklng tho spoil of 60
years' standing, during which
there has not been a singlo mnrriago
in tbo town, Miss Laura R. Schutt
nnd Hov. Milton Whtttlor wore wed
ded the othor day In tho vlllngo of
Mount Washington, Mnss. Every in
habitant of tho town turnod out to
attend tho wedding.
Tho romnnco of tho. young clorgy
man and tho farmer's daughter 1b ono
fraught with nn Interest which ban
sunk deep Into tho hearts of nil tho
folk In tho neighboring towns.
Only n little over a 'car ago
M Whlttler graduated from tho
Yalo Theological school, nnd'eamo to
tho vlllngo of Mount Washington to
begin hla careor In tho.httmblo llttlo
Congregational church.
It was. .always MIbb Sohutl's habit
to attend church regularly, but when
Rev Mr. Whlttler Canto to the town
and took the position of pastor of
tho church for a season, Mlsa Schutt
Wife Made Home Moving Picture Show
NEW YORK. Moving plcturoB, Sam
uel Denton admits, may bo all
right whon thrown on a whlto screen,
but whon thoy'ro reproduced In one's
homo, ho feels sure, tbo thrills bo
como too Intonso to bo pleasant. Den
ton la a produce morchant of Iirook
lyn, and ho lives with hla wlfo and
their two grown chlldroii In that bor
ough. Ills objections to mixing film
dramas into his domestic affairs woro
explained In detail boforo Mnglstrato
McGulro In tho Flatb'ush court, whlth
or Donton was called on a summons
obtained by his wife, charging bru
tality to their son.
Tho produco merchant's small
frarao fairly qulvored with Indigna
tion as ho told of tho troublo caused
by moving plcturos between htmsolf
and Mrs. Denton, who wolghs about
two hundred pounds and la corres
pondingly muscular. Slnco tho bio
graph craze hit hor, the-husband said,
ho not only hns suffered from lack, of
proper nourishment, but also has been
mado tho victim of various supposedly
comic scones copied frpm tho picture
shows, To the samo oyll Donton laid
his daughter's olopomont and his own
Interest in boxing lessons'. It was
In teaching tho youngster whnt ho
know about tho manly art that tho
fathor committed tho "brutality" com
Thief Talks Clerk
13 hi
HICAGO. Chicago talk, tho limpid
flow of wordB, netted a smooth
diamond Bwlndlor moro than $1,000
a minuto for four mlnutca tho othor
dar. Tho victims nro a Michigan nvo
nuo Jowolry storo, and an nffablo
clerk Is trying to explain to his em
ployers how he has lived In Chicago
for fifteen years and can not rocog
nlzo n real conversationalist when ho
Jumps-up beforo tho Jewel ciibo. Tho
missing diamond is vnlucd,nt ?l,2G0.
Tho customer alighted from a big
Blx-passongor touring car nnd rushed
Into tho storo.
"I am Just leaving town nnd I must
havo a twin for thla llttlo Btono," ho
Tho purchaser was dressed in tho
height of fashion. Ho had ovory ap
pearance of affuenco -and spoke with
a decidedly English accent His hair
was gray, his eyes blue, hlB faco
Pra ij ilHL
21 SSr&MX J
Dental Work Makes Dull Pupils Keen
CLEVELAND, O. Scientific proof
that proper care of tho teeth In
creased tho mental efficiency of a
squad of puplla at Marion school a
grand uvernge of 80 per cent, and pro
duced Incalculnblo Improvement In
their mornl and physical condition is
contained In tho recent report which
.Dr. W. G. Eborsolo rend before tho
delegates of the National Dental as
sociation here.
For the (lrst, tlmo In tho history of
dentistry scientific data which cannot
be disputed nro compiled to prove that
stnpldlty, lack of ambition, slovenli
ness, bad temper and many other ills
to which tho pupil Is heir, aro traced
directly to neglected teeth,
' Ono girl pupl, whom physlclnnB
found to be mentally dofoctlvo showed
a gain of 441 per cent. In mental effi
ciency, tho report shows, after follow
ing tho rules of oral hyglcno for a llt
tlo over a year. Hers Is only ono of
a scoro ot remarkable cases.
. Children who came from fairly good
homes gained from 30 to 40. per cent
mentally, whllo the averago ghetto
child Improved from SO to 100 per
attended tho church, bo 'tis said, with
an added zest Not a alnglo Sunday
did sho mlsa whllo tho young inlnlstcl
hold forth from tho nnrrow plno
Soon tho young minister began to
notlco hor from tho pulpit Frequent
ly their eyes mot At first tbo girl's
eyes dropped at his earnest gaze.
