WW' 'AWT "STPM. --jejqrjrH.. a.yiajflSJf" TIME SEMI-WEEKLY TftliUME LRA L. BARB, Publisher. TBSLM8, 11.26 IN ADVANOKX WORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA VERSATILITY IN THE ARMY. Is there anything that cannot bi done by officers of the United Statoi army? And done exceptionally well) Thcro Is nothing. For example, tak Colonel Ooethals and watch him con struct the Panama Canal with cas and grace after various civilians bad tried their hands at the Job wltboul achieving any glittering success. Then take the five bachelor lieutenants at Fort Scrlven. Georgia, who gave s chafing-dish party, tho particulars ol which we find In tho Army and Navy Journal, It was a surprlso party. II was given In the Dacholors' Club. Th service publication which makci known tho achievements of them heroes Justly remarks that "a grenl (leal of praise is duo tho bachelors toi having given such nn elaborate part) without the assistance of tho ladlci of tho post" says the Chlcngo News For example: "Tho dining-room and den, In themselves very liandsomo wero lavishly decorated with carna lions and ferns. Tho beautiful pal pink flowers wore massed In profusion oh tho mantel and library table In thi den. In tho dining-room a largo vnso filled with tho samo gorgeous llowon ndornod tho tablo. As n souvenir ol tho occasion a largo bouquot, tied with pink tulle; was prcontcd to cock of tho young ladles present. A do llghtful Welsh rabbit wan served wltb dainty candwIchoB, and a mild puncfc was served during tho evening." Ii it not plain that those bachelors ar artists and pools ns woll as warriors! What bachelor ouUldo tho Borvlc could tlo n bow of plnlc tullo around a bouquet? Doubtloss, also, nny oni of tho live, like Cyrano, could compose a balludo whllo preparing to transfli an enemy on tho point of his scrvlc sword. Gentlemen, a toast, standing, to tho army men who can concoct n Welsh rabbit which will not kill elthei at cIobo or long rango. "A llttlo harmloss flirting with nice pcoplo with whom you nro acquainted will do much to rest tho tired mind after tho arduous duties of tho school room." This in ono of tho suggestloni lo young womon schoolteachers mad by an elderly lady on relinquishing" her position as teacher In tho Iloator. public schools after 49 years' sorvlce. "Do a live wire every mlnuto, and don't cat too much," Is another bit ol advice. TJUs klndpf advice from a learned ' andf experienced school "marmv will make most people "sll up and take notice," for in our opln Ion It Is much worse than indiscreet to say the least, says the Now- Or leans Plcaqune. As a cure for brain fag, flirting Is entirely now to us, though some yearn ago we heard If highly recommended for other ail ments, and we thought It pleasant to "take." Wonder how this teacher held her Job for 49 years? She must have had a strangle hold on It A Hindu philosopher and scholai who has been visiting this country de clares we have all the heathens we can manage at noma, and that the money sent abroad to mako convert Is wasted and could bq better spent In missionary work nmong t,h "Oreeks at our own doora" He alsc made some caustic comments on prac tical Christianity In the United States Sometimes the oriental mind dUplaya unexpected but comprehensive accur acy or observation of Western super lorlly, The object of the organization which chIIb Itself the Non-Smokors ol America is to secure the enforcement of laws, ordinances, regulations and rules against smoking In public placoi In the United States. The man whe endeavored to Incorporate It In New York Include several distinguished educators. However, thoy wore care lees In drawlns up their application There was no statement from th would-be Incorporators that they had not made application for Incorporation before, .For thU reason. Judgo Cleger ich denied the application, But the noa-smokei-B. can' begin over if they choose. A Brooklyn woman refused to obey an order of the Supremo court to al low her divorced husband to visit tholi baby, and the Justice whose authorltJ was thus defied, asked; "What nre w going to do about it?" nelng a Juris! of wide experience and knowledge ol human nature, he admitted that all the courts going were no match for a woman onco her mind was mado up The amount collected at the port ol New York from fines, penalties and forfeitures amounted to over $2,000.