Historical Soclitr mat TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, pi3., AUGUST 29. '9" " No. 57 ". ,. . 1 ... " : ... 11 ' ' ' ' "' ' THE DEMANDS OF THE SHOP MEN General Manager Mohler Gives the Information. - The Qaestioas Involved in what May Result in a Walk Out. One of the leading topics of convcr sation at division torminala of the Union Pncific is the threatened walk-out of tho Bhop men of tho Hnrriman lines, which would include tho Union Pncific employes. .Iu3t what stngo this im pending trouble has renchod cannot bo definitely learned, but from published accounts it 'would seem that there io considerable causo for anxiety on tho part of the general public. Julius Krutchnitts, director of opera tion of the Harriman lines, passed through Saturday enrouto to San Fran cisco, where, it Ib stated, ho will meet the committee of tho Bhop men and dis cuss their demands, this conference to begin next Friday. At Omaha the busineas mon's asso ciation aro considerably agitated over the impending trouble, and to" get at the facts, General Manager Mohler was requested to give a synopsis of tho de mands 'made-by tho mon, which request was granted' and from .yesterday's Omnha Bee tho following is taken: v "On account of tho information con veyed by tho public proBS that thoro in nossibility of a strike of certain em- nlovos of tho 4Jnion Pacific railroad I'-- coirinanv. tho Business Men's Associa tion-of Omaha keenly realizing tho dis astrous offect such a strike might havo unon business and industrial conditions, invited tho officials of the Union Pacific rnilrontl to make to the association a statement of the demands, which have beon presented to them to which they two naked to accede us an alternative Tit their cmnloves. "i"'r muter w In response to that request tho officials , of the Union Pncific railroad have tur nished tho association a synopsis of the principal demands in question aiTfol lows: "1. They demand that the company oVinll nn lnntrer treat directly with its own omnloves or its own organized labor. hut that it shall deal with a federation - of shon employes, consisting of work men employed upon tho Southern Pa cific, tho Oregon Short Line, tho Ore gon Railroad & Navigation company and other Hurriman lines, Including the .-Union Paoifiv'. This means that tho employes of thefl6"7thcr linos may make an attempt to enforce demands, in .vhtoVi nmnlnvsfl of tho Union Pacific lmvo no concern, and may call a strike which is in absoluto conflict with the interests of Union Pacific employes. "2. Thoy demand that the company Bton treating with tho separate mechanical crafts of its employes, and that it treat with a federation of all crafts non encaged. In shop work, con Bisting of machinists, blacksmiths, boilermaUors, card, .artment employes sheet metal workers, tinners and others Tiiia mnnns that ceitain crafts may in Rmt unon demands for other crafts, in which thev have no concern and which m'nv ho in 'direct conflict with their j interests. "3. "They demand that nil present and' future employes, not members, shall join their organization in thirty dayu. This means the discharge of all employes who will not or cannot, ob- means that if nn-cmploye, after thirty days' service, is found to bo incompe tent ho cannot be discharged on that ground. "9. Thoy demand n flat increase of 7 cents per hour and a bonus of one hour per week, for all shop employes, and in addition thereto demand other methods of increased compensation f or timo work ed which in the nggrcate, amounts to $1,600,000 per year, on the Union Pncific railroad alone. w "10. Thoy demand that employes at outlying districts be given leavo of absence and transportation upon ten days demand, without regard to tho needs of tho company, or tho number of applicants asking for leave at the time, or tho ability of tho company to furnish substitutes. "11. They-demand that employes shall remain in tho hospital as long ns the patient and members of his association think he . requires iC regnrdlcss of tho views