Miss Sohutt had not been out ot
school long, having beon graduated
but n few years from tho high schor
nt Great Ilarrlugton.
Mr. Whlttler camo to tho Schutt
hotiso and traveled many n toilsome
mllo In ordor that ho might see tho
young woman who had bo attracted
him In tho church. Before tho mint'
mor was over It was reported thnt
they woro engaged, nnd It was very
llttlo tlmo-nftor tho rumor Htnrted
thnt tho entire population of Mount
Washington woro apprised of It.
Then arrangements woro mndo for
tho woddlng. Groat arrangements
thoy woro, too. Evory person In tho
townnhlp accepted the Invitation and
offered nny assistance thoy might bo
ablo to glvo In preparing tho church.
When It wob over, tho brido and
groom wont away to tho groom's
homo In nrookflold Center, Conn.,
whero thpy expect to make their
plained of by Mrs. Donton. It con
slstod of Bonding tho youth down for
tho count with n sclontlflc body blow,
"Your honor," Donton Paid, "I've
had scnrcoly a momont'a peaco slnco
my wlfo began taking tho children
to moving plcturo shows. Not only do
I havo to cat cold or warmed ovor
food becnuBo Bho forgots to got my
supper whon a now film la being
'shown, but also havo becomo tho
butt of nil sorts of comlo sconoB, In
which my wlfo takes tho part of tho
funny fat woman, who gets a laugh
by slapping her husband over tho
head with a coal scuttle or a rolling
pin, or anything else that's .handy.
Once when I protested too vigorously
sho worked In a grand climax by toss
ing n hot flatlron at my face."
Tho prisoner displayed a scar on hla
left cheek, which, ho said, the hot
Iron causod,
Maglstrato McGulro discharged Den
ton forthwith.
Out of Rare Gems
smoothly shaven and his figuro orect
Tho dork was all attention nt once,
"Certainly," Bald tho chirk, "wo
havo a duplicate of thin diamond." '
"Oh, no, no, that la not exactly It,"
Bald tho stranger. "Dy tho way, I
hnvo to bo at tho board of trado oarly,
Dig deal on,"
"Woll," rospondod tho clork, "horq
Is another stone. Diamonds havo ad
vanco In prlco, you know, nnd I will
havo to chnrgo you more for this than
you paid for that ono, I presume"
"Oh, really, you know tho cost does
not matter." Tbon ho ndmlttod It
was exactly bnt ho wanted.
"Just lay thnt nsldo for mo until
noon," he continued, "and I will ar
range for payment. And what will
tho bill b?"
Tho last remark camo with a rare,
nonchnlanco thnt took tho clerk com
pletely off his foot.
"This stone will coat you $4,250
stammered tho elork.
"Oh, very woll." rqmarkod tho visi
tor, And ho tushod to his waiting
nrachlno nnd vus whirled nway Into
tho great unknown.
A few minutes later tho clork awak
enod to tho fact that an imitation
stone had been substituted,
cent. Chartn woro taken of the
mouths of 640 pupils and tho worBt
forty selected. The school records of
this number wore In nearly every caso
as bad as tholr mouths. Twenty-fleven
of the original squad underwent tho
wholo test,
Their teeth woro put In good shape;
they woro Instructed how to ont nnd
breathe and psychological tests wero
taken periodically. These tests In
eluded memory, spontaneous nssoclu
tlon, addition, association by opposltos
nnd quickness ot perception. Tho
final teste wore "taken last May and
tho results complied. The oral by-
gleno experiment was Inaugurated
after medical Inspection In Marlon
school for three years had failed to
show perceptible Improvement In the
l-uVm vw - 'Lt
Many Here Aiftfcterf With 0M
Ailment, Say Prof.
Many rieoolo In ths United Btntea art
afflicted With a quoer disease; according
to a statement yesterday by Professor
James M, Munyon. He mndo tho follow
Inn remarkable and rather growsome
Many norflons who rnme ami wrlla in
my hendqunrtcrs at . t3d and Jefferson
Bts.. Philadelphia, ,Pn think they ars
aurforlnit fim a simple stomach trouble,
wnon in ronuiy mey nro ina victim or
an entirely cllfferent (lUenaethat of
tape worm. These tape worms .are. hue
Internal parasites, which locnto In the
upper bowel nnd consume n latfte per
centage of tho nutriment In undigested
iuuti. incy Bomeumes prow to a, lengtn
of forty to atxty feet. Ono may hnvo a
tape worm for years ana never know
tho cause of hla or her lit health.