- 600. Honesty, from this showing, Is not only the best policy, but also tW the pest la the eud. A Washington woman has applied to the courts to get her alimony Incr ed because she is unable to live ee WOO a month. The eeurU might ree- omtnend a emnm la deMtie wwii mm? fer the Jr. SYSTEMS MUST VARY I Soil With Very Freo Drainage Possesses Advantages. Application ef Water Differs In Vari ous Sections From Gardeners Sprinkling With Watering Pot to Insistent Irrigation, To speak of Irrigation, specifically conveying tho tmproeslon that the same system Is applied In all places gives nn entirely wrong Impression; Its application varies In different dis tricts and soils from tho gardeners sprinkling with a watering pot to the irrigation of land before crops are plunted and Its Insistent use until they are matured, Speaking genornlly, (bo soils on tho western slope of tho llocklcs are Irri gated earlier than thoso on tho east, notwithstanding tho more abundant snowfall. Many reasons catiso early Ir rigation, chlof amongst them being. perhaps tho nnturo of tho subsoil which la ofton loss rotcntlvo of mois ture than tho lands for Instance from Eton to Ault In tho northern portion of Colorado. A soil with a very freo drainage has somo advantages If tho water supply Is nmplo, It gives tho grower a moro abBoluto control or molsturo -conditions than In a cano where tho Roll la no rotcntlvo that should his Irrigation bo followed by heavy rains hla crop will bo drowned out, or nt least sot back from tbo soil being too wot und soggy Such extremely .frequent ap plications of water on tho other hand aro oxponslvo nud tend to leach tho soil. In courso of tlmo making It need moro and moro w"ntor. Kxamtn ing n bed In a garden tho other day, where tho plants wero not doing woll, I was informed that they bud to bo watered twice a day. On examination tho soil did not appoar to be too wot, and ovon tho fact that only a foot of It rested on solid rock waB not sulll clent to account for Its frequent need of water. When nomo of tho soil was washed out In water nn cntlro ubsenco of humus was discovered and tho mix ture could bo all kopt In suspension with hardly any roalduo In tho bot tom. It Is Impossible for such soli as this to hold wnter In suspension, In other words tho upper roots of tho plants aro constantly starved for wa ter and tho lower parts drowned, n uniform nnd balanced molsturo Is Im possible In such a soil. Tho remedy for such trotiblo Is per fectly slmplo and tho reason why it had been difficult of application to tho flowor bod was that n certain number of permanent plants occuplod.lt and It had booh thought Impossible to Incor porate organic mattor In tho soil. The bed- was watered with liquid manuro, which helped, but only In part rem cdlod tho absonco of humus. In tho caso of tho garden welted turf should hnvo been placed In the bod and If this could not ho done with out removing tho permanent plants thoy should havo been taken out nnd reset. On tho farm on such soil as I have described tho romedy la evon more simple and a perfect modlum for holding wator can bo secured In an easily worked soil, and at the same time perfoct moisture control. In a soil with good underdralnago a largo amount of humus will never hold moro molsturo than Is bonoflctal to plants, though In a swamp It may do so, causing aridity and stagnation. Those boIIb which most need humus aro very much bencflttod by having leguminous crops grazed off on thorn or burled under, and whoro this is the main consideration It never pays to keep the stock on short pasture but thoy 'Should have a superfluity to tramp under foot for tho bonellt of the land as woll as for their own good. In the case of alfalfa a new growth will stRrt from the bottom If tbo stock is kopt In tho same flold, or where a better system Is followed of alternate pastures It should bo cut and the slip pings loft on the ground when the stock has boon removed. Curing Hay, Cut clover when about hair the blossoms are brown; cut timothy Just as the bloom Is railing. Curing clover: Cut It as soon as tho dew la off In tho morning, says tho Farm Journal, At noon shako out the bunches, rake into windrows bofore evening dew gots on It, and let It (to until next day. Noxt day shako out the hay as soon as tho dow Is oft You ought to bo ready to haul, on a hot day, by 11 o'clock, or certainly artor dinner, It spoils clover hay to got too dry. It should never be put Into thq barn when wot with rain or dew; but a llttlo sap won't hurt it. Curing timothy: If tho crop Is not too heavy and rank, cut as soon as tho dow Is off, lot It cure a few hours, rako Into windrows nnd haul to tho barn tno sumo day. It tho crop ts rank, cut it In the afternoon; It will wilt somo during the night and dew will not hurt It. Noxt day's sun will dry It In ft few hours, when it cau bo rakod into windrows; baut it to tho barn in tno early attornoon, Raising Colts. uorses wun goou dispositions nro always safer and more valuable. Never breed a crnay-honded mavo. Raise tho typo of colt that sells host In your community, Soloot tho slro and dam that will bring this typo ot a colt. Do not let the little coll follow tho dam while she la at work. If the dam becomes heated the milk is Injurious to the colt. If a colt Is worth raising at all he la worth raising well, irrigation will pay east Expert Bays Proposition to Irrigate Farming Lands of Maryland Would Surely Pay, "The proposition to Irrigate tho arm ing lands of Maryland la not only feasible, but I am suro that If adopted It would bring great ultimate prosper ity to your landowners," said Mr. D. A. Cnmflold of Greeley, Colo., while In Baltimore the other day. Mr, Camfleld speaks with expert 'knowledge, as he lias been In the busi ness of constructing Irrigation works on a high scalo for years, and Is at tho present time building no less than three, ono of which will irrigate over 125,000 acres and will cost J5.000.O00. "Tho question of whether the con struction of storage reservoirs would pay In a country like Maryland Is al together different. My own view is that it would not, for the reason that the landowners would not buy the use of tho water, From long force of hab it and the tradltolns of their fathers, they would coutlnuo to rely on the rainfall, preferring to tnko a chance on tho kindness of the clouds to putting out cash for r moro certain supply from Irrigation ditches. A better meth od In this state would bo for each farm er to practice sublrrlgatlon on his own account through a system of un derground pipes. This Is by no means a cheap method. As n matter ot tact, Its Installation Is expensive, but It gets tho results, und In tho long run will bent depending on an uncertain fall of ruin." TREAT ALFALFA CROP BADLY No Question That Yields Might Be Considerably Increased If More Care Used Im Irrigating. Alfalfa commonly roeolvos earolois treatment nt tho hands of western Ir rigators. When water Is available and It la not neoded for other crops l is imunlly turned on tho alfalfa Hotels or meadows whether (hey require It or not. Tli ore Is no question that ylolda of alfalfa might bb considerably In creased If moro enro wero Used In finding out when to apply wnter. In each kind of soil and In" any- given set of climatic conditions there 1b a cor tain degreo of soil molsturo which will givo tho best results, Under tho pres ent unskilled practice It 1b Imposslblo to maintain uniform eoll molsturo conditions for any length of time. The soil Is apt to receive too much or too llttlo wnter, or It In doluged with cold water nt n time when It needs only heat nnd nlr. Tho numbor or Irriga tions required deponds upon tho depth nnd nnturo of tho ooll, tho depth to ground wator, tho number of cuttings and tho rnlnfnll, .temperature nnd wind movement and these aro somo or tho secrets or nnturo nbt very woll un derstood. LIVE STOCK NOTES. Anlmnl husbandry Is tho profitable sldo of farming. Cement floors nro too hard and will causa bumble foot Keep tho sheop well nnd they will take caro or thomselves. Tako caro that the Bheep shade In a shed or In a barn basement. No animal will respond moro read ily to good care tlmu the hog. Fresh Bklm-mllk is a great feed for young pigs, also for brood bowb. Feed whllo tho cattle are on pas ture helps nt this time and later. Educate tho brood sow to bo quiet and gentle. You can do It ir you try. Tho first step In bglnntng In sheop breeding IbHIo selection of tho ewes. With the bIIo, nn ncro of roughage will feed a greater number ot ani mals. It woakonB the homes to keep them shut up In a closo BtobTe during the hot