of the Burgeons in chnrgo. '12. Thoy demand that all employes be paid by tho hour, abolishing all monthly, bonus or premium system of compensation, notwithstanding thofnet that some of the crafts in tho past havo requested tho bonus system, which has enabled thorn to make high premiums over their daily wages." OWLS HAVE 11 I BICJUSY NIGHT Organize with a Membership of Three Hundred. An tain membership in their organization; in othor words, a closed shop. "4. Thoy demand tho adoption of a rule which will result in requiring the promotion of the oldest man in a given shon to the position of foreman when- . rpl.l., ,.. ever a vacancy occur. i.um ...c.uo that the 'men will select their foremen, thus depriving tho company of the priv ilege of selecting ita own officers. "5. Thoy demand that men in chnrgo of mechanics must be mechanics; in other words, that foremen of mechanics must belong to tholr organization, be cause in order to bo a mechanic under tho proposed rules, an employe must be a member. ' "G. They djinand that a workman bo not discharged or suspended without tho previous consent of a committee of shop employes. "7. Thoy demand that employes shall not bo required to undergo any form of physical examination, or to make out any form of personal record. This means that tho company may bo iinrrfl from obtnininc any information as to their physicnl or other qualifica tions. R Thov demand that tho compe High school students should register for their work this week. Principal Schutz will be in his ofllco from 9 to 4 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ana Saturday. Former sludontn of the high school should see him this week as thoro will bo no enrolling during school hours next week. Incoming otudonts" from other schools sKould see Supt. Tout before Enrolling. Pnronts wish ing to consult Supt. Tout will find him in his office most of tho time during the week. Pupils who have not gono to school here before find who expect to ontor any of the grades bolow tho high school need not report to the sup erintendent but should go directly to the school 'of their ward on Monday morning nnd tho principal will assign thum. Locust street is tho boundry between the Washington Fchool and the Central school. Tho Union Pacific railVoad tracks aro the boundaries be tween the north nnd the south sides, All residents of (lie north sido-will at tend the Lincoln school. Wilson Tout, City Supt. Nothing so"bntertaining and pleasing as Alex story's "As Told in tho Hills" ha3 been in recent years. Although interesting and extremely thrilling at nil times, the play is not one of the kind that depends on cheap sensation alism for its effect and in its strong climaxes that in real life would bo im possible. Clean and refreshing comedy is the prominent feature in the play and a generous number of good special ties are introduced with effect. Coming to the Keith thentro Wednesday, Aug, 80th. A farewell party was tendored Miss Helen Doolittlo Saturday afternoon by Miss Lenora Cummings at tho homo of Mrs. W. M. Cunningham. Tho after noon was spent in kensington work. Dainty refreshment were served at five-thirty. , Watch experts .tho world over aro ncreed that a cood watch should bo cleaned and freshly oiled once in a year. Don't your timo piece need overhauling? We can do it tno best possimc. Dixon. Tho Jeweler. U. P. watch inspector. General Manager Holdrcgo, of tho Burlington, went through on No. C yes terday in his privnto car. Ho was joined here by his secretary who ar rived from Omaha Sunday evening. Miiledgo Bullard returned Sunday from his protracted visit in tho bouUi and east He bus fully recovered from the attack of typhoid ho suffered while visiting in Pennsylvania. The Newton Barber shop has rented the building now occupied by tho Green Pool hall and will move their fixtures there in tho near future. For Sale Lots 5 and G, block 75, with four room houso; located on west Eighth St, Inquire of Major Walker. All membors of tho Robcknh Degree staff are requested to be present