"Persona who nro miffprlnff frnm nna
of theto crenturca become nervous, weak
and Irritable, nnd tiro at the loast ex
erllon. Tho tapo worms rob ono or am
bition nnd vitality and strength, but they
nro rnrciy mini.
"Thn Victim nf till illneniin I. tint In
believe thnt he U suiTcrlug from chronlo
atomnch trouble, and doctors for yeara
wiuiuui ronci. this is not uio iauii or
the nhynlclnna 1m consultn. for thern la
no absolute diagnosis thnt will tell post-
lively inai ono la noi a victim or tape
"Tho most common avmntntn nf Ihla
troublo la nn abnormal appetite. At
times tho person Is ravenously hungry
nnd cannot cnt nnnuoh to eat. At ntimr
times the very flight ot food Is lontnaome.
There la a Rnnwlng, faint sensation nt
tno pit or me atomnon, nnn thn victim
line liadnchea. fits of d htzlnrss and nu-
sen. Ho cannot sleep nt night and often
thlnkn he Is suffering; from nervous pros
tration. "I hnve a treatment which has had
wondorful auccesa In eliminating . thea
great creatures from tha systom. In the
course of tta regular action In aldtnr
digestion, and ridding thn blood, kidneys
nnd liver of Impurities It has proven fatal
to these great worms. If on h&a a tap
worm, tnis treatment win, in man case
rutin, HUB iiuaiiiiuiii. win, 111 IlllTO UMn
ut ot ten, stupefy and pass tt away, but
fi! not. the treatment will rebuild th
run-down person, who la probably suffer
ing from stomach trouble and a general
anaemia condition. My doctors report
marvelous success nere wwi mis treat-
fuent. Fully a down persona have paJis4
hese worms, but they nro naturally reti
cent about discussing them, nnd of course
we cannot violate thete confidence, by giv
ing their names to tho public."
Letters addressed to Professor James
M. Munyon, Ud and Jefferson Streets,
rhtladelpha, Pa., will recetva as careful
attention aa though tho patient called In
peraon. Medical advice and consultation
absolutely free. Not a penny to pay.
lie (after ho had kissed her) My!
What's that nolso back of us 7
Sho I guess, papa'n trying hla new
motion plcturo machine
For more than a generation, Cutl
cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment have
dono moro for pimples, blackheads
and othor unsightly conditions of tha
comploxlon, rod, rough, chapped
hands, dandruff, Itching, scaly scalps,
find dry, thin and falling hair than any
other raothod. Thoy do oyon more for
skin-tortured and disfigured Infanta
and children. Although Cutlcura Soap
and OIntmont nro sold by druggists
and doalora throughout the world, a
liberal sample of each, with 32-page
book on tho care of tho skin and hair
will be sont post-treo, on application
to "Cutlcura Dept. 23 L, Doston.
To Be a Good Cook.
''To be a good cook means tbo
knowlodgo of all fruits, herbs, balms
anil spices; nnd of all that 1b healing
and sweat in field" and groves, savory
in menta; it means carefulness, In
ventiveness, watchfulness, 'willingness
and roadlnoss of appliance; It means
tho economy of your great-grandmoth-orn
and tho science of modern chem
ists; it means much testing and no
wanting; It moans English thorough
ness, French art nnd ""Arabian hospi
tality; it moans, in fine, that you are
to be perfectly and always ladles
(loaf-givers), and you are to see that
everybody has something nice to cat."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOniA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants nnd children, and see that It
Dears the
Slgnaturo ot i
In Uso For Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorla
A sordid love of monoy is certainly
n very boiiboIobb thing, for the mind
much occupied with It is blind to ev
erything else. DIphllus,
Ura. Window's flootnlng ryrup or Cblldrer,
Icetblng, fcoftena the gums, reduce Inflaranta,,
turn, aU&ra paio.uurea wlua colla, 96a n bottle.
For the son of man there Is no
noblo crown, but a crown of thorns.
The satisfying quality tn Lewis' Single
Bladen found In no other So cigar.
The hero Is he who Is Immovably
centered. Kmersosu
on 1 1