rilglHs. Turn them out Train the colt boforo ho Is six months old and you enn control his disposition when he ts older. Horses that aro clipped dry off fast at night, which is to be prorcrred to standing in ft heavy wet cont ot hair. It Is not tho quantity or rood taken Into tho stomach, but tho amount ab sorbed in it, which benefits the sys tem. Diseases get n fast hold of. many n flock or sheep through foul drinking wator. Never glvo stagnant water It you can help-It. Never buy a rnm whoso wool Is scanty on tho bolly und legs. He should bo well covered and the fleece Bhould bo uniform. Tho first cross or puro-bred animals often results in combining tho good points, but In n very row years only tho bad ones nre left. No use to buy puro-bred sheop If they aro to bo allowed to stnrvo and rustlo around for themselves. A scrub will do better under such con ditions, Irrigation Sprinklers, Irrigation by moans of whirling sprinklers is to be carried out on un extensive scale In tho Qulney. district in urant county, wasnington, upon a largo tract ol land a few miles south ot tbo town or Winchester. Tho appa ratus, specially designed for tbo ex porlraont,- 1b larger and of greater ca pacity thnn tho sprinklers ordinarily used on city laWns. Water will be lifted from a deep well by a doublo-nc-tlon pump driven by a gasoline en gine. Labor In "Conserving Moisture. It' requires unceasing labor to con servo soil molsturo, and the work should begin as soon as tho ground is plowed In the spring by rolling and harrowing lightly to till the spaces be tween the furrows slices wltb loose dirt to check the evaporation of mois ture. Capital to Lead in lOOM'T KNOW WHO IS fl3PWJIBU TOH THC MICH COST OF UVlrlV BUT I HOPE THEY JOAK HIM CO0D AfiO HARD WHEN THEY CATfM WASHINGTON. The high cost ot living is becoming a livo topic again. Much ot tho mall that comes to members ot congress dnily deals with tho subject. Constituents of sen ators nnd representatives nro Baying that If thq legislative body can do any thing to bring prices of tho neces saries of llfo down, it ought to do It Among publto men thcro Id very gen eral agreement that tho topic will bo to tho' front in tho presidential cam paign next year, James Wilson, secretary of Agricul ture, has como forward with tho sug gestion that every largo municipality ought to tnko up tho cost of living problem. Ho thinks tho problem of reducing tho cost of living Is one that must bo sottlcd by municipalities. Federal legislation can, ho declares, at boot do but llttlo toward bringing prlcos down. Tho secretary Is trying to perBundo the -leading citizens ot the national capital' to got in behind nn Inquiry hero as. to why things people havo to Huge Guns Will THINK of a gun which" will hurl n 1,400-pound projectllo through nine Inches of tho best face-hardened steel 15 miles away from whore It In fired! This Is what Uncle Sam's now 14-Inch guns will do. Thoy will shoot beyond tbo horizon. In other words, tho rango of tho monsters with which the two now bnttleshlps, Now York and Texas, will bo equipped Is greater thnn it is possible to Bee n targot tho slzo ot a ship of tho Delaware typo. Under tho most favorablo conditions not evon tho tall masts Qt the Dela ware could bo cccn from a Bhlp of tho samo. size 10 mlloa away. - And tho new 14-Inch gun Is effective at that range. Tho navy dopnrtmont haB Just com pleted n successful test of tho gun and work will go forward at onco In tho Washington factory to make tho 90 lniirn wrnnnno nnrwlail fnp thrt tvur, r .... - - - .vessels. - Tho rccont tests mado with the naval service 12-lnch gun on tho old battleship Texas In Chcsapcako bay showed that tho efficiency of tho gun makers had reached a hjgh state. These 12-Inch guns literally mado a sieve of tho Texas at a rango of 12, 000 yards, or nix miles. H was the Army Regulations THEY COULDmY CET HE 1HTO THfc ARMY AGAIN WITH A YOKE OF OXPN ARMY regulations nro being cbnngod for tho benefit of tho enlisted man, Tho old rules which havo add ed to tho hardships of tho common soldier aro being modified to kcop pace with modorn Ideas of humanity and Justice and, In tho course of a short tlmo, It Is hoped that conditions will be so far improved that desertions will bo practically unknown and re onllstment will be general.