nt the hall Friday evening, as thoro Ib import ant work on hand. Miss Scott, stenographer for Wilcox & Halligan, returned yesterday from Fails City whoro she spent her vacation with relatives. Mrs. Joe Cunnningham has returned Through tho efforts of Messrs. Kcssler and Hill, who linvo been in town for sovoral weeks, a lodgo of Owls was organized at the Lloyd opera houso last ovening witli n charter mem bership of fully three hundred. "Not in tho history of North Plntto has a lodge with so largo a membership beon or ganized, nnd this is largely duo to tho many advantages possessed by tho order. Tho benefits aro bo many nnd so generous that it appeals to nil. it was impossible last night to accept. (Ill JIIVIIIUUIB V1IU IllIU UIllUIIUU Ull tho charter, but fully 150 wero rtresent. nnd took the obligations and assisted in tho organization. 1 he oflicorB elected woro ns follows: Past president, Dr. Ames; president, . A. Schntzi vice-president. A. P. Kelly: invocator, C. S. Clinton: secre tary, Gus Huffman: trensurcr, C. M. Reynolds; Warden, C. M. Greison; sentinel, Jlenry bullivnn; pickot, H. Sawyor; trustees. P. II. Sullivan, J. N Baker, F. W. Rincker: exnmining Dhyeiciuns, A, J. Ames. W. J. Rcdfleldi N. McCabo and T. J. Korr. Owls. Wo are lust in receipt of n fine lino of pins for your now onlor. Let ub show you now nico n pin wo havo n$ a low price. ijixon, ino dewoior. Order Possessing Features Appeals to the Average Man. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS IS 8 Mrs. Goo. 'f . Field loft yestorday nftornoon for Denver from whero tho goos to EstoB Park. Miss Ireno Wnllner, of Dunbar, wWb was elected to tench in tho locul schools has Rent in her resignation. Tailored Waists tho now stylos for fall aro here. Wiixox.Dei'artmbnt Stoke, Tho entertainment committiotof ' Elks-ro planning a series of dancing and card parties for tho winter season. It is.probnblo that two of theso func tions will bo held each month, be ginning with September. S5.00 buys' a 7 jowol Ingorsol Trenton nt Dixon's. The boat watch in tho world at $5.00. W. A. Chamberlain nnd Van E. Potcrson, president and cashier of tho Curtis Bank, R. S. Baker and soveral othors aro in town this week on busi ness protalning to tho now agricultural school, Mrs. Will Jeffors. of Green River. was taken ill with appendicitis tho Inst of tho week while touring Yollowstonc Pnrk and in company with Mr. Joffurs went to Omnha Sunday ovening where sho will bo operated on. The case of tho State of Nobraska against Frnnk Bush for assault and battery came up boforo Junge Grant yesterdny. N. B. Spurrier accused Jlush of turning irrigation water on to his alfalfa and damaging it nnd that when he remonstrated Busli struck him on tho head nnd indicted a serious wound. Bush contended that ho gave tho blow in solf defenso. but ho was found guilty by tho court and fined $25 nnd coats, the whole nmountlng to $07.20. Perry Carson loft this morning for Grand Island on business. Henry Cohagen went to Cherokee last ovening to spend n week. John F. Monroo has gono to Salt Lake to remain Indefinitely. W. H.Barton, editor of tho May wood paper, is trnnsactingbusinoss in tho city this week. Mrs. W. T. Berry came homo Sunday ! morning from n weeks visit with Chey enne friends. Miss Lottie Lowo enmo homo yestor day from l'axton, whoro sno spent n week with Mrs. E. Hogg. Mrs. Mnblo Weinberger came homo yesterday from n two weeks visit with her sister in Grand Island. Robin Snyre, of Denver, is tho guest of his nunt Mr. Harry Murrin. Robin was formerly a North Platte boy. Rev. W. S. Porter returned Saturday ovening from n pleasant fishing trip.in Larn.mio nnd'bther points west. Tho Misses BurkMund, of Sutherland, came down Sunday morning to visit Misses Hnzol and Frances Nichols. Goorgo Hnndloy, of Dos Moines, In., Is visiting his brother Homer. Mr. Hnnley was n formor passenger brnkomnnhoro. Misses Knthorino.and Etta Clark re turned Sunday evening from n week's outing in Denver nnd Morrison, Colo. Attorney Muldoon nnd his stcnogrn- phorMisB Mao McWilliams went to Ogalnlln yesterday to take testimony in n case. Mr. nnd Mrs. F, II. Gnrlow nnd childrou nnd Mrs. V. F. Cody lmvo re turned from thoir visit in Denver and othor Colorado points. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Drain, of Pitts- burg, who havo boon the guests of Son- ntor nnd Mrs. W. V. Ilonglaiul for n month left yesterday afternoon. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Jones, 11G West Second stroot. For Rent. Houses nnd rooms, storago robins and safe depositc boxes. UKATT & UUUHMAN, 1 e nave Learned a Lot 4 mm Abct Shingles Miia H&zcV lIugliert.Hot' Gretnnwho ao been a visitor nt tho Dornn resi dence for somo time, wont homo last night. Mrs. Doran and daughter Isabcll accompanied her. Tho voung Bon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Goss, of Lincoln, formerly of this city, died n few days ago of ptomnino pols oning. Tho child was born shortly after tho Goss family took up tholr residence in Lincoln Dr. T. J. Kerr loft .yostcrdny mom ng for Omnha whoro ho will bo married tomorrow. Tho honeymoon will boBpent n Colorado nnd tho trip mnuo uy nuto, They will return to this city the last of Septomber. You can rest easy when your prop erty is insured with 15KA11 ik UUUUMftN, he Lcadjng Fire Insurance Agents. In tho District Court Snturdny Editli Day wag granted n divorco from John H. Day to whom she was married in this city Dec. 1st, 1901. Sho state? her causo to bo drunkness nnd desertion nnd asked tho custody of tho child "which re quest was granted. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Bnrrnclough, who spent sovernl months hero will leavo this week for Grand Junction, whoro the former will take tho position which ho held in tho shops thoro previous to coming to this city. Tho committee of tho Chamber of Commerce which is working up the trade excursion to Northport, nnd por bans bovond. Is getting tho work Well in hand, but aro not yet able to nn iiounco u definite date.- It is hoped to since wo first hung out our shinglo and particularly red cedar shinglos always havo known thoy wero good but our close observation has taught us that while all shingles may look alike, they don't woar alike. Mnybo you'vo noticed the Bnmo thing. Well there's reason "for it. We found tho trouble starts" with their drying and if vou buy shingles that have been hurriedly put through tho dry kiln under excessive heat, you will surely bo disappointed. Maybo ours cost little moro bocauso of tho slow drying. from n three weeks' stav with relntivea l-but first cost and longevity of tho in Wood River nnd other cities of east- roof should bo considered together. em Nebraska. ' Tho last ccr we unloaded wna n pippin The Metliodist aid society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. E. Scott, 503 West Second street. como 'n and look at won't cost a penny questions. theso Bhingles to look or nsk Money to Loan on Real Estate ; any amount, cither buildiugnnd loan or 1 nrivnto monov. Can bo returned tency of employes entoring service shall ' monthly or nnnnnl payments. See us be determined within thirty days. This first. Buatt& Goodman. W. W. BIRGE, The Sauce of UncQmmonness If you want a Suit built to your order .this fall that will . be different from tho rest; a suit with a touch of style ami individuality all its own Come to The Royal Tailor Style show open this week at this store. This store is the authorized local measuring bure.'iu for the famous Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York. We are prepared to give you the utmost intailoring at $20, $25, $30 nnd $35. Backed by the Royal Tailors' guarantee of absolute fit and satisfaction, or no sale. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. iolcl I 111 flie ' I Hi!ls Kcilh Thculrc WEDNESDAY, AUG.30 Sixth season of continued buccobs ALEX STORY vX'rcents..nil,l(iyyou.Cftnnot Af--i torn to Anon, Headed by MISS M'ABLE OWEN ns Lib Dexter. By fur tho best Dramatic Production of Today. Scoiiory, Specialties, Costumes and Effects. Walch for (he Indians' Prices 256, 30C, SOG AND 75G. Sunday School Convention. Tho Lincoln County Sunday School convention is meeting in the Presby terian church, tills city, today and to morrow. Mr. Lewis nnd Mr. and Mrs. Kimberly, three of the qtnto Sunday school workers, nro conducting the" con vention. All Sunday Bchool workers, tcachors and ollicers are urged to ue present nt all tho afternoon nnd even ing cessions. Geo. P. WillintnB. HOY SCOUTS MeetlnffThursdav !Evo at 7.30 odock. full nttcndnncu of boys requested! Ton dorfcet will bo admitted at this meeting. Attention Hay Men. We will snvo your monoy bn Bnlo Ties. Seo us. Ginn, White & ScitaTZ. Bnikcmarf Homer Hnndloy has taken a lay oif and expects to visit in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones, of Den ver, nrrived Inst Thursday to Bcnd n week with Drs. J. B. and W. J. Redliold. who wish Dlaces to Iwifii-il iiiid rnnm If vmi run knot) one mako tho trip about tho middle of next 0f tj)e80 young people while or ho she ia Isnbello Osterhout was granted n divorce from Frank OBtorhout Satur day and her maiden nnmo of Isnbello Merklo restored, Thoy wero married in Lexington August 10th. and shortly 1 after sho claims she claims, bo da- I wnnt tho names and liddrosscs of sertod her. infnr IZtrUl nr Vta&bdu?. 1 An or,,In"rY 15,180 of liooa can, aa Or rooms for toaCllOrS Or StUUOniS UUI- 1 niliWi ! n nlncrln ilnan nt ing the coming year. I wl II a .Uo lmvo , chamberlnin'B Colicf ChE . and DI- n numuor 01 yuys aim Kiriounii nrrhona Ilemndv. Tlila mmn.W hna nn umrit mi- rnnir i -------- j. .. superior for bowel complaints. For snlo by all dealers. PHONE 9. month. Wanted School cirl to work fcr board. Apply to Mrs. J. B. Edwardf, 608 west Fifth street. A young mnn named Burklund, about twenty years of ago, was orougnt down from Sutherland yesterdny nnd placed in jull for sate Keeping. 110 with another man escaped a few days ago from a hospital in Omaha, and Burklund, who formerly lived nt Suth erland, returned to that place. Ho will probably have a hearing before tho insnne board. A very pleasant nnd unique Bocinl function wiib the stocking Bhowor given Miss Fern' Stamp Saturday by Misses nh Ciinnliiirham and Theo HanRon at tho homo of tho former. A scoro of. vminir Indies woro nresent nnd crentlv onlovod the nlcasinir fonturcs of nmtiRnmont furnished bv tho hostcBBCs A alfntolilnt' nnd shoo conteflt nroved most entertuining and was followed by 11 nreeln tat on of dainty hoslory. 'iho refreshments wero dollghtful. r.uia nnd bruises mnv bo healed in about one-third tho time required by the usual treatment by applying Uinm borlain's Linlmont. It Ih an antiseptic and causes such injuries to heal with out maturation. This liniment also ro- !!...,,. nnwonnaa lf thft IlHIHfMdfl 1111(1 1 rheumatic pains. For -sale by all dealers. gotting nn education let me know. I Droi) me a curd or phone 100. I havo but one phono nt presont WilsokTout, City Supt. Wanted- Man and wifo with out children to work, woman to cook, at Cody ranch. Phono AIM. An election will bo hold nt tho Meth odist Church tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of selecting a delegate lor tho Lay Electoral Conference to bo held at Lexington, Sept. 10. All membors of tho church over 21 yenrs of nge nil ole glble to vote. Polls open from 4 to 8 p. m. ' Pahtoii. Mrs. John Murray und daughter Laura returned Inst evening from a visit with friends at Maxwell, Brady and Gothenburg. Wnntcd Second girl at Cody Ranch. Phono A4R Dr. W. J. Redflold was cnllqd to Gandy. on professional buBineBS Sunday. E. A. Gary returned last night from a two months Btay in MIbsouIu, Mont. If Your Idle Money is not earning 7 to 8 per cent semi annual interest in safe fint mortgage loans on good income property' See Bratt &; Goodman, CRYSTAL THEATRE To-Night MOVING PICTURES: The New Faith There's a Woman in Town The Price of a Man. VAUDEVILLE. Prof Lo Stocktons T ; .i i V. i icrriers, me oniy uicycie Performing Dogs in America Fox 10 and 15 Cents.