- Gen. Leo nard Wood, chief ot staff, Is working out tho proposed changes and' bis ef forts havo the sympathy of President Taft, who over sjneo his Udmltllatra tlon as secretary of war has been Interested In tho enlisted men. As long as the auclont regulations continued In force, both President Taft and General Wood agreed, llttlo roal amelioration of tho soldier's con f r. The Progress of Our Game Protection THE report or Dr. T. S. Palmer of tho government's biological survey on "Tho ProgrcsB of Game Protection" 1b an exceedingly interesting docu ment. Itbears every evidence of .care ful Btudy ot conditions. Nothing la sot down which In any way can bo attributed to guesswork. It cau be accepted aa accurate and authentic. Doctor Palmer Is knows to scientists as a man ot method with nn Innate love of tho subject ot which he Is making n llfo study. Doer, mooso, elk and other big game Of pronounced economic value aro Increasing In numbers. With the awakened Interest In their protection and with tho constant Improvement in laws intended to save useful species thero are Bound reasons for the belief that future generations ot Americans will know tho animals that man today knows, and that legitimate sport will bo possible In tho years to come. Tho movement for the con servation of tho natural resources of the country takes full heed ot the necessity for the preservation of the wild birds and mammals, gome few Bpecles ot big game per haps are bound to disappear, or ts High Prices War buy aro so high. He has a notion that if Washington would conduct an investigation that resulted In obtain ing choapor food for the people, other cities would soon become interested. Secretary Wilson suggests that President Tafl appoint a commission to study the situation here at the na tional capltaL. The president has In dicated that he is willing to carry out the suggestion of his secretary of agriculture if the pcoplo of Washing ton would Indicate that they really want such an investigation mado. b "Ono ot tho most pitiful things ot modern times," said Secretary Wilson, "Is tho mnnnor In which the poor of tho largo clllcs nro beaten down by tbo prices which provnll at this tlmo. The prices aro such that no man work ing for ordinary wages can meet thorn. They nro boyond the pockotbook ot tho poor, and there is nothing that fives tho poor any protection from thorn. This condition undoubtedly pre vails In nearly every city. "Tho -farmer doe3 not get half tho prlco tho consumer pays. Many per sons aro Inclined to placo tho' blamo for high prices on tho farmers, but us a matter ot fact the fanners aro not bonoflted by tho high prices. A tow middlemen, Bolcctcd Individuals, who etop in between tho farmer and tho conBumor, are tho persona, who reap tho benefit." Shoot Fifteen Miles longest range at which actual shoot ing had over been done. Eight to tpn miles Is about tho maximum for these guns. The new 14-lnch gun's weight Is C3.6 tons. Tho dlnmetcr at the breech or butt is 47 Inches nnd nt the muzzle 24 Inches. Tho cost of ono gun nnd breech Is $74,770. Tho carriage upon which tho gun will-be mounted In tho" turret of tho vessel will cost $50,000. Tho projectllo weighs 1,400 pounds, 1b CG Inches, or flvo and ono half feet, In length and costs $450. It Is loaded wllh a bursting charge of' 45 pounds of "dunnltc." Tho powder -charge 'Used behind the projectllo to give it velocity consists of four bags ot 90 "pounds each of smokeless nitrocellu lose yet even then it would bo over half a mlnuto from tho time of firing before tho projectllo would hit the mark lfT miles away. Are Being Modified dition could bo brought about. As long as young soldiers wero Bent to Jnll nnd herded, with criminals for trivial offon80B, they believe, tho army would continue to bo shunned by a. largo class of desirable men who would otherwlso bo inclined to enter the service. Ono of the first reforms to bo In augurated was that ot tho sentences administered for slight Infractions or, army law, Tho moat commoner these offenses now, na It has been for many generations, Is desertion, and most of tho desertions are unintentional. Upon conviction tbo culprits aro Bontonced to three to six mouths In a military prison, not because their offense merited such punishment, bul because tbo ancient regulations had it that way, Undor tho now system tho punish ment for mild cases "of desertion Is merely a deprivation ot leave, extra work or tho cutting off of special al lowances. Tho guardhouse Is only to bo used for real offenders and the military prison for hardened crim inals. J OF COURSE -we ARE iri FAVOR OF THE GAME H LAWS survive only In a Boml-domestcated stnto. Animals which llvo In the cover a part or a wbolo ot tbo tlmu will survive as long ns law is enforced and forests continue to grow. Tho government bns control only ot such game animals as are to be found In tbo territory directly under federal rule. Notwithstanding this limited authority tho additional protection given the wild llfo In recent years by the several states Is duo largely to the efforts of the officials of the United States biological survey, which Is a bureau ot the department of agri culture, For several years each win ter tho government's scientists have appeared before the different stato legislatures to urge protection for tbe birds and mammala, and as a result ot their efforts aearly uniform laws are la force all over the country. HIS CRIME. Svelina i am torry, but 1 cannot narry a man of your character, Edgar What have I ever done? Evelina I have Just learned .that you aro a director In a llfo Insurance company. NEW STRENGTH FOR BAD BACKS. Thoso who suffer with backache, hendachp, dizziness and that constant, dull, tired fooling will And comfort in the advice of Mrs. C'. S. Tyler, Cnndo, N. Dak., who snyB: "My back became terribly soro and lame. I was tired, and restless nnd would arlso so ex hausted I could L Bcarcoly dress. Tho kidney secretions wero terribly annoy ing and my feet be- camo so swollen 1 could not wear my shoes. Nothing helped mo until I began using Dean's Kldnoy Pills. Thoy gave mt) prpmpt relief and In a short timo 1 was entire ly cured." Itemombcr tho name Doan'B. For halo by druggists and genernl storokoopers overywhore. Prlco 60c. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Serenity. "Tho true ro.UglouB man, amid all tho Ills of tlmo, keeps a sereno fore head nnd entertains a peaceful heart. This, going out nnd coming 'In nmid" all tho trials of tho city, tho agony or tho plague, tho horrors or tho thirsty tyrants, tho fierce democracy abroad, tho fiercer 111 at homo the saint, tho sago of Athens, was still tbo same. Such a ono can endure hardness; can stand alone and bo content; a' rock amid tho waves lonely, but not moved. Around him tho row or many may scream, calum niate, blaspheme. What Is all to him but tho cawing of tho Beablrd about that soljtnry, doop-rooted Btono?" Theodoro Parker. - A Mystery. Ho (during tho spat) Well, If you want to know It, I" married you for vour money. She I wish I could toll as easily Vhat 1 married you for. Boston Transcript. AEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Bend 2o itatnp for Are lamplei ot vaf Terr cbolc nl Gold IlmboiMd Ulrthdnj, Flower and Motto i'oct Oardsi beautiful colors and lorellett dealgni. art I'oit Card Club, 731 Jackaon 8U, OVipeka, Kanaaa His Way of Llfo. "War 4s hell." "You seem to bollovo. that in times ot poaco ono should prepare for war." Colo's Carbollsalve quickly relieves and cures burning-, ltchlnir and torturing skin diseases. It Instantly stops tho pain of burns. Cures, without scars. 25c and 60c by druKidsts. Kor free sample write to JW. Colo & Cos; BlaclC Itlver Falls, Wis. It Is the buslnes of this llfo to mako excuses for others, but none for ourselves. Robert LouIb Stevenson. Lewis' EinRle Binder gives tho smoker & rich, lncllow-tastlnir 5o cigar. Our highest religion is named "tho worship of sorrow." Has Stood a 58 Year Test IHIIHHIIIH IIISJIW Hosteller's I Bitters merit is, therefore, proven in cases of I SICK HEADACHE SOUR STOMACH IHDIiESTIOH CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA AND MALARIA A trial, today, will convince you that it is the medicine- you need. All Druggists. ft r the trenhunntnr (!hntnin iti.m Kurt Unrnfnlnni ITIH i .. f ' ilolent ljlrcra, Mercurial (JlcoraWhlteHVnll ln(f. Mil k lr . l'oor Korea, ail old or?.Vory aunceaaful. ilr mnll SO renta. .1.1. Al.i lew MKOICINE C6., UepU AO, St. vlift illaS. PAffKtft'S MAtl BAI AU m mm CImum and WtatUlta th bak. rnmoiM a. laiuiuat rwwth. T.r yalts to Bettor Gray llalr to It Youtuful OolorT Cum, reafp dl halt Ruin., 8f&it.ach Its PATENTS kiir, - .4 